diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/@mirspectrum/mirspectrum.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/@mirspectrum/mirspectrum.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+function varargout = mirspectrum(orig,varargin)
+%   s = mirspectrum(x) computes the spectrum of the audio signal x, showing
+%       the distribution of the energy along the frequencies.
+%       (x can be the name of an audio file as well.)
+%   Optional argument:
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Frame',l,h) computes spectrogram, using frames of
+%           length l seconds and a hop rate h.
+%           Default values: l = .05 s, h = .5.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Min',mi) indicates the lowest frequency taken into
+%           consideration, expressed in Hz.
+%           Default value: 0 Hz.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Max',ma) indicates the highest frequency taken into
+%           consideration, expressed in Hz.
+%           Default value: the maximal possible frequency, corresponding to
+%           the sampling rate of x divided by 2.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Window',w): windowing method:
+%           either w = 0 (no windowing) or any windowing function proposed
+%               in the Signal Processing Toolbox (help window).
+%           default value: w = 'hamming'
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Cents'): decomposes the energy in cents.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Collapsed'): collapses the spectrum into one
+%           octave divided into 1200 cents.
+%       Redistribution of the frequencies into bands:
+%           mirspectrum(...,'Mel'): Mel bands.
+%               (Requires the Auditory Toolbox.)
+%           mirspectrum(...,'Bark'): Bark bands.
+%               (Code based on Pampalk's MA toolbox).
+%           If the audio signal was frame decomposed, the output s is a
+%               band-decomposed spectrogram. It is then possible to compute
+%               the spectrum of the temporal signal in each band,
+%               using the following syntax:
+%                   mirspectrum(s,'AlongBands')
+%               This corresponds to fluctuation (cf. mirfluctuation).
+%           mirspectrum(...,'Mask'): Models masking phenomena in each band.
+%               (Code based on Pampalk's MA toolbox).
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Normal'): normalizes with respect to energy.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'NormalInput'): input signal is normalized from 0 to 1.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Power'): squares the energy.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'dB'): represents the spectrum energy in decibel scale.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'dB',th): keeps only the highest energy over a
+%           range of th dB.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Terhardt'): modulates the energy following
+%           (Terhardt, 1979) outer ear model. (Code based on Pampalk's MA
+%           toolbox).
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Resonance',r): multiplies the spectrum with a 
+%           resonance curve. Possible value for r:
+%               'ToiviainenSnyder': highlights best perceived meter 
+%                       (Toiviainen & Snyder 2003)
+%                   (default value for spectrum of envelopes)
+%               'Fluctuation': fluctuation strength (Fastl 1982)
+%                   (default value for spectrum of band channels)
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Prod',m): Enhances components that have harmonics
+%           located at multiples of range(s) m of the signal's fundamental 
+%           frequency. Computed by compressing the signal by the list of
+%           factors m, and by multiplying all the results with the original 
+%           signa (Alonso et al, 2003).
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Sum',s): Similar option using summation instead of
+%           product.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'MinRes',mr): Indicates a minimal accepted
+%           frequency resolution, in Hz. The audio signal is zero-padded in
+%           order to reach the desired resolution.
+%           If the 'Mel' option is toggled on, 'MinRes' is set by default
+%               to 66 Hz.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'MinRes',mr,'OctaveRatio',tol): Indicates the
+%           minimal accepted resolution in terms of number of divisions of 
+%           the octave. Low  frequencies are ignored in order to reach the
+%           desired resolution.
+%               The corresponding required frequency resolution is equal to
+%               the difference between the first frequency bins, multiplied
+%               by the constraining multiplicative factor tol (set by
+%               default to .75).
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Res',r): Indicates the required precise frequency
+%           resolution, in Hz. The audio signal is zero-padded in order to
+%           reach the desired resolution.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Length',l): Specifies the length of the FFT,
+%           overriding the FFT length initially planned.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'ZeroPad',s): Zero-padding of s samples.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'WarningRes',s): Indicates a required frequency
+%           resolution, in Hz, for the input signal. If the resolution does
+%           not reach that prerequisite, a warning is displayed.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'ConstantQ',nb): Carries out a Constant Q Transform
+%           instead of a FFT, with a number of bins per octave fixed to nb.
+%           Default value for nb: 12 bins per octave.
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Smooth',o): smooths the envelope using a movering
+%           average of order o.
+%           Default value when the option is toggled on: o=10
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Gauss',o): smooths the envelope using a gaussian
+%           of standard deviation o samples.
+%           Default value when the option is toggled on: o=10
+%       mirspectrum(...,'Phase',0): do not compute the FFT phase.
+        win.key = 'Window';
+        win.type = 'String';
+        win.default = 'hamming';
+    option.win = win;
+        min.key = 'Min';
+        min.type = 'Integer';
+        min.default = 0;
+    option.min = min;
+        max.key = 'Max';
+        max.type = 'Integer';
+        max.default = Inf;
+    option.max = max;
+        mr.key = 'MinRes';
+        mr.type = 'Integer';
+        mr.default = 0;
+    option.mr = mr;
+        res.key = 'Res';
+        res.type = 'Integer';
+        res.default = NaN;
+    option.res = res;
+        length.key = 'Length';
+        length.type = 'Integer';
+        length.default = NaN;
+    option.length = length;
+        zp.key = 'ZeroPad';
+        zp.type = 'Integer';
+        zp.default = 0;
+        zp.keydefault = Inf;
+    option.zp = zp;
+        wr.key = 'WarningRes';
+        wr.type = 'Integer';
+        wr.default = 0;
+    option.wr = wr;
+        octave.key = 'OctaveRatio';
+        octave.type = 'Boolean';
+        octave.default = 0;
+    option.octave = octave;
+        constq.key = 'ConstantQ';
+        constq.type = 'Integer';
+        constq.default = 0;
+        constq.keydefault = 12;
+    option.constq = constq;
+        alongbands.key = 'AlongBands';
+        alongbands.type = 'Boolean';
+        alongbands.default = 0;
+    option.alongbands = alongbands;
+        ni.key = 'NormalInput';
+        ni.type = 'Boolean';
+        ni.default = 0;
+    option.ni = ni;
+        norm.key = 'Normal';
+        norm.type = 'Integer';
+        norm.default = 0;
+        norm.keydefault = 1;
+        norm.when = 'After';
+    option.norm = norm;
+        band.type = 'String';
+        band.choice = {'Freq','Mel','Bark','Cents'};
+        band.default = 'Freq';
+        band.when = 'Both';
+    option.band = band;
+        nbbands.key = 'Bands';
+        nbbands.type = 'Integer';
+        nbbands.default = 0;
+        nbbands.when = 'After';
+    option.nbbands = nbbands;
+        mprod.key = 'Prod';
+        mprod.type = 'Integers';
+        mprod.default = [];
+        mprod.keydefault = 2:6;
+        mprod.when = 'After';
+    option.mprod = mprod;
+        msum.key = 'Sum';
+        msum.type = 'Integers';
+        msum.default = [];
+        msum.keydefault = 2:6;
+        msum.when = 'After';
+    option.msum = msum;
+        reso.key = 'Resonance';
+        reso.type = 'String';
+        reso.choice = {'ToiviainenSnyder','Fluctuation','Meter',0,'no','off'};
+        reso.default = 0;
+        reso.when = 'After';
+    option.reso = reso;
+        log.key = 'log';
+        log.type = 'Boolean';
+        log.default = 0;
+        log.when = 'After';
+    option.log = log;
+        db.key = 'dB';
+        db.type = 'Integer';
+        db.default = 0;
+        db.keydefault = Inf;
+        db.when = 'After';
+    option.db = db;
+        pow.key = 'Power';
+        pow.type = 'Boolean';
+        pow.default = 0;
+        pow.when = 'After';
+    option.pow = pow;
+        terhardt.key = 'Terhardt';
+        terhardt.type = 'Boolean';
+        terhardt.default = 0;
+        terhardt.when = 'After';
+    option.terhardt = terhardt;
+        mask.key = 'Mask';
+        mask.type = 'Boolean';
+        mask.default = 0;
+        mask.when = 'After';
+    option.mask = mask;
+    %    e.key = 'Enhanced';
+    %    e.type = 'Integer';
+    %    e.default = [];
+    %    e.keydefault = 2:10;
+    %    e.when = 'After';
+    %option.e = e;
+        collapsed.key = 'Collapsed';
+        collapsed.type = 'Boolean';
+        collapsed.default = 0;
+        collapsed.when = 'Both';
+    option.collapsed = collapsed;
+        aver.key = 'Smooth';
+        aver.type = 'Integer';
+        aver.default = 0;
+        aver.keydefault = 10;
+        aver.when = 'After';
+    option.aver = aver;
+        gauss.key = 'Gauss';
+        gauss.type = 'Integer';
+        gauss.default = 0;
+        gauss.keydefault = 10;
+        gauss.when = 'After';
+    option.gauss = gauss;
+        rapid.key = 'Rapid';
+        rapid.type = 'Boolean';
+        rapid.default = 0;
+    option.rapid = rapid;
+        phase.key = 'Phase';
+        phase.type = 'Boolean';
+        phase.default = 1;
+    option.phase = phase;
+specif.option = option;
+specif.defaultframelength = 0.05;
+specif.defaultframehop = 0.5;
+specif.eachchunk = @eachchunk;
+specif.combinechunk = @combinechunk;
+if isamir(orig,'mirscalar') || isamir(orig,'mirenvelope')
+    specif.nochunk = 1;
+varargout = mirfunction(@mirspectrum,orig,varargin,nargout,specif,@init,@main);
+function [x type] = init(x,option)
+type = 'mirspectrum';
+function s = main(orig,option,postoption)
+if isstruct(option)
+    if option.collapsed
+        option.band = 'Cents';
+    end
+    if isnan(option.res) && strcmpi(option.band,'Cents') && option.min
+        option.res = option.min *(2^(1/1200)-1)*.9;
+    end    
+if not(isempty(postoption))
+    if not(strcmpi(postoption.band,'Freq') && isempty(postoption.msum) ...
+            || isempty(postoption.mprod)) || postoption.log || postoption.db ...
+            || postoption.pow || postoption.mask || postoption.collapsed ...
+            || postoption.aver || postoption.gauss
+        option.phase = 0;
+    end
+if iscell(orig)
+    orig = orig{1};
+if isa(orig,'mirspectrum') && ...
+        not(isfield(option,'alongbands') && option.alongbands)
+    s = orig;
+    if isfield(option,'min') && ...
+            (option.min || iscell(option.max) || option.max < Inf)
+        magn = get(s,'Magnitude');
+        freq = get(s,'Frequency');
+        for k = 1:length(magn)
+            m = magn{k};
+            f = freq{k};
+            if iscell(option.max)
+                mi = option.min{k};
+                ma = option.max{k};
+            else
+                mi = option.min;
+                ma = option.max;
+            end
+            if not(iscell(m))
+                m = {m};
+                f = {f};
+            end
+            for l = 1:length(m)
+                range = find(and(f{l}(:,1) >= mi,f{l}(:,1) <= ma));
+                m{l} = m{l}(range,:,:);
+                f{l} = f{l}(range,:,:);
+            end
+            magn{k} = m;
+            freq{k} = f;
+        end
+        s = set(s,'Magnitude',magn,'Frequency',freq);
+    end
+    if not(isempty(postoption)) && not(isequal(postoption,0))
+        s = post(s,postoption);
+    end
+elseif ischar(orig)
+    s = mirspectrum(miraudio(orig),option,postoption);
+    if nargin == 0
+        orig = [];
+    end
+    s.phase = [];
+    s.log = 0;
+    s.xscale = 'Freq';
+    s.pow = 1;
+    s = class(s,'mirspectrum',mirdata(orig));
+    s = purgedata(s);
+    s = set(s,'Title','Spectrum','Abs','frequency (Hz)','Ord','magnitude');
+    %disp('Computing spectrum...')
+    sig = get(orig,'Data');
+    t = get(orig,'Pos');
+    if isempty(t)
+        t = get(orig,'FramePos');
+        for k = 1:length(sig)
+            for l = 1:length(sig{k})
+                sig{k}{l} = sig{k}{l}';
+                t{k}{l} = t{k}{l}(1,:,:)';
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    fs = get(orig,'Sampling');
+    fp = get(orig,'FramePos');
+    m = cell(1,length(sig));
+    p = cell(1,length(sig));
+    f = cell(1,length(sig));
+    for i = 1:length(sig)
+        d = sig{i};
+        fpi = fp{i};
+        if not(iscell(d))
+            d = {d};
+        end
+        if option.alongbands
+            fsi = 1 / (fpi{1}(1,2) - fpi{1}(1,1));
+        else
+            fsi = fs{i};
+        end
+        mi = cell(1,length(d));
+        phi = cell(1,length(d));
+        fi = cell(1,length(d));
+        for J = 1:length(d)
+            dj = d{J};
+            if option.ni
+                mxdj = repmat(max(dj),[size(dj,1),1,1]);
+                mndj = repmat(min(dj),[size(dj,1),1,1]);
+                dj = (dj-mndj)./(mxdj-mndj);
+            end
+            if option.alongbands
+                if size(dj,1)>1
+                    error('ERROR IN MIRSPECTRUM: ''AlongBands'' is restricted to spectrum decomposed into bands, such as ''Mel'' and ''Bark''.') 
+                end
+                dj = reshape(dj,[size(dj,2),1,size(dj,3)]);
+                fp{i}{J} = fp{i}{J}([1;end]);
+            end
+            if option.constq
+                % Constant Q Transform
+                r = 2^(1/option.constq);
+                Q = 1 / (r - 1);
+                f_max = min(fsi/2,option.max);
+                f_min = option.min;
+                if not(f_min)
+                    f_min = 16.3516;
+                end
+                B = floor(log(f_max/f_min) / log(r)); % number of bins
+                N0 = round(Q*fsi/f_min); % maximum Nkcq
+                j2piQn = -j*2*pi*Q*(0:N0-1)';
+                fj = f_min * r.^(0:B-1)';
+                transf = NaN(B,size(dj,2),size(dj,3));
+                for kcq = 1:B
+                    Nkcq = round(Q*fsi/fj(kcq));
+                    win = mirwindow(dj,option.win,Nkcq);
+                    exq = repmat(exp(j2piQn(1:Nkcq)/Nkcq),...
+                                 [1,size(win,2),size(win,3)]);
+                    transf(kcq,:) = sum(win.* exq) / Nkcq;
+                end
+            else
+                % FFT
+                dj = mirwindow(dj,option.win);
+                if option.zp
+                    if option.zp < Inf
+                        dj = [dj;zeros(option.zp,size(dj,2),size(dj,3))];
+                    else
+                        dj = [dj;zeros(size(dj))];
+                    end
+                end
+                if isstruct(postoption)
+                    if strcmpi(postoption.band,'Mel') && ...
+                            (not(option.mr) || option.mr > 66)
+                        option.mr = 66;
+                    end
+                else
+                    %warning('WARNING in MIRSPECTRUM (for debugging purposes): By default, minimum resolution specified.')
+                    if not(option.mr)
+                        option.mr = 66;
+                    end
+                end
+                if option.octave
+                    N = size(dj,1);
+                    res = (2.^(1/option.mr)-1)*option.octave;
+                        % Minimal freq ratio between 2 first bins.
+                        % freq resolution should be > option.min * res
+                    Nrec = fsi/(option.min*res);
+                        % Recommended minimal sample length.
+                    if Nrec > N
+                            % If actual sample length is too small.
+                        option.min = fsi/N / res;
+                        warning('WARNING IN MIRSPECTRUM: The input signal is too short to obtain the desired octave resolution. Lowest frequencies will be ignored.');
+                        display(['(The recommended minimal input signal length would be ' num2str(Nrec/fsi) ' s.)']);
+                        display(['New low frequency range: ' num2str(option.min) ' Hz.']);
+                    end
+                    N = 2^nextpow2(N);
+                elseif isnan(option.length)
+                    if isnan(option.res)
+                        N = size(dj,1);
+                        if option.mr && N < fsi/option.mr
+                            if option.wr && N < fsi/option.wr
+                                warning('WARNING IN MIRSPECTRUM: The input signal is too short to obtain the desired frequency resolution. Performed zero-padding will not guarantee the quality of the results.'); 
+                            end                
+                            N = max(N,fsi/option.mr);
+                        end
+                        N = 2^nextpow2(N);
+                    else
+                        N = ceil(fsi/option.res);
+                    end
+                else
+                    N = option.length;
+                end
+                % Here is the spectrum computation itself
+                transf = fft(dj,N);
+                len = ceil(size(transf,1)/2);
+                fj = fsi/2 * linspace(0,1,len)';
+                if option.max
+                    maxf = find(fj>=option.max,1);
+                    if isempty(maxf)
+                        maxf = len;
+                    end
+                else
+                    maxf = len;
+                end
+                if option.min
+                    minf = find(fj>=option.min,1);
+                    if isempty(minf)
+                        maxf = len;
+                    end
+                else
+                    minf = 1;
+                end
+                transf = transf(minf:maxf,:,:);
+                fj = fj(minf:maxf);
+            end
+            mi{J} = abs(transf);
+            if option.phase
+                phi{J} = angle(transf);
+            end
+            fi{J} = repmat(fj,[1,size(transf,2),size(transf,3)]);
+        end
+        if iscell(sig{i})
+            m{i} = mi;
+            p{i} = phi;
+            f{i} = fi;
+        else
+            m{i} = mi{1};
+            p{i} = phi{1};
+            f{i} = fi{1};
+        end
+    end
+    s = set(s,'Frequency',f,'Magnitude',m,'Phase',p,'FramePos',fp);
+    if not(isempty(postoption)) && isstruct(postoption)
+        s = post(s,postoption);
+    end
+function s = post(s,option)
+if option.collapsed
+    option.band = 'Cents';
+m = get(s,'Magnitude');
+f = get(s,'Frequency');
+for k = 1:length(m)
+    if not(iscell(m{k}))
+        m{k} = {m{k}};
+        f{k} = {f{k}};
+    end
+if get(s,'Power') == 1 && ...
+        (option.pow || any(option.mprod) || any(option.msum)) 
+    for h = 1:length(m)
+        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+            m{h}{l} = m{h}{l}.^2;
+        end
+    end
+    s = set(s,'Power',2,'Title',['Power ',get(s,'Title')]);
+if any(option.mprod)
+    for h = 1:length(m)
+        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+            z0 = m{h}{l};
+            z1 = z0;
+            for k = 1:length(option.mprod)
+                mpr = option.mprod(k);
+                if mpr
+                    zi = ones(size(z0));
+                    zi(1:floor(end/mpr),:,:) = z0(mpr:mpr:end,:,:);
+                    z1 = z1.*zi;
+                end
+            end
+            m{h}{l} = z1;
+        end
+    end
+    s = set(s,'Title','Spectral product');
+if any(option.msum)
+    for h = 1:length(m)
+        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+            z0 = m{h}{l};
+            z1 = z0;
+            for k = 1:length(option.msum)
+                mpr = option.msum(k);
+                if mpr
+                    zi = ones(size(z0));
+                    zi(1:floor(end/mpr),:,:) = z0(mpr:mpr:end,:,:);
+                    z1 = z1+zi;
+                end
+            end
+            m{h}{l} = z1;
+        end
+    end
+    s = set(s,'Title','Spectral sum');
+%for i = option.e  % Enhancing procedure %%%% TO CHECK, t IS NOT DEFINED!
+%    for h = 1:length(m)
+%        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+%            c = m{h}{l};
+%            % option.e is the list of scaling factors
+%            % i is the scaling factor
+%            if i
+%                ic = zeros(size(c));
+%                for g = 1:size(c,2)
+%                    for h2 = 1:size(c,3)
+%                        beg = find(t(:,g,h2)/i >= t(1,g,h2))
+%                        if not(isempty(beg))
+%                            ic(:,g,h2) = interp1(t(:,g,h2),c(:,g,h2),t(:,g,h2)/i); %,'cubic'); 
+                                % The scaled autocorrelation
+%                            ic(1:beg(1)-1,g,h2) = 0;
+%                        end
+%                    end
+%                end
+%                ic(find(isnan(ic))) = Inf;    % All the NaN values are changed into 0 in the resulting curve
+%                ic = max(ic,0);
+%                c = c - ic;       % The scaled autocorrelation is substracted to the initial one
+%                c = max(c,0);               % Half-wave rectification
+                %figure
+                %plot(c)
+%            end
+%        end
+%    end
+if option.norm
+    for k = 1:length(m)
+        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+            mkl = m{k}{l};
+            nkl = zeros(1,size(mkl,2),size(mkl,3));
+            for kk = 1:size(mkl,2)
+                for ll = 1:size(mkl,3)
+                    nkl(1,kk,l) = norm(mkl(:,kk,ll));
+                end
+            end
+            m{k}{l} = mkl./repmat(nkl,[size(m{k}{k},1),1,1]);
+        end
+    end
+if option.terhardt && not(isempty(find(f{1}{1}))) % This excludes the case where spectrum already along bands
+    % Code taken from Pampalk's MA Toolbox
+    for h = 1:length(m)
+        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+            W_Adb = zeros(size(f{k}{l}));
+            W_Adb(2:size(f{k}{l},1),:,:) = ...
+                + 10.^((-3.64*(f{k}{l}(2:end,:,:)/1000).^-0.8 ...
+                + 6.5 * exp(-0.6 * (f{k}{l}(2:end,:,:)/1000 - 3.3).^2) ...
+                - 0.001*(f{k}{l}(2:end,:,:)/1000).^4)/20);
+            W_Adb = W_Adb.^2;
+            m{h}{l} = m{h}{l}.*W_Adb;
+        end
+    end
+if option.reso
+    if not(ischar(option.reso))
+        if strcmp(get(orig,'XScale'),'Mel')
+            option.reso = 'Fluctuation';
+        else
+            option.reso = 'ToiviainenSnyder';
+        end
+    end
+    %if strcmpi(option.reso,'ToiviainenSnyder') || ...
+    %   strcmpi(option.reso,'Meter') || ...
+    %   strcmpi(option.reso,'Fluctuation')
+    for k = 1:length(m)
+        for l = 1:length(m{k})
+            if strcmpi(option.reso,'ToiviainenSnyder') || strcmpi(option.reso,'Meter')
+                w = max(0,...
+                    1 - 0.25*(log2(max(1./max(f{k}{l},1e-12),1e-12)/0.5)).^2);
+            elseif strcmpi(option.reso,'Fluctuation')
+                w1 = f{k}{l} / 4; % ascending part of the fluctuation curve;
+                w2 = 1 - 0.3 * (f{k}{l} - 4)/6; % descending part;
+                w = min(w1,w2);
+            end
+            if max(w) == 0
+                warning('The resonance curve, not defined for this range of delays, will not be applied.')
+            else
+                m{k}{l} = m{k}{l}.* w;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+if strcmp(s.xscale,'Freq')
+    if strcmpi(option.band,'Mel') 
+        % The following is largely based on the source code from Auditory Toolbox 
+        % (A part that I could not call directly from MIRtoolbox)
+        % (Malcolm Slaney, August 1993, (c) 1998 Interval Research Corporation)
+        try
+            MakeERBFilters(1,1,1); % Just to be sure that the Auditory Toolbox is installed
+        catch
+            error('ERROR IN MIRFILTERBANK: Auditory Toolbox needs to be installed.');
+        end  
+        %disp('Computing Mel-frequency spectral representation...')
+        lowestFrequency = 133.3333;
+        if not(option.nbbands)
+            option.nbbands = 40;
+        end
+        linearFilters = min(13,option.nbbands);
+        linearSpacing = 66.66666666;
+        logFilters = option.nbbands - linearFilters;
+        logSpacing = 1.0711703;
+        totalFilters = option.nbbands;
+        % Figure the band edges.  Interesting frequencies are spaced
+        % by linearSpacing for a while, then go logarithmic.  First figure
+        % all the interesting frequencies.  Lower, center, and upper band
+        % edges are all consequtive interesting frequencies. 
+        freqs = lowestFrequency + (0:linearFilters-1)*linearSpacing;
+        freqs(linearFilters+1:totalFilters+2) = ...
+                      freqs(linearFilters) * logSpacing.^(1:logFilters+2);
+        lower = freqs(1:totalFilters);
+        center = freqs(2:totalFilters+1);
+        upper = freqs(3:totalFilters+2);
+        % Figure out the height of the triangle so that each filter has 
+        % unit weight, assuming a triangular weighting function.
+        triangleHeight = 2./(upper-lower);
+        e = cell(1,length(m));
+        nch = cell(1,length(m));
+        for h = 1:length(m)
+            e{h} = cell(1,length(m{h}));
+            for i = 1:length(m{h})
+                mi = m{h}{i};
+                fi = f{h}{i}(:,1,1);
+                fftSize = size(fi,1);
+                % We now want to combine FFT bins and figure out 
+                % each frequencies contribution
+                mfccFilterWeights = zeros(totalFilters,fftSize);
+                for chan=1:totalFilters
+                     mfccFilterWeights(chan,:) = triangleHeight(chan).*...
+                        ((fi > lower(chan) & fi <= center(chan)).* ...
+                         (fi-lower(chan))/(center(chan)-lower(chan)) + ...
+                         (fi > center(chan) & fi < upper(chan)).* ...
+                         (upper(chan)-fi)/(upper(chan)-center(chan)));
+                end
+                if find(diff(not(sum(mfccFilterWeights,2)))==-1)
+                    % If one channel has no weight whereas the higher one
+                    % has a positive weight.
+                    warning('WARNING in MIRSPECTRUM: The frequency resolution of the spectrum is too low for the Mel transformation. Some Mel components are undefined.')
+                    display('Recommended frequency resolution: at least 66 Hz.')
+                end
+                e{h}{i} = zeros(1,size(mi,2),totalFilters);
+                for J = 1:size(mi,2)
+                    if max(mi(:,J)) > 0
+                        fftData = zeros(fftSize,1); % Zero-padding ?
+                        fftData(1:size(mi,1)) = mi(:,J);
+                        p = mfccFilterWeights * fftData + 1e-16;
+                        e{h}{i}(1,J,:) = reshape(p,[1,1,length(p)]);
+                    end
+                end
+                f{h}{i} = zeros(1,size(mi,2),totalFilters);
+            end
+            nch{h} = (1:totalFilters)';
+        end
+        m = e;
+        s = set(s,'XScale','Mel','Title','Mel-Spectrum','Abs','Mel bands','Channels',nch);
+    elseif strcmpi(option.band,'Bark')
+        sr = get(s,'Sampling');
+        % Code taken from Pampalk's MA Toolbox.
+        %% zwicker & fastl: psychoacoustics 1999, page 159
+        bark_upper = [10 20 30 40 51 63 77 92 108 127 148 172 200 232 270 315 370 440 530 640 770 950 1200 1550]*10; %% Hz
+        e = cell(1,length(m));
+        nch = cell(1,length(m));
+        for h = 1:length(m)
+            %% ignore critical bands outside of sampling rate range
+            cb = min(min([find(bark_upper>sr{h}/2),length(bark_upper)]),length(bark_upper));
+            e{h} = cell(1,length(m{h}));
+            for i = 1:length(m{h})
+                mi = sum(m{h}{i},3);
+                e{h}{i} = zeros(1,size(mi,2),cb);
+                k = 1;
+                for J=1:cb, %% group into bark bands
+                    idx = find(f{h}{i}(k:end,1,1)<=bark_upper(J));
+                    idx = idx + k-1;
+                    e{h}{i}(1,:,J) = sum(mi(idx,:,:),1);
+                    k = max(idx)+1;
+                end
+                f{h}{i} = zeros(1,size(mi,2),cb);
+            end
+            nch{h} = (1:length(bark_upper))';
+           end
+        m = e;
+        s = set(s,'XScale','Bark','Title','Bark-Spectrum','Abs','Bark bands','Channels',nch);
+    elseif strcmpi(option.band,'Cents') || option.collapsed
+        for h = 1:length(m)
+            for i = 1:length(m{h})
+                mi = m{h}{i};
+                fi = f{h}{i};
+                isgood = fi(:,1,1)*(2^(1/1200)-1) >= fi(2,1,1)-fi(1,1,1);
+                good = find(isgood);
+                if isempty(good)
+                    mirerror('mirspectrum',...
+                        'The frequency resolution of the spectrum is too low to be decomposed into cents.');
+                    display('Hint: if you specify a minimum value for the frequency range (''Min'' option)');
+                    display('      and if you do not specify any frequency resolution (''Res'' option), ');
+                    display('      the correct frequency resolution will be automatically chosen.');
+                end
+                if good>1
+                    warning(['MIRSPECTRUM: Frequency resolution in cent is achieved for frequencies over ',...
+                        num2str(floor(fi(good(1)))),' Hz. Lower frequencies are ignored.'])
+                    display('Hint: if you specify a minimum value for the frequency range (''Min'' option)');
+                    display('      and if you do not specify any frequency resolution (''Res'' option), ');
+                    display('      the correct frequency resolution will be automatically chosen.');
+                end
+                fi = fi(good,:,:);
+                mi = mi(good,:,:);
+                f2cents = 440*2.^(1/1200*(-1200*10:1200*10-1)');
+                    % The frequencies corresponding to the cent range
+                cents = repmat((0:1199)',[20,size(fi,2),size(fi,3)]);
+                    % The cent range is for the moment centered to A440
+                octaves = ones(1200,1)*(-10:10);
+                octaves = repmat(octaves(:),[1,size(fi,2),size(fi,3)]);
+                select = find(f2cents>fi(1) & f2cents<fi(end));
+                    % Cent range actually used in the current spectrum
+                f2cents = repmat(f2cents(select),[1,size(fi,2),size(fi,3)]);
+                cents = repmat(cents(select),[1,size(fi,2),size(fi,3)]);
+                octaves = repmat(octaves(select),[1,size(fi,2),size(fi,3)]);
+                m{h}{i} = interp1(fi(:,1,1),mi,f2cents(:,1,1));
+                f{h}{i} = octaves*1200+cents + 6900;
+                    % Now the cent range is expressed in midicent
+            end
+        end
+        s = set(s,'Abs','pitch (in midicents)','XScale','Cents');
+    end
+if option.mask
+    if strcmp(s.xscale,'Freq')
+        warning('WARNING IN MIRSPECTRUM: ''Mask'' option available only for Mel-spectrum and Bark-spectrum.');
+        disp('''Mask'' option ignored');
+    else
+        nch = get(s,'Channels');
+        for h = 1:length(m)
+            % Code taken from Pampalk's MA Toolbox.
+            %% spreading function: schroeder et al., 1979, JASA, optimizing
+            %% digital speech coders by exploiting masking properties of the human ear
+            cb = length(nch{h});  % Number of bands.
+            for i = 1:cb, 
+                spread(i,:) = 10.^((15.81+7.5*((i-(1:cb))+0.474)-17.5*(1+((i-(1:cb))+0.474).^2).^0.5)/10);
+            end
+            for i = 1:length(m{h})
+                for J = 1:size(m{h}{i},2)
+                    mj = m{h}{i}(1,J,:);
+                    mj = spread(1:length(mj),1:length(mj))*mj(:);
+                    m{h}{i}(1,J,:) = reshape(mj,1,1,length(mj));
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+if option.collapsed
+    for h = 1:length(m)
+        for i = 1:length(m{h})
+            mi = m{h}{i};
+            fi = f{h}{i};
+            centclass = rem(fi(:,1,1),1200);
+            %neg = find(centclass<0);
+            %centclass(neg) = 1200 + centclass(neg);
+            m{h}{i} = NaN(1200,size(mi,2),size(mi,3));
+            for k = 0:1199
+                m{h}{i}(k+1,:,:) = sum(mi(find(centclass==k),:,:),1);
+            end
+            f{h}{i} = repmat((0:1199)',[1,size(fi,2),size(fi,3)]);
+        end
+    end
+    s = set(s,'Abs','Cents','XScale','Cents(Collapsed)');
+if option.log || option.db
+    if not(isa(s,'mirspectrum') && s.log)
+        if option.db
+            s = set(s,'log',10);
+        else
+            s = set(s,'log',1);
+        end
+        for k = 1:length(m)
+            if not(iscell(m{k}))
+                m{k} = {m{k}};
+                f{k} = {f{k}};
+            end
+            for l = 1:length(m{k})
+                m{k}{l} = log10(m{k}{l}+1e-16);
+                if option.db
+                    m{k}{l} = 10*m{k}{l};
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    elseif isa(s,'mirspectrum') && s.log<10
+        for k = 1:length(m)
+            for l = 1:length(m{k})
+                m{k}{l} = 10*m{k}{l};
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if option.db>0 && option.db < Inf
+        for k = 1:length(m)
+            for l = 1:length(m{k})
+                m{k}{l} = m{k}{l}-repmat(max(m{k}{l}),[size(m{k}{l},1) 1 1]);
+                m{k}{l} = option.db + max(-option.db,m{k}{l});
+            end
+        end
+    end
+if option.aver
+    for k = 1:length(m)
+        for i = 1:length(m{k})
+            m{k}{i} = filter(ones(1,option.aver),1,m{k}{i});
+        end
+    end
+if option.gauss
+    for k = 1:length(m)
+        for i = 1:length(m{k})
+            sigma = option.gauss;
+            gauss = 1/sigma/2/pi...
+                    *exp(- (-4*sigma:4*sigma).^2 /2/sigma^2);
+            y = filter(gauss,1,[m{k}{i};zeros(4*sigma,1)]);
+            y = y(4*sigma:end,:,:);
+            m{k}{i} = y(1:size(m{k}{i},1),:,:);
+        end
+    end
+s = set(s,'Magnitude',m,'Frequency',f);
+function dj = mirwindow(dj,win,N)
+if nargin<3
+    N = size(dj,1);
+elseif size(dj,1)<N
+    dj(N,1,1) = 0;
+if not(win == 0)
+    winf = str2func(win);
+    try
+        w = window(winf,N);
+    catch
+        if strcmpi(win,'hamming')
+            disp('Signal Processing Toolbox does not seem to be installed. Recompute the hamming window manually.');
+            w = 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2*pi*(0:N-1)'/(N-1));
+        else
+            error(['ERROR in MIRSPECTRUM: Unknown windowing function ',win,' (maybe Signal Processing Toolbox is not installed).']);
+        end
+    end
+    kw = repmat(w,[1,size(dj,2),size(dj,3)]);
+    dj = dj(1:N,:,:).* kw;
+function [y orig] = eachchunk(orig,option,missing,postchunk)
+option.zp = option.zp+missing;
+y = mirspectrum(orig,option);
+function y = combinechunk(old,new)
+do = get(old,'Data');
+do = do{1}{1};
+dn = get(new,'Data');
+dn = dn{1}{1};
+y = set(old,'ChunkData',do+dn);
\ No newline at end of file