diff toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/GraphViz/draw_graph.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/GraphViz/draw_graph.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+function [x, y, h] = draw_graph(adj, labels, node_t, x, y, varargin)
+% DRAW_LAYOUT		Draws a layout for a graph 
+% Inputs :
+%	ADJ : Adjacency matrix (source, sink)
+%       LABELS : Cell array containing labels <Default : '1':'N'>
+%       ISBOX : 1 if node is a box, 0 if oval <Default : zeros>
+%       X, Y, : Coordinates of nodes on the unit square <Default : calls make_layout>
+% Outputs :
+%	X, Y : Coordinates of nodes on the unit square
+%       H    : Object handles 
+% Usage Example : [x, y] = draw_layout([0 1;0 0], {'Hidden','Visible'}, [1 0]');
+% h(i,1) is the text handle - color
+% h(i,2) is the circle handle - facecolor
+% See also MAKE_LAYOUT
+% Change History :
+% Date		Time		Prog	Note
+% 13-Apr-2000	 9:06 PM	ATC	Created under MATLAB (R11.1)
+% ATC = Ali Taylan Cemgil,
+% SNN - University of Nijmegen, Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
+% e-mail : cemgil@mbfys.kun.nl 
+adj = double(adj);
+N = size(adj,1);
+if nargin<2,
+  labels = cellstr(int2str((1:N)'));
+if nargin<3,
+  node_t = zeros(N,1);
+  node_t = node_t(:);
+axis([0 1 0 1]);
+% axis('square');
+if nargin<4,
+  [x y] = make_layout(adj);
+idx1 = find(node_t==0); h1 = []; wd1=[];
+if ~isempty(idx1)
+  [h1 wd1] = textoval(x(idx1), y(idx1), labels(idx1), varargin{:});
+idx2 = find(node_t~=0); h2 = []; wd2 = [];
+if ~isempty(idx2)
+  [h2 wd2] = textbox(x(idx2), y(idx2), labels(idx2), varargin{:});
+wd = zeros(size(wd1,1)+size(wd2,1),2);
+if ~isempty(idx1), wd(idx1, :) = wd1;  end;
+if ~isempty(idx2), wd(idx2, :) = wd2; end;
+% bug: this code assumes [x y] is the center of each box and oval, which 
+% isn't exactly true.
+h_edge = [];
+for i=1:N,
+  j = find(adj(i,:)==1);
+  for k=j,
+    if x(k)-x(i)==0,
+	sign = 1;
+	if y(i)>y(k), alpha = -pi/2; else alpha = pi/2; end;
+    else
+	alpha = atan((y(k)-y(i))/(x(k)-x(i)));
+	if x(i)<x(k), sign = 1; else sign = -1; end;
+    end;
+    dy1 = sign.*wd(i,2).*sin(alpha);   dx1 = sign.*wd(i,1).*cos(alpha);
+    dy2 = sign.*wd(k,2).*sin(alpha);   dx2 = sign.*wd(k,1).*cos(alpha);    
+    if adj(k,i)==0, % if directed edge
+      h = arrow([x(i)+dx1 y(i)+dy1],[x(k)-dx2 y(k)-dy2],'BaseAngle',30);
+    else	   
+      h = line([x(i)+dx1 x(k)-dx2],[y(i)+dy1 y(k)-dy2]);
+      adj(k,i)=-1; % Prevent drawing lines twice
+    end;
+    h_edge = [h_edge h];
+  end;
+color.box = 'black';
+color.text = color.box;
+color.edge = [1 1 1]*3/4;
+%color.edge = 'green';
+if ~isempty(idx1)
+  set(h1(:,1),'Color',color.text)
+  set(h1(:,2),'EdgeColor',color.box)
+if ~isempty(idx2)
+  set(h2(:,1),'Color',color.text)
+  set(h2(:,2),'EdgeColor',color.box)
+if nargout>2,
+  h = zeros(length(wd),2);
+  if ~isempty(idx1),
+    h(idx1,:) = h1;
+  end;
+  if ~isempty(idx2),
+    h(idx2,:) = h2;
+  end;
+function [t, wd] = textoval(x, y, str, varargin)
+% TEXTOVAL		Draws an oval around text objects
+%  [..] = TEXTOVAL(STR)  % Interactive
+% Inputs :
+%    X, Y : Coordinates
+%    TXT  : Strings
+% Outputs :
+%    T : Object Handles
+%    WIDTH : x and y Width of ovals 
+% Usage Example : [t] = textoval('Visit to Asia?');
+% Note     :
+% See also TEXTBOX
+% Uses :
+% Change History :
+% Date		Time		Prog	Note
+% 15-Jun-1998	10:36 AM	ATC	Created under MATLAB
+% 12-Mar-2004   10:00 AM        minka   Changed placement/sizing.
+% ATC = Ali Taylan Cemgil,
+% SNN - University of Nijmegen, Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
+% e-mail : cemgil@mbfys.kun.nl 
+temp = [];
+textProperties = {'BackgroundColor','Color','FontAngle','FontName','FontSize','FontUnits','FontWeight','Rotation'};
+varargin = argfilter(varargin,textProperties);
+if nargin == 1
+  str = x;
+if ~isa(str,'cell') str=cellstr(str); end;
+N = length(str);    
+wd = zeros(N,2);
+for i=1:N,
+  if nargin == 1
+    [x, y] = ginput(1);
+  end
+  tx = text(x(i),y(i),str{i},'HorizontalAlignment','center',varargin{:});
+  % minka
+  [ptc wx wy] = draw_oval(tx);
+  wd(i,:) = [wx wy];
+  % draw_oval will paint over the text, so need to redraw it
+  delete(tx);
+  tx = text(x(i),y(i),str{i},'HorizontalAlignment','center',varargin{:});
+  temp = [temp;  tx ptc];
+if nargout>0, t = temp; end;
+function [ptc, wx, wy] = draw_oval(tx, x, y)
+% Draws an oval box around a tex object
+sz = get(tx,'Extent');
+% minka
+wy = 2/3*sz(4);
+wx = 2/3*sz(3);
+x = sz(1)+sz(3)/2;
+y = sz(2)+sz(4)/2;
+ptc = ellipse(x, y, wx, wy);
+set(ptc, 'FaceColor','w');
+function [p] = ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, c)
+% ELLIPSE		Draws Ellipse shaped patch objects
+%  [<P>] = ELLIPSE(X, Y, Rx, Ry, C)
+% Inputs :
+%    X : N x 1 vector of x coordinates
+%    Y : N x 1 vector of y coordinates
+%    Rx, Ry : Radii
+%    C : Color index
+% Outputs :
+%    P = Handles of Ellipse shaped path objects
+% Usage Example : [] = ellipse();
+% Note     :
+% See also 
+% Uses :
+% Change History :
+% Date		Time		Prog	Note
+% 27-May-1998	 9:55 AM	ATC	Created under MATLAB
+% ATC = Ali Taylan Cemgil,
+% SNN - University of Nijmegen, Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
+% e-mail : cemgil@mbfys.kun.nl 
+if (nargin < 2) error('Usage Example : e = ellipse([0 1],[0 -1],[1 0.5],[2 0.5]); '); end;
+if (nargin < 3) rx = 0.1; end;
+if (nargin < 4) ry = rx; end;
+if (nargin < 5) c = 1; end;
+if length(c)==1, c = ones(size(x)).*c; end;
+if length(rx)==1, rx = ones(size(x)).*rx; end;
+if length(ry)==1, ry = ones(size(x)).*ry; end;
+n = length(x);
+p = zeros(size(x));
+t = 0:pi/30:2*pi;
+for i=1:n,
+	px = rx(i)*cos(t)+x(i);
+	py = ry(i)*sin(t)+y(i);
+	p(i) = patch(px,py,c(i));
+if nargout>0, pp = p; end;
+function [t, wd] = textbox(x,y,str,varargin)
+% TEXTBOX	Draws A Box around the text 
+%  [..] = TEXTBOX(STR)
+% Inputs :
+%    X, Y : Coordinates
+%    TXT  : Strings
+% Outputs :
+%    T : Object Handles
+%    WIDTH : x and y Width of boxes 
+% Usage Example : t = textbox({'Ali','Veli','49','50'});
+% Note     :
+% See also TEXTOVAL
+% Uses :
+% Change History :
+% Date		Time		Prog	Note
+% 09-Jun-1998	11:43 AM	ATC	Created under MATLAB
+% 12-Mar-2004   10:00 AM        minka   Changed placement/sizing.
+% ATC = Ali Taylan Cemgil,
+% SNN - University of Nijmegen, Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics
+% e-mail : cemgil@mbfys.kun.nl 
+temp = [];
+textProperties = {'BackgroundColor','Color','FontAngle','FontName','FontSize','FontUnits','FontWeight','Rotation'};
+varargin = argfilter(varargin,textProperties);
+if nargin == 1
+  str = x;
+if ~isa(str,'cell') str=cellstr(str); end;    
+N = length(str);
+wd = zeros(N,2);
+for i=1:N,
+  if nargin == 1
+    [x, y] = ginput(1);
+  end
+  tx = text(x(i),y(i),str{i},'HorizontalAlignment','center',varargin{:});
+  % minka
+  [ptc wx wy] = draw_box(tx);
+  wd(i,:) = [wx wy];
+  % draw_box will paint over the text, so need to redraw it
+  delete(tx);
+  tx = text(x(i),y(i),str{i},'HorizontalAlignment','center',varargin{:});      
+  temp = [temp; tx ptc];
+if nargout>0, t = temp; end;
+function [ptc, wx, wy] = draw_box(tx)
+% Draws a box around a text object
+sz = get(tx,'Extent');
+% minka
+wy = 1/2*sz(4);
+wx = 1/2*sz(3);
+x = sz(1)+sz(3)/2;
+y = sz(2)+sz(4)/2;
+ptc = patch([x-wx x+wx x+wx x-wx], [y+wy y+wy y-wy y-wy],'w');
+set(ptc, 'FaceColor','w');
+function args = argfilter(args,keep)
+%ARGFILTER  Remove unwanted arguments.
+% ARGFILTER(ARGS,KEEP), where ARGS = {'arg1',value1,'arg2',value2,...},
+% returns a new argument list where only the arguments named in KEEP are
+% retained.  KEEP is a character array or cell array of strings.
+% Written by Tom Minka
+if ischar(keep)
+  keep = cellstr(keep);
+i = 1;
+while i < length(args)
+  if ~ismember(args{i},keep)
+    args = args(setdiff(1:length(args),[i i+1]));
+  else
+    i = i + 2;
+  end