diff core/tools/CQueue.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/core/tools/CQueue.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+classdef CQueue < handle
+% CQueue define a queue data strcuture
+% It likes java.util.Queue, however, it could use CQueue.content() to
+% return all the data (in cells) of the Queue, and it is a litter faster
+% than java's Queue.
+%   q = CQueue(c); c is a cells, and could be omitted
+%   s.size() return the numble of element
+%   s.isempty() return true when the queue is empty
+%   s.empty() delete all the elements in the queue.
+%   s.push(el) push el to the top of qeueu
+%   s.pop() pop out the the beginning of queue, and return the element
+%   s.front() return the the the beginning element of the qeueu
+%   s.back() return the the the rear element of the qeueu
+%   s.remove() remove all data from the queue
+%   s.content() return all the data of the queue (in the form of a
+%   cells with size [s.size(), 1]
+% See also CList, CStack
+% Copyright: zhang@zhiqiang.org, 2010.
+% url: http://zhiqiang.org/blog/it/matlab-data-structures.html
+    properties (Access = private)
+        buffer      % a cell, to maintain the data
+        beg         % the start position of the queue
+        rear        % the end position of the queue
+                    % the actually data is buffer(beg:rear-1)
+    end
+    properties (Access = public)
+        capacity    % 栈的容量,当容量不够时,容量扩充为2倍。
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = CQueue(c) % 初始化
+            if nargin >= 1 && iscell(c)
+                obj.buffer = [c(:); cell(numel(c), 1)];
+                obj.beg = 1;
+                obj.rear = numel(c) + 1;
+                obj.capacity = 2*numel(c);
+            elseif nargin >= 1
+                obj.buffer = cell(100, 1);
+                obj.buffer{1} = c;
+                obj.beg = 1;
+                obj.rear = 2;
+                obj.capacity = 100;                
+            else
+                obj.buffer = cell(100, 1);
+                obj.capacity = 100;
+                obj.beg = 1;
+                obj.rear = 1;
+            end
+        end
+        function s = size(obj) % 队列长度
+            if obj.rear >= obj.beg
+                s = obj.rear - obj.beg;
+            else
+                s = obj.rear - obj.beg + obj.capacity;
+            end
+        end
+        function b = isempty(obj)   % return true when the queue is empty
+            b = ~logical(obj.size());
+        end
+        function s = empty(obj) % clear all the data in the queue
+            s = obj.size();
+            obj.beg = 1;
+            obj.rear = 1;
+        end
+        function push(obj, el) % 压入新元素到队尾
+            if obj.size >= obj.capacity - 1
+                sz = obj.size();
+                if obj.rear >= obj.front
+                    obj.buffer(1:sz) = obj.buffer(obj.beg:obj.rear-1);                    
+                else
+                    obj.buffer(1:sz) = obj.buffer([obj.beg:obj.capacity 1:obj.rear-1]);
+                end
+                obj.buffer(sz+1:obj.capacity*2) = cell(obj.capacity*2-sz, 1);
+                obj.capacity = numel(obj.buffer);
+                obj.beg = 1;
+                obj.rear = sz+1;
+            end
+            obj.buffer{obj.rear} = el;
+            obj.rear = mod(obj.rear, obj.capacity) + 1;
+        end
+        function el = front(obj) % 返回队首元素
+            if obj.rear ~= obj.beg
+                el = obj.buffer{obj.beg};
+            else
+                el = [];
+                warning('CQueue:NO_DATA', 'try to get data from an empty queue');
+            end
+        end
+        function el = back(obj) % 返回队尾元素            
+           if obj.rear == obj.beg
+               el = [];
+               warning('CQueue:NO_DATA', 'try to get data from an empty queue');
+           else
+               if obj.rear == 1
+                   el = obj.buffer{obj.capacity};
+               else
+                   el = obj.buffer{obj.rear - 1};
+               end
+            end
+        end
+        function el = pop(obj) % 弹出队首元素
+            if obj.rear == obj.beg
+                error('CQueue:NO_Data', 'Trying to pop an empty queue');
+            else
+                el = obj.buffer{obj.beg};
+                obj.beg = obj.beg + 1;
+                if obj.beg > obj.capacity, obj.beg = 1; end
+            end             
+        end
+        function remove(obj) % 清空队列
+            obj.beg = 1;
+            obj.rear = 1;
+        end
+        function display(obj) % 显示队列
+            if obj.size()
+                if obj.beg <= obj.rear 
+                    for i = obj.beg : obj.rear-1
+                        disp([num2str(i - obj.beg + 1) '-th element of the stack:']);
+                        disp(obj.buffer{i});
+                    end
+                else
+                    for i = obj.beg : obj.capacity
+                        disp([num2str(i - obj.beg + 1) '-th element of the stack:']);
+                        disp(obj.buffer{i});
+                    end     
+                    for i = 1 : obj.rear-1
+                        disp([num2str(i + obj.capacity - obj.beg + 1) '-th element of the stack:']);
+                        disp(obj.buffer{i});
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                disp('The queue is empty');
+            end
+        end
+        function c = content(obj) % 取出队列元素
+            if obj.rear >= obj.beg
+                c = obj.buffer(obj.beg:obj.rear-1);                    
+            else
+                c = obj.buffer([obj.beg:obj.capacity 1:obj.rear-1]);
+            end
+        end
+    end
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