diff toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/GraphViz/arrow.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/GraphViz/arrow.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
+function [h,yy,zz] = arrow(varargin)
+% ARROW  Draw a line with an arrowhead.
+%  ARROW(Start,Stop) draws a line with an arrow from Start to Stop (points
+%        should be vectors of length 2 or 3, or matrices with 2 or 3
+%        columns), and returns the graphics handle of the arrow(s).
+%  ARROW uses the mouse (click-drag) to create an arrow.
+%  ARROW DEMO & ARROW DEMO2 show 3-D & 2-D demos of the capabilities of ARROW.
+%  ARROW may be called with a normal argument list or a property-based list.
+%        ARROW(Start,Stop,Length,BaseAngle,TipAngle,Width,Page,CrossDir) is
+%        the full normal argument list, where all but the Start and Stop
+%        points are optional.  If you need to specify a later argument (e.g.,
+%        Page) but want default values of earlier ones (e.g., TipAngle),
+%        pass an empty matrix for the earlier ones (e.g., TipAngle=[]).
+%  ARROW('Property1',PropVal1,'Property2',PropVal2,...) creates arrows with the
+%        given properties, using default values for any unspecified or given as
+%        'default' or NaN.  Some properties used for line and patch objects are
+%        used in a modified fashion, others are passed directly to LINE, PATCH,
+%        or SET.  For a detailed properties explanation, call ARROW PROPERTIES.
+%        Start         The starting points.                     B
+%        Stop          The end points.                         /|\           ^
+%        Length        Length of the arrowhead in pixels.     /|||\          |
+%        BaseAngle     Base angle in degrees (ADE).          //|||\\        L|
+%        TipAngle      Tip angle in degrees (ABC).          ///|||\\\       e|
+%        Width         Width of the base in pixels.        ////|||\\\\      n|
+%        Page          Use hardcopy proportions.          /////|D|\\\\\     g|
+%        CrossDir      Vector || to arrowhead plane.     ////  |||  \\\\    t|
+%        NormalDir     Vector out of arrowhead plane.   ///    |||    \\\   h|
+%        Ends          Which end has an arrowhead.     //<----->||      \\   |
+%        ObjectHandles Vector of handles to update.   /   base |||        \  V
+%                                                    E    angle||<-------->C
+%  ARROW(H,'Prop1',PropVal1,...), where H is a                 |||tipangle
+%        vector of handles to previously-created arrows        |||
+%        and/or line objects, will update the previously-      |||
+%        created arrows according to the current view       -->|A|<-- width
+%        and any specified properties, and will convert
+%        two-point line objects to corresponding arrows.  ARROW(H) will update
+%        the arrows if the current view has changed.  Root, figure, or axes
+%        handles included in H are replaced by all descendant Arrow objects.
+%  A property list can follow any specified normal argument list, e.g.,
+%  ARROW([1 2 3],[0 0 0],36,'BaseAngle',60) creates an arrow from (1,2,3) to
+%  the origin, with an arrowhead of length 36 pixels and 60-degree base angle.
+%  The basic arguments or properties can generally be vectorized to create
+%  multiple arrows with the same call.  This is done by passing a property
+%  with one row per arrow, or, if all arrows are to have the same property
+%  value, just one row may be specified.
+%  You may want to execute AXIS(AXIS) before calling ARROW so it doesn't change
+%  the axes on you; ARROW determines the sizes of arrow components BEFORE the
+%  arrow is plotted, so if ARROW changes axis limits, arrows may be malformed.
+%  This version of ARROW uses features of MATLAB 5 and is incompatible with
+%  earlier MATLAB versions (ARROW for MATLAB 4.2c is available separately);
+%  some problems with perspective plots still exist.
+% Copyright (c)1995-1997, Erik A. Johnson <johnsone@uiuc.edu>, 8/14/97
+% Revision history:
+%    8/14/97  EAJ  Added workaround for MATLAB 5.1 scalar logical transpose bug.
+%    7/21/97  EAJ  Fixed a few misc bugs.
+%    7/14/97  EAJ  Make arrow([],'Prop',...) do nothing (no old handles)
+%    6/23/97  EAJ  MATLAB 5 compatible version, release.
+%    5/27/97  EAJ  Added Line Arrows back in.  Corrected a few bugs.
+%    5/26/97  EAJ  Changed missing Start/Stop to mouse-selected arrows.
+%    5/19/97  EAJ  MATLAB 5 compatible version, beta.
+%    4/13/97  EAJ  MATLAB 5 compatible version, alpha.
+%    1/31/97  EAJ  Fixed bug with multiple arrows and unspecified Z coords.
+%   12/05/96  EAJ  Fixed one more bug with log plots and NormalDir specified
+%   10/24/96  EAJ  Fixed bug with log plots and NormalDir specified
+%   11/13/95  EAJ  Corrected handling for 'reverse' axis directions
+%   10/06/95  EAJ  Corrected occasional conflict with SUBPLOT
+%    4/24/95  EAJ  A major rewrite.
+%    Fall 94  EAJ  Original code.
+% Things to be done:
+%  - segment parsing, computing, and plotting into separate subfunctions
+%  - change computing from Xform to Camera paradigms
+%     + this will help especially with 3-D perspective plots
+%     + if the WarpToFill section works right, remove warning code
+%     + when perpsective works properly, remove perspective warning code
+%  - add cell property values and struct property name/values (like get/set)
+%  - get rid of NaN as the "default" data label
+%     + perhaps change userdata to a struct and don't include (or leave
+%       empty) the values specified as default; or use a cell containing
+%       an empty matrix for a default value
+%  - add functionality of GET to retrieve current values of ARROW properties
+% Many thanks to Keith Rogers <kerog@ai.mit.edu> for his many excellent
+% suggestions and beta testing.  Check out his shareware package MATDRAW.
+% He has permission to distribute ARROW with MATDRAW.
+% global variable initialization
+if isempty(ARROW_PERSP_WARN  ), ARROW_PERSP_WARN  =1; end;
+% Handle callbacks
+if (nargin>0 & isstr(varargin{1}) & strcmp(lower(varargin{1}),'callback')),
+	arrow_callback(varargin{2:end}); return;
+% Are we doing the demo?
+c = sprintf('\n');
+if (nargin==1 & isstr(varargin{1})),
+	arg1 = lower(varargin{1});
+	if strncmp(arg1,'prop',4), arrow_props;
+	elseif strncmp(arg1,'demo',4)
+		clf reset
+		demo_info = arrow_demo;
+		if ~strncmp(arg1,'demo2',5),
+			hh=arrow_demo3(demo_info);
+		else,
+			hh=arrow_demo2(demo_info);
+		end;
+		if (nargout>=1), h=hh; end;
+	elseif strncmp(arg1,'fixlimits',3),
+		arrow_fixlimits(ARROW_AXLIMITS);
+	elseif strncmp(arg1,'help',4),
+		disp(help(mfilename));
+	else,
+		error([upper(mfilename) ' got an unknown single-argument string ''' deblank(arg1) '''.']);
+	end;
+	return;
+% Check # of arguments
+if (nargout>3), error([upper(mfilename) ' produces at most 3 output arguments.']); end;
+% find first property number
+firstprop = nargin+1;
+for k=1:length(varargin), if ~isnumeric(varargin{k}), firstprop=k; break; end; end;
+lastnumeric = firstprop-1;
+% check property list
+if (firstprop<=nargin),
+	for k=firstprop:2:nargin,
+		curarg = varargin{k};
+		if ~isstr(curarg) | sum(size(curarg)>1)>1,
+			error([upper(mfilename) ' requires that a property name be a single string.']);
+		end;
+	end;
+	if (rem(nargin-firstprop,2)~=1),
+		error([upper(mfilename) ' requires that the property ''' ...
+		       varargin{nargin} ''' be paired with a property value.']);
+	end;
+% default output
+if (nargout>0), h=[]; end;
+if (nargout>1), yy=[]; end;
+if (nargout>2), zz=[]; end;
+% set values to empty matrices
+start      = [];
+stop       = [];
+len        = [];
+baseangle  = [];
+tipangle   = [];
+wid        = [];
+page       = [];
+crossdir   = [];
+ends       = [];
+ax         = [];
+oldh       = [];
+ispatch    = [];
+defstart      = [NaN NaN NaN];
+defstop       = [NaN NaN NaN];
+deflen        = 16;
+defbaseangle  = 90;
+deftipangle   = 16;
+defwid        = 0;
+defpage       = 0;
+defcrossdir   = [NaN NaN NaN];
+defends       = 1;
+defoldh       = [];
+defispatch    = 1;
+% The 'Tag' we'll put on our arrows
+ArrowTag = 'Arrow';
+% check for oldstyle arguments
+if (firstprop==2),
+	% assume arg1 is a set of handles
+	oldh = varargin{1}(:);
+	if isempty(oldh), return; end;
+elseif (firstprop>9),
+	error([upper(mfilename) ' takes at most 8 non-property arguments.']);
+elseif (firstprop>2),
+	s = str2mat('start','stop','len','baseangle','tipangle','wid','page','crossdir');
+	for k=1:firstprop-1, eval([deblank(s(k,:)) '=varargin{k};']); end;
+% parse property pairs
+for k=firstprop:2:nargin,
+	prop = varargin{k};
+	val  = varargin{k+1};
+	prop = [lower(prop(:)') '      '];
+	if     strncmp(prop,'start' ,5),   start      = val;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'stop'  ,4),   stop       = val;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'len'   ,3),   len        = val(:);
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'base'  ,4),   baseangle  = val(:);
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'tip'   ,3),   tipangle   = val(:);
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'wid'   ,3),   wid        = val(:);
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'page'  ,4),   page       = val;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'cross' ,5),   crossdir   = val;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'norm'  ,4),   if (isstr(val)), crossdir=val; else, crossdir=val*sqrt(-1); end;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'end'   ,3),   ends       = val;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'object',6),   oldh       = val(:);
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'handle',6),   oldh       = val(:);
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'type'  ,4),   ispatch    = val;
+	elseif strncmp(prop,'userd' ,5),   %ignore it
+	else,
+		% make sure it is a valid patch or line property
+		eval('get(0,[''DefaultPatch'' varargin{k}]);err=0;','err=1;'); errstr=lasterr;
+		if (err), eval('get(0,[''DefaultLine'' varargin{k}]);err=0;','err=1;'); end;
+		if (err),
+			errstr(1:max(find(errstr==setstr(13)|errstr==setstr(10)))) = '';
+			error([upper(mfilename) ' got ' errstr]);
+		end;
+		extraprops={extraprops{:},varargin{k},val};
+	end;
+% Check if we got 'default' values
+start     = arrow_defcheck(start    ,defstart    ,'Start'        );
+stop      = arrow_defcheck(stop     ,defstop     ,'Stop'         );
+len       = arrow_defcheck(len      ,deflen      ,'Length'       );
+baseangle = arrow_defcheck(baseangle,defbaseangle,'BaseAngle'    );
+tipangle  = arrow_defcheck(tipangle ,deftipangle ,'TipAngle'     );
+wid       = arrow_defcheck(wid      ,defwid      ,'Width'        );
+crossdir  = arrow_defcheck(crossdir ,defcrossdir ,'CrossDir'     );
+page      = arrow_defcheck(page     ,defpage     ,'Page'         );
+ends      = arrow_defcheck(ends     ,defends     ,''             );
+oldh      = arrow_defcheck(oldh     ,[]          ,'ObjectHandles');
+ispatch   = arrow_defcheck(ispatch  ,defispatch  ,''             );
+% check transpose on arguments
+[m,n]=size(start   );   if any(m==[2 3])&(n==1|n>3),   start    = start';      end;
+[m,n]=size(stop    );   if any(m==[2 3])&(n==1|n>3),   stop     = stop';       end;
+[m,n]=size(crossdir);   if any(m==[2 3])&(n==1|n>3),   crossdir = crossdir';   end;
+% convert strings to numbers
+if ~isempty(ends) & isstr(ends),
+  endsorig = ends;
+  [m,n] = size(ends);
+  col = lower([ends(:,1:min(3,n)) ones(m,max(0,3-n))*' ']);
+  ends = NaN*ones(m,1);
+  oo = ones(1,m);
+  ii=find(all(col'==['non']'*oo)'); if ~isempty(ii), ends(ii)=ones(length(ii),1)*0; end;
+  ii=find(all(col'==['sto']'*oo)'); if ~isempty(ii), ends(ii)=ones(length(ii),1)*1; end;
+  ii=find(all(col'==['sta']'*oo)'); if ~isempty(ii), ends(ii)=ones(length(ii),1)*2; end;
+  ii=find(all(col'==['bot']'*oo)'); if ~isempty(ii), ends(ii)=ones(length(ii),1)*3; end;
+  if any(isnan(ends)),
+    ii = min(find(isnan(ends)));
+    error([upper(mfilename) ' does not recognize ' deblank(endsorig(ii,:)) ' as a valid Ends value.']);
+  end;
+  ends = ends(:);
+if ~isempty(ispatch) & isstr(ispatch),
+  col = lower(ispatch(:,1));
+  patchchar='p'; linechar='l'; defchar=' ';
+  mask = col~=patchchar & col~=linechar & col~=defchar;
+  if any(mask)
+    error([upper(mfilename) ' does not recognize ' deblank(ispatch(min(find(mask)),:)) ' as a valid Type value.']);
+  end;
+  ispatch = (col==patchchar)*1 + (col==linechar)*0 + (col==defchar)*defispatch;
+  ispatch = ispatch(:);
+oldh = oldh(:);
+% check object handles
+if ~all(ishandle(oldh)), error([upper(mfilename) ' got invalid object handles.']); end;
+% expand root, figure, and axes handles
+if ~isempty(oldh),
+	ohtype = get(oldh,'Type');
+	mask = strcmp(ohtype,'root') | strcmp(ohtype,'figure') | strcmp(ohtype,'axes');
+	if any(mask),
+		oldh = num2cell(oldh);
+		for ii=find(mask)',
+			oldh(ii) = {findobj(oldh{ii},'Tag',ArrowTag)};
+		end;
+		oldh = cat(1,oldh{:});
+		if isempty(oldh), return; end; % no arrows to modify, so just leave
+	end;
+% largest argument length
+[mstart,junk]=size(start); [mstop,junk]=size(stop); [mcrossdir,junk]=size(crossdir);
+argsizes = [length(oldh) mstart mstop                              ...
+            length(len) length(baseangle) length(tipangle)         ...
+			length(wid) length(page) mcrossdir length(ends) ];
+args=['length(ObjectHandle)  '; ...
+      '#rows(Start)          '; ...
+      '#rows(Stop)           '; ...
+      'length(Length)        '; ...
+      'length(BaseAngle)     '; ...
+      'length(TipAngle)      '; ...
+      'length(Width)         '; ...
+      'length(Page)          '; ...
+      '#rows(CrossDir)       '; ...
+	  '#rows(Ends)           '];
+if (any(imag(crossdir(:))~=0)),
+	args(9,:) = '#rows(NormalDir)      ';
+if isempty(oldh),
+	narrows = max(argsizes);
+	narrows = length(oldh);
+if (narrows<=0), narrows=1; end;
+% Check size of arguments
+ii = find((argsizes~=0)&(argsizes~=1)&(argsizes~=narrows));
+if ~isempty(ii),
+	s = args(ii',:);
+	while ((size(s,2)>1)&((abs(s(:,size(s,2)))==0)|(abs(s(:,size(s,2)))==abs(' ')))),
+		s = s(:,1:size(s,2)-1);
+	end;
+	s = [ones(length(ii),1)*[upper(mfilename) ' requires that  '] s ...
+	     ones(length(ii),1)*['  equal the # of arrows (' num2str(narrows) ').' c]];
+	s = s';
+	s = s(:)';
+	s = s(1:length(s)-1);
+	error(setstr(s));
+% check element length in Start, Stop, and CrossDir
+if ~isempty(start),
+	[m,n] = size(start);
+	if (n==2),
+		start = [start NaN*ones(m,1)];
+	elseif (n~=3),
+		error([upper(mfilename) ' requires 2- or 3-element Start points.']);
+	end;
+if ~isempty(stop),
+	[m,n] = size(stop);
+	if (n==2),
+		stop = [stop NaN*ones(m,1)];
+	elseif (n~=3),
+		error([upper(mfilename) ' requires 2- or 3-element Stop points.']);
+	end;
+if ~isempty(crossdir),
+	[m,n] = size(crossdir);
+	if (n<3),
+		crossdir = [crossdir NaN*ones(m,3-n)];
+	elseif (n~=3),
+		if (all(imag(crossdir(:))==0)),
+			error([upper(mfilename) ' requires 2- or 3-element CrossDir vectors.']);
+		else,
+			error([upper(mfilename) ' requires 2- or 3-element NormalDir vectors.']);
+		end;
+	end;
+% fill empty arguments
+if isempty(start     ),   start      = [Inf Inf Inf];      end;
+if isempty(stop      ),   stop       = [Inf Inf Inf];      end;
+if isempty(len       ),   len        = Inf;                end;
+if isempty(baseangle ),   baseangle  = Inf;                end;
+if isempty(tipangle  ),   tipangle   = Inf;                end;
+if isempty(wid       ),   wid        = Inf;                end;
+if isempty(page      ),   page       = Inf;                end;
+if isempty(crossdir  ),   crossdir   = [Inf Inf Inf];      end;
+if isempty(ends      ),   ends       = Inf;                end;
+if isempty(ispatch   ),   ispatch    = Inf;                end;
+% expand single-column arguments
+o = ones(narrows,1);
+if (size(start     ,1)==1),   start      = o * start     ;   end;
+if (size(stop      ,1)==1),   stop       = o * stop      ;   end;
+if (length(len       )==1),   len        = o * len       ;   end;
+if (length(baseangle )==1),   baseangle  = o * baseangle ;   end;
+if (length(tipangle  )==1),   tipangle   = o * tipangle  ;   end;
+if (length(wid       )==1),   wid        = o * wid       ;   end;
+if (length(page      )==1),   page       = o * page      ;   end;
+if (size(crossdir  ,1)==1),   crossdir   = o * crossdir  ;   end;
+if (length(ends      )==1),   ends       = o * ends      ;   end;
+if (length(ispatch   )==1),   ispatch    = o * ispatch   ;   end;
+ax = o * gca;
+% if we've got handles, get the defaults from the handles
+if ~isempty(oldh),
+	for k=1:narrows,
+		oh = oldh(k);
+		ud = get(oh,'UserData');
+		ax(k) = get(oh,'Parent');
+		ohtype = get(oh,'Type');
+		if strcmp(get(oh,'Tag'),ArrowTag), % if it's an arrow already
+			if isinf(ispatch(k)), ispatch(k)=strcmp(ohtype,'patch'); end;
+			% arrow UserData format: [start' stop' len base tip wid page crossdir' ends]
+			start0 = ud(1:3);
+			stop0  = ud(4:6);
+			if (isinf(len(k))),           len(k)        = ud( 7);   end;
+			if (isinf(baseangle(k))),     baseangle(k)  = ud( 8);   end;
+			if (isinf(tipangle(k))),      tipangle(k)   = ud( 9);   end;
+			if (isinf(wid(k))),           wid(k)        = ud(10);   end;
+			if (isinf(page(k))),          page(k)       = ud(11);   end;
+			if (isinf(crossdir(k,1))),    crossdir(k,1) = ud(12);   end;
+			if (isinf(crossdir(k,2))),    crossdir(k,2) = ud(13);   end;
+			if (isinf(crossdir(k,3))),    crossdir(k,3) = ud(14);   end;
+			if (isinf(ends(k))),          ends(k)       = ud(15);   end;
+		elseif strcmp(ohtype,'line')|strcmp(ohtype,'patch'), % it's a non-arrow line or patch
+			convLineToPatch = 1; %set to make arrow patches when converting from lines.
+			if isinf(ispatch(k)), ispatch(k)=convLineToPatch|strcmp(ohtype,'patch'); end;
+			x=get(oh,'XData');  x=x(~isnan(x(:)));  if isempty(x), x=NaN; end;
+			y=get(oh,'YData');  y=y(~isnan(y(:)));  if isempty(y), y=NaN; end;
+			z=get(oh,'ZData');  z=z(~isnan(z(:)));  if isempty(z), z=NaN; end;
+			start0 = [x(1)   y(1)   z(1)  ];
+			stop0  = [x(end) y(end) z(end)];
+		else,
+			error([upper(mfilename) ' cannot convert ' ohtype ' objects.']);
+		end;
+		ii=find(isinf(start(k,:)));  if ~isempty(ii),  start(k,ii)=start0(ii);  end;
+		ii=find(isinf(stop( k,:)));  if ~isempty(ii),  stop( k,ii)=stop0( ii);  end;
+	end;
+% convert Inf's to NaN's
+start(     isinf(start    )) = NaN;
+stop(      isinf(stop     )) = NaN;
+len(       isinf(len      )) = NaN;
+baseangle( isinf(baseangle)) = NaN;
+tipangle(  isinf(tipangle )) = NaN;
+wid(       isinf(wid      )) = NaN;
+page(      isinf(page     )) = NaN;
+crossdir(  isinf(crossdir )) = NaN;
+ends(      isinf(ends     )) = NaN;
+ispatch(   isinf(ispatch  )) = NaN;
+% set up the UserData data (here so not corrupted by log10's and such)
+ud = [start stop len baseangle tipangle wid page crossdir ends];
+% Set Page defaults
+%page = (~isnan(page))&(page);
+if isnan(page)
+  page = 0;
+% Get axes limits, range, min; correct for aspect ratio and log scale
+axm       = zeros(3,narrows);
+axr       = zeros(3,narrows);
+axrev     = zeros(3,narrows);
+ap        = zeros(2,narrows);
+xyzlog    = zeros(3,narrows);
+limmin    = zeros(2,narrows);
+limrange  = zeros(2,narrows);
+oldaxlims = zeros(narrows,7);
+oneax = all(ax==ax(1));
+if (oneax),
+	T    = zeros(4,4);
+	invT = zeros(4,4);
+	T    = zeros(16,narrows);
+	invT = zeros(16,narrows);
+axnotdone = logical(ones(size(ax)));
+while (any(axnotdone)),
+	ii = min(find(axnotdone));
+	curax = ax(ii);
+	curpage = page(ii);
+	% get axes limits and aspect ratio
+	axl = [get(curax,'XLim'); get(curax,'YLim'); get(curax,'ZLim')];
+	oldaxlims(min(find(oldaxlims(:,1)==0)),:) = [curax reshape(axl',1,6)];
+	% get axes size in pixels (points)
+	u = get(curax,'Units');
+	axposoldunits = get(curax,'Position');
+	really_curpage = curpage & strcmp(u,'normalized');
+	if (really_curpage),
+		curfig = get(curax,'Parent');
+		pu = get(curfig,'PaperUnits');
+		set(curfig,'PaperUnits','points');
+		pp = get(curfig,'PaperPosition');
+		set(curfig,'PaperUnits',pu);
+		set(curax,'Units','pixels');
+		curapscreen = get(curax,'Position');
+		set(curax,'Units','normalized');
+		curap = pp.*get(curax,'Position');
+	else,
+		set(curax,'Units','pixels');
+		curapscreen = get(curax,'Position');
+		curap = curapscreen;
+	end;
+	set(curax,'Units',u);
+	set(curax,'Position',axposoldunits);
+	% handle non-stretched axes position
+	str_stretch = { 'DataAspectRatioMode'    ; ...
+	                'PlotBoxAspectRatioMode' ; ...
+	                'CameraViewAngleMode'      };
+	str_camera  = { 'CameraPositionMode'  ; ...
+	                'CameraTargetMode'    ; ...
+	                'CameraViewAngleMode' ; ...
+	                'CameraUpVectorMode'    };
+	notstretched = strcmp(get(curax,str_stretch),'manual');
+	manualcamera = strcmp(get(curax,str_camera),'manual');
+	if ~arrow_WarpToFill(notstretched,manualcamera,curax),
+		% give a warning that this has not been thoroughly tested
+			strs = {str_stretch{1:2},str_camera{:}};
+			strs = [char(ones(length(strs),1)*sprintf('\n    ')) char(strs)]';
+			warning([upper(mfilename) ' may not yet work quite right ' ...
+			         'if any of the following are ''manual'':' strs(:).']);
+		end;
+		% find the true pixel size of the actual axes
+		texttmp = text(axl(1,[1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1]), ...
+		               axl(2,[1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2]), ...
+		               axl(3,[1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2]),'');
+		set(texttmp,'Units','points');
+		textpos = get(texttmp,'Position');
+		delete(texttmp);
+		textpos = cat(1,textpos{:});
+		textpos = max(textpos(:,1:2)) - min(textpos(:,1:2));
+		% adjust the axes position
+		if (really_curpage),
+			% adjust to printed size
+			textpos = textpos * min(curap(3:4)./textpos);
+			curap = [curap(1:2)+(curap(3:4)-textpos)/2 textpos];
+		else,
+			% adjust for pixel roundoff
+			textpos = textpos * min(curapscreen(3:4)./textpos);
+			curap = [curap(1:2)+(curap(3:4)-textpos)/2 textpos];
+		end;
+	end;
+	if ARROW_PERSP_WARN & ~strcmp(get(curax,'Projection'),'orthographic'),
+		warning([upper(mfilename) ' does not yet work right for 3-D perspective projection.']);
+	end;
+	% adjust limits for log scale on axes
+	curxyzlog = [strcmp(get(curax,'XScale'),'log'); ...
+	             strcmp(get(curax,'YScale'),'log'); ...
+	             strcmp(get(curax,'ZScale'),'log')];
+	if (any(curxyzlog)),
+		ii = find([curxyzlog;curxyzlog]);
+		if (any(axl(ii)<=0)),
+			error([upper(mfilename) ' does not support non-positive limits on log-scaled axes.']);
+		else,
+			axl(ii) = log10(axl(ii));
+		end;
+	end;
+	% correct for 'reverse' direction on axes;
+	curreverse = [strcmp(get(curax,'XDir'),'reverse'); ...
+	              strcmp(get(curax,'YDir'),'reverse'); ...
+	              strcmp(get(curax,'ZDir'),'reverse')];
+	ii = find(curreverse);
+	if ~isempty(ii),
+		axl(ii,[1 2])=-axl(ii,[2 1]);
+	end;
+	% compute the range of 2-D values
+	curT = get(curax,'Xform');
+	lim = curT*[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1;0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1;0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1;1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
+	lim = lim(1:2,:)./([1;1]*lim(4,:));
+	curlimmin = min(lim')';
+	curlimrange = max(lim')' - curlimmin;
+	curinvT = inv(curT);
+	if (~oneax),
+		curT = curT.';
+		curinvT = curinvT.';
+		curT = curT(:);
+		curinvT = curinvT(:);
+	end;
+	% check which arrows to which cur corresponds
+	ii = find((ax==curax)&(page==curpage));
+	oo = ones(1,length(ii));
+	axr(:,ii)      = diff(axl')' * oo;
+	axm(:,ii)      = axl(:,1)    * oo;
+	axrev(:,ii)    = curreverse  * oo;
+	ap(:,ii)       = curap(3:4)' * oo;
+	xyzlog(:,ii)   = curxyzlog   * oo;
+	limmin(:,ii)   = curlimmin   * oo;
+	limrange(:,ii) = curlimrange * oo;
+	if (oneax),
+		T    = curT;
+		invT = curinvT;
+	else,
+		T(:,ii)    = curT    * oo;
+		invT(:,ii) = curinvT * oo;
+	end;
+	axnotdone(ii) = zeros(1,length(ii));
+% correct for log scales
+curxyzlog = xyzlog.';
+ii = find(curxyzlog(:));
+if ~isempty(ii),
+	start(   ii) = real(log10(start(   ii)));
+	stop(    ii) = real(log10(stop(    ii)));
+	if (all(imag(crossdir)==0)), % pulled (ii) subscript on crossdir, 12/5/96 eaj
+		crossdir(ii) = real(log10(crossdir(ii)));
+	end;
+% correct for reverse directions
+ii = find(axrev.');
+if ~isempty(ii),
+	start(   ii) = -start(   ii);
+	stop(    ii) = -stop(    ii);
+	crossdir(ii) = -crossdir(ii);
+% transpose start/stop values
+start     = start.';
+stop      = stop.';
+% take care of defaults, page was done above
+ii=find(isnan(start(:)       ));  if ~isempty(ii),  start(ii)       = axm(ii)+axr(ii)/2;                end;
+ii=find(isnan(stop(:)        ));  if ~isempty(ii),  stop(ii)        = axm(ii)+axr(ii)/2;                end;
+ii=find(isnan(crossdir(:)    ));  if ~isempty(ii),  crossdir(ii)    = zeros(length(ii),1);              end;
+ii=find(isnan(len            ));  if ~isempty(ii),  len(ii)         = ones(length(ii),1)*deflen;        end;
+ii=find(isnan(baseangle      ));  if ~isempty(ii),  baseangle(ii)   = ones(length(ii),1)*defbaseangle;  end;
+ii=find(isnan(tipangle       ));  if ~isempty(ii),  tipangle(ii)    = ones(length(ii),1)*deftipangle;   end;
+ii=find(isnan(wid            ));  if ~isempty(ii),  wid(ii)         = ones(length(ii),1)*defwid;        end;
+ii=find(isnan(ends           ));  if ~isempty(ii),  ends(ii)        = ones(length(ii),1)*defends;       end;
+% transpose rest of values
+len       = len.';
+baseangle = baseangle.';
+tipangle  = tipangle.';
+wid       = wid.';
+page      = page.';
+crossdir  = crossdir.';
+ends      = ends.';
+ax        = ax.';
+% given x, a 3xN matrix of points in 3-space;
+% want to convert to X, the corresponding 4xN 2-space matrix
+%   tmp1=[(x-axm)./axr; ones(1,size(x,1))];
+%   if (oneax), X=T*tmp1;
+%   else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=T.*tmp1;
+%         tmp2=zeros(4,4*N); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+%         X=zeros(4,N); X(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+%   X = X ./ (ones(4,1)*X(4,:));
+% for all points with start==stop, start=stop-(verysmallvalue)*(up-direction);
+ii = find(all(start==stop));
+if ~isempty(ii),
+	% find an arrowdir vertical on screen and perpendicular to viewer
+	%	transform to 2-D
+		tmp1 = [(stop(:,ii)-axm(:,ii))./axr(:,ii);ones(1,length(ii))];
+		if (oneax), twoD=T*tmp1;
+		else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=T(:,ii).*tmp1;
+		      tmp2=zeros(4,4*length(ii)); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+		      twoD=zeros(4,length(ii)); twoD(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+		twoD=twoD./(ones(4,1)*twoD(4,:));
+	%	move the start point down just slightly
+		tmp1 = twoD + [0;-1/1000;0;0]*(limrange(2,ii)./ap(2,ii));
+	%	transform back to 3-D
+		if (oneax), threeD=invT*tmp1;
+		else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT(:,ii).*tmp1;
+		      tmp2=zeros(4,4*length(ii)); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+		      threeD=zeros(4,length(ii)); threeD(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+		start(:,ii) = (threeD(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*threeD(4,:))).*axr(:,ii)+axm(:,ii);
+% compute along-arrow points
+%	transform Start points
+	tmp1=[(start-axm)./axr;ones(1,narrows)];
+	if (oneax), X0=T*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=T.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      X0=zeros(4,narrows); X0(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	X0=X0./(ones(4,1)*X0(4,:));
+%	transform Stop points
+	tmp1=[(stop-axm)./axr;ones(1,narrows)];
+	if (oneax), Xf=T*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=T.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      Xf=zeros(4,narrows); Xf(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	Xf=Xf./(ones(4,1)*Xf(4,:));
+%	compute pixel distance between points
+	D = sqrt(sum(((Xf(1:2,:)-X0(1:2,:)).*(ap./limrange)).^2));
+%	compute and modify along-arrow distances
+	len1 = len;
+	len2 = len - (len.*tan(tipangle/180*pi)-wid/2).*tan((90-baseangle)/180*pi);
+	slen0 = zeros(1,narrows);
+	slen1 = len1 .* ((ends==2)|(ends==3));
+	slen2 = len2 .* ((ends==2)|(ends==3));
+	len0 = zeros(1,narrows);
+	len1  = len1 .* ((ends==1)|(ends==3));
+	len2  = len2 .* ((ends==1)|(ends==3));
+	%	for no start arrowhead
+		ii=find((ends==1)&(D<len2));
+		if ~isempty(ii),
+			slen0(ii) = D(ii)-len2(ii);
+		end;
+	%	for no end arrowhead
+		ii=find((ends==2)&(D<slen2));
+		if ~isempty(ii),
+			len0(ii) = D(ii)-slen2(ii);
+		end;
+	len1  = len1  + len0;
+	len2  = len2  + len0;
+	slen1 = slen1 + slen0;
+	slen2 = slen2 + slen0;
+ 	% note:  the division by D below will probably not be accurate if both
+ 	%        of the following are true:
+ 	%           1. the ratio of the line length to the arrowhead
+ 	%              length is large
+ 	%           2. the view is highly perspective.
+%	compute stoppoints
+	tmp1=X0.*(ones(4,1)*(len0./D))+Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(1-len0./D));
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	stoppoint = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)).*axr+axm;
+%	compute tippoints
+	tmp1=X0.*(ones(4,1)*(len1./D))+Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(1-len1./D));
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	tippoint = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)).*axr+axm;
+%	compute basepoints
+	tmp1=X0.*(ones(4,1)*(len2./D))+Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(1-len2./D));
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	basepoint = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)).*axr+axm;
+%	compute startpoints
+	tmp1=X0.*(ones(4,1)*(1-slen0./D))+Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(slen0./D));
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	startpoint = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)).*axr+axm;
+%	compute stippoints
+	tmp1=X0.*(ones(4,1)*(1-slen1./D))+Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(slen1./D));
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	stippoint = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)).*axr+axm;
+%	compute sbasepoints
+	tmp1=X0.*(ones(4,1)*(1-slen2./D))+Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(slen2./D));
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=invT.*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,4*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	sbasepoint = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)).*axr+axm;
+% compute cross-arrow directions for arrows with NormalDir specified
+if (any(imag(crossdir(:))~=0)),
+	ii = find(any(imag(crossdir)~=0));
+	crossdir(:,ii) = cross((stop(:,ii)-start(:,ii))./axr(:,ii), ...
+	                       imag(crossdir(:,ii))).*axr(:,ii);
+% compute cross-arrow directions
+basecross  = crossdir + basepoint;
+tipcross   = crossdir + tippoint;
+sbasecross = crossdir + sbasepoint;
+stipcross  = crossdir + stippoint;
+ii = find(all(crossdir==0)|any(isnan(crossdir)));
+if ~isempty(ii),
+	numii = length(ii);
+	%	transform start points
+		tmp1 = [basepoint(:,ii) tippoint(:,ii) sbasepoint(:,ii) stippoint(:,ii)];
+		tmp1 = (tmp1-axm(:,[ii ii ii ii])) ./ axr(:,[ii ii ii ii]);
+		tmp1 = [tmp1; ones(1,4*numii)];
+		if (oneax), X0=T*tmp1;
+		else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=T(:,[ii ii ii ii]).*tmp1;
+		      tmp2=zeros(4,16*numii); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+		      X0=zeros(4,4*numii); X0(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+		X0=X0./(ones(4,1)*X0(4,:));
+	%	transform stop points
+		tmp1 = [(2*stop(:,ii)-start(:,ii)-axm(:,ii))./axr(:,ii);ones(1,numii)];
+		tmp1 = [tmp1 tmp1 tmp1 tmp1];
+		if (oneax), Xf=T*tmp1;
+		else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=T(:,[ii ii ii ii]).*tmp1;
+		      tmp2=zeros(4,16*numii); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+		      Xf=zeros(4,4*numii); Xf(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+		Xf=Xf./(ones(4,1)*Xf(4,:));
+	%	compute perpendicular directions
+		pixfact = ((limrange(1,ii)./limrange(2,ii)).*(ap(2,ii)./ap(1,ii))).^2;
+		pixfact = [pixfact pixfact pixfact pixfact];
+		pixfact = [pixfact;1./pixfact];
+		[dummyval,jj] = max(abs(Xf(1:2,:)-X0(1:2,:)));
+		jj1 = ((1:4)'*ones(1,length(jj))==ones(4,1)*jj);
+		jj2 = ((1:4)'*ones(1,length(jj))==ones(4,1)*(3-jj));
+		jj3 = jj1(1:2,:);
+		Xp = X0;
+		Xp(jj2) = X0(jj2) + ones(sum(jj2(:)),1);
+		Xp(jj1) = X0(jj1) - (Xf(jj2)-X0(jj2))./(Xf(jj1)-X0(jj1)) .* pixfact(jj3);
+	%	inverse transform the cross points
+		if (oneax), Xp=invT*Xp;
+		else, tmp1=[Xp;Xp;Xp;Xp]; tmp1=invT(:,[ii ii ii ii]).*tmp1;
+		      tmp2=zeros(4,16*numii); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+		      Xp=zeros(4,4*numii); Xp(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+		Xp=(Xp(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*Xp(4,:))).*axr(:,[ii ii ii ii])+axm(:,[ii ii ii ii]);
+		basecross(:,ii)  = Xp(:,0*numii+(1:numii));
+		tipcross(:,ii)   = Xp(:,1*numii+(1:numii));
+		sbasecross(:,ii) = Xp(:,2*numii+(1:numii));
+		stipcross(:,ii)  = Xp(:,3*numii+(1:numii));
+% compute all points
+%	compute start points
+	axm11 = [axm axm axm axm axm axm axm axm axm axm axm];
+	axr11 = [axr axr axr axr axr axr axr axr axr axr axr];
+	st = [stoppoint tippoint basepoint sbasepoint stippoint startpoint stippoint sbasepoint basepoint tippoint stoppoint];
+	tmp1 = (st - axm11) ./ axr11;
+	tmp1 = [tmp1; ones(1,size(tmp1,2))];
+	if (oneax), X0=T*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=[T T T T T T T T T T T].*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,44*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      X0=zeros(4,11*narrows); X0(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	X0=X0./(ones(4,1)*X0(4,:));
+%	compute stop points
+	tmp1 = ([start tipcross basecross sbasecross stipcross stop stipcross sbasecross basecross tipcross start] ...
+	     - axm11) ./ axr11;
+	tmp1 = [tmp1; ones(1,size(tmp1,2))];
+	if (oneax), Xf=T*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=[T T T T T T T T T T T].*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,44*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      Xf=zeros(4,11*narrows); Xf(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	Xf=Xf./(ones(4,1)*Xf(4,:));
+%	compute lengths
+	len0  = len.*((ends==1)|(ends==3)).*tan(tipangle/180*pi);
+	slen0 = len.*((ends==2)|(ends==3)).*tan(tipangle/180*pi);
+	le = [zeros(1,narrows) len0 wid/2 wid/2 slen0 zeros(1,narrows) -slen0 -wid/2 -wid/2 -len0 zeros(1,narrows)];
+	aprange = ap./limrange;
+	aprange = [aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange aprange];
+	D = sqrt(sum(((Xf(1:2,:)-X0(1:2,:)).*aprange).^2));
+	Dii=find(D==0); if ~isempty(Dii), D=D+(D==0); le(Dii)=zeros(1,length(Dii)); end; %should fix DivideByZero warnings
+	tmp1 = X0.*(ones(4,1)*(1-le./D)) + Xf.*(ones(4,1)*(le./D));
+%	inverse transform
+	if (oneax), tmp3=invT*tmp1;
+	else, tmp1=[tmp1;tmp1;tmp1;tmp1]; tmp1=[invT invT invT invT invT invT invT invT invT invT invT].*tmp1;
+	      tmp2=zeros(4,44*narrows); tmp2(:)=tmp1(:);
+	      tmp3=zeros(4,11*narrows); tmp3(:)=sum(tmp2)'; end;
+	pts = tmp3(1:3,:)./(ones(3,1)*tmp3(4,:)) .* axr11 + axm11;
+% correct for ones where the crossdir was specified
+ii = find(~(all(crossdir==0)|any(isnan(crossdir))));
+if ~isempty(ii),
+	D1 = [pts(:,1*narrows+ii)-pts(:,9*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,2*narrows+ii)-pts(:,8*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,3*narrows+ii)-pts(:,7*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,4*narrows+ii)-pts(:,6*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,6*narrows+ii)-pts(:,4*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,7*narrows+ii)-pts(:,3*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,8*narrows+ii)-pts(:,2*narrows+ii) ...
+	      pts(:,9*narrows+ii)-pts(:,1*narrows+ii)]/2;
+	ii = ii'*ones(1,8) + ones(length(ii),1)*[1:4 6:9]*narrows;
+	ii = ii(:)';
+	pts(:,ii) = st(:,ii) + D1;
+% readjust for reverse directions
+iicols=(1:narrows)'; iicols=iicols(:,ones(1,11)); iicols=iicols(:).';
+ii = find(tmp1(:)); if ~isempty(ii), pts(ii)=-pts(ii); end;
+% readjust for log scale on axes
+ii = find(tmp1(:)); if ~isempty(ii), pts(ii)=10.^pts(ii); end;
+% compute the x,y,z coordinates of the patches;
+ii = narrows*(0:10)'*ones(1,narrows) + ones(11,1)*(1:narrows);
+ii = ii(:)';
+x = zeros(11,narrows);
+y = zeros(11,narrows);
+z = zeros(11,narrows);
+x(:) = pts(1,ii)';
+y(:) = pts(2,ii)';
+z(:) = pts(3,ii)';
+% do the output
+if (nargout<=1)
+  %	% create or modify the patches
+  if isnan(ispatch), ispatch =0; end
+	newpatch = ispatch & (isempty(oldh)|~strcmp(get(oldh,'Type'),'patch'));
+	newline = ~ispatch & (isempty(oldh)|~strcmp(get(oldh,'Type'),'line'));
+	if isempty(oldh), H=zeros(narrows,1); else, H=oldh; end;
+%	% make or modify the arrows
+	for k=1:narrows,
+		if all(isnan(ud(k,[3 6])))&arrow_is2DXY(ax(k)), zz=[]; else, zz=z(:,k); end;
+		xyz = {'XData',x(:,k),'YData',y(:,k),'ZData',zz,'Tag',ArrowTag};
+		if newpatch(k)|newline(k),
+			if newpatch(k),
+				H(k) = patch(xyz{:});
+			else,
+				H(k) = line(xyz{:});
+			end;
+			if ~isempty(oldh), arrow_copyprops(oldh(k),H(k)); end;
+		else,
+			if ispatch(k), xyz={xyz{:},'CData',[]}; end;
+			set(H(k),xyz{:});
+		end;
+	end;
+	if ~isempty(oldh), delete(oldh(oldh~=H)); end;
+%	% additional properties
+	set(H,'Clipping','off');
+	set(H,{'UserData'},num2cell(ud,2));
+	if (length(extraprops)>0), set(H,extraprops{:}); end;
+	% handle choosing arrow Start and/or Stop locations if unspecified
+	[H,oldaxlims,errstr] = arrow_clicks(H,ud,x,y,z,ax,oldaxlims);
+	if ~isempty(errstr), error([upper(mfilename) ' got ' errstr]); end;
+	% set the output
+	if (nargout>0), h=H; end;
+	% make sure the axis limits did not change
+	if isempty(oldaxlims),
+	else,
+		lims = get(oldaxlims(:,1),{'XLim','YLim','ZLim'})';
+		lims = reshape(cat(2,lims{:}),6,size(lims,2));
+		%mask = arrow_is2DXY(oldaxlims(:,1));
+		%oldaxlims(mask,6:7) = lims(5:6,mask)';
+		ARROW_AXLIMITS = oldaxlims(find(any(oldaxlims(:,2:7)'~=lims)),:);
+		if ~isempty(ARROW_AXLIMITS),
+			warning(arrow_warnlimits(ARROW_AXLIMITS,narrows));
+		end;
+	end;
+	% don't create the patch, just return the data
+	h=x;
+	yy=y;
+	zz=z;
+function out = arrow_defcheck(in,def,prop)
+% check if we got 'default' values
+	out = in;
+	if ~isstr(in), return; end;
+	if size(in,1)==1 & strncmp(lower(in),'def',3),
+		out = def;
+	elseif ~isempty(prop),
+		error([upper(mfilename) ' does not recognize ''' in(:)' ''' as a valid ''' prop ''' string.']);
+	end;
+function [H,oldaxlims,errstr] = arrow_clicks(H,ud,x,y,z,ax,oldaxlims)
+% handle choosing arrow Start and/or Stop locations if necessary
+	errstr = '';
+	if isempty(H)|isempty(ud)|isempty(x), return; end;
+	% determine which (if any) need Start and/or Stop
+	needStart = all(isnan(ud(:,1:3)'))';
+	needStop  = all(isnan(ud(:,4:6)'))';
+	mask = any(needStart|needStop);
+	if ~any(mask), return; end;
+	ud(~mask,:)=[]; ax(:,~mask)=[];
+	x(:,~mask)=[]; y(:,~mask)=[]; z(:,~mask)=[];
+	% make them invisible for the time being
+	set(H,'Visible','off');
+	% save the current axes and limits modes; set to manual for the time being
+	oldAx  = gca;
+	limModes=get(ax(:),{'XLimMode','YLimMode','ZLimMode'});
+	set(ax(:),{'XLimMode','YLimMode','ZLimMode'},{'manual','manual','manual'});
+	% loop over each arrow that requires attention
+	jj = find(mask);
+	for ii=1:length(jj),
+		h = H(jj(ii));
+		axes(ax(ii));
+		% figure out correct call
+		if needStart(ii), prop='Start'; else, prop='Stop'; end;
+		[wasInterrupted,errstr] = arrow_click(needStart(ii)&needStop(ii),h,prop,ax(ii));
+		% handle errors and control-C
+		if wasInterrupted,
+			delete(H(jj(ii:end)));
+			H(jj(ii:end))=[];
+			oldaxlims(jj(ii:end),:)=[];
+			break;
+		end;
+	end;
+	% restore the axes and limit modes
+	axes(oldAx);
+	set(ax(:),{'XLimMode','YLimMode','ZLimMode'},limModes);
+function [wasInterrupted,errstr] = arrow_click(lockStart,H,prop,ax)
+% handle the clicks for one arrow
+	fig = get(ax,'Parent');
+	% save some things
+	oldFigProps = {'Pointer','WindowButtonMotionFcn','WindowButtonUpFcn'};
+	oldFigValue = get(fig,oldFigProps);
+	oldArrowProps = {'EraseMode'};
+	oldArrowValue = get(H,oldArrowProps);
+	set(H,'EraseMode','background'); %because 'xor' makes shaft invisible unless Width>1
+	ARROW_CLICK_USE_Z=~arrow_is2DXY(ax)|~arrow_planarkids(ax);
+	set(fig,'Pointer','crosshair');
+	% set up the WindowButtonMotion so we can see the arrow while moving around
+	set(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn','set(gcf,''WindowButtonUpFcn'','''')', ...
+	        'WindowButtonMotionFcn','');
+	if ~lockStart,
+		set(H,'Visible','on');
+		set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',[mfilename '(''callback'',''motion'');']);
+	end;
+	% wait for the button to be pressed
+	[wasKeyPress,wasInterrupted,errstr] = arrow_wfbdown(fig);
+	% if we wanted to click-drag, set the Start point
+	if lockStart & ~wasInterrupted,
+		pt = arrow_point(ARROW_CLICK_AX,ARROW_CLICK_USE_Z);
+		feval(mfilename,H,'Start',pt,'Stop',pt);
+		set(H,'Visible','on');
+		set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',[mfilename '(''callback'',''motion'');']);
+		% wait for the mouse button to be released
+		eval('waitfor(fig,''WindowButtonUpFcn'','''');','wasInterrupted=1;');
+		if wasInterrupted, errstr=lasterr; end;
+	end;
+	if ~wasInterrupted, feval(mfilename,'callback','motion'); end;
+	% restore some things
+	set(gcf,oldFigProps,oldFigValue);
+	set(H,oldArrowProps,oldArrowValue);
+function arrow_callback(varargin)
+% handle redrawing callbacks
+	if nargin==0, return; end;
+	str = varargin{1};
+	if ~isstr(str), error([upper(mfilename) ' got an invalid Callback command.']); end;
+	s = lower(str);
+	if strcmp(s,'motion'),
+		% motion callback
+		drawnow;
+	else,
+		error([upper(mfilename) ' does not recognize ''' str(:).' ''' as a valid Callback option.']);
+	end;
+function out = arrow_point(ax,use_z)
+% return the point on the given axes
+	if nargin==0, ax=gca; end;
+	if nargin<2, use_z=~arrow_is2DXY(ax)|~arrow_planarkids(ax); end;
+	out = get(ax,'CurrentPoint');
+	out = out(1,:);
+	if ~use_z, out=out(1:2); end;
+function [wasKeyPress,wasInterrupted,errstr] = arrow_wfbdown(fig)
+% wait for button down ignoring object ButtonDownFcn's
+	if nargin==0, fig=gcf; end;
+	errstr = '';
+	% save ButtonDownFcn values
+	objs = findobj(fig);
+	buttonDownFcns = get(objs,'ButtonDownFcn');
+	mask=~strcmp(buttonDownFcns,''); objs=objs(mask); buttonDownFcns=buttonDownFcns(mask);
+	set(objs,'ButtonDownFcn','');
+	% save other figure values
+	figProps = {'KeyPressFcn','WindowButtonDownFcn'};
+	figValue = get(fig,figProps);
+	% do the real work
+	set(fig,'KeyPressFcn','set(gcf,''KeyPressFcn'','''',''WindowButtonDownFcn'','''');', ...
+	        'WindowButtonDownFcn','set(gcf,''WindowButtonDownFcn'','''')');
+	lasterr('');
+	wasInterrupted=0; eval('waitfor(fig,''WindowButtonDownFcn'','''');','wasInterrupted=1;');
+	wasKeyPress = ~wasInterrupted & strcmp(get(fig,'KeyPressFcn'),'');
+	if wasInterrupted, errstr=lasterr; end;
+	% restore ButtonDownFcn and other figure values
+	set(objs,'ButtonDownFcn',buttonDownFcns);
+	set(fig,figProps,figValue);
+function [out,is2D] = arrow_is2DXY(ax)
+% check if axes are 2-D X-Y plots
+	% may not work for modified camera angles, etc.
+	out = zeros(size(ax)); % 2-D X-Y plots
+	is2D = out;            % any 2-D plots
+	views = get(ax(:),{'View'});
+	views = cat(1,views{:});
+	out(:) = abs(views(:,2))==90;
+	is2D(:) = out(:) | all(rem(views',90)==0)';
+function out = arrow_planarkids(ax)
+% check if axes descendents all have empty ZData (lines,patches,surfaces)
+	out = logical(ones(size(ax)));
+	allkids = get(ax(:),{'Children'});
+	for k=1:length(allkids),
+		kids = get([findobj(allkids{k},'flat','Type','line')
+		            findobj(allkids{k},'flat','Type','patch')
+		            findobj(allkids{k},'flat','Type','surface')],{'ZData'});
+		for j=1:length(kids),
+			if ~isempty(kids{j}), out(k)=logical(0); break; end;
+		end;
+	end;
+function arrow_fixlimits(axlimits)
+% reset the axis limits as necessary
+	if isempty(axlimits), disp([upper(mfilename) ' does not remember any axis limits to reset.']); end;
+	for k=1:size(axlimits,1),
+		if any(get(axlimits(k,1),'XLim')~=axlimits(k,2:3)), set(axlimits(k,1),'XLim',axlimits(k,2:3)); end;
+		if any(get(axlimits(k,1),'YLim')~=axlimits(k,4:5)), set(axlimits(k,1),'YLim',axlimits(k,4:5)); end;
+		if any(get(axlimits(k,1),'ZLim')~=axlimits(k,6:7)), set(axlimits(k,1),'ZLim',axlimits(k,6:7)); end;
+	end;
+function out = arrow_WarpToFill(notstretched,manualcamera,curax)
+% check if we are in "WarpToFill" mode.
+	out = strcmp(get(curax,'WarpToFill'),'on');
+	% 'WarpToFill' is undocumented, so may need to replace this by
+	% out = ~( any(notstretched) & any(manualcamera) );
+function out = arrow_warnlimits(axlimits,narrows)
+% create a warning message if we've changed the axis limits
+	msg = '';
+	switch (size(axlimits,1)==1)
+		case 1, msg='';
+		case 2, msg='on two axes ';
+		otherwise, msg='on several axes ';
+	end;
+	msg = [upper(mfilename) ' changed the axis limits ' msg ...
+	       'when adding the arrow'];
+	if (narrows>1), msg=[msg 's']; end;
+	out = [msg '.' sprintf('\n') '         Call ' upper(mfilename) ...
+	       ' FIXLIMITS to reset them now.'];
+function arrow_copyprops(fm,to)
+% copy line properties to patches
+	props  = {'EraseMode','LineStyle','LineWidth','Marker','MarkerSize',...
+	          'MarkerEdgeColor','MarkerFaceColor','ButtonDownFcn',      ...
+	          'Clipping','DeleteFcn','BusyAction','HandleVisibility',   ...
+	          'Selected','SelectionHighlight','Visible'};
+	lineprops  = {'Color',    props{:}};
+	patchprops = {'EdgeColor',props{:}};
+	patch2props = {'FaceColor',patchprops{:}};
+	fmpatch = strcmp(get(fm,'Type'),'patch');
+	topatch = strcmp(get(to,'Type'),'patch');
+	set(to( fmpatch& topatch),patch2props,get(fm( fmpatch& topatch),patch2props)); %p->p
+	set(to(~fmpatch&~topatch),lineprops,  get(fm(~fmpatch&~topatch),lineprops  )); %l->l
+	set(to( fmpatch&~topatch),lineprops,  get(fm( fmpatch&~topatch),patchprops )); %p->l
+	set(to(~fmpatch& topatch),patchprops, get(fm(~fmpatch& topatch),lineprops)  ,'FaceColor','none'); %l->p
+function arrow_props
+% display further help info about ARROW properties
+	c = sprintf('\n');
+	disp([c ...
+	'ARROW Properties:  Default values are given in [square brackets], and other' c ...
+	'                   acceptable equivalent property names are in (parenthesis).' c c ...
+	'  Start           The starting points. For N arrows,            B' c ...
+	'                  this should be a Nx2 or Nx3 matrix.          /|\           ^' c ...
+	'  Stop            The end points. For N arrows, this          /|||\          |' c ...
+	'                  should be a Nx2 or Nx3 matrix.             //|||\\        L|' c ...
+	'  Length          Length of the arrowhead (in pixels on     ///|||\\\       e|' c ...
+	'                  screen, points on a page). [16] (Len)    ////|||\\\\      n|' c ...
+	'  BaseAngle       Angle (degrees) of the base angle       /////|D|\\\\\     g|' c ...
+	'                  ADE.  For a simple stick arrow, use    ////  |||  \\\\    t|' c ...
+	'                  BaseAngle=TipAngle. [90] (Base)       ///    |||    \\\   h|' c ...
+	'  TipAngle        Angle (degrees) of tip angle ABC.    //<----->||      \\   |' c ...
+	'                  [16] (Tip)                          /   base |||        \  V' c ...
+	'  Width           Width of the base in pixels.  Not  E   angle ||<-------->C' c ...
+	'                  the ''LineWidth'' prop. [0] (Wid)            |||tipangle' c ...
+	'  Page            If provided, non-empty, and not NaN,         |||' c ...
+	'                  this causes ARROW to use hardcopy            |||' c ...
+	'                  rather than onscreen proportions.             A' c ...
+	'                  This is important if screen aspect        -->   <-- width' c ...
+	'                  ratio and hardcopy aspect ratio are    ----CrossDir---->' c ...
+	'                  vastly different. []' c...
+	'  CrossDir        A vector giving the direction towards which the fletches' c ...
+	'                  on the arrow should go.  [computed such that it is perpen-' c ...
+	'                  dicular to both the arrow direction and the view direction' c ...
+	'                  (i.e., as if it was pasted on a normal 2-D graph)]  (Note' c ...
+	'                  that CrossDir is a vector.  Also note that if an axis is' c ...
+	'                  plotted on a log scale, then the corresponding component' c ...
+	'                  of CrossDir must also be set appropriately, i.e., to 1 for' c ...
+	'                  no change in that direction, >1 for a positive change, >0' c ...
+	'                  and <1 for negative change.)' c ...
+	'  NormalDir       A vector normal to the fletch direction (CrossDir is then' c ...
+	'                  computed by the vector cross product [Line]x[NormalDir]). []' c ...
+	'                  (Note that NormalDir is a vector.  Unlike CrossDir,' c ...
+	'                  NormalDir is used as is regardless of log-scaled axes.)' c ...
+	'  Ends            Set which end has an arrowhead.  Valid values are ''none'',' c ...
+	'                  ''stop'', ''start'', and ''both''. [''stop''] (End)' c...
+	'  ObjectHandles   Vector of handles to previously-created arrows to be' c ...
+	'                  updated or line objects to be converted to arrows.' c ...
+	'                  [] (Object,Handle)' c ]);
+function out = arrow_demo
+ 	% demo
+	% create the data
+	[x,y,z] = peaks;
+	[ddd,out.iii]=max(z(:));
+	out.axlim = [min(x(:)) max(x(:)) min(y(:)) max(y(:)) min(z(:)) max(z(:))];
+	% modify it by inserting some NaN's
+	[m,n] = size(z);
+	m = floor(m/2);
+	n = floor(n/2);
+	z(1:m,1:n) = NaN*ones(m,n);
+	% graph it
+	clf('reset');
+	out.hs=surf(x,y,z);
+	out.x=x; out.y=y; out.z=z;
+	xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
+function h = arrow_demo3(in)
+	% set the view
+	axlim = in.axlim;
+	axis(axlim);
+	zlabel('z');
+	%set(in.hs,'FaceColor','interp');
+	view(viewmtx(-37.5,30,20));
+	title(['Demo of the capabilities of the ARROW function in 3-D']);
+	% Normal blue arrow
+	h1 = feval(mfilename,[axlim(1) axlim(4) 4],[-.8 1.2 4], ...
+	           'EdgeColor','b','FaceColor','b');
+	% Normal white arrow, clipped by the surface
+	h2 = feval(mfilename,axlim([1 4 6]),[0 2 4]);
+	t=text(-2.4,2.7,7.7,'arrow clipped by surf');
+	% Baseangle<90
+	h3 = feval(mfilename,[3 .125 3.5],[1.375 0.125 3.5],30,50);
+	t2=text(3.1,.125,3.5,'local maximum');
+	% Baseangle<90, fill and edge colors different
+	h4 = feval(mfilename,axlim(1:2:5)*.5,[0 0 0],36,60,25, ...
+	           'EdgeColor','b','FaceColor','c');
+	t3=text(axlim(1)*.5,axlim(3)*.5,axlim(5)*.5-.75,'origin');
+	set(t3,'HorizontalAlignment','center');
+	% Baseangle>90, black fill
+	h5 = feval(mfilename,[-2.9 2.9 3],[-1.3 .4 3.2],30,120,[],6, ...
+	           'EdgeColor','r','FaceColor','k','LineWidth',2);
+	% Baseangle>90, no fill
+	h6 = feval(mfilename,[-2.9 2.9 1.3],[-1.3 .4 1.5],30,120,[],6, ...
+	           'EdgeColor','r','FaceColor','none','LineWidth',2);
+	% Stick arrow
+	h7 = feval(mfilename,[-1.6 -1.65 -6.5],[0 -1.65 -6.5],[],16,16);
+	t4=text(-1.5,-1.65,-7.25,'global mininum');
+	set(t4,'HorizontalAlignment','center');
+	% Normal, black fill
+	h8 = feval(mfilename,[-1.4 0 -7.2],[-1.4 0 -3],'FaceColor','k');
+	t5=text(-1.5,0,-7.75,'local minimum');
+	set(t5,'HorizontalAlignment','center');
+	% Gray fill, crossdir specified, 'LineStyle' --
+	h9 = feval(mfilename,[-3 2.2 -6],[-3 2.2 -.05],36,[],27,6,[],[0 -1 0], ...
+	           'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor',.75*[1 1 1],'LineStyle','--');
+	% a series of normal arrows, linearly spaced, crossdir specified
+	h10y=(0:4)'/3;
+	h10 = feval(mfilename,[-3*ones(size(h10y)) h10y -6.5*ones(size(h10y))], ...
+	            [-3*ones(size(h10y)) h10y -.05*ones(size(h10y))], ...
+	            12,[],[],[],[],[0 -1 0]);
+	% a series of normal arrows, linearly spaced
+	h11x=(1:.33:2.8)';
+	h11 = feval(mfilename,[h11x -3*ones(size(h11x)) 6.5*ones(size(h11x))], ...
+	            [h11x -3*ones(size(h11x)) -.05*ones(size(h11x))]);
+	% series of magenta arrows, radially oriented, crossdir specified
+	h12x=2; h12y=-3; h12z=axlim(5)/2; h12xr=1; h12zr=h12z; ir=.15;or=.81;
+	h12t=(0:11)'/6*pi;
+	h12 = feval(mfilename,                                           ...
+	            [h12x+h12xr*cos(h12t)*ir h12y*ones(size(h12t))       ...
+	             h12z+h12zr*sin(h12t)*ir],[h12x+h12xr*cos(h12t)*or   ...
+	             h12y*ones(size(h12t)) h12z+h12zr*sin(h12t)*or],     ...
+	            10,[],[],[],[],                                      ...
+	            [-h12xr*sin(h12t) zeros(size(h12t)) h12zr*cos(h12t)],...
+	            'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','m');
+	% series of normal arrows, tangentially oriented, crossdir specified
+	or13=.91; h13t=(0:.5:12)'/6*pi;
+	locs = [h12x+h12xr*cos(h13t)*or13 h12y*ones(size(h13t)) h12z+h12zr*sin(h13t)*or13];
+	h13 = feval(mfilename,locs(1:end-1,:),locs(2:end,:),6);
+	% arrow with no line ==> oriented downwards
+	h14 = feval(mfilename,[3 3 .100001],[3 3 .1],30);
+	t6=text(3,3,3.6,'no line'); set(t6,'HorizontalAlignment','center');
+	% arrow with arrowheads at both ends
+	h15 = feval(mfilename,[-.5 -3 -3],[1 -3 -3],'Ends','both','FaceColor','g', ...
+	            'Length',20,'Width',3,'CrossDir',[0 0 1],'TipAngle',25);
+	h=[h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;h7;h8;h9;h10;h11;h12;h13;h14;h15];
+function h = arrow_demo2(in)
+	axlim = in.axlim;
+	dolog = 1;
+	if (dolog), set(in.hs,'YData',10.^get(in.hs,'YData')); end;
+	shading('interp');
+	view(2);
+	title(['Demo of the capabilities of the ARROW function in 2-D']);
+	hold on; [C,H]=contour(in.x,in.y,in.z,20,'-'); hold off;
+	for k=H',
+		set(k,'ZData',(axlim(6)+1)*ones(size(get(k,'XData'))),'Color','k');
+		if (dolog), set(k,'YData',10.^get(k,'YData')); end;
+	end;
+	if (dolog), axis([axlim(1:2) 10.^axlim(3:4)]); set(gca,'YScale','log');
+	else,       axis(axlim(1:4)); end;
+	% Normal blue arrow
+	start = [axlim(1) axlim(4) axlim(6)+2];
+	stop  = [in.x(in.iii) in.y(in.iii) axlim(6)+2];
+	if (dolog), start(:,2)=10.^start(:,2); stop(:,2)=10.^stop(:,2); end;
+	h1 = feval(mfilename,start,stop,'EdgeColor','b','FaceColor','b');
+	% three arrows with varying fill, width, and baseangle
+	start = [-3   -3   10; -3   -1.5 10; -1.5 -3   10];
+	stop  = [-.03 -.03 10; -.03 -1.5 10; -1.5 -.03 10];
+	if (dolog), start(:,2)=10.^start(:,2); stop(:,2)=10.^stop(:,2); end;
+	h2 = feval(mfilename,start,stop,24,[90;60;120],[],[0;0;4],'Ends',str2mat('both','stop','stop'));
+	set(h2(2),'EdgeColor',[0 .35 0],'FaceColor',[0 .85 .85]);
+	set(h2(3),'EdgeColor','r','FaceColor',[1 .5 1]);
+	h=[h1;h2];