comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_seqtrain.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function [sMap, sTrain] = som_seqtrain(sMap, D, varargin)
3 %SOM_SEQTRAIN Use sequential algorithm to train the Self-Organizing Map.
4 %
5 % [sM,sT] = som_seqtrain(sM, D, [[argID,] value, ...])
6 %
7 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D);
8 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,sD,'alpha_type','power','tracking',3);
9 % [M,sT] = som_seqtrain(M,D,'ep','trainlen',10,'inv','hexa');
10 %
11 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
12 % sM (struct) map struct, the trained and updated map is returned
13 % (matrix) codebook matrix of a self-organizing map
14 % size munits x dim or msize(1) x ... x msize(k) x dim
15 % The trained map codebook is returned.
16 % D (struct) training data; data struct
17 % (matrix) training data, size dlen x dim
18 % [argID, (string) See below. The values which are unambiguous can
19 % value] (varies) be given without the preceeding argID.
20 %
21 % sT (struct) learning parameters used during the training
22 %
23 % Here are the valid argument IDs and corresponding values. The values which
24 % are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the preceeding argID.
25 % 'mask' (vector) BMU search mask, size dim x 1
26 % 'msize' (vector) map size
27 % 'radius' (vector) neighborhood radiuses, length 1, 2 or trainlen
28 % 'radius_ini' (scalar) initial training radius
29 % 'radius_fin' (scalar) final training radius
30 % 'alpha' (vector) learning rates, length trainlen
31 % 'alpha_ini' (scalar) initial learning rate
32 % 'tracking' (scalar) tracking level, 0-3
33 % 'trainlen' (scalar) training length
34 % 'trainlen_type' *(string) is the given trainlen 'samples' or 'epochs'
35 % 'train' *(struct) train struct, parameters for training
36 % 'sTrain','som_train ' = 'train'
37 % 'alpha_type' *(string) learning rate function, 'inv', 'linear' or 'power'
38 % 'sample_order'*(string) order of samples: 'random' or 'ordered'
39 % 'neigh' *(string) neighborhood function, 'gaussian', 'cutgauss',
40 % 'ep' or 'bubble'
41 % 'topol' *(struct) topology struct
42 % 'som_topol','sTopo l' = 'topol'
43 % 'lattice' *(string) map lattice, 'hexa' or 'rect'
44 % 'shape' *(string) map shape, 'sheet', 'cyl' or 'toroid'
45 %
46 % For more help, try 'type som_seqtrain' or check out online documentation.
49 %%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
50 %
51 % som_seqtrain
52 %
54 %
55 % Trains a Self-Organizing Map using the sequential algorithm.
56 %
58 %
59 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D);
60 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,sD);
61 % sM = som_seqtrain(...,'argID',value,...);
62 % sM = som_seqtrain(...,value,...);
63 % [sM,sT] = som_seqtrain(M,D,...);
64 %
66 %
67 % Trains the given SOM (sM or M above) with the given training data
68 % (sD or D) using sequential SOM training algorithm. If no optional
69 % arguments (argID, value) are given, a default training is done, the
70 % parameters are obtained from SOM_TRAIN_STRUCT function. Using
71 % optional arguments the training parameters can be specified. Returns
72 % the trained and updated SOM and a train struct which contains
73 % information on the training.
74 %
76 %
77 % Kohonen, T., "Self-Organizing Map", 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag,
78 % Berlin, 1995, pp. 78-82.
79 % Kohonen, T., "Clustering, Taxonomy, and Topological Maps of
80 % Patterns", International Conference on Pattern Recognition
81 % (ICPR), 1982, pp. 114-128.
82 % Kohonen, T., "Self-Organized formation of topologically correct
83 % feature maps", Biological Cybernetics 43, 1982, pp. 59-69.
84 %
86 %
87 % sM The map to be trained.
88 % (struct) map struct
89 % (matrix) codebook matrix (field .data of map struct)
90 % Size is either [munits dim], in which case the map grid
91 % dimensions (msize) should be specified with optional arguments,
92 % or [msize(1) ... msize(k) dim] in which case the map
93 % grid dimensions are taken from the size of the matrix.
94 % Lattice, by default, is 'rect' and shape 'sheet'.
95 % D Training data.
96 % (struct) data struct
97 % (matrix) data matrix, size [dlen dim]
98 %
100 %
101 % argID (string) Argument identifier string (see below).
102 % value (varies) Value for the argument (see below).
103 %
104 % The optional arguments can be given as 'argID',value -pairs. If an
105 % argument is given value multiple times, the last one is
106 % used. The valid IDs and corresponding values are listed below. The values
107 % which are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the
108 % preceeding argID.
109 %
110 % 'mask' (vector) BMU search mask, size dim x 1. Default is
111 % the one in sM (field '.mask') or a vector of
112 % ones if only a codebook matrix was given.
113 % 'msize' (vector) map grid dimensions. Default is the one
114 % in sM (field sM.topol.msize) or
115 % 'si = size(sM); msize = si(1:end-1);'
116 % if only a codebook matrix was given.
117 % 'radius' (vector) neighborhood radius
118 % length = 1: radius_ini = radius
119 % length = 2: [radius_ini radius_fin] = radius
120 % length > 2: the vector given neighborhood
121 % radius for each step separately
122 % trainlen = length(radius)
123 % 'radius_ini' (scalar) initial training radius
124 % 'radius_fin' (scalar) final training radius
125 % 'alpha' (vector) learning rate
126 % length = 1: alpha_ini = alpha
127 % length > 1: the vector gives learning rate
128 % for each step separately
129 % trainlen is set to length(alpha)
130 % alpha_type is set to 'user defined'
131 % 'alpha_ini' (scalar) initial learning rate
132 % 'tracking' (scalar) tracking level: 0, 1 (default), 2 or 3
133 % 0 - estimate time
134 % 1 - track time and quantization error
135 % 2 - plot quantization error
136 % 3 - plot quantization error and two first
137 % components
138 % 'trainlen' (scalar) training length (see also 'tlen_type')
139 % 'trainlen_type' *(string) is the trainlen argument given in 'epochs'
140 % or in 'samples'. Default is 'epochs'.
141 % 'sample_order'*(string) is the sample order 'random' (which is the
142 % the default) or 'ordered' in which case
143 % samples are taken in the order in which they
144 % appear in the data set
145 % 'train' *(struct) train struct, parameters for training.
146 % Default parameters, unless specified,
147 % are acquired using SOM_TRAIN_STRUCT (this
148 % also applies for 'trainlen', 'alpha_type',
149 % 'alpha_ini', 'radius_ini' and 'radius_fin').
150 % 'sTrain', 'som_train' (struct) = 'train'
151 % 'neigh' *(string) The used neighborhood function. Default is
152 % the one in sM (field '.neigh') or 'gaussian'
153 % if only a codebook matrix was given. Other
154 % possible values is 'cutgauss', 'ep' and 'bubble'.
155 % 'topol' *(struct) topology of the map. Default is the one
156 % in sM (field '.topol').
157 % 'sTopol', 'som_topol' (struct) = 'topol'
158 % 'alpha_type'*(string) learning rate function, 'inv', 'linear' or 'power'
159 % 'lattice' *(string) map lattice. Default is the one in sM
160 % (field sM.topol.lattice) or 'rect'
161 % if only a codebook matrix was given.
162 % 'shape' *(string) map shape. Default is the one in sM
163 % (field sM.topol.shape) or 'sheet'
164 % if only a codebook matrix was given.
165 %
167 %
168 % sM the trained map
169 % (struct) if a map struct was given as input argument, a
170 % map struct is also returned. The current training
171 % is added to the training history (sM.trainhist).
172 % The 'neigh' and 'mask' fields of the map struct
173 % are updated to match those of the training.
174 % (matrix) if a matrix was given as input argument, a matrix
175 % is also returned with the same size as the input
176 % argument.
177 % sT (struct) train struct; information of the accomplished training
178 %
180 %
181 % Simplest case:
182 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D);
183 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,sD);
184 %
185 % To change the tracking level, 'tracking' argument is specified:
186 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D,'tracking',3);
187 %
188 % The change training parameters, the optional arguments 'train',
189 % 'neigh','mask','trainlen','radius','radius_ini', 'radius_fin',
190 % 'alpha', 'alpha_type' and 'alpha_ini' are used.
191 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D,'neigh','cutgauss','trainlen',10,'radius_fin',0);
192 %
193 % Another way to specify training parameters is to create a train struct:
194 % sTrain = som_train_struct(sM,'dlen',size(D,1),'algorithm','seq');
195 % sTrain = som_set(sTrain,'neigh','cutgauss');
196 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D,sTrain);
197 %
198 % By default the neighborhood radius goes linearly from radius_ini to
199 % radius_fin. If you want to change this, you can use the 'radius' argument
200 % to specify the neighborhood radius for each step separately:
201 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D,'radius',[5 3 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5]);
202 %
203 % By default the learning rate (alpha) goes from the alpha_ini to 0
204 % along the function defined by alpha_type. If you want to change this,
205 % you can use the 'alpha' argument to specify the learning rate
206 % for each step separately:
207 % alpha = 0.2*(1 - log([1:100]));
208 % sM = som_seqtrain(sM,D,'alpha',alpha);
209 %
210 % You don't necessarily have to use the map struct, but you can operate
211 % directly with codebook matrices. However, in this case you have to
212 % specify the topology of the map in the optional arguments. The
213 % following commads are identical (M is originally a 200 x dim sized matrix):
214 % M = som_seqtrain(M,D,'msize',[20 10],'lattice','hexa','shape','cyl');
215 %
216 % M = som_seqtrain(M,D,'msize',[20 10],'hexa','cyl');
217 %
218 % sT= som_set('som_topol','msize',[20 10],'lattice','hexa','shape','cyl');
219 % M = som_seqtrain(M,D,sT);
220 %
221 % M = reshape(M,[20 10 dim]);
222 % M = som_seqtrain(M,D,'hexa','cyl');
223 %
224 % The som_seqtrain also returns a train struct with information on the
225 % accomplished training. This is the same one as is added to the end of the
226 % trainhist field of map struct, in case a map struct is given.
227 % [M,sTrain] = som_seqtrain(M,D,'msize',[20 10]);
228 %
229 % [sM,sTrain] = som_seqtrain(sM,D); % sM.trainhist{end}==sTrain
230 %
231 % SEE ALSO
232 %
233 % som_make Initialize and train a SOM using default parameters.
234 % som_batchtrain Train SOM with batch algorithm.
235 % som_train_struct Determine default training parameters.
237 % Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
238 %
240 % Version 1.0beta juuso 220997
241 % Version 2.0beta juuso 101199
243 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
244 %% Check arguments
246 error(nargchk(2, Inf, nargin)); % check the number of input arguments
248 % map
249 struct_mode = isstruct(sMap);
250 if struct_mode,
251 sTopol = sMap.topol;
252 else
253 orig_size = size(sMap);
254 if ndims(sMap) > 2,
255 si = size(sMap); dim = si(end); msize = si(1:end-1);
256 M = reshape(sMap,[prod(msize) dim]);
257 else
258 msize = [orig_size(1) 1];
259 dim = orig_size(2);
260 end
261 sMap = som_map_struct(dim,'msize',msize);
262 sTopol = sMap.topol;
263 end
264 [munits dim] = size(sMap.codebook);
266 % data
267 if isstruct(D),
268 data_name =;
269 D =;
270 else
271 data_name = inputname(2);
272 end
273 D = D(find(sum(isnan(D),2) < dim),:); % remove empty vectors from the data
274 [dlen ddim] = size(D); % check input dimension
275 if dim ~= ddim, error('Map and data input space dimensions disagree.'); end
277 % varargin
278 sTrain = som_set('som_train','algorithm','seq','neigh', ...
279 sMap.neigh,'mask',sMap.mask,'data_name',data_name);
280 radius = [];
281 alpha = [];
282 tracking = 1;
283 sample_order_type = 'random';
284 tlen_type = 'epochs';
286 i=1;
287 while i<=length(varargin),
288 argok = 1;
289 if ischar(varargin{i}),
290 switch varargin{i},
291 % argument IDs
292 case 'msize', i=i+1; sTopol.msize = varargin{i};
293 case 'lattice', i=i+1; sTopol.lattice = varargin{i};
294 case 'shape', i=i+1; sTopol.shape = varargin{i};
295 case 'mask', i=i+1; sTrain.mask = varargin{i};
296 case 'neigh', i=i+1; sTrain.neigh = varargin{i};
297 case 'trainlen', i=i+1; sTrain.trainlen = varargin{i};
298 case 'trainlen_type', i=i+1; tlen_type = varargin{i};
299 case 'tracking', i=i+1; tracking = varargin{i};
300 case 'sample_order', i=i+1; sample_order_type = varargin{i};
301 case 'radius_ini', i=i+1; sTrain.radius_ini = varargin{i};
302 case 'radius_fin', i=i+1; sTrain.radius_fin = varargin{i};
303 case 'radius',
304 i=i+1;
305 l = length(varargin{i});
306 if l==1,
307 sTrain.radius_ini = varargin{i};
308 else
309 sTrain.radius_ini = varargin{i}(1);
310 sTrain.radius_fin = varargin{i}(end);
311 if l>2, radius = varargin{i}; tlen_type = 'samples'; end
312 end
313 case 'alpha_type', i=i+1; sTrain.alpha_type = varargin{i};
314 case 'alpha_ini', i=i+1; sTrain.alpha_ini = varargin{i};
315 case 'alpha',
316 i=i+1;
317 sTrain.alpha_ini = varargin{i}(1);
318 if length(varargin{i})>1,
319 alpha = varargin{i}; tlen_type = 'samples';
320 sTrain.alpha_type = 'user defined';
321 end
322 case {'sTrain','train','som_train'}, i=i+1; sTrain = varargin{i};
323 case {'topol','sTopol','som_topol'},
324 i=i+1;
325 sTopol = varargin{i};
326 if prod(sTopol.msize) ~= munits,
327 error('Given map grid size does not match the codebook size.');
328 end
329 % unambiguous values
330 case {'inv','linear','power'}, sTrain.alpha_type = varargin{i};
331 case {'hexa','rect'}, sTopol.lattice = varargin{i};
332 case {'sheet','cyl','toroid'}, sTopol.shape = varargin{i};
333 case {'gaussian','cutgauss','ep','bubble'}, sTrain.neigh = varargin{i};
334 case {'epochs','samples'}, tlen_type = varargin{i};
335 case {'random', 'ordered'}, sample_order_type = varargin{i};
336 otherwise argok=0;
337 end
338 elseif isstruct(varargin{i}) & isfield(varargin{i},'type'),
339 switch varargin{i}(1).type,
340 case 'som_topol',
341 sTopol = varargin{i};
342 if prod(sTopol.msize) ~= munits,
343 error('Given map grid size does not match the codebook size.');
344 end
345 case 'som_train', sTrain = varargin{i};
346 otherwise argok=0;
347 end
348 else
349 argok = 0;
350 end
351 if ~argok,
352 disp(['(som_seqtrain) Ignoring invalid argument #' num2str(i+2)]);
353 end
354 i = i+1;
355 end
357 % training length
358 if ~isempty(radius) | ~isempty(alpha),
359 lr = length(radius);
360 la = length(alpha);
361 if lr>2 | la>1,
362 tlen_type = 'samples';
363 if lr> 2 & la<=1, sTrain.trainlen = lr;
364 elseif lr<=2 & la> 1, sTrain.trainlen = la;
365 elseif lr==la, sTrain.trainlen = la;
366 else
367 error('Mismatch between radius and learning rate vector lengths.')
368 end
369 end
370 end
371 if strcmp(tlen_type,'samples'), sTrain.trainlen = sTrain.trainlen/dlen; end
373 % check topology
374 if struct_mode,
375 if ~strcmp(sTopol.lattice,sMap.topol.lattice) | ...
376 ~strcmp(sTopol.shape,sMap.topol.shape) | ...
377 any(sTopol.msize ~= sMap.topol.msize),
378 warning('Changing the original map topology.');
379 end
380 end
381 sMap.topol = sTopol;
383 % complement the training struct
384 sTrain = som_train_struct(sTrain,sMap,'dlen',dlen);
385 if isempty(sTrain.mask), sTrain.mask = ones(dim,1); end
387 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
388 %% initialize
390 M = sMap.codebook;
391 mask = sTrain.mask;
392 trainlen = sTrain.trainlen*dlen;
394 % neighborhood radius
395 if length(radius)>2,
396 radius_type = 'user defined';
397 else
398 radius = [sTrain.radius_ini sTrain.radius_fin];
399 rini = radius(1);
400 rstep = (radius(end)-radius(1))/(trainlen-1);
401 radius_type = 'linear';
402 end
404 % learning rate
405 if length(alpha)>1,
406 sTrain.alpha_type ='user defined';
407 if length(alpha) ~= trainlen,
408 error('Trainlen and length of neighborhood radius vector do not match.')
409 end
410 if any(isnan(alpha)),
411 error('NaN is an illegal learning rate.')
412 end
413 else
414 if isempty(alpha), alpha = sTrain.alpha_ini; end
415 if strcmp(sTrain.alpha_type,'inv'),
416 % alpha(t) = a / (t+b), where a and b are chosen suitably
417 % below, they are chosen so that alpha_fin = alpha_ini/100
418 b = (trainlen - 1) / (100 - 1);
419 a = b * alpha;
420 end
421 end
423 % initialize random number generator
424 rand('state',sum(100*clock));
426 % distance between map units in the output space
427 % Since in the case of gaussian and ep neighborhood functions, the
428 % equations utilize squares of the unit distances and in bubble case
429 % it doesn't matter which is used, the unitdistances and neighborhood
430 % radiuses are squared.
431 Ud = som_unit_dists(sTopol).^2;
433 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
434 %% Action
436 update_step = 100;
437 mu_x_1 = ones(munits,1);
438 samples = ones(update_step,1);
439 r = samples;
440 alfa = samples;
442 qe = 0;
443 start = clock;
444 if tracking > 0, % initialize tracking
445 track_table = zeros(update_step,1);
446 qe = zeros(floor(trainlen/update_step),1);
447 end
449 for t = 1:trainlen,
451 % Every update_step, new values for sample indeces, neighborhood
452 % radius and learning rate are calculated. This could be done
453 % every step, but this way it is more efficient. Or this could
454 % be done all at once outside the loop, but it would require much
455 % more memory.
456 ind = rem(t,update_step); if ind==0, ind = update_step; end
457 if ind==1,
458 steps = [t:min(trainlen,t+update_step-1)];
459 % sample order
460 switch sample_order_type,
461 case 'ordered', samples = rem(steps,dlen)+1;
462 case 'random', samples = ceil(dlen*rand(update_step,1)+eps);
463 end
465 % neighborhood radius
466 switch radius_type,
467 case 'linear', r = rini+(steps-1)*rstep;
468 case 'user defined', r = radius(steps);
469 end
470 r=r.^2; % squared radius (see notes about Ud above)
471 r(r==0) = eps; % zero radius might cause div-by-zero error
473 % learning rate
474 switch sTrain.alpha_type,
475 case 'linear', alfa = (1-steps/trainlen)*alpha;
476 case 'inv', alfa = a ./ (b + steps-1);
477 case 'power', alfa = alpha * (0.005/alpha).^((steps-1)/trainlen);
478 case 'user defined', alfa = alpha(steps);
479 end
480 end
482 % find BMU
483 x = D(samples(ind),:); % pick one sample vector
484 known = ~isnan(x); % its known components
485 Dx = M(:,known) - x(mu_x_1,known); % each map unit minus the vector
486 [qerr bmu] = min((Dx.^2)*mask(known)); % minimum distance(^2) and the BMU
488 % tracking
489 if tracking>0,
490 track_table(ind) = sqrt(qerr);
491 if ind==update_step,
492 n = ceil(t/update_step);
493 qe(n) = mean(track_table);
494 trackplot(M,D,tracking,start,n,qe);
495 end
496 end
498 % neighborhood & learning rate
499 % notice that the elements Ud and radius have been squared!
500 % (see notes about Ud above)
501 switch sTrain.neigh,
502 case 'bubble', h = (Ud(:,bmu)<=r(ind));
503 case 'gaussian', h = exp(-Ud(:,bmu)/(2*r(ind)));
504 case 'cutgauss', h = exp(-Ud(:,bmu)/(2*r(ind))) .* (Ud(:,bmu)<=r(ind));
505 case 'ep', h = (1-Ud(:,bmu)/r(ind)) .* (Ud(:,bmu)<=r(ind));
506 end
507 h = h*alfa(ind);
509 % update M
510 M(:,known) = M(:,known) - h(:,ones(sum(known),1)).*Dx;
512 end; % for t = 1:trainlen
514 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
515 %% Build / clean up the return arguments
517 if tracking, fprintf(1,'\n'); end
519 % update structures
520 sTrain = som_set(sTrain,'time',datestr(now,0));
521 if struct_mode,
522 sMap = som_set(sMap,'codebook',M,'mask',sTrain.mask,'neigh',sTrain.neigh);
523 tl = length(sMap.trainhist);
524 sMap.trainhist(tl+1) = sTrain;
525 else
526 sMap = reshape(M,orig_size);
527 end
529 return;
533 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
534 %% subfunctions
536 %%%%%%%%
537 function [] = trackplot(M,D,tracking,start,n,qe)
539 l = length(qe);
540 elap_t = etime(clock,start);
541 tot_t = elap_t*l/n;
542 fprintf(1,'\rTraining: %3.0f/ %3.0f s',elap_t,tot_t)
543 switch tracking
544 case 1,
545 case 2,
546 plot(1:n,qe(1:n),(n+1):l,qe((n+1):l))
547 title('Quantization errors for latest samples')
548 drawnow
549 otherwise,
550 subplot(2,1,1), plot(1:n,qe(1:n),(n+1):l,qe((n+1):l))
551 title('Quantization error for latest samples');
552 subplot(2,1,2), plot(M(:,1),M(:,2),'ro',D(:,1),D(:,2),'b.');
553 title('First two components of map units (o) and data vectors (+)');
554 drawnow
555 end
556 % end of trackplot