diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_denormalize.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_denormalize.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+function sD = som_denormalize(sD,varargin)
+%SOM_DENORMALIZE Denormalize data.
+% sS = som_denormalize(sS, [argID, value, ...])               
+%   sS = som_denormalize(sS) 
+%   sS = som_denormalize(sS,[1:3 10],'remove') 
+%    D = som_denormalize(D,sM.comp_norm)
+%    D = som_denormalize(D,sM,[1:3 10])
+%  Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): 
+%   sS                The data to which the denormalization is applied.
+%                     The modified and updated data is returned.
+%            (struct) data or map struct
+%            (matrix) data matrix (a matrix is also returned)
+%   [argID, (string) See below. The values which are unambiguous can 
+%    value] (varies) be given without the preceeding argID.
+% Here are the valid argument IDs and corresponding values. The values which
+% are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the preceeding argID.
+%   'norm'   *(struct) Normalization struct, or an array of such. 
+%                      Alternatively, a map/data struct can be given 
+%                      in which case its '.comp_norm' field is used 
+%                      (see below).
+%            *(cell array) Of normalization structs. Typically, the
+%                      '.comp_norm' field of a map/data struct. The 
+%                      length of the array must be equal to data dimension.
+%   'remove' *(string) If 'remove' tag is specified, the
+%                      normalization operations are not only undone, 
+%                      they are also removed from the struct.
+%   'comps'  *(vector) the components to which the denormalization is
+%                      applied, default is [1:dim] ie. all components
+% For more help, try 'type som_denormalize' or check out online documentation.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% som_denormalize
+% Undo normalizations of data structs/sets.
+%  sS = som_denormalize(sS)
+%  sS = som_denormalize(...,'argID',value,...);
+%  sS = som_denormalize(...,value,...);
+%   D = som_denormalize(D,sNorm)
+% This function is used to undo normalizations of data structs/sets. If a
+% data/map struct is given, all normalizations in the '.comp_norm' field are
+% undone and, thus, the values in the original data context are returned. If
+% a matrix is given, the normalizations to undo must be given as the second
+% argument. SOM_DENORMALIZE actually uses function SOM_NORM_VARIABLE to
+% handle the normalization operations, and only handles the data struct/set
+% specific stuff itself.
+% Normalizations are always one-variable operations. In the data and map
+% structs the normalization information for each component is saved in the
+% '.comp_norm' field, which is a cell array of length dim. Each cell
+% contains normalizations for one vector component in a
+% struct array of normalization structs. Each component may have different
+% amounts of different kinds of normalizations. Typically, all
+% normalizations are either 'undone' or 'done', but in special situations
+% this may not be the case. The easiest way to check out the status of the
+% normalizations is to use function SOM_INFO, e.g. som_info(sS,3)
+%   sS                The data to which the denormalization is applied.
+%            (struct) Data or map struct. The normalizations in the 
+%                     '.comp_norm' field are undone for the specified 
+%                     components.
+%            (matrix) Data matrix. The normalization to undo must be
+%                     given in the second argument.
+%  argID (string) Argument identifier string (see below).
+%  value (varies) Value for the argument (see below).
+%  The optional arguments can be given as 'argID',value -pairs. If an
+%  argument is given value multiple times, the last one is used. The
+%  valid IDs and corresponding values are listed below. The values
+%  which are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the
+%  preceeding argID.
+%   sNorm    *(struct) Normalization struct, or an array of structs, which
+%                      is undone for all specified components. If the 
+%                      '.status' field of the struct(s) is 'uninit', 
+%                      the undoing operation is interrupted - it cannot be 
+%                      done. Alternatively, the struct may be map or 
+%                      data struct in which case its '.comp_norm' field 
+%                      is used (see the cell array option below).
+%            *(cell array) In practice, the '.comp_norm' field of 
+%                      a data/map struct. The length of the array 
+%                      must be equal to the dimension of the given 
+%                      data set (sS). Each cell contains the
+%                      normalization(s) for one component. Only the
+%                       normalizations listed in comps argument are
+%                      undone though.
+%   'remove' *(string) If 'remove' tag is specified, the
+%                      normalization operations are not only undone, 
+%                      they are also removed from the struct.
+%   'comps'  *(vector) The components which are denormalized.
+%                      Default is to undo all components.
+%            *(string) 'all'
+%   sS                Modified and/or updated data.
+%            (struct) If a struct was given as input argument, the
+%                     same struct is returned with denormalized data and
+%                     updated '.comp_norm' fields. 
+%            (matrix) If a matrix was given as input argument, the 
+%                     denormalized data matrix is returned.
+%  To undo normalization of a data/map struct: 
+%    sD = som_denormalize(sD); 
+%    sM = som_denormalize(sM); 
+%  To completely remove the normalizations, use the 'remove' tag: 
+%    sD = som_denormalize(sD,'remove');
+%  To undo only a few selected components, use the comps argument: 
+%    sD = som_denormalize(sD,[1 3:5]); 
+%  To denormalize a set of values from a data set D (which must be 
+%  of equal dimension as the data in sD): 
+%    D = som_denormalize(D,sD); 
+%  or 
+%    D = som_denormalize(D,sD.comp_norm); 
+%  only denormalize a few components
+%    D = som_denormalize(D,sD,[1 3:5]); 
+%  Assuming you have a few values of a certain vector component (i)
+%  in a vector (x) which you want to denormalize: 
+%    xorig = som_denormalize(x,sD.comp_norm{i}); 
+%  or using SOM_NORM_VARIABLE
+%    xorig = som_norm_variable(x,sD.comp_norm{i},'undo');
+%  To check out the status of normalization in a struct use SOM_INFO: 
+%    som_info(sM,3)
+%    som_info(sD,3)
+%  som_normalize      Add/apply/redo normalizations of a data struct/set.
+%  som_norm_variable  Normalization operations for a set of scalar values.
+%  som_info           User-friendly information of SOM Toolbox structs.
+% Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
+% http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/somtoolbox/
+% Version 2.0beta juuso 151199 150300
+%% check arguments
+error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin));  % check no. of input arguments is correct
+% sD
+struct_mode = isstruct(sD);
+if struct_mode, 
+  switch sD.type
+   case 'som_map', D = sD.codebook; 
+   case 'som_data', D = sD.data; 
+   otherwise, error('Illegal struct.')
+  end
+  D = sD;
+[dlen dim] = size(D);
+% varargin
+comps = [1:dim];
+remove_tag = 0;
+if struct_mode, sNorm = sD.comp_norm; else sNorm = []; end
+while i<=length(varargin), 
+  argok = 1; 
+  if ischar(varargin{i}), 
+    switch varargin{i}, 
+     % argument IDs
+     case 'comps', i=i+1; comps = varargin{i}; 
+     case {'norm','sNorm','som_norm'}, i=i+1; sNorm = varargin{i};
+     % unambiguous values
+     case 'remove', remove_tag = 1;
+     otherwise argok=0; 
+    end    
+  elseif isnumeric(varargin{i}), 
+    comps = varargin{i};
+  elseif isstruct(varargin{i}), 
+    sNorm = varargin{i};
+  elseif iscell(varargin{i}), 
+    sNorm = varargin{i};
+  else
+    argok = 0; 
+  end
+  if ~argok, 
+    disp(['(som_denormalize) Ignoring invalid argument #' num2str(i+1)]); 
+  end
+  i = i+1; 
+% check comps
+if ischar(comps), comps = [1:dim]; end
+if isempty(comps), return; end
+if size(comps,1)>1, comps = comps'; end  % make it a row vector
+% sNorm
+% check out the given normalization
+% (and if necessary, copy it for each specified component)
+if isstruct(sNorm),
+  switch sNorm(1).type, 
+   case {'som_map','som_data'}, csNorm = sNorm(1).comp_norm; 
+   case {'som_norm'}, for i=comps, csNorm{i} = sNorm; end
+   otherwise, 
+    error('Invalid struct for sNorm.')
+  end
+elseif iscell(sNorm), 
+  csNorm = sNorm; 
+  error('Illegal value for sNorm.')
+% check that csNorm and comps possibly agree
+if max(comps) > length(csNorm), 
+  error('Given normalizations does not match the components.')
+if length(csNorm) ~= dim, 
+  error('Given normalizations does not match data dimension.')
+%% action
+% undo the normalizations 
+for i = comps, 
+  len = length(csNorm{i});
+  for j=len:-1:1, 
+    sN = csNorm{i}(j); 
+    if struct_mode, 
+      if strcmp(sN.status,'done'), 
+	[x,sN] = som_norm_variable(D(:,i), sN, 'undo'); 
+	D(:,i) = x; 
+	csNorm{i}(j) = sN; 
+      end      
+    else
+      D(:,i) = som_norm_variable(D(:,i), sN, 'undo'); 
+    end
+  end
+% remove normalizations
+if struct_mode & remove_tag, 
+  for i = comps, csNorm{i} = []; end
+%% output 
+if struct_mode, 
+  switch sD.type
+   case 'som_map', sD.codebook = D; 
+   case 'som_data', sD.data = D; 
+   otherwise, error('Illegal struct.')
+  end
+  sD.comp_norm = csNorm; 
+  sD = D;