diff toolboxes/graph_visualisation/share/graphviz/doc/html/info/shapes.html @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/graph_visualisation/share/graphviz/doc/html/info/shapes.html	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
+    This is a generated document.  Do not edit.
+<TITLE>Node Shapes</TITLE>
+<A NAME="top"></A>
+<H1 align=CENTER>Node Shapes</H1>
+The geometries of all node shapes are affected by
+the node attributes 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:fixedsize><TT>fixedsize</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:fontname><TT>fontname</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:fontsize><TT>fontsize</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:height><TT>height</TT></A>,
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:label><TT>label</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=#d:style><TT>style</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:width><TT>width</TT></A>.
+<H2><A NAME=polygon>Polygon-based Nodes</A></H2>
+The possible polygon-based shapes are displayed below.
+    <TD><IMG SRC=box.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=polygon.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=ellipse.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=circle.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:box>box</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:polygon>polygon</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:ellipse>ellipse</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:circle>circle</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=point.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=egg.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=triangle.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=plaintext.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:point>point</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:egg>egg</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:triangle>triangle</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:plaintext>plaintext</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=diamond.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=trapezium.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=parallelogram.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=house.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:diamond>diamond</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:trapezium>trapezium</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:parallelogram>parallelogram</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:house>house</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=pentagon.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=hexagon.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=septagon.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=octagon.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:pentagon>pentagon</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:hexagon>hexagon</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:septagon>septagon</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:octagon>octagon</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=doublecircle.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=doubleoctagon.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=tripleoctagon.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=invtriangle.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:doublecircle>doublecircle</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:doubleoctagon>doubleoctagon</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:tripleoctagon>tripleoctagon</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:invtriangle>invtriangle</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=invtrapezium.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=invhouse.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=Mdiamond.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=Msquare.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:invtrapezium>invtrapezium</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:invhouse>invhouse</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:Mdiamond>Mdiamond</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:Msquare>Msquare</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=Mcircle.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=rect.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=rectangle.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=none.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:Mcircle>Mcircle</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:rect>rect</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:rectangle>rectangle</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:none>none</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=note.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=tab.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=folder.gif>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=box3d.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:note>note</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:tab>tab</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:folder>folder</A>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:box3d>box3d</A>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><IMG SRC=component.gif>
+  </TR>
+    <TD><A NAME=d:component>component</A>
+  </TR>
+As the figures suggest, the shapes <TT>rect</TT> and <TT>rectangle</TT> are synonyms for <TT>box</TT>, and <TT>none</TT> is a synonym for <TT>plaintext</TT>.
+Also, unlike the rest, we have shown these last two 
+without <TT>style=filled</TT>
+to indicate the normal use. If fill were turned on, the label text would
+appear in a filled rectangle.
+The geometries of polygon-based shapes are also affected
+by the node attributes 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:regular><TT>regular</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:peripheries><TT>peripheries</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:orientation><TT>orientation</TT></A>.
+If <TT>shape="polygon"</TT>, the attributes
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:sides><TT>sides</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:skew><TT>skew</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:distortion><TT>distortion</TT></A> are also used.
+If unset, they default to 4, 0.0 and 0.0, respectively.
+In addition, the 3 M* shapes support auxiliary labels using
+the <A HREF=attrs.html#d:toplabel><TT>toplabel</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:bottomlabel><TT>bottomlabel</TT></A> attributes.
+On the other hand, the point shape is special in that it is
+only affected by the <A HREF=attrs.html#d:peripheries><TT>peripheries</TT></A>, 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:width><TT>width</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:height><TT>height</TT></A> attributes.
+<H2><A NAME=record>Record-based Nodes</A></H2>
+These are specified by shape values of "record" and "Mrecord".
+The structure of a record-based node is determined by 
+its <A HREF=attrs.html#d:label><TT>label</TT></A>,
+which has the following schema:
+  <TABLE>
+  <TR><TD ALIGN=right><I>rlabel</I><TD>=<TD><I>field</I> ( '|' <I>field</I> )*</TR>
+  <TR><TD ALIGN=right>where <I>field</I><TD>=<TD>fieldId</I> or '{' <I>rlabel</I> '}'</TR>
+  <TR><TD ALIGN=right>and <I>fieldId</I><TD>=<TD> [ '<' <I>string</I> '>'] [ <I>string</I> ]</TR>
+  </TABLE>
+Literal braces, vertical bars and angle brackets must be escaped.
+Spaces are interpreted as separators between tokens,
+so they must be escaped if you want spaces in the text.
+The first string in <I>fieldId</I> assigns a portname to the field and can 
+be combined with the node name to indicate where to attach an edge
+to the node. (See <A HREF=attrs.html#k:portPos>portPos</A>.)
+The second string is used as the text for the field; it supports the usual
+<A HREF=attrs.html#k:escString>escape sequences</A> \n, \l and \r.
+Visually, a record is a box, with fields represented by alternating
+rows of horizontal or vertical subboxes. The Mrecord shape is identical
+to a record shape, except that the outermost box has rounded corners.
+Flipping between horizontal and vertical layouts is done by nesting
+fields in braces "{...}". The top-level orientation in a record is
+horizontal. Thus, a record with label "A | B | C | D" will have 4 fields 
+oriented left to right, while "{A | B | C | D}" will have them 
+from top to bottom and "A | { B | C } | D" will have "B" over "C", with
+"A" to the left and "D" to the right of "B" and "C".
+The initial orientation of a record node depends on the
+<A HREF="attrs.html#d:rankdir">rankdir</A> attribute. If this attribute
+is <TT>TB</TT> (the default) or <TT>TB</TT>, corresponding to vertical
+layouts, the top-level fields in a record are displayed horizontally.
+If, however, this attribute is <TT>LR</TT> or <TT>RL</TT>, 
+corresponding to horizontal layouts, the top-level fields are 
+displayed vertically.
+As an example of a record node, the dot input
+digraph structs {
+    node [shape=record];
+    struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> mid\ dle|<f2> right"];
+    struct2 [label="<f0> one|<f1> two"];
+    struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"];
+    struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0;
+    struct1:f2 -> struct3:here;
+yields the figure<BR>
+<IMG SRC=record.gif>
+If we add the line
+    rankdir=LR
+we get the layout<BR>
+<IMG SRC=record2.gif>
+If we change node <TT>struct1</TT> to have shape <TT>Mrecord</TT>,
+it then looks like:<BR>
+<IMG SRC=mrecord.gif>
+<H2><A NAME="d:style">Styles for Nodes</A></H2>
+The <A HREF=attrs.html#d:style><TT>style</TT></A>
+attribute can be used to modify the appearance of a node.
+At present, there are 8 style values recognized:
+<TT>filled</TT>, <TT>invisible</TT>, <TT>diagonals</TT>, <TT>rounded</TT>.
+<TT>dashed</TT>, <TT>dotted</TT>, <TT>solid</TT> and <TT>bold</TT>.
+As usual, the value of the <A HREF=attrs.html#d:style><TT>style</TT></A>
+attribute can be a comma-separated list of any of these. If the
+style contains conflicts (e.g, <TT>style="dotted, solid"</TT>), the last
+attribute wins.
+<DT><A NAME=d:filled><TT>filled</TT>
+  <DD>This value indicates that the node's interior should be filled.
+The color used is the node's <TT>fillcolor</TT> or, if that's not defined, its
+<TT>color</TT>. For unfilled nodes, the interior of the node is transparent to
+whatever color is the current graph or cluster background color.
+Note that <TT>point</TT> shapes are always filled.
+Thus, the code
+digraph G {
+  rankdir=LR
+  node [shape=box, color=blue]
+  node1 [style=filled] 
+  node2 [style=filled, fillcolor=red] 
+  node0 -> node1 -> node2
+yields the figure<BR>
+<IMG SRC=fill.gif>
+<DT><A NAME=d:invisible><TT>invisible</TT>
+  <DD>Setting this style causes the node not to be displayed at all.
+Note that the node is still used in laying out the graph.
+<DT><A NAME=d:diagonals><TT>diagonals</TT>
+  <DD>The diagonals style causes small chords to be drawn near the vertices
+of the node's polygon or, in case of circles and ellipses, two chords near
+the top and the bottom of the shape. The special node shapes
+<A HREF=#d:Msquare><TT>Msquare</TT></A>,
+<A HREF=#d:Mcircle><TT>Mcircle</TT></A>, and
+<A HREF=#d:Mdiamond><TT>Mdiamond</TT></A>
+are simply an ordinary square, circle and
+diamond with the diagonals style set.
+<DT><A NAME=d:rounded><TT>rounded</TT>
+  <DD>The rounded style causes the polygonal corners to be smoothed.
+Note that this style also applies to record-based nodes. Indeed,
+the <TT>Mrecord</TT> shape is simply shorthand for setting this style.
+Also, prior to 26 April 2005, the rounded and filled styles were 
+mutually exclusive.
+As an example of rounding, dot uses the graph
+digraph R {
+  rankdir=LR
+  node [style=rounded]
+  node1 [shape=box]
+  node2 [fillcolor=yellow, style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond]
+  node3 [shape=record, label="{ a | b | c }"]
+  node1 -> node2 -> node3
+to produce the figure<BR>
+<IMG SRC=round.gif>
+<DT><A NAME=d:dashed><TT>dashed</TT>
+  <DD>This style causes the node's border to be drawn as a dashed line.
+<DT><A NAME=d:dotted><TT>dotted</TT>
+  <DD>This style causes the node's border to be drawn as a dotted line.
+<DT><A NAME=d:solid><TT>solid</TT>
+  <DD>This style causes the node's border to be drawn as a solid line,
+which is the default.
+<DT><A NAME=d:bold><TT>bold</TT>
+  <DD>This style causes the node's border to be drawn as a bold line.
+See also <A HREF=attrs.html#d:setlinewidth>setlinewidth</A>.
+Additional styles may be available with a specific code generator.
+<H2><A NAME=html>HTML-Like Labels</A></H2>
+<B>NOTE:</B><EM>This feature is only available on versions of Graphviz
+that are newer than mid-November 2003. In particular, it is not part
+of release 1.10.</EM>
+If the value of a label attribute
+(<A HREF=attrs.html#d:label><TT>label</TT></A> for nodes, edges, clusters, and
+graphs, and the
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:headlabel><TT>headlabel</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=attrs.html#d:taillabel><TT>taillabel</TT></A>
+attributes of an edge) is given as an
+<A HREF=lang.html#html>HTML string</A>, 
+that is, delimited by <TT>&lt;...&gt;</TT>
+rather than <TT>&quot;...&quot;</TT>,
+the label is interpreted as
+an HTML description. At their simplest, such labels
+can describe multiple lines of variously aligned text as provided by ordinary 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#k:escString>string labels</A>. More generally, the
+label can specify a table similar to those provided by HTML,
+with different graphical attributes at each level.
+<B>NOTE:</B> The features and syntax supported by these labels are
+modeled on HTML. However, there are many aspects that are relevant
+to Graphviz labels that are not in HTML and, conversely, HTML allows
+various constructs which are meaningless in Graphviz. We will generally
+refer to these labels as "HTML labels" rather than the cumbersome
+"HTML-like labels" but the reader is warned that these are not really
+HTML. The grammar below describes precisely what Graphviz will accept.
+Although HTML labels are not, strictly speaking, a shape, they can be
+viewed as a generalization of the record shapes described above. 
+In particular, if a node has set its 
+<A HREF=attrs.html#k:shape><TT>shape</TT></A>
+attribute to <TT>plaintext</TT>, the HTML label will be the node's
+shape. On the other hand, if the node has any other shape (except 
+<TT>point</TT>), the HTML label will be embedded within the node the
+same way an ordinary label would be.
+The following is an abstract grammar for HTML labels.
+Terminals, corresponding to elements, are shown in bold font,
+and nonterminals in italics.
+Square brackets [ and ] enclose optional items.
+Vertical bars | separate alternatives.
+Note that, as in HTML, element and attribute names are case-insensitive.
+(cf. sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of the 
+<A HREF="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401">HTML 4.01 specification</A>).
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>label</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>text</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>table</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>text</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>textitem</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>text</I> <I>textitem</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>textitem</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>string</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>&lt;BR/&gt;</B></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>&lt;FONT&gt;</B> <I>text</I> <B>&lt;/FONT&gt;</B></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>table</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT>[ <B>&lt;FONT&gt;</B> ] <B>&lt;TABLE&gt;</B> <I>rows</I> <B>&lt;/TABLE&gt;</B> [ <B>&lt;/FONT&gt;</B> ]</TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>rows</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>row</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>rows</I> <I>row</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>row</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>&lt;TR&gt;</B> <I>cells</I> <B>&lt;/TR&gt;</B></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>cells</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>cell</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><I>cells</I> <I>cell</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><I>cell</I></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>&lt;TD&gt;</B> <I>label</I> <B>&lt;/TD&gt;</B></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>&lt;TD&gt;</B> <B>&lt;IMG/&gt;</B> <B>&lt;/TD&gt;</B></TD>
+Above, a <I>string</I> is any collection of printable characters, including
+all spaces. Note that outside of the body of a &lt;TD&gt; element, 
+whitespace characters are ignored; within a &lt;TD&gt; element, spaces
+are preserved but all other white space characters are discarded.
+HTML comments are allowed within an HTML string. They can occur anywhere
+provided that, if they contain part of an HTML element, they must contain
+the entire element.
+As is obvious from the above description, the interpretation of white space
+characters is one place where HTML-like labels is very different from 
+standard HTML. In HTML, any sequence of white space characters is 
+collapsed to a single space, If the user does not want this to happen, the
+input must use non-breaking spaces "&amp;nbsp;". This makes sense in
+HTML, where text layout depends dynamically on the space available. In
+Graphviz, the layout is statically determined by the input, so it is
+reasonable to treat ordinary space characters as non-breaking. In addition,
+ignoring tabs and newlines allows the input text to be formatted for
+easier reading. 
+Each of the HTML elements has a set of optional attributes.
+Attribute values must appear in double quotes.
+  BGCOLOR="<I>color</I>"
+  BORDER="<I>value</I>"
+  CELLBORDER="<I>value</I>"
+  CELLPADDING="<I>value</I>"
+  CELLSPACING="<I>value</I>"
+  COLOR="<I>color</I>"
+  HEIGHT="<I>value</I>"
+  HREF="<I>value</I>"
+  PORT="<I>portName</I>"
+  TARGET="<I>value</I>"
+  TITLE="<I>value</I>"
+  TOOLTIP="<I>value</I>"
+  WIDTH="<I>value</I>"
+  &lt;!-- No attributes --&gt;
+  BGCOLOR="<I>color</I>"
+  BORDER="<I>value</I>"
+  CELLPADDING="<I>value</I>"
+  CELLSPACING="<I>value</I>"
+  COLOR="<I>color</I>"
+  COLSPAN="<I>value</I>"
+  HEIGHT="<I>value</I>"
+  HREF="<I>value</I>"
+  PORT="<I>portName</I>"
+  ROWSPAN="<I>value</I>"
+  TARGET="<I>value</I>"
+  TITLE="<I>value</I>"
+  TOOLTIP="<I>value</I>"
+  WIDTH="<I>value</I>"
+  COLOR="<I>color</I>"
+  FACE="<I>fontname</I>"
+  POINT-SIZE="<I>value</I>"
+  SRC="<I>value</I>"
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>ALIGN</FONT> </I></B>
+specifies horizontal placement. When an object is allocated
+more space than required, this value determines where the extra space
+is placed left and right of the object.
+<LI>CENTER aligns the object in the center. (Default) </LI>
+<LI>LEFT aligns the object on the left.</LI>
+<LI>RIGHT aligns the object on the right.  </LI>
+<LI>(<T>&lt;TD&gt;</T> only) TEXT aligns lines of text using the full
+cell width. The alignment of a line is determined by its (possibly
+implicit) associated <T>&lt;BR&gt;</T> element.</LI> 
+The contents of a cell are normally aligned as a block. In particular,
+lines of text are first aligned as a text block based on the width of
+the widest line and the corresponding <T>&lt;BR&gt;</T> elements. Then,
+the entire text block is aligned within a cell. If, however, the
+cell's <B><I>ALIGN</I></B> value is <T>"TEXT"</T>, and the cell contains
+lines of text, then the lines are justified using the entire available
+width of the cell. If the cell does not contain text, then the contained
+image or table is centered.
+specifies the default alignment of <T>&lt;BR&gt;</T> elements contained
+in the cell. That is, if a <T>&lt;BR&gt;</T> element has no
+explicit <B><I>ALIGN</I></B> attribute, the attribute value is specified
+by the value of <B><I>BALIGN</I></B>.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>BGCOLOR="color"</FONT></I></B>
+sets the color of the background. This color can be 
+overridden by a <B><I>BGCOLOR</I></B> attribute in descendents.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>BORDER="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the width of the border around the object in points.
+A value of zero indicates no border. The default is 1.
+The maximum value is 255.
+If set in a table, and <B><I>CELLBORDER</I></B> is not set,
+this value is also used for all cells in the table.
+It can be overridden by a <B><I>BORDER</I></B> tag in  a cell.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>CELLBORDER="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the width of the border for all cells in a table.
+It can be overridden by a <B><I>BORDER</I></B> tag in  a cell.
+The maximum value is 255.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>CELLPADDING="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the space, in points, between a cell's border and its content.
+The default is 2.
+The maximum value is 255.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>CELLSPACING="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the space, in points, between cells in a table and between
+a cell and the table's border.  The default is 2.
+The maximum value is 127.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>COLOR="color"</FONT></I></B>
+sets the color of the font within the scope of
+&lt;FONT&gt;...&lt;/FONT&gt;, or the border color
+of the table or cell within the scope of
+or &lt;TD&gt;...&lt;/TD&gt;.
+This color can be 
+overridden by a <B><I>COLOR</I></B> attribute in descendents.
+By default, the font color is determined by the
+<A HREF="attrs.html#:fontcolor">fontcolor</A> attribute of
+the corresponding node, edge or graph, and the border color
+is determined by the
+<A HREF="attrs.html#:color">color</A> attribute of
+the corresponding node, edge or graph.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>COLSPAN="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the number of columns spanned by the cell. The default is 1.
+The maximum value is 65535.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>FACE="fontname"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the font to use within the scope of
+This can be 
+overridden by a <B><I>FACE</I></B> attribute in descendents.
+By default, the font name is determined by the
+<A HREF="attrs.html#:fontname">fontname</A> attribute of the corresponding
+node, edge or graph.
+specifies whether the values given by the <B><I>WIDTH</I></B> 
+and <B><I>HEIGHT</I></B> attributes are enforced.
+<LI>FALSE allows the object to grow so that all its contents will fit. (Default) </LI>
+<LI>TRUE fixes the object size to its given <B><I>WIDTH</I></B> 
+and <B><I>HEIGHT</I></B>.
+Both of these attributes must be supplied.</LI>
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>HEIGHT="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the mininum height, in points, of the object. The height
+includes the contents, any spacing and the border. Unless
+<B><I>FIXEDSIZE</I></B> is true, the height will be expanded to allow
+the contents to fit.
+The maximum value is 65535.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>HREF="value"</FONT></I></B>
+attaches a URL to the object.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>POINT-SIZE="value"</FONT></I></B>
+sets the size of the font, in points, used within the scope of
+This can be 
+overridden by a <B><I>POINT-SIZE</I></B> attribute in descendents.
+By default, the font size is determined by the
+<A HREF="attrs.html#:fontsize">fontsize</A> attribute of the corresponding
+node, edge or graph.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>PORT="value"</FONT></I></B>
+attaches a portname to the object.
+(See <A HREF=attrs.html#k:portPos>portPos</A>.)
+This can be used to modify the head
+or tail of an edge, so that the end attaches directly to the object.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>ROWSPAN="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the number of rows spanned by the cell. The default is 1.
+The maximum value is 65535.
+specifies how an image will use any extra space available in its cell.
+Allowed values are
+<LI>FALSE : keep image its natural size. (Default) </LI>
+<LI>TRUE : scale image uniformly to fit.</LI>
+<LI>WIDTH : expand image width to fill  </LI>
+<LI>HEIGHT : expand image height to fill  </LI>
+<LI>BOTH : expand both image width height to fill  </LI>
+If this attribute is undefined, 
+the image inherits the <A HREF="attrs.html#d:imagescale">imagescale</A> 
+attribute of the graph object being drawn.
+As with the <A HREF="attrs.html#d:imagescale">imagescale</A>
+attribute, if the cell has a fixed size and the image is too large,
+any offending dimension will be shrunk to fit the space, the
+scaling being uniform in width and height if <I>SCALE=<TT>"true"</TT></I>.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>SRC="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the image file to be displayed in the cell.
+Note that if the software is used as a web server, file system access
+to images is more restricted. See <A HREF="#d:GV_FILE_PATH">GV_FILE_PATH</A>
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>TARGET="value"</FONT></I></B>
+determines which window of the browser is used for the URL if the object 
+has one. 
+See <A HREF="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/frames.html#adef-target">W3C documentation</A>.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>TITLE="value"</FONT></I></B>
+sets the tooltip annotation attached to the element. 
+This is used only if the element has a HREF attribute.
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>TOOLTIP="value"</FONT></I></B>
+is an alias for <B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>TITLE</FONT></I></B>.
+specifies vertical placement. When an object is allocated
+more space than required, this value determines where the extra space
+is placed above and below the object.
+<LI>MIDDLE aligns the object in the center. (Default) </LI>
+<LI>LEFT aligns the object on the left.</LI>
+<LI>RIGHT aligns the object on the right.  </LI>
+<B><I><FONT SIZE=-1>WIDTH="value"</FONT></I></B>
+specifies the mininum width, in points, of the object. The width
+includes the contents, any spacing and the border. Unless
+<B><I>FIXEDSIZE</I></B> is true, the width will be expanded to allow
+the contents to fit.
+The maximum value is 65535.
+There is some inheritance among the attributes. If a table specifies
+a <I><B>CELLPADDING</B></I>, <I><B>CELLBORDER</B></I> or <I><B>BORDER</B></I> 
+value, this value is used by the table's
+cells unless overridden. If a cell or table specifies a <I><B>BGCOLOR</B></I>,
+this will be the background color for all of its descendents.
+Of course, if a background or fill color is specified for the
+graph object owning the label, this will be the original
+background for the label.
+The object's fontname, fontcolor and fontsize attributes
+are the default for drawing text. These can be overridden by using
+<I><B>FONT</B></I> to set new values. The new font values will hold
+until overridden by an enclosed <I><B>FONT</B></I> element.
+Finally, the pencolor or color of the graph object will be used as
+the border color.
+Because of certain limitations in handling tables in a device-independent
+manner, when <I><B>BORDER</B></I> is 1 and both table and cell borders
+are on and <I><B>CELLSPACING</B></I> is less than 2, anomalies can arise
+in the output, such as gaps between sides of borders which should be
+abutting or even collinear. The user can usual get around this by increasing
+the border size or the spacing, or turning off the table border.
+As an example of HTML labels, the dot input 
+digraph structs {
+    node [shape=plaintext]
+    struct1 [label=<
+  <TR><TD>left</TD><TD PORT="f1">mid dle</TD><TD PORT="f2">right</TD></TR>
+    struct2 [label=<
+  <TR><TD PORT="f0">one</TD><TD>two</TD></TR>
+    struct3 [label=<
+  <TR>
+    <TD ROWSPAN="3">hello<BR/>world</TD>
+    <TD COLSPAN="3">b</TD>
+    <TD ROWSPAN="3">g</TD>
+    <TD ROWSPAN="3">h</TD>
+  </TR>
+  <TR>
+    <TD>c</TD><TD PORT="here">d</TD><TD>e</TD>
+  </TR>
+  <TR>
+    <TD COLSPAN="3">f</TD>
+  </TR>
+    struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0;
+    struct1:f2 -> struct3:here;
+produces the HTML analogue of the record example above<BR>
+<IMG SRC=html1.gif>
+As usual, an HTML specification is more verbose. On the other hand,
+HTML labels are much more general, as the following example shows:
+<IMG SRC=html2.gif>
+The source for this graph can be found <A HREF=html2.dot>here</A>.
+Here is an example using &lt;FONT&gt; elements 
+<IMG SRC=html3.gif>
+with the <A HREF=html3.dot>input graph</A>.
+Here is an example using an &lt;IMG&gt; element 
+<IMG SRC=html4.gif>
+with the <A HREF=html4.dot>input graph</A>.
+<H2><A NAME=epsf>User-defined Nodes</A></H2>
+There is a third type of node shape which is specified by the user.
+Typically, these shapes rely on the details of a concrete graphics
+format. At present, shapes can be described using PostScript, via a
+file or add-on library, for use in PostScript output, or shapes can
+be specified by a bitmap-image file for use with SVG or bitmap (jpeg,
+gif, etc.) output. More information can be found on the page 
+<A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/html/shapehowto.html">
+How to create custom shapes</A>.
+<H2><A NAME=sdlshapes>SDL Shapes for PostScript</A></H2>
+One example of user-defined node shapes is provided by Mark Rison of CSR.
+These are the <A  HREF=http://www.sdl-forum.org/SDL/index.htm>SDL</A> shapes.
+These are available as PostScript functions whose use is described in
+<A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/html/shapehowto.html#psprocs"> External PostScript procedures</A>.
+The necessary PostScript library file and sample use can be found in the
+<tt>contrib/sdlshapes</tt> directory in the release. Please note the
+COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE contained in the library file <tt>sdl.ps</tt>.
+The table below
+gives the shape names and the corresponding node shapes.
+<IMG SRC=sdlshapes.jpg>