diff toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/KPMtools/exportfig.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/KPMtools/exportfig.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+function varargout = exportfig(varargin)
+%EXPORTFIG  Export a figure.
+%   EXPORTFIG(H, FILENAME) writes the figure H to FILENAME.  H is
+%   a figure handle and FILENAME is a string that specifies the
+%   name of the output file.
+%   EXPORTFIG(H, FILENAME, OPTIONS) writes the figure H to FILENAME
+%   with options initially specified by the structure OPTIONS. The
+%   field names of OPTIONS must be legal parameters listed below
+%   and the field values must be legal values for the corresponding
+%   parameter. Default options can be set in releases prior to R12
+%   by storing the OPTIONS structure in the root object's appdata
+%   with the command 
+%      setappdata(0,'exportfigdefaults', OPTIONS) 
+%   and for releases after R12 by setting the preference with the
+%   command 
+%      setpref('exportfig', 'defaults', OPTIONS) 
+%   EXPORTFIG(...,PARAM1,VAL1,PARAM2,VAL2,...) specifies
+%   parameters that control various characteristics of the output
+%   file. Any parameter value can be the string 'auto' which means
+%   the parameter uses the default factory behavior, overriding
+%   any other default for the parameter.
+%   Format Paramter:
+%     'Format'  a string
+%          specifies the output format. Defaults to 'eps'. For a
+%          list of export formats type 'help print'.
+%     'Preview' one of the strings 'none', 'tiff'
+%          specifies a preview for EPS files. Defaults to 'none'.
+%   Size Parameters:
+%     'Width'   a positive scalar
+%          specifies the width in the figure's PaperUnits
+%     'Height'  a positive scalar
+%          specifies the height in the figure's PaperUnits
+%     'Bounds' one of the strings 'tight', 'loose'
+%          specifies a tight or loose bounding box. Defaults to 'tight'.
+%     'Reference' an axes handle or a string
+%          specifies that the width and height parameters
+%          are relative to the given axes. If a string is
+%          specified then it must evaluate to an axes handle.
+%     Specifying only one dimension sets the other dimension
+%     so that the exported aspect ratio is the same as the
+%     figure's or reference axes' current aspect ratio. 
+%     If neither dimension is specified the size defaults to 
+%     the width and height from the figure's or reference
+%     axes' size. Tight bounding boxes are only computed for
+%     2-D views and in that case the computed bounds enclose all
+%     text objects.
+%   Rendering Parameters:
+%     'Color'     one of the strings 'bw', 'gray', 'cmyk'
+%         'bw'    specifies that lines and text are exported in
+%                 black and all other objects in grayscale
+%         'gray'  specifies that all objects are exported in grayscale
+%         'rgb'   specifies that all objects are exported in color
+%                 using the RGB color space
+%         'cmyk'  specifies that all objects are exported in color
+%                 using the CMYK color space
+%     'Renderer'  one of 'painters', 'zbuffer', 'opengl'
+%         specifies the renderer to use
+%     'Resolution'   a positive scalar
+%         specifies the resolution in dots-per-inch.
+%     'LockAxes'  one of 0 or 1
+%         specifies that all axes limits and ticks should be fixed
+%         while exporting.
+%     The default color setting is 'bw'.
+%   Font Parameters:
+%     'FontMode'     one of the strings 'scaled', 'fixed'
+%     'FontSize'     a positive scalar
+%          in 'scaled' mode multiplies with the font size of each
+%          text object to obtain the exported font size
+%          in 'fixed' mode specifies the font size of all text
+%          objects in points
+%     'DefaultFixedFontSize' a positive scalar
+%          in 'fixed' mode specified the default font size in
+%          points
+%     'FontSizeMin' a positive scalar
+%          specifies the minimum font size allowed after scaling
+%     'FontSizeMax' a positive scalar
+%          specifies the maximum font size allowed after scaling
+%     'FontEncoding' one of the strings 'latin1', 'adobe'
+%          specifies the character encoding of the font
+%     'SeparateText' one of 0 or 1
+%          specifies that the text objects are stored in separate
+%          file as EPS with the base filename having '_t' appended.
+%     If FontMode is 'scaled' but FontSize is not specified then a
+%     scaling factor is computed from the ratio of the size of the
+%     exported figure to the size of the actual figure.
+%     The default 'FontMode' setting is 'scaled'.
+%   Line Width Parameters:
+%     'LineMode'     one of the strings 'scaled', 'fixed'
+%     'LineWidth'    a positive scalar
+%     'DefaultFixedLineWidth' a positive scalar
+%     'LineWidthMin' a positive scalar
+%          specifies the minimum line width allowed after scaling
+%     'LineWidthMax' a positive scalar
+%          specifies the maximum line width allowed after scaling
+%     The semantics of 'Line' parameters are exactly the
+%     same as the corresponding 'Font' parameters, except that
+%     they apply to line widths instead of font sizes.
+%   Style Map Parameter:
+%     'LineStyleMap'    one of [], 'bw', or a function name or handle
+%          specifies how to map line colors to styles. An empty
+%          style map means styles are not changed. The style map
+%          'bw' is a built-in mapping that maps lines with the same
+%          color to the same style and otherwise cycles through the
+%          available styles. A user-specified map is a function
+%          that takes as input a cell array of line objects and
+%          outputs a cell array of line style strings. The default
+%          map is [].
+%   Examples:
+%     exportfig(gcf,'fig1.eps','height',3);
+%       Exports the current figure to the file named 'fig1.eps' with
+%       a height of 3 inches (assuming the figure's PaperUnits is 
+%       inches) and an aspect ratio the same as the figure's aspect
+%       ratio on screen.
+%     opts = struct('FontMode','fixed','FontSize',10,'height',3);
+%     exportfig(gcf, 'fig2.eps', opts, 'height', 5);
+%       Exports the current figure to 'fig2.eps' with all
+%       text in 10 point fonts and with height 5 inches.
+%  Copyright 2000 Ben Hinkle
+%  Email bug reports and comments to bhinkle@mathworks.com
+if (nargin < 2)
+  error('Too few input arguments');
+% exportfig(H, filename, [options,] ...)
+H = varargin{1};
+if ~LocalIsHG(H,'figure')
+  error('First argument must be a handle to a figure.');
+filename = varargin{2};
+if ~ischar(filename)
+  error('Second argument must be a string.');
+paramPairs = {varargin{3:end}};
+if nargin > 2
+  if isstruct(paramPairs{1})
+    pcell = LocalToCell(paramPairs{1});
+    paramPairs = {pcell{:}, paramPairs{2:end}};
+  end
+verstr = version;
+majorver = str2num(verstr(1));
+defaults = [];
+if majorver > 5
+  if ispref('exportfig','defaults')
+    defaults = getpref('exportfig','defaults');
+  end
+elseif exist('getappdata')
+  defaults = getappdata(0,'exportfigdefaults');
+if ~isempty(defaults)
+  dcell = LocalToCell(defaults);
+  paramPairs = {dcell{:}, paramPairs{:}};
+% Do some validity checking on param-value pairs
+if (rem(length(paramPairs),2) ~= 0)
+  error(['Invalid input syntax. Optional parameters and values' ...
+	 ' must be in pairs.']);
+auto.format = 'eps';
+auto.preview = 'none';
+auto.width = -1;
+auto.height = -1;
+auto.color = 'bw';
+auto.fontsize = -1;
+auto.fontmin = 8;
+auto.fontmax = 60;
+auto.defaultlinewidth = 1.0;
+auto.linewidth = -1;
+auto.linemin = 0.5;
+auto.linemax = 100;
+auto.fontencoding = 'latin1';
+auto.renderer = [];
+auto.resolution = [];
+auto.stylemap = [];
+auto.applystyle = 0;
+auto.refobj = -1;
+auto.bounds = 'tight';
+explicitbounds = 0;
+auto.lockaxes = 1;
+auto.separatetext = 0;
+opts = auto;
+% Process param-value pairs
+args = {};
+for k = 1:2:length(paramPairs)
+  param = lower(paramPairs{k});
+  if ~ischar(param)
+    error('Optional parameter names must be strings');
+  end
+  value = paramPairs{k+1};
+  switch (param)
+   case 'format'
+    opts.format = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.format);
+    if strcmp(opts.format,'preview')
+      error(['Format ''preview'' no longer supported. Use PREVIEWFIG' ...
+	     ' instead.']);
+    end
+   case 'preview'
+    opts.preview = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.preview);
+    if ~strcmp(opts.preview,{'none','tiff'})
+      error('Preview must be ''none'' or ''tiff''.');
+    end
+   case 'width'
+    opts.width = LocalToNum(value, auto.width);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.width)
+	error('Width must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'height'
+    opts.height = LocalToNum(value, auto.height);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if(~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.height))
+	error('Height must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'color'
+    opts.color = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.color);
+    if ~strcmp(opts.color,{'bw','gray','rgb','cmyk'})
+      error('Color must be ''bw'', ''gray'',''rgb'' or ''cmyk''.');
+    end
+   case 'fontmode'
+    opts.fontmode = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.fontmode);
+    if ~strcmp(opts.fontmode,{'scaled','fixed'})
+      error('FontMode must be ''scaled'' or ''fixed''.');
+    end
+   case 'fontsize'
+    opts.fontsize = LocalToNum(value,auto.fontsize);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.fontsize)
+	error('FontSize must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'defaultfixedfontsize'
+    opts.defaultfontsize = LocalToNum(value,auto.defaultfontsize);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.defaultfontsize)
+	error('DefaultFixedFontSize must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'fontsizemin'
+    opts.fontmin = LocalToNum(value,auto.fontmin);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.fontmin)
+	error('FontSizeMin must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'fontsizemax'
+    opts.fontmax = LocalToNum(value,auto.fontmax);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.fontmax)
+	error('FontSizeMax must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'fontencoding'
+    opts.fontencoding = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.fontencoding);
+    if ~strcmp(opts.fontencoding,{'latin1','adobe'})
+      error('FontEncoding must be ''latin1'' or ''adobe''.');
+    end
+   case 'linemode'
+    opts.linemode = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.linemode);
+    if ~strcmp(opts.linemode,{'scaled','fixed'})
+      error('LineMode must be ''scaled'' or ''fixed''.');
+    end
+   case 'linewidth'
+    opts.linewidth = LocalToNum(value,auto.linewidth);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.linewidth)
+	error('LineWidth must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'defaultfixedlinewidth'
+    opts.defaultlinewidth = LocalToNum(value,auto.defaultlinewidth);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.defaultlinewidth)
+	error(['DefaultFixedLineWidth must be a numeric scalar >' ...
+	       ' 0']);
+      end
+    end
+   case 'linewidthmin'
+    opts.linemin = LocalToNum(value,auto.linemin);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.linemin)
+	error('LineWidthMin must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'linewidthmax'
+    opts.linemax = LocalToNum(value,auto.linemax);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~LocalIsPositiveScalar(opts.linemax)
+	error('LineWidthMax must be a numeric scalar > 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'linestylemap'
+    opts.stylemap = LocalCheckAuto(value,auto.stylemap);
+   case 'renderer'
+    opts.renderer = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.renderer);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~strcmp(opts.renderer,{'painters','zbuffer','opengl'})
+	error(['Renderer must be ''painters'', ''zbuffer'' or' ...
+	       ' ''opengl''.']);
+      end
+    end
+   case 'resolution'
+    opts.resolution = LocalToNum(value,auto.resolution);
+    if ~ischar(value) | ~strcmp(value,'auto')
+      if ~(isnumeric(value) & (prod(size(value)) == 1) & (value >= 0));
+	error('Resolution must be a numeric scalar >= 0');
+      end
+    end
+   case 'applystyle' % means to apply the options and not export
+    opts.applystyle = 1;
+   case 'reference'
+    if ischar(value)
+      if strcmp(value,'auto')
+	opts.refobj = auto.refobj;
+      else
+	opts.refobj = eval(value);
+      end
+    else
+      opts.refobj = value;
+    end
+    if ~LocalIsHG(opts.refobj,'axes')
+      error('Reference object must evaluate to an axes handle.');
+    end
+   case 'bounds'
+    opts.bounds = LocalCheckAuto(lower(value),auto.bounds);
+    explicitbounds = 1;
+    if ~strcmp(opts.bounds,{'tight','loose'})
+      error('Bounds must be ''tight'' or ''loose''.');
+    end
+   case 'lockaxes'
+    opts.lockaxes = LocalToNum(value,auto.lockaxes);
+   case 'separatetext'
+    opts.separatetext = LocalToNum(value,auto.separatetext);
+   otherwise
+    error(['Unrecognized option ' param '.']);
+  end
+% make sure figure is up-to-date
+allLines  = findall(H, 'type', 'line');
+allText   = findall(H, 'type', 'text');
+allAxes   = findall(H, 'type', 'axes');
+allImages = findall(H, 'type', 'image');
+allLights = findall(H, 'type', 'light');
+allPatch  = findall(H, 'type', 'patch');
+allSurf   = findall(H, 'type', 'surface');
+allRect   = findall(H, 'type', 'rectangle');
+allFont   = [allText; allAxes];
+allColor  = [allLines; allText; allAxes; allLights];
+allMarker = [allLines; allPatch; allSurf];
+allEdge   = [allPatch; allSurf];
+allCData  = [allImages; allPatch; allSurf];
+old.objs = {};
+old.prop = {};
+old.values = {};
+% Process format
+if strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3) & ~strcmp(opts.preview,'none')
+  args = {args{:}, ['-' opts.preview]};
+hadError = 0;
+oldwarn = warning;
+  % lock axes limits, ticks and labels if requested
+  if opts.lockaxes
+    old = LocalManualAxesMode(old, allAxes, 'TickMode');
+    old = LocalManualAxesMode(old, allAxes, 'TickLabelMode');
+    old = LocalManualAxesMode(old, allAxes, 'LimMode');
+  end  
+  % Process size parameters
+  figurePaperUnits = get(H, 'PaperUnits');
+  oldFigureUnits = get(H, 'Units');
+  oldFigPos = get(H,'Position');
+  set(H, 'Units', figurePaperUnits);
+  figPos = get(H,'Position');
+  refsize = figPos(3:4);
+  if opts.refobj ~= -1
+    oldUnits = get(opts.refobj, 'Units');
+    set(opts.refobj, 'Units', figurePaperUnits);
+    r = get(opts.refobj, 'Position');
+    refsize = r(3:4);
+    set(opts.refobj, 'Units', oldUnits);
+  end
+  aspectRatio = refsize(1)/refsize(2);
+  if (opts.width == -1) & (opts.height == -1)
+    opts.width = refsize(1);
+    opts.height = refsize(2);
+  elseif (opts.width == -1)
+    opts.width = opts.height * aspectRatio;
+  elseif (opts.height == -1)
+    opts.height = opts.width / aspectRatio;
+  end
+  wscale = opts.width/refsize(1);
+  hscale = opts.height/refsize(2);
+  sizescale = min(wscale,hscale);
+  old = LocalPushOldData(old,H,'PaperPositionMode', ...
+			 get(H,'PaperPositionMode'));
+  set(H, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');
+  newPos = [figPos(1) figPos(2)+figPos(4)*(1-hscale) ...
+	    wscale*figPos(3) hscale*figPos(4)];
+  set(H, 'Position', newPos);
+  set(H, 'Units', oldFigureUnits);
+  % process line-style map
+  if ~isempty(opts.stylemap) & ~isempty(allLines)
+    oldlstyle = LocalGetAsCell(allLines,'LineStyle');
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, allLines, {'LineStyle'}, ...
+			   oldlstyle);
+    newlstyle = oldlstyle;
+    if ischar(opts.stylemap) & strcmpi(opts.stylemap,'bw')
+      newlstyle = LocalMapColorToStyle(allLines);
+    else
+      try
+	newlstyle = feval(opts.stylemap,allLines);
+      catch
+	warning(['Skipping stylemap. ' lasterr]);
+      end
+    end
+    set(allLines,{'LineStyle'},newlstyle);
+  end
+  % Process rendering parameters
+  switch (opts.color)
+   case {'bw', 'gray'}
+    if ~strcmp(opts.color,'bw') & strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3)
+      opts.format = [opts.format 'c'];
+    end
+    args = {args{:}, ['-d' opts.format]};
+    %compute and set gray colormap
+    oldcmap = get(H,'Colormap');
+    newgrays = 0.30*oldcmap(:,1) + 0.59*oldcmap(:,2) + 0.11*oldcmap(:,3);
+    newcmap = [newgrays newgrays newgrays];
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, H, 'Colormap', oldcmap);
+    set(H, 'Colormap', newcmap);
+    %compute and set ColorSpec and CData properties
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allColor, 'color', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allAxes, 'xcolor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allAxes, 'ycolor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allAxes, 'zcolor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allMarker, 'MarkerEdgeColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allMarker, 'MarkerFaceColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allEdge, 'EdgeColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allEdge, 'FaceColor', old);
+    old = LocalUpdateColors(allCData, 'CData', old);
+   case {'rgb','cmyk'}
+    if strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3)
+      opts.format = [opts.format 'c'];
+      args = {args{:}, ['-d' opts.format]};
+      if strcmp(opts.color,'cmyk')
+	args = {args{:}, '-cmyk'};
+      end
+    else
+      args = {args{:}, ['-d' opts.format]};
+    end
+   otherwise
+    error('Invalid Color parameter');
+  end
+  if (~isempty(opts.renderer))
+    args = {args{:}, ['-' opts.renderer]};
+  end
+  if (~isempty(opts.resolution)) | ~strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3)
+    if isempty(opts.resolution)
+      opts.resolution = 0;
+    end
+    args = {args{:}, ['-r' int2str(opts.resolution)]};
+  end
+  % Process font parameters
+  if ~isempty(opts.fontmode)
+    oldfonts = LocalGetAsCell(allFont,'FontSize');
+    oldfontunits = LocalGetAsCell(allFont,'FontUnits');
+    set(allFont,'FontUnits','points');
+    switch (opts.fontmode)
+     case 'fixed'
+      if (opts.fontsize == -1)
+	set(allFont,'FontSize',opts.defaultfontsize);
+      else
+	set(allFont,'FontSize',opts.fontsize);
+      end
+     case 'scaled'
+      if (opts.fontsize == -1)
+	scale = sizescale;
+      else
+	scale = opts.fontsize;
+      end
+      newfonts = LocalScale(oldfonts,scale,opts.fontmin,opts.fontmax);
+      set(allFont,{'FontSize'},newfonts);
+     otherwise
+      error('Invalid FontMode parameter');
+    end
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, allFont, {'FontSize'}, oldfonts);
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, allFont, {'FontUnits'}, oldfontunits);
+  end
+  if strcmp(opts.fontencoding,'adobe') & strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3)
+    args = {args{:}, '-adobecset'};
+  end
+  % Process line parameters
+  if ~isempty(opts.linemode)
+    oldlines = LocalGetAsCell(allMarker,'LineWidth');
+    old = LocalPushOldData(old, allMarker, {'LineWidth'}, oldlines);
+    switch (opts.linemode)
+     case 'fixed'
+      if (opts.linewidth == -1)
+	set(allMarker,'LineWidth',opts.defaultlinewidth);
+      else
+	set(allMarker,'LineWidth',opts.linewidth);
+      end
+     case 'scaled'
+      if (opts.linewidth == -1)
+	scale = sizescale;
+      else
+	scale = opts.linewidth;
+      end
+      newlines = LocalScale(oldlines, scale, opts.linemin, opts.linemax);
+      set(allMarker,{'LineWidth'},newlines);
+    end
+  end
+  % adjust figure bounds to surround axes
+  if strcmp(opts.bounds,'tight')
+    if (~strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3) & LocalHas3DPlot(allAxes)) | ...
+	  (strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3) & opts.separatetext)
+      if (explicitbounds == 1)
+	warning(['Cannot compute ''tight'' bounds. Using ''loose''' ...
+		 ' bounds.']);
+      end
+      opts.bounds = 'loose';
+    end
+  end
+  warning('off');
+  if ~isempty(allAxes)
+    if strncmp(opts.format,'eps',3)
+      if strcmp(opts.bounds,'loose')
+	args = {args{:}, '-loose'};
+      end
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old,H,'Position', oldFigPos);
+    elseif strcmp(opts.bounds,'tight')
+      oldaunits = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'Units');
+      oldapos = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'Position');
+      oldtunits = LocalGetAsCell(allText,'units');
+      oldtpos = LocalGetAsCell(allText,'Position');
+      set(allAxes,'units','points');
+      apos = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'Position');
+      oldunits = get(H,'Units');
+      set(H,'units','points');
+      origfr = get(H,'position');
+      fr = [];
+      for k=1:length(allAxes)
+	if ~strcmpi(get(allAxes(k),'Tag'),'legend')
+	  axesR = apos{k};
+	  r = LocalAxesTightBoundingBox(axesR, allAxes(k));
+	  r(1:2) = r(1:2) + axesR(1:2);
+	  fr = LocalUnionRect(fr,r);
+	end
+      end
+      if isempty(fr)
+	fr = [0 0 origfr(3:4)];
+      end
+      for k=1:length(allAxes)
+	ax = allAxes(k);
+	r = apos{k};
+	r(1:2) = r(1:2) - fr(1:2);
+	set(ax,'Position',r);
+      end
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old, allAxes, {'Position'}, oldapos);
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old, allText, {'Position'}, oldtpos);
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old, allText, {'Units'}, oldtunits);
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old, allAxes, {'Units'}, oldaunits);
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old, H, 'Position', oldFigPos);
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old, H, 'Units', oldFigureUnits);
+      r = [origfr(1) origfr(2)+origfr(4)-fr(4) fr(3:4)];
+      set(H,'Position',r);
+    else
+      args = {args{:}, '-loose'};
+      old = LocalPushOldData(old,H,'Position', oldFigPos);
+    end
+  end
+  % Process text in a separate file if needed
+  if opts.separatetext & ~opts.applystyle
+    % First hide all text and export
+    oldtvis = LocalGetAsCell(allText,'visible');
+    set(allText,'visible','off');
+    oldax = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'XTickLabel',1);
+    olday = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'YTickLabel',1);
+    oldaz = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'ZTickLabel',1);
+    null = cell(length(oldax),1);
+    [null{:}] = deal([]);
+    set(allAxes,{'XTickLabel'},null);
+    set(allAxes,{'YTickLabel'},null);
+    set(allAxes,{'ZTickLabel'},null);
+    print(H, filename, args{:});
+    set(allText,{'Visible'},oldtvis);
+    set(allAxes,{'XTickLabel'},oldax);
+    set(allAxes,{'YTickLabel'},olday);
+    set(allAxes,{'ZTickLabel'},oldaz);
+    % Now hide all non-text and export as eps in painters
+    [path, name, ext] = fileparts(filename);
+    tfile = fullfile(path,[name '_t.eps']);
+    tfile2 = fullfile(path,[name '_t2.eps']);
+    foundRenderer = 0;
+    for k=1:length(args)
+      if strncmp('-d',args{k},2)
+	args{k} = '-deps';
+      elseif strncmp('-zbuffer',args{k},8) | ...
+	    strncmp('-opengl', args{k},6)
+	args{k} = '-painters';
+	foundRenderer = 1;
+      end
+    end
+    if ~foundRenderer
+      args = {args{:}, '-painters'};
+    end
+    allNonText = [allLines; allLights; allPatch; ...
+		  allImages; allSurf; allRect];
+    oldvis = LocalGetAsCell(allNonText,'visible');
+    oldc = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'color');
+    oldaxg = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'XGrid');
+    oldayg = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'YGrid');
+    oldazg = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,'ZGrid');
+    [null{:}] = deal('off');
+    set(allAxes,{'XGrid'},null);
+    set(allAxes,{'YGrid'},null);
+    set(allAxes,{'ZGrid'},null);
+    set(allNonText,'Visible','off');
+    set(allAxes,'Color','none');
+    print(H, tfile2, args{:});
+    set(allNonText,{'Visible'},oldvis);
+    set(allAxes,{'Color'},oldc);
+    set(allAxes,{'XGrid'},oldaxg);
+    set(allAxes,{'YGrid'},oldayg);
+    set(allAxes,{'ZGrid'},oldazg);
+    %hack up the postscript file
+    fid1 = fopen(tfile,'w');
+    fid2 = fopen(tfile2,'r');
+    line = fgetl(fid2);
+    while ischar(line)
+      if strncmp(line,'%%Title',7)
+	fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',['%%Title: ', tfile]);
+      elseif (length(line) < 3) 
+	fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',line);
+      elseif ~strcmp(line(end-2:end),' PR') & ...
+	    ~strcmp(line(end-1:end),' L')
+	fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',line);
+      end
+      line = fgetl(fid2);
+    end
+    fclose(fid1);
+    fclose(fid2);
+    delete(tfile2);
+  elseif ~opts.applystyle
+    drawnow;
+    print(H, filename, args{:});
+  end
+  warning(oldwarn);
+  warning(oldwarn);
+  hadError = 1;
+% Restore figure settings
+if opts.applystyle
+  varargout{1} = old;
+  for n=1:length(old.objs)
+    if ~iscell(old.values{n}) & iscell(old.prop{n})
+      old.values{n} = {old.values{n}};
+    end
+    set(old.objs{n}, old.prop{n}, old.values{n});
+  end
+if hadError
+  error(deblank(lasterr));
+%  Local Functions
+function outData = LocalPushOldData(inData, objs, prop, values)
+outData.objs = {objs, inData.objs{:}};
+outData.prop = {prop, inData.prop{:}};
+outData.values = {values, inData.values{:}};
+function cellArray = LocalGetAsCell(fig,prop,allowemptycell);
+cellArray = get(fig,prop);
+if nargin < 3
+  allowemptycell = 0;
+if ~iscell(cellArray) & (allowemptycell | ~isempty(cellArray))
+  cellArray = {cellArray};
+function newArray = LocalScale(inArray, scale, minv, maxv)
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+for k=1:n
+  newArray{k} = min(maxv,max(minv,scale*inArray{k}(1)));
+function gray = LocalMapToGray1(color)
+gray = color;
+if ischar(color)
+  switch color(1)
+   case 'y'
+    color = [1 1 0];
+   case 'm'
+    color = [1 0 1];
+   case 'c'
+    color = [0 1 1];
+   case 'r'
+    color = [1 0 0];
+   case 'g'
+    color = [0 1 0];
+   case 'b'
+    color = [0 0 1];
+   case 'w'
+    color = [1 1 1];
+   case 'k'
+    color = [0 0 0];
+  end
+if ~ischar(color)
+  gray = 0.30*color(1) + 0.59*color(2) + 0.11*color(3);
+function newArray = LocalMapToGray(inArray);
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+for k=1:n
+  color = inArray{k};
+  if ~isempty(color)
+    color = LocalMapToGray1(color);
+  end
+  if isempty(color) | ischar(color)
+    newArray{k} = color;
+  else
+    newArray{k} = [color color color];
+  end
+function newArray = LocalMapColorToStyle(inArray);
+inArray = LocalGetAsCell(inArray,'Color');
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+styles = {'-','--',':','-.'};
+uniques = [];
+nstyles = length(styles);
+for k=1:n
+  gray = LocalMapToGray1(inArray{k});
+  if isempty(gray) | ischar(gray) | gray < .05
+    newArray{k} = '-';
+  else
+    if ~isempty(uniques) & any(gray == uniques)
+      ind = find(gray==uniques);
+    else
+      uniques = [uniques gray];
+      ind = length(uniques);
+    end
+    newArray{k} = styles{mod(ind-1,nstyles)+1};
+  end
+function newArray = LocalMapCData(inArray);
+n = length(inArray);
+newArray = cell(n,1);
+for k=1:n
+  color = inArray{k};
+  if (ndims(color) == 3) & isa(color,'double')
+    gray = 0.30*color(:,:,1) + 0.59*color(:,:,2) + 0.11*color(:,:,3);
+    color(:,:,1) = gray;
+    color(:,:,2) = gray;
+    color(:,:,3) = gray;
+  end
+  newArray{k} = color;
+function outData = LocalUpdateColors(inArray, prop, inData)
+value = LocalGetAsCell(inArray,prop);
+outData.objs = {inData.objs{:}, inArray};
+outData.prop = {inData.prop{:}, {prop}};
+outData.values = {inData.values{:}, value};
+if (~isempty(value))
+  if strcmp(prop,'CData') 
+    value = LocalMapCData(value);
+  else
+    value = LocalMapToGray(value);
+  end
+  set(inArray,{prop},value);
+function bool = LocalIsPositiveScalar(value)
+bool = isnumeric(value) & ...
+       prod(size(value)) == 1 & ...
+       value > 0;
+function value = LocalToNum(value,auto)
+if ischar(value)
+  if strcmp(value,'auto')
+    value = auto;
+  else
+    value = str2num(value);
+  end
+%convert a struct to {field1,val1,field2,val2,...}
+function c = LocalToCell(s)
+f = fieldnames(s);
+v = struct2cell(s);
+opts = cell(2,length(f));
+opts(1,:) = f;
+opts(2,:) = v;
+c = {opts{:}};
+function c = LocalIsHG(obj,hgtype)
+c = 0;
+if (length(obj) == 1) & ishandle(obj) 
+  c = strcmp(get(obj,'type'),hgtype);
+function c = LocalHas3DPlot(a)
+zticks = LocalGetAsCell(a,'ZTickLabel');
+c = 0;
+for k=1:length(zticks)
+  if ~isempty(zticks{k})
+    c = 1;
+    return;
+  end
+function r = LocalUnionRect(r1,r2)
+if isempty(r1)
+  r = r2;
+elseif isempty(r2)
+  r = r1;
+elseif max(r2(3:4)) > 0
+  left = min(r1(1),r2(1));
+  bot = min(r1(2),r2(2));
+  right = max(r1(1)+r1(3),r2(1)+r2(3));
+  top = max(r1(2)+r1(4),r2(2)+r2(4));
+  r = [left bot right-left top-bot];
+  r = r1;
+function c = LocalLabelsMatchTicks(labs,ticks)
+c = 0;
+  t1 = num2str(ticks(1));
+  n = length(ticks);
+  tend = num2str(ticks(n));
+  c = strncmp(labs(1),t1,length(labs(1))) & ...
+      strncmp(labs(n),tend,length(labs(n)));
+function r = LocalAxesTightBoundingBox(axesR, a)
+r = [];
+atext = findall(a,'type','text','visible','on');
+if ~isempty(atext)
+  set(atext,'units','points');
+  res=LocalGetAsCell(atext,'extent');
+  for n=1:length(atext)
+    r = LocalUnionRect(r,res{n});
+  end
+if strcmp(get(a,'visible'),'on')
+  r = LocalUnionRect(r,[0 0 axesR(3:4)]);
+  oldunits = get(a,'fontunits');
+  set(a,'fontunits','points');
+  label = text(0,0,'','parent',a,...
+	       'units','points',...
+	       'fontsize',get(a,'fontsize'),...
+	       'fontname',get(a,'fontname'),...
+	       'fontweight',get(a,'fontweight'),...
+	       'fontangle',get(a,'fontangle'),...
+	       'visible','off');
+  fs = get(a,'fontsize');
+  % handle y axis tick labels
+  ry = [0 -fs/2 0 axesR(4)+fs];
+  ylabs = get(a,'yticklabels');
+  yticks = get(a,'ytick');
+  maxw = 0;
+  if ~isempty(ylabs)
+    for n=1:size(ylabs,1)
+      set(label,'string',ylabs(n,:));
+      ext = get(label,'extent');
+      maxw = max(maxw,ext(3));
+    end
+    if ~LocalLabelsMatchTicks(ylabs,yticks) & ...
+	  strcmp(get(a,'xaxislocation'),'bottom')
+      ry(4) = ry(4) + 1.5*ext(4);
+    end
+    if strcmp(get(a,'yaxislocation'),'left')
+      ry(1) = -(maxw+5);
+    else
+      ry(1) = axesR(3);
+    end
+    ry(3) = maxw+5;
+    r = LocalUnionRect(r,ry);
+  end
+  % handle x axis tick labels
+  rx = [0 0 0 fs+5];
+  xlabs = get(a,'xticklabels');
+  xticks = get(a,'xtick');
+  if ~isempty(xlabs)
+    if strcmp(get(a,'xaxislocation'),'bottom')
+      rx(2) = -(fs+5);
+      if ~LocalLabelsMatchTicks(xlabs,xticks);
+	rx(4) = rx(4) + 2*fs;
+	rx(2) = rx(2) - 2*fs;
+      end
+    else
+      rx(2) = axesR(4);
+      % exponent is still below axes
+      if ~LocalLabelsMatchTicks(xlabs,xticks);
+	rx(4) = rx(4) + axesR(4) + 2*fs;
+	rx(2) = -2*fs;
+      end
+    end
+    set(label,'string',xlabs(1,:));
+    ext1 = get(label,'extent');
+    rx(1) = -ext1(3)/2;
+    set(label,'string',xlabs(size(xlabs,1),:));
+    ext2 = get(label,'extent');
+    rx(3) = axesR(3) + (ext2(3) + ext1(3))/2;
+    r = LocalUnionRect(r,rx);
+  end
+  set(a,'fontunits',oldunits);
+  delete(label);
+function c = LocalManualAxesMode(old, allAxes, base)
+xs = ['X' base];
+ys = ['Y' base];
+zs = ['Z' base];
+oldXMode = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,xs);
+oldYMode = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,ys);
+oldZMode = LocalGetAsCell(allAxes,zs);
+old = LocalPushOldData(old, allAxes, {xs}, oldXMode);
+old = LocalPushOldData(old, allAxes, {ys}, oldYMode);
+old = LocalPushOldData(old, allAxes, {zs}, oldZMode);
+c = old;
+function val = LocalCheckAuto(val, auto)
+if ischar(val) & strcmp(val,'auto')
+  val = auto;