diff toolboxes/xml_toolbox/tests/xml_tests.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/xml_toolbox/tests/xml_tests.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+function toolbox_test
+% function toolbox_test
+% This function is used to test the XML Toolbox for Matlab.

+% Copyright (C) 2002-2005, University of Southampton
+% Author: Dr Marc Molinari <m.molinari@soton.ac.uk>
+% $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/04/15 17:12:14 $ $Tag$

+INFO = ver('Matlab');
+VER  = str2num(INFO.Version);
+N=1; % test index (gets increased with every run)
+% =========================================
+comm = 'double';
+c = -5.789;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='empty double';
+c = [];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='double array';
+c = [-10:0.75:10];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='double array 2 dim';
+c = [-5:5; 10:20];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='double array 3 dim';
+c(1,1,:) = [-10:10];
+c(2,2,:) = [100:120];
+c(3,3,:) = [-1.0:0.1:1];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='large double';
+c = 999999999999999;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='small negative double';
+c = -0.0000000000001;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+% =========================================
+c = 'z';
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='empty char';
+c = [''];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='single space';
+c = [' '];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='several spaces';
+c = ['              '];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='non-xml characters, <&''"> with leading and trailing spaces';
+c = [' <&''"> '];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='char array / string';
+c = 'Hello World! Look out of the window';
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='char array / string with leading+trailing space';
+c = ' This has a leading and trailing space. ';
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='funny ascii characters';
+c = 'Funny chars: !$^&*()_+=-@#{}[];:,./\?';
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='char array';
+c = ['abcdefg'; ...
+     'hijklmn'];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+% =========================================
+c = -7.14 + 2.03i;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='pure imaginary';
+c = 8i;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='complex array';
+a = [-10:0.75:10];
+b = [10:-0.75:-10];
+c = a+b*i;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear a b c;
+comm='complex array 2 dim';
+a = [-5:5; 10:20];
+b = [-5:5; 10:20];
+c = a+b*i;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear a b c;
+% =========================================
+c = sparse(4,5,1);
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='empty sparse';
+c = sparse(10,7,0);
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='complex sparse';
+c = sparse(20,40,4+2i);
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+% =========================================
+comm='empty struct';
+if (VER <= 5.3)
+  % Matlab up to V. 5.3 does not like empty structs
+  c = [];
+  c = struct([]);
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+c.A = 1;
+c.B = 2;
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='struct with arrays';
+c.A = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
+c.B = [10 20; 30 40; 50 60; 70 80; 90 100];
+c.C = [9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]'; % transposed
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='struct with chars';
+c.A = 'a b c d e f g';
+c.B = 'zz yy xx ww vv uu';
+c.C = ['hippopotamus']'; % transposed
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='struct with sparse';
+c.A = sparse(100,100,42);
+c.B = sparse(1,1,0);
+c.C.s = sparse(eye(4));
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+c.A.a.b = 1;
+c.A.b.c = 'cAbc';
+c.B = [5 5 5 5];
+if (VER <= 5.3)
+  % Matlab up to V. 5.3 does not like empty structs
+  c.C.elongated_name = [];
+  c.C.elongated_name = struct([]);
+c.D.complex = [1+i 2+2i 3+3i];
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+% =========================================
+comm='cell - empty double';
+c = {[]};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell - empty char';
+c = {''};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell - char with spaces only';
+c = {'          '};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell - empty double, char, double';
+c = {[], '', []};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+if (VER>5.3)
+  comm='cell - empty struct, double';
+  c = {struct([]), []};
+  dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell with 3 empty cells';
+c = { {} {} {} };
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell numeric';
+c = {177};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell complex';
+c = {101-99i};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell alphanumeric';
+c = {'aabbccdd'};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell structure';
+a.b.c = [1 2 3];
+a.b.d = 'Hello World!';
+c = {a};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c a;
+comm='cell containing empty char field';
+c = {'the next one is empty', '', 'the previous one is empty'};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell containing empty double field';
+c = {'the next one is empty', [], 'the previous one is empty'};
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell mixed';
+c = { 'abc', 987, 'def', 654, 'ghijklmno', 10000, 9999-i };
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='cell of cells';
+c = { {'abc', 987}, {'def', 654}, {'ghijklmno', 10000}, {-1-i} };
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+comm='array of cells';
+c{1,1} = { {'abc', 987}, {'def', 654}, {'ghijklmno', 10000} };
+c{2,1} = { 'second row', 22222222222, 0.9222i };
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+% =========================================
+comm='combination of all types';
+c(1,1).a = 9e-9;
+c(1,1).b = 'aaa';
+c(1,1).c = {'bbb', [10 20 30], 'ccccccccccc'};
+c(1,1).d.e.f.g.h = [10 20 30; 40 50 60; 70 80 90; 100 110 120];
+c(1,1).e = sparse([1 2 4 5], [1 2 4 5], [1 1 1 1]);
+c(1,2).c = [22+33i; 44-55i; -66+77i; -88+99i];
+c(2,2).a.x(2).y(3).z = 'this is cool';
+c(2,2).b = 7e-7;
+c(2,2).d.hello.world.hitchhiker.galaxy = 42;
+c(2,2).e = { sparse(4,7,1), ' check this out with spaces ', pi };
+dotest(c, N, comm); N=N+1; clear c;
+% ========================================
+% ========================================
+function dotest(c, N, comm)
+% c is variable, N is id number and comm is comment.
+if nargin<3, comm=''; end
+% name based routines:
+tsave_n(N, c);
+str_c = xml_format(c);
+%x = tload_n(N);
+% % %str_x = xml_var2xml(x);
+% % str_x = xml_format(x);
+% % 
+% % if (~strcmp( class(c), class(x)) | ...
+% %     ~strcmp( str_c, str_x ) )
+% %   disp(['Test ', num2str(N), ' (V.1.x) ***FAILED*** ("', comm, '")  <=====================']);
+% %   return
+% % else
+% %   disp(['Test ', num2str(N), ' (V.1.x)    passed    ("', comm, '")']);
+% % end
+% test format from previous versions:
+% save in type-based (1.x) version
+%tsave_t(N, c);
+str_c = xml_format(c);
+% load with name-based (2.0) version
+x = tload_n(N);
+str_x = xml_format(x);
+if (~strcmp( class(c), class(x)) | ...
+    ~strcmp( str_c, str_x ) )
+  disp(['Test ', num2str(N), ' (V.2.x,3.x) ***FAILED*** ("', comm, '")  <=====================']);
+  return
+  disp(['Test ', num2str(N), ' (V.2.x,3.x)    passed    ("', comm, '")']);
+% ========================================
+% ========================================
+function tsave_t(N, c)
+% saves variable c in file test_t_N.xml in old format of V.1.x
+%xml_oldsave( ['test_t_', num2str(N), '.xml'], c );
+str = xml_format_old(c);
+fid = fopen(['test_t_', num2str(N), '.xml'], 'w');
+fprintf( fid, '%s', str);
+% ========================================
+% ========================================
+function tsave_n(N, c)
+% saves variable c in file test_n_N.xml
+% xml_save( ['test_n_', num2str(N), '.xml'], c );
+str = xml_format(c);
+fid = fopen(['test_n_', num2str(N), '.xml'], 'w');
+fprintf( fid, '%s', str);
+% % ========================================
+% % ========================================
+% function c = tload_t(N)
+% % loads variable c in file test_t_N.xml
+% c = xml_load( ['test_t_', num2str(N), '.xml'] );
+% ========================================
+% ========================================
+function c = tload_n(N)
+% loads variable c in file test_n_N.xml
+str = fileread(['test_n_', num2str(N), '.xml']);
+c = xml_parse(str);