diff core/magnatagatune/MTTMixedFeatureSon.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/core/magnatagatune/MTTMixedFeatureSon.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+classdef MTTMixedFeatureSon < MTTAudioFeature & handle
+    % ---
+    % This Class contains a wrapper for sons feature extraction
+    %
+    % The usual workflow for these features constist of three steps
+    % 1. extract: extracts the basic single-file dependent features
+    % 2. define_global_transform: calculates the global feature
+    %       transformation parameters
+    % 3. finalise: applies the common transformations to a specific feature
+    % ---
+    properties(Constant = true)
+        % svn hook
+        my_revision = str2double(substr('$Rev: 741 $',  5, -1));
+    end
+    properties
+        % ---
+        % Set default parameters
+        % ---
+        my_params = struct( ...
+            'son_filename','features_rbm_50x1010', ...
+            'son_conf', '' ...
+        );
+    end
+    % ---
+    % member functions
+    % ---
+    methods
+        % ---
+        % constructor: pointer to feature in database
+        % ---
+        function feature = MTTMixedFeatureSon(varargin)
+            feature = feature@MTTAudioFeature(varargin{:});
+        end
+        % ---
+        % extract feature data from raw audio features
+        % ---
+        function data = extract(feature, clip)
+            % ---
+            % get features. this includes possible
+            % local normalisations
+            % ---
+            global globalvars;
+            global comparison_ids;
+            global sonfeatbase;
+            global db_MTTClip;
+            if isempty(sonfeatbase);
+                sonfeatbase = load(feature.my_params.son_filename);
+            end
+            %
+            % ---
+            % note: this should reference clip.my_db
+            % get the actual clip id
+            idx = db_MTTClip.comparison_ids(clip.id);
+            % ---
+            % NOTE: we just copy everything in a big matrix and then
+            % normalise the data later
+            % ---
+            if isfield(sonfeatbase,'nfvec')
+                rawf = sonfeatbase.nfvec;
+            elseif isfield(sonfeatbase,'sonfeatures')
+                rawf = sonfeatbase.sonfeatures';
+            end
+            if idx <= size(rawf,2)
+                 % get the vector from loaded data
+                data.sonraw = rawf(:,idx);
+            else
+                % ---
+                % CAVE: Clip indices outside 
+                % the range  of the supplied mat file
+                % are filled up with zeros
+                % ---
+                data.sonraw = zeros(size(rawf,1),1);
+            end
+            data.vector_info = {'Sonfeat'};
+            % padd further info struct
+            data.vector_info(end+1:size(data.sonraw,1)) =...
+                cell(size(data.sonraw,1) - numel(data.vector_info) , 1); 
+            % ---
+            % prepare field for final features
+            % ---
+            data.final.vector = [];
+            data.final.vector_info = struct(); 
+            data.final.dim = 0;
+            % save info data
+            data.info.type = 'MTTMixedFeatureSon';
+            data.info.owner_id = clip.id;
+            data.info.creatorrev = feature.my_revision;
+            % save parameters
+            data.info.params = feature.my_params;
+        end
+        function define_global_transform(features)
+        % calculate and set normalization factors from the group of 
+        % input features. These features will be set for the full database
+            final = zeros(size(features(1).data.sonraw,1), numel(features));
+            for i = 1:numel(features)
+                 if ~isempty(features(i).data.sonraw)
+                    final(:,i) = features(i).data.sonraw;
+                 end
+            end
+            % set common to 1 to tell normalisation is done
+            features(1).my_db.set_common([1]);
+            % save the normalised features straight away!
+            features.finalise(final);
+        end
+        function finalise(features, final)
+        % applies a final transformation and
+        % collects the information of this feature within a single vector
+        % see info for types in specific dimensions
+        % check if features have been finalised already
+        % ---
+        % set feature labelling
+        % ---
+        info = {};
+        % ---
+        % construct resulting feature vector out of features
+        % ---
+            if nargin == 2 && isempty(final)
+                % the final vector etc already are set to zero;
+                return;
+            elseif nargin == 2 && (numel(features) == size(final, 2))
+                % the features have already been preassembled
+                for i = 1:numel(features)
+                    % check for neccesary parameters
+                    if isempty(features(i).my_db.commondb)
+                        error('Define the global transformation first')
+                        return;
+                    end
+                    features(i).data.final.vector = final(:,i);
+                    features(i).data.final.dim = size(final,1);
+                    % fill up info struct and append to feature
+                    features(i).data.final.vector_info.labels = ...
+                        features(i).data.vector_info;
+                end
+            else
+                % ---
+                % if features have been added after gettin gnormalisation
+                % parameters, ther should be still an option to include
+                % them
+                % ---
+                 for i = 1:numel(features)
+                    % check for neccesary parameters
+                    if isempty(features(i).my_db.commondb)
+                        error('Define the global transformation first')
+                        return;
+                    end
+                    final = zeros(numel(features(1).data.sonraw), numel(features));
+                    for i = 1:numel(features)
+                         if ~isempty(features(i).data.sonraw)
+                            final(:,i) = features(i).data.sonraw;
+                         end
+                    end
+                    features(i).data.final.vector = final;
+                    features(i).data.final.dim = size(final,1);
+                    % fill up info struct and append to feature
+                    features(i).data.final.vector_info.labels = ...
+                        features(i).data.vector_info;
+                 end
+            end
+            % ---
+            % TODO: Maybe delete more basic features again at this point?
+            % ---
+        end
+        % ---
+        % destructor: do we really want to remove this 
+        % from the database? No, but 
+        % TODO: create marker for unused objects in db, and a cleanup
+        %  function
+        % ---
+        function delete(feature)
+        end
+    end
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