diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_neighborhood.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_neighborhood.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+function Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1,n)
+%SOM_NEIGHBORHOOD Calculate neighborhood matrix.
+% Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1,n)
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1);
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(som_unit_neighs(topol),2);
+%  Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): 
+%   Ne1       (matrix, size [munits m]) a sparse matrix indicating
+%                      the units in 1-neighborhood for each map unit
+%   [n]       (scalar) maximum neighborhood which is calculated, default=Inf
+%   Ne        (matrix, size [munits munits]) neighborhood matrix,
+%                      each row (and column) contains neighborhood
+%                      values from the specific map unit to all other
+%                      map units, or Inf if the value is unknown.
+% For more help, try 'type som_neighborhood' or check out online documentation.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% som_neighborhood
+% Calculate to which neighborhood each map unit belongs to relative to
+% each other map unit, given the units in 1-neighborhood of each unit.
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1);
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1,n);
+% For each map unit, finds the minimum neighborhood to which it belongs
+% to relative to each other map unit. Or, equivalently, for each map 
+% unit, finds which units form its k-neighborhood, where k goes from 
+% 0 to n. 
+% The neighborhood is calculated iteratively using the reflexivity of
+% neighborhood.
+%     let  N1i  be the 1-neighborhood set a unit i
+% and let  N11i be the set of units in the 1-neighborhood of any unit j in N1i
+%     then N2i  (the 2-neighborhood set of unit i) is N11i \ N1i
+% Consider, for example, the case of a 5x5 map. The neighborhood in case of
+% 'rect' and 'hexa' lattices (and 'sheet' shape) for the unit at the
+% center of the map are depicted below: 
+%   'rect' lattice           'hexa' lattice
+%   --------------           --------------
+%   4  3  2  3  4            3  2  2  2  3
+%   3  2  1  2  3             2  1  1  2  3
+%   2  1  0  1  2            2  1  0  1  2
+%   3  2  1  2  3             2  1  1  2  3
+%   4  3  2  3  4            3  2  2  2  3
+% Because the iterative procedure is rather slow, the neighborhoods 
+% are calculated upto given maximal value. The uncalculated values
+% in the returned matrix are Inf:s.
+%  Ne1   (matrix) Each row contains 1, if the corresponding unit is adjacent 
+%                 for that map unit, 0 otherwise. This can be calculated 
+%                 using SOM_UNIT_NEIGHS. The matrix can be sparse.
+%                 Size munits x munits.
+%  n     (scalar) Maximal neighborhood value which is calculated, 
+%                 Inf by default (all neighborhoods).
+%  Ne    (matrix) neighborhood values for each map unit, size is
+%                 [munits, munits]. The matrix contains the minimum
+%                 neighborhood of unit i, to which unit j belongs, 
+%                 or Inf, if the neighborhood was bigger than n.
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1,1);    % upto 1-neighborhood
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(Ne1,Inf);  % all neighborhoods
+%  Ne = som_neighborhood(som_unit_neighs(topol),4);
+%  som_unit_neighs   Calculate units in 1-neighborhood for each map unit.
+%  som_unit_coords   Calculate grid coordinates.
+%  som_unit_dists    Calculate interunit distances.
+%  som_connection    Connection matrix.
+% Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
+% http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/somtoolbox/
+% Version 1.0beta juuso 141097
+% Version 2.0beta juuso 101199
+%% Check arguments 
+error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin));
+if nargin<2, n=Inf; end
+%% Action
+% initialize
+if issparse(Ne1), Ne = full(Ne1); else Ne = Ne1; end
+clear Ne1
+[munits dummy] = size(Ne);
+Ne(find(Ne==0)) = NaN;
+for i=1:munits, Ne(i,i)=0; end
+% Calculate neighborhood distance for each unit using reflexsivity
+% of neighborhood: 
+%   let  N1i be the 1-neighborhood set a unit i
+%   then N2i is the union of all map units, belonging to the 
+%        1-neighborhood of any unit j in N1i, not already in N1i
+if n>1, 
+  fprintf(1,'Calculating neighborhood: 1 '); 
+  N1 = Ne; 
+  N1(find(N1~=1)) = 0;   
+while k<n & any(isnan(Ne(:))),
+  k=k+1;
+  fprintf(1,'%d ',k);
+  for i=1:munits,
+    candidates = isnan(Ne(i,:));              % units not in any neighborhood yet
+    if any(candidates), 
+      prevneigh = find(Ne(i,:)==k-1);         % neighborhood (k-1)
+      N1_of_prevneigh = any(N1(prevneigh,:)); % union of their N1:s
+      Nn = find(N1_of_prevneigh & candidates); 
+      if length(Nn), Ne(i,Nn) = k; Ne(Nn,i) = k; end
+    end
+  end
+if n>1, fprintf(1,'\n'); end
+% finally replace all uncalculated distance values with Inf
+Ne(find(isnan(Ne))) = Inf;
+%% faster version? 
+l = size(Ne1,1); Ne1([0:l-1]*(l+1)+1) = 1; Ne = full(Ne1); M0 = Ne1; k = 2; 
+while any(Ne(:)==0), M1=(M0*Ne1>0); Ne(find(M1-M0))=k; M0=M1; k=k+1; end
+Ne([0:l-1]*(l+1)+1) = 0;