diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/miroptions.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/miroptions.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+function [orig during after] = miroptions(method,orig,specif,varg)
+% The options are determined during the bottom-up process design (see below). 
+% During the following top-down evaluation initiation, the options being
+% therefore already computed have simply been passed as fourth and fifth
+% arguments of miroptions.
+if not(isempty(varg)) && (isstruct(varg{1}) || isempty(varg{1}))
+    during = varg{1};
+    if isstruct(varg{1})
+        if isfield(during,'struct')
+            if isa(orig,'mirdesign') 
+                orig = set(orig,'Struct',during.struct);
+            elseif iscell(orig)
+                for i = 1:length(orig)
+                    if isa(orig{i},'mirdesign')
+                        orig{i} = set(orig{i},'Struct',during.struct);
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            during = rmfield(during,'struct');
+        end
+    end
+    if length(varg) > 1
+        after = varg{2};
+    else
+        after = [];
+    end
+    return
+%elseif length(varg) > 1 && isstruct(varg{2})
+%    during = varg{1};
+%    after = varg{2};
+%    return
+%elseif length(varg) >= 1 && isempty(varg{1})
+%    during = [];
+%    after = [];
+%    return
+during = struct;
+after = struct;
+if isfield(specif,'option')
+    option = specif.option;
+    option = struct;
+frame = [];
+after = [];
+fields = fieldnames(option);
+persoframe = '';
+for i = 1:length(fields)
+    field = fields{i};
+    if isfield(option.(field),'key') && ischar(option.(field).key) ...
+            && strcmpi(option.(field).key,'Frame')
+        persoframe = field;
+        during.(field).auto = 0;
+    end
+    if isfield(option.(field),'when') && ...
+            (strcmpi(option.(field).when,'After') || ...
+             strcmpi(option.(field).when,'Both'))
+        if isamir(orig,func2str(method)) ...
+                && not(strcmp(func2str(method),'miraudio'))
+            after.(field) = 0;
+        elseif strcmp(field,'detect')
+           %if haspeaks(orig)
+           %    after.(field) = 0;
+           %else
+               after.(field) = 'Peaks';
+           %end
+        elseif isfield(specif,'title')
+            if isa(orig,'mirdata')
+                title = get(orig,'Title');
+                sameclass = (length(title) > length(specif.title) && ...
+                    strcmp(title(1:length(specif.title)),specif.title));
+            else
+                sameclass = strcmp(func2str(get(orig,'Method')),'mironsets');
+            end
+            if sameclass
+                after.(field) = 0;
+            else
+                after.(field) = option.(field).default;
+            end
+        elseif isfield(option.(field),'default')
+            after.(field) = option.(field).default;
+        else
+            after.(field) = 0;
+        end
+    end
+    if not(isfield(option.(field),'when')) || strcmpi(option.(field).when,'Both')
+        if isfield(option.(field),'default')
+            if strcmpi(persoframe,field)
+                during.(field).length.val = option.(field).default(1);
+                during.(field).length.unit = 's';
+                during.(field).hop.val = option.(field).default(2);
+                during.(field).hop.unit = '/1';
+            else
+                during.(field) = option.(field).default;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+i = 1;
+while i <= length(varg)
+    arg = varg{i};
+    if strcmpi(arg,'Frame')
+        frame.auto = isempty(persoframe);
+        frame.length.unit = 's';
+        frame.hop.unit = '/1';
+        if length(varg) > i && isnumeric(varg{i+1})
+            i = i+1;
+            frame.length.val = varg{i};
+            if length(varg) > i && ischar(varg{i+1}) && ...
+                    (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'s') || strcmpi(varg{i+1},'sp'))
+                i = i+1;
+                frame.length.unit = varg{i};
+            end
+            if length(varg) > i && isnumeric(varg{i+1})
+                i = i+1;
+                frame.hop.val = varg{i};
+                if length(varg) > i && ischar(varg{i+1}) && ...
+                        (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'%') || strcmpi(varg{i+1},'/1') || ...
+                         strcmpi(varg{i+1},'s') || strcmpi(varg{i+1},'sp')|| ...
+                         strcmpi(varg{i+1},'Hz'))
+                    i = i+1;
+                    frame.hop.unit = varg{i};
+                end
+                if not(frame.hop.val || strcmpi(frame.hop.unit,'Hz'))
+                    mirerror(func2str(method),'The hop factor should be strictly positive.')
+                end
+            else
+                if not(isempty(persoframe))
+                    if isfield(option.(persoframe),'keydefault')
+                        frame.hop.val = option.(persoframe).keydefault(2);
+                    else
+                        frame.hop.val = option.(persoframe).default(2);
+                    end
+                elseif isfield(specif,'defaultframehop')
+                    frame.hop.val = specif.defaultframehop;
+                else
+                    frame.hop.val = DEFAULTFRAMEHOP;
+                end
+            end
+        else
+            if not(isempty(persoframe))
+                if isfield(option.(persoframe),'keydefault')
+                    frame.length.val = option.(persoframe).keydefault(1);
+                else
+                    frame.length.val = option.(persoframe).default(1);
+                end
+            elseif isfield(specif,'defaultframelength')
+                frame.length.val = specif.defaultframelength;
+            else
+                frame.length.val = DEFAULTFRAMELENGTH;
+            end
+            if not(isempty(persoframe))
+                if isfield(option.(persoframe),'keydefault')
+                    frame.hop.val = option.(persoframe).keydefault(2);
+                else
+                    frame.hop.val = option.(persoframe).default(2);
+                end
+            elseif isfield(specif,'defaultframehop')
+                frame.hop.val = specif.defaultframehop;
+            else
+                frame.hop.val = DEFAULTFRAMEHOP;
+            end
+        end
+        frame.eval = 0;
+        if not(isfield(option,'frame')) || ...
+                not(isfield(option.frame,'when')) || ...
+                strcmpi(option.frame.when,'Before') || ...
+                strcmpi(option.frame.when,'Both')
+            during.frame = frame;
+        end
+        if isfield(option,'frame') && ...
+               isfield(option.frame,'when') && ...
+               (strcmpi(option.frame.when,'After') || ...
+               strcmpi(option.frame.when,'Both'))
+            after.frame = frame;
+        end
+    else
+        match = 0;
+        k = 0;
+        while not(match) && k<length(fields)
+            k = k+1;
+            field = fields{k};
+            if isfield(option.(field),'key')
+                key = option.(field).key;
+                if not(iscell(key))
+                    key = {key};
+                end
+                for j = 1:length(key)
+                    if strcmpi(arg,key{j})
+                        match = 1;
+                    end
+                end
+                if match
+                    if isfield(option.(field),'type')
+                        type = option.(field).type;
+                    else
+                        type = [];
+                    end
+                    if isfield(option.(field),'unit')
+                        unit = option.(field).unit;
+                        defaultunit = option.(field).defaultunit;
+                    else
+                        unit = {};
+                    end
+                    if isfield(option.(field),'from')
+                        from = option.(field).from;
+                        defaultfrom = option.(field).defaultfrom;
+                    else
+                        from = {};
+                    end
+                    if strcmpi(type,'String')
+                        if length(varg) > i && ...
+                                (ischar(varg{i+1}) || varg{i+1} == 0)
+                            if isfield(option.(field),'choice')
+                                match2 = 0;
+                                arg2 = varg{i+1};
+                                for j = option.(field).choice
+                                    if (ischar(j{1}) && strcmpi(arg2,j)) || ...
+                                       (not(ischar(j{1})) && isequal(arg2,j{1}))
+                                            match2 = 1;
+                                            i = i+1;
+                                            optionvalue = arg2;
+                                    end
+                                end
+                                if not(match2)
+                                    if isfield(option.(field),'keydefault')
+                                        optionvalue = option.(field).keydefault;
+                                    else
+                                        error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                                            ': Unexpected keyword after key ',arg'.']);
+                                    end
+                                end
+                            else
+                                i = i+1;
+                                optionvalue = varg{i};
+                            end
+                        elseif isfield(option.(field),'keydefault')
+                            optionvalue = option.(field).keydefault;
+                        elseif isfield(option.(field),'default')
+                            optionvalue = option.(field).default;
+                        else
+                            error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                                ': A string should follow the key ',arg'.']);
+                        end
+                    elseif strcmpi(type,'Boolean')
+                        if length(varg) > i && (isnumeric(varg{i+1}) || islogical(varg{i+1}))
+                            i = i+1;
+                            optionvalue = varg{i};
+                        elseif length(varg) > i && ischar(varg{i+1}) ...
+                                && (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'on') || ...
+                                    strcmpi(varg{i+1},'yes'))
+                            i = i+1;
+                            optionvalue = 1;
+                        elseif length(varg) > i && ischar(varg{i+1}) ...
+                                && (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'off') || ...
+                                    strcmpi(varg{i+1},'no'))
+                            i = i+1;
+                            optionvalue = 0;
+                        else
+                            optionvalue = 1;
+                        end
+                    elseif strcmpi(type,'Integer') || strcmpi(type,'Integers')
+                        if length(varg) > i && isnumeric(varg{i+1})
+                            i = i+1;
+                            optionvalue = varg{i};
+                        elseif isfield(option.(field),'keydefault')
+                            if strcmpi(type,'Integers')
+                                optionvalue = option.(field).keydefault;
+                            else
+                                optionvalue = option.(field).keydefault(1);
+                            end
+                        elseif isfield(option.(field),'default')
+                            if strcmpi(type,'Integers')
+                                optionvalue = option.(field).default;
+                            else
+                                optionvalue = option.(field).default(1);
+                            end
+                        else
+                            error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                                ': An integer should follow the key ',arg'.']);
+                        end
+                        if isfield(option.(field),'number')...
+                                && option.(field).number == 2
+                            if length(varg) > i && isnumeric(varg{i+1})
+                                i = i+1;
+                                optionvalue = [optionvalue varg{i}];
+                            elseif isfield(option.(field),'keydefault')
+                                optionvalue = [optionvalue option.(field).keydefault(2)];
+                            elseif isfield(option.(field),'default')
+                                optionvalue = [optionvalue option.(field).default(2)];
+                            else
+                                error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                                ': Two integers should follow the key ',arg'.']);
+                            end
+                        end
+                        if not(isempty(unit))
+                            if (strcmpi(unit{1},'s') || ...
+                                strcmpi(unit{2},'s')) && ...
+                               (strcmpi(unit{1},'Hz') || ...
+                                strcmpi(unit{2},'Hz'))
+                                if length(varg) > i && ...
+                                   ischar(varg{i+1}) && ...
+                                   (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'s') || ...
+                                    strcmpi(varg{i+1},'Hz'))
+                                    i = i+1;
+                                    if not(strcmpi(varg{i},defaultunit))
+                                        if isfield(option.(field),'opposite')
+                                            field = option.(field).opposite;
+                                        end
+                                        optionvalue = 1/optionvalue;
+                                    end
+                                end
+                            end
+                            if (strcmpi(unit{1},'s') || ...
+                                strcmpi(unit{2},'s')) && ...
+                               (strcmpi(unit{1},'sp') || ...
+                                strcmpi(unit{2},'sp'))
+                                if length(varg) > i && ...
+                                   ischar(varg{i+1}) && ...
+                                   (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'sp') || ...
+                                    strcmpi(varg{i+1},'s'))
+                                    i = i+1;
+                                    if strcmpi(varg{i},'sp')
+                                        optionvalue = [optionvalue 0];
+                                    else
+                                        optionvalue = [optionvalue 1];
+                                    end
+                                else
+                                    optionvalue = [optionvalue 1];
+                                end
+                            end
+                        end
+                        if not(isempty(from))
+                            if length(varg) > i && ...
+                               ischar(varg{i+1}) && ...
+                               (strcmpi(varg{i+1},'Start') || ...
+                                strcmpi(varg{i+1},'Middle') || ...
+                                strcmpi(varg{i+1},'End'))
+                                i = i+1;
+                                if strcmpi(varg{i},'Start')
+                                    optionvalue = [optionvalue 0];
+                                elseif strcmpi(varg{i},'Middle')
+                                    optionvalue = [optionvalue 1];
+                                elseif strcmpi(varg{i},'End')
+                                    optionvalue = [optionvalue 2];           
+                                end
+                            else
+                                optionvalue = [optionvalue 0];
+                            end
+                            if isa(orig,'mirdesign')
+                                orig = set(orig,'Size',optionvalue);
+                            end
+                        end
+                    else
+                        if length(varg) > i
+                            i = i+1;
+                            optionvalue = varg{i};
+                        elseif isfield(option.(field),'keydefault')
+                            optionvalue = option.(field).keydefault(1);
+                        else
+                            error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                                ': Data should follow the key ',arg'.']);
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                if isfield(option.(field),'choice')
+                    for j = option.(field).choice
+                        if strcmpi(arg,j)
+                            match = 1;
+                            optionvalue = arg;
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            if not(match)
+                if isfield(option.(field),'position')
+                    if i+1 == option.(field).position
+                        match = 1;
+                        optionvalue = arg;
+                    end
+                %else
+                %    error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                %            ': Badly specified key ',arg'.']);
+                end
+            end
+            if match == 1
+                match = 2;
+                if isfield(option.(field),'when') ...
+                        && (strcmpi(option.(field).when,'After') || ...
+                            strcmpi(option.(field).when,'Both'))
+                    after.(field) = optionvalue;
+                end
+                if not(isfield(option.(field),'when')) ...
+                        || strcmpi(option.(field).when,'Both')
+                    during.(field) = optionvalue;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        if not(match)
+            if isnumeric(arg) || islogical(arg)
+                arg = num2str(arg);
+            end
+            error(['SYNTAX ERROR IN ',func2str(method),...
+                ': Unknown parameter ',arg'.']);
+        end
+    end    
+    i = i+1;
\ No newline at end of file