diff toolboxes/_python_lib/pylast/pylast.py @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/_python_lib/pylast/pylast.py	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3834 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pylast - A Python interface to Last.fm (and other API compatible social networks)
+# Copyright 2008-2010 Amr Hassan
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# http://code.google.com/p/pylast/
+__version__ = '0.5'
+__author__ = 'Amr Hassan'
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008-2010  Amr Hassan"
+__license__ = "apache2"
+__email__ = 'amr.hassan@gmail.com'
+import hashlib
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import xml.dom
+import time
+import shelve
+import tempfile
+import sys
+import collections
+import warnings
+def _deprecation_warning(message):
+    warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+    from http.client import HTTPConnection
+    import html.entities as htmlentitydefs
+    from urllib.parse import splithost as url_split_host
+    from urllib.parse import quote_plus as url_quote_plus
+    unichr = chr
+elif sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+    from httplib import HTTPConnection
+    import htmlentitydefs 
+    from urllib import splithost as url_split_host
+    from urllib import quote_plus as url_quote_plus
+PERIOD_OVERALL = 'overall'
+PERIOD_7DAYS = "7day"
+PERIOD_3MONTHS = '3month'
+PERIOD_6MONTHS = '6month'
+PERIOD_12MONTHS = '12month'
+IMAGES_ORDER_DATE = "dateadded"
+USER_MALE = 'Male'
+USER_FEMALE = 'Female'
+class _Network(object):
+    """
+        A music social network website that is Last.fm or one exposing a Last.fm compatible API
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, homepage, ws_server, api_key, api_secret, session_key, submission_server, username, password_hash,
+                    domain_names, urls):
+        """
+            name: the name of the network
+            homepage: the homepage url
+            ws_server: the url of the webservices server
+            api_key: a provided API_KEY
+            api_secret: a provided API_SECRET
+            session_key: a generated session_key or None
+            submission_server: the url of the server to which tracks are submitted (scrobbled)
+            username: a username of a valid user
+            password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password
+            domain_names: a dict mapping each DOMAIN_* value to a string domain name
+            urls: a dict mapping types to urls
+            if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be
+            generated automatically when needed.
+            Either a valid session_key or a combination of username and password_hash must be present for scrobbling.
+            You should use a preconfigured network object through a get_*_network(...) method instead of creating an object
+            of this class, unless you know what you're doing.
+        """
+        self.name = name
+        self.homepage = homepage    
+        self.ws_server = ws_server
+        self.api_key = api_key
+        self.api_secret = api_secret
+        self.session_key = session_key
+        self.submission_server = submission_server
+        self.username = username
+        self.password_hash = password_hash
+        self.domain_names = domain_names
+        self.urls = urls
+        self.cache_backend = None
+        self.proxy_enabled = False
+        self.proxy = None
+        self.last_call_time = 0
+        #generate a session_key if necessary
+        if (self.api_key and self.api_secret) and not self.session_key and (self.username and self.password_hash):
+            sk_gen = SessionKeyGenerator(self)
+            self.session_key = sk_gen.get_session_key(self.username, self.password_hash)
+    """def __repr__(self):
+        attributes = ("name", "homepage", "ws_server", "api_key", "api_secret", "session_key", "submission_server",
+            "username", "password_hash", "domain_names", "urls")
+        text = "pylast._Network(%s)"
+        args = []
+        for attr in attributes:
+            args.append("=".join((attr, repr(getattr(self, attr)))))
+        return text % ", ".join(args)
+    """
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "The %s Network" %self.name
+    def get_artist(self, artist_name):
+        """
+            Return an Artist object
+        """
+        return Artist(artist_name, self)
+    def get_track(self, artist, title):
+        """
+            Return a Track object
+        """
+        return Track(artist, title, self)
+    def get_album(self, artist, title):
+        """
+            Return an Album object
+        """
+        return Album(artist, title, self)
+    def get_authenticated_user(self):
+        """
+            Returns the authenticated user
+        """
+        return AuthenticatedUser(self)
+    def get_country(self, country_name):
+        """
+            Returns a country object
+        """
+        return Country(country_name, self)
+    def get_group(self, name):
+        """
+            Returns a Group object
+        """
+        return Group(name, self)
+    def get_user(self, username):
+        """
+            Returns a user object
+        """
+        return User(username, self)
+    def get_tag(self, name):
+        """
+            Returns a tag object
+        """
+        return Tag(name, self)
+    def get_scrobbler(self, client_id, client_version):
+        """
+            Returns a Scrobbler object used for submitting tracks to the server
+            Quote from http://www.last.fm/api/submissions:
+            ========
+            Client identifiers are used to provide a centrally managed database of 
+            the client versions, allowing clients to be banned if they are found to 
+            be behaving undesirably. The client ID is associated with a version 
+            number on the server, however these are only incremented if a client is 
+            banned and do not have to reflect the version of the actual client application.
+            During development, clients which have not been allocated an identifier should 
+            use the identifier tst, with a version number of 1.0. Do not distribute code or
+            client implementations which use this test identifier. Do not use the identifiers
+            used by other clients.
+            =========
+            To obtain a new client identifier please contact:
+                * Last.fm: submissions@last.fm
+                * # TODO: list others
+            ...and provide us with the name of your client and its homepage address. 
+        """
+        _deprecation_warning("Use _Network.scrobble(...), _Network.scrobble_many(...), and Netowrk.update_now_playing(...) instead")
+        return Scrobbler(self, client_id, client_version)
+    def _get_language_domain(self, domain_language):
+        """
+            Returns the mapped domain name of the network to a DOMAIN_* value
+        """
+        if domain_language in self.domain_names:
+            return self.domain_names[domain_language]
+    def _get_url(self, domain, type):
+        return "http://%s/%s" %(self._get_language_domain(domain), self.urls[type])
+    def _get_ws_auth(self):
+        """
+            Returns a (API_KEY, API_SECRET, SESSION_KEY) tuple.
+        """
+        return (self.api_key, self.api_secret, self.session_key)
+    def _delay_call(self):
+        """
+            Makes sure that web service calls are at least a second apart
+        """
+        # delay time in seconds
+        DELAY_TIME = 1.0
+        now = time.time()
+        if (now - self.last_call_time) < DELAY_TIME:
+            time.sleep(1)
+        self.last_call_time = now
+    def create_new_playlist(self, title, description):
+        """
+            Creates a playlist for the authenticated user and returns it
+                title: The title of the new playlist.
+                description: The description of the new playlist.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        params['title'] = title
+        params['description'] = description
+        doc = _Request(self, 'playlist.create', params).execute(False)
+        e_id = doc.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.data
+        user = doc.getElementsByTagName('playlists')[0].getAttribute('user')
+        return Playlist(user, e_id, self)
+    def get_top_tags(self, limit=None):
+        """Returns a sequence of the most used tags as a sequence of TopItem objects."""
+        doc = _Request(self, "tag.getTopTags").execute(True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tag"):
+            tag = Tag(_extract(node, "name"), self)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "count"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(tag, weight))
+        if limit:
+            seq = seq[:limit]
+        return seq
+    def enable_proxy(self, host, port):
+        """Enable a default web proxy"""
+        self.proxy = [host, _number(port)]
+        self.proxy_enabled = True
+    def disable_proxy(self):
+        """Disable using the web proxy"""
+        self.proxy_enabled = False
+    def is_proxy_enabled(self):
+        """Returns True if a web proxy is enabled."""
+        return self.proxy_enabled
+    def _get_proxy(self):
+        """Returns proxy details."""
+        return self.proxy
+    def enable_caching(self, file_path = None):
+        """Enables caching request-wide for all cachable calls.
+        In choosing the backend used for caching, it will try _SqliteCacheBackend first if
+        the module sqlite3 is present. If not, it will fallback to _ShelfCacheBackend which uses shelve.Shelf objects.
+        * file_path: A file path for the backend storage file. If 
+        None set, a temp file would probably be created, according the backend.
+        """
+        if not file_path:
+            file_path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="pylast_tmp_")
+        self.cache_backend = _ShelfCacheBackend(file_path)
+    def disable_caching(self):
+        """Disables all caching features."""
+        self.cache_backend = None
+    def is_caching_enabled(self):
+        """Returns True if caching is enabled."""
+        return not (self.cache_backend == None)
+    def _get_cache_backend(self):
+        return self.cache_backend
+    def search_for_album(self, album_name):
+        """Searches for an album by its name. Returns a AlbumSearch object.
+        Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results."""
+        return AlbumSearch(album_name, self)
+    def search_for_artist(self, artist_name):
+        """Searches of an artist by its name. Returns a ArtistSearch object.
+        Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results."""
+        return ArtistSearch(artist_name, self)
+    def search_for_tag(self, tag_name):
+        """Searches of a tag by its name. Returns a TagSearch object.
+        Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results."""
+        return TagSearch(tag_name, self)
+    def search_for_track(self, artist_name, track_name):
+        """Searches of a track by its name and its artist. Set artist to an empty string if not available.
+        Returns a TrackSearch object.
+        Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results."""
+        return TrackSearch(artist_name, track_name, self)
+    def search_for_venue(self, venue_name, country_name):
+        """Searches of a venue by its name and its country. Set country_name to an empty string if not available.
+        Returns a VenueSearch object.
+        Use get_next_page() to retreive sequences of results."""
+        return VenueSearch(venue_name, country_name, self)
+    def get_track_by_mbid(self, mbid):
+        """Looks up a track by its MusicBrainz ID"""
+        params = {"mbid": mbid}
+        doc = _Request(self, "track.getInfo", params).execute(True)
+        return Track(_extract(doc, "name", 1), _extract(doc, "name"), self)
+    def get_artist_by_mbid(self, mbid):
+        """Loooks up an artist by its MusicBrainz ID"""
+        params = {"mbid": mbid}
+        doc = _Request(self, "artist.getInfo", params).execute(True)
+        return Artist(_extract(doc, "name"), self)
+    def get_album_by_mbid(self, mbid):
+        """Looks up an album by its MusicBrainz ID"""
+        params = {"mbid": mbid}
+        doc = _Request(self, "album.getInfo", params).execute(True)
+        return Album(_extract(doc, "artist"), _extract(doc, "name"), self)
+    def update_now_playing(self, artist, title, album = None, album_artist = None, 
+            duration = None, track_number = None, mbid = None, context = None):
+        """
+            Used to notify Last.fm that a user has started listening to a track. 
+            Parameters:
+                artist (Required) : The artist name
+                title (Required) : The track title
+                album (Optional) : The album name.
+                album_artist (Optional) : The album artist - if this differs from the track artist.
+                duration (Optional) : The length of the track in seconds.
+                track_number (Optional) : The track number of the track on the album.
+                mbid (Optional) : The MusicBrainz Track ID.
+                context (Optional) : Sub-client version (not public, only enabled for certain API keys)
+        """
+        params = {"track": title, "artist": artist}
+        if album: params["album"] = album
+        if album_artist: params["albumArtist"] = album_artist
+        if context: params["context"] = context
+        if track_number: params["trackNumber"] = track_number
+        if mbid: params["mbid"] = mbid
+        if duration: params["duration"] = duration
+        _Request(self, "track.updateNowPlaying", params).execute()
+    def scrobble(self, artist, title, timestamp, album = None, album_artist = None, track_number = None, 
+        duration = None, stream_id = None, context = None, mbid = None):
+        """Used to add a track-play to a user's profile.
+        Parameters:
+            artist (Required) : The artist name.
+            title (Required) : The track name.
+            timestamp (Required) : The time the track started playing, in UNIX timestamp format (integer number of seconds since 00:00:00, January 1st 1970 UTC). This must be in the UTC time zone.
+            album (Optional) : The album name.
+            album_artist (Optional) : The album artist - if this differs from the track artist.
+            context (Optional) : Sub-client version (not public, only enabled for certain API keys)
+            stream_id (Optional) : The stream id for this track received from the radio.getPlaylist service.
+            track_number (Optional) : The track number of the track on the album.
+            mbid (Optional) : The MusicBrainz Track ID.
+            duration (Optional) : The length of the track in seconds.
+        """
+        return self.scrobble_many(({"artist": artist, "title": title, "timestamp": timestamp, "album": album, "album_artist": album_artist,
+            "track_number": track_number, "duration": duration, "stream_id": stream_id, "context": context, "mbid": mbid},))
+    def scrobble_many(self, tracks):
+        """
+            Used to scrobble a batch of tracks at once. The parameter tracks is a sequence of dicts per
+            track containing the keyword arguments as if passed to the scrobble() method.
+        """
+        tracks_to_scrobble = tracks[:50]
+        if len(tracks) > 50:
+            remaining_tracks = tracks[50:]
+        else:
+            remaining_tracks = None
+        params = {}
+        for i in range(len(tracks_to_scrobble)):
+            params["artist[%d]" % i] = tracks_to_scrobble[i]["artist"]
+            params["track[%d]" % i] = tracks_to_scrobble[i]["title"]
+            additional_args = ("timestamp", "album", "album_artist", "context", "stream_id", "track_number", "mbid", "duration")
+            args_map_to = {"album_artist": "albumArtist", "track_number": "trackNumber", "stream_id": "streamID"}  # so friggin lazy
+            for arg in additional_args:
+                if arg in tracks_to_scrobble[i] and tracks_to_scrobble[i][arg]:
+                    if arg in args_map_to:
+                        maps_to = args_map_to[arg]
+                    else:
+                        maps_to = arg
+                    params["%s[%d]" %(maps_to, i)] = tracks_to_scrobble[i][arg]
+        _Request(self, "track.scrobble", params).execute()
+        if remaining_tracks:
+            self.scrobble_many(remaining_tracks)
+class LastFMNetwork(_Network):
+    """A Last.fm network object
+    api_key: a provided API_KEY
+    api_secret: a provided API_SECRET
+    session_key: a generated session_key or None
+    username: a username of a valid user
+    password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password
+    if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be
+    generated automatically when needed.
+    Either a valid session_key or a combination of username and password_hash must be present for scrobbling.
+    Most read-only webservices only require an api_key and an api_secret, see about obtaining them from:
+    http://www.last.fm/api/account
+    """
+    def __init__(self, api_key="", api_secret="", session_key="", username="", password_hash=""):
+        _Network.__init__(self,
+            name = "Last.fm",
+                    homepage = "http://last.fm",
+                    ws_server = ("ws.audioscrobbler.com", "/2.0/"),
+                    api_key = api_key,
+                    api_secret = api_secret,
+                    session_key = session_key,
+                    submission_server = "http://post.audioscrobbler.com:80/",
+                    username = username,
+                    password_hash = password_hash,
+                    domain_names = {
+                        DOMAIN_ENGLISH: 'www.last.fm',
+                        DOMAIN_GERMAN: 'www.lastfm.de',
+                        DOMAIN_SPANISH: 'www.lastfm.es',
+                        DOMAIN_FRENCH: 'www.lastfm.fr',
+                        DOMAIN_ITALIAN: 'www.lastfm.it',
+                        DOMAIN_POLISH: 'www.lastfm.pl',
+                        DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE: 'www.lastfm.com.br',
+                        DOMAIN_SWEDISH: 'www.lastfm.se',
+                        DOMAIN_TURKISH: 'www.lastfm.com.tr',
+                        DOMAIN_RUSSIAN: 'www.lastfm.ru',
+                        DOMAIN_JAPANESE: 'www.lastfm.jp',
+                        DOMAIN_CHINESE: 'cn.last.fm',
+                        },
+                    urls = {
+                        "album": "music/%(artist)s/%(album)s",
+                        "artist": "music/%(artist)s",
+                        "event": "event/%(id)s",
+                        "country": "place/%(country_name)s",
+                        "playlist": "user/%(user)s/library/playlists/%(appendix)s",
+                        "tag": "tag/%(name)s",
+                        "track": "music/%(artist)s/_/%(title)s",
+                        "group": "group/%(name)s",
+                        "user": "user/%(name)s",
+                        }
+                )
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.LastFMNetwork(%s)" %(", ".join(("'%s'" %self.api_key, "'%s'" %self.api_secret, "'%s'" %self.session_key, 
+            "'%s'" %self.username, "'%s'" %self.password_hash)))
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "LastFM Network"
+def get_lastfm_network(api_key="", api_secret="", session_key = "", username = "", password_hash = ""):
+    """
+    Returns a preconfigured _Network object for Last.fm
+    api_key: a provided API_KEY
+    api_secret: a provided API_SECRET
+    session_key: a generated session_key or None
+    username: a username of a valid user
+    password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password
+    if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be
+    generated automatically when needed.
+    Either a valid session_key or a combination of username and password_hash must be present for scrobbling.
+    Most read-only webservices only require an api_key and an api_secret, see about obtaining them from:
+    http://www.last.fm/api/account
+    """
+    _deprecation_warning("Create a LastFMNetwork object instead")
+    return LastFMNetwork(api_key, api_secret, session_key, username, password_hash)
+class LibreFMNetwork(_Network):
+    """
+    A preconfigured _Network object for Libre.fm
+    api_key: a provided API_KEY
+    api_secret: a provided API_SECRET
+    session_key: a generated session_key or None
+    username: a username of a valid user
+    password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password
+    if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be
+    generated automatically when needed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, api_key="", api_secret="", session_key = "", username = "", password_hash = ""):
+        _Network.__init__(self,
+                    name = "Libre.fm",
+                    homepage = "http://alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                    ws_server = ("alpha.dev.libre.fm", "/2.0/"),
+                    api_key = api_key,
+                    api_secret = api_secret,
+                    session_key = session_key,
+                    submission_server = "http://turtle.libre.fm:80/",
+                    username = username,
+                    password_hash = password_hash,
+                    domain_names = {
+                        DOMAIN_ENGLISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_GERMAN: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_SPANISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_FRENCH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_ITALIAN: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_POLISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_SWEDISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_TURKISH: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_RUSSIAN: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_JAPANESE: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        DOMAIN_CHINESE: "alpha.dev.libre.fm",
+                        },
+                    urls = {
+                        "album": "artist/%(artist)s/album/%(album)s",
+                        "artist": "artist/%(artist)s",
+                        "event": "event/%(id)s",
+                        "country": "place/%(country_name)s",
+                        "playlist": "user/%(user)s/library/playlists/%(appendix)s",
+                        "tag": "tag/%(name)s",
+                        "track": "music/%(artist)s/_/%(title)s",
+                        "group": "group/%(name)s",
+                        "user": "user/%(name)s",
+                        }
+                    )
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.LibreFMNetwork(%s)" %(", ".join(("'%s'" %self.api_key, "'%s'" %self.api_secret, "'%s'" %self.session_key, 
+            "'%s'" %self.username, "'%s'" %self.password_hash)))
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Libre.fm Network"
+def get_librefm_network(api_key="", api_secret="", session_key = "", username = "", password_hash = ""):
+    """
+    Returns a preconfigured _Network object for Libre.fm
+    api_key: a provided API_KEY
+    api_secret: a provided API_SECRET
+    session_key: a generated session_key or None
+    username: a username of a valid user
+    password_hash: the output of pylast.md5(password) where password is the user's password
+    if username and password_hash were provided and not session_key, session_key will be
+    generated automatically when needed.
+    """
+    _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Create a LibreFMNetwork object instead")
+    return LibreFMNetwork(api_key, api_secret, session_key, username, password_hash)
+class _ShelfCacheBackend(object):
+    """Used as a backend for caching cacheable requests."""
+    def __init__(self, file_path = None):
+        self.shelf = shelve.open(file_path)
+    def get_xml(self, key):
+        return self.shelf[key]
+    def set_xml(self, key, xml_string):
+        self.shelf[key] = xml_string
+    def has_key(self, key):
+        return key in self.shelf.keys()
+class _Request(object):
+    """Representing an abstract web service operation."""
+    def __init__(self, network, method_name, params = {}):
+        self.network = network
+        self.params = {}
+        for key in params:
+            self.params[key] = _unicode(params[key])
+        (self.api_key, self.api_secret, self.session_key) = network._get_ws_auth()
+        self.params["api_key"] = self.api_key
+        self.params["method"] = method_name
+        if network.is_caching_enabled():
+            self.cache = network._get_cache_backend()
+        if self.session_key:
+            self.params["sk"] = self.session_key
+            self.sign_it()
+    def sign_it(self):
+        """Sign this request."""
+        if not "api_sig" in self.params.keys():
+            self.params['api_sig'] = self._get_signature()
+    def _get_signature(self):
+        """Returns a 32-character hexadecimal md5 hash of the signature string."""
+        keys = list(self.params.keys())
+        keys.sort()
+        string = ""
+        for name in keys:
+            string += name
+            string += self.params[name]
+        string += self.api_secret
+        return md5(string)
+    def _get_cache_key(self):
+        """The cache key is a string of concatenated sorted names and values."""
+        keys = list(self.params.keys())
+        keys.sort()
+        cache_key = str()
+        for key in keys:
+            if key != "api_sig" and key != "api_key" and key != "sk":
+                cache_key += key + _string(self.params[key])
+        return hashlib.sha1(cache_key).hexdigest()
+    def _get_cached_response(self):
+        """Returns a file object of the cached response."""
+        if not self._is_cached():
+            response = self._download_response()
+            self.cache.set_xml(self._get_cache_key(), response)
+        return self.cache.get_xml(self._get_cache_key())
+    def _is_cached(self):
+        """Returns True if the request is already in cache."""
+        return self.cache.has_key(self._get_cache_key())
+    def _download_response(self):
+        """Returns a response body string from the server."""
+        # Delay the call if necessary
+        #self.network._delay_call()    # enable it if you want.
+        data = []
+        for name in self.params.keys():
+            data.append('='.join((name, url_quote_plus(_string(self.params[name])))))
+        data = '&'.join(data)
+        headers = {
+            "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+            'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8',
+            'User-Agent': "pylast" + '/' + __version__
+            }        
+        (HOST_NAME, HOST_SUBDIR) = self.network.ws_server
+        if self.network.is_proxy_enabled():
+            conn = HTTPConnection(host = self._get_proxy()[0], port = self._get_proxy()[1])
+            try:
+                conn.request(method='POST', url="http://" + HOST_NAME + HOST_SUBDIR, 
+                    body=data, headers=headers)
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise NetworkError(self.network, e)
+        else:
+            conn = HTTPConnection(host=HOST_NAME)
+            try:
+                conn.request(method='POST', url=HOST_SUBDIR, body=data, headers=headers)
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise NetworkError(self.network, e)
+        try:
+            response_text = _unicode(conn.getresponse().read())
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise MalformedResponseError(self.network, e)
+        self._check_response_for_errors(response_text)
+        return response_text
+    def execute(self, cacheable = False):
+        """Returns the XML DOM response of the POST Request from the server"""
+        if self.network.is_caching_enabled() and cacheable:
+            response = self._get_cached_response()
+        else:
+            response = self._download_response()
+        return minidom.parseString(_string(response))
+    def _check_response_for_errors(self, response):
+        """Checks the response for errors and raises one if any exists."""
+        try:
+            doc = minidom.parseString(_string(response))
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise MalformedResponseError(self.network, e)
+        e = doc.getElementsByTagName('lfm')[0]
+        if e.getAttribute('status') != "ok":
+            e = doc.getElementsByTagName('error')[0]
+            status = e.getAttribute('code')
+            details = e.firstChild.data.strip()
+            raise WSError(self.network, status, details)
+class SessionKeyGenerator(object):
+    """Methods of generating a session key:
+    1) Web Authentication:
+        a. network = get_*_network(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+        b. sg = SessionKeyGenerator(network)
+        c. url = sg.get_web_auth_url()
+        d. Ask the user to open the url and authorize you, and wait for it.
+        e. session_key = sg.get_web_auth_session_key(url)
+    2) Username and Password Authentication:
+        a. network = get_*_network(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
+        b. username = raw_input("Please enter your username: ")
+        c. password_hash = pylast.md5(raw_input("Please enter your password: ")
+        d. session_key = SessionKeyGenerator(network).get_session_key(username, password_hash)
+    A session key's lifetime is infinie, unless the user provokes the rights of the given API Key.
+    If you create a Network object with just a API_KEY and API_SECRET and a username and a password_hash, a
+    SESSION_KEY will be automatically generated for that network and stored in it so you don't have to do this
+    manually, unless you want to.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, network):        
+        self.network = network
+        self.web_auth_tokens = {}
+    def _get_web_auth_token(self):
+        """Retrieves a token from the network for web authentication.
+        The token then has to be authorized from getAuthURL before creating session.
+        """
+        request = _Request(self.network, 'auth.getToken')
+        # default action is that a request is signed only when
+        # a session key is provided.
+        request.sign_it()
+        doc = request.execute()
+        e = doc.getElementsByTagName('token')[0]
+        return e.firstChild.data
+    def get_web_auth_url(self):
+        """The user must open this page, and you first, then call get_web_auth_session_key(url) after that."""
+        token = self._get_web_auth_token()
+        url = '%(homepage)s/api/auth/?api_key=%(api)s&token=%(token)s' % \
+            {"homepage": self.network.homepage, "api": self.network.api_key, "token": token}
+        self.web_auth_tokens[url] = token
+        return url
+    def get_web_auth_session_key(self, url):
+        """Retrieves the session key of a web authorization process by its url."""
+        if url in self.web_auth_tokens.keys():
+            token = self.web_auth_tokens[url]
+        else:
+            token = ""    #that's gonna raise a WSError of an unauthorized token when the request is executed.
+        request = _Request(self.network, 'auth.getSession', {'token': token})
+        # default action is that a request is signed only when
+        # a session key is provided.
+        request.sign_it()
+        doc = request.execute()
+        return doc.getElementsByTagName('key')[0].firstChild.data
+    def get_session_key(self, username, password_hash):
+        """Retrieve a session key with a username and a md5 hash of the user's password."""
+        params = {"username": username, "authToken": md5(username + password_hash)}
+        request = _Request(self.network, "auth.getMobileSession", params)
+        # default action is that a request is signed only when
+        # a session key is provided.
+        request.sign_it()
+        doc = request.execute()
+        return _extract(doc, "key")
+TopItem = collections.namedtuple("TopItem", ["item", "weight"])
+SimilarItem = collections.namedtuple("SimilarItem", ["item", "match"])
+LibraryItem = collections.namedtuple("LibraryItem", ["item", "playcount", "tagcount"])
+PlayedTrack = collections.namedtuple("PlayedTrack", ["track", "playback_date", "timestamp"])
+LovedTrack = collections.namedtuple("LovedTrack", ["track", "date", "timestamp"])
+ImageSizes = collections.namedtuple("ImageSizes", ["original", "large", "largesquare", "medium", "small", "extralarge"])
+Image = collections.namedtuple("Image", ["title", "url", "dateadded", "format", "owner", "sizes", "votes"])
+Shout = collections.namedtuple("Shout", ["body", "author", "date"])
+def _string_output(funct):
+    def r(*args):
+        return _string(funct(*args))
+    return r
+def _pad_list(given_list, desired_length, padding = None):
+    """
+        Pads a list to be of the desired_length.
+    """
+    while len(given_list) < desired_length:
+        given_list.append(padding)
+    return given_list
+class _BaseObject(object):
+    """An abstract webservices object."""
+    network = None
+    def __init__(self, network):
+        self.network = network
+    def _request(self, method_name, cacheable = False, params = None):
+        if not params:
+            params = self._get_params()
+        return _Request(self.network, method_name, params).execute(cacheable)
+    def _get_params(self):
+        """Returns the most common set of parameters between all objects."""
+        return {}
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self.network) + \
+            hash(str(type(self)) + "".join(list(self._get_params().keys()) + list(self._get_params().values())).lower())
+class _Taggable(object):
+    """Common functions for classes with tags."""
+    def __init__(self, ws_prefix):
+        self.ws_prefix = ws_prefix
+    def add_tags(self, tags):
+        """Adds one or several tags.
+        * tags: A sequence of tag names or Tag objects.
+        """
+        for tag in tags:
+            self.add_tag(tag)
+    def add_tag(self, tag):
+        """Adds one tag.
+        * tag: a tag name or a Tag object.
+        """
+        if isinstance(tag, Tag):
+            tag = tag.get_name()
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['tags'] = tag
+        self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.addTags', False, params)
+    def remove_tag(self, tag):
+        """Remove a user's tag from this object."""
+        if isinstance(tag, Tag):
+            tag = tag.get_name()
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['tag'] = tag
+        self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.removeTag', False, params)
+    def get_tags(self):
+        """Returns a list of the tags set by the user to this object."""
+        # Uncacheable because it can be dynamically changed by the user.
+        params = self._get_params()
+        doc = self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.getTags', False, params)
+        tag_names = _extract_all(doc, 'name')
+        tags = []
+        for tag in tag_names:
+            tags.append(Tag(tag, self.network))
+        return tags
+    def remove_tags(self, tags):
+        """Removes one or several tags from this object.
+        * tags: a sequence of tag names or Tag objects.
+        """
+        for tag in tags:
+            self.remove_tag(tag)
+    def clear_tags(self):
+        """Clears all the user-set tags. """
+        self.remove_tags(*(self.get_tags()))
+    def set_tags(self, tags):
+        """Sets this object's tags to only those tags.
+        * tags: a sequence of tag names or Tag objects.
+        """
+        c_old_tags = []
+        old_tags = []
+        c_new_tags = []
+        new_tags = []
+        to_remove = []
+        to_add = []
+        tags_on_server = self.get_tags()
+        for tag in tags_on_server:
+            c_old_tags.append(tag.get_name().lower())
+            old_tags.append(tag.get_name())
+        for tag in tags:
+            c_new_tags.append(tag.lower())
+            new_tags.append(tag)
+        for i in range(0, len(old_tags)):
+            if not c_old_tags[i] in c_new_tags:
+                to_remove.append(old_tags[i])
+        for i in range(0, len(new_tags)):
+            if not c_new_tags[i] in c_old_tags:
+                to_add.append(new_tags[i])
+        self.remove_tags(to_remove)
+        self.add_tags(to_add)
+    def get_top_tags(self, limit=None):
+        """Returns a list of the most frequently used Tags on this object."""
+        doc = self._request(self.ws_prefix + '.getTopTags', True)
+        elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('tag')
+        seq = []
+        for element in elements:
+            tag_name = _extract(element, 'name')
+            tagcount = _extract(element, 'count')
+            seq.append(TopItem(Tag(tag_name, self.network), tagcount))
+        if limit:
+            seq = seq[:limit]
+        return seq
+class WSError(Exception):
+    """Exception related to the Network web service"""
+    def __init__(self, network, status, details):
+        self.status = status
+        self.details = details
+        self.network = network
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.details
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the exception ID, from one of the following:
+            STATUS_INVALID_METHOD = 3
+            STATUS_AUTH_FAILED = 4
+            STATUS_INVALID_FORMAT = 5
+            STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS = 6
+            STATUS_TOKEN_ERROR = 8
+            STATUS_INVALID_SK = 9
+            STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY = 10
+            STATUS_OFFLINE = 11
+            STATUS_TOKEN_EXPIRED = 15
+        """
+        return self.status
+class MalformedResponseError(Exception):
+    """Exception conveying a malformed response from Last.fm."""
+    def __init__(self, network, underlying_error):
+        self.network = network
+        self.underlying_error = underlying_error
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Malformed response from Last.fm. Underlying error: %s" %str(self.underlying_error)
+class NetworkError(Exception):
+    """Exception conveying a problem in sending a request to Last.fm"""
+    def __init__(self, network, underlying_error):
+        self.network = network
+        self.underlying_error = underlying_error
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "NetworkError: %s" %str(self.underlying_error)
+class Album(_BaseObject, _Taggable):
+    """An album."""
+    title = None
+    artist = None
+    def __init__(self, artist, title, network):
+        """
+        Create an album instance.
+        # Parameters:
+            * artist: An artist name or an Artist object.
+            * title: The album title.
+        """
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        _Taggable.__init__(self, 'album')
+        if isinstance(artist, Artist):
+            self.artist = artist
+        else:
+            self.artist = Artist(artist, self.network)
+        self.title = title
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Album(%s, %s, %s)" %(repr(self.artist.name), repr(self.title), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return _unicode("%s - %s") %(self.get_artist().get_name(), self.get_title())
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return (self.get_title().lower() == other.get_title().lower()) and (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() == other.get_artist().get_name().lower())
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return (self.get_title().lower() != other.get_title().lower()) or (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() != other.get_artist().get_name().lower())
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'artist': self.get_artist().get_name(), 'album': self.get_title(), }
+    def get_artist(self):
+        """Returns the associated Artist object."""
+        return self.artist
+    def get_title(self):
+        """Returns the album title."""
+        return self.title
+    def get_name(self):
+        """Returns the album title (alias to Album.get_title)."""
+        return self.get_title()
+    def get_release_date(self):
+        """Retruns the release date of the album."""
+        return _extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "releasedate")
+    def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_EXTRA_LARGE):
+        """
+        Returns a uri to the cover image
+        size can be one of:
+            COVER_EXTRA_LARGE
+            COVER_LARGE
+            COVER_MEDIUM
+            COVER_SMALL
+        """
+        return _extract_all(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), 'image')[size]
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the ID"""
+        return _extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "id")
+    def get_playcount(self):
+        """Returns the number of plays on the network"""
+        return _number(_extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "playcount"))
+    def get_listener_count(self):
+        """Returns the number of liteners on the network"""
+        return _number(_extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "listeners"))
+    def get_top_tags(self, limit=None):
+        """Returns a list of the most-applied tags to this album."""
+        doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True)
+        e = doc.getElementsByTagName("toptags")[0]
+        seq = []
+        for name in _extract_all(e, "name"):
+            seq.append(Tag(name, self.network))
+        if limit:
+            seq = seq[:limit]
+        return seq
+    def get_tracks(self):
+        """Returns the list of Tracks on this album."""
+        uri = 'lastfm://playlist/album/%s' %self.get_id()
+        return XSPF(uri, self.network).get_tracks()
+    def get_mbid(self):
+        """Returns the MusicBrainz id of the album."""
+        return _extract(self._request("album.getInfo", cacheable = True), "mbid")
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the album page on the network. 
+        # Parameters:
+        * domain_name str: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+            o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+            o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+            o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+            o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+            o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+            o DOMAIN_POLISH
+            o DOMAIN_PORTUGUESE
+            o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+            o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+            o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+            o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+            o DOMAIN_CHINESE
+        """
+        artist = _url_safe(self.get_artist().get_name())
+        album = _url_safe(self.get_title())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "album") %{'artist': artist, 'album': album}
+    def get_wiki_published_date(self):
+        """Returns the date of publishing this version of the wiki."""
+        doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True)
+        if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0]
+        return _extract(node, "published")
+    def get_wiki_summary(self):
+        """Returns the summary of the wiki."""
+        doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True)
+        if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0]
+        return _extract(node, "summary")
+    def get_wiki_content(self):
+        """Returns the content of the wiki."""
+        doc = self._request("album.getInfo", True)
+        if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0]
+        return _extract(node, "content")
+class Artist(_BaseObject, _Taggable):
+    """An artist."""
+    name = None
+    def __init__(self, name, network):
+        """Create an artist object.
+        # Parameters:
+            * name str: The artist's name.
+        """
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        _Taggable.__init__(self, 'artist')
+        self.name = name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Artist(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.get_name()), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_name()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower()
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name().lower() != other.get_name().lower()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'artist': self.get_name()}
+    def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False):
+        """Returns the name of the artist.
+        If properly_capitalized was asserted then the name would be downloaded
+        overwriting the given one."""
+        if properly_capitalized:
+            self.name = _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "name")
+        return self.name
+    def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_MEGA):
+        """
+        Returns a uri to the cover image
+        size can be one of:
+            COVER_MEGA
+            COVER_EXTRA_LARGE
+            COVER_LARGE
+            COVER_MEDIUM
+            COVER_SMALL
+        """
+        return _extract_all(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "image")[size]
+    def get_playcount(self):
+        """Returns the number of plays on the network."""
+        return _number(_extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "playcount"))
+    def get_mbid(self):
+        """Returns the MusicBrainz ID of this artist."""
+        doc = self._request("artist.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "mbid")
+    def get_listener_count(self):
+        """Returns the number of liteners on the network."""
+        if hasattr(self, "listener_count"):
+            return self.listener_count
+        else:
+            self.listener_count = _number(_extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "listeners"))
+            return self.listener_count
+    def is_streamable(self):
+        """Returns True if the artist is streamable."""
+        return bool(_number(_extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "streamable")))
+    def get_bio_published_date(self):
+        """Returns the date on which the artist's biography was published."""
+        return _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "published")
+    def get_bio_summary(self):
+        """Returns the summary of the artist's biography."""
+        return _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "summary")
+    def get_bio_content(self):
+        """Returns the content of the artist's biography."""
+        return _extract(self._request("artist.getInfo", True), "content")
+    def get_upcoming_events(self):
+        """Returns a list of the upcoming Events for this artist."""
+        doc = self._request('artist.getEvents', True)
+        ids = _extract_all(doc, 'id')
+        events = []
+        for e_id in ids:
+            events.append(Event(e_id, self.network))
+        return events
+    def get_similar(self, limit = None):
+        """Returns the similar artists on the network."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if limit:
+            params['limit'] = limit
+        doc = self._request('artist.getSimilar', True, params)
+        names = _extract_all(doc, "name")
+        matches = _extract_all(doc, "match")
+        artists = []
+        for i in range(0, len(names)):
+            artists.append(SimilarItem(Artist(names[i], self.network), _number(matches[i])))
+        return artists
+    def compare_with_artist(self, artist, shared_artists_limit = None):
+        """Compare this artist with another Last.fm artist.
+        Seems like the tasteometer only returns stats on subsets of artist sets...
+        Returns a sequence (tasteometer_score, (shared_artist1, shared_artist2, ...))
+        artist: A artist object or a artistname string/unicode object.
+        """
+        if isinstance(artist, Artist):
+            artist = artist.get_name()
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if shared_artists_limit:
+            params['limit'] = shared_artists_limit
+        params['type1'] = 'artists'
+        params['type2'] = 'artists'
+        params['value1'] = self.get_name()
+        params['value2'] = artist
+        doc = self._request('tasteometer.compare', False, params)
+        score = _extract(doc, 'score')
+        artists = doc.getElementsByTagName('artists')[0]
+        shared_artists_names = _extract_all(artists, 'name')
+        shared_artists_seq = []
+        for name in shared_artists_names:
+            shared_artists_seq.append(Artist(name, self.network))
+        return (score, shared_artists_seq)
+    def get_top_albums(self):
+        """Retuns a list of the top albums."""
+        doc = self._request('artist.getTopAlbums', True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"):
+            name = _extract(node, "name")
+            artist = _extract(node, "name", 1)
+            playcount = _extract(node, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_tracks(self):
+        """Returns a list of the most played Tracks by this artist."""
+        doc = self._request("artist.getTopTracks", True)
+        seq = []
+        for track in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'):
+            title = _extract(track, "name")
+            artist = _extract(track, "name", 1)
+            playcount = _number(_extract(track, "playcount"))
+            seq.append( TopItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), playcount) )
+        return seq
+    def get_top_fans(self, limit = None):
+        """Returns a list of the Users who played this artist the most.
+        # Parameters:
+            * limit int: Max elements.
+        """
+        doc = self._request('artist.getTopFans', True)
+        seq = []
+        elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('user')
+        for element in elements:
+            if limit and len(seq) >= limit:
+                break
+            name = _extract(element, 'name')
+            weight = _number(_extract(element, 'weight'))
+            seq.append(TopItem(User(name, self.network), weight))
+        return seq
+    def share(self, users, message = None):
+        """Shares this artist (sends out recommendations). 
+        # Parameters:
+            * users [User|str,]: A list that can contain usernames, emails, User objects, or all of them.
+            * message str: A message to include in the recommendation message. 
+        """
+        #last.fm currently accepts a max of 10 recipient at a time
+        while(len(users) > 10):
+            section = users[0:9]
+            users = users[9:]
+            self.share(section, message)
+        nusers = []
+        for user in users:
+            if isinstance(user, User):
+                nusers.append(user.get_name())
+            else:
+                nusers.append(user)
+        params = self._get_params()
+        recipients = ','.join(nusers)
+        params['recipient'] = recipients
+        if message:
+            params['message'] = message
+        self._request('artist.share', False, params)
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the artist page on the network. 
+        # Parameters:
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        artist = _url_safe(self.get_name())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "artist") %{'artist': artist}
+    def get_images(self, order=IMAGES_ORDER_POPULARITY, limit=None):
+        """
+            Returns a sequence of Image objects
+            if limit is None it will return all
+            If limit==None, it will try to pull all the available data.
+        """
+        images = []
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["order"] = order
+        nodes = _collect_nodes(limit, self, "artist.getImages", True, params)
+        for e in nodes:
+            if _extract(e, "name"):
+                user = User(_extract(e, "name"), self.network)
+            else:
+                user = None
+            images.append(Image(
+                            _extract(e, "title"),
+                            _extract(e, "url"),
+                            _extract(e, "dateadded"),
+                            _extract(e, "format"),
+                            user,
+                            ImageSizes(*_extract_all(e, "size")),
+                            (_extract(e, "thumbsup"), _extract(e, "thumbsdown"))
+                            )
+                        )
+        return images
+    def get_shouts(self, limit=50):
+        """
+            Returns a sequqence of Shout objects
+        """
+        shouts = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "artist.getShouts", False):
+            shouts.append(Shout(
+                                _extract(node, "body"),
+                                User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network),
+                                _extract(node, "date")
+                                )
+                            )
+        return shouts
+    def shout(self, message):
+        """
+            Post a shout
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["message"] = message
+        self._request("artist.Shout", False, params)
+class Event(_BaseObject):
+    """An event."""
+    id = None
+    def __init__(self, event_id, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.id = event_id
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Event(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.id), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Event #" + self.get_id()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_id() == other.get_id()
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.get_id() != other.get_id()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'event': self.get_id()}
+    def attend(self, attending_status):
+        """Sets the attending status.
+        * attending_status: The attending status. Possible values:
+          o EVENT_ATTENDING
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['status'] = attending_status
+        self._request('event.attend', False, params)
+    def get_attendees(self):
+        """
+            Get a list of attendees for an event
+        """
+        doc = self._request("event.getAttendees", False)
+        users = []
+        for name in _extract_all(doc, "name"):
+            users.append(User(name, self.network))
+        return users
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the id of the event on the network. """
+        return self.id
+    def get_title(self):
+        """Returns the title of the event. """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "title")
+    def get_headliner(self):
+        """Returns the headliner of the event. """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return Artist(_extract(doc, "headliner"), self.network)
+    def get_artists(self):
+        """Returns a list of the participating Artists. """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        names = _extract_all(doc, "artist")
+        artists = []
+        for name in names:
+            artists.append(Artist(name, self.network))
+        return artists
+    def get_venue(self):
+        """Returns the venue where the event is held."""
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        v = doc.getElementsByTagName("venue")[0]
+        venue_id = _number(_extract(v, "id"))
+        return Venue(venue_id, self.network)
+    def get_start_date(self):
+        """Returns the date when the event starts."""
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "startDate")
+    def get_description(self):
+        """Returns the description of the event. """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "description")
+    def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_MEGA):
+        """
+        Returns a uri to the cover image
+        size can be one of:
+            COVER_MEGA
+            COVER_EXTRA_LARGE
+            COVER_LARGE
+            COVER_MEDIUM
+            COVER_SMALL
+        """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract_all(doc, "image")[size]
+    def get_attendance_count(self):
+        """Returns the number of attending people. """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return _number(_extract(doc, "attendance"))
+    def get_review_count(self):
+        """Returns the number of available reviews for this event. """
+        doc = self._request("event.getInfo", True)
+        return _number(_extract(doc, "reviews"))
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the event page on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "event") %{'id': self.get_id()}
+    def share(self, users, message = None):
+        """Shares this event (sends out recommendations). 
+          * users: A list that can contain usernames, emails, User objects, or all of them.
+          * message: A message to include in the recommendation message. 
+        """
+        #last.fm currently accepts a max of 10 recipient at a time
+        while(len(users) > 10):
+            section = users[0:9]
+            users = users[9:]
+            self.share(section, message)
+        nusers = []
+        for user in users:
+            if isinstance(user, User):
+                nusers.append(user.get_name())
+            else:
+                nusers.append(user)
+        params = self._get_params()
+        recipients = ','.join(nusers)
+        params['recipient'] = recipients
+        if message:
+            params['message'] = message
+        self._request('event.share', False, params)
+    def get_shouts(self, limit=50):
+        """
+            Returns a sequqence of Shout objects
+        """
+        shouts = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "event.getShouts", False):
+            shouts.append(Shout(
+                                _extract(node, "body"),
+                                User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network),
+                                _extract(node, "date")
+                                )
+                            )
+        return shouts
+    def shout(self, message):
+        """
+            Post a shout
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["message"] = message
+        self._request("event.Shout", False, params)
+class Country(_BaseObject):
+    """A country at Last.fm."""
+    name = None
+    def __init__(self, name, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.name = name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Country(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_name()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower()
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name() != other.get_name()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'country': self.get_name()}
+    def _get_name_from_code(self, alpha2code):
+        # TODO: Have this function lookup the alpha-2 code and return the country name.
+        return alpha2code
+    def get_name(self):
+        """Returns the country name. """
+        return self.name
+    def get_top_artists(self):
+        """Returns a sequence of the most played artists."""
+        doc = self._request('geo.getTopArtists', True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"):
+            name = _extract(node, 'name')
+            playcount = _extract(node, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_tracks(self):
+        """Returns a sequence of the most played tracks"""
+        doc = self._request("geo.getTopTracks", True)
+        seq = []
+        for n in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'):
+            title = _extract(n, 'name')
+            artist = _extract(n, 'name', 1)
+            playcount = _number(_extract(n, "playcount"))
+            seq.append( TopItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the event page on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        country_name = _url_safe(self.get_name())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "country") %{'country_name': country_name}
+class Library(_BaseObject):
+    """A user's Last.fm library."""
+    user = None
+    def __init__(self, user, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        if isinstance(user, User):
+            self.user = user
+        else:
+            self.user = User(user, self.network)
+        self._albums_index = 0
+        self._artists_index = 0
+        self._tracks_index = 0
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Library(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.user), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return repr(self.get_user()) + "'s Library"
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'user': self.user.get_name()}
+    def get_user(self):
+        """Returns the user who owns this library."""
+        return self.user
+    def add_album(self, album):
+        """Add an album to this library."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["artist"] = album.get_artist.get_name()
+        params["album"] = album.get_name()
+        self._request("library.addAlbum", False, params)
+    def add_artist(self, artist):
+        """Add an artist to this library."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["artist"] = artist.get_name()
+        self._request("library.addArtist", False, params)
+    def add_track(self, track):
+        """Add a track to this library."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["track"] = track.get_title()
+        self._request("library.addTrack", False, params)
+    def get_albums(self, artist=None, limit=50):
+        """
+        Returns a sequence of Album objects
+        If no artist is specified, it will return all, sorted by playcount descendingly.
+        If limit==None it will return all (may take a while)
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if artist:
+            params["artist"] = artist
+        seq = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "library.getAlbums", True, params):
+            name = _extract(node, "name")
+            artist = _extract(node, "name", 1)
+            playcount = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            tagcount = _number(_extract(node, "tagcount"))
+            seq.append(LibraryItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount, tagcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_artists(self, limit=50):
+        """
+        Returns a sequence of Album objects
+        if limit==None it will return all (may take a while)
+        """
+        seq = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "library.getArtists", True):
+            name = _extract(node, "name")
+            playcount = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            tagcount = _number(_extract(node, "tagcount"))
+            seq.append(LibraryItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount, tagcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_tracks(self, artist=None, album=None, limit=50):
+        """
+        Returns a sequence of Album objects
+        If limit==None it will return all (may take a while)
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if artist:
+            params["artist"] = artist
+        if album:
+            params["album"] = album
+        seq = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "library.getTracks", True, params):
+            name = _extract(node, "name")
+            artist = _extract(node, "name", 1)
+            playcount = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            tagcount = _number(_extract(node, "tagcount"))
+            seq.append(LibraryItem(Track(artist, name, self.network), playcount, tagcount))
+        return seq
+class Playlist(_BaseObject):
+    """A Last.fm user playlist."""
+    id = None
+    user = None
+    def __init__(self, user, id, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        if isinstance(user, User):
+            self.user = user
+        else:
+            self.user = User(user, self.network)
+        self.id = id
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return repr(self.user) + "'s playlist # " + repr(self.id)
+    def _get_info_node(self):
+        """Returns the node from user.getPlaylists where this playlist's info is."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getPlaylists", True)
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("playlist"):
+            if _extract(node, "id") == str(self.get_id()):
+                return node
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'user': self.user.get_name(), 'playlistID': self.get_id()}
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the playlist id."""
+        return self.id
+    def get_user(self):
+        """Returns the owner user of this playlist."""
+        return self.user
+    def get_tracks(self):
+        """Returns a list of the tracks on this user playlist."""
+        uri = _unicode('lastfm://playlist/%s') %self.get_id()
+        return XSPF(uri, self.network).get_tracks()
+    def add_track(self, track):
+        """Adds a Track to this Playlist."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['artist'] = track.get_artist().get_name()
+        params['track'] = track.get_title()
+        self._request('playlist.addTrack', False, params)
+    def get_title(self):
+        """Returns the title of this playlist."""
+        return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "title")
+    def get_creation_date(self):
+        """Returns the creation date of this playlist."""
+        return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "date")
+    def get_size(self):
+        """Returns the number of tracks in this playlist."""
+        return _number(_extract(self._get_info_node(), "size"))
+    def get_description(self):
+        """Returns the description of this playlist."""
+        return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "description")
+    def get_duration(self):
+        """Returns the duration of this playlist in milliseconds."""
+        return _number(_extract(self._get_info_node(), "duration"))
+    def is_streamable(self):
+        """Returns True if the playlist is streamable.
+        For a playlist to be streamable, it needs at least 45 tracks by 15 different artists."""
+        if _extract(self._get_info_node(), "streamable") == '1':
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def has_track(self, track):
+        """Checks to see if track is already in the playlist.
+        * track: Any Track object.
+        """
+        return track in self.get_tracks()
+    def get_cover_image(self, size = COVER_EXTRA_LARGE):
+        """
+        Returns a uri to the cover image
+        size can be one of:
+            COVER_MEGA
+            COVER_EXTRA_LARGE
+            COVER_LARGE
+            COVER_MEDIUM
+            COVER_SMALL
+        """
+        return _extract(self._get_info_node(), "image")[size]
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the playlist on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        english_url = _extract(self._get_info_node(), "url")
+        appendix = english_url[english_url.rfind("/") + 1:]
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "playlist") %{'appendix': appendix, "user": self.get_user().get_name()}
+class Tag(_BaseObject):
+    """A Last.fm object tag."""
+    # TODO: getWeeklyArtistChart (too lazy, i'll wait for when someone requests it)
+    name = None
+    def __init__(self, name, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.name = name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Tag(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_name()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower()
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name().lower() != other.get_name().lower()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'tag': self.get_name()}
+    def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False):
+        """Returns the name of the tag. """
+        if properly_capitalized:
+            self.name = _extract(self._request("tag.getInfo", True), "name")
+        return self.name
+    def get_similar(self):
+        """Returns the tags similar to this one, ordered by similarity. """
+        doc = self._request('tag.getSimilar', True)
+        seq = []
+        names = _extract_all(doc, 'name')
+        for name in names:
+            seq.append(Tag(name, self.network))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_albums(self):
+        """Retuns a list of the top albums."""
+        doc = self._request('tag.getTopAlbums', True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"):
+            name = _extract(node, "name")
+            artist = _extract(node, "name", 1)
+            playcount = _extract(node, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_tracks(self):
+        """Returns a list of the most played Tracks by this artist."""
+        doc = self._request("tag.getTopTracks", True)
+        seq = []
+        for track in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'):
+            title = _extract(track, "name")
+            artist = _extract(track, "name", 1)
+            playcount = _number(_extract(track, "playcount"))
+            seq.append( TopItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), playcount) )
+        return seq
+    def get_top_artists(self):
+        """Returns a sequence of the most played artists."""
+        doc = self._request('tag.getTopArtists', True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"):
+            name = _extract(node, 'name')
+            playcount = _extract(node, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_chart_dates(self):
+        """Returns a list of From and To tuples for the available charts."""
+        doc = self._request("tag.getWeeklyChartList", True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("chart"):
+            seq.append( (node.getAttribute("from"), node.getAttribute("to")) )
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_artist_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly artist charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("tag.getWeeklyArtistChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"):
+            item = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "weight"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the tag page on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        name = _url_safe(self.get_name())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "tag") %{'name': name}
+class Track(_BaseObject, _Taggable):
+    """A Last.fm track."""
+    artist = None
+    title = None
+    def __init__(self, artist, title, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        _Taggable.__init__(self, 'track')
+        if isinstance(artist, Artist):
+            self.artist = artist
+        else:
+            self.artist = Artist(artist, self.network)
+        self.title = title
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Track(%s, %s, %s)" %(repr(self.artist.name), repr(self.title), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_artist().get_name() + ' - ' + self.get_title()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return (self.get_title().lower() == other.get_title().lower()) and (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() == other.get_artist().get_name().lower())
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return (self.get_title().lower() != other.get_title().lower()) or (self.get_artist().get_name().lower() != other.get_artist().get_name().lower())
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'artist': self.get_artist().get_name(), 'track': self.get_title()}
+    def get_artist(self):
+        """Returns the associated Artist object."""
+        return self.artist
+    def get_title(self, properly_capitalized=False):
+        """Returns the track title."""
+        if properly_capitalized:
+            self.title = _extract(self._request("track.getInfo", True), "name")
+        return self.title
+    def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False):
+        """Returns the track title (alias to Track.get_title)."""
+        return self.get_title(properly_capitalized)
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the track id on the network."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "id")
+    def get_duration(self):
+        """Returns the track duration."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        return _number(_extract(doc, "duration"))
+    def get_mbid(self):
+        """Returns the MusicBrainz ID of this track."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "mbid")
+    def get_listener_count(self):
+        """Returns the listener count."""
+        if hasattr(self, "listener_count"):
+            return self.listener_count
+        else:
+            doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+            self.listener_count = _number(_extract(doc, "listeners"))
+            return self.listener_count
+    def get_playcount(self):
+        """Returns the play count."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        return _number(_extract(doc, "playcount"))
+    def is_streamable(self):
+        """Returns True if the track is available at Last.fm."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "streamable") == "1"
+    def is_fulltrack_available(self):
+        """Returns True if the fulltrack is available for streaming."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        return doc.getElementsByTagName("streamable")[0].getAttribute("fulltrack") == "1"
+    def get_album(self):
+        """Returns the album object of this track."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        albums = doc.getElementsByTagName("album")
+        if len(albums) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("album")[0]
+        return Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "title"), self.network)
+    def get_wiki_published_date(self):
+        """Returns the date of publishing this version of the wiki."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0]
+        return _extract(node, "published")
+    def get_wiki_summary(self):
+        """Returns the summary of the wiki."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0]
+        return _extract(node, "summary")
+    def get_wiki_content(self):
+        """Returns the content of the wiki."""
+        doc = self._request("track.getInfo", True)
+        if len(doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")) == 0:
+            return
+        node = doc.getElementsByTagName("wiki")[0]
+        return _extract(node, "content")
+    def love(self):
+        """Adds the track to the user's loved tracks. """
+        self._request('track.love')
+    def ban(self):
+        """Ban this track from ever playing on the radio. """
+        self._request('track.ban')
+    def get_similar(self):
+        """Returns similar tracks for this track on the network, based on listening data. """
+        doc = self._request('track.getSimilar', True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("track"):
+            title = _extract(node, 'name')
+            artist = _extract(node, 'name', 1)
+            match = _number(_extract(node, "match"))
+            seq.append(SimilarItem(Track(artist, title, self.network), match))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_fans(self, limit = None):
+        """Returns a list of the Users who played this track."""
+        doc = self._request('track.getTopFans', True)
+        seq = []
+        elements = doc.getElementsByTagName('user')
+        for element in elements:
+            if limit and len(seq) >= limit:
+                break
+            name = _extract(element, 'name')
+            weight = _number(_extract(element, 'weight'))
+            seq.append(TopItem(User(name, self.network), weight))
+        return seq
+    def share(self, users, message = None):
+        """Shares this track (sends out recommendations). 
+          * users: A list that can contain usernames, emails, User objects, or all of them.
+          * message: A message to include in the recommendation message. 
+        """
+        #last.fm currently accepts a max of 10 recipient at a time
+        while(len(users) > 10):
+            section = users[0:9]
+            users = users[9:]
+            self.share(section, message)
+        nusers = []
+        for user in users:
+            if isinstance(user, User):
+                nusers.append(user.get_name())
+            else:
+                nusers.append(user)
+        params = self._get_params()
+        recipients = ','.join(nusers)
+        params['recipient'] = recipients
+        if message:
+            params['message'] = message
+        self._request('track.share', False, params)
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the track page on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        artist = _url_safe(self.get_artist().get_name())
+        title = _url_safe(self.get_title())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "track") %{'domain': self.network._get_language_domain(domain_name), 'artist': artist, 'title': title}
+    def get_shouts(self, limit=50):
+        """
+            Returns a sequqence of Shout objects
+        """
+        shouts = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "track.getShouts", False):
+            shouts.append(Shout(
+                                _extract(node, "body"),
+                                User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network),
+                                _extract(node, "date")
+                                )
+                            )
+        return shouts
+class Group(_BaseObject):
+    """A Last.fm group."""
+    name = None
+    def __init__(self, group_name, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.name = group_name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Group(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_name()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name().lower() == other.get_name().lower()
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.get_name() != other.get_name()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'group': self.get_name()}
+    def get_name(self):
+        """Returns the group name. """
+        return self.name
+    def get_weekly_chart_dates(self):
+        """Returns a list of From and To tuples for the available charts."""
+        doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyChartList", True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("chart"):
+            seq.append( (node.getAttribute("from"), node.getAttribute("to")) )
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_artist_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly artist charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyArtistChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"):
+            item = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_album_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly album charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyAlbumChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"):
+            item = Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_track_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly track charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("group.getWeeklyTrackChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("track"):
+            item = Track(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the group page on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        name = _url_safe(self.get_name())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "group") %{'name': name}
+    def get_members(self, limit=50):
+        """
+            Returns a sequence of User objects
+            if limit==None it will return all
+        """
+        nodes = _collect_nodes(limit, self, "group.getMembers", False)
+        users = []
+        for node in nodes:
+            users.append(User(_extract(node, "name"), self.network))
+        return users
+class XSPF(_BaseObject):
+    "A Last.fm XSPF playlist."""
+    uri = None
+    def __init__(self, uri, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.uri = uri
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {'playlistURL': self.get_uri()}
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_uri()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_uri() == other.get_uri()
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self.get_uri() != other.get_uri()
+    def get_uri(self):
+        """Returns the Last.fm playlist URI. """
+        return self.uri
+    def get_tracks(self):
+        """Returns the tracks on this playlist."""
+        doc = self._request('playlist.fetch', True)
+        seq = []
+        for n in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'):
+            title = _extract(n, 'title')
+            artist = _extract(n, 'creator')
+            seq.append(Track(artist, title, self.network))
+        return seq
+class User(_BaseObject):
+    """A Last.fm user."""
+    name = None
+    def __init__(self, user_name, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.name = user_name
+        self._past_events_index = 0
+        self._recommended_events_index = 0
+        self._recommended_artists_index = 0
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.User(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.name), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_name()
+    def __eq__(self, another):
+        return self.get_name() == another.get_name()
+    def __ne__(self, another):
+        return self.get_name() != another.get_name()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {"user": self.get_name()}
+    def get_name(self, properly_capitalized=False):
+        """Returns the nuser name."""
+        if properly_capitalized:
+            self.name = _extract(self._request("user.getInfo", True), "name")
+        return self.name
+    def get_upcoming_events(self):
+        """Returns all the upcoming events for this user. """
+        doc = self._request('user.getEvents', True)
+        ids = _extract_all(doc, 'id')
+        events = []
+        for e_id in ids:
+            events.append(Event(e_id, self.network))
+        return events
+    def get_friends(self, limit = 50):
+        """Returns a list of the user's friends. """
+        seq = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getFriends", False):
+            seq.append(User(_extract(node, "name"), self.network))
+        return seq
+    def get_loved_tracks(self, limit=50):
+        """Returns this user's loved track as a sequence of LovedTrack objects
+        in reverse order of their timestamp, all the way back to the first track.
+        If limit==None, it will try to pull all the available data.
+        This method uses caching. Enable caching only if you're pulling a
+        large amount of data.
+        Use extract_items() with the return of this function to
+        get only a sequence of Track objects with no playback dates. """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if limit:
+            params['limit'] = limit
+        seq = []
+        for track in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getLovedTracks", True, params):
+            title = _extract(track, "name")
+            artist = _extract(track, "name", 1)
+            date = _extract(track, "date")
+            timestamp = track.getElementsByTagName("date")[0].getAttribute("uts")
+            seq.append(LovedTrack(Track(artist, title, self.network), date, timestamp))
+        return seq
+    def get_neighbours(self, limit = 50):
+        """Returns a list of the user's friends."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if limit:
+            params['limit'] = limit
+        doc = self._request('user.getNeighbours', True, params)
+        seq = []
+        names = _extract_all(doc, 'name')
+        for name in names:
+            seq.append(User(name, self.network))
+        return seq
+    def get_past_events(self, limit=50):
+        """
+        Returns a sequence of Event objects
+        if limit==None it will return all
+        """
+        seq = []
+        for n in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getPastEvents", False):
+            seq.append(Event(_extract(n, "id"), self.network))
+        return seq
+    def get_playlists(self):
+        """Returns a list of Playlists that this user owns."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getPlaylists", True)
+        playlists = []
+        for playlist_id in _extract_all(doc, "id"):
+            playlists.append(Playlist(self.get_name(), playlist_id, self.network))
+        return playlists
+    def get_now_playing(self):
+        """Returns the currently playing track, or None if nothing is playing. """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['limit'] = '1'
+        doc = self._request('user.getRecentTracks', False, params)
+        e = doc.getElementsByTagName('track')[0]
+        if not e.hasAttribute('nowplaying'):
+            return None
+        artist = _extract(e, 'artist')
+        title = _extract(e, 'name')
+        return Track(artist, title, self.network)
+    def get_recent_tracks(self, limit = 10):
+        """Returns this user's played track as a sequence of PlayedTrack objects
+        in reverse order of their playtime, all the way back to the first track.
+        If limit==None, it will try to pull all the available data.
+        This method uses caching. Enable caching only if you're pulling a
+        large amount of data.
+        Use extract_items() with the return of this function to
+        get only a sequence of Track objects with no playback dates. """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if limit:
+            params['limit'] = limit
+        seq = []
+        for track in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getRecentTracks", True, params):
+            if track.hasAttribute('nowplaying'):
+                continue    #to prevent the now playing track from sneaking in here
+            title = _extract(track, "name")
+            artist = _extract(track, "artist")
+            date = _extract(track, "date")
+            timestamp = track.getElementsByTagName("date")[0].getAttribute("uts")
+            seq.append(PlayedTrack(Track(artist, title, self.network), date, timestamp))
+        return seq
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the user id."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "id")
+    def get_language(self):
+        """Returns the language code of the language used by the user."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "lang")
+    def get_country(self):
+        """Returns the name of the country of the user."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return Country(_extract(doc, "country"), self.network)
+    def get_age(self):
+        """Returns the user's age."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return _number(_extract(doc, "age"))
+    def get_gender(self):
+        """Returns the user's gender. Either USER_MALE or USER_FEMALE."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        value = _extract(doc, "gender")
+        if value == 'm':
+            return USER_MALE
+        elif value == 'f':
+            return USER_FEMALE
+        return None
+    def is_subscriber(self):
+        """Returns whether the user is a subscriber or not. True or False."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "subscriber") == "1"
+    def get_playcount(self):
+        """Returns the user's playcount so far."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return _number(_extract(doc, "playcount"))
+    def get_top_albums(self, period = PERIOD_OVERALL):
+        """Returns the top albums played by a user. 
+        * period: The period of time. Possible values:
+          o PERIOD_OVERALL
+          o PERIOD_7DAYS
+          o PERIOD_3MONTHS
+          o PERIOD_6MONTHS
+          o PERIOD_12MONTHS 
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['period'] = period
+        doc = self._request('user.getTopAlbums', True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for album in doc.getElementsByTagName('album'):
+            name = _extract(album, 'name')
+            artist = _extract(album, 'name', 1)
+            playcount = _extract(album, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Album(artist, name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_artists(self, period = PERIOD_OVERALL):
+        """Returns the top artists played by a user. 
+        * period: The period of time. Possible values:
+          o PERIOD_OVERALL
+          o PERIOD_7DAYS
+          o PERIOD_3MONTHS
+          o PERIOD_6MONTHS
+          o PERIOD_12MONTHS 
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['period'] = period
+        doc = self._request('user.getTopArtists', True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName('artist'):
+            name = _extract(node, 'name')
+            playcount = _extract(node, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Artist(name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_top_tags(self, limit=None):
+        """Returns a sequence of the top tags used by this user with their counts as TopItem objects. 
+        * limit: The limit of how many tags to return. 
+        """
+        doc = self._request("user.getTopTags", True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("tag"):
+            seq.append(TopItem(Tag(_extract(node, "name"), self.network), _extract(node, "count")))
+        if limit:
+            seq = seq[:limit]
+        return seq
+    def get_top_tracks(self, period = PERIOD_OVERALL):
+        """Returns the top tracks played by a user. 
+        * period: The period of time. Possible values:
+          o PERIOD_OVERALL
+          o PERIOD_7DAYS
+          o PERIOD_3MONTHS
+          o PERIOD_6MONTHS
+          o PERIOD_12MONTHS 
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params['period'] = period
+        doc = self._request('user.getTopTracks', True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for track in doc.getElementsByTagName('track'):
+            name = _extract(track, 'name')
+            artist = _extract(track, 'name', 1)
+            playcount = _extract(track, "playcount")
+            seq.append(TopItem(Track(artist, name, self.network), playcount))
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_chart_dates(self):
+        """Returns a list of From and To tuples for the available charts."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyChartList", True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("chart"):
+            seq.append( (node.getAttribute("from"), node.getAttribute("to")) )
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_artist_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly artist charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyArtistChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("artist"):
+            item = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_album_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly album charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyAlbumChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("album"):
+            item = Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def get_weekly_track_charts(self, from_date = None, to_date = None):
+        """Returns the weekly track charts for the week starting from the from_date value to the to_date value."""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if from_date and to_date:
+            params["from"] = from_date
+            params["to"] = to_date
+        doc = self._request("user.getWeeklyTrackChart", True, params)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("track"):
+            item = Track(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            weight = _number(_extract(node, "playcount"))
+            seq.append(TopItem(item, weight))
+        return seq
+    def compare_with_user(self, user, shared_artists_limit = None):
+        """Compare this user with another Last.fm user.
+        Returns a sequence (tasteometer_score, (shared_artist1, shared_artist2, ...))
+        user: A User object or a username string/unicode object.
+        """
+        if isinstance(user, User):
+            user = user.get_name()
+        params = self._get_params()
+        if shared_artists_limit:
+            params['limit'] = shared_artists_limit
+        params['type1'] = 'user'
+        params['type2'] = 'user'
+        params['value1'] = self.get_name()
+        params['value2'] = user
+        doc = self._request('tasteometer.compare', False, params)
+        score = _extract(doc, 'score')
+        artists = doc.getElementsByTagName('artists')[0]
+        shared_artists_names = _extract_all(artists, 'name')
+        shared_artists_seq = []
+        for name in shared_artists_names:
+            shared_artists_seq.append(Artist(name, self.network))
+        return (score, shared_artists_seq)
+    def get_image(self):
+        """Returns the user's avatar."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "image")
+    def get_url(self, domain_name = DOMAIN_ENGLISH):
+        """Returns the url of the user page on the network. 
+        * domain_name: The network's language domain. Possible values:
+          o DOMAIN_ENGLISH
+          o DOMAIN_GERMAN
+          o DOMAIN_SPANISH
+          o DOMAIN_FRENCH
+          o DOMAIN_ITALIAN
+          o DOMAIN_POLISH
+          o DOMAIN_SWEDISH
+          o DOMAIN_TURKISH
+          o DOMAIN_RUSSIAN
+          o DOMAIN_JAPANESE
+          o DOMAIN_CHINESE 
+        """
+        name = _url_safe(self.get_name())
+        return self.network._get_url(domain_name, "user") %{'name': name}
+    def get_library(self):
+        """Returns the associated Library object. """
+        return Library(self, self.network)
+    def get_shouts(self, limit=50):
+        """
+            Returns a sequqence of Shout objects
+        """
+        shouts = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getShouts", False):
+            shouts.append(Shout(
+                                _extract(node, "body"),
+                                User(_extract(node, "author"), self.network),
+                                _extract(node, "date")
+                                )
+                            )
+        return shouts
+    def shout(self, message):
+        """
+            Post a shout
+        """
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["message"] = message
+        self._request("user.Shout", False, params)
+class AuthenticatedUser(User):
+    def __init__(self, network):
+        User.__init__(self, "", network);
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {"user": self.get_name()}
+    def get_name(self):
+        """Returns the name of the authenticated user."""
+        doc = self._request("user.getInfo", True, {"user": ""})    # hack
+        self.name = _extract(doc, "name")
+        return self.name
+    def get_recommended_events(self, limit=50):
+        """
+        Returns a sequence of Event objects
+        if limit==None it will return all
+        """
+        seq = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getRecommendedEvents", False):
+            seq.append(Event(_extract(node, "id"), self.network))
+        return seq
+    def get_recommended_artists(self, limit=50):
+        """
+        Returns a sequence of Event objects
+        if limit==None it will return all
+        """
+        seq = []
+        for node in _collect_nodes(limit, self, "user.getRecommendedArtists", False):
+            seq.append(Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network))
+        return seq
+class _Search(_BaseObject):
+    """An abstract class. Use one of its derivatives."""
+    def __init__(self, ws_prefix, search_terms, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self._ws_prefix = ws_prefix
+        self.search_terms = search_terms
+        self._last_page_index = 0
+    def _get_params(self):
+        params = {}
+        for key in self.search_terms.keys():
+            params[key] = self.search_terms[key]
+        return params
+    def get_total_result_count(self):
+        """Returns the total count of all the results."""
+        doc = self._request(self._ws_prefix + ".search", True)
+        return _extract(doc, "opensearch:totalResults")
+    def _retreive_page(self, page_index):
+        """Returns the node of matches to be processed"""
+        params = self._get_params()
+        params["page"] = str(page_index)
+        doc = self._request(self._ws_prefix + ".search", True, params)
+        return doc.getElementsByTagName(self._ws_prefix + "matches")[0]
+    def _retrieve_next_page(self):
+        self._last_page_index += 1
+        return self._retreive_page(self._last_page_index)
+class AlbumSearch(_Search):
+    """Search for an album by name."""
+    def __init__(self, album_name, network):
+        _Search.__init__(self, "album", {"album": album_name}, network)
+    def get_next_page(self):
+        """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Album objects."""
+        master_node = self._retrieve_next_page()
+        seq = []
+        for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("album"):
+            seq.append(Album(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network))
+        return seq
+class ArtistSearch(_Search):
+    """Search for an artist by artist name."""
+    def __init__(self, artist_name, network):
+        _Search.__init__(self, "artist", {"artist": artist_name}, network)
+    def get_next_page(self):
+        """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Artist objects."""
+        master_node = self._retrieve_next_page()
+        seq = []
+        for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("artist"):
+            artist = Artist(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            artist.listener_count = _number(_extract(node, "listeners"))
+            seq.append(artist)
+        return seq
+class TagSearch(_Search):
+    """Search for a tag by tag name."""
+    def __init__(self, tag_name, network):
+        _Search.__init__(self, "tag", {"tag": tag_name}, network)
+    def get_next_page(self):
+        """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Tag objects."""
+        master_node = self._retrieve_next_page()
+        seq = []
+        for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("tag"):
+            tag = Tag(_extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            tag.tag_count = _number(_extract(node, "count"))
+            seq.append(tag)
+        return seq
+class TrackSearch(_Search):
+    """Search for a track by track title. If you don't wanna narrow the results down
+    by specifying the artist name, set it to empty string."""
+    def __init__(self, artist_name, track_title, network):
+        _Search.__init__(self, "track", {"track": track_title, "artist": artist_name}, network)
+    def get_next_page(self):
+        """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Track objects."""
+        master_node = self._retrieve_next_page()
+        seq = []
+        for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("track"):
+            track = Track(_extract(node, "artist"), _extract(node, "name"), self.network)
+            track.listener_count = _number(_extract(node, "listeners"))
+            seq.append(track)
+        return seq
+class VenueSearch(_Search):
+    """Search for a venue by its name. If you don't wanna narrow the results down
+    by specifying a country, set it to empty string."""
+    def __init__(self, venue_name, country_name, network):
+        _Search.__init__(self, "venue", {"venue": venue_name, "country": country_name}, network)
+    def get_next_page(self):
+        """Returns the next page of results as a sequence of Track objects."""
+        master_node = self._retrieve_next_page()
+        seq = []
+        for node in master_node.getElementsByTagName("venue"):
+            seq.append(Venue(_extract(node, "id"), self.network))
+        return seq
+class Venue(_BaseObject):
+    """A venue where events are held."""
+    # TODO: waiting for a venue.getInfo web service to use.
+    id = None
+    def __init__(self, id, network):
+        _BaseObject.__init__(self, network)
+        self.id = _number(id)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "pylast.Venue(%s, %s)" %(repr(self.id), repr(self.network))
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Venue #" + str(self.id)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.get_id() == other.get_id()
+    def _get_params(self):
+        return {"venue": self.get_id()}
+    def get_id(self):
+        """Returns the id of the venue."""
+        return self.id
+    def get_upcoming_events(self):
+        """Returns the upcoming events in this venue."""
+        doc = self._request("venue.getEvents", True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("event"):
+            seq.append(Event(_extract(node, "id"), self.network))
+        return seq
+    def get_past_events(self):
+        """Returns the past events held in this venue."""
+        doc = self._request("venue.getEvents", True)
+        seq = []
+        for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("event"):
+            seq.append(Event(_extract(node, "id"), self.network))
+        return seq
+def md5(text):
+    """Returns the md5 hash of a string."""
+    h = hashlib.md5()
+    h.update(_unicode(text).encode("utf-8"))
+    return h.hexdigest()
+def _unicode(text):
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        if type(text) in (bytes, bytearray):
+            return str(text, "utf-8")
+        elif type(text) == str:
+            return text
+        else:
+            return str(text)
+    elif sys.version_info[0] ==2:
+        if type(text) in (str,):
+            return unicode(text, "utf-8")
+        elif type(text) == unicode:
+            return text
+        else:
+            return unicode(text)
+def _string(text):
+    """For Python2 routines that can only process str type."""
+    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+        if type(text) != str:
+            return str(text)
+        else:
+            return text
+    elif sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+        if type(text) == str:
+            return text
+        if type(text) == int:
+            return str(text)
+        return text.encode("utf-8")
+def _collect_nodes(limit, sender, method_name, cacheable, params=None):
+    """
+        Returns a sequqnce of dom.Node objects about as close to
+        limit as possible
+    """
+    if not params:
+        params = sender._get_params()
+    nodes = []
+    page = 1
+    end_of_pages = False
+    while not end_of_pages and (not limit or (limit and len(nodes) < limit)):
+        params["page"] = str(page)
+        doc = sender._request(method_name, cacheable, params)
+        main = doc.documentElement.childNodes[1]
+        if main.hasAttribute("totalPages"):
+            total_pages = _number(main.getAttribute("totalPages"))
+        elif main.hasAttribute("totalpages"):
+            total_pages = _number(main.getAttribute("totalpages"))
+        else:
+            raise Exception("No total pages attribute")
+        for node in main.childNodes:
+            if not node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE and len(nodes) < limit:
+                nodes.append(node)
+        if page >= total_pages:
+            end_of_pages = True
+        page += 1
+    return nodes
+def _extract(node, name, index = 0):
+    """Extracts a value from the xml string"""
+    nodes = node.getElementsByTagName(name)
+    if len(nodes):
+        if nodes[index].firstChild:
+            return _unescape_htmlentity(nodes[index].firstChild.data.strip())
+    else:
+        return None
+def _extract_all(node, name, limit_count = None):
+    """Extracts all the values from the xml string. returning a list."""
+    seq = []
+    for i in range(0, len(node.getElementsByTagName(name))):
+        if len(seq) == limit_count:
+            break
+        seq.append(_extract(node, name, i))
+    return seq
+def _url_safe(text):
+    """Does all kinds of tricks on a text to make it safe to use in a url."""
+    return url_quote_plus(url_quote_plus(_string(text))).lower()
+def _number(string):
+    """
+        Extracts an int from a string. Returns a 0 if None or an empty string was passed
+    """
+    if not string:
+        return 0
+    elif string == "":
+        return 0
+    else:
+        try:
+            return int(string)
+        except ValueError:
+            return float(string)
+def _unescape_htmlentity(string):
+    #string = _unicode(string)  
+    mapping = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint
+    for key in mapping:
+        string = string.replace("&%s;" %key, unichr(mapping[key]))
+    return string
+def extract_items(topitems_or_libraryitems):
+    """Extracts a sequence of items from a sequence of TopItem or LibraryItem objects."""
+    seq = []
+    for i in topitems_or_libraryitems:
+        seq.append(i.item)
+    return seq
+class ScrobblingError(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        Exception.__init__(self)
+        self.message = message
+    @_string_output
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.message
+class BannedClientError(ScrobblingError):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "This version of the client has been banned")
+class BadAuthenticationError(ScrobblingError):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "Bad authentication token")
+class BadTimeError(ScrobblingError):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "Time provided is not close enough to current time")
+class BadSessionError(ScrobblingError):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ScrobblingError.__init__(self, "Bad session id, consider re-handshaking")
+class _ScrobblerRequest(object):
+    def __init__(self, url, params, network, type="POST"):
+        for key in params:
+                params[key] = str(params[key])
+        self.params = params
+        self.type = type
+        (self.hostname, self.subdir) = url_split_host(url[len("http:"):])
+        self.network = network
+    def execute(self):
+        """Returns a string response of this request."""
+        connection = HTTPConnection(self.hostname)
+        data = []
+        for name in self.params.keys():
+            value = url_quote_plus(self.params[name])
+            data.append('='.join((name, value)))
+        data = "&".join(data)
+        headers = {
+            "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+            "Accept-Charset": "utf-8",
+            "User-Agent": "pylast" + "/" + __version__,
+            "HOST": self.hostname
+            }
+        if self.type == "GET":
+            connection.request("GET", self.subdir + "?" + data, headers = headers)
+        else:
+            connection.request("POST", self.subdir, data, headers)
+        response = _unicode(connection.getresponse().read())
+        self._check_response_for_errors(response)
+        return response
+    def _check_response_for_errors(self, response):
+        """When passed a string response it checks for erros, raising
+        any exceptions as necessary."""
+        lines = response.split("\n")
+        status_line = lines[0]
+        if status_line == "OK":
+            return
+        elif status_line == "BANNED":
+            raise BannedClientError()
+        elif status_line == "BADAUTH":
+            raise BadAuthenticationError()
+        elif status_line == "BADTIME":
+            raise BadTimeError()
+        elif status_line == "BADSESSION":
+            raise BadSessionError()
+        elif status_line.startswith("FAILED "):
+            reason = status_line[status_line.find("FAILED ")+len("FAILED "):]
+            raise ScrobblingError(reason)
+class Scrobbler(object):
+    """A class for scrobbling tracks to Last.fm"""
+    session_id = None
+    nowplaying_url = None
+    submissions_url = None
+    def __init__(self, network, client_id, client_version):
+        self.client_id = client_id
+        self.client_version = client_version
+        self.username = network.username
+        self.password = network.password_hash
+        self.network = network
+    def _do_handshake(self):
+        """Handshakes with the server"""
+        timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
+        if self.password and self.username:
+            token = md5(self.password + timestamp)
+        elif self.network.api_key and self.network.api_secret and self.network.session_key:
+            if not self.username:
+                self.username = self.network.get_authenticated_user().get_name()
+            token = md5(self.network.api_secret + timestamp)
+        params = {"hs": "true", "p": "1.2.1", "c": self.client_id,
+            "v": self.client_version, "u": self.username, "t": timestamp,
+            "a": token}
+        if self.network.session_key and self.network.api_key:
+            params["sk"] = self.network.session_key
+            params["api_key"] = self.network.api_key
+        server = self.network.submission_server
+        response = _ScrobblerRequest(server, params, self.network, "GET").execute().split("\n")
+        self.session_id = response[1]
+        self.nowplaying_url = response[2]
+        self.submissions_url = response[3]
+    def _get_session_id(self, new = False):
+        """Returns a handshake. If new is true, then it will be requested from the server
+        even if one was cached."""
+        if not self.session_id or new:
+            self._do_handshake()
+        return self.session_id
+    def report_now_playing(self, artist, title, album = "", duration = "", track_number = "", mbid = ""):
+        _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Use Netowrk.update_now_playing(...) instead")
+        params = {"s": self._get_session_id(), "a": artist, "t": title,
+            "b": album, "l": duration, "n": track_number, "m": mbid}
+        try:
+            _ScrobblerRequest(self.nowplaying_url, params, self.network).execute()
+        except BadSessionError:
+            self._do_handshake()
+            self.report_now_playing(artist, title, album, duration, track_number, mbid)
+    def scrobble(self, artist, title, time_started, source, mode, duration, album="", track_number="", mbid=""):
+        """Scrobble a track. parameters:
+            artist: Artist name.
+            title: Track title.
+            time_started: UTC timestamp of when the track started playing.
+            source: The source of the track
+                SCROBBLE_SOURCE_USER: Chosen by the user (the most common value, unless you have a reason for choosing otherwise, use this).
+                SCROBBLE_SOURCE_NON_PERSONALIZED_BROADCAST: Non-personalised broadcast (e.g. Shoutcast, BBC Radio 1).
+                SCROBBLE_SOURCE_PERSONALIZED_BROADCAST: Personalised recommendation except Last.fm (e.g. Pandora, Launchcast).
+                SCROBBLE_SOURCE_LASTFM: ast.fm (any mode). In this case, the 5-digit recommendation_key value must be set.
+                SCROBBLE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN: Source unknown.
+            mode: The submission mode
+                SCROBBLE_MODE_PLAYED: The track was played.
+                SCROBBLE_MODE_LOVED: The user manually loved the track (implies a listen)
+                SCROBBLE_MODE_SKIPPED: The track was skipped (Only if source was Last.fm)
+                SCROBBLE_MODE_BANNED: The track was banned (Only if source was Last.fm)
+            duration: Track duration in seconds.
+            album: The album name.
+            track_number: The track number on the album.
+            mbid: MusicBrainz ID.
+        """
+        _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Use Network.scrobble(...) instead")
+        params = {"s": self._get_session_id(), "a[0]": _string(artist), "t[0]": _string(title),
+            "i[0]": str(time_started), "o[0]": source, "r[0]": mode, "l[0]": str(duration),
+            "b[0]": _string(album), "n[0]": track_number, "m[0]": mbid}
+        _ScrobblerRequest(self.submissions_url, params, self.network).execute()
+    def scrobble_many(self, tracks):
+        """
+            Scrobble several tracks at once.
+            tracks: A sequence of a sequence of parameters for each trach. The order of parameters
+                is the same as if passed to the scrobble() method.
+        """
+        _deprecation_warning("DeprecationWarning: Use Network.scrobble_many(...) instead")
+        remainder = []
+        if len(tracks) > 50:
+            remainder = tracks[50:]
+            tracks = tracks[:50]
+        params = {"s": self._get_session_id()}
+        i = 0
+        for t in tracks:
+            _pad_list(t, 9, "")
+            params["a[%s]" % str(i)] = _string(t[0])
+            params["t[%s]" % str(i)] = _string(t[1])
+            params["i[%s]" % str(i)] = str(t[2])
+            params["o[%s]" % str(i)] = t[3]
+            params["r[%s]" % str(i)] = t[4]
+            params["l[%s]" % str(i)] = str(t[5])
+            params["b[%s]" % str(i)] = _string(t[6])
+            params["n[%s]" % str(i)] = t[7]
+            params["m[%s]" % str(i)] = t[8]
+            i += 1
+        _ScrobblerRequest(self.submissions_url, params, self.network).execute()
+        if remainder:
+            self.scrobble_many(remainder)