diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_show_gui.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_show_gui.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+function fig = som_show_gui(input,varargin)
+%SOM_SHOW_GUI A GUI for using SOM_SHOW and associated functions.
+%  h = som_show_gui(sM);
+%  Input and output arguments:
+%    sM     (struct) a map struct: the SOM to visualize
+%    h      (scalar) a handle to the GUI figure
+% This is a graphical user interface to make the usage of SOM_SHOW and
+% associated functions somewhat easier for beginning users of the SOM
+% Toolbox.
+% How to use the GUI: 
+%  1. Start the GUI by giving command som_show_gui(sM);
+%  2. Build a list of visualization planes using the buttons 
+%     ('Add components', etc.) on the right 
+%     - the options associated with each of the planes can be 
+%       modified by selecting a plane from the list, and pressing
+%       the 'Plane options' button
+%     - the controls below the list apply to all planes
+%     - the subplot grid size can be controlled using the 'subplots'
+%       field on top right corner, e.g. '4 3' to get 4 times 3 grid
+%  3. To visualize the planes, press the 'Visualize' button on the bottom.
+%  4. To add hits, labels, trajectories (or comets) to the 
+%     visualization, or clear them, or reset the colorbars, 
+%     see the tools available from the 'Tools' menu. 
+%     - the arguments to those tools are either given in the tool, 
+%       or read from the workspace ('Select variable' buttons)
+%     - the tools always apply to the latest figure created
+%       by the GUI
+%  5. To quit, press the 'Close' button on the bottom.
+% Known bugs:
+%  - Especially when using the adding tools, you can easily 
+%    give arguments which do not fit each other, and this 
+%    results in a lengthy (and often cryptic) error message.
+%    In such a case, check the arguments you are giving to see
+%    if there's something wrong with them. See function 
+%    SOM_SHOW_ADD for more information on how the options 
+%    can be set.
+%  - The default values in the adding tools may not be 
+%    very reasonable: you may have to try out different 
+%    values for e.g. markersize before getting the kind of
+%    result you want.
+% SOM_SHOW_GUI has two subfunctions: VIS_SHOW_GUI_COMP and 
+% VIS_SHOW_GUI_TOOL. These are for internal use of SOM_SHOW_GUI.
+% Copyright (c) 2000 by Roman Feldman and Juha Vesanto
+% Contributed to SOM Toolbox on August 22nd, 2000
+% http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/somtoolbox/
+% Version 2.0beta roman 160800 juuso 220800
+%                                    MAIN                                   %
+warning off;
+if (nargin < 1)
+  errordlg({'Make sure you have SOM as input argument'; ''; ...
+            'example: som_show_gui(sMap)'},'Error in SOM_VIS: input arguments');
+  return
+if isstruct(input)
+  fig_h = create_main_gui(input);
+  if (nargout > 0) fig = fig_h; end
+  return;
+elseif ischar(input)
+  action = lower(input);
+  % 
+  udata = get(varargin{1},'UserData');
+  plot_array = udata.plot_array;
+  l = length(plot_array);
+  list1_h = udata.h(1);
+  if (strcmp(action,''))
+    errordlg('','Error in SOM_VIS: input arguments');
+    return;
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % add_selected_comp
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'add_selected_comp'))
+    if isempty(plot_array(1).string), tmp = 1; else tmp = l+1; end 
+    [sel,ok] = listdlg('ListString',udata.sM.comp_names,...
+                       'Name','Component selection',...
+                       'PromptString','Select components to add');  
+    if ok & ~isempty(sel), 
+      for i=1:length(sel),
+        plot_array(tmp+i-1).string = udata.sM.comp_names{sel(i)}; 
+        plot_array(tmp+i-1).args = {'comp' sel(i)};
+        udata.property{tmp+i-1} = {0};
+      end      
+      set(list1_h,'Value',tmp+i-1, ...
+                  'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    end
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % add_all_comps
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'add_all_comps'))
+    if (strcmp(plot_array(1).string,''))
+      tmp = 1;
+    else
+      tmp = l+1;
+    end
+    indx = length(udata.sM.comp_names);
+    for (i=1:indx)
+      plot_array(tmp+i-1).string = udata.sM.comp_names{i};
+      plot_array(tmp+i-1).args = {'comp' i};
+      udata.property{tmp+i-1} = {0};
+    end	
+    % update list
+    set(list1_h,'Value',tmp+indx-1, ...
+                'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % add_u_matrix
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'add_u_matrix'))
+    if (strcmp(plot_array(1).string,''))
+      tmp = 1;
+    else
+      tmp = l+1;
+    end
+    plot_array(tmp).string = 'U-matrix';
+    plot_array(tmp).args = {'umat' 'all'};
+    udata.property{tmp} = {0 'U-matrix' 1:length(udata.sM.comp_names)};
+    % update list
+    set(list1_h,'Value',tmp, ...
+                'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % add_colorplane
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'add_colorplane'))
+    if (strcmp(plot_array(1).string,''))
+      tmp = 1;
+    else
+      tmp = l+1;
+    end
+    plot_array(tmp).string = 'color plane';
+    c = som_colorcode(udata.sM);
+    plot_array(tmp).args = {'color' c};
+    udata.property{tmp} = {0 'Color code' {'rgb1' 'rgb2' 'rgb3' 'rgb4' 'hsv' '-variable-'} 1};
+    % update list
+    set(list1_h,'Value',tmp, ...
+                'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % add_empty
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'add_empty'))
+    if (strcmp(plot_array(1).string,''))
+      tmp = 1;
+    else
+      tmp = l+1;
+    end
+    plot_array(tmp).string = 'empty plane';
+    plot_array(tmp).args = {'empty' ''};
+    udata.property{tmp} = {''};
+    % update list
+    set(list1_h,'Value',tmp, ...
+                'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % remove
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'remove'))
+    rm_indx = get(list1_h,'Value');
+    rm_l = length(rm_indx);
+    % rebuild array
+    incl_inds = setdiff(1:length(plot_array),rm_indx);
+    if isempty(incl_inds), 
+      clear plot_array;
+      plot_array(1).args = {};
+      plot_array(1).string = '';
+      udata.property = {};
+      udata.property{1} = {};
+    else
+      plot_array = plot_array(incl_inds);
+      udata.property = udata.property(incl_inds);
+    end
+    set(list1_h,'Value',length(plot_array), ...
+                'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % remove_all
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'remove_all'))
+    plot_array = [];
+    plot_array(1).args = {};
+    plot_array(1).string = '';
+    udata.property = {};
+    set(list1_h,'Value',1, ...
+                'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+    udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+    set(varargin{1},'UserData',udata);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % more_options
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'more_options'))
+    vis_show_gui_comp(varargin{1},get(list1_h,'Value'),'init');
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % close
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'close'))
+    close(varargin{1});
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % visualize
+  %
+  elseif (strcmp(action,'visualize'))     %% s = {k k.^2}; plot(s{:});
+    current_fig = varargin{1}; 
+    figure;
+    args = [{udata.sM} plot_array(:).args];
+    % edge
+    tmp = get(udata.h(2),'UserData');
+    i = get(udata.h(2),'Value');
+    args = [args {'edge' tmp{i}}];
+    % bar
+    tmp = get(udata.h(3),'UserData');
+    i = get(udata.h(3),'Value');
+    args = [args {'bar' tmp{i}}];
+    % norm
+    tmp = get(udata.h(4),'UserData');
+    i = get(udata.h(4),'Value');
+    args = [args {'norm' tmp{i}}];
+    % size
+    tmp = get(udata.h(5),'String');
+    args = [args {'size' eval(tmp)}];
+    % colormap
+    tmp = get(udata.h(6),'String');
+    if ~isempty(tmp)
+      args = [args {'colormap' eval(tmp)}];
+    end
+    % footnote
+    tmp = get(udata.h(7),'String');
+    args = [args {'footnote' tmp}];
+    % subplots
+    tmp = get(udata.h(8),'String');
+    if ~(strcmp(tmp,'default') | isempty(tmp))
+      tmp2 = sscanf(tmp,'%i %i');
+      if length(tmp2)<2, tmp2 = sscanf(tmp,'%ix%i'); end
+      if length(tmp2)<2, tmp = eval(tmp);
+      else tmp = tmp2';
+      end
+      if length(tmp)<2, tmp(2) = 1; end
+      if tmp(1)*tmp(2)<length(get(udata.h(1),'string')),
+        close(varargin{1});
+        errordlg('Too small subplot size', ...
+                 'Error in SOM_VIS: subplot size');
+        return;
+      end
+      args = [args {'subplots' tmp}];
+    end
+    som_show(args{:});
+    % udata.vis_h = varargin{1};
+    %  first refresh plot info
+    udata.vis_h = setdiff( ...
+                    udata.vis_h, ...
+                    setdiff(udata.vis_h,get(0,'children')));
+    udata.vis_h = [udata.vis_h gcf];
+    set(current_fig,'UserData',udata);
+  else
+    ;
+  end
+  errordlg({'Make sure you have SOM as input argument'; ''; ...
+            'example: som_show_gui(sMap)'},'Error in SOM_VIS: input arguments');
+% ----------------------        SUBFUNCTIONS       -----------------------  %
+%                              CREATE_MAIN_GUI                              %
+function fig_h = create_main_gui(sM)
+% init variables
+plot_array = [];
+plot_array(1).args = {};
+plot_array(1).string = '';
+% colors
+fig_color = [0.8 0.8 0.8];
+bg_color1 = [0.701960784313725 0.701960784313725 0.701960784313725];
+bg_color2 = [0.9 0.9 0.9];
+%%%%  positions  %%%%%
+%---------  figure
+fig_i =            [0.02 0.25];
+fig_s =            [0.24 0.55];
+ue = 0.02;
+th = 0.03;
+hint_text_pos =                [0.05 0.94 0.8 th];
+big_frame_pos =                [ue 0.38 (1-2*ue) 0.56];
+planes_listbox_text_pos =      [0.07 0.87 0.3 th];
+planes_listbox_pos =           [(ue+0.03) 0.395 0.46 0.47];
+subplots_text_pos =            [0.53 0.885 0.2 th];
+subplots_pos =                 [0.73 0.88 0.22 0.05];  ah = 0.045; d = (planes_listbox_pos(4) - 10*ah)/7;
+add_components_pos =           [0.53 (sum(planes_listbox_pos([2 4]))-ah) 0.42 ah]; tmp = add_components_pos(2)-(d+ah);
+add_all_components_pos =       [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; tmp = add_all_components_pos(2)-(d+ah);
+add_u_matrix_pos =             [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; tmp = add_u_matrix_pos(2)-(d+ah);
+add_colorplane_pos =           [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; tmp = add_colorplane_pos(2)-(d+ah);
+add_empty_pos =                [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; tmp = add_empty_pos(2)-2*(d+ah)+d;
+remove_pos =                   [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; tmp = remove_pos(2)-(d+ah);
+remove_all_pos =               [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; tmp = remove_all_pos(2)-2*(d+ah)+d;
+plane_options_pos =            [0.53 tmp 0.42 ah]; 
+ph = 0.041;
+dd = (ph-th)/2;
+tmp = big_frame_pos(2) - (planes_listbox_pos(2)-big_frame_pos(2)) - ph;
+ie1 = 0.25;
+tw = 0.21;
+iw = 0.28;
+unit_edges_text_pos =          [ue (tmp+dd) tw th];
+unit_edges_pos =               [ie1 tmp iw ph]; tmp = unit_edges_pos(2)-(d+ph) - d;
+unit_sizes_text_pos =          [ue (tmp+dd) tw th];
+unit_sizes_pos =               [ie1 tmp iw ph]; tmp = unit_sizes_pos(2)-(d+ph) - d;
+colorbar_dir_text_pos =        [ue (tmp+dd) tw th];
+colorbar_dir_pos =             [ie1 tmp iw ph]; tmp2 = sum(colorbar_dir_pos([1 3]));
+colorbar_norm_text_pos =       [(tmp2) (tmp+dd) 0.11 th];
+colorbar_norm_pos =            [(1-ue-(iw+0.06)) tmp (iw+0.06) ph]; tmp = colorbar_norm_pos(2)-(d+ph) - d;
+colormap_text_pos =            [ue (tmp+dd) tw th];
+colormap_pos =                 [ie1 tmp iw ph]; tmp = colormap_pos(2)-(d+ph) - d;
+footnote_text_pos =            [ue (tmp+dd) tw th]; 
+footnote_pos =                 [ie1 tmp (1-ue-ie1) ph];
+tmp = planes_listbox_pos(2)-big_frame_pos(2);
+tmp2 = ah+2*tmp;
+little_frame_pos =             [ue tmp (1-2*ue) tmp2]; tmp2 = little_frame_pos(2)+tmp;
+ddd = 0.1;
+bw = (little_frame_pos(3)-2*0.03-ddd)/2;
+visualize_pos =                [(ue+0.03) tmp2 bw ah];
+close_pos =                    [(sum(visualize_pos([1 3]))+ddd) tmp2 bw ah];
+%  main figure
+fig_h = figure( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Color',fig_color, ...
+  'PaperPosition',[18 180 576 432], ...
+  'PaperType','A4', ...
+  'PaperUnits','normalized', ...
+  'Position',[fig_i fig_s], ...
+  'ToolBar','none', ...
+  'NumberTitle','off', ...
+  'Name',FIGURENAME, ...
+  'Visible','off');
+%  hint text
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',hint_text_pos, ...
+  'String','Add planes and then visualize', ...
+  'Style','text');
+%  planes listbox
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Position',big_frame_pos, ...
+  'Style','frame');
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',planes_listbox_text_pos, ...
+  'String','Planes', ...
+  'Style','text');
+list1_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color2, ...
+  'Position',planes_listbox_pos, ...
+  'String',{plot_array(:).string}, ...
+  'Style','listbox', ...
+  'Max',2, ...
+  'Value',1);
+% edit subplots
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+  'Position',subplots_text_pos, ...
+  'String','subplots', ...
+  'Style','text');
+edit4_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color2, ...
+  'Position',subplots_pos, ...
+  'FontSize',14, ...
+  'String','', ...
+  'Style','edit');
+%  pushbutton 'Add components'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',add_components_pos, ...
+  'String',' Add components', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''add_selected_comp'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Add all components'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',add_all_components_pos, ...
+  'String',' Add all components', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''add_all_comps'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Add U-matrix'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',add_u_matrix_pos, ...
+  'String',' Add U-matrix', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''add_u_matrix'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Add colorplane'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',add_colorplane_pos, ...
+  'String',' Add colorplane', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''add_colorplane'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Add empty'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',add_empty_pos, ...
+  'String',' Add empty', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''add_empty'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Remove'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',remove_pos, ...
+  'String',' Remove', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''remove'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+% creat pushbutton 'Remove all'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',remove_all_pos, ...
+  'String',' Remove all', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''remove_all'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Plane options'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Position',plane_options_pos, ...
+  'String',' Plane options', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''more_options'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  popupmenu unitedges
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',unit_edges_text_pos, ...
+  'String','unit edges are', ...
+  'Style','text');
+popup1_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Max',2, ...
+  'Min',1, ...
+  'Position',unit_edges_pos, ...
+  'UserData',{'off' 'on'}, ...
+  'String',{'off' 'on'}, ...
+  'Style','popupmenu', ...
+  'Value',1);
+%  unit sizes edit
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',unit_sizes_text_pos, ...
+  'String','unit sizes', ...
+  'Style','text');
+edit1_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color2, ...
+  'Position',unit_sizes_pos, ...
+  'FontSize',12, ...
+  'String','1', ...
+  'Style','edit');
+%  popupmenu colorbardir
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',colorbar_dir_text_pos, ...
+  'String','colorbar is', ...
+  'Style','text');
+popup2_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Max',3, ...
+  'Min',1, ...
+  'Position',colorbar_dir_pos, ...
+  'UserData', {'vert' 'horiz' 'none'}, ...
+  'String','vert| horiz| none', ...
+  'Style','popupmenu', ...
+  'Value',1);
+%  popupmenu colorbarnorm
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',colorbar_norm_text_pos, ...
+  'String',' and  ', ...
+  'Style','text');
+popup3_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Max',2, ...
+  'Min',1, ...
+  'Position',colorbar_norm_pos, ...
+  'UserData', {'d' 'n'}, ...
+  'String',{'denormalized','normalized'}, ...
+  'Style','popupmenu', ...
+  'Value',1);
+%  colormap edittext
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',colormap_text_pos, ...
+  'String','colormap', ...
+  'Style','text');
+edit2_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color2, ...
+  'Position',colormap_pos, ...
+  'FontSize',12, ...
+  'String','', ...
+  'Style','edit');
+%  footnote edittext
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+  'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+  'Position',footnote_text_pos, ...
+  'String','footnote', ...
+  'Style','text');
+edit3_h = uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color2, ...
+  'Position',footnote_pos, ...
+  'FontSize',12, ...
+  'String',sM.name, ...
+  'Style','edit');
+%  pushbutton 'Visualize'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Position',little_frame_pos, ...
+  'Style','frame');
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'Position',visualize_pos, ...
+  'String','Visualize', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''visualize'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+%  pushbutton 'Close'
+uicontrol( ...
+  'Units','normalized', ...
+  'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+  'Position',close_pos, ...
+  'String','Close', ...
+  'Callback',['som_show_gui(''close'',' mat2str(gcf) ')']);
+% menus
+uimenu('Parent',fig_h','Label','    ','Enable','off');
+m = uimenu('Parent',fig_h,'Label','Tools');
+ a = uimenu('Parent',m,'Label','Add');
+  s = strcat('vis_show_gui_tool(',mat2str(gcf),',''add_label'')');
+  uimenu('Parent',a,'Label','label','Callback',s);
+  s = strcat('vis_show_gui_tool(',mat2str(gcf),',''add_hit'')');
+  uimenu('Parent',a,'Label','hit','Callback',s);
+  s = strcat('vis_show_gui_tool(',mat2str(gcf),',''add_traj'')');
+  uimenu('Parent',a,'Label','traj','Callback',s);
+  s = strcat('vis_show_gui_tool(',mat2str(gcf),',''add_comet'')');
+  uimenu('Parent',a,'Label','comet','Callback',s);
+ s = ['vis_show_gui_tool(',mat2str(gcf),',''clear'')'];
+ c = uimenu('Parent',m,'Label','Clear','Separator','on','callback',s);
+ s = strcat('vis_show_gui_tool(',mat2str(gcf),',''recolorbar'')');
+ r = uimenu('Parent',m,'Label','Recolorbar','Separator','on', ...
+  'Callback',s);
+% end
+ud.sM = sM;
+ud.plot_array = plot_array;
+ud.property = {};
+ud.vis_h = [];
+ud.h = [list1_h popup1_h popup2_h popup3_h ...
+        edit1_h edit2_h edit3_h edit4_h];
+set(fig_h,'Visible','on', ...
+          'UserData', ud, ...
+          'handlevisibility','off');