diff toolboxes/SVM-light/src/svm_common.h @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/SVM-light/src/svm_common.h	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+/*                                                                      */
+/*   svm_common.h                                                       */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*   Definitions and functions used in both svm_learn and svm_classify. */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*   Author: Thorsten Joachims                                          */
+/*   Date: 02.07.02                                                     */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*   Copyright (c) 2002  Thorsten Joachims - All rights reserved        */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*   This software is available for non-commercial use only. It must    */
+/*   not be modified and distributed without prior permission of the    */
+/*   author. The author is not responsible for implications from the    */
+/*   use of this software.                                              */
+/*                                                                      */
+#ifndef SVM_COMMON
+#define SVM_COMMON
+# define MAXSHRINK     50000    /* maximum number of shrinking rounds */
+# define MAXFEATNUM 99999999    /* maximum feature number (must be in
+			  	   valid range of long int type!) */
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <ctype.h>
+# include <math.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <time.h> 
+# include <float.h>
+# define VERSION       "V6.01"
+# define VERSION_DATE  "01.09.04"
+# define CFLOAT  float       /* the type of float to use for caching */
+                             /* kernel evaluations. Using float saves */
+                             /* us some memory, but you can use double, too */
+# define FNUM    long        /* the type used for storing feature ids */
+# define FVAL    float       /* the type used for storing feature values */
+# define LINEAR  0           /* linear kernel type */
+# define POLY    1           /* polynoial kernel type */
+# define RBF     2           /* rbf kernel type */
+# define SIGMOID 3           /* sigmoid kernel type */
+# define CLASSIFICATION 1    /* train classification model */
+# define REGRESSION     2    /* train regression model */
+# define RANKING        3    /* train ranking model */
+# define OPTIMIZATION   4    /* train on general set of constraints */
+typedef struct word {
+  FNUM    wnum;	               /* word number */
+  FVAL    weight;              /* word weight */
+} WORD;
+typedef struct svector {
+  WORD    *words;              /* The features/values in the vector by
+				  increasing feature-number. Feature
+				  numbers that are skipped are
+				  interpreted as having value zero. */
+  double  twonorm_sq;          /* The squared euclidian length of the
+                                  vector. Used to speed up the RBF kernel. */
+  char    *userdefined;        /* You can put additional information
+				  here. This can be useful, if you are
+				  implementing your own kernel that
+				  does not work with feature/values
+				  representations (for example a
+				  string kernel). By default,
+				  svm-light will put here the string
+				  after the # sign from each line of
+				  the input file. */
+  long    kernel_id;           /* Feature vectors with different
+				  kernel_id's are orthogonal (ie. the
+				  feature number do not match). This
+				  is used for computing component
+				  kernels for linear constraints which
+				  are a sum of several different
+				  weight vectors. (currently not
+				  implemented). */
+  struct svector *next;        /* Let's you set up a list of SVECTOR's
+				  for linear constraints which are a
+				  sum of multiple feature
+				  vectors. List is terminated by
+				  NULL. */
+  double  factor;              /* Factor by which this feature vector
+				  is multiplied in the sum. */
+typedef struct doc {
+  long    docnum;              /* Document ID. This has to be the position of 
+                                  the document in the training set array. */
+  long    queryid;             /* for learning rankings, constraints are 
+				  generated for documents with the same 
+				  queryID. */
+  double  costfactor;          /* Scales the cost of misclassifying this
+				  document by this factor. The effect of this
+				  value is, that the upper bound on the alpha
+				  for this example is scaled by this factor.
+				  The factors are set by the feature 
+				  'cost:<val>' in the training data. */
+  long    slackid;             /* Index of the slack variable
+				  corresponding to this
+				  constraint. All constraints with the
+				  same slackid share the same slack
+				  variable. This can only be used for
+				  svm_learn_optimization. */
+  SVECTOR *fvec;               /* Feature vector of the example. The
+				  feature vector can actually be a
+				  list of feature vectors. For
+				  example, the list will have two
+				  elements, if this DOC is a
+				  preference constraint. The one
+				  vector that is supposed to be ranked
+				  higher, will have a factor of +1,
+				  the lower ranked one should have a
+				  factor of -1. */
+} DOC;
+typedef struct learn_parm {
+  long   type;                 /* selects between regression and
+				  classification */
+  double svm_c;                /* upper bound C on alphas */
+  double eps;                  /* regression epsilon (eps=1.0 for
+				  classification */
+  double svm_costratio;        /* factor to multiply C for positive examples */
+  double transduction_posratio;/* fraction of unlabeled examples to be */
+                               /* classified as positives */
+  long   biased_hyperplane;    /* if nonzero, use hyperplane w*x+b=0 
+				  otherwise w*x=0 */
+  long   sharedslack;          /* if nonzero, it will use the shared
+                                  slack variable mode in
+                                  svm_learn_optimization. It requires
+                                  that the slackid is set for every
+                                  training example */
+  long   svm_maxqpsize;        /* size q of working set */
+  long   svm_newvarsinqp;      /* new variables to enter the working set 
+				  in each iteration */
+  long   kernel_cache_size;    /* size of kernel cache in megabytes */
+  double epsilon_crit;         /* tolerable error for distances used 
+				  in stopping criterion */
+  double epsilon_shrink;       /* how much a multiplier should be above 
+				  zero for shrinking */
+  long   svm_iter_to_shrink;   /* iterations h after which an example can
+				  be removed by shrinking */
+  long   maxiter;              /* number of iterations after which the
+				  optimizer terminates, if there was
+				  no progress in maxdiff */
+  long   remove_inconsistent;  /* exclude examples with alpha at C and 
+				  retrain */
+  long   skip_final_opt_check; /* do not check KT-Conditions at the end of
+				  optimization for examples removed by 
+				  shrinking. WARNING: This might lead to 
+				  sub-optimal solutions! */
+  long   compute_loo;          /* if nonzero, computes leave-one-out
+				  estimates */
+  double rho;                  /* parameter in xi/alpha-estimates and for
+				  pruning leave-one-out range [1..2] */
+  long   xa_depth;             /* parameter in xi/alpha-estimates upper
+				  bounding the number of SV the current
+				  alpha_t is distributed over */
+  char predfile[200];          /* file for predicitions on unlabeled examples
+				  in transduction */
+  char alphafile[200];         /* file to store optimal alphas in. use  
+				  empty string if alphas should not be 
+				  output */
+  /* you probably do not want to touch the following */
+  double epsilon_const;        /* tolerable error on eq-constraint */
+  double epsilon_a;            /* tolerable error on alphas at bounds */
+  double opt_precision;        /* precision of solver, set to e.g. 1e-21 
+				  if you get convergence problems */
+  /* the following are only for internal use */
+  long   svm_c_steps;          /* do so many steps for finding optimal C */
+  double svm_c_factor;         /* increase C by this factor every step */
+  double svm_costratio_unlab;
+  double svm_unlabbound;
+  double *svm_cost;            /* individual upper bounds for each var */
+  long   totwords;             /* number of features */
+typedef struct kernel_parm {
+  long    kernel_type;   /* 0=linear, 1=poly, 2=rbf, 3=sigmoid, 4=custom */
+  long    poly_degree;
+  double  rbf_gamma;
+  double  coef_lin;
+  double  coef_const;
+  char    custom[50];    /* for user supplied kernel */
+typedef struct model {
+  long    sv_num;	
+  long    at_upper_bound;
+  double  b;
+  DOC     **supvec;
+  double  *alpha;
+  long    *index;       /* index from docnum to position in model */
+  long    totwords;     /* number of features */
+  long    totdoc;       /* number of training documents */
+  KERNEL_PARM kernel_parm; /* kernel */
+  /* the following values are not written to file */
+  double  loo_error,loo_recall,loo_precision; /* leave-one-out estimates */
+  double  xa_error,xa_recall,xa_precision;    /* xi/alpha estimates */
+  double  *lin_weights;                       /* weights for linear case using
+						 folding */
+  double  maxdiff;                            /* precision, up to which this 
+						 model is accurate */
+typedef struct quadratic_program {
+  long   opt_n;            /* number of variables */
+  long   opt_m;            /* number of linear equality constraints */
+  double *opt_ce,*opt_ce0; /* linear equality constraints */
+  double *opt_g;           /* hessian of objective */
+  double *opt_g0;          /* linear part of objective */
+  double *opt_xinit;       /* initial value for variables */
+  double *opt_low,*opt_up; /* box constraints */
+} QP;
+typedef struct kernel_cache {
+  long   *index;  /* cache some kernel evalutations */
+  CFLOAT *buffer; /* to improve speed */
+  long   *invindex;
+  long   *active2totdoc;
+  long   *totdoc2active;
+  long   *lru;
+  long   *occu;
+  long   elems;
+  long   max_elems;
+  long   time;
+  long   activenum;
+  long   buffsize;
+typedef struct timing_profile {
+  long   time_kernel;
+  long   time_opti;
+  long   time_shrink;
+  long   time_update;
+  long   time_model;
+  long   time_check;
+  long   time_select;
+typedef struct shrink_state {
+  long   *active;
+  long   *inactive_since;
+  long   deactnum;
+  double **a_history;  /* for shrinking with non-linear kernel */
+  long   maxhistory;
+  double *last_a;      /* for shrinking with linear kernel */
+  double *last_lin;    /* for shrinking with linear kernel */
+double classify_example(MODEL *, DOC *);
+double classify_example_linear(MODEL *, DOC *);
+CFLOAT kernel(KERNEL_PARM *, DOC *, DOC *); 
+CFLOAT single_kernel(KERNEL_PARM *, SVECTOR *, SVECTOR *); 
+double custom_kernel(KERNEL_PARM *, SVECTOR *, SVECTOR *); 
+SVECTOR *create_svector(WORD *, char *, double);
+SVECTOR *copy_svector(SVECTOR *);
+void   free_svector(SVECTOR *);
+double    sprod_ss(SVECTOR *, SVECTOR *);
+SVECTOR*  add_list_ss(SVECTOR *); 
+void      append_svector_list(SVECTOR *a, SVECTOR *b);
+SVECTOR*  smult_s(SVECTOR *, double);
+int       featvec_eq(SVECTOR *, SVECTOR *); 
+double model_length_s(MODEL *, KERNEL_PARM *);
+void   clear_vector_n(double *, long);
+void   add_vector_ns(double *, SVECTOR *, double);
+double sprod_ns(double *, SVECTOR *);
+void   add_weight_vector_to_linear_model(MODEL *);
+DOC    *create_example(long, long, long, double, SVECTOR *);
+void   free_example(DOC *, long);
+MODEL  *read_model(char *);
+MODEL  *copy_model(MODEL *);
+void   free_model(MODEL *, int);
+void   read_documents(char *, DOC ***, double **, long *, long *);
+int    parse_document(char *, WORD *, double *, long *, long *, double *, long *, long, char **);
+double *read_alphas(char *,long);
+void   nol_ll(char *, long *, long *, long *);
+long   minl(long, long);
+long   maxl(long, long);
+long   get_runtime(void);
+int    space_or_null(int);
+void   *my_malloc(size_t); 
+void   copyright_notice(void);
+# ifdef _MSC_VER
+   int isnan(double);
+# endif
+extern long   verbosity;              /* verbosity level (0-4) */
+extern long   kernel_cache_statistic;