diff toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/bnt/inference/static/@var_elim_inf_engine/find_mpe.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/bnt/inference/static/@var_elim_inf_engine/find_mpe.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+function mpe = find_mpe(engine, new_evidence, max_over)
+% FIND_MPE Find the most probable explanation of the data (assignment to the hidden nodes)
+% function mpe = find_mpe(engine, evidence, order)
+%       CALC_MPE Computes the most probable explanation to the network nodes
+%       given the evidence.
+%       [mpe, ll] = calc_mpe(engine, new_evidence, max_over)
+%       bnet  - the bayesian network
+%       new_evidence - optional, if specified - evidence to be incorporated [cell(1,n)]
+%       max_over - optional, if specified determines the variable elimination order [1:n]
+%       mpe - the MPE assignmet for the net variables (or [] if no satisfying assignment)
+%       ll - log assignment probability.
+% Notes:
+% 1. Adapted from '@var_elim_inf_engine\marginal_nodes' for MPE by Ron Zohar, 8/7/01
+% 2. Only discrete potentials are supported at this time.
+% 3. Complexity: O(nw*) where n is the number of nodes and w* is the induced tree width.
+% 4. Implementation based on:
+%  - R. Dechter, "Bucket Elimination: A Unifying Framework for Probabilistic Inference", 
+%                 UA1 96, pp. 211-219.
+bnet = bnet_from_engine(engine);
+ns = bnet.node_sizes;
+n = length(bnet.dag);
+evidence = cell(1,n);
+if (nargin<2)
+    new_evidence = evidence;
+onodes = find(~isemptycell(new_evidence));  % observed nodes
+hnodes = find(isemptycell(new_evidence));  % hidden nodes
+pot_type = determine_pot_type(bnet, onodes);
+if pot_type ~= 'd'
+  error('only disrete potentials supported at this time')    
+for i=1:n
+  fam = family(bnet.dag, i);
+  CPT{i} = convert_to_pot(bnet.CPD{bnet.equiv_class(i)}, pot_type, fam(:), evidence);        
+% handle observed nodes: set impossible cases' probability to zero
+% rather than prun matrix (this makes backtracking easier)
+for ii=onodes
+  lIdx = 1:ns(ii);
+  lIdx = setdiff(lIdx, new_evidence{ii});
+  sCPT=struct(CPT{ii});  % violate object privacy
+  sargs = '';
+  for jj=1:(length(sCPT.domain)-1)
+    sargs = [sargs, ':,']; 
+  end        
+  for jj=lIdx
+    eval(['sCPT.T(', sargs, num2str(jj), ')=0;']);
+  end
+  CPT{ii}=dpot(sCPT.domain, sCPT.sizes, sCPT.T);        
+B = cell(1,n); 
+for b=1:n
+  B{b} = mk_initial_pot(pot_type, [], [], [], []);
+if (nargin<3)
+  max_over = (1:n);
+order = max_over; % no attempt to optimize this
+% Initialize the buckets with the CPDs assigned to them
+for i=1:n
+  b = bucket_num(domain_pot(CPT{i}), order);
+  B{b} = multiply_pots(B{b}, CPT{i});
+% Do backward phase
+max_over = max_over(length(max_over):-1:1); % reverse
+maximize = 1;
+for i=max_over(1:end-1)        
+  % max-ing over variable i which occurs in bucket j
+  j = bucket_num(i, order);
+  rest = mysetdiff(domain_pot(B{j}), i);
+  %temp = marginalize_pot_max(B{j}, rest);
+  temp = marginalize_pot(B{j}, rest, maximize);
+  b = bucket_num(domain_pot(temp), order);
+  %        fprintf('maxing over bucket %d (var %d), putting result into bucket %d\n', j, i, b);
+  sB=struct(B{b});  % violate object privacy
+  if ~isempty(sB.domain)
+    B{b} = multiply_pots(B{b}, temp);
+  else
+    B{b} = temp;
+  end
+result = B{1};
+marginal = pot_to_marginal(result);
+[prob, mpe] = max(marginal.T);
+% handle impossible cases
+if ~(prob>0)
+  mpe = [];    
+  ll = -inf;
+  %warning('evidence has zero probability')
+  return
+ll = log(prob);
+% Do forward phase    
+for ii=2:n
+  marginal = pot_to_marginal(B{ii});
+  mpeidx = [];
+  for jj=order(1:length(mpe))
+    %assert(ismember(jj, marginal.domain)) %%% bug
+    temp = find_equiv_posns(jj, marginal.domain);
+    mpeidx = [mpeidx, temp] ;
+    if isempty(temp)
+      mpeidx = [mpeidx, Inf] ;
+    end
+  end
+  [mpeidxsorted sortedtompe] = sort(mpeidx) ;
+  % maximize the matrix obtained from assigning values from previous buckets.
+  % this is done by building a string and using eval.
+  kk=1;
+  sargs = '(';
+  for jj=1:length(marginal.domain)
+    if (jj~=1)
+      sargs = [sargs, ','];
+    end
+    if (mpeidxsorted(kk)==jj)
+      sargs = [sargs, num2str(mpe(sortedtompe(kk)))];
+      if (kk<length(mpe))
+	kk = kk+1 ;
+      end
+    else
+      sargs = [sargs, ':'];
+    end
+  end
+  sargs = [sargs, ')'] ;   
+  eval(['[val, loc] = max(marginal.T', sargs, ');'])        
+  mpe = [mpe loc];
+[I,J] = sort(order);
+mpe = mpe(J);
+mpe = num2cell(mpe);
+function b = bucket_num(domain, order)
+b = max(find_equiv_posns(domain, order));