diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/vis_show_gui_comp.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/vis_show_gui_comp.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+function vis_show_gui_comp(h, indx, action,varargin)
+%VIS_SHOW_GUI_COMP is a subfunction of SOM_SHOW_GUI.
+%  vis_show_gui_comp(handle, indx, action, varargin)
+%  Input arguments:
+%     handle    (struct) 
+%     indx     (scalar)
+%     action    (string)
+%     varargin  (varies)
+% See also  SOM_SHOW_GUI.
+% Copyright (c) 2000 by Roman Feldman and Juha Vesanto
+% Contributed to SOM Toolbox on August 22nd, 2000
+% http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/somtoolbox/
+% Version 2.0beta roman 160800 juuso 220800
+%                                    MAIN                                   %
+udata = get(h,'UserData');
+plot_array = udata.plot_array;
+l = length(plot_array);
+ %%%%%%
+% init %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%
+if (strcmp(action,'init'))
+  %---  color vars  ---
+    fig_color = [0.8 0.8 0.8];
+    bg_color1 = [0.701960784313725 0.701960784313725 0.701960784313725];
+    bg_color2 = [0.9 0.9 0.9];
+  %---  object position vars (in pixels) ---
+    % calculations based on case 'comp'
+    %% hint text
+    hint_dist1 = 98.17-(61.27+36.9);   % hint text lower edge and next lower frame upper edge
+    hint_dist2 = 123-(98.17+18.45);    % figure upper edge and hint text upper edge
+    %% general
+    dist1 = 67.42-61.27;               % general distance between frame edge and object in frame
+    %% frame + ok / cancel
+    frames_dist = 61.27-(8.38+36.9);
+    frames_dist2 = 8.38;
+    f_fr = [7.9 8.38 216.2 36.9];      % final frame
+    ok_pb = [17.1 15.76 75.9 22.14];
+    cancel_pb = [139 15.76 75.9 22.14];
+    %% objects
+    hint_txt = [230 18.45];           % hint text width and height
+    interp_cb = [98.9 24.6];
+    title_txt = [35 hint_txt(2)];
+    title_edit_h =  23.083;
+    var_pop = interp_cb;
+    list_lt = [130 130];
+    calc_txt = [list_lt(1) hint_txt(2)];
+    useall_pb = [50 interp_cb(2)];
+  if (length(indx) > 1)
+    errordlg({'Same options for multiple subplots', ...
+              'not yet available'},'Error in SOM_VIS: options');
+    return;
+  elseif (isempty(plot_array(1).args))
+    errordlg({'Try to select subplot first'}, ...
+              'Error in SOM_VIS: options');
+    return;
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % 'comp'
+  %
+  elseif (strncmp('comp',plot_array(indx).args{1},4))
+    old_fig_n = watchon;
+    W = 230; H = 123;
+    units = get(h,'units');
+    set(h,'units','pixels');
+    fp = get(h,'Position');
+    fig_pos = [(fp(1)+fp(3)) ...
+               (fp(2)+fp(2)+fp(4)/2-H/2) ...
+               W ...
+               H];
+    o1 = sum(f_fr([2 4]))+frames_dist;
+    o2 = o1+dist1;
+    o3 = 2*dist1+interp_cb(2);
+    o4 = o1+o3+hint_dist1;
+    hint_text_pos = [1 o4 hint_txt];
+    frame1_pos = [f_fr(1) o1 f_fr(3) o3];
+    interp_pos = [ok_pb(1) o2 interp_cb];
+    frame2_pos = f_fr;
+    ok_pos = ok_pb;
+    cancel_pos = cancel_pb;
+    fig_h = figure( ...
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position', fig_pos, ...
+      'Color',fig_color, ...
+      'NumberTitle','off', ...
+      'Name','component', ...
+      'MenuBar','none', ...
+      'Visible','off');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% hint
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+      'Position',hint_text_pos, ...
+      'String','Options for component plane', ...
+      'Style','text'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame1_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    pr = udata.property{indx};
+    chkb_h =  uicontrol( ...                                                  %% interpolated
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+      'Position',interp_pos, ...
+      'Style','checkbox', ...
+      'String','interpolated', ...
+      'Value',pr{1});
+    set(chkb_h,'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame2_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    s = ['vis_show_gui_comp(', ...
+         mat2str(h), ',', mat2str(indx), ...
+         ',''comp'',' mat2str(fig_h) ')'];
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% OK
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',ok_pos, ...
+      'String','OK', ...
+      'Callback',s),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% Cancel
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',cancel_pos, ...
+      'String','Cancel', ...
+      'Callback',['close(' mat2str(fig_h) ')']),'units','normalized');
+    watchoff(old_fig_n);
+    tmp_udata = [chkb_h];
+    set(fig_h,'units','normalized', ...
+	      'Visible','on', ...
+              'UserData',tmp_udata, ...
+              'handlevisibility','off');
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % 'umat'
+  %
+  elseif (strncmp('umat',plot_array(indx).args{1},4))
+    old_fig_n = watchon;
+    W = 230; H = 335.893;
+    units = get(h,'units');
+    set(h,'units','pixels');
+    fp = get(h,'Position');
+    fig_pos = [(fp(1)+fp(3)) ...
+               (fp(2)+fp(2)+fp(4)/2-H/2) ...
+               W ...
+               H];
+    o1 = sum(f_fr([2 4]))+frames_dist;
+    o2 = o1+dist1;
+    o3 = 2*dist1+list_lt(2)+calc_txt(2);
+    o4 = o2+list_lt(2);
+    o5 = sum(cancel_pb([1 3]))-useall_pb(1);
+    o6 = o2+o3/2-useall_pb(2)/2;
+    o7 = o1+o3+frames_dist2;
+    o8 = 2*dist1+interp_cb(2);
+    o9 = o7+dist1;
+    o10 = o7+o8+frames_dist2;;
+    o11 = 2*dist1+max(title_edit_h,title_txt(2));
+    o12 = W-(title_txt(1)+2*ok_pb(1));
+    o13 = o10+dist1+(title_edit_h-title_txt(2))/2;
+    o14 = o10+dist1;
+    if title_txt(2)>title_edit_h,
+      o13 = o10+dist1;
+      o14 = o13+(title_edit_h-title_txt(2))/2;
+    end
+    o15 = ok_pb(1)+title_txt(1);
+    o16 = o10+o11+hint_dist1;
+    hint_text_pos = [1 o16 hint_txt];
+    frame1_pos = [f_fr(1) o10 f_fr(3) o11];
+    title_text_pos = [ok_pb(1) o13 title_txt];
+    title_pos = [o15 o14 o12 title_edit_h];
+    frame2_pos = [f_fr(1) o7 f_fr(3) o8];
+    interp_pos = [ok_pb(1) o9 interp_cb];
+    frame3_pos = [f_fr(1) o1 f_fr(3) o3];
+    list_text_pos = [ok_pb(1) o4 calc_txt];
+    list_pos = [ok_pb(1) o2 list_lt];
+    use_all_pos = [o5 o6 useall_pb];
+    frame4_pos = f_fr;
+    ok_pos = ok_pb;
+    cancel_pos = cancel_pb;
+    fig_h = figure( ...
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position', fig_pos, ...
+      'Color',fig_color, ...
+      'NumberTitle','off', ...
+      'Name','U-matrix', ...
+      'MenuBar','none', ...
+      'Visible','off');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% hint
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+      'Position',hint_text_pos, ...
+      'String','Options for U-matrix', ...
+      'Style','text'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame1_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% title
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',title_text_pos, ...
+      'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+      'Style','text', ...
+      'String','Title'),'units','normalized');
+    pr = udata.property{indx};
+    ed_h =  uicontrol( ...                                                    %% [edit]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',title_pos, ...
+      'FontSize',12, ...
+      'Style','edit', ...
+      'String',pr{2}, ...
+      'BackgroundColor',bg_color2);
+    set(ed_h,'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame2_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    chkb_h =  uicontrol( ...                                                  %% interpolated
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',interp_pos, ...
+      'Style','checkbox', ...
+      'String','interpolated', ...
+      'Value',pr{1});
+    set(chkb_h,'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame3_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% calculated from
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'BackgroundColor',bg_color1, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+      'Position',list_text_pos, ...
+      'String','calculated from', ...
+      'Style','text'),'units','normalized');
+    list1_h = uicontrol( ...                                                  %% [listbox]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'BackgroundColor',bg_color2, ...
+      'Position',list_pos, ...
+      'String',udata.sM.comp_names, ...
+      'Style','listbox', ...
+      'Max',2, ...
+      'Value',pr{3});
+    set(list1_h,'units','normalized');
+    s = ['tmp=get(' mat2str(fig_h) ',''userdata'');set(tmp(3),''value'',' ...
+         mat2str(1:length(udata.sM.comp_names)) ');'];
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% Use all
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',use_all_pos, ...
+      'String','Use all', ...
+      'Callback',s),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame4_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    s = ['vis_show_gui_comp(' ...
+         mat2str(h) ',' mat2str(indx) ...
+         ',''umat'',' mat2str(fig_h) ')'];
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% OK
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',ok_pos, ...
+      'String','OK', ...
+      'Callback',s),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% Cancel
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',cancel_pos, ...
+      'String','Cancel', ...
+      'Callback',['close(' mat2str(fig_h) ')']),'units','normalized');
+    watchoff(old_fig_n);
+    tmp_udata = [chkb_h ed_h list1_h];
+    set(fig_h,'units','normalized', ...
+	      'Visible','on', ...
+              'UserData', tmp_udata, ...
+              'handlevisibility','off');
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % 'color'
+  %
+  elseif (strncmp('color',plot_array(indx).args{1},5))
+    old_fig_n = watchon;
+    W = 230; H = 212.043;
+    units = get(h,'units');
+    set(h,'units','pixels');
+    fp = get(h,'Position');
+    fig_pos = [(fp(1)+fp(3)) ...
+               (fp(2)+fp(2)+fp(4)/2-H/2) ...
+                W ...
+                H];
+    o1 = sum(f_fr([2 4]))+frames_dist;
+    o2 = o1+dist1;
+    o3 = 2*dist1+var_pop(2);
+    o4 = o1+o3+frames_dist2;
+    o5 = o4+dist1;
+    o6 = 2*dist1+interp_cb(2);
+    o7 = o4+o6+frames_dist2;
+    o8 = 2*dist1+max(title_edit_h,title_txt(2));
+    o9 = W-(title_txt(1)+2*ok_pb(1));
+    o10 = o7+dist1+(title_edit_h-title_txt(2))/2;
+    o11 = o7+dist1;
+    if title_txt(2)>title_edit_h,
+      o10 = o7+dist1;
+      o11 = o10+(title_edit_h-title_txt(2))/2;
+    end
+    o12 = ok_pb(1)+title_txt(1);
+    o13 = o7+o8+hint_dist1;
+    hint_text_pos = [1 o13 hint_txt];
+    frame1_pos = [f_fr(1) o7 f_fr(3) o8];
+    title_text_pos = [ok_pb(1) o10 title_txt];
+    title_pos = [o12 o11 o9 title_edit_h];
+    frame2_pos = [f_fr(1) o4 f_fr(3) o6];
+    interp_pos = [ok_pb(1) o5 interp_cb];
+    frame3_pos = [f_fr(1) o1 f_fr(3) o3];
+    popup_pos = [ok_pb(1) o2 var_pop];
+    frame4_pos = f_fr;
+    ok_pos = ok_pb;
+    cancel_pos = cancel_pb;
+    fig_h = figure( ...
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',fig_pos, ...
+      'Color',fig_color, ...
+      'NumberTitle','off', ...
+      'Name','color plane', ...
+      'MenuBar','none', ...
+      'Visible','off');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% hint
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+      'Position',hint_text_pos, ...
+      'String','Options for colorplane', ...
+      'Style','text'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame1_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% title
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',title_text_pos, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+      'Style','text', ...
+      'String','Title'),'units','normalized');
+    pr = udata.property{indx};
+    ed_h =  uicontrol( ...                                                    %% [edit]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',title_pos, ...
+      'FontSize',12, ...
+      'Style','edit', ...
+      'String',pr{2}, ...
+      'BackgroundColor',bg_color2);
+    set(ed_h,'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame2_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    chkb_h =  uicontrol(  ...                                                 %% interpolated
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',interp_pos, ...
+      'Style','checkbox', ...
+      'String','interpolated', ...
+      'Value',pr{1});
+    set(chkb_h,'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame3_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    popup1_h = uicontrol( ...                                                 %% [popup]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Max',2, ...
+      'Min',1, ...
+      'Position',popup_pos, ...
+      'String',pr{3}, ...
+      'Style','popupmenu', ...
+      'Value',pr{4});
+    s = ['tmp=get(' mat2str(fig_h) ',''userdata'');' ...
+         'vis_show_gui_tool([tmp(3) 6],''popup_select'');' ...
+         'u=get(' mat2str(h) ',''UserData'');' ...
+         'v=' mat2str(indx) ';' ...
+         'pr=u.property{v};' ...
+         'pr{3}=get(tmp(3),''string'');' ...
+         'pr{4}=get(tmp(3),''value'');' ...
+         'u.property{v}=pr;' ...
+         'set(' mat2str(h) ',''userdata'',u)'];
+    set(popup1_h,'units','normalized', ...
+                 'Callback',s);
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame4_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    s = ['vis_show_gui_comp(', ...
+         mat2str(h), ',', mat2str(indx), ...
+         ',''color'',' mat2str(fig_h) ')'];
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% OK
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',ok_pos, ...
+      'String','OK', ...
+      'Callback',s),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% Cancel
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',cancel_pos, ...
+      'String','Cancel', ...
+      'Callback',['close(' mat2str(fig_h) ')']),'units','normalized');
+    watchoff(old_fig_n);
+    tmp_udata = [chkb_h ed_h popup1_h];
+    set(fig_h,'units','normalized', ...
+	      'Visible','on', ...
+              'UserData', tmp_udata, ...
+              'handlevisibility','off');
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  % 'empty'
+  %
+  elseif (strncmp('empty',plot_array(indx).args{1},5))
+    old_fig_n = watchon;
+    W = 230; H = 121.483;
+    units = get(h,'units');
+    set(h,'units','pixels');
+    fp = get(h,'Position');
+    fig_pos = [(fp(1)+fp(3)) ...
+               (fp(2)+fp(2)+fp(4)/2-H/2) ...
+               W ...
+               H]; 
+    o1 = sum(f_fr([2 4]))+frames_dist;
+    o2 = 2*dist1+max(title_edit_h,title_txt(2));
+    o3 = 2*dist1+interp_cb(2);
+    o4 = W-(title_txt(1)+2*ok_pb(1));
+    o5 = o1+dist1+(title_edit_h-title_txt(2))/2;
+    o6 = o1+dist1;
+    if title_txt(2)>title_edit_h,
+      o5 = o1+dist1;
+      o6 = o5+(title_edit_h-title_txt(2))/2;
+    end
+    o7 = ok_pb(1)+title_txt(1);
+    o8 = o1+o2+hint_dist1;
+    hint_text_pos = [1 o8 hint_txt];
+    frame1_pos = [f_fr(1) o1 f_fr(3) o3];
+    title_text_pos = [ok_pb(1) o5 title_txt];
+    title_pos = [o7 o6 o4 title_edit_h];
+    frame2_pos = f_fr;
+    ok_pos = ok_pb;
+    cancel_pos = cancel_pb;
+    fig_h = figure( ...
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position', fig_pos, ...
+      'Color',fig_color, ...
+      'NumberTitle','off', ...
+      'Name','empty plane', ...
+      'MenuBar','none', ...
+      'Visible','off');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% hint
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'BackgroundColor',fig_color, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
+      'Position',hint_text_pos, ...
+      'String','Options for empty plane', ...
+      'Style','text'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame1_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% title
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',title_text_pos, ...
+      'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
+      'Style','text', ...
+      'String','Title'),'units','normalized');
+    pr = udata.property{indx};
+    ed_h =  uicontrol( ...                                                    %% [edit]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',title_pos, ...
+      'Style','edit', ...
+      'FontSize',12, ...
+      'String',pr{1}, ...
+      'BackgroundColor',bg_color2);
+    set(ed_h,'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% [frame]
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',frame2_pos, ...
+      'Style','frame'),'units','normalized');
+    s = ['vis_show_gui_comp(', ...
+         mat2str(h) ',' mat2str(indx), ...
+         ',''empty'',' mat2str(fig_h) ')'];
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% OK
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',ok_pos, ...
+      'String','OK', ...
+      'Callback',s),'units','normalized');
+    set( ...
+    uicontrol( ...                                                            %% Cancel
+      'Units','pixels', ...
+      'Position',cancel_pos, ...
+      'String','Cancel', ...
+      'Callback',['close(' mat2str(fig_h) ')']),'units','normalized');
+    watchoff(old_fig_n);
+    tmp_udata = [ed_h];
+    set(fig_h,'units','normalized', ...
+	      'Visible','on', ...
+              'UserData', tmp_udata, ...
+              'handlevisibility','off');
+  end
+ %%%%%%
+% comp %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%
+elseif (strcmp(action,'comp'))
+  tmp_h = get(varargin{1},'UserData');
+  v = get(tmp_h,'Value');
+  pr = udata.property{indx};
+  if (v)
+    v = 'compi';
+    pr{1} = 1;
+  else
+    v = 'comp';
+    pr{1} = 0;
+  end
+  plot_array(indx).args{1} = v;
+  udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+  udata.property{indx} = pr;
+  set(h,'UserData',udata);
+  close(varargin{1});
+ %%%%%%
+% umat %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%
+elseif (strcmp(action,'umat'))
+  tmp_h = get(varargin{1},'UserData');
+  v = get(tmp_h(1),'Value');
+  pr = udata.property{indx};
+  if (v)
+    v = 'umati';
+    pr{1} = 1;
+  else
+    v = 'umat';
+    pr{1} = 0;
+  end
+  plot_array(indx).args{1} = v;
+  s = get(tmp_h(2),'String');
+  v = get(tmp_h(3),'Value');  % userdata
+  plot_array(indx).string = s;
+  if strcmp(s,'U-matrix')
+    plot_array(indx).args{2} = v;
+  else
+    plot_array(indx).args{2} = {v s};
+  end
+  pr{2} = s;
+  pr{3} = v;
+  udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+  udata.property{indx} = pr;
+  set(h,'UserData',udata);
+  set(udata.h(1),'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+  close(varargin{1});
+ %%%%%%%
+% color %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%%
+elseif (strcmp(action,'color'))
+  tmp_h = get(varargin{1},'UserData'); % tmp_h =  [chkb_h ed_h popup1_h];
+  v = get(tmp_h(1),'Value');
+  pr = udata.property{indx};
+  if (v)
+    v = 'colori';
+    pr{1} = 1;
+  else
+    v = 'color';
+    pr{1} = 0;
+  end
+  plot_array(indx).args{1} = v;
+  v = get(tmp_h(3),'Value');
+  s = get(tmp_h(3),'string');
+  if v>5 & ~strcmp(s{v},'-variable-'),
+    m = evalin('base',s{v});
+  elseif ~strcmp(s{v},'-variable-'),
+    m = som_colorcode(udata.sM,s{v});
+  end
+  plot_array(indx).args{2} = m;
+  pr{3} = s;
+  s = get(tmp_h(2),'String');
+  plot_array(indx).string = s;
+  if ~strcmp(s,'Color code')
+    plot_array(indx).args{2} = ...
+        {plot_array(indx).args{2} s};
+  end
+  pr{2} = s;
+  pr{4} = v;
+  udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+  udata.property{indx} = pr;
+  set(h,'UserData',udata);
+  set(udata.h(1),'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+  close(varargin{1});
+ %%%%%%%
+% empty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%%
+elseif (strcmp(action,'empty'))
+  pr = udata.property{indx};
+  tmp_h = get(varargin{1},'UserData');
+  s = get(tmp_h,'String');
+  pr{1} = s;
+  plot_array(indx).string = s;
+  plot_array(indx).args{2} = s;
+  udata.plot_array = plot_array;
+  udata.property{indx} = pr;
+  set(h,'UserData',udata);
+  set(udata.h(1),'String',{plot_array(:).string});
+  close(varargin{1});