diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_barplane.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_barplane.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+function h = som_barplane(varargin)
+%SOM_BARPLANE Visualize the map prototype vectors as bar charts
+% h = som_barplane(lattice, msize, data, [color], [scaling], [gap], [pos])
+% h = som_barplane(topol, data, [color], [scaling], [gap], [pos])
+%  som_barplane('hexa',[5 5], rand(25,4), jet(4)) 
+%  som_barplane(sM, sM.codebook,'none')
+%  Input and output argumetns ([]'s are optional):
+%   lattice   (string) grid 'hexa' or 'rect'
+%   msize     (vector) size 1x2, defines the map grid size msize, M=prod(msize)
+%             (matrix) size Mx2, gives explicit coordinates for each node:
+%                      in this case the first argument does not matter.
+%   topol     (struct) map or topology struct
+%   data      (matrix) size Mxd, each row defines heights of the bars
+%   [color]   (matrix) size dx3, of RGB triples. The rows define colors 
+%                      for each bar in a node. Default is hsv(d). A ColorSpec or
+%             (string) A ColorSpec or 'none' gives each bar the same color.       
+%   [scaling] (string) 'none', 'unitwise' or 'varwise'. The scaling
+%                      mode for the values. Default is 'varwise'.
+%   [gap]     (scalar) Defines the gap between bars, limits: 0 <= gap <= 1 
+%                      where 0=no gap, 1=bars are thin lines. Default is 0.25.
+%   [pos]     (vector) 1x2 vector defines the position of origin.
+%                      Default is [1 1].
+%   h         (scalar) the object handle to the PATCH object
+% Axis are set as in SOM_CPLANE.
+% For more help, try 'type som_barplane' or check out online documentation.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% som_barplane
+% Visualizes the map prototype vectors as bar charts.
+%  h = som_barplane(topol, data)
+%  h = som_barplane(lattice, msize, data)
+%  h = som_barplane(..., color)
+%  h = som_barplane(..., color, scaling)
+%  h = som_barplane(..., color, scaling, gap)
+%  h = som_barplane(..., color, scaling, gap, pos)
+% Visualizes the map prototype vectors as bar charts.
+% lattice     The basic shape of the map units 
+%    (string) 'hexa' or 'rect' positions the bar charts according to
+%             hexagonal or rectangular map lattice
+% msize       The size of the map grid     
+%    (vector) [n1 n2] vector defines the map size (height: n1 units widht: n2
+%             units, total: M=n1xn2 units). The units will be placed to their
+%             topological locations in order to form a uniform hexagonal or 
+%             rectangular grid.
+%    (matrix) Mx2 matrix defines arbitary coordinates for the N units. In 
+%             this case the argument 'lattice' has no effect
+% topol    Topology of the map grid
+%   (struct) map or topology struct from which the topology is taken
+% data        The data to use when constructing the bar charts.
+%             Typically, the map codebook or some of its components.
+%    (matrix) Mxd matrix. A row defines heights of the bars.
+% Note: if unspecified or given an empty value ('' or []), default
+% values are used for optional input arguments.
+% color       The color of the bars in each pie
+%    (ColorSpec) or (string) 'none' gives the same color for each slice.
+%    (matrix) dx3 matrix assigns an RGB color determined by the dth row of
+%             the matrix to the dth bar (variable) in each bar plot. 
+%             Default value is hsv(d).
+% scaling     How to scale the values  
+%    (string) 'none', 'unitwise' or 'varwise'. This determines the 
+%             scaling of codebook values when drawing the bars.  
+%             'none' don't scale at all. The bars are not limited
+%              to remain inside he units' area: That is, if value of
+%              some variable exceeds [-.625,.625] for 'rect' (and
+%              in "worst case" [-.5,-.5] for 'hexa') the bars may
+%              overlap other units. 
+%              Base line (zero value line) 
+%              - is in the middle of the unit if data (codebook) contains both 
+%                negative and positive values (or is completely zero).
+%              - is in the top the unit if data (codebook) contains only
+%                non-positive values (everything <=0).
+%              - is in the bottom the unit if data (codebook) contains only
+%                non-negative values (everything >=0).
+%             'varwise' scales values so that each variable is scaled separately 
+%              so that when it gets its overall maximum value, the
+%              corresponding bar gets maximum range and for minimum value
+%              it gets the minimum range. Baseline: see scaling 'none' 
+%              This is the default.
+%             'unitwise' scales values in each unit individually so that the 
+%              bars for variables having minimum and maximum values have minimum 
+%              and maximum range inside each unit, respectively. 
+%              In this case the zero value line may move depending on the values. 
+% gap         The gap between bars        
+%    (scalar) 0: no gap: bars are glued together 
+%             ... default value is 0.25       
+%             1: maximum gap: bars are thin lines 
+% pos         Position of origin          
+%    (vector) size 1x2. This is meant for drawing the plane in arbitrary 
+%             location in a figure. Note the operation: if this argument is
+%             given, the axis limits setting part in the routine is skipped and 
+%             the limits setting will be left to be done by MATLAB's defaults. 
+%             Default is [1 1].
+%  h (scalar) handle to the created patch object
+%  One object handle is returned: field Tag is set to 'planeBar'       
+%  - The colors are fixed: changing colormap in the figure (see help
+%    colormap) will not change the coloring of the bars.
+% %%% Create the data and make a map 
+% data=rand(100,5); map=som_make(data);
+% %%% Create a 'jet' colormap that has as many rows as the data has variables
+% colors=jet(5);
+% %%% Draw bars
+% som_barplane(map.topol.lattice, map.topol.msize, map.codebook, colors);
+% or som_barplane(map.topol, map.codebook, colors);
+% or som_barplane(map, map.codebook, colors);
+% %%% Draw the bars so that the gap between the bars is bigger and all 
+%     bars are black
+% som_barplane(map, map.codebook, 'k', '', 0.6);
+% som_cplane     Visualize a 2D component plane, u-matrix or color plane
+% som_plotplane  Visualize the map prototype vectors as line graphs
+% som_pieplane   Visualize the map prototype vectors as pie charts
+% Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
+% http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/somtoolbox/             
+% Version 2.0beta Juha P 110599, Johan 140799, juuso 151199 140300 070600
+%%% Check & Init arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+[nargin, lattice, msize, data, color, scaling, gap, pos] = vis_planeGetArgs(varargin{:});
+error(nargchk(3, 7, nargin))   % check that no. of input args is correct
+% Check pos
+if nargin < 7 | isempty(pos)
+  pos=NaN;                            % default value for pos (no translation) 
+elseif ~vis_valuetype(pos,{'1x2'})
+  error('Position of origin has to be given as an 1x2 vector');
+% Check gap
+if nargin < 6 | isempty(gap),  
+  gap=0.25;                           % default value for gap
+elseif ~vis_valuetype(gap, {'1x1'}),
+  error('Gap value must be scalar.');
+elseif ~(gap >= 0 & gap<=1) 
+  error('Gap value must be in interval [0,1].')
+% Check scaling
+if nargin < 5 | isempty(scaling),
+  scaling='varwise';
+elseif ~vis_valuetype(scaling,{'string'}) | ... 
+      ~any(strcmp(scaling,{'none','unitwise','varwise'})),
+  error('scaling sholud be ''none'', ''unitwise'' or ''varwise''.');
+% Check msize
+if ~vis_valuetype(msize,{'1x2','nx2'}),
+  error('msize has to be 1x2 grid size vector or a Nx2 coordinate matrix.');
+% Check data
+if ~isnumeric(data),
+  error('Data matrix has to be numeric.');
+elseif length(size((data)))>2
+  error('Data matrix has too many dimensions!');
+  d=size(data,2);
+  N=size(data,1);
+s=.8;                                 % patch size scaling factor
+switch scaling,
+case 'none'  
+  % no scaling: don't scale
+  % Check data max and min values
+  positive=any(data(:)>0); negative=any(data(:)<0);
+  if (positive & negative) | (~positive & ~negative),
+    % Data contains both negative and positive values (or is
+    % completely zero) baseline to centre
+    zeroline='zero';
+  elseif positive & ~negative
+    % Data contains only positive values: baseline to bottom
+    zeroline='bottom';
+  elseif ~positive & negative
+    % Data contains only negative values: baseline to top
+    zeroline='top';
+  end
+case 'unitwise'
+  % scale the variables so that the bar for variable with the maximum 
+  % value in the unit spans to the upper edge of the unit
+  % and the bar for the variable with minimum value spans to the lower edge,
+  % respectively.
+  zeroline='moving';
+ case 'varwise'
+  % Check data max and min values
+  positive=any(data(:)>0); negative=any(data(:)<0);
+  if (positive & negative) | (~positive & ~negative),
+    % Data contains both negative and positive values (or is
+    % completely zero) baseline to
+    % centre, scale data so that it doesn't overflow
+    data=data./repmat(max(abs([max(data); min(data)])),N,1)*.5;
+    zeroline='zero';
+  elseif positive & ~negative
+    % Data contains only positive values: baseline to
+    % bottom, scale data so that it doesn't overflow
+    data=data./repmat(max(abs([max(data); min(data)])),N,1)*.5;
+    zeroline='bottom';
+  elseif ~positive & negative
+    % Data contains only negative values: baseline to
+    % top, scale data so that it doesn't overflow
+    zeroline='top';
+    data=data./repmat(max(abs([max(data); min(data)])),N,1)*.5;
+  end
+  error('Unknown scaling mode?');
+for i=1:N,                            % calculate patch coordinates for
+  v=data(i,:);
+  [nx,ny]=vis_barpatch(v,gap,zeroline); % bars
+  barx(:,(1+(i-1)*d):(i*d))=s*nx;
+  bary(:,(1+(i-1)*d):(i*d))=s*ny;        
+if size(msize,1) == 1,
+  xdim=msize(2);
+  ydim=msize(1);
+  if xdim*ydim~=N 
+    error('Data matrix has wrong size.');
+  else
+    y=reshape(repmat(1:ydim,d,1),1,d*ydim); y=repmat(repmat(y,l,1),1,xdim);
+    x=reshape(repmat(1:xdim,l*ydim*d,1),l,N*d);  
+  end
+  x=reshape(repmat(msize(:,1),1,l*d)',l,d*N);
+  y=reshape(repmat(msize(:,2),1,l*d)',l,d*N);
+  if N ~= size(msize,1),
+    error('Data matrix has wrong size.');
+  else
+    lattice='rect'; 
+    if isnan(pos),
+      pos=[0 0];
+    end
+  end
+% Check lattice
+if ~ischar(lattice)
+  error('Invalid lattice.');
+switch lattice                      
+case {'hexa','rect'}
+  pos=pos-1;
+  error([ 'Lattice' lattice ' not implemented!']);
+% Check color
+% C_FLAG is for color 'none'
+if nargin < 4 | isempty(color)
+  color=hsv(d);                       % default n hsv colors
+if ~vis_valuetype(color, {[d 3],'nx3rgb'},'all') & ...
+  ~vis_valuetype(color,{'colorstyle','1x3rgb'})
+error('The color matrix has wrong size or has invalid values.');
+elseif ischar(color) & strcmp(color,'none')
+  C_FLAG=1;
+  color='w';
+  C_FLAG=0;
+%% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Making lattice.
+% Command view([0 90]) shows the map in 2D properly oriented
+switch lattice
+  case 'hexa'
+   t=find(rem(y(1,:),2));                        % move even rows by .5
+   x(:,t)=x(:,t)-.5; 
+   x=x+barx+.5; 
+   y=y+bary;   
+  case 'rect' 
+   x=x+barx; 
+   y=y+bary;         
+% NB: The coordinates in hexa are not uniform in order to get even  
+% y-coordinates for the nodes. This is handled by setting _axis scaling_ 
+% so that the hexa-nodes look like uniform hexagonals. See 
+% vis_PlaneAxisProperties
+if ~isnan(pos)
+  x=x+pos(1);y=y+pos(2);               % move upper left corner 
+end                                    % to pos
+%% Set axes properties  
+ax=newplot;                            % get current axis
+vis_PlaneAxisProperties(ax,lattice, msize, pos);                         
+%% Rearrange dx3 color matrix
+if ~isstr(color) & size(color,1)~=1,
+  color=reshape(repmat(color,N,1),[1 N*d 3]);
+%% Draw the plane! 
+if isnumeric(color), 
+  % explicit color settings by RGB-triplets won't work with 
+  % patch in 'painters' mode, unless there only a single triplet
+  si = size(color); 
+  if length(si)~=2 | any(si==[1 3]), set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffer'); end
+if C_FLAG
+  set(h_,'FaceColor','none');
+set(h_,'Tag','planeBar');              % tag the object 
+%%% Build output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+if nargout>0, h=h_; end                % Set h only if 
+                                       % there really is output
+%%% Subfunctions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+function [xcoord,ycoord]=vis_barpatch(y,gap,zeroline)
+x = length(y);
+d = gap/(2*(x-1)+2);
+step= -.5:1/x:.5;
+ case 'moving'
+  if miny < 0 
+    if maxy > 0
+      zl = .5 - (abs(miny)/(maxy-miny));    %reverse mode
+      y= .5 - ((y-miny*ones(1,x))./(maxy-miny));
+    else
+      zl = -.5;
+      y=-.5+abs(y./miny);
+    end
+  else
+    zl = .5;    %reverse mode
+    y=.5-y./maxy;
+  end
+ case 'moveNotScale'
+  if miny < 0
+    if maxy > 0
+      zl = 0.5+miny;
+      y = zl - y; 
+    else
+      zl=-.5;
+      y=-.5+abs(y);
+    end
+  else
+    zl=.5;
+    y =.5-y;
+  end
+ case 'zero'
+  zl=0; y=zl-y; 
+ case 'top'
+  zl=-.5; y=zl-2*y; 
+ case 'bottom'
+  zl=.5; y=zl-2*y; 
+for i=1:x
+  xcoord(:,i) = [d+step(i);d+step(i);step(i+1)-d;step(i+1)-d;d+step(i)];
+  ycoord(:,i) = [zl;y(i);y(i);zl;zl];