diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/mirmap.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/mirmap.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+function res = mirmap(predics_ref,ratings_ref,dist,alpha,delta)
+% mirmap(predictors_file, ratings_file) performs a statistical mapping
+%   between ratings associated to a set of audio recordings, and a set of
+%   variables computed for the same set of audio recordings. It might be
+%   useful in particular when the set of predictors is large and diverse.
+if nargin<3
+    dist = 'lse';
+if nargin<4
+    alpha = 1;
+if nargin<5
+    delta = .00001;
+crosscor_thres = .6;
+dist = str2func(dist);
+predics = import(predics_ref);
+ratings = import(ratings_ref);
+predics  = normalize(predics,dist,alpha,delta,'predictions',predics_ref);
+if isempty(predics.data)
+    res = [];
+    return
+ratings = normalize(ratings,dist,alpha,delta,'ratings',ratings_ref);
+res = map(predics,ratings,crosscor_thres);
+function output = import(ref)
+output.data = [];
+output.fields = {};
+output.normal = [];
+if not(iscell(ref))
+    ref = {ref};
+for i = 1:length(ref)
+    if not(iscell(ref{i}))
+        ref{i} = {ref{i}};
+    end
+    if ischar(ref{i}{1})
+        for j = 1:length(ref{i})
+            importj = importdata(ref{i}{j});
+            if not(isstruct(importj))
+                imp = importj;
+                importj = struct;
+                importj.data = imp;
+                for k = 1:size(imp,2)
+                    importj.textdata{k} = [ref{i}{j},'_',num2str(k)];
+                end
+            end
+            if j == 1
+                import = importj;
+            else
+                [c ia ib] = intersect(import.textdata(1,2:end),...
+                                      importj.textdata(1,2:end));
+                import.textdata = [import.textdata(:,[1 ia+1]);...
+                                   importj.textdata(2:end,[1 ib+1])];
+                import.data = [import.data(:,ia);importj.data(:,[1 ib+1])];
+            end
+        end
+        output.data = [output.data import.data];
+        nbfields = size(import.data,2);
+        field = import.textdata(1,:);
+        field = field(end-nbfields+1 : end);
+        output.fields = [output.fields field];
+    else
+        output.data = [output.data ref{i}{1}];
+        for j = 1:size(ref{i},2)
+            output.fields = [output.fields num2str(j)];
+        end
+    end
+ndata = size(output.data,2);
+output.normal = NaN(1,ndata);
+for i = 1:ndata
+    data = output.data(:,i);
+    data = data(~isnan(data));
+    if length(data) < 4
+        output.normal(i) = 0;
+    else
+        output.normal(i) = ~lillietest(data);
+    end
+function res = map(predics,ratings,crosscor_thres)
+nbrates = size(ratings.data,2);
+nbpreds = size(predics.data,2);
+res.normal.cor = NaN(nbpreds,nbrates);
+res.normal.pval = NaN(nbpreds,nbrates);
+res.significant = cell(nbrates,1);
+for j = 1:nbrates
+    figure
+    set(gca,'YDir','reverse')
+    hold on
+    select = []; % list of selected features
+    for i = 1:nbpreds
+        if ~predics.normal(i)
+            res.normal.cor(i,j) = NaN;
+            continue
+        end
+        [R P] = corrcoef(predics.data(:,i),ratings.data(:,j),...
+                            'rows','pairwise');
+        res.normal.pval(i,j) = P(2);
+        if P(2)<.05 % statistically significant
+            select(end+1) = i; % included into the list of selected features
+            res.normal.cor(i,j) = R(2);
+        else
+            res.normal.cor(i,j) = NaN;
+        end
+    end
+    %res.inter(:,:,j) = corrcoef(predics.data,'rows','pairwise');
+    [unused index] = sort(abs(res.normal.cor(select,j)),'descend');
+    index = select(index);
+    res.significant{j}.cor = res.normal.cor(index,j);
+    res.significant{j}.pval = res.normal.pval(index,j);
+    res.significant{j}.inter = corrcoef(predics.data(:,index),'rows','pairwise');
+                %res.inter(index,index,j);
+    res.significant{j}.fields = {predics.fields{index}};
+    res.significant{j}.alpha = predics.alpha(index);
+    res.significant{j}.lambda = predics.lambda(index);
+    k = 0;
+    corfields = {};
+    corbest = [];
+    for i = 1:length(select)
+        inter = max(abs(res.significant{j}.inter(1:i-1,i)));
+        if i == 1 || inter < crosscor_thres
+            % Features sufficiently independent to the better scoring ones
+            % are selected
+            k = k+1;
+            if i == 1
+                own = 1;
+            else
+                own = 1-inter;
+            end
+            col = res.significant{j}.pval(i);
+            x1 = min(0,res.significant{j}.cor(i));
+            y1 = k-own/2;
+            x2 = x1+abs(res.significant{j}.cor(i));
+            y2 = k+own/2;
+            pcolor([x1 x1;x2 x2],[y1 y2;y1 y2],[col col;col col])
+            corbest = [corbest i];
+            corfields = [corfields res.significant{j}.fields{i}];
+            i
+            res.significant{j}.fields{i}
+            res.significant{j}.cor(i)
+            inter
+        end
+    end
+    set(gca,'YTick',1:k,'YTickLabel',corfields)%,...
+%            'Position',[.4 .11 .5 .815])
+    colorbar
+    grid on
+    title(['Correlation with rating ',ratings.fields{j}])
+    predata = standardize(predics.data(:,index(corbest))); %% to be put out of the loop
+    res.best{j}.index = corbest;
+    res.best{j}.fields = {res.significant{j}.fields{corbest}};
+    res.best{j}.alpha = res.significant{j}.alpha(corbest);
+    res.best{j}.lambda = res.significant{j}.lambda(corbest);
+    if isempty(select)
+        close
+    elseif length(corbest)>1
+        display('****************************************')
+        display(['Regression for rating ',ratings.fields{j}])
+        ratej = standardize(ratings.data(:,j));
+        stepwisefit(predata,ratej,'maxiter',10);
+        [b,se,pval,inmodel,stats,nextstep,history] ...
+            = stepwisefit(predata,ratej,'maxiter',10,'scale','on');
+        res.best{j}.fields{find(inmodel)}
+        %stepwise(predata,ratej,[]);%,.001,.001);
+        pause
+    end
+function x = standardize(x)
+%mx = mean(x);
+%x = x-repmat(mx,[size(x,1) 1]);
+%sx = std(x);
+%sx(sx==0) = 1;
+%x = x./repmat(sx,[size(x,1) 1]);
+function output = normalize(input,dist,alpha,delta,txt,filename)
+fields = input.fields;
+nbfields = length(fields);
+output = input;
+h = waitbar(0,['Normalizing ',txt]);
+for i = 1:nbfields
+    waitbar((i-1)/nbfields,h,['Normalizing ',txt,fields{i}]);
+    d = input.data(:,i);
+    if length(d(~isnan(d)))>3 && ~input.normal(i)
+        %figure(1)
+        %hist(d,round(7.5*log(size(d,1))));
+        %figure(2)
+        %normplot(d)
+        [output.data(:,i) output.alpha(i) output.lambda(i)] = ...
+                                        boxcox_search(d,dist,alpha,delta);
+        %figure(3)
+        %hist(output.data(:,i),round(7.5*log(size(d,1))));
+        output.normal(i) = ~lillietest(output.data(:,i),.01);
+        %figure(4)
+        %normplot(data(:,i))
+    end
+output.data(:,~output.normal) = [];
+output.fields(~output.normal) = [];
+output.normal(~output.normal) = [];
+if max(~output.normal)
+    output.alpha(~output.normal) = [];
+    output.lambda(~output.normal) = [];
+ %if strcmpi(filename(end-3:end),'.txt')
+ %    filename = filename(1:end-4);
+ %end
+ %filename = [filename '.mir.txt'];
+ %mirexport(filename,output);
+function [y resalpha lambda] = boxcox_search(x,dist,alpha,delta)
+if nargin<2
+    dist = @lse;
+if nargin<3
+    alpha = 0;
+lambda = -10:.01:10;
+if min(x)<0
+    x = x-min(x);
+    resalpha = -min(x);
+    resalpha = 0;
+y = boxcox_transf(x,lambda);
+[y lambda d] = optimize(y,lambda,dist,x);
+%y = y(~isnan(y));
+while lillietest(y,.01) && alpha > delta
+    yp = boxcox_transf(x+alpha,lambda);
+    %plot(alpha,lse(yp,lambda,x))
+    if dist(yp,lambda,x)<d
+        x = x+alpha;
+        resalpha = resalpha + alpha;
+        y = yp;
+        alpha = alpha*.999;
+        d = dist(y,lambda,x);
+    else
+        minalpha = min(alpha,min(x)); % to avoid negative values
+        yn = boxcox_transf(x - minalpha,lambda);
+        %plot(alpha,lse(yn,lambda,x))
+        if dist(yn,lambda,x)<d
+            x = minalpha;
+            resalpha = resalpha - minalpha;
+            y = yn;
+            alpha = alpha*.999;
+            d = dist(y,lambda,x);
+        else
+            alpha = alpha/2;
+        end
+    end
+function y = boxcox_transf(x,lambda)
+lambda0 = find(~lambda);
+if min(x)<0
+    x = x-min(x);
+x = repmat(x,[1 length(lambda)]);
+lambda = repmat(lambda,[size(x,1) 1]);
+y = (x.^lambda-1)./lambda;
+y(:,lambda0) = log(x(:,lambda0));
+function [z,lambda,d] = optimize(y,lambda,dist,x)
+[d index] = min(dist(y,lambda,x));
+lambda = lambda(index);
+z = y(:,index);
+function d = lse(y,lambda,x)
+d = skewness(y).^2 + (kurtosis(y)-3).^2/4; % equation used in Jarque-Bera test
+function d = mle(y,lambda,x)
+d = -size(y,1)/2*log(var(y))+(lambda-1)*sum(log(x));
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