diff core/magnatagatune/AudioFeatureRAW.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/core/magnatagatune/AudioFeatureRAW.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+% --
+% This class loads and hanles the aufdio features included with the MTT
+% Library
+% --- 
+classdef AudioFeatureRAW < MTTAudioFeature & handle
+    properties(Constant = true)
+    end
+    properties
+        % ---
+        % Set default parameters
+        % ---
+        my_params = struct([]);
+    end
+    % ---
+    % member functions
+    % ---
+    methods
+        % ---
+        % constructor: pointer to feature in database
+        % ---
+        function feature = AudioFeatureRAW(varargin)
+           feature = feature@MTTAudioFeature(varargin{:});
+        end
+        function [a1, a2, a3] = visualise(feature)
+        % ---
+        % plots the different data types collected in this feature
+        % ---
+            for i = 1:numel(feature)
+                clip = feature(i).data.info.owner;
+                % ---
+                % labels for chroma data
+                % ---
+                chroma_labels = {'c', 'c#', 'd','d#', 'e', 'f','f#', 'g','g#', 'a','a#', 'b'};
+                mode_labels = {'minor', 'major'};
+                % hange labels to reflect detected mode
+                chroma_labels{feature(i).data.key + 1} = ...
+                    sprintf('(%s) %s',mode_labels{feature(i).data.mode + 1}, chroma_labels{feature(i).data.key + 1});
+                secs = [feature(i).data.sections_start; feature(i).data.sections_duration];
+                h = figure;
+                % number of subplots
+                n = 3;
+                % ---
+                % chroma feature display
+                % ---
+                subplot(n,1,1);
+                % get segment times and fix for same lengths for all plots
+                % ---
+                % NOTE: Last segment will appear longer
+                % ---
+                segments = [feature(i).data.segments_start];
+                segments(end) = feature(i).data.duration;
+                % display chroma vectors
+                uimagesc(segments, 0:11, [feature(i).data.segments_pitches]);
+                set(gca,'YTick',[0:11], 'YTickLabel', chroma_labels);
+                axis xy
+                colormap(hot)
+                %colorbar;
+                ylabel('chroma class');
+                title(sprintf('clip %d: %s by %s, chromagram', ...
+                    clip.id, clip.title(),clip.artist()));
+                % added sections
+                axis([0 feature(i).data.duration -1 11.5]);
+                hl = line([secs(1,:); sum(secs,1)],ones(2, size(secs,2)) * -0.8);
+                set(hl,'LineWidth',6);
+                a1 = gca;
+                % ---
+                % mfcc feature display
+                %
+                % NOTE: the first position of timbre is reduced in energy,
+                % as this seems to introduce some corruption in lots of data
+                % ---
+                timbre = feature(i).data.segments_timbre(:,1);
+                timbre = timbre/ max(max(abs(timbre))) * ...
+                    mean( mean( abs( feature(i).data.segments_timbre(:,2:min(end,5)))));
+                subplot(n,1,2);
+                uimagesc(segments, 0:11, [timbre feature(i).data.segments_timbre(:,2:end)]);
+                axis xy
+                %colorbar;
+                xlabel('time[s]');
+                ylabel('mfcc coeff');
+                title(sprintf('mfcc timbre features'));
+                a2 = gca;
+                % ---
+                % beats and sections
+                % ---
+                subplot(n,1,3);
+                axis([0 feature(i).data.duration -0.6 1.2]);
+                hl = line([0 feature(i).data.duration],[0 0]);
+                set(hl, 'Color','g');
+                a3 = gca;
+                if ~isfield(feature.data,'bars');
+                    return;
+                end
+                beats = feature.data.beats;
+                bars = feature.data.bars;
+                tatums = feature.data.tatums;
+                % tatums
+                hl = line([tatums(1,:); tatums(1,:)],[ones(1, size(tatums,2)) * -0.2; max(-0.1,tatums(2,:))]);
+                set(hl,'LineWidth',1);
+                set(hl, 'Color','k');
+                % beats
+                hl = line([beats(1,:); beats(1,:)],[ones(1, size(beats,2)) * -0.4; max(-0.1,beats(2,:))]);
+                set(hl,'LineWidth',2);
+                set(hl, 'Color','b');
+                % bars
+                hl = line([bars(1,:); bars(1,:)],[ones(1, size(bars,2)) * -0.5; max(-0.1,bars(2,:))]);
+                set(hl,'LineWidth',4);
+                set(hl, 'Color','r');
+                % sections
+                hl = line([secs(1,:); sum(secs,1)],ones(2, size(secs,2)) * -0.5);
+                set(hl,'LineWidth',6);
+                ylabel('confidence');                
+                title(sprintf('rhythmic features @%3.1f BPM, %d/4 meter',...
+                    feature(i).data.tempo, feature(i).data.timeSignature));
+            end
+        end
+    end
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