diff toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/aiffread.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/aiffread.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+function [data,Fs,nBits,formChunk] = aiffread(filePath,indexRange)
+%AIFFREAD   Read AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) sound file.
+%   Y = AIFFREAD(FILE) reads an AIFF file specified by the string FILE,
+%   returning the sampled data in Y. The ".aif" extension is appended if no
+%   extension is given.
+%   [Y,FS,NBITS,CHUNKDATA] = AIFFREAD(FILE) returns the sample rate (FS) in
+%   Hertz, the number of bits per sample (NBITS) used to encode the data in
+%   the file, and a complete structure of the chunk data (CHUNKDATA)
+%   contained in the AIFF file (minus the actual audio data returned in Y).
+%   See below for a description of CHUNKDATA.
+%   [...] = AIFFREAD(FILE,N) returns only the first N samples from each
+%   channel in the file.
+%   [...] = AIFFREAD(FILE,[N1 N2]) returns only samples N1 through N2 from
+%   each channel in the file.
+%   [SIZ,...] = AIFFREAD(FILE,'size') returns the size of the audio data
+%   contained in the file in place of the actual audio data, where
+%   SIZ = [nSampleFrames nChannels].
+%   A note on compressed files:
+%      Both AIFF and AIFC/AIFF-C (compressed) file types can be read by
+%      AIFFREAD, but the data returned for AIFC/AIFF-C files will be the
+%      raw, compressed data (i.e. AIFFREAD loads the data from the file
+%      without modification). Currently, since there are many compression
+%      formats, it is the responsibility of the user to uncompress the
+%      sound data using parameters defined in the COMM chunk (contained in
+%      the returned CHUNKDATA structure). When loading AIFC/AIFF-C files,
+%      any optional numerical subranges are ignored and the entire set of
+%      compressed data is returned as a column vector of signed bytes
+%      (INT8 type).
+%   A note on the CHUNKDATA structure:
+%      The CHUNKDATA structure has the following fields:
+%         -'chunkID': The 4-character ID for the chunk. This will always be
+%                     the string 'FORM'.
+%         -'chunkSize': The size (in bytes) of the remaining data in the
+%                       file.
+%         -'formType': A 4-character string for the file type that should
+%                      be either 'AIFF' or 'AIFC'.
+%         -'chunkArray': An array of structures, one entry for every chunk
+%                        that is in the file (not counting this parent FORM
+%                        chunk). The fields of this structure are:
+%                           -'chunkID': The 4-character ID for the chunk.
+%                           -'chunkSize': The size (in bytes) of the
+%                                         remaining data in the chunk.
+%                           -'chunkData': A structure of data for the
+%                                         chunk. The form of this data for
+%                                         a given chunkID can be found at
+%                                         the links given below for the
+%                                         file format standards.
+%      The data portion of certain chunks may not have a clearly defined
+%      format, or that format may be dependent on the implementation or
+%      application that will be using the data. In such cases, the data
+%      returned for that chunk in the CHUNKDATA structure will be in a raw
+%      format (vectors of signed or unsigned 8-bit integers) and it will be
+%      up to the user/application to parse and format this data correctly.
+%      The following is a list of such AIFF/AIFF-C chunks:
+%         -Audio Recording Chunk (chunkID = 'AESD'): The chunkData
+%          structure has one field 'aesChannelStatusData' that stores a
+%          column vector of 24 8-bit unsigned integers.
+%         -Application Specific Chunk (chunkID = 'APPL'): The chunkData
+%          structure has two fields. 'applicationSignature' stores a
+%          4-character string identifying the application. 'data' stores a
+%          column vector of 8-bit signed integers.
+%         -MIDI Data Chunk (chunkID = 'MIDI'): The chunkData structure has
+%          one field 'midiData' that stores a column vector of 8-bit
+%          unsigned integers.
+%         -Sound Accelerator (SAXEL) Chunk (chunkID = 'SAXL'): There is no
+%          finalized format for Saxel chunks, so the chunkData structure
+%          follows the draft format given in Appendix D of the AIFF-C
+%          standard.
+%   Description for the AIFF standard can be found here:
+%      http://muratnkonar.com/aiff/index.html
+%   Descriptions for the AIFC/AIFF-C standard can be found here:
+%      http://www.cnpbagwell.com/aiff-c.txt
+%      http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/AIFF/Docs/...
+%             AIFF-C.9.26.91.pdf
+% Author: Ken Eaton
+% Last modified: 3/17/09
+  % Initializations:
+  aiffChunkPrecedence = {'COMM' 'SSND' 'MARK' 'INST' 'COMT' 'NAME' ...
+                         'AUTH' '[c] ' 'ANNO' 'AESD' 'MIDI' 'APPL'};
+  aiffChunkLimits = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 inf 1 inf inf];
+  aifcChunkPrecedence = {'FVER' 'COMM' 'INST' 'SAXL' 'COMT' 'MARK' ...
+                         'SSND' 'NAME' 'AUTH' '[c] ' 'ANNO' 'AESD' ...
+                         'MIDI' 'APPL'};
+  aifcChunkLimits = [1 1 1 inf 1 1 1 1 1 1 inf 1 inf inf];
+  fid = -1;
+  % Check the number of input arguments:
+  switch nargin,
+    case 0,
+      error(error_message('notEnoughInputs'));
+    case 1,
+      indexRange = [1 inf];
+  end
+  % Check the file name input argument:
+  if ~ischar(filePath),
+    error(error_message('badArgumentType','File name','char'));
+  end
+  [filePath,fileName,fileExtension] = fileparts(filePath);
+  if isempty(fileExtension),
+    fileExtension = '.aif';
+  end
+  if ~any(strcmpi(fileExtension,{'.aif' '.afc' '.aiff' '.aifc'})),
+    error(error_message('unknownExtension',fileExtension));
+  end
+  % Check the optional input argument:
+  if isnumeric(indexRange),  % Numeric range specification
+    indexRange = double(indexRange);
+    nRange = numel(indexRange);
+    if (nRange > 2) || any(indexRange < 1) || any(isnan(indexRange)),
+      error(error_message('badIndexValue'));
+    end
+    indexRange = [ones(nRange ~= 2) round(indexRange) inf(nRange == 0)];
+  elseif ischar(indexRange),  % Specification for returning just the size
+    if ~strncmpi(indexRange,'size',numel(indexRange)),
+      error(error_message('invalidString'));
+    end
+    indexRange = [];
+  else  % Invalid input
+    error(error_message('badArgumentType','Optional argument',...
+                        'numeric or char'));
+  end
+  % Check that the file exists and can be opened:
+  fid = fopen(fullfile(filePath,[fileName fileExtension]),'r','b');
+  if fid == -1,
+    error(error_message('invalidFile',[fileName fileExtension]));
+  end
+  % Initialize formChunk structure:
+  formChunk = struct('chunkID',[],'chunkSize',[],'formType',[],...
+                     'chunkArray',[]);
+  % Read FORM chunk data:
+  formChunk.chunkID = read_text(fid,4);
+  if ~strcmp(formChunk.chunkID,'FORM'),
+    error(error_message('invalidFileFormat',fileExtension));
+  end
+  formChunk.chunkSize = fread(fid,1,'int32');
+  formType = read_text(fid,4);
+  if ~any(strcmp(formType,{'AIFF' 'AIFC'})),
+    error(error_message('invalidFileFormat',fileExtension));
+  end
+  formChunk.formType = formType;
+  % Since the order of chunks is not guaranteed, first skip through the
+  %   file and read just the chunkIDs and chunkSizes:
+  iChunk = 0;
+  chunkIDArray = {};
+  chunkSizeArray = {};
+  chunkDataIndex = [];
+  nextChunkID = read_text(fid,4);
+  while ~feof(fid),
+    iChunk = iChunk+1;
+    chunkIDArray{iChunk} = nextChunkID;
+    chunkSize = fread(fid,1,'int32');
+    chunkSizeArray{iChunk} = chunkSize;
+    chunkDataIndex(iChunk) = ftell(fid);
+    fseek(fid,chunkSize+rem(chunkSize,2),'cof');
+    nextChunkID = read_text(fid,4);
+  end
+  % Check for the presence of required chunks:
+  if ~ismember('COMM',chunkIDArray),
+    error(error_message('missingChunk','COMM',formType));
+  end
+  if strcmp(formType,'AIFC') && ~ismember('FVER',chunkIDArray),
+    error(error_message('missingChunk','FVER',formType));
+  end
+  % Check for unknown chunks and order chunks based on chunk precedence:
+  if strcmp(formType,'AIFF'),
+    [isChunk,orderIndex] = ismember(chunkIDArray,aiffChunkPrecedence);
+  else
+    [isChunk,orderIndex] = ismember(chunkIDArray,aifcChunkPrecedence);
+  end
+  if ~all(isChunk),
+    unknownChunks = [chunkIDArray(~isChunk); ...
+                     repmat({', '},1,sum(~isChunk)-1) {'.'}];
+    orderIndex = orderIndex(isChunk);
+    chunkIDArray = chunkIDArray(isChunk);
+    chunkSizeArray = chunkSizeArray(isChunk);
+    chunkDataIndex = chunkDataIndex(isChunk);
+    warning('aiffread:unknownChunk',...
+            ['The following chunk IDs are unknown for an ' formType ...
+             ' file and will be ignored: ' unknownChunks{:}]);
+  end
+  [index,orderIndex] = sort(orderIndex);
+  chunkIDArray = chunkIDArray(orderIndex);
+  chunkSizeArray = chunkSizeArray(orderIndex);
+  chunkDataIndex = chunkDataIndex(orderIndex);
+  % Check for chunks that should not appear more than once:
+  index = unique(index(diff(index) < 1));
+  if strcmp(formType,'AIFF'),
+    repeatChunks = aiffChunkPrecedence(aiffChunkLimits(index) == 1);
+  else
+    repeatChunks = aifcChunkPrecedence(aifcChunkLimits(index) == 1);
+  end
+  if ~isempty(repeatChunks),
+    repeatChunks = [repeatChunks; ...
+                    repmat({', '},1,numel(repeatChunks)-1) {'.'}];
+    error(error_message('repeatChunk',formType,[repeatChunks{:}]));
+  end
+  % Initialize chunkArray data:
+  formChunk.chunkArray = struct('chunkID',chunkIDArray,...
+                                'chunkSize',chunkSizeArray,...
+                                'chunkData',[]);
+  % Read the data for each chunk:
+  for iChunk = 1:numel(chunkIDArray),
+    chunkData = [];
+    fseek(fid,chunkDataIndex(iChunk),'bof');
+    switch chunkIDArray{iChunk},
+      case '[c] ',  % Copyright Chunk
+        chunkData.text = read_text(fid,chunkSizeArray{iChunk});
+      case 'AESD',  % Audio Recording Chunk
+        chunkData.aesChannelStatusData = ...
+          fread(fid,[chunkSizeArray{iChunk} 1],'*uint8');
+      case 'ANNO',  % Annotation Chunk
+        chunkData.text = read_text(fid,chunkSizeArray{iChunk});
+      case 'APPL',  % Application Specific Chunk
+        chunkData.applicationSignature = read_text(fid,4);
+        chunkData.data = fread(fid,[chunkSizeArray{iChunk}-4 1],'*int8');
+      case 'AUTH',  % Author Chunk
+        chunkData.text = read_text(fid,chunkSizeArray{iChunk});
+      case 'COMM',  % Common Chunk
+        nChannels = fread(fid,1,'int16');
+        chunkData.nChannels = nChannels;
+        nSampleFrames = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
+        if (nSampleFrames > 0) && ~ismember('SSND',chunkIDArray),
+          error(error_message('missingChunk','SSND',formType));
+        end
+        chunkData.nSampleFrames = nSampleFrames;
+        nBits = fread(fid,1,'int16');
+        chunkData.sampleSize = nBits;
+        exponent = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
+        highMantissa = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
+        lowMantissa = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
+        Fs = extended2double(exponent,highMantissa,lowMantissa);
+        chunkData.sampleRate = Fs;
+        if strcmp(formType,'AIFF'),
+          compressionType = 'NONE';
+        else
+          compressionType = read_text(fid,4);
+          chunkData.compressionType = compressionType;
+          chunkData.compressionName = read_pstring(fid);
+        end
+      case 'COMT',  % Comments Chunk
+        nComments = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
+        chunkData.nComments = nComments;
+        chunkData.commentArray = struct('timeStamp',cell(nComments,1),...
+                                        'marker',[],'count',[],'text',[]);
+        for iComment = 1:nComments,
+          chunkData.commentArray(iComment) = read_comment(fid);
+        end
+      case 'FVER',  % Format Version Chunk (AIFC/AIFF-C only)
+        timeStamp = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
+        if timeStamp ~= 2726318400,
+          warning('aiffread:unknownVersion',...
+                  ['File contains an unrecognized version of the ' ...
+                   'AIFC/AIFF-C standard.']);
+        end
+        chunkData.timeStamp = timeStamp;
+      case 'INST',  % Instrument Chunk
+        chunkData.baseNote = fread(fid,1,'int8');
+        chunkData.detune = fread(fid,1,'int8');
+        chunkData.lowNote = fread(fid,1,'int8');
+        chunkData.highNote = fread(fid,1,'int8');
+        chunkData.lowVelocity = fread(fid,1,'int8');
+        chunkData.highVelocity = fread(fid,1,'int8');
+        chunkData.gain = fread(fid,1,'int16');
+        chunkData.sustainLoop = read_loop(fid);
+        chunkData.releaseLoop = read_loop(fid);
+      case 'MARK',  % Marker Chunk
+        nMarkers = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
+        chunkData.nMarkers = nMarkers;
+        chunkData.markerArray = struct('id',cell(nMarkers,1),...
+                                       'position',[],'markerName',[]);
+        for iMarker = 1:nMarkers,
+          chunkData.markerArray(iMarker) = read_marker(fid);
+        end
+        markerIDs = [chunkData.markerArray.id];
+        if any(markerIDs < 1) || (numel(unique(markerIDs)) < nMarkers),
+          warning('aiffread:invalidMarkers',...
+                  'Invalid or repeated marker IDs were detected.');
+        end
+      case 'MIDI',  % MIDI Data Chunk
+        chunkData.midiData = fread(fid,[chunkSizeArray{iChunk} 1],...
+                                   '*uint8');
+      case 'NAME',  % Name Chunk
+        chunkData.text = read_text(fid,chunkSizeArray{iChunk});
+      case 'SAXL',  % Sound Accelerator (SAXEL) Chunk (AIFC/AIFF-C only)
+        nSaxels = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
+        chunkData.nSaxels = nSaxels;
+        chunkData.saxelArray = struct('id',cell(nSaxels,1),'size',[],...
+                                      'saxelData',[]);
+        for iSaxel = 1:nSaxels,
+          chunkData.saxelArray(iSaxel) = read_saxel(fid);
+        end
+      case 'SSND',  % Sound Data Chunk
+        nBytes = ceil(nBits/8);
+        chunkData.offset = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
+        chunkData.blockSize = fread(fid,1,'uint32');
+        if isempty(indexRange),
+          data = [nSampleFrames nChannels];
+        elseif strcmp(compressionType,'NONE'),
+          if (chunkSizeArray{iChunk}-8 ~= nChannels*nSampleFrames*nBytes),
+            error(error_message('sizeMismatch'));
+          end
+          fseek(fid,nBytes*nChannels*(indexRange(1)-1),'cof');
+          nRead = min(indexRange(2),nSampleFrames)-indexRange(1)+1;
+          data = fread(fid,[nChannels nRead],['*bit' int2str(nBytes*8)]).';
+          if nBits < nBytes*8,
+            data = data./(2^(nBytes*8-nBits));
+          end
+        else
+          data = fread(fid,[chunkSizeArray{iChunk}-8 1],'*int8');
+        end
+    end
+    formChunk.chunkArray(iChunk).chunkData = chunkData;
+  end
+  % Close the file:
+  fclose(fid);
+%~~~Begin nested functions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  %------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  function errorStruct = error_message(errorCode,varargin)
+  %
+  %   Initialize an error message (and close open files, if necessary).
+  %
+  %------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    % Close open files, if necessary:
+    if ~isempty(fopen(fid)),
+      fclose(fid);
+    end
+    % Initialize error message text:
+    switch errorCode,
+      case 'badArgumentType',
+        errorText = [varargin{1} ' should be of type ' varargin{2} '.'];
+      case 'badIndexValue',
+        errorText = ['Index range must be specified as a scalar or ' ...
+                     '2-element vector of positive, non-zero, non-NaN ' ...
+                     'values.'];
+      case 'invalidFile',
+        errorText = ['Could not open file ''' varargin{1} '''.'];
+      case 'invalidFileFormat',
+        errorText = ['Not a valid ' varargin{1} ' file.'];
+      case 'invalidString',
+        errorText = '''size'' is the only valid string argument.';
+      case 'missingChunk',
+        errorText = ['''' varargin{1} ''' chunk is required for a ' ...
+                     varargin{2} ' file.'];
+      case 'notEnoughInputs',
+        errorText = 'Not enough input arguments.';
+      case 'repeatChunk',
+        errorText = ['The following chunk IDs should not appear more ' ...
+                     'than once in an ' varargin{1} ' file: ' varargin{2}];
+      case 'sizeMismatch',
+        errorText =  'Data size mismatch between COMM and SSND chunks.';
+      case 'unknownExtension',
+        errorText = ['Unknown file extension ''' varargin{1} '''.'];
+    end
+    % Create error structure:
+    errorStruct = struct('message',errorText,...
+                         'identifier',['aiffread:' errorCode]);
+  end
+%~~~End nested functions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+%~~~Begin subfunctions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+function value = extended2double(exponent,highMantissa,lowMantissa)
+%   Converts an 80-bit extended floating-point type to a double.
+  signBit = bitand(exponent,32768);
+  exponent = bitand(exponent,32767);
+  highMantissa = bitand(highMantissa,4294967295);
+  lowMantissa = bitand(lowMantissa,4294967295);
+  if (exponent == 0) && (highMantissa == 0) && (lowMantissa == 0),
+    value = 0;
+  elseif exponent == 32767,
+    if (highMantissa > 0) || (lowMantissa > 0),
+      value = nan;
+    else
+      value = inf;
+    end
+  else
+    value = highMantissa*2^(exponent-16414)+lowMantissa*2^(exponent-16446);
+  end
+  if signBit,
+    value = -value;
+  end
+function commentStruct = read_comment(fid)
+%   Reads a structure of comment data from a file.
+  commentStruct = struct('timeStamp',fread(fid,1,'uint32'),...
+                         'marker',fread(fid,1,'int16'),...
+                         'count',[],'text',[]);
+  charCount = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
+  commentStruct.count = charCount;
+  commentStruct.text = read_text(fid,charCount);
+function loopStruct = read_loop(fid)
+%   Reads a structure of loop data from a file.
+  loopStruct = struct('playMode',fread(fid,1,'int16'),...
+                      'beginLoop',fread(fid,1,'int16'),...
+                      'endLoop',fread(fid,1,'int16'));
+function markerStruct = read_marker(fid)
+%   Reads a structure of marker data from a file.
+  markerStruct = struct('id',fread(fid,1,'int16'),...
+                        'position',fread(fid,1,'uint32'),...
+                        'markerName',read_pstring(fid));
+function pascalString = read_pstring(fid)
+%   Reads a Pascal-style string from a file, and afterwards shifts the file
+% pointer ahead by one byte if necessary to make the total number of bytes
+% read an even number.
+  charCount = fread(fid,1,'uint8');
+  pascalString = fread(fid,[1 charCount],'int8=>char');
+  if rem(charCount+1,2),
+    fseek(fid,1,'cof');
+  end
+function saxelStruct = read_saxel(fid)
+%   Reads a structure of saxel data from a file.
+  saxelStruct = struct('id',fread(fid,1,'int16'),'size',[],'saxelData',[]);
+  saxelBytes = fread(fid,1,'uint16');
+  saxelStruct.size = saxelBytes;
+  saxelStruct.saxelData = fread(fid,[saxelBytes 1],'*int8');
+  if rem(saxelBytes,2),
+    fseek(fid,1,'cof');
+  end
+function textString = read_text(fid,charCount)
+%   Reads ASCII text from a file, and afterwards shifts the file pointer
+% ahead by one byte if necessary to make the total number of bytes read an
+% even number.
+  textString = fread(fid,[1 charCount],'int8=>char');
+  if rem(charCount,2),
+    fseek(fid,1,'cof');
+  end
+%~~~End subfunctions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\ No newline at end of file