diff toolboxes/SVM-light/src/svm_learn.c @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/SVM-light/src/svm_learn.c	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4147 @@
+/*                                                                     */
+/*   svm_learn.c                                                       */
+/*                                                                     */
+/*   Learning module of Support Vector Machine.                        */
+/*                                                                     */
+/*   Author: Thorsten Joachims                                         */
+/*   Date: 02.07.02                                                    */
+/*                                                                     */
+/*   Copyright (c) 2002  Thorsten Joachims - All rights reserved       */
+/*                                                                     */
+/*   This software is available for non-commercial use only. It must   */
+/*   not be modified and distributed without prior permission of the   */
+/*   author. The author is not responsible for implications from the   */
+/*   use of this software.                                             */
+/*                                                                     */
+# include "svm_common.h"
+# include "svm_learn.h"
+/* interface to QP-solver */
+double *optimize_qp(QP *, double *, long, double *, LEARN_PARM *);
+/* Learns an SVM classification model based on the training data in
+   docs/label. The resulting model is returned in the structure
+   model. */
+void svm_learn_classification(DOC **docs, double *class, long int
+			      totdoc, long int totwords, 
+			      LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			      KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			      KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+			      MODEL *model,
+			      double *alpha)
+     /* docs:        Training vectors (x-part) */
+     /* class:       Training labels (y-part, zero if test example for
+                     transduction) */
+     /* totdoc:      Number of examples in docs/label */
+     /* totwords:    Number of features (i.e. highest feature index) */
+     /* learn_parm:  Learning paramenters */
+     /* kernel_parm: Kernel paramenters */
+     /* kernel_cache:Initialized Cache of size totdoc, if using a kernel. 
+                     NULL if linear.*/
+     /* model:       Returns learning result (assumed empty before called) */
+     /* alpha:       Start values for the alpha variables or NULL
+	             pointer. The new alpha values are returned after 
+		     optimization if not NULL. Array must be of size totdoc. */
+  long *inconsistent,i,*label;
+  long inconsistentnum;
+  long misclassified,upsupvecnum;
+  double loss,model_length,example_length;
+  double maxdiff,*lin,*a,*c;
+  long runtime_start,runtime_end;
+  long iterations;
+  long *unlabeled,transduction;
+  long heldout;
+  long loo_count=0,loo_count_pos=0,loo_count_neg=0,trainpos=0,trainneg=0;
+  long loocomputed=0,runtime_start_loo=0,runtime_start_xa=0;
+  double heldout_c=0,r_delta_sq=0,r_delta,r_delta_avg;
+  long *index,*index2dnum;
+  double *weights;
+  CFLOAT *aicache;  /* buffer to keep one row of hessian */
+  double *xi_fullset; /* buffer for storing xi on full sample in loo */
+  double *a_fullset;  /* buffer for storing alpha on full sample in loo */
+  TIMING timing_profile;
+  SHRINK_STATE shrink_state;
+  runtime_start=get_runtime();
+  timing_profile.time_kernel=0;
+  timing_profile.time_opti=0;
+  timing_profile.time_shrink=0;
+  timing_profile.time_update=0;
+  timing_profile.time_model=0;
+  timing_profile.time_check=0;
+  timing_profile.time_select=0;
+  kernel_cache_statistic=0;
+  learn_parm->totwords=totwords;
+  /* make sure -n value is reasonable */
+  if((learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp < 2) 
+     || (learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp > learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize)) {
+    learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp=learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize;
+  }
+  init_shrink_state(&shrink_state,totdoc,(long)MAXSHRINK);
+  label = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  inconsistent = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  unlabeled = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  c = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  a = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  a_fullset = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  xi_fullset = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  lin = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  learn_parm->svm_cost = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  model->supvec = (DOC **)my_malloc(sizeof(DOC *)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->alpha = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->at_upper_bound=0;
+  model->b=0;	       
+  model->supvec[0]=0;  /* element 0 reserved and empty for now */
+  model->alpha[0]=0;
+  model->lin_weights=NULL;
+  model->totwords=totwords;
+  model->totdoc=totdoc;
+  model->kernel_parm=(*kernel_parm);
+  model->sv_num=1;
+  model->loo_error=-1;
+  model->loo_recall=-1;
+  model->loo_precision=-1;
+  model->xa_error=-1;
+  model->xa_recall=-1;
+  model->xa_precision=-1;
+  inconsistentnum=0;
+  transduction=0;
+  r_delta=estimate_r_delta(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm);
+  r_delta_sq=r_delta*r_delta;
+  r_delta_avg=estimate_r_delta_average(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm);
+  if(learn_parm->svm_c == 0.0) {  /* default value for C */
+    learn_parm->svm_c=1.0/(r_delta_avg*r_delta_avg);
+    if(verbosity>=1) 
+      printf("Setting default regularization parameter C=%.4f\n",
+	     learn_parm->svm_c);
+  }
+  learn_parm->eps=-1.0;      /* equivalent regression epsilon for
+				classification */
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* various inits */
+    docs[i]->docnum=i;
+    inconsistent[i]=0;
+    a[i]=0;
+    lin[i]=0;
+    c[i]=0.0;
+    unlabeled[i]=0;
+    if(class[i] == 0) {
+      unlabeled[i]=1;
+      label[i]=0;
+      transduction=1;
+    }
+    if(class[i] > 0) {
+      learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*learn_parm->svm_costratio*
+	docs[i]->costfactor;
+      label[i]=1;
+      trainpos++;
+    }
+    else if(class[i] < 0) {
+      learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*docs[i]->costfactor;
+      label[i]=-1;
+      trainneg++;
+    }
+    else {
+      learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=0;
+    }
+  }
+  if(verbosity>=2) {
+    printf("%ld positive, %ld negative, and %ld unlabeled examples.\n",trainpos,trainneg,totdoc-trainpos-trainneg); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  /* caching makes no sense for linear kernel */
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) {
+    kernel_cache = NULL;   
+  } 
+  /* compute starting state for initial alpha values */
+  if(alpha) {
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("Computing starting state..."); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+    index2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    weights=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totwords+1));
+    aicache = (CFLOAT *)my_malloc(sizeof(CFLOAT)*totdoc);
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* create full index and clip alphas */
+      index[i]=1;
+      alpha[i]=fabs(alpha[i]);
+      if(alpha[i]<0) alpha[i]=0;
+      if(alpha[i]>learn_parm->svm_cost[i]) alpha[i]=learn_parm->svm_cost[i];
+    }
+    if(kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR) {
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++)     /* fill kernel cache with unbounded SV */
+	if((alpha[i]>0) && (alpha[i]<learn_parm->svm_cost[i]) 
+	   && (kernel_cache_space_available(kernel_cache))) 
+	  cache_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,i,kernel_parm);
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++)     /* fill rest of kernel cache with bounded SV */
+	if((alpha[i]==learn_parm->svm_cost[i]) 
+	   && (kernel_cache_space_available(kernel_cache))) 
+	  cache_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,i,kernel_parm);
+    }
+    (void)compute_index(index,totdoc,index2dnum);
+    update_linear_component(docs,label,index2dnum,alpha,a,index2dnum,totdoc,
+			    totwords,kernel_parm,kernel_cache,lin,aicache,
+			    weights);
+    (void)calculate_svm_model(docs,label,unlabeled,lin,alpha,a,c,
+			      learn_parm,index2dnum,index2dnum,model);
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* copy initial alphas */
+      a[i]=alpha[i];
+    }
+    free(index);
+    free(index2dnum);
+    free(weights);
+    free(aicache);
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("done.\n");  fflush(stdout);
+    }   
+  } 
+  if(transduction) {
+    learn_parm->svm_iter_to_shrink=99999999;
+    if(verbosity >= 1)
+      printf("\nDeactivating Shrinking due to an incompatibility with the transductive \nlearner in the current version.\n\n");
+  }
+  if(transduction && learn_parm->compute_loo) {
+    learn_parm->compute_loo=0;
+    if(verbosity >= 1)
+      printf("\nCannot compute leave-one-out estimates for transductive learner.\n\n");
+  }    
+  if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent && learn_parm->compute_loo) {
+    learn_parm->compute_loo=0;
+    printf("\nCannot compute leave-one-out estimates when removing inconsistent examples.\n\n");
+  }    
+  if(learn_parm->compute_loo && ((trainpos == 1) || (trainneg == 1))) {
+    learn_parm->compute_loo=0;
+    printf("\nCannot compute leave-one-out with only one example in one class.\n\n");
+  }    
+  if(verbosity==1) {
+    printf("Optimizing"); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  /* train the svm */
+  iterations=optimize_to_convergence(docs,label,totdoc,totwords,learn_parm,
+				     kernel_parm,kernel_cache,&shrink_state,model,
+				     inconsistent,unlabeled,a,lin,
+				     c,&timing_profile,
+				     &maxdiff,(long)-1,
+				     (long)1);
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    if(verbosity==1) printf("done. (%ld iterations)\n",iterations);
+    misclassified=0;
+    for(i=0;(i<totdoc);i++) { /* get final statistic */
+      if((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i] <= 0.0) 
+	misclassified++;
+    }
+    printf("Optimization finished (%ld misclassified, maxdiff=%.5f).\n",
+	   misclassified,maxdiff); 
+    runtime_end=get_runtime();
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf("Runtime in cpu-seconds: %.2f (%.2f%% for kernel/%.2f%% for optimizer/%.2f%% for final/%.2f%% for update/%.2f%% for model/%.2f%% for check/%.2f%% for select)\n",
+        ((float)runtime_end-(float)runtime_start)/100.0,
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_kernel)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+	(100.0*timing_profile.time_opti)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+	(100.0*timing_profile.time_shrink)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_update)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_model)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_check)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_select)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start));
+    }
+    else {
+      printf("Runtime in cpu-seconds: %.2f\n",
+	     (runtime_end-runtime_start)/100.0);
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent) {	  
+      inconsistentnum=0;
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) 
+	if(inconsistent[i]) 
+	  inconsistentnum++;
+      printf("Number of SV: %ld (plus %ld inconsistent examples)\n",
+	     model->sv_num-1,inconsistentnum);
+    }
+    else {
+      upsupvecnum=0;
+      for(i=1;i<model->sv_num;i++) {
+	if(fabs(model->alpha[i]) >= 
+	   (learn_parm->svm_cost[(model->supvec[i])->docnum]-
+	    learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	  upsupvecnum++;
+      }
+      printf("Number of SV: %ld (including %ld at upper bound)\n",
+	     model->sv_num-1,upsupvecnum);
+    }
+    if((verbosity>=1) && (!learn_parm->skip_final_opt_check)) {
+      loss=0;
+      model_length=0; 
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+	if((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i] < 1.0-learn_parm->epsilon_crit)
+	  loss+=1.0-(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i];
+	model_length+=a[i]*label[i]*lin[i];
+      }
+      model_length=sqrt(model_length);
+      fprintf(stdout,"L1 loss: loss=%.5f\n",loss);
+      fprintf(stdout,"Norm of weight vector: |w|=%.5f\n",model_length);
+      example_length=estimate_sphere(model,kernel_parm); 
+      fprintf(stdout,"Norm of longest example vector: |x|=%.5f\n",
+	      length_of_longest_document_vector(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm));
+      fprintf(stdout,"Estimated VCdim of classifier: VCdim<=%.5f\n",
+	      estimate_margin_vcdim(model,model_length,example_length,
+				    kernel_parm));
+      if((!learn_parm->remove_inconsistent) && (!transduction)) {
+	runtime_start_xa=get_runtime();
+	if(verbosity>=1) {
+	  printf("Computing XiAlpha-estimates..."); fflush(stdout);
+	}
+	compute_xa_estimates(model,label,unlabeled,totdoc,docs,lin,a,
+			     kernel_parm,learn_parm,&(model->xa_error),
+			     &(model->xa_recall),&(model->xa_precision));
+	if(verbosity>=1) {
+	  printf("done\n");
+	}
+	printf("Runtime for XiAlpha-estimates in cpu-seconds: %.2f\n",
+	       (get_runtime()-runtime_start_xa)/100.0);
+	fprintf(stdout,"XiAlpha-estimate of the error: error<=%.2f%% (rho=%.2f,depth=%ld)\n",
+		model->xa_error,learn_parm->rho,learn_parm->xa_depth);
+	fprintf(stdout,"XiAlpha-estimate of the recall: recall=>%.2f%% (rho=%.2f,depth=%ld)\n",
+		model->xa_recall,learn_parm->rho,learn_parm->xa_depth);
+	fprintf(stdout,"XiAlpha-estimate of the precision: precision=>%.2f%% (rho=%.2f,depth=%ld)\n",
+		model->xa_precision,learn_parm->rho,learn_parm->xa_depth);
+      }
+      else if(!learn_parm->remove_inconsistent) {
+	estimate_transduction_quality(model,label,unlabeled,totdoc,docs,lin);
+      }
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("Number of kernel evaluations: %ld\n",kernel_cache_statistic);
+    }
+  }
+  /* leave-one-out testing starts now */
+  if(learn_parm->compute_loo) {
+    /* save results of training on full dataset for leave-one-out */
+    runtime_start_loo=get_runtime();
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      xi_fullset[i]=1.0-((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i]);
+      if(xi_fullset[i]<0) xi_fullset[i]=0;
+      a_fullset[i]=a[i];
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("Computing leave-one-out");
+    }
+    /* repeat this loop for every held-out example */
+    for(heldout=0;(heldout<totdoc);heldout++) {
+      if(learn_parm->rho*a_fullset[heldout]*r_delta_sq+xi_fullset[heldout]
+	 < 1.0) { 
+	/* guaranteed to not produce a leave-one-out error */
+	if(verbosity==1) {
+	  printf("+"); fflush(stdout); 
+	}
+      }
+      else if(xi_fullset[heldout] > 1.0) {
+	/* guaranteed to produce a leave-one-out error */
+	loo_count++;
+	if(label[heldout] > 0)  loo_count_pos++; else loo_count_neg++;
+	if(verbosity==1) {
+	  printf("-"); fflush(stdout); 
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	loocomputed++;
+	heldout_c=learn_parm->svm_cost[heldout]; /* set upper bound to zero */
+	learn_parm->svm_cost[heldout]=0;
+	/* make sure heldout example is not currently  */
+	/* shrunk away. Assumes that lin is up to date! */
+	shrink_state.active[heldout]=1;  
+	if(verbosity>=2) 
+	  printf("\nLeave-One-Out test on example %ld\n",heldout);
+	if(verbosity>=1) {
+	  printf("(?[%ld]",heldout); fflush(stdout); 
+	}
+	optimize_to_convergence(docs,label,totdoc,totwords,learn_parm,
+				kernel_parm,
+				kernel_cache,&shrink_state,model,inconsistent,unlabeled,
+				a,lin,c,&timing_profile,
+				&maxdiff,heldout,(long)2);
+	/* printf("%.20f\n",(lin[heldout]-model->b)*(double)label[heldout]); */
+	if(((lin[heldout]-model->b)*(double)label[heldout]) <= 0.0) { 
+	  loo_count++;                            /* there was a loo-error */
+	  if(label[heldout] > 0)  loo_count_pos++; else loo_count_neg++;
+	  if(verbosity>=1) {
+	    printf("-)"); fflush(stdout); 
+	  }
+	}
+	else {
+	  if(verbosity>=1) {
+	    printf("+)"); fflush(stdout); 
+	  }
+	}
+	/* now we need to restore the original data set*/
+	learn_parm->svm_cost[heldout]=heldout_c; /* restore upper bound */
+      }
+    } /* end of leave-one-out loop */
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("\nRetrain on full problem"); fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    optimize_to_convergence(docs,label,totdoc,totwords,learn_parm,
+			    kernel_parm,
+			    kernel_cache,&shrink_state,model,inconsistent,unlabeled,
+			    a,lin,c,&timing_profile,
+			    &maxdiff,(long)-1,(long)1);
+    if(verbosity >= 1) 
+      printf("done.\n");
+    /* after all leave-one-out computed */
+    model->loo_error=100.0*loo_count/(double)totdoc;
+    model->loo_recall=(1.0-(double)loo_count_pos/(double)trainpos)*100.0;
+    model->loo_precision=(trainpos-loo_count_pos)/
+      (double)(trainpos-loo_count_pos+loo_count_neg)*100.0;
+    if(verbosity >= 1) {
+      fprintf(stdout,"Leave-one-out estimate of the error: error=%.2f%%\n",
+	      model->loo_error);
+      fprintf(stdout,"Leave-one-out estimate of the recall: recall=%.2f%%\n",
+	      model->loo_recall);
+      fprintf(stdout,"Leave-one-out estimate of the precision: precision=%.2f%%\n",
+	      model->loo_precision);
+      fprintf(stdout,"Actual leave-one-outs computed:  %ld (rho=%.2f)\n",
+	      loocomputed,learn_parm->rho);
+      printf("Runtime for leave-one-out in cpu-seconds: %.2f\n",
+	     (double)(get_runtime()-runtime_start_loo)/100.0);
+    }
+  }
+  if(learn_parm->alphafile[0])
+    write_alphas(learn_parm->alphafile,a,label,totdoc);
+  shrink_state_cleanup(&shrink_state);
+  free(label);
+  free(inconsistent);
+  free(unlabeled);
+  free(c);
+  free(a);
+  free(a_fullset);
+  free(xi_fullset);
+  free(lin);
+  free(learn_parm->svm_cost);
+/* Learns an SVM regression model based on the training data in
+   docs/label. The resulting model is returned in the structure
+   model. */
+void svm_learn_regression(DOC **docs, double *value, long int totdoc, 
+			  long int totwords, LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			  KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			  KERNEL_CACHE **kernel_cache, MODEL *model)
+     /* docs:        Training vectors (x-part) */
+     /* class:       Training value (y-part) */
+     /* totdoc:      Number of examples in docs/label */
+     /* totwords:    Number of features (i.e. highest feature index) */
+     /* learn_parm:  Learning paramenters */
+     /* kernel_parm: Kernel paramenters */
+     /* kernel_cache:Initialized Cache, if using a kernel. NULL if
+                     linear. Note that it will be free'd and reassigned */
+     /* model:       Returns learning result (assumed empty before called) */
+  long *inconsistent,i,j;
+  long inconsistentnum;
+  long upsupvecnum;
+  double loss,model_length,example_length;
+  double maxdiff,*lin,*a,*c;
+  long runtime_start,runtime_end;
+  long iterations,kernel_cache_size;
+  long *unlabeled;
+  double r_delta_sq=0,r_delta,r_delta_avg;
+  double *xi_fullset; /* buffer for storing xi on full sample in loo */
+  double *a_fullset;  /* buffer for storing alpha on full sample in loo */
+  TIMING timing_profile;
+  SHRINK_STATE shrink_state;
+  DOC **docs_org;
+  long *label;
+  /* set up regression problem in standard form */
+  docs_org=docs;
+  docs = (DOC **)my_malloc(sizeof(DOC)*2*totdoc);
+  label = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*2*totdoc);
+  c = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*2*totdoc);
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {   
+    j=2*totdoc-1-i;
+    docs[i]=create_example(i,0,0,docs_org[i]->costfactor,docs_org[i]->fvec);
+    label[i]=+1;
+    c[i]=value[i];
+    docs[j]=create_example(j,0,0,docs_org[i]->costfactor,docs_org[i]->fvec);
+    label[j]=-1;
+    c[j]=value[i];
+  }
+  totdoc*=2;
+  /* need to get a bigger kernel cache */
+  if(*kernel_cache) {
+    kernel_cache_size=(*kernel_cache)->buffsize*sizeof(CFLOAT)/(1024*1024);
+    kernel_cache_cleanup(*kernel_cache);
+    (*kernel_cache)=kernel_cache_init(totdoc,kernel_cache_size);
+  }
+  runtime_start=get_runtime();
+  timing_profile.time_kernel=0;
+  timing_profile.time_opti=0;
+  timing_profile.time_shrink=0;
+  timing_profile.time_update=0;
+  timing_profile.time_model=0;
+  timing_profile.time_check=0;
+  timing_profile.time_select=0;
+  kernel_cache_statistic=0;
+  learn_parm->totwords=totwords;
+  /* make sure -n value is reasonable */
+  if((learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp < 2) 
+     || (learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp > learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize)) {
+    learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp=learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize;
+  }
+  init_shrink_state(&shrink_state,totdoc,(long)MAXSHRINK);
+  inconsistent = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  unlabeled = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  a = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  a_fullset = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  xi_fullset = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  lin = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  learn_parm->svm_cost = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  model->supvec = (DOC **)my_malloc(sizeof(DOC *)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->alpha = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->at_upper_bound=0;
+  model->b=0;	       
+  model->supvec[0]=0;  /* element 0 reserved and empty for now */
+  model->alpha[0]=0;
+  model->lin_weights=NULL;
+  model->totwords=totwords;
+  model->totdoc=totdoc;
+  model->kernel_parm=(*kernel_parm);
+  model->sv_num=1;
+  model->loo_error=-1;
+  model->loo_recall=-1;
+  model->loo_precision=-1;
+  model->xa_error=-1;
+  model->xa_recall=-1;
+  model->xa_precision=-1;
+  inconsistentnum=0;
+  r_delta=estimate_r_delta(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm);
+  r_delta_sq=r_delta*r_delta;
+  r_delta_avg=estimate_r_delta_average(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm);
+  if(learn_parm->svm_c == 0.0) {  /* default value for C */
+    learn_parm->svm_c=1.0/(r_delta_avg*r_delta_avg);
+    if(verbosity>=1) 
+      printf("Setting default regularization parameter C=%.4f\n",
+	     learn_parm->svm_c);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* various inits */
+    inconsistent[i]=0;
+    a[i]=0;
+    lin[i]=0;
+    unlabeled[i]=0;
+    if(label[i] > 0) {
+      learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*learn_parm->svm_costratio*
+	docs[i]->costfactor;
+    }
+    else if(label[i] < 0) {
+      learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*docs[i]->costfactor;
+    }
+  }
+  /* caching makes no sense for linear kernel */
+  if((kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) && (*kernel_cache)) {
+    printf("WARNING: Using a kernel cache for linear case will slow optimization down!\n");
+  } 
+  if(verbosity==1) {
+    printf("Optimizing"); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  /* train the svm */
+  iterations=optimize_to_convergence(docs,label,totdoc,totwords,learn_parm,
+				     kernel_parm,*kernel_cache,&shrink_state,
+				     model,inconsistent,unlabeled,a,lin,c,
+				     &timing_profile,&maxdiff,(long)-1,
+				     (long)1);
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    if(verbosity==1) printf("done. (%ld iterations)\n",iterations);
+    printf("Optimization finished (maxdiff=%.5f).\n",maxdiff); 
+    runtime_end=get_runtime();
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf("Runtime in cpu-seconds: %.2f (%.2f%% for kernel/%.2f%% for optimizer/%.2f%% for final/%.2f%% for update/%.2f%% for model/%.2f%% for check/%.2f%% for select)\n",
+        ((float)runtime_end-(float)runtime_start)/100.0,
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_kernel)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+	(100.0*timing_profile.time_opti)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+	(100.0*timing_profile.time_shrink)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_update)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_model)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_check)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_select)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start));
+    }
+    else {
+      printf("Runtime in cpu-seconds: %.2f\n",
+	     (runtime_end-runtime_start)/100.0);
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent) {	  
+      inconsistentnum=0;
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) 
+	if(inconsistent[i]) 
+	  inconsistentnum++;
+      printf("Number of SV: %ld (plus %ld inconsistent examples)\n",
+	     model->sv_num-1,inconsistentnum);
+    }
+    else {
+      upsupvecnum=0;
+      for(i=1;i<model->sv_num;i++) {
+	if(fabs(model->alpha[i]) >= 
+	   (learn_parm->svm_cost[(model->supvec[i])->docnum]-
+	    learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	  upsupvecnum++;
+      }
+      printf("Number of SV: %ld (including %ld at upper bound)\n",
+	     model->sv_num-1,upsupvecnum);
+    }
+    if((verbosity>=1) && (!learn_parm->skip_final_opt_check)) {
+      loss=0;
+      model_length=0; 
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+	if((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i] < (-learn_parm->eps+(double)label[i]*c[i])-learn_parm->epsilon_crit)
+	  loss+=-learn_parm->eps+(double)label[i]*c[i]-(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i];
+	model_length+=a[i]*label[i]*lin[i];
+      }
+      model_length=sqrt(model_length);
+      fprintf(stdout,"L1 loss: loss=%.5f\n",loss);
+      fprintf(stdout,"Norm of weight vector: |w|=%.5f\n",model_length);
+      example_length=estimate_sphere(model,kernel_parm); 
+      fprintf(stdout,"Norm of longest example vector: |x|=%.5f\n",
+	      length_of_longest_document_vector(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm));
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("Number of kernel evaluations: %ld\n",kernel_cache_statistic);
+    }
+  }
+  if(learn_parm->alphafile[0])
+    write_alphas(learn_parm->alphafile,a,label,totdoc);
+  /* this makes sure the model we return does not contain pointers to the 
+     temporary documents */
+  for(i=1;i<model->sv_num;i++) { 
+    j=model->supvec[i]->docnum;
+    if(j >= (totdoc/2)) {
+      j=totdoc-j-1;
+    }
+    model->supvec[i]=docs_org[j];
+  }
+  shrink_state_cleanup(&shrink_state);
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++)
+    free_example(docs[i],0);
+  free(docs);
+  free(label);
+  free(inconsistent);
+  free(unlabeled);
+  free(c);
+  free(a);
+  free(a_fullset);
+  free(xi_fullset);
+  free(lin);
+  free(learn_parm->svm_cost);
+void svm_learn_ranking(DOC **docs, double *rankvalue, long int totdoc, 
+		       long int totwords, LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+		       KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, KERNEL_CACHE **kernel_cache, 
+		       MODEL *model)
+     /* docs:        Training vectors (x-part) */
+     /* rankvalue:   Training target values that determine the ranking */
+     /* totdoc:      Number of examples in docs/label */
+     /* totwords:    Number of features (i.e. highest feature index) */
+     /* learn_parm:  Learning paramenters */
+     /* kernel_parm: Kernel paramenters */
+     /* kernel_cache:Initialized pointer to Cache of size 1*totdoc, if 
+	             using a kernel. NULL if linear. NOTE: Cache is 
+                     getting reinitialized in this function */
+     /* model:       Returns learning result (assumed empty before called) */
+  DOC **docdiff;
+  long i,j,k,totpair,kernel_cache_size;
+  double *target,*alpha,cost;
+  long *greater,*lesser;
+  MODEL *pairmodel;
+  SVECTOR *flow,*fhigh;
+  totpair=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    for(j=i+1;j<totdoc;j++) {
+      if((docs[i]->queryid==docs[j]->queryid) && (rankvalue[i] != rankvalue[j])) {
+	totpair++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  printf("Constructing %ld rank constraints...",totpair); fflush(stdout);
+  docdiff=(DOC **)my_malloc(sizeof(DOC)*totpair);
+  target=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totpair); 
+  greater=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totpair); 
+  lesser=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totpair); 
+  k=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    for(j=i+1;j<totdoc;j++) {
+      if(docs[i]->queryid == docs[j]->queryid) {
+	cost=(docs[i]->costfactor+docs[j]->costfactor)/2.0;
+	if(rankvalue[i] > rankvalue[j]) {
+	  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR)
+	    docdiff[k]=create_example(k,0,0,cost,
+				      sub_ss(docs[i]->fvec,docs[j]->fvec));
+	  else {
+	    flow=copy_svector(docs[j]->fvec);
+	    flow->factor=-1.0;
+	    flow->next=NULL;
+	    fhigh=copy_svector(docs[i]->fvec);
+	    fhigh->factor=1.0;
+	    fhigh->next=flow;
+	    docdiff[k]=create_example(k,0,0,cost,fhigh);
+	  }
+	  target[k]=1;
+	  greater[k]=i;
+	  lesser[k]=j;
+	  k++;
+	}
+	else if(rankvalue[i] < rankvalue[j]) {
+	  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR)
+	    docdiff[k]=create_example(k,0,0,cost,
+				      sub_ss(docs[i]->fvec,docs[j]->fvec));
+	  else {
+	    flow=copy_svector(docs[j]->fvec);
+	    flow->factor=-1.0;
+	    flow->next=NULL;
+	    fhigh=copy_svector(docs[i]->fvec);
+	    fhigh->factor=1.0;
+	    fhigh->next=flow;
+	    docdiff[k]=create_example(k,0,0,cost,fhigh);
+	  }
+	  target[k]=-1;
+	  greater[k]=i;
+	  lesser[k]=j;
+	  k++;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  printf("done.\n"); fflush(stdout);
+  /* need to get a bigger kernel cache */
+  if(*kernel_cache) {
+    kernel_cache_size=(*kernel_cache)->buffsize*sizeof(CFLOAT)/(1024*1024);
+    kernel_cache_cleanup(*kernel_cache);
+    (*kernel_cache)=kernel_cache_init(totpair,kernel_cache_size);
+  }
+  /* must use unbiased hyperplane on difference vectors */
+  learn_parm->biased_hyperplane=0;
+  pairmodel=(MODEL *)my_malloc(sizeof(MODEL));
+  svm_learn_classification(docdiff,target,totpair,totwords,learn_parm,
+			   kernel_parm,(*kernel_cache),pairmodel,NULL);
+  /* Transfer the result into a more compact model. If you would like
+     to output the original model on pairs of documents, see below. */
+  alpha=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc); 
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    alpha[i]=0;
+  }
+  for(i=1;i<pairmodel->sv_num;i++) {
+    alpha[lesser[(pairmodel->supvec[i])->docnum]]-=pairmodel->alpha[i];
+    alpha[greater[(pairmodel->supvec[i])->docnum]]+=pairmodel->alpha[i];
+  }
+  model->supvec = (DOC **)my_malloc(sizeof(DOC *)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->alpha = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->supvec[0]=0;  /* element 0 reserved and empty for now */
+  model->alpha[0]=0;
+  model->sv_num=1;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if(alpha[i]) {
+      model->supvec[model->sv_num]=docs[i];
+      model->alpha[model->sv_num]=alpha[i];
+      model->index[i]=model->sv_num;
+      model->sv_num++;
+    }
+    else {
+      model->index[i]=-1;
+    }
+  }
+  model->at_upper_bound=0;
+  model->b=0;	       
+  model->lin_weights=NULL;
+  model->totwords=totwords;
+  model->totdoc=totdoc;
+  model->kernel_parm=(*kernel_parm);
+  model->loo_error=-1;
+  model->loo_recall=-1;
+  model->loo_precision=-1;
+  model->xa_error=-1;
+  model->xa_recall=-1;
+  model->xa_precision=-1;
+  free(alpha);
+  free(greater);
+  free(lesser);
+  free(target);
+  /* If you would like to output the original model on pairs of
+     document, replace the following lines with '(*model)=(*pairmodel);' */
+  for(i=0;i<totpair;i++)
+    free_example(docdiff[i],1);
+  free(docdiff);
+  free_model(pairmodel,0);
+/* The following solves a freely defined and given set of
+   inequalities. The optimization problem is of the following form:
+   min 0.5 w*w + C sum_i C_i \xi_i
+   s.t. x_i * w > rhs_i - \xi_i
+   This corresponds to the -z o option. */
+void svm_learn_optimization(DOC **docs, double *rhs, long int
+			    totdoc, long int totwords, 
+			    LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			    KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			    KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, MODEL *model,
+			    double *alpha)
+     /* docs:        Left-hand side of inequalities (x-part) */
+     /* rhs:         Right-hand side of inequalities */
+     /* totdoc:      Number of examples in docs/label */
+     /* totwords:    Number of features (i.e. highest feature index) */
+     /* learn_parm:  Learning paramenters */
+     /* kernel_parm: Kernel paramenters */
+     /* kernel_cache:Initialized Cache of size 1*totdoc, if using a kernel. 
+                     NULL if linear.*/
+     /* model:       Returns solution as SV expansion (assumed empty before called) */
+     /* alpha:       Start values for the alpha variables or NULL
+	             pointer. The new alpha values are returned after 
+		     optimization if not NULL. Array must be of size totdoc. */
+  long i,*label;
+  long misclassified,upsupvecnum;
+  double loss,model_length,example_length;
+  double maxdiff,*lin,*a,*c;
+  long runtime_start,runtime_end;
+  long iterations,maxslackid,svsetnum;
+  long *unlabeled,*inconsistent;
+  double r_delta_sq=0,r_delta,r_delta_avg;
+  long *index,*index2dnum;
+  double *weights,*slack,*alphaslack;
+  CFLOAT *aicache;  /* buffer to keep one row of hessian */
+  TIMING timing_profile;
+  SHRINK_STATE shrink_state;
+  runtime_start=get_runtime();
+  timing_profile.time_kernel=0;
+  timing_profile.time_opti=0;
+  timing_profile.time_shrink=0;
+  timing_profile.time_update=0;
+  timing_profile.time_model=0;
+  timing_profile.time_check=0;
+  timing_profile.time_select=0;
+  kernel_cache_statistic=0;
+  learn_parm->totwords=totwords;
+  /* make sure -n value is reasonable */
+  if((learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp < 2) 
+     || (learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp > learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize)) {
+    learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp=learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize;
+  }
+  init_shrink_state(&shrink_state,totdoc,(long)MAXSHRINK);
+  label = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  unlabeled = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  inconsistent = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  c = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  a = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  lin = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  learn_parm->svm_cost = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  model->supvec = (DOC **)my_malloc(sizeof(DOC *)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->alpha = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+2));
+  model->at_upper_bound=0;
+  model->b=0;	       
+  model->supvec[0]=0;  /* element 0 reserved and empty for now */
+  model->alpha[0]=0;
+  model->lin_weights=NULL;
+  model->totwords=totwords;
+  model->totdoc=totdoc;
+  model->kernel_parm=(*kernel_parm);
+  model->sv_num=1;
+  model->loo_error=-1;
+  model->loo_recall=-1;
+  model->loo_precision=-1;
+  model->xa_error=-1;
+  model->xa_recall=-1;
+  model->xa_precision=-1;
+  r_delta=estimate_r_delta(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm);
+  r_delta_sq=r_delta*r_delta;
+  r_delta_avg=estimate_r_delta_average(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm);
+  if(learn_parm->svm_c == 0.0) {  /* default value for C */
+    learn_parm->svm_c=1.0/(r_delta_avg*r_delta_avg);
+    if(verbosity>=1) 
+      printf("Setting default regularization parameter C=%.4f\n",
+	     learn_parm->svm_c);
+  }
+  learn_parm->biased_hyperplane=0; /* learn an unbiased hyperplane */
+  learn_parm->eps=0.0;      /* No margin, unless explicitly handcoded
+                               in the right-hand side in the training
+                               set.  */
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* various inits */
+    docs[i]->docnum=i;
+    a[i]=0;
+    lin[i]=0;
+    c[i]=rhs[i];       /* set right-hand side */
+    unlabeled[i]=0;
+    inconsistent[i]=0;
+    learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*learn_parm->svm_costratio*
+      docs[i]->costfactor;
+    label[i]=1;
+  }
+  if(learn_parm->sharedslack) /* if shared slacks are used, they must */
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++)     /*  be used on every constraint */
+      if(!docs[i]->slackid) {
+	perror("Error: Missing shared slacks definitions in some of the examples.");
+	exit(0);
+      }
+  /* compute starting state for initial alpha values */
+  if(alpha) {
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("Computing starting state..."); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+    index2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    weights=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totwords+1));
+    aicache = (CFLOAT *)my_malloc(sizeof(CFLOAT)*totdoc);
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* create full index and clip alphas */
+      index[i]=1;
+      alpha[i]=fabs(alpha[i]);
+      if(alpha[i]<0) alpha[i]=0;
+      if(alpha[i]>learn_parm->svm_cost[i]) alpha[i]=learn_parm->svm_cost[i];
+    }
+    if(kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR) {
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++)     /* fill kernel cache with unbounded SV */
+	if((alpha[i]>0) && (alpha[i]<learn_parm->svm_cost[i]) 
+	   && (kernel_cache_space_available(kernel_cache))) 
+	  cache_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,i,kernel_parm);
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++)     /* fill rest of kernel cache with bounded SV */
+	if((alpha[i]==learn_parm->svm_cost[i]) 
+	   && (kernel_cache_space_available(kernel_cache))) 
+	  cache_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,i,kernel_parm);
+    }
+    (void)compute_index(index,totdoc,index2dnum);
+    update_linear_component(docs,label,index2dnum,alpha,a,index2dnum,totdoc,
+			    totwords,kernel_parm,kernel_cache,lin,aicache,
+			    weights);
+    (void)calculate_svm_model(docs,label,unlabeled,lin,alpha,a,c,
+			      learn_parm,index2dnum,index2dnum,model);
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* copy initial alphas */
+      a[i]=alpha[i];
+    }
+    free(index);
+    free(index2dnum);
+    free(weights);
+    free(aicache);
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("done.\n");  fflush(stdout);
+    }   
+  } 
+  /* removing inconsistent does not work for general optimization problem */
+  if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent) {	  
+    learn_parm->remove_inconsistent = 0;
+    printf("'remove inconsistent' not available in this mode. Switching option off!"); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  /* caching makes no sense for linear kernel */
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) {
+    kernel_cache = NULL;   
+  } 
+  if(verbosity==1) {
+    printf("Optimizing"); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  /* train the svm */
+  if(learn_parm->sharedslack)
+    iterations=optimize_to_convergence_sharedslack(docs,label,totdoc,
+				     totwords,learn_parm,kernel_parm,
+				     kernel_cache,&shrink_state,model,
+				     a,lin,c,&timing_profile,
+				     &maxdiff);
+  else
+    iterations=optimize_to_convergence(docs,label,totdoc,
+				     totwords,learn_parm,kernel_parm,
+				     kernel_cache,&shrink_state,model,
+				     inconsistent,unlabeled,
+				     a,lin,c,&timing_profile,
+				     &maxdiff,(long)-1,(long)1);
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    if(verbosity==1) printf("done. (%ld iterations)\n",iterations);
+    misclassified=0;
+    for(i=0;(i<totdoc);i++) { /* get final statistic */
+      if((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i] <= 0.0) 
+	misclassified++;
+    }
+    printf("Optimization finished (maxdiff=%.5f).\n",maxdiff); 
+    runtime_end=get_runtime();
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf("Runtime in cpu-seconds: %.2f (%.2f%% for kernel/%.2f%% for optimizer/%.2f%% for final/%.2f%% for update/%.2f%% for model/%.2f%% for check/%.2f%% for select)\n",
+        ((float)runtime_end-(float)runtime_start)/100.0,
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_kernel)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+	(100.0*timing_profile.time_opti)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+	(100.0*timing_profile.time_shrink)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_update)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_model)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_check)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start),
+        (100.0*timing_profile.time_select)/(float)(runtime_end-runtime_start));
+    }
+    else {
+      printf("Runtime in cpu-seconds: %.2f\n",
+	     (runtime_end-runtime_start)/100.0);
+    }
+  }
+  if((verbosity>=1) && (!learn_parm->skip_final_opt_check)) {
+    loss=0;
+    model_length=0; 
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      if((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i] < c[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_crit)
+	loss+=c[i]-(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i];
+      model_length+=a[i]*label[i]*lin[i];
+    }
+    model_length=sqrt(model_length);
+    fprintf(stdout,"Norm of weight vector: |w|=%.5f\n",model_length);
+  }
+  if(learn_parm->sharedslack) {
+    index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+    index2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    maxslackid=0;
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* create full index */
+      index[i]=1;
+      if(maxslackid<docs[i]->slackid)
+	maxslackid=docs[i]->slackid;
+    }
+    (void)compute_index(index,totdoc,index2dnum);
+    slack=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(maxslackid+1));
+    alphaslack=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(maxslackid+1));
+    for(i=0;i<=maxslackid;i++) {    /* init shared slacks */
+      slack[i]=0;
+      alphaslack[i]=0;
+    }
+    compute_shared_slacks(docs,label,a,lin,c,index2dnum,learn_parm,
+			  slack,alphaslack);
+    loss=0;
+    model->at_upper_bound=0;
+    svsetnum=0;
+    for(i=0;i<=maxslackid;i++) {    /* create full index */
+      loss+=slack[i];
+      if(alphaslack[i] > (learn_parm->svm_c - learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	model->at_upper_bound++;
+      if(alphaslack[i] > learn_parm->epsilon_a)
+	svsetnum++;
+    }
+    free(index);
+    free(index2dnum);
+    free(slack);
+    free(alphaslack);
+  }
+  if((verbosity>=1) && (!learn_parm->skip_final_opt_check)) {
+    if(learn_parm->sharedslack) {
+      printf("Number of SV: %ld\n",
+	     model->sv_num-1);
+      printf("Number of non-zero slack variables: %ld (out of %ld)\n",
+	     model->at_upper_bound,svsetnum);
+      fprintf(stdout,"L1 loss: loss=%.5f\n",loss);
+    }
+    else {
+      upsupvecnum=0;
+      for(i=1;i<model->sv_num;i++) {
+	if(fabs(model->alpha[i]) >= 
+	   (learn_parm->svm_cost[(model->supvec[i])->docnum]-
+	    learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	  upsupvecnum++;
+      }
+      printf("Number of SV: %ld (including %ld at upper bound)\n",
+	     model->sv_num-1,upsupvecnum);
+      fprintf(stdout,"L1 loss: loss=%.5f\n",loss);
+    }
+    example_length=estimate_sphere(model,kernel_parm); 
+    fprintf(stdout,"Norm of longest example vector: |x|=%.5f\n",
+	    length_of_longest_document_vector(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm));
+  }
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    printf("Number of kernel evaluations: %ld\n",kernel_cache_statistic);
+  }
+  if(alpha) {
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* copy final alphas */
+      alpha[i]=a[i];
+    }
+  }
+  if(learn_parm->alphafile[0])
+    write_alphas(learn_parm->alphafile,a,label,totdoc);
+  shrink_state_cleanup(&shrink_state);
+  free(label);
+  free(unlabeled);
+  free(inconsistent);
+  free(c);
+  free(a);
+  free(lin);
+  free(learn_parm->svm_cost);
+long optimize_to_convergence(DOC **docs, long int *label, long int totdoc, 
+			     long int totwords, LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			     KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			     KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+			     SHRINK_STATE *shrink_state, MODEL *model, 
+			     long int *inconsistent, long int *unlabeled, 
+			     double *a, double *lin, double *c, 
+			     TIMING *timing_profile, double *maxdiff, 
+			     long int heldout, long int retrain)
+     /* docs: Training vectors (x-part) */
+     /* label: Training labels/value (y-part, zero if test example for
+			      transduction) */
+     /* totdoc: Number of examples in docs/label */
+     /* totwords: Number of features (i.e. highest feature index) */
+     /* laern_parm: Learning paramenters */
+     /* kernel_parm: Kernel paramenters */
+     /* kernel_cache: Initialized/partly filled Cache, if using a kernel. 
+                      NULL if linear. */
+     /* shrink_state: State of active variables */
+     /* model: Returns learning result */
+     /* inconsistent: examples thrown out as inconstistent */
+     /* unlabeled: test examples for transduction */
+     /* a: alphas */
+     /* lin: linear component of gradient */
+     /* c: right hand side of inequalities (margin) */
+     /* maxdiff: returns maximum violation of KT-conditions */
+     /* heldout: marks held-out example for leave-one-out (or -1) */
+     /* retrain: selects training mode (1=regular / 2=holdout) */
+  long *chosen,*key,i,j,jj,*last_suboptimal_at,noshrink;
+  long inconsistentnum,choosenum,already_chosen=0,iteration;
+  long misclassified,supvecnum=0,*active2dnum,inactivenum;
+  long *working2dnum,*selexam;
+  long activenum;
+  double criterion,eq;
+  double *a_old;
+  long t0=0,t1=0,t2=0,t3=0,t4=0,t5=0,t6=0; /* timing */
+  long transductcycle;
+  long transduction;
+  double epsilon_crit_org; 
+  double bestmaxdiff;
+  long   bestmaxdiffiter,terminate;
+  double *selcrit;  /* buffer for sorting */        
+  CFLOAT *aicache;  /* buffer to keep one row of hessian */
+  double *weights;  /* buffer for weight vector in linear case */
+  QP qp;            /* buffer for one quadratic program */
+  epsilon_crit_org=learn_parm->epsilon_crit; /* save org */
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) {
+    learn_parm->epsilon_crit=2.0;
+    kernel_cache=NULL;   /* caching makes no sense for linear kernel */
+  } 
+  learn_parm->epsilon_shrink=2;
+  (*maxdiff)=1;
+  learn_parm->totwords=totwords;
+  chosen = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  last_suboptimal_at = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  key = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11)); 
+  selcrit = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  selexam = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  a_old = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  aicache = (CFLOAT *)my_malloc(sizeof(CFLOAT)*totdoc);
+  working2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+  active2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+  qp.opt_ce = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_ce0 = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double));
+  qp.opt_g = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize
+				 *learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_g0 = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_xinit = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_low=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_up=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  weights=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totwords+1));
+  choosenum=0;
+  inconsistentnum=0;
+  transductcycle=0;
+  transduction=0;
+  if(!retrain) retrain=1;
+  iteration=1;
+  bestmaxdiffiter=1;
+  bestmaxdiff=999999999;
+  terminate=0;
+  if(kernel_cache) {
+    kernel_cache->time=iteration;  /* for lru cache */
+    kernel_cache_reset_lru(kernel_cache);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* various inits */
+    chosen[i]=0;
+    a_old[i]=a[i];
+    last_suboptimal_at[i]=1;
+    if(inconsistent[i]) 
+      inconsistentnum++;
+    if(unlabeled[i]) {
+      transduction=1;
+    }
+  }
+  activenum=compute_index(shrink_state->active,totdoc,active2dnum);
+  inactivenum=totdoc-activenum;
+  clear_index(working2dnum);
+                            /* repeat this loop until we have convergence */
+  for(;retrain && (!terminate);iteration++) {
+    if(kernel_cache)
+      kernel_cache->time=iteration;  /* for lru cache */
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(
+	"Iteration %ld: ",iteration); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    else if(verbosity==1) {
+      printf("."); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) t0=get_runtime();
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      printf("\nSelecting working set... "); fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp>learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize) 
+      learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp=learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize;
+    i=0;
+    for(jj=0;(j=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* clear working set */
+      if((chosen[j]>=(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize/
+		      minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize,
+			   learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp))) 
+	 || (inconsistent[j])
+	 || (j == heldout)) {
+	chosen[j]=0; 
+	choosenum--; 
+      }
+      else {
+	chosen[j]++;
+	working2dnum[i++]=j;
+      }
+    }
+    working2dnum[i]=-1;
+    if(retrain == 2) {
+      choosenum=0;
+      for(jj=0;(j=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* fully clear working set */
+	chosen[j]=0; 
+      }
+      clear_index(working2dnum);
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) { /* set inconsistent examples to zero (-i 1) */
+	if((inconsistent[i] || (heldout==i)) && (a[i] != 0.0)) {
+	  chosen[i]=99999;
+	  choosenum++;
+	  a[i]=0;
+	}
+      }
+      if(learn_parm->biased_hyperplane) {
+	eq=0;
+	for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) { /* make sure we fulfill equality constraint */
+	  eq+=a[i]*label[i];
+	}
+	for(i=0;(i<totdoc) && (fabs(eq) > learn_parm->epsilon_a);i++) {
+	  if((eq*label[i] > 0) && (a[i] > 0)) {
+	    chosen[i]=88888;
+	    choosenum++;
+	    if((eq*label[i]) > a[i]) {
+	      eq-=(a[i]*label[i]);
+	      a[i]=0;
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      a[i]-=(eq*label[i]);
+	      eq=0;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      compute_index(chosen,totdoc,working2dnum);
+    }
+    else {      /* select working set according to steepest gradient */
+      if(iteration % 101) {
+        already_chosen=0;
+	if((minl(learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp,
+		 learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum)>=4) 
+	   && (kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR)) {
+	  /* select part of the working set from cache */
+	  already_chosen=select_next_qp_subproblem_grad(
+			      label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+			      (long)(minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum,
+					  learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp)
+				     /2),
+			      learn_parm,inconsistent,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,1,
+			      key,chosen);
+	  choosenum+=already_chosen;
+	}
+	choosenum+=select_next_qp_subproblem_grad(
+                              label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+                              minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum,
+				   learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp-already_chosen),
+                              learn_parm,inconsistent,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,0,key,
+			      chosen);
+      }
+      else { /* once in a while, select a somewhat random working set
+		to get unlocked of infinite loops due to numerical
+		inaccuracies in the core qp-solver */
+	choosenum+=select_next_qp_subproblem_rand(
+                              label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+                              minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum,
+				   learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp),
+                              learn_parm,inconsistent,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,key,
+			      chosen,iteration);
+      }
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(" %ld vectors chosen\n",choosenum); fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) t1=get_runtime();
+    if(kernel_cache) 
+      cache_multiple_kernel_rows(kernel_cache,docs,working2dnum,
+				 choosenum,kernel_parm); 
+    if(verbosity>=2) t2=get_runtime();
+    if(retrain != 2) {
+      optimize_svm(docs,label,unlabeled,inconsistent,0.0,chosen,active2dnum,
+		   model,totdoc,working2dnum,choosenum,a,lin,c,learn_parm,
+		   aicache,kernel_parm,&qp,&epsilon_crit_org);
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) t3=get_runtime();
+    update_linear_component(docs,label,active2dnum,a,a_old,working2dnum,totdoc,
+			    totwords,kernel_parm,kernel_cache,lin,aicache,
+			    weights);
+    if(verbosity>=2) t4=get_runtime();
+    supvecnum=calculate_svm_model(docs,label,unlabeled,lin,a,a_old,c,
+		                  learn_parm,working2dnum,active2dnum,model);
+    if(verbosity>=2) t5=get_runtime();
+    /* The following computation of the objective function works only */
+    /* relative to the active variables */
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      criterion=compute_objective_function(a,lin,c,learn_parm->eps,label,
+		                           active2dnum);
+      printf("Objective function (over active variables): %.16f\n",criterion);
+      fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    for(jj=0;(i=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) {
+      a_old[i]=a[i];
+    }
+    if(retrain == 2) {  /* reset inconsistent unlabeled examples */
+      for(i=0;(i<totdoc);i++) {
+	if(inconsistent[i] && unlabeled[i]) {
+	  inconsistent[i]=0;
+	  label[i]=0;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    retrain=check_optimality(model,label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,learn_parm,
+			     maxdiff,epsilon_crit_org,&misclassified,
+			     inconsistent,active2dnum,last_suboptimal_at,
+			     iteration,kernel_parm);
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      t6=get_runtime();
+      timing_profile->time_select+=t1-t0;
+      timing_profile->time_kernel+=t2-t1;
+      timing_profile->time_opti+=t3-t2;
+      timing_profile->time_update+=t4-t3;
+      timing_profile->time_model+=t5-t4;
+      timing_profile->time_check+=t6-t5;
+    }
+    /* checking whether optimizer got stuck */
+    if((*maxdiff) < bestmaxdiff) {
+      bestmaxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+      bestmaxdiffiter=iteration;
+    }
+    if(iteration > (bestmaxdiffiter+learn_parm->maxiter)) { 
+      /* long time no progress? */
+      terminate=1;
+      retrain=0;
+      if(verbosity>=1) 
+	printf("\nWARNING: Relaxing KT-Conditions due to slow progress! Terminating!\n");
+    }
+    noshrink=0;
+    if((!retrain) && (inactivenum>0) 
+       && ((!learn_parm->skip_final_opt_check) 
+	   || (kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR))) { 
+      if(((verbosity>=1) && (kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR)) 
+	 || (verbosity>=2)) {
+	if(verbosity==1) {
+	  printf("\n");
+	}
+	printf(" Checking optimality of inactive variables..."); 
+	fflush(stdout);
+      }
+      t1=get_runtime();
+      reactivate_inactive_examples(label,unlabeled,a,shrink_state,lin,c,totdoc,
+				   totwords,iteration,learn_parm,inconsistent,
+				   docs,kernel_parm,kernel_cache,model,aicache,
+				   weights,maxdiff);
+      /* Update to new active variables. */
+      activenum=compute_index(shrink_state->active,totdoc,active2dnum);
+      inactivenum=totdoc-activenum;
+      /* reset watchdog */
+      bestmaxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+      bestmaxdiffiter=iteration;
+      /* termination criterion */
+      noshrink=1;
+      retrain=0;
+      if((*maxdiff) > learn_parm->epsilon_crit) 
+	retrain=1;
+      timing_profile->time_shrink+=get_runtime()-t1;
+      if(((verbosity>=1) && (kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR)) 
+	 || (verbosity>=2)) {
+	printf("done.\n");  fflush(stdout);
+        printf(" Number of inactive variables = %ld\n",inactivenum);
+      }		  
+    }
+    if((!retrain) && (learn_parm->epsilon_crit>(*maxdiff))) 
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit=(*maxdiff);
+    if((!retrain) && (learn_parm->epsilon_crit>epsilon_crit_org)) {
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit/=2.0;
+      retrain=1;
+      noshrink=1;
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->epsilon_crit<epsilon_crit_org) 
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit=epsilon_crit_org;
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(" => (%ld SV (incl. %ld SV at u-bound), max violation=%.5f)\n",
+	     supvecnum,model->at_upper_bound,(*maxdiff)); 
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+    if((!retrain) && (transduction)) {
+      for(i=0;(i<totdoc);i++) {
+	shrink_state->active[i]=1;
+      }
+      activenum=compute_index(shrink_state->active,totdoc,active2dnum);
+      inactivenum=0;
+      if(verbosity==1) printf("done\n");
+      retrain=incorporate_unlabeled_examples(model,label,inconsistent,
+					     unlabeled,a,lin,totdoc,
+					     selcrit,selexam,key,
+					     transductcycle,kernel_parm,
+					     learn_parm);
+      epsilon_crit_org=learn_parm->epsilon_crit;
+      if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR)
+	learn_parm->epsilon_crit=1; 
+      transductcycle++;
+      /* reset watchdog */
+      bestmaxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+      bestmaxdiffiter=iteration;
+    } 
+    else if(((iteration % 10) == 0) && (!noshrink)) {
+      activenum=shrink_problem(docs,learn_parm,shrink_state,kernel_parm,
+			       active2dnum,last_suboptimal_at,iteration,totdoc,
+			       maxl((long)(activenum/10),
+				    maxl((long)(totdoc/500),100)),
+			       a,inconsistent);
+      inactivenum=totdoc-activenum;
+      if((kernel_cache)
+	 && (supvecnum>kernel_cache->max_elems)
+	 && ((kernel_cache->activenum-activenum)>maxl((long)(activenum/10),500))) {
+	kernel_cache_shrink(kernel_cache,totdoc,
+			    minl((kernel_cache->activenum-activenum),
+				 (kernel_cache->activenum-supvecnum)),
+			    shrink_state->active); 
+      }
+    }
+    if((!retrain) && learn_parm->remove_inconsistent) {
+      if(verbosity>=1) {
+	printf(" Moving training errors to inconsistent examples...");
+	fflush(stdout);
+      }
+      if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent == 1) {
+	retrain=identify_inconsistent(a,label,unlabeled,totdoc,learn_parm,
+				      &inconsistentnum,inconsistent); 
+      }
+      else if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent == 2) {
+	retrain=identify_misclassified(lin,label,unlabeled,totdoc,
+				       model,&inconsistentnum,inconsistent); 
+      }
+      else if(learn_parm->remove_inconsistent == 3) {
+	retrain=identify_one_misclassified(lin,label,unlabeled,totdoc,
+				   model,&inconsistentnum,inconsistent);
+      }
+      if(retrain) {
+	if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) { /* reinit shrinking */
+	  learn_parm->epsilon_crit=2.0;
+	} 
+      }
+      if(verbosity>=1) {
+	printf("done.\n");
+	if(retrain) {
+	  printf(" Now %ld inconsistent examples.\n",inconsistentnum);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  } /* end of loop */
+  free(chosen);
+  free(last_suboptimal_at);
+  free(key);
+  free(selcrit);
+  free(selexam);
+  free(a_old);
+  free(aicache);
+  free(working2dnum);
+  free(active2dnum);
+  free(qp.opt_ce);
+  free(qp.opt_ce0);
+  free(qp.opt_g);
+  free(qp.opt_g0);
+  free(qp.opt_xinit);
+  free(qp.opt_low);
+  free(qp.opt_up);
+  free(weights);
+  learn_parm->epsilon_crit=epsilon_crit_org; /* restore org */
+  model->maxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+  return(iteration);
+long optimize_to_convergence_sharedslack(DOC **docs, long int *label, 
+			     long int totdoc, 
+			     long int totwords, LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			     KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			     KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+			     SHRINK_STATE *shrink_state, MODEL *model, 
+			     double *a, double *lin, double *c, 
+			     TIMING *timing_profile, double *maxdiff)
+     /* docs: Training vectors (x-part) */
+     /* label: Training labels/value (y-part, zero if test example for
+			      transduction) */
+     /* totdoc: Number of examples in docs/label */
+     /* totwords: Number of features (i.e. highest feature index) */
+     /* learn_parm: Learning paramenters */
+     /* kernel_parm: Kernel paramenters */
+     /* kernel_cache: Initialized/partly filled Cache, if using a kernel. 
+                      NULL if linear. */
+     /* shrink_state: State of active variables */
+     /* model: Returns learning result */
+     /* a: alphas */
+     /* lin: linear component of gradient */
+     /* c: right hand side of inequalities (margin) */
+     /* maxdiff: returns maximum violation of KT-conditions */
+  long *chosen,*key,i,j,jj,*last_suboptimal_at,noshrink,*unlabeled;
+  long *inconsistent,choosenum,already_chosen=0,iteration;
+  long misclassified,supvecnum=0,*active2dnum,inactivenum;
+  long *working2dnum,*selexam,*ignore;
+  long activenum,retrain,maxslackid,slackset,jointstep;
+  double criterion,eq_target;
+  double *a_old,*alphaslack;
+  long t0=0,t1=0,t2=0,t3=0,t4=0,t5=0,t6=0; /* timing */
+  double epsilon_crit_org,maxsharedviol; 
+  double bestmaxdiff;
+  long   bestmaxdiffiter,terminate;
+  double *selcrit;  /* buffer for sorting */        
+  CFLOAT *aicache;  /* buffer to keep one row of hessian */
+  double *weights;  /* buffer for weight vector in linear case */
+  QP qp;            /* buffer for one quadratic program */
+  double *slack;    /* vector of slack variables for optimization with
+		       shared slacks */
+  epsilon_crit_org=learn_parm->epsilon_crit; /* save org */
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) {
+    learn_parm->epsilon_crit=2.0;
+    kernel_cache=NULL;   /* caching makes no sense for linear kernel */
+  } 
+  learn_parm->epsilon_shrink=2;
+  (*maxdiff)=1;
+  learn_parm->totwords=totwords;
+  chosen = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  unlabeled = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  inconsistent = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  ignore = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  key = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11)); 
+  selcrit = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  selexam = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  a_old = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  aicache = (CFLOAT *)my_malloc(sizeof(CFLOAT)*totdoc);
+  working2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+  active2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+  qp.opt_ce = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_ce0 = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double));
+  qp.opt_g = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize
+				 *learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_g0 = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_xinit = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_low=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  qp.opt_up=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize);
+  weights=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(totwords+1));
+  maxslackid=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* determine size of slack array */
+    if(maxslackid<docs[i]->slackid)
+      maxslackid=docs[i]->slackid;
+  }
+  slack=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(maxslackid+1));
+  alphaslack=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*(maxslackid+1));
+  last_suboptimal_at = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(maxslackid+1));
+  for(i=0;i<=maxslackid;i++) {    /* init shared slacks */
+    slack[i]=0;
+    alphaslack[i]=0;
+    last_suboptimal_at[i]=1;
+  }
+  choosenum=0;
+  retrain=1;
+  iteration=1;
+  bestmaxdiffiter=1;
+  bestmaxdiff=999999999;
+  terminate=0;
+  if(kernel_cache) {
+    kernel_cache->time=iteration;  /* for lru cache */
+    kernel_cache_reset_lru(kernel_cache);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {    /* various inits */
+    chosen[i]=0;
+    unlabeled[i]=0;
+    inconsistent[i]=0;
+    ignore[i]=0;
+    a_old[i]=a[i];
+  }
+  activenum=compute_index(shrink_state->active,totdoc,active2dnum);
+  inactivenum=totdoc-activenum;
+  clear_index(working2dnum);
+  /* call to init slack and alphaslack */
+  compute_shared_slacks(docs,label,a,lin,c,active2dnum,learn_parm,
+			slack,alphaslack);
+                            /* repeat this loop until we have convergence */
+  for(;retrain && (!terminate);iteration++) {
+    if(kernel_cache)
+      kernel_cache->time=iteration;  /* for lru cache */
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(
+	"Iteration %ld: ",iteration); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    else if(verbosity==1) {
+      printf("."); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) t0=get_runtime();
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      printf("\nSelecting working set... "); fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp>learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize) 
+      learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp=learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize;
+    /* select working set according to steepest gradient */
+    jointstep=0;
+    eq_target=0;
+    if(iteration % 101) {
+      slackset=select_next_qp_slackset(docs,label,a,lin,slack,alphaslack,c,
+				       learn_parm,active2dnum,&maxsharedviol);
+      if((iteration % 2) 
+	 || (!slackset) || (maxsharedviol<learn_parm->epsilon_crit)){
+	/* do a step with examples from different slack sets */
+	if(verbosity >= 2) {
+	  printf("(i-step)"); fflush(stdout);
+	}
+	i=0;
+	for(jj=0;(j=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* clear old part of working set */
+	  if((chosen[j]>=(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize/
+			  minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize,
+			       learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp)))) {
+	    chosen[j]=0; 
+	    choosenum--; 
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    chosen[j]++;
+	    working2dnum[i++]=j;
+	  }
+	}
+	working2dnum[i]=-1;
+	already_chosen=0;
+	if((minl(learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp,
+		 learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum)>=4) 
+	   && (kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR)) {
+	  /* select part of the working set from cache */
+	  already_chosen=select_next_qp_subproblem_grad(
+			      label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+			      (long)(minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum,
+					  learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp)
+				     /2),
+			      learn_parm,inconsistent,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,
+			      (long)1,key,chosen);
+	  choosenum+=already_chosen;
+	}
+	choosenum+=select_next_qp_subproblem_grad(
+                              label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+                              minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum,
+				   learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp-already_chosen),
+                              learn_parm,inconsistent,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,
+			      (long)0,key,chosen);
+      }
+      else { /* do a step with all examples from same slack set */
+	if(verbosity >= 2) {
+	  printf("(j-step on %ld)",slackset); fflush(stdout);
+	}
+	jointstep=1;
+	for(jj=0;(j=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* clear working set */
+	    chosen[j]=0; 
+	}
+	working2dnum[0]=-1;
+	eq_target=alphaslack[slackset];
+	for(j=0;j<totdoc;j++) {                  /* mask all but slackset */
+	  /* for(jj=0;(j=active2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { */
+	  if(docs[j]->slackid != slackset)
+	    ignore[j]=1; 
+	  else {
+	    ignore[j]=0; 
+	    learn_parm->svm_cost[j]=learn_parm->svm_c;
+	    /* printf("Inslackset(%ld,%ld)",j,shrink_state->active[j]); */
+	  }
+	}
+	learn_parm->biased_hyperplane=1;
+	choosenum=select_next_qp_subproblem_grad(
+                              label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+                              learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize,
+                              learn_parm,ignore,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,
+			      (long)0,key,chosen);
+	learn_parm->biased_hyperplane=0;
+      }
+    }
+    else { /* once in a while, select a somewhat random working set
+	      to get unlocked of infinite loops due to numerical
+	      inaccuracies in the core qp-solver */
+      choosenum+=select_next_qp_subproblem_rand(
+                              label,unlabeled,a,lin,c,totdoc,
+                              minl(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize-choosenum,
+				   learn_parm->svm_newvarsinqp),
+                              learn_parm,inconsistent,active2dnum,
+			      working2dnum,selcrit,selexam,kernel_cache,key,
+			      chosen,iteration);
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(" %ld vectors chosen\n",choosenum); fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) t1=get_runtime();
+    if(kernel_cache) 
+      cache_multiple_kernel_rows(kernel_cache,docs,working2dnum,
+				 choosenum,kernel_parm); 
+    if(verbosity>=2) t2=get_runtime();
+    if(jointstep) learn_parm->biased_hyperplane=1;
+    optimize_svm(docs,label,unlabeled,ignore,eq_target,chosen,active2dnum,
+		 model,totdoc,working2dnum,choosenum,a,lin,c,learn_parm,
+		 aicache,kernel_parm,&qp,&epsilon_crit_org);
+    learn_parm->biased_hyperplane=0;
+    for(jj=0;(i=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++)   /* recompute sums of alphas */
+      alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]+=(a[i]-a_old[i]);
+    for(jj=0;(i=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* reduce alpha to fulfill
+						constraints */
+      if(alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid] > learn_parm->svm_c) {
+	if(a[i] < (alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]-learn_parm->svm_c)) {
+	  alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]-=a[i];
+	  a[i]=0;
+	}
+	else {
+	  a[i]-=(alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]-learn_parm->svm_c);
+	  alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]=learn_parm->svm_c;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    for(jj=0;(i=active2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) 
+      learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=a[i]+(learn_parm->svm_c
+				    -alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]);
+    if(verbosity>=2) t3=get_runtime();
+    update_linear_component(docs,label,active2dnum,a,a_old,working2dnum,totdoc,
+			    totwords,kernel_parm,kernel_cache,lin,aicache,
+			    weights);
+    compute_shared_slacks(docs,label,a,lin,c,active2dnum,learn_parm,
+			  slack,alphaslack);
+    if(verbosity>=2) t4=get_runtime();
+    supvecnum=calculate_svm_model(docs,label,unlabeled,lin,a,a_old,c,
+		                  learn_parm,working2dnum,active2dnum,model);
+    if(verbosity>=2) t5=get_runtime();
+    /* The following computation of the objective function works only */
+    /* relative to the active variables */
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      criterion=compute_objective_function(a,lin,c,learn_parm->eps,label,
+		                           active2dnum);
+      printf("Objective function (over active variables): %.16f\n",criterion);
+      fflush(stdout); 
+    }
+    for(jj=0;(i=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) {
+      a_old[i]=a[i];
+    }
+    retrain=check_optimality_sharedslack(docs,model,label,a,lin,c,
+                             slack,alphaslack,totdoc,learn_parm,
+			     maxdiff,epsilon_crit_org,&misclassified,
+			     active2dnum,last_suboptimal_at,
+			     iteration,kernel_parm);
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      t6=get_runtime();
+      timing_profile->time_select+=t1-t0;
+      timing_profile->time_kernel+=t2-t1;
+      timing_profile->time_opti+=t3-t2;
+      timing_profile->time_update+=t4-t3;
+      timing_profile->time_model+=t5-t4;
+      timing_profile->time_check+=t6-t5;
+    }
+    /* checking whether optimizer got stuck */
+    if((*maxdiff) < bestmaxdiff) {
+      bestmaxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+      bestmaxdiffiter=iteration;
+    }
+    if(iteration > (bestmaxdiffiter+learn_parm->maxiter)) { 
+      /* long time no progress? */
+      terminate=1;
+      retrain=0;
+      if(verbosity>=1) 
+	printf("\nWARNING: Relaxing KT-Conditions due to slow progress! Terminating!\n");
+    }
+    noshrink=0; 
+    if((!retrain) && (inactivenum>0) 
+       && ((!learn_parm->skip_final_opt_check) 
+	   || (kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR))) { 
+      if(((verbosity>=1) && (kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR)) 
+	 || (verbosity>=2)) {
+	if(verbosity==1) {
+	  printf("\n");
+	}
+	printf(" Checking optimality of inactive variables..."); 
+	fflush(stdout);
+      }
+      t1=get_runtime();
+      reactivate_inactive_examples(label,unlabeled,a,shrink_state,lin,c,totdoc,
+				   totwords,iteration,learn_parm,inconsistent,
+				   docs,kernel_parm,kernel_cache,model,aicache,
+				   weights,maxdiff);
+      /* Update to new active variables. */
+      activenum=compute_index(shrink_state->active,totdoc,active2dnum);
+      inactivenum=totdoc-activenum;
+      /* check optimality, since check in reactivate does not work for
+	 sharedslacks */
+      retrain=check_optimality_sharedslack(docs,model,label,a,lin,c,
+			     slack,alphaslack,totdoc,learn_parm,
+			     maxdiff,epsilon_crit_org,&misclassified,
+			     active2dnum,last_suboptimal_at,
+			     iteration,kernel_parm);
+      /* reset watchdog */
+      bestmaxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+      bestmaxdiffiter=iteration;
+      /* termination criterion */
+      noshrink=1;
+      retrain=0;
+      if((*maxdiff) > learn_parm->epsilon_crit) 
+	retrain=1;
+      timing_profile->time_shrink+=get_runtime()-t1;
+      if(((verbosity>=1) && (kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR)) 
+	 || (verbosity>=2)) {
+	printf("done.\n");  fflush(stdout);
+        printf(" Number of inactive variables = %ld\n",inactivenum);
+      }		  
+    }
+    if((!retrain) && (learn_parm->epsilon_crit>(*maxdiff))) 
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit=(*maxdiff);
+    if((!retrain) && (learn_parm->epsilon_crit>epsilon_crit_org)) {
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit/=2.0;
+      retrain=1;
+      noshrink=1;
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->epsilon_crit<epsilon_crit_org) 
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit=epsilon_crit_org;
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(" => (%ld SV (incl. %ld SV at u-bound), max violation=%.5f)\n",
+	     supvecnum,model->at_upper_bound,(*maxdiff)); 
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+    if(((iteration % 10) == 0) && (!noshrink)) {
+      activenum=shrink_problem(docs,learn_parm,shrink_state,
+			       kernel_parm,active2dnum,
+			       last_suboptimal_at,iteration,totdoc,
+			       maxl((long)(activenum/10),
+				    maxl((long)(totdoc/500),100)),
+			       a,inconsistent);
+      inactivenum=totdoc-activenum;
+      if((kernel_cache)
+	 && (supvecnum>kernel_cache->max_elems)
+	 && ((kernel_cache->activenum-activenum)>maxl((long)(activenum/10),500))) {
+	kernel_cache_shrink(kernel_cache,totdoc,
+			    minl((kernel_cache->activenum-activenum),
+				 (kernel_cache->activenum-supvecnum)),
+			    shrink_state->active); 
+      }
+    }
+  } /* end of loop */
+  free(alphaslack);
+  free(slack);
+  free(chosen);
+  free(unlabeled);
+  free(inconsistent);
+  free(ignore);
+  free(last_suboptimal_at);
+  free(key);
+  free(selcrit);
+  free(selexam);
+  free(a_old);
+  free(aicache);
+  free(working2dnum);
+  free(active2dnum);
+  free(qp.opt_ce);
+  free(qp.opt_ce0);
+  free(qp.opt_g);
+  free(qp.opt_g0);
+  free(qp.opt_xinit);
+  free(qp.opt_low);
+  free(qp.opt_up);
+  free(weights);
+  learn_parm->epsilon_crit=epsilon_crit_org; /* restore org */
+  model->maxdiff=(*maxdiff);
+  return(iteration);
+double compute_objective_function(double *a, double *lin, double *c, 
+				  double eps, long int *label, 
+				  long int *active2dnum)
+     /* Return value of objective function. */
+     /* Works only relative to the active variables! */
+  long i,ii;
+  double criterion;
+  /* calculate value of objective function */
+  criterion=0;
+  for(ii=0;active2dnum[ii]>=0;ii++) {
+    i=active2dnum[ii];
+    criterion=criterion+(eps-(double)label[i]*c[i])*a[i]+0.5*a[i]*label[i]*lin[i];
+  } 
+  return(criterion);
+void clear_index(long int *index)
+              /* initializes and empties index */
+  index[0]=-1;
+void add_to_index(long int *index, long int elem)
+     /* initializes and empties index */
+  register long i;
+  for(i=0;index[i] != -1;i++);
+  index[i]=elem;
+  index[i+1]=-1;
+long compute_index(long int *binfeature, long int range, long int *index)
+     /* create an inverted index of binfeature */
+  register long i,ii;
+  ii=0;
+  for(i=0;i<range;i++) {
+    if(binfeature[i]) {
+      index[ii]=i;
+      ii++;
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
+    index[ii+i]=-1;
+  }
+  return(ii);
+void optimize_svm(DOC **docs, long int *label, long int *unlabeled, 
+		  long int *exclude_from_eq_const, double eq_target,
+		  long int *chosen, long int *active2dnum, MODEL *model, 
+		  long int totdoc, long int *working2dnum, long int varnum, 
+		  double *a, double *lin, double *c, LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+		  CFLOAT *aicache, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, QP *qp, 
+		  double *epsilon_crit_target)
+     /* Do optimization on the working set. */
+    long i;
+    double *a_v;
+    compute_matrices_for_optimization(docs,label,unlabeled,
+				      exclude_from_eq_const,eq_target,chosen,
+				      active2dnum,working2dnum,model,a,lin,c,
+				      varnum,totdoc,learn_parm,aicache,
+				      kernel_parm,qp);
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      printf("Running optimizer..."); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    /* call the qp-subsolver */
+    a_v=optimize_qp(qp,epsilon_crit_target,
+		    learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize,
+		    &(model->b),   /* in case the optimizer gives us */
+                                   /* the threshold for free. otherwise */
+                                   /* b is calculated in calculate_model. */
+		    learn_parm);
+    if(verbosity>=3) {         
+      printf("done\n");
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<varnum;i++) {
+      a[working2dnum[i]]=a_v[i];
+      /*
+      if(a_v[i]<=(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) {
+	a[working2dnum[i]]=0;
+      }
+      else if(a_v[i]>=(learn_parm->svm_cost[working2dnum[i]]-learn_parm->epsilon_a)) {
+	a[working2dnum[i]]=learn_parm->svm_cost[working2dnum[i]];
+      }
+      */
+    }
+void compute_matrices_for_optimization(DOC **docs, long int *label, 
+          long int *unlabeled, long *exclude_from_eq_const, double eq_target,
+	  long int *chosen, long int *active2dnum, 
+          long int *key, MODEL *model, double *a, double *lin, double *c, 
+	  long int varnum, long int totdoc, LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+          CFLOAT *aicache, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, QP *qp)
+  register long ki,kj,i,j;
+  register double kernel_temp;
+  if(verbosity>=3) {
+    fprintf(stdout,"Computing qp-matrices (type %ld kernel [degree %ld, rbf_gamma %f, coef_lin %f, coef_const %f])...",kernel_parm->kernel_type,kernel_parm->poly_degree,kernel_parm->rbf_gamma,kernel_parm->coef_lin,kernel_parm->coef_const); 
+    fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  qp->opt_n=varnum;
+  qp->opt_ce0[0]=-eq_target; /* compute the constant for equality constraint */
+  for(j=1;j<model->sv_num;j++) { /* start at 1 */
+    if((!chosen[(model->supvec[j])->docnum])
+       && (!exclude_from_eq_const[(model->supvec[j])->docnum])) {
+      qp->opt_ce0[0]+=model->alpha[j];
+    }
+  } 
+  if(learn_parm->biased_hyperplane) 
+    qp->opt_m=1;
+  else 
+    qp->opt_m=0;  /* eq-constraint will be ignored */
+  /* init linear part of objective function */
+  for(i=0;i<varnum;i++) {
+    qp->opt_g0[i]=lin[key[i]];
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<varnum;i++) {
+    ki=key[i];
+    /* Compute the matrix for equality constraints */
+    qp->opt_ce[i]=label[ki];
+    qp->opt_low[i]=0;
+    qp->opt_up[i]=learn_parm->svm_cost[ki];
+    kernel_temp=(double)kernel(kernel_parm,docs[ki],docs[ki]); 
+    /* compute linear part of objective function */
+    qp->opt_g0[i]-=(kernel_temp*a[ki]*(double)label[ki]); 
+    /* compute quadratic part of objective function */
+    qp->opt_g[varnum*i+i]=kernel_temp;
+    for(j=i+1;j<varnum;j++) {
+      kj=key[j];
+      kernel_temp=(double)kernel(kernel_parm,docs[ki],docs[kj]);
+      /* compute linear part of objective function */
+      qp->opt_g0[i]-=(kernel_temp*a[kj]*(double)label[kj]);
+      qp->opt_g0[j]-=(kernel_temp*a[ki]*(double)label[ki]); 
+      /* compute quadratic part of objective function */
+      qp->opt_g[varnum*i+j]=(double)label[ki]*(double)label[kj]*kernel_temp;
+      qp->opt_g[varnum*j+i]=(double)label[ki]*(double)label[kj]*kernel_temp;
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      if(i % 20 == 0) {
+	fprintf(stdout,"%ld..",i); fflush(stdout);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<varnum;i++) {
+    /* assure starting at feasible point */
+    qp->opt_xinit[i]=a[key[i]];
+    /* set linear part of objective function */
+    qp->opt_g0[i]=(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[key[i]]*c[key[i]])+qp->opt_g0[i]*(double)label[key[i]];    
+  }
+  if(verbosity>=3) {
+    fprintf(stdout,"done\n");
+  }
+long calculate_svm_model(DOC **docs, long int *label, long int *unlabeled, 
+			 double *lin, double *a, double *a_old, double *c, 
+			 LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, long int *working2dnum, 
+			 long int *active2dnum, MODEL *model)
+     /* Compute decision function based on current values */
+     /* of alpha. */
+  long i,ii,pos,b_calculated=0,first_low,first_high;
+  double ex_c,b_temp,b_low,b_high;
+  if(verbosity>=3) {
+    printf("Calculating model..."); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  if(!learn_parm->biased_hyperplane) {
+    model->b=0;
+    b_calculated=1;
+  }
+  for(ii=0;(i=working2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+    if((a_old[i]>0) && (a[i]==0)) { /* remove from model */
+      pos=model->index[i]; 
+      model->index[i]=-1;
+      (model->sv_num)--;
+      model->supvec[pos]=model->supvec[model->sv_num];
+      model->alpha[pos]=model->alpha[model->sv_num];
+      model->index[(model->supvec[pos])->docnum]=pos;
+    }
+    else if((a_old[i]==0) && (a[i]>0)) { /* add to model */
+      model->supvec[model->sv_num]=docs[i];
+      model->alpha[model->sv_num]=a[i]*(double)label[i];
+      model->index[i]=model->sv_num;
+      (model->sv_num)++;
+    }
+    else if(a_old[i]==a[i]) { /* nothing to do */
+    }
+    else {  /* just update alpha */
+      model->alpha[model->index[i]]=a[i]*(double)label[i];
+    }
+    ex_c=learn_parm->svm_cost[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+    if((a_old[i]>=ex_c) && (a[i]<ex_c)) { 
+      (model->at_upper_bound)--;
+    }
+    else if((a_old[i]<ex_c) && (a[i]>=ex_c)) { 
+      (model->at_upper_bound)++;
+    }
+    if((!b_calculated) 
+       && (a[i]>learn_parm->epsilon_a) && (a[i]<ex_c)) {   /* calculate b */
+     	model->b=((double)label[i]*learn_parm->eps-c[i]+lin[i]); 
+	/* model->b=(-(double)label[i]+lin[i]); */
+	b_calculated=1;
+    }
+  }      
+  /* No alpha in the working set not at bounds, so b was not
+     calculated in the usual way. The following handles this special
+     case. */
+  if(learn_parm->biased_hyperplane 
+     && (!b_calculated)
+     && (model->sv_num-1 == model->at_upper_bound)) { 
+    first_low=1;
+    first_high=1;
+    b_low=0;
+    b_high=0;
+    for(ii=0;(i=active2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+      ex_c=learn_parm->svm_cost[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+      if(a[i]<ex_c) { 
+	if(label[i]>0)  {
+	  b_temp=-(learn_parm->eps-c[i]+lin[i]);
+	  if((b_temp>b_low) || (first_low)) {
+	    b_low=b_temp;
+	    first_low=0;
+	  }
+	}
+	else {
+	  b_temp=-(-learn_parm->eps-c[i]+lin[i]);
+	  if((b_temp<b_high) || (first_high)) {
+	    b_high=b_temp;
+	    first_high=0;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	if(label[i]<0)  {
+	  b_temp=-(-learn_parm->eps-c[i]+lin[i]);
+	  if((b_temp>b_low) || (first_low)) {
+	    b_low=b_temp;
+	    first_low=0;
+	  }
+	}
+	else {
+	  b_temp=-(learn_parm->eps-c[i]+lin[i]);
+	  if((b_temp<b_high) || (first_high)) {
+	    b_high=b_temp;
+	    first_high=0;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(first_high) {
+      model->b=-b_low;
+    }
+    else if(first_low) {
+      model->b=-b_high;
+    }
+    else {
+      model->b=-(b_high+b_low)/2.0;  /* select b as the middle of range */
+      /* printf("\nb_low=%f, b_high=%f,b=%f\n",b_low,b_high,model->b); */
+    }
+  }
+  if(verbosity>=3) {
+    printf("done\n"); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  return(model->sv_num-1); /* have to substract one, since element 0 is empty*/
+long check_optimality(MODEL *model, long int *label, long int *unlabeled, 
+		      double *a, double *lin, double *c, long int totdoc, 
+		      LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, double *maxdiff, 
+		      double epsilon_crit_org, long int *misclassified, 
+		      long int *inconsistent, long int *active2dnum,
+		      long int *last_suboptimal_at, 
+		      long int iteration, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+     /* Check KT-conditions */
+  long i,ii,retrain;
+  double dist,ex_c,target;
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) {  /* be optimistic */
+    learn_parm->epsilon_shrink=-learn_parm->epsilon_crit+epsilon_crit_org;  
+  }
+  else {  /* be conservative */
+    learn_parm->epsilon_shrink=learn_parm->epsilon_shrink*0.7+(*maxdiff)*0.3; 
+  }
+  retrain=0;
+  (*maxdiff)=0;
+  (*misclassified)=0;
+  for(ii=0;(i=active2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+    if((!inconsistent[i]) && label[i]) {
+      dist=(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i];/* 'distance' from
+						 hyperplane*/
+      target=-(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[i]*c[i]);
+      ex_c=learn_parm->svm_cost[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+      if(dist <= 0) {       
+	(*misclassified)++;  /* does not work due to deactivation of var */
+      }
+      if((a[i]>learn_parm->epsilon_a) && (dist > target)) {
+	if((dist-target)>(*maxdiff))  /* largest violation */
+	  (*maxdiff)=dist-target;
+      }
+      else if((a[i]<ex_c) && (dist < target)) {
+	if((target-dist)>(*maxdiff))  /* largest violation */
+	  (*maxdiff)=target-dist;
+      }
+      /* Count how long a variable was at lower/upper bound (and optimal).*/
+      /* Variables, which were at the bound and optimal for a long */
+      /* time are unlikely to become support vectors. In case our */
+      /* cache is filled up, those variables are excluded to save */
+      /* kernel evaluations. (See chapter 'Shrinking').*/ 
+      if((a[i]>(learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	 && (a[i]<ex_c)) { 
+	last_suboptimal_at[i]=iteration;         /* not at bound */
+      }
+      else if((a[i]<=(learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	      && (dist < (target+learn_parm->epsilon_shrink))) {
+	last_suboptimal_at[i]=iteration;         /* not likely optimal */
+      }
+      else if((a[i]>=ex_c)
+	      && (dist > (target-learn_parm->epsilon_shrink)))  { 
+	last_suboptimal_at[i]=iteration;         /* not likely optimal */
+      }
+    }   
+  }
+  /* termination criterion */
+  if((!retrain) && ((*maxdiff) > learn_parm->epsilon_crit)) {  
+    retrain=1;
+  }
+  return(retrain);
+long check_optimality_sharedslack(DOC **docs, MODEL *model, long int *label,
+		      double *a, double *lin, double *c, double *slack,
+		      double *alphaslack,
+		      long int totdoc, 
+		      LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, double *maxdiff, 
+		      double epsilon_crit_org, long int *misclassified, 
+		      long int *active2dnum,
+		      long int *last_suboptimal_at, 
+		      long int iteration, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+     /* Check KT-conditions */
+  long i,ii,retrain;
+  double dist,ex_c=0,target;
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) {  /* be optimistic */
+    learn_parm->epsilon_shrink=-learn_parm->epsilon_crit+epsilon_crit_org;  
+  }
+  else {  /* be conservative */
+    learn_parm->epsilon_shrink=learn_parm->epsilon_shrink*0.7+(*maxdiff)*0.3; 
+  }
+  retrain=0;
+  (*maxdiff)=0;
+  (*misclassified)=0;
+  for(ii=0;(i=active2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+    /* 'distance' from hyperplane*/
+    dist=(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i]+slack[docs[i]->slackid];
+    target=-(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[i]*c[i]);
+    ex_c=learn_parm->svm_c-learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+    if((a[i]>learn_parm->epsilon_a) && (dist > target)) {
+      if((dist-target)>(*maxdiff)) {  /* largest violation */
+	(*maxdiff)=dist-target;
+	if(verbosity>=5) printf("sid %ld: dist=%.2f, target=%.2f, slack=%.2f, a=%f, alphaslack=%f\n",docs[i]->slackid,dist,target,slack[docs[i]->slackid],a[i],alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]);
+	if(verbosity>=5) printf(" (single %f)\n",(*maxdiff));
+      }
+    }
+    if((alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]<ex_c) && (slack[docs[i]->slackid]>0)) {
+      if((slack[docs[i]->slackid])>(*maxdiff)) { /* largest violation */
+	(*maxdiff)=slack[docs[i]->slackid];
+	if(verbosity>=5) printf("sid %ld: dist=%.2f, target=%.2f, slack=%.2f, a=%f, alphaslack=%f\n",docs[i]->slackid,dist,target,slack[docs[i]->slackid],a[i],alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]);
+	if(verbosity>=5) printf(" (joint %f)\n",(*maxdiff));
+      }
+    }
+    /* Count how long a variable was at lower/upper bound (and optimal).*/
+    /* Variables, which were at the bound and optimal for a long */
+    /* time are unlikely to become support vectors. In case our */
+    /* cache is filled up, those variables are excluded to save */
+    /* kernel evaluations. (See chapter 'Shrinking').*/ 
+    if((a[i]>(learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+       && (a[i]<ex_c)) { 
+      last_suboptimal_at[docs[i]->slackid]=iteration;  /* not at bound */
+    }
+    else if((a[i]<=(learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	    && (dist < (target+learn_parm->epsilon_shrink))) {
+      last_suboptimal_at[docs[i]->slackid]=iteration;  /* not likely optimal */
+    }
+    else if((a[i]>=ex_c)
+	    && (slack[docs[i]->slackid] < learn_parm->epsilon_shrink))  { 
+      last_suboptimal_at[docs[i]->slackid]=iteration;  /* not likely optimal */
+    }
+  }   
+  /* termination criterion */
+  if((!retrain) && ((*maxdiff) > learn_parm->epsilon_crit)) {  
+    retrain=1;
+  }
+  return(retrain);
+void compute_shared_slacks(DOC **docs, long int *label, 
+			   double *a, double *lin, 
+			   double *c, long int *active2dnum,
+			   LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			   double *slack, double *alphaslack)
+     /* compute the value of shared slacks and the joint alphas */
+  long jj,i;
+  double dist,target;
+  for(jj=0;(i=active2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* clear slack variables */
+    slack[docs[i]->slackid]=0.0;
+    alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]=0.0;
+  }
+  for(jj=0;(i=active2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) { /* recompute slack variables */
+    dist=(lin[i])*(double)label[i];
+    target=-(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[i]*c[i]);
+    if((target-dist) > slack[docs[i]->slackid])
+      slack[docs[i]->slackid]=target-dist;
+    alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid]+=a[i];
+  }
+long identify_inconsistent(double *a, long int *label, 
+			   long int *unlabeled, long int totdoc, 
+			   LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			   long int *inconsistentnum, long int *inconsistent)
+  long i,retrain;
+  /* Throw out examples with multipliers at upper bound. This */
+  /* corresponds to the -i 1 option. */
+  /* ATTENTION: this is just a heuristic for finding a close */
+  /*            to minimum number of examples to exclude to */
+  /*            make the problem separable with desired margin */
+  retrain=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if((!inconsistent[i]) && (!unlabeled[i]) 
+       && (a[i]>=(learn_parm->svm_cost[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_a))) { 
+	(*inconsistentnum)++;
+	inconsistent[i]=1;  /* never choose again */
+	retrain=2;          /* start over */
+	if(verbosity>=3) {
+	  printf("inconsistent(%ld)..",i); fflush(stdout);
+	}
+    }
+  }
+  return(retrain);
+long identify_misclassified(double *lin, long int *label, 
+			    long int *unlabeled, long int totdoc, 
+			    MODEL *model, long int *inconsistentnum, 
+			    long int *inconsistent)
+  long i,retrain;
+  double dist;
+  /* Throw out misclassified examples. This */
+  /* corresponds to the -i 2 option. */
+  /* ATTENTION: this is just a heuristic for finding a close */
+  /*            to minimum number of examples to exclude to */
+  /*            make the problem separable with desired margin */
+  retrain=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    dist=(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i]; /* 'distance' from hyperplane*/  
+    if((!inconsistent[i]) && (!unlabeled[i]) && (dist <= 0)) { 
+	(*inconsistentnum)++;
+	inconsistent[i]=1;  /* never choose again */
+	retrain=2;          /* start over */
+	if(verbosity>=3) {
+	  printf("inconsistent(%ld)..",i); fflush(stdout);
+	}
+    }
+  }
+  return(retrain);
+long identify_one_misclassified(double *lin, long int *label, 
+				long int *unlabeled, 
+				long int totdoc, MODEL *model, 
+				long int *inconsistentnum, 
+				long int *inconsistent)
+  long i,retrain,maxex=-1;
+  double dist,maxdist=0;
+  /* Throw out the 'most misclassified' example. This */
+  /* corresponds to the -i 3 option. */
+  /* ATTENTION: this is just a heuristic for finding a close */
+  /*            to minimum number of examples to exclude to */
+  /*            make the problem separable with desired margin */
+  retrain=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if((!inconsistent[i]) && (!unlabeled[i])) {
+      dist=(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i];/* 'distance' from hyperplane*/  
+      if(dist<maxdist) {
+	maxdist=dist;
+	maxex=i;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(maxex>=0) {
+    (*inconsistentnum)++;
+    inconsistent[maxex]=1;  /* never choose again */
+    retrain=2;          /* start over */
+    if(verbosity>=3) {
+      printf("inconsistent(%ld)..",i); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+  }
+  return(retrain);
+void update_linear_component(DOC **docs, long int *label, 
+			     long int *active2dnum, double *a, 
+			     double *a_old, long int *working2dnum, 
+			     long int totdoc, long int totwords, 
+			     KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			     KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+			     double *lin, CFLOAT *aicache, double *weights)
+     /* keep track of the linear component */
+     /* lin of the gradient etc. by updating */
+     /* based on the change of the variables */
+     /* in the current working set */
+  register long i,ii,j,jj;
+  register double tec;
+  SVECTOR *f;
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type==0) { /* special linear case */
+    clear_vector_n(weights,totwords);
+    for(ii=0;(i=working2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+      if(a[i] != a_old[i]) {
+	for(f=docs[i]->fvec;f;f=f->next)  
+	  add_vector_ns(weights,f,
+			f->factor*((a[i]-a_old[i])*(double)label[i]));
+      }
+    }
+    for(jj=0;(j=active2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) {
+      for(f=docs[j]->fvec;f;f=f->next)  
+	lin[j]+=f->factor*sprod_ns(weights,f);
+    }
+  }
+  else {                            /* general case */
+    for(jj=0;(i=working2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) {
+      if(a[i] != a_old[i]) {
+	get_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,i,totdoc,active2dnum,aicache,
+		       kernel_parm);
+	for(ii=0;(j=active2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+	  tec=aicache[j];
+	  lin[j]+=(((a[i]*tec)-(a_old[i]*tec))*(double)label[i]);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+long incorporate_unlabeled_examples(MODEL *model, long int *label, 
+				    long int *inconsistent, 
+				    long int *unlabeled, 
+				    double *a, double *lin, 
+				    long int totdoc, double *selcrit, 
+				    long int *select, long int *key, 
+				    long int transductcycle, 
+				    KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+				    LEARN_PARM *learn_parm)
+  long i,j,k,j1,j2,j3,j4,unsupaddnum1=0,unsupaddnum2=0;
+  long pos,neg,upos,uneg,orgpos,orgneg,nolabel,newpos,newneg,allunlab;
+  double dist,model_length,posratio,negratio;
+  long check_every=2;
+  double loss;
+  static double switchsens=0.0,switchsensorg=0.0;
+  double umin,umax,sumalpha;
+  long imin=0,imax=0;
+  static long switchnum=0;
+  switchsens/=1.2;
+  /* assumes that lin[] is up to date -> no inactive vars */
+  orgpos=0;
+  orgneg=0;
+  newpos=0;
+  newneg=0;
+  nolabel=0;
+  allunlab=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if(!unlabeled[i]) {
+      if(label[i] > 0) {
+	orgpos++;
+      }
+      else {
+	orgneg++;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      allunlab++;
+      if(unlabeled[i]) {
+	if(label[i] > 0) {
+	  newpos++;
+	}
+	else if(label[i] < 0) {
+	  newneg++;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(label[i]==0) {
+      nolabel++;
+    }
+  }
+  if(learn_parm->transduction_posratio >= 0) {
+    posratio=learn_parm->transduction_posratio;
+  }
+  else {
+    posratio=(double)orgpos/(double)(orgpos+orgneg); /* use ratio of pos/neg */
+  }                                                  /* in training data */
+  negratio=1.0-posratio;
+  learn_parm->svm_costratio=1.0;                     /* global */
+  if(posratio>0) {
+    learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab=negratio/posratio;
+  }
+  else {
+    learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab=1.0;
+  }
+  pos=0;
+  neg=0;
+  upos=0;
+  uneg=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    dist=(lin[i]-model->b);  /* 'distance' from hyperplane*/
+    if(dist>0) {
+      pos++;
+    }
+    else {
+      neg++;
+    }
+    if(unlabeled[i]) {
+      if(dist>0) {
+	upos++;
+      }
+      else {
+	uneg++;
+      }
+    }
+    if((!unlabeled[i]) && (a[i]>(learn_parm->svm_cost[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_a))) {
+      /*      printf("Ubounded %ld (class %ld, unlabeled %ld)\n",i,label[i],unlabeled[i]); */
+    }
+  }
+  if(verbosity>=2) {
+    printf("POS=%ld, ORGPOS=%ld, ORGNEG=%ld\n",pos,orgpos,orgneg);
+    printf("POS=%ld, NEWPOS=%ld, NEWNEG=%ld\n",pos,newpos,newneg);
+    printf("pos ratio = %f (%f).\n",(double)(upos)/(double)(allunlab),posratio);
+    fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  if(transductcycle == 0) {
+    j1=0; 
+    j2=0;
+    j4=0;
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      dist=(lin[i]-model->b);  /* 'distance' from hyperplane*/
+      if((label[i]==0) && (unlabeled[i])) {
+	selcrit[j4]=dist;
+	key[j4]=i;
+	j4++;
+      }
+    }
+    unsupaddnum1=0;	
+    unsupaddnum2=0;	
+    select_top_n(selcrit,j4,select,(long)(allunlab*posratio+0.5));
+    for(k=0;(k<(long)(allunlab*posratio+0.5));k++) {
+      i=key[select[k]];
+      label[i]=1;
+      unsupaddnum1++;	
+      j1++;
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      if((label[i]==0) && (unlabeled[i])) {
+	label[i]=-1;
+	j2++;
+	unsupaddnum2++;
+      }
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {  /* set upper bounds on vars */
+      if(unlabeled[i]) {
+	if(label[i] == 1) {
+	  learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*
+	    learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab*learn_parm->svm_unlabbound;
+	}
+	else if(label[i] == -1) {
+	  learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*
+	    learn_parm->svm_unlabbound;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=1) {
+      /* printf("costratio %f, costratio_unlab %f, unlabbound %f\n",
+	 learn_parm->svm_costratio,learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab,
+	 learn_parm->svm_unlabbound); */
+      printf("Classifying unlabeled data as %ld POS / %ld NEG.\n",
+	     unsupaddnum1,unsupaddnum2); 
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(verbosity >= 1) 
+      printf("Retraining.");
+    if(verbosity >= 2) printf("\n");
+    return((long)3);
+  }
+  if((transductcycle % check_every) == 0) {
+    if(verbosity >= 1) 
+      printf("Retraining.");
+    if(verbosity >= 2) printf("\n");
+    j1=0;
+    j2=0;
+    unsupaddnum1=0;
+    unsupaddnum2=0;
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      if((unlabeled[i] == 2)) {
+	unlabeled[i]=1;
+	label[i]=1;
+	j1++;
+	unsupaddnum1++;
+      }
+      else if((unlabeled[i] == 3)) {
+	unlabeled[i]=1;
+	label[i]=-1;
+	j2++;
+	unsupaddnum2++;
+      }
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {  /* set upper bounds on vars */
+      if(unlabeled[i]) {
+	if(label[i] == 1) {
+	  learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*
+	    learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab*learn_parm->svm_unlabbound;
+	}
+	else if(label[i] == -1) {
+	  learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*
+	    learn_parm->svm_unlabbound;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      /* printf("costratio %f, costratio_unlab %f, unlabbound %f\n",
+	     learn_parm->svm_costratio,learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab,
+	     learn_parm->svm_unlabbound); */
+      printf("%ld positive -> Added %ld POS / %ld NEG unlabeled examples.\n",
+	     upos,unsupaddnum1,unsupaddnum2); 
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(learn_parm->svm_unlabbound == 1) {
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit=0.001; /* do the last run right */
+    }
+    else {
+      learn_parm->epsilon_crit=0.01; /* otherwise, no need to be so picky */
+    }
+    return((long)3);
+  }
+  else if(((transductcycle % check_every) < check_every)) { 
+    model_length=0;
+    sumalpha=0;
+    loss=0;
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      model_length+=a[i]*label[i]*lin[i];
+      sumalpha+=a[i];
+      dist=(lin[i]-model->b);  /* 'distance' from hyperplane*/
+      if((label[i]*dist)<(1.0-learn_parm->epsilon_crit)) {
+	loss+=(1.0-(label[i]*dist))*learn_parm->svm_cost[i]; 
+      }
+    }
+    model_length=sqrt(model_length); 
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf("Model-length = %f (%f), loss = %f, objective = %f\n",
+	     model_length,sumalpha,loss,loss+0.5*model_length*model_length);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    j1=0;
+    j2=0;
+    j3=0;
+    j4=0;
+    unsupaddnum1=0;	
+    unsupaddnum2=0;	
+    umin=99999;
+    umax=-99999;
+    j4=1;
+    while(j4) {
+      umin=99999;
+      umax=-99999;
+      for(i=0;(i<totdoc);i++) { 
+	dist=(lin[i]-model->b);  
+	if((label[i]>0) && (unlabeled[i]) && (!inconsistent[i]) 
+	   && (dist<umin)) {
+	  umin=dist;
+	  imin=i;
+	}
+	if((label[i]<0) && (unlabeled[i])  && (!inconsistent[i]) 
+	   && (dist>umax)) {
+	  umax=dist;
+	  imax=i;
+	}
+      }
+      if((umin < (umax+switchsens-1E-4))) {
+	j1++;
+	j2++;
+	unsupaddnum1++;	
+	unlabeled[imin]=3;
+	inconsistent[imin]=1;
+	unsupaddnum2++;	
+	unlabeled[imax]=2;
+	inconsistent[imax]=1;
+      }
+      else
+	j4=0;
+      j4=0;
+    }
+    for(j=0;(j<totdoc);j++) {
+      if(unlabeled[j] && (!inconsistent[j])) {
+	if(label[j]>0) {
+	  unlabeled[j]=2;
+	}
+	else if(label[j]<0) {
+	  unlabeled[j]=3;
+	}
+	/* inconsistent[j]=1; */
+	j3++;
+      }
+    }
+    switchnum+=unsupaddnum1+unsupaddnum2;
+    /* stop and print out current margin
+       printf("switchnum %ld %ld\n",switchnum,kernel_parm->poly_degree);
+       if(switchnum == 2*kernel_parm->poly_degree) {
+       learn_parm->svm_unlabbound=1;
+       }
+       */
+    if((!unsupaddnum1) && (!unsupaddnum2)) {
+      if((learn_parm->svm_unlabbound>=1) && ((newpos+newneg) == allunlab)) {
+	for(j=0;(j<totdoc);j++) {
+	  inconsistent[j]=0;
+	  if(unlabeled[j]) unlabeled[j]=1;
+	}
+	write_prediction(learn_parm->predfile,model,lin,a,unlabeled,label,
+			 totdoc,learn_parm);  
+	if(verbosity>=1)
+	  printf("Number of switches: %ld\n",switchnum);
+	return((long)0);
+      }
+      switchsens=switchsensorg;
+      learn_parm->svm_unlabbound*=1.5;
+      if(learn_parm->svm_unlabbound>1) {
+	learn_parm->svm_unlabbound=1;
+      }
+      model->at_upper_bound=0; /* since upper bound increased */
+      if(verbosity>=1) 
+	printf("Increasing influence of unlabeled examples to %f%% .",
+	       learn_parm->svm_unlabbound*100.0);
+    }
+    else if(verbosity>=1) {
+      printf("%ld positive -> Switching labels of %ld POS / %ld NEG unlabeled examples.",
+	     upos,unsupaddnum1,unsupaddnum2); 
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(verbosity >= 2) printf("\n");
+    learn_parm->epsilon_crit=0.5; /* don't need to be so picky */
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {  /* set upper bounds on vars */
+      if(unlabeled[i]) {
+	if(label[i] == 1) {
+	  learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*
+	    learn_parm->svm_costratio_unlab*learn_parm->svm_unlabbound;
+	}
+	else if(label[i] == -1) {
+	  learn_parm->svm_cost[i]=learn_parm->svm_c*
+	    learn_parm->svm_unlabbound;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return((long)2);
+  }
+  return((long)0); 
+/*************************** Working set selection ***************************/
+long select_next_qp_subproblem_grad(long int *label, 
+				    long int *unlabeled, 
+				    double *a, double *lin, 
+				    double *c, long int totdoc, 
+				    long int qp_size, 
+				    LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+				    long int *inconsistent, 
+				    long int *active2dnum, 
+				    long int *working2dnum, 
+				    double *selcrit, 
+				    long int *select, 
+				    KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+				    long int cache_only,
+				    long int *key, long int *chosen)
+     /* Use the feasible direction approach to select the next
+      qp-subproblem (see chapter 'Selecting a good working set'). If
+      'cache_only' is true, then the variables are selected only among
+      those for which the kernel evaluations are cached. */
+  long choosenum,i,j,k,activedoc,inum,valid;
+  double s;
+  for(inum=0;working2dnum[inum]>=0;inum++); /* find end of index */
+  choosenum=0;
+  activedoc=0;
+  for(i=0;(j=active2dnum[i])>=0;i++) {
+    s=-label[j];
+    if(kernel_cache && cache_only) 
+      valid=(kernel_cache->index[j]>=0);
+    else
+      valid=1;
+    if(valid
+       && (!((a[j]<=(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) && (s<0)))
+       && (!((a[j]>=(learn_parm->svm_cost[j]-learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	     && (s>0)))
+       && (!chosen[j]) 
+       && (label[j])
+       && (!inconsistent[j]))
+      {
+      selcrit[activedoc]=(double)label[j]*(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[j]*c[j]+(double)label[j]*lin[j]);
+      /*      selcrit[activedoc]=(double)label[j]*(-1.0+(double)label[j]*lin[j]); */
+      key[activedoc]=j;
+      activedoc++;
+    }
+  }
+  select_top_n(selcrit,activedoc,select,(long)(qp_size/2));
+  for(k=0;(choosenum<(qp_size/2)) && (k<(qp_size/2)) && (k<activedoc);k++) {
+    /* if(learn_parm->biased_hyperplane || (selcrit[select[k]] > 0)) { */
+      i=key[select[k]];
+      chosen[i]=1;
+      working2dnum[inum+choosenum]=i;
+      choosenum+=1;
+      if(kernel_cache)
+	kernel_cache_touch(kernel_cache,i); /* make sure it does not get
+					       kicked out of cache */
+      /* } */
+  }
+  activedoc=0;
+  for(i=0;(j=active2dnum[i])>=0;i++) {
+    s=label[j];
+    if(kernel_cache && cache_only) 
+      valid=(kernel_cache->index[j]>=0);
+    else
+      valid=1;
+    if(valid
+       && (!((a[j]<=(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) && (s<0)))
+       && (!((a[j]>=(learn_parm->svm_cost[j]-learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	     && (s>0))) 
+       && (!chosen[j]) 
+       && (label[j])
+       && (!inconsistent[j])) 
+      {
+      selcrit[activedoc]=-(double)label[j]*(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[j]*c[j]+(double)label[j]*lin[j]);
+      /*  selcrit[activedoc]=-(double)(label[j]*(-1.0+(double)label[j]*lin[j])); */
+      key[activedoc]=j;
+      activedoc++;
+    }
+  }
+  select_top_n(selcrit,activedoc,select,(long)(qp_size/2));
+  for(k=0;(choosenum<qp_size) && (k<(qp_size/2)) && (k<activedoc);k++) {
+    /* if(learn_parm->biased_hyperplane || (selcrit[select[k]] > 0)) { */
+      i=key[select[k]];
+      chosen[i]=1;
+      working2dnum[inum+choosenum]=i;
+      choosenum+=1;
+      if(kernel_cache)
+	kernel_cache_touch(kernel_cache,i); /* make sure it does not get
+					       kicked out of cache */
+      /* } */
+  } 
+  working2dnum[inum+choosenum]=-1; /* complete index */
+  return(choosenum);
+long select_next_qp_subproblem_rand(long int *label, 
+				    long int *unlabeled, 
+				    double *a, double *lin, 
+				    double *c, long int totdoc, 
+				    long int qp_size, 
+				    LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+				    long int *inconsistent, 
+				    long int *active2dnum, 
+				    long int *working2dnum, 
+				    double *selcrit, 
+				    long int *select, 
+				    KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+				    long int *key, 
+				    long int *chosen, 
+				    long int iteration)
+/* Use the feasible direction approach to select the next
+   qp-subproblem (see section 'Selecting a good working set'). Chooses
+   a feasible direction at (pseudo) random to help jump over numerical
+   problem. */
+  long choosenum,i,j,k,activedoc,inum;
+  double s;
+  for(inum=0;working2dnum[inum]>=0;inum++); /* find end of index */
+  choosenum=0;
+  activedoc=0;
+  for(i=0;(j=active2dnum[i])>=0;i++) {
+    s=-label[j];
+    if((!((a[j]<=(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) && (s<0)))
+       && (!((a[j]>=(learn_parm->svm_cost[j]-learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	     && (s>0)))
+       && (!inconsistent[j]) 
+       && (label[j])
+       && (!chosen[j])) {
+      selcrit[activedoc]=(j+iteration) % totdoc;
+      key[activedoc]=j;
+      activedoc++;
+    }
+  }
+  select_top_n(selcrit,activedoc,select,(long)(qp_size/2));
+  for(k=0;(choosenum<(qp_size/2)) && (k<(qp_size/2)) && (k<activedoc);k++) {
+    i=key[select[k]];
+    chosen[i]=1;
+    working2dnum[inum+choosenum]=i;
+    choosenum+=1;
+    kernel_cache_touch(kernel_cache,i); /* make sure it does not get kicked */
+                                        /* out of cache */
+  }
+  activedoc=0;
+  for(i=0;(j=active2dnum[i])>=0;i++) {
+    s=label[j];
+    if((!((a[j]<=(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) && (s<0)))
+       && (!((a[j]>=(learn_parm->svm_cost[j]-learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	     && (s>0))) 
+       && (!inconsistent[j]) 
+       && (label[j])
+       && (!chosen[j])) {
+      selcrit[activedoc]=(j+iteration) % totdoc;
+      key[activedoc]=j;
+      activedoc++;
+    }
+  }
+  select_top_n(selcrit,activedoc,select,(long)(qp_size/2));
+  for(k=0;(choosenum<qp_size) && (k<(qp_size/2)) && (k<activedoc);k++) {
+    i=key[select[k]];
+    chosen[i]=1;
+    working2dnum[inum+choosenum]=i;
+    choosenum+=1;
+    kernel_cache_touch(kernel_cache,i); /* make sure it does not get kicked */
+                                        /* out of cache */
+  } 
+  working2dnum[inum+choosenum]=-1; /* complete index */
+  return(choosenum);
+long select_next_qp_slackset(DOC **docs, long int *label, 
+			     double *a, double *lin, 
+			     double *slack, double *alphaslack, 
+			     double *c,
+			     LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+			     long int *active2dnum, double *maxviol)
+     /* returns the slackset with the largest internal violation */
+  long i,ii,maxdiffid;
+  double dist,target,maxdiff,ex_c;
+  maxdiff=0;
+  maxdiffid=0;
+  for(ii=0;(i=active2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+    ex_c=learn_parm->svm_c-learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+    if(alphaslack[docs[i]->slackid] >= ex_c) {
+      dist=(lin[i])*(double)label[i]+slack[docs[i]->slackid]; /* distance */
+      target=-(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[i]*c[i]); /* rhs of constraint */
+      if((a[i]>learn_parm->epsilon_a) && (dist > target)) {
+	if((dist-target)>maxdiff) { /* largest violation */
+	  maxdiff=dist-target;
+	  maxdiffid=docs[i]->slackid;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  (*maxviol)=maxdiff;
+  return(maxdiffid);
+void select_top_n(double *selcrit, long int range, long int *select, 
+		  long int n)
+  register long i,j;
+  for(i=0;(i<n) && (i<range);i++) { /* Initialize with the first n elements */
+    for(j=i;j>=0;j--) {
+      if((j>0) && (selcrit[select[j-1]]<selcrit[i])){
+	select[j]=select[j-1];
+      }
+      else {
+	select[j]=i;
+	j=-1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(n>0) {
+    for(i=n;i<range;i++) {  
+      if(selcrit[i]>selcrit[select[n-1]]) {
+	for(j=n-1;j>=0;j--) {
+	  if((j>0) && (selcrit[select[j-1]]<selcrit[i])) {
+	    select[j]=select[j-1];
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    select[j]=i;
+	    j=-1;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/******************************** Shrinking  *********************************/
+void init_shrink_state(SHRINK_STATE *shrink_state, long int totdoc, 
+		       long int maxhistory)
+  long i;
+  shrink_state->deactnum=0;
+  shrink_state->active = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  shrink_state->inactive_since = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  shrink_state->a_history = (double **)my_malloc(sizeof(double *)*maxhistory);
+  shrink_state->maxhistory=maxhistory;
+  shrink_state->last_lin = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  shrink_state->last_a = (double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) { 
+    shrink_state->active[i]=1;
+    shrink_state->inactive_since[i]=0;
+    shrink_state->last_a[i]=0;
+    shrink_state->last_lin[i]=0;
+  }
+void shrink_state_cleanup(SHRINK_STATE *shrink_state)
+  free(shrink_state->active);
+  free(shrink_state->inactive_since);
+  if(shrink_state->deactnum > 0) 
+    free(shrink_state->a_history[shrink_state->deactnum-1]);
+  free(shrink_state->a_history);
+  free(shrink_state->last_a);
+  free(shrink_state->last_lin);
+long shrink_problem(DOC **docs,
+		    LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+		    SHRINK_STATE *shrink_state, 
+		    KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm,
+		    long int *active2dnum, 
+		    long int *last_suboptimal_at, 
+		    long int iteration, 
+		    long int totdoc, 
+		    long int minshrink, 
+		    double *a, 
+		    long int *inconsistent)
+     /* Shrink some variables away.  Do the shrinking only if at least
+        minshrink variables can be removed. */
+  long i,ii,change,activenum,lastiter;
+  double *a_old;
+  activenum=0;
+  change=0;
+  for(ii=0;active2dnum[ii]>=0;ii++) {
+    i=active2dnum[ii];
+    activenum++;
+    if(learn_parm->sharedslack)
+      lastiter=last_suboptimal_at[docs[i]->slackid];
+    else
+      lastiter=last_suboptimal_at[i];
+    if(((iteration-lastiter) > learn_parm->svm_iter_to_shrink) 
+       || (inconsistent[i])) {
+      change++;
+    }
+  }
+  if((change>=minshrink) /* shrink only if sufficiently many candidates */
+     && (shrink_state->deactnum<shrink_state->maxhistory)) { /* and enough memory */
+    /* Shrink problem by removing those variables which are */
+    /* optimal at a bound for a minimum number of iterations */
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf(" Shrinking..."); fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    if(kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR) { /*  non-linear case save alphas */
+      a_old=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*totdoc);
+      shrink_state->a_history[shrink_state->deactnum]=a_old;
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+	a_old[i]=a[i];
+      }
+    }
+    for(ii=0;active2dnum[ii]>=0;ii++) {
+      i=active2dnum[ii];
+      if(learn_parm->sharedslack)
+	lastiter=last_suboptimal_at[docs[i]->slackid];
+      else
+	lastiter=last_suboptimal_at[i];
+      if(((iteration-lastiter) > learn_parm->svm_iter_to_shrink) 
+	 || (inconsistent[i])) {
+	shrink_state->active[i]=0;
+	shrink_state->inactive_since[i]=shrink_state->deactnum;
+      }
+    }
+    activenum=compute_index(shrink_state->active,totdoc,active2dnum);
+    shrink_state->deactnum++;
+    if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) { 
+      shrink_state->deactnum=0;
+    }
+    if(verbosity>=2) {
+      printf("done.\n"); fflush(stdout);
+      printf(" Number of inactive variables = %ld\n",totdoc-activenum);
+    }
+  }
+  return(activenum);
+void reactivate_inactive_examples(long int *label, 
+				  long int *unlabeled, 
+				  double *a, 
+				  SHRINK_STATE *shrink_state, 
+				  double *lin, 
+				  double *c, 
+				  long int totdoc, 
+				  long int totwords, 
+				  long int iteration, 
+				  LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, 
+				  long int *inconsistent, 
+				  DOC **docs, 
+				  KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+				  KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+				  MODEL *model, 
+				  CFLOAT *aicache, 
+				  double *weights, 
+				  double *maxdiff)
+     /* Make all variables active again which had been removed by
+        shrinking. */
+     /* Computes lin for those variables from scratch. */
+  register long i,j,ii,jj,t,*changed2dnum,*inactive2dnum;
+  long *changed,*inactive;
+  register double kernel_val,*a_old,dist;
+  double ex_c,target;
+  SVECTOR *f;
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) { /* special linear case */
+    a_old=shrink_state->last_a;    
+    clear_vector_n(weights,totwords);
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      if(a[i] != a_old[i]) {
+	for(f=docs[i]->fvec;f;f=f->next)  
+	  add_vector_ns(weights,f,
+			f->factor*((a[i]-a_old[i])*(double)label[i]));
+	a_old[i]=a[i];
+      }
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      if(!shrink_state->active[i]) {
+	for(f=docs[i]->fvec;f;f=f->next)  
+	  lin[i]=shrink_state->last_lin[i]+f->factor*sprod_ns(weights,f);
+      }
+      shrink_state->last_lin[i]=lin[i];
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    changed=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+    changed2dnum=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    inactive=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+    inactive2dnum=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    for(t=shrink_state->deactnum-1;(t>=0) && shrink_state->a_history[t];t--) {
+      if(verbosity>=2) {
+	printf("%ld..",t); fflush(stdout);
+      }
+      a_old=shrink_state->a_history[t];    
+      for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+	inactive[i]=((!shrink_state->active[i]) 
+		     && (shrink_state->inactive_since[i] == t));
+	changed[i]= (a[i] != a_old[i]);
+      }
+      compute_index(inactive,totdoc,inactive2dnum);
+      compute_index(changed,totdoc,changed2dnum);
+      for(ii=0;(i=changed2dnum[ii])>=0;ii++) {
+	get_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,i,totdoc,inactive2dnum,aicache,
+		       kernel_parm);
+	for(jj=0;(j=inactive2dnum[jj])>=0;jj++) {
+	  kernel_val=aicache[j];
+	  lin[j]+=(((a[i]*kernel_val)-(a_old[i]*kernel_val))*(double)label[i]);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    free(changed);
+    free(changed2dnum);
+    free(inactive);
+    free(inactive2dnum);
+  }
+  (*maxdiff)=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    shrink_state->inactive_since[i]=shrink_state->deactnum-1;
+    if(!inconsistent[i]) {
+      dist=(lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i];
+      target=-(learn_parm->eps-(double)label[i]*c[i]);
+      ex_c=learn_parm->svm_cost[i]-learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+      if((a[i]>learn_parm->epsilon_a) && (dist > target)) {
+	if((dist-target)>(*maxdiff))  /* largest violation */
+	  (*maxdiff)=dist-target;
+      }
+      else if((a[i]<ex_c) && (dist < target)) {
+	if((target-dist)>(*maxdiff))  /* largest violation */
+	  (*maxdiff)=target-dist;
+      }
+      if((a[i]>(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) 
+	 && (a[i]<ex_c)) { 
+	shrink_state->active[i]=1;                         /* not at bound */
+      }
+      else if((a[i]<=(0+learn_parm->epsilon_a)) && (dist < (target+learn_parm->epsilon_shrink))) {
+	shrink_state->active[i]=1;
+      }
+      else if((a[i]>=ex_c)
+	      && (dist > (target-learn_parm->epsilon_shrink))) {
+	shrink_state->active[i]=1;
+      }
+      else if(learn_parm->sharedslack) { /* make all active when sharedslack */
+	shrink_state->active[i]=1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(kernel_parm->kernel_type != LINEAR) { /* update history for non-linear */
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      (shrink_state->a_history[shrink_state->deactnum-1])[i]=a[i];
+    }
+    for(t=shrink_state->deactnum-2;(t>=0) && shrink_state->a_history[t];t--) {
+      free(shrink_state->a_history[t]);
+      shrink_state->a_history[t]=0;
+    }
+  }
+/****************************** Cache handling *******************************/
+void get_kernel_row(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, DOC **docs, 
+		    long int docnum, long int totdoc, 
+		    long int *active2dnum, CFLOAT *buffer, 
+		    KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+     /* Get's a row of the matrix of kernel values This matrix has the
+      same form as the Hessian, just that the elements are not
+      multiplied by */
+     /* y_i * y_j * a_i * a_j */
+     /* Takes the values from the cache if available. */
+  register long i,j,start;
+  DOC *ex;
+  ex=docs[docnum];
+  if(kernel_cache->index[docnum] != -1) { /* row is cached? */
+    kernel_cache->lru[kernel_cache->index[docnum]]=kernel_cache->time; /* lru */
+    start=kernel_cache->activenum*kernel_cache->index[docnum];
+    for(i=0;(j=active2dnum[i])>=0;i++) {
+      if(kernel_cache->totdoc2active[j] >= 0) { /* column is cached? */
+	buffer[j]=kernel_cache->buffer[start+kernel_cache->totdoc2active[j]];
+      }
+      else {
+	buffer[j]=(CFLOAT)kernel(kernel_parm,ex,docs[j]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    for(i=0;(j=active2dnum[i])>=0;i++) {
+      buffer[j]=(CFLOAT)kernel(kernel_parm,ex,docs[j]);
+    }
+  }
+void cache_kernel_row(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, DOC **docs, 
+		      long int m, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+     /* Fills cache for the row m */
+  register DOC *ex;
+  register long j,k,l;
+  register CFLOAT *cache;
+  if(!kernel_cache_check(kernel_cache,m)) {  /* not cached yet*/
+    cache = kernel_cache_clean_and_malloc(kernel_cache,m);
+    if(cache) {
+      l=kernel_cache->totdoc2active[m];
+      ex=docs[m];
+      for(j=0;j<kernel_cache->activenum;j++) {  /* fill cache */
+	k=kernel_cache->active2totdoc[j];
+	if((kernel_cache->index[k] != -1) && (l != -1) && (k != m)) {
+	  cache[j]=kernel_cache->buffer[kernel_cache->activenum
+				       *kernel_cache->index[k]+l];
+	}
+	else {
+	  cache[j]=kernel(kernel_parm,ex,docs[k]);
+	} 
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      perror("Error: Kernel cache full! => increase cache size");
+    }
+  }
+void cache_multiple_kernel_rows(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, DOC **docs, 
+				long int *key, long int varnum, 
+				KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+     /* Fills cache for the rows in key */
+  register long i;
+  for(i=0;i<varnum;i++) {  /* fill up kernel cache */
+    cache_kernel_row(kernel_cache,docs,key[i],kernel_parm);
+  }
+void kernel_cache_shrink(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, long int totdoc, 
+			 long int numshrink, long int *after)
+     /* Remove numshrink columns in the cache which correspond to
+        examples marked 0 in after. */
+  register long i,j,jj,from=0,to=0,scount;  
+  long *keep;
+  if(verbosity>=2) {
+    printf(" Reorganizing cache..."); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  keep=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  for(j=0;j<totdoc;j++) {
+    keep[j]=1;
+  }
+  scount=0;
+  for(jj=0;(jj<kernel_cache->activenum) && (scount<numshrink);jj++) {
+    j=kernel_cache->active2totdoc[jj];
+    if(!after[j]) {
+      scount++;
+      keep[j]=0;
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<kernel_cache->max_elems;i++) {
+    for(jj=0;jj<kernel_cache->activenum;jj++) {
+      j=kernel_cache->active2totdoc[jj];
+      if(!keep[j]) {
+	from++;
+      }
+      else {
+	kernel_cache->buffer[to]=kernel_cache->buffer[from];
+	to++;
+	from++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  kernel_cache->activenum=0;
+  for(j=0;j<totdoc;j++) {
+    if((keep[j]) && (kernel_cache->totdoc2active[j] != -1)) {
+      kernel_cache->active2totdoc[kernel_cache->activenum]=j;
+      kernel_cache->totdoc2active[j]=kernel_cache->activenum;
+      kernel_cache->activenum++;
+    }
+    else {
+      kernel_cache->totdoc2active[j]=-1;
+    }
+  }
+  kernel_cache->max_elems=(long)(kernel_cache->buffsize/kernel_cache->activenum);
+  if(kernel_cache->max_elems>totdoc) {
+    kernel_cache->max_elems=totdoc;
+  }
+  free(keep);
+  if(verbosity>=2) {
+    printf("done.\n"); fflush(stdout);
+    printf(" Cache-size in rows = %ld\n",kernel_cache->max_elems);
+  }
+KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache_init(long int totdoc, long int buffsize)
+  long i;
+  KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache;
+  kernel_cache=(KERNEL_CACHE *)my_malloc(sizeof(KERNEL_CACHE));
+  kernel_cache->index = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  kernel_cache->occu = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  kernel_cache->lru = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  kernel_cache->invindex = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  kernel_cache->active2totdoc = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  kernel_cache->totdoc2active = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*totdoc);
+  kernel_cache->buffer = (CFLOAT *)my_malloc((size_t)(buffsize)*1024*1024);
+  kernel_cache->buffsize=(long)(buffsize/sizeof(CFLOAT)*1024*1024);
+  kernel_cache->max_elems=(long)(kernel_cache->buffsize/totdoc);
+  if(kernel_cache->max_elems>totdoc) {
+    kernel_cache->max_elems=totdoc;
+  }
+  if(verbosity>=2) {
+    printf(" Cache-size in rows = %ld\n",kernel_cache->max_elems);
+    printf(" Kernel evals so far: %ld\n",kernel_cache_statistic);    
+  }
+  kernel_cache->elems=0;   /* initialize cache */
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    kernel_cache->index[i]=-1;
+    kernel_cache->lru[i]=0;
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    kernel_cache->occu[i]=0;
+    kernel_cache->invindex[i]=-1;
+  }
+  kernel_cache->activenum=totdoc;;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+      kernel_cache->active2totdoc[i]=i;
+      kernel_cache->totdoc2active[i]=i;
+  }
+  kernel_cache->time=0;  
+  return(kernel_cache);
+void kernel_cache_reset_lru(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache)
+  long maxlru=0,k;
+  for(k=0;k<kernel_cache->max_elems;k++) {
+    if(maxlru < kernel_cache->lru[k]) 
+      maxlru=kernel_cache->lru[k];
+  }
+  for(k=0;k<kernel_cache->max_elems;k++) {
+      kernel_cache->lru[k]-=maxlru;
+  }
+void kernel_cache_cleanup(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache)
+  free(kernel_cache->index);
+  free(kernel_cache->occu);
+  free(kernel_cache->lru);
+  free(kernel_cache->invindex);
+  free(kernel_cache->active2totdoc);
+  free(kernel_cache->totdoc2active);
+  free(kernel_cache->buffer);
+  free(kernel_cache);
+long kernel_cache_malloc(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache)
+  long i;
+  if(kernel_cache_space_available(kernel_cache)) {
+    for(i=0;i<kernel_cache->max_elems;i++) {
+      if(!kernel_cache->occu[i]) {
+	kernel_cache->occu[i]=1;
+	kernel_cache->elems++;
+	return(i);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(-1);
+void kernel_cache_free(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, long int i)
+  kernel_cache->occu[i]=0;
+  kernel_cache->elems--;
+long kernel_cache_free_lru(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache) 
+     /* remove least recently used cache element */
+  register long k,least_elem=-1,least_time;
+  least_time=kernel_cache->time+1;
+  for(k=0;k<kernel_cache->max_elems;k++) {
+    if(kernel_cache->invindex[k] != -1) {
+      if(kernel_cache->lru[k]<least_time) {
+	least_time=kernel_cache->lru[k];
+	least_elem=k;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(least_elem != -1) {
+    kernel_cache_free(kernel_cache,least_elem);
+    kernel_cache->index[kernel_cache->invindex[least_elem]]=-1;
+    kernel_cache->invindex[least_elem]=-1;
+    return(1);
+  }
+  return(0);
+CFLOAT *kernel_cache_clean_and_malloc(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, 
+				      long int docnum)
+     /* Get a free cache entry. In case cache is full, the lru element
+        is removed. */
+  long result;
+  if((result = kernel_cache_malloc(kernel_cache)) == -1) {
+    if(kernel_cache_free_lru(kernel_cache)) {
+      result = kernel_cache_malloc(kernel_cache);
+    }
+  }
+  kernel_cache->index[docnum]=result;
+  if(result == -1) {
+    return(0);
+  }
+  kernel_cache->invindex[result]=docnum;
+  kernel_cache->lru[kernel_cache->index[docnum]]=kernel_cache->time; /* lru */
+  return((CFLOAT *)((long)kernel_cache->buffer
+		    +(kernel_cache->activenum*sizeof(CFLOAT)*
+		      kernel_cache->index[docnum])));
+long kernel_cache_touch(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, long int docnum)
+     /* Update lru time to avoid removal from cache. */
+  if(kernel_cache && kernel_cache->index[docnum] != -1) {
+    kernel_cache->lru[kernel_cache->index[docnum]]=kernel_cache->time; /* lru */
+    return(1);
+  }
+  return(0);
+long kernel_cache_check(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache, long int docnum)
+     /* Is that row cached? */
+  return(kernel_cache->index[docnum] != -1);
+long kernel_cache_space_available(KERNEL_CACHE *kernel_cache)
+     /* Is there room for one more row? */
+  return(kernel_cache->elems < kernel_cache->max_elems);
+/************************** Compute estimates ******************************/
+void compute_xa_estimates(MODEL *model, long int *label, 
+			  long int *unlabeled, long int totdoc, 
+			  DOC **docs, double *lin, double *a, 
+			  KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+			  LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, double *error, 
+			  double *recall, double *precision) 
+     /* Computes xa-estimate of error rate, recall, and precision. See
+        T. Joachims, Estimating the Generalization Performance of an SVM
+        Efficiently, IMCL, 2000. */
+  long i,looerror,looposerror,loonegerror;
+  long totex,totposex;
+  double xi,r_delta,r_delta_sq,sim=0;
+  long *sv2dnum=NULL,*sv=NULL,svnum;
+  r_delta=estimate_r_delta(docs,totdoc,kernel_parm); 
+  r_delta_sq=r_delta*r_delta;
+  looerror=0;
+  looposerror=0;
+  loonegerror=0;
+  totex=0;
+  totposex=0;
+  svnum=0;
+  if(learn_parm->xa_depth > 0) {
+    sv = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) 
+      sv[i]=0;
+    for(i=1;i<model->sv_num;i++) 
+      if(a[model->supvec[i]->docnum] 
+	 < (learn_parm->svm_cost[model->supvec[i]->docnum]
+	    -learn_parm->epsilon_a)) {
+	sv[model->supvec[i]->docnum]=1;
+	svnum++;
+      }
+    sv2dnum = (long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(totdoc+11));
+    clear_index(sv2dnum);
+    compute_index(sv,totdoc,sv2dnum);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if(unlabeled[i]) {
+      /* ignore it */
+    }
+    else {
+      xi=1.0-((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i]);
+      if(xi<0) xi=0;
+      if(label[i]>0) {
+	totposex++;
+      }
+      if((learn_parm->rho*a[i]*r_delta_sq+xi) >= 1.0) {
+	if(learn_parm->xa_depth > 0) {  /* makes assumptions */
+	  sim=distribute_alpha_t_greedily(sv2dnum,svnum,docs,a,i,label,
+					  kernel_parm,learn_parm,
+		            (double)((1.0-xi-a[i]*r_delta_sq)/(2.0*a[i])));
+	}
+	if((learn_parm->xa_depth == 0) || 
+	   ((a[i]*kernel(kernel_parm,docs[i],docs[i])+a[i]*2.0*sim+xi) >= 1.0)) { 
+	  looerror++;
+	  if(label[i]>0) {
+	    looposerror++;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    loonegerror++;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      totex++;
+    }
+  }
+  (*error)=((double)looerror/(double)totex)*100.0;
+  (*recall)=(1.0-(double)looposerror/(double)totposex)*100.0;
+  (*precision)=(((double)totposex-(double)looposerror)
+    /((double)totposex-(double)looposerror+(double)loonegerror))*100.0;
+  free(sv);
+  free(sv2dnum);
+double distribute_alpha_t_greedily(long int *sv2dnum, long int svnum, 
+				   DOC **docs, double *a, 
+				   long int docnum, 
+				   long int *label, 
+				   KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm, 
+				   LEARN_PARM *learn_parm, double thresh)
+     /* Experimental Code improving plain XiAlpha Estimates by
+	computing a better bound using a greedy optimzation strategy. */
+  long best_depth=0;
+  long i,j,k,d,skip,allskip;
+  double best,best_val[101],val,init_val_sq,init_val_lin;
+  long best_ex[101];
+  CFLOAT *cache,*trow;
+  cache=(CFLOAT *)my_malloc(sizeof(CFLOAT)*learn_parm->xa_depth*svnum);
+  trow = (CFLOAT *)my_malloc(sizeof(CFLOAT)*svnum);
+  for(k=0;k<svnum;k++) {
+    trow[k]=kernel(kernel_parm,docs[docnum],docs[sv2dnum[k]]);
+  }
+  init_val_sq=0;
+  init_val_lin=0;
+  best=0;
+  for(d=0;d<learn_parm->xa_depth;d++) {
+    allskip=1;
+    if(d>=1) {
+      init_val_sq+=cache[best_ex[d-1]+svnum*(d-1)]; 
+      for(k=0;k<d-1;k++) {
+        init_val_sq+=2.0*cache[best_ex[k]+svnum*(d-1)]; 
+      }
+      init_val_lin+=trow[best_ex[d-1]]; 
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<svnum;i++) {
+      skip=0;
+      if(sv2dnum[i] == docnum) skip=1;
+      for(j=0;j<d;j++) {
+	if(i == best_ex[j]) skip=1;
+      }
+      if(!skip) {
+	val=init_val_sq;
+	if(kernel_parm->kernel_type == LINEAR) 
+	  val+=docs[sv2dnum[i]]->fvec->twonorm_sq;
+	else
+	  val+=kernel(kernel_parm,docs[sv2dnum[i]],docs[sv2dnum[i]]);
+	for(j=0;j<d;j++) {
+	  val+=2.0*cache[i+j*svnum];
+	}
+	val*=(1.0/(2.0*(d+1.0)*(d+1.0)));
+	val-=((init_val_lin+trow[i])/(d+1.0));
+	if(allskip || (val < best_val[d])) {
+	  best_val[d]=val;
+	  best_ex[d]=i;
+	}
+	allskip=0;
+	if(val < thresh) {
+	  i=svnum;
+	  /*	  printf("EARLY"); */
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if(!allskip) {
+      for(k=0;k<svnum;k++) {
+	  cache[d*svnum+k]=kernel(kernel_parm,
+				  docs[sv2dnum[best_ex[d]]],
+				  docs[sv2dnum[k]]);
+      }
+    }
+    if((!allskip) && ((best_val[d] < best) || (d == 0))) {
+      best=best_val[d];
+      best_depth=d;
+    }
+    if(allskip || (best < thresh)) {
+      d=learn_parm->xa_depth;
+    }
+  }    
+  free(cache);
+  free(trow);
+  /*  printf("Distribute[%ld](%ld)=%f, ",docnum,best_depth,best); */
+  return(best);
+void estimate_transduction_quality(MODEL *model, long int *label, 
+				   long int *unlabeled, 
+				   long int totdoc, DOC **docs, double *lin) 
+     /* Loo-bound based on observation that loo-errors must have an
+	equal distribution in both training and test examples, given
+	that the test examples are classified correctly. Compare
+	chapter "Constraints on the Transductive Hyperplane" in my
+	Dissertation. */
+  long i,j,l=0,ulab=0,lab=0,labpos=0,labneg=0,ulabpos=0,ulabneg=0,totulab=0;
+  double totlab=0,totlabpos=0,totlabneg=0,labsum=0,ulabsum=0;
+  double r_delta,r_delta_sq,xi,xisum=0,asum=0;
+  r_delta=estimate_r_delta(docs,totdoc,&(model->kernel_parm)); 
+  r_delta_sq=r_delta*r_delta;
+  for(j=0;j<totdoc;j++) {
+    if(unlabeled[j]) {
+      totulab++;
+    }
+    else {
+      totlab++;
+      if(label[j] > 0) 
+	totlabpos++;
+      else 
+	totlabneg++;
+    }
+  }
+  for(j=1;j<model->sv_num;j++) {
+    i=model->supvec[j]->docnum;
+    xi=1.0-((lin[i]-model->b)*(double)label[i]);
+    if(xi<0) xi=0;
+    xisum+=xi;
+    asum+=fabs(model->alpha[j]);
+    if(unlabeled[i]) {
+      ulabsum+=(fabs(model->alpha[j])*r_delta_sq+xi);
+    }
+    else {
+      labsum+=(fabs(model->alpha[j])*r_delta_sq+xi);
+    }
+    if((fabs(model->alpha[j])*r_delta_sq+xi) >= 1) { 
+      l++;
+      if(unlabeled[model->supvec[j]->docnum]) {
+	ulab++;
+	if(model->alpha[j] > 0) 
+	  ulabpos++;
+	else 
+	  ulabneg++;
+      }
+      else {
+	lab++;
+	if(model->alpha[j] > 0) 
+	  labpos++;
+	else 
+	  labneg++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  printf("xacrit>=1: labeledpos=%.5f labeledneg=%.5f default=%.5f\n",(double)labpos/(double)totlab*100.0,(double)labneg/(double)totlab*100.0,(double)totlabpos/(double)(totlab)*100.0);
+  printf("xacrit>=1: unlabelpos=%.5f unlabelneg=%.5f\n",(double)ulabpos/(double)totulab*100.0,(double)ulabneg/(double)totulab*100.0);
+  printf("xacrit>=1: labeled=%.5f unlabled=%.5f all=%.5f\n",(double)lab/(double)totlab*100.0,(double)ulab/(double)totulab*100.0,(double)l/(double)(totdoc)*100.0);
+  printf("xacritsum: labeled=%.5f unlabled=%.5f all=%.5f\n",(double)labsum/(double)totlab*100.0,(double)ulabsum/(double)totulab*100.0,(double)(labsum+ulabsum)/(double)(totdoc)*100.0);
+  printf("r_delta_sq=%.5f xisum=%.5f asum=%.5f\n",r_delta_sq,xisum,asum);
+double estimate_margin_vcdim(MODEL *model, double w, double R, 
+			     KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm) 
+     /* optional: length of model vector in feature space */
+     /* optional: radius of ball containing the data */
+  double h;
+  /* follows chapter 5.6.4 in [Vapnik/95] */
+  if(w<0) {
+    w=model_length_s(model,kernel_parm);
+  }
+  if(R<0) {
+    R=estimate_sphere(model,kernel_parm); 
+  }
+  h = w*w * R*R +1; 
+  return(h);
+double estimate_sphere(MODEL *model, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm) 
+                          /* Approximates the radius of the ball containing */
+                          /* the support vectors by bounding it with the */
+{                         /* length of the longest support vector. This is */
+  register long j;        /* pretty good for text categorization, since all */
+  double xlen,maxxlen=0;  /* documents have feature vectors of length 1. It */
+  DOC *nulldoc;           /* assumes that the center of the ball is at the */
+  WORD nullword;          /* origin of the space. */
+  nullword.wnum=0;
+  nulldoc=create_example(-2,0,0,0.0,create_svector(&nullword,"",1.0)); 
+  for(j=1;j<model->sv_num;j++) {
+    xlen=sqrt(kernel(kernel_parm,model->supvec[j],model->supvec[j])
+	      -2*kernel(kernel_parm,model->supvec[j],nulldoc)
+	      +kernel(kernel_parm,nulldoc,nulldoc));
+    if(xlen>maxxlen) {
+      maxxlen=xlen;
+    }
+  }
+  free_example(nulldoc,1);
+  return(maxxlen);
+double estimate_r_delta(DOC **docs, long int totdoc, KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+  long i;
+  double maxxlen,xlen;
+  DOC *nulldoc;           /* assumes that the center of the ball is at the */
+  WORD nullword;          /* origin of the space. */
+  nullword.wnum=0;
+  nulldoc=create_example(-2,0,0,0.0,create_svector(&nullword,"",1.0)); 
+  maxxlen=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    xlen=sqrt(kernel(kernel_parm,docs[i],docs[i])
+	      -2*kernel(kernel_parm,docs[i],nulldoc)
+	      +kernel(kernel_parm,nulldoc,nulldoc));
+    if(xlen>maxxlen) {
+      maxxlen=xlen;
+    }
+  }
+  free_example(nulldoc,1);
+  return(maxxlen);
+double estimate_r_delta_average(DOC **docs, long int totdoc, 
+				KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+  long i;
+  double avgxlen;
+  DOC *nulldoc;           /* assumes that the center of the ball is at the */
+  WORD nullword;          /* origin of the space. */
+  nullword.wnum=0;
+  nulldoc=create_example(-2,0,0,0.0,create_svector(&nullword,"",1.0)); 
+  avgxlen=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    avgxlen+=sqrt(kernel(kernel_parm,docs[i],docs[i])
+		  -2*kernel(kernel_parm,docs[i],nulldoc)
+		  +kernel(kernel_parm,nulldoc,nulldoc));
+  }
+  free_example(nulldoc,1);
+  return(avgxlen/totdoc);
+double length_of_longest_document_vector(DOC **docs, long int totdoc, 
+					 KERNEL_PARM *kernel_parm)
+  long i;
+  double maxxlen,xlen;
+  maxxlen=0;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    xlen=sqrt(kernel(kernel_parm,docs[i],docs[i]));
+    if(xlen>maxxlen) {
+      maxxlen=xlen;
+    }
+  }
+  return(maxxlen);
+/****************************** IO-handling **********************************/
+void write_prediction(char *predfile, MODEL *model, double *lin, 
+		      double *a, long int *unlabeled, 
+		      long int *label, long int totdoc, 
+		      LEARN_PARM *learn_parm)
+  FILE *predfl;
+  long i;
+  double dist,a_max;
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    printf("Writing prediction file..."); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  if ((predfl = fopen (predfile, "w")) == NULL)
+  { perror (predfile); exit (1); }
+  a_max=learn_parm->epsilon_a;
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if((unlabeled[i]) && (a[i]>a_max)) {
+      a_max=a[i];
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    if(unlabeled[i]) {
+      if((a[i]>(learn_parm->epsilon_a))) {
+	dist=(double)label[i]*(1.0-learn_parm->epsilon_crit-a[i]/(a_max*2.0));
+      }
+      else {
+	dist=(lin[i]-model->b);
+      }
+      if(dist>0) {
+	fprintf(predfl,"%.8g:+1 %.8g:-1\n",dist,-dist);
+      }
+      else {
+	fprintf(predfl,"%.8g:-1 %.8g:+1\n",-dist,dist);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(predfl);
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    printf("done\n");
+  }
+void write_alphas(char *alphafile, double *a, 
+		  long int *label, long int totdoc)
+  FILE *alphafl;
+  long i;
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    printf("Writing alpha file..."); fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  if ((alphafl = fopen (alphafile, "w")) == NULL)
+  { perror (alphafile); exit (1); }
+  for(i=0;i<totdoc;i++) {
+    fprintf(alphafl,"%.18g\n",a[i]*(double)label[i]);
+  }
+  fclose(alphafl);
+  if(verbosity>=1) {
+    printf("done\n");
+  }