diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_stats_table.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_stats_table.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+function [sTstats,csThist] = som_stats_table(csS,histlabel)
+%SOM_STATS_TABLE Statistics table.
+% [sTstats,csThist] = som_stats_table(csS)
+%   sTstats = som_stats_table(csS); 
+%   som_table_print(sTstats);
+%  Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): 
+%   csS           (cell array) of statistics structs
+%                 (struct) a statistics struct
+%   sTstats       (struct) a table struct with basic descriptive 
+%                          statistics for each variable
+%   csThist       (cell array) of table structs, with histograms for
+%                          each variable
+% Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, December 31st, 2001 by Juha Vesanto
+% Copyright (c) by Juha Vesanto
+% http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/somtoolbox/
+% Version 2.0beta juuso 311201
+%% arguments
+if isstruct(csS), csS = {csS}; end
+dim = length(csS);
+%% action
+sTable = struct('colfmt','','headers',[],'values',[],'span',[]); 
+% summary table of all variables
+sT = sTable; 
+sT.headers = {'name','min','mean','max','std','missing'};
+if ~isnan(csS{1}.nunique), sT.headers{end+1} = 'unique'; end
+%if length(col_values), sT.headers = [sT.headers, col_headers]; end
+sT.values  = cell(dim,length(sT.headers));
+sT.span    = ones([size(sT.values) 2]); 
+%if length(col_values), sT.values(:,end-size(col_values,2)+1:end) = col_values; end 
+%if length(col_spans),  sT.span(:,end-size(col_spans,2)+1:end,:)  = col_spans;  end 
+for i=1:dim, 
+    sT.values{i,1} = csS{i}.name;
+    v = [csS{i}.min,csS{i}.mean,csS{i}.max,csS{i}.std];
+    v = som_denormalize(v,csS{i}.normalization); 
+    vstr = numtostring(v,6);
+    sT.values(i,2:5) = vstr'; 
+    sT.values{i,6} = c_and_p_str(csS{i}.ntotal-csS{i}.nvalid,csS{i}.ntotal); 
+    if ~isnan(csS{1}.nunique),
+        sT.values{i,7} = c_and_p_str(csS{i}.nunique,csS{i}.nvalid);
+    end
+sTstats = sT; 
+% histograms
+csThist = cell(dim,1); 
+for i=1:dim, 
+    sH     = csS{i}.hist; 
+    nvalid = csS{i}.nvalid;
+    nbins  = length(sH.bins); 
+    sT         = sTable; 
+    sT.headers = {[csS{i}.name ' values'],'frequency #','frequency %'};
+    sT.values  = cell(nbins,length(sT.headers));  
+    sT.span    = ones(nbins,length(sT.headers),2);
+    for j=1:nbins,         
+        if length(sH.bins) < csS{i}.nunique, sT.values{j,1} = sH.binlabels2{j};
+        else sT.values{j,1} = sH.binlabels{j}; end
+        sT.values{j,2} = sprintf('%d',round(sH.counts(j)));
+        sT.values{j,3} = p_str(sH.counts(j)/nvalid);
+    end     
+    csThist{i} = sT; 
+%% subfunctions
+function vstr = numtostring(v,d)
+    tp = (size(v,2)>1);  
+    if tp, v = v'; end
+    nearzero = (abs(v)/(max(v)-min(v)) < 10.^-d);
+    i1 = find(v > 0 & nearzero); 
+    i2 = find(v < 0 & nearzero);     
+    vstr = strrep(cellstr(num2str(v,d)),' ','');
+    vstr(i1) = {'0.0'};
+    vstr(i2) = {'-0.0'};
+    if tp, vstr = vstr'; end
+    return;
+function str = c_and_p_str(n,m)
+  % return a string of form # (%), e.g. '23 (12%)'
+  if     n==m, p = '100'; 
+  elseif n==0, p = '0';
+  else         p = sprintf('%.2g',100*n/m);
+  end
+  str = sprintf('%d (%s%%)',round(n),p); 
+  return;
+function str = p_str(p)
+  % return a string of form %, e.g. '12%'
+  if round(p*100)>100,  p = sprintf('%3g',100*p); 
+  elseif p==1,          p = '100';
+  elseif abs(p)<eps,    p = '0';
+  else                  p = sprintf('%.2g',100*p);
+  end
+  str = sprintf('%s%%',p); 
+  return;