comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_read_data.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function sData = som_read_data(filename, varargin)
3 %SOM_READ_DATA Read data from an ascii file in SOM_PAK format.
4 %
5 % sD = som_read_data(filename, dim, [missing])
6 % sD = som_read_data(filename, [missing])
7 %
8 % sD = som_read_data('');
9 % sD = som_read_data('',10);
10 % sD = som_read_data('','*');
11 % sD = som_read_data('',10,'*');
12 %
13 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
14 % filename (string) input file name
15 % dim (scalar) input space dimension
16 % [missing] (string) string which indicates a missing component
17 % value, 'NaN' by default
18 %
19 % sD (struct) data struct
20 %
21 % Reads data from an ascii file. The file must be in SOM_PAK format,
22 % except that it may lack the input space dimension from the first
23 % line.
24 %
25 % For more help, try 'type som_read_data' or check out online documentation.
28 %%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
29 %
30 % som_read_data
31 %
33 %
34 % Reads data from an ascii file in SOM_PAK format.
35 %
37 %
38 % sD = som_read_data(filename)
39 % sD = som_read_data(..., dim)
40 % sD = som_read_data(..., 'missing')
41 % sD = som_read_data(..., dim, 'missing')
42 %
44 %
45 % This function is offered for compatibility with SOM_PAK, a SOM software
46 % package in C. It reads data from a file in SOM_PAK format.
47 %
48 % The SOM_PAK data file format is as follows. The first line must
49 % contain the input space dimension and nothing else. The following
50 % lines are comment lines, empty lines or data lines. Unlike programs
51 % in SOM_PAK, this function can also determine the input dimension
52 % from the first data lines, if the input space dimension line is
53 % missing. Note that the SOM_PAK format is not fully supported: data
54 % vector 'weight' and 'fixed' properties are ignored (they are treated
55 % as labels).
56 %
57 % Each data line contains one data vector and its labels. From the beginning
58 % of the line, first are values of the vector components separated by
59 % whitespaces, then labels also separated by whitespaces. If there are
60 % missing values in the vector, the missing value marker needs to be
61 % specified as the last input argument ('NaN' by default). The missing
62 % values are stored as NaNs in the data struct.
63 %
64 % Comment lines start with '#'. Comment lines as well as empty lines are
65 % ignored, except if the comment lines that start with '#n' or '#l'. In that
66 % case the line should contain names of the vector components or label names
67 % separated by whitespaces.
68 %
69 % NOTE: The minimum value Matlab is able to deal with (realmax)
70 % should not appear in the input file. This is because function sscanf is
71 % not able to read NaNs: the NaNs are in the read phase converted to value
72 % realmax.
73 %
75 %
76 % filename (string) input filename
77 %
79 %
80 % dim (scalar) input space dimension
81 % missing (string) string used to denote missing components (NaNs);
82 % default is 'NaN'
83 %
85 %
86 % sD (struct) the resulting data struct
87 %
89 %
90 % The basic usage is:
91 % sD = som_read_data('');
92 %
93 % If you know the input space dimension beforehand, and the file does
94 % not contain it on the first line, it helps if you specify it as the
95 % second argument:
96 % sD = som_read_data('',9);
97 %
98 % If the missing components in the data are marked with some other
99 % characters than with 'NaN', you can specify it with the last argument:
100 % sD = som_read_data('',9,'*')
101 % sD = som_read_data('','NaN')
102 %
103 % Here's an example data file:
104 %
105 % 5
106 % #n one two three four five
107 % #l ID
108 % 10 2 3 4 5 1stline label
109 % 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 2ndline label1 label2
110 % # comment line: missing components are indicated by 'x':s
111 % 1 x 1 x 1 3rdline missing_components
112 % x 1 2 2 2
113 % x x x x x 5thline emptyline
114 %
115 % SEE ALSO
116 %
117 % som_write_data Writes data structs/matrices to a file in SOM_PAK format.
118 % som_read_cod Read a map from a file in SOM_PAK format.
119 % som_write_cod Writes data struct into a file in SOM_PAK format.
120 % som_data_struct Creates data structs.
122 % Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
123 %
125 % Version 1.0beta ecco 221097
126 % Version 2.0beta ecco 060899, juuso 151199
128 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
129 %% check arguments
131 error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin)) % check no. of input args is correct
133 dont_care = 'NaN'; % default don't care string
134 comment_start = '#'; % the char a SOM_PAK command line starts with
135 comp_name_line = '#n'; % string denoting a special command line,
136 % which contains names of each component
137 label_name_line = '#l'; % string denoting a special command line,
138 % which contains names of each label
139 block_size = 1000; % block size used in file read
141 kludge = num2str(realmax, 100); % used in sscanf
144 % open input file
146 fid = fopen(filename);
147 if fid < 0
148 error(['Cannot open ' filename]);
149 end
151 % process input arguments
153 if nargin == 2
154 if isstr(varargin{1})
155 dont_care = varargin{1};
156 else
157 dim = varargin{1};
158 end
159 elseif nargin == 3
160 dim = varargin{1};
161 dont_care = varargin{2};
162 end
164 % if the data dimension is not specified, find out what it is
166 if nargin == 1 | (nargin == 2 & isstr(varargin{1}))
168 fpos1 = ftell(fid); c1 = 0; % read first non-comment line
169 while c1 == 0,
170 line1 = strrep(fgetl(fid), dont_care, kludge);
171 [l1, c1] = sscanf(line1, '%f ');
172 end
174 fpos2 = ftell(fid); c2 = 0; % read second non-comment line
175 while c2 == 0,
176 line2 = strrep(fgetl(fid), dont_care, kludge);
177 [l2, c2] = sscanf(line2, '%f ');
178 end
180 if (c1 == 1 & c2 ~= 1) | (c1 == c2 & c1 == 1 & l1 == 1)
181 dim = l1;
182 fseek(fid, fpos2, -1);
183 elseif (c1 == c2)
184 dim = c1;
185 fseek(fid, fpos1, -1);
186 warning on
187 warning(['Automatically determined data dimension is ' ...
188 num2str(dim) '. Is it correct?']);
189 else
190 error(['Invalid header line: ' line1]);
191 end
192 end
194 % check the dimension is valid
196 if dim < 1 | dim ~= round(dim)
197 error(['Illegal data dimension: ' num2str(dim)]);
198 end
200 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
201 %% read data
203 sData = som_data_struct(zeros(1, dim), 'name', filename);
204 lnum = 0; % data vector counter
205 data_temp = zeros(block_size, dim);
206 labs_temp = cell(block_size, 1);
207 comp_names = sData.comp_names;
208 label_names = sData.label_names;
209 form = [repmat('%g',[1 dim-1]) '%g%[^ \t]'];
211 limit = block_size;
212 while 1,
213 li = fgetl(fid); % read next line
214 if ~isstr(li), break, end; % is this the end of file?
216 % all missing vectors are replaced by value realmax because
217 % sscanf is not able to read NaNs
218 li = strrep(li, dont_care, kludge);
219 [data, c, err, n] = sscanf(li, form);
220 if c < dim % if there were less numbers than dim on the input file line
221 if c == 0
222 if strncmp(li, comp_name_line, 2) % component name line?
223 li = strrep(li(3:end), kludge, dont_care); i = 0; c = 1;
224 while c
225 [s, c, e, n] = sscanf(li, '%s%[^ \t]');
226 if ~isempty(s), i = i + 1; comp_names{i} = s; li = li(n:end); end
227 end
229 if i ~= dim
230 error(['Illegal number of component names: ' num2str(i) ...
231 ' (dimension is ' num2str(dim) ')']);
232 end
233 elseif strncmp(li, label_name_line, 2) % label name line?
234 li = strrep(li(3:end), kludge, dont_care); i = 0; c = 1;
235 while c
236 [s, c, e, n] = sscanf(li, '%s%[^ \t]');
237 if ~isempty(s), i = i + 1; label_names{i} = s; li = li(n:end); end
238 end
239 elseif ~strncmp(li, comment_start, 1) % not a comment, is it error?
240 [s, c, e, n] = sscanf(li, '%s%[^ \t]');
241 if c
242 error(['Invalid vector on input file data line ' ...
243 num2str(lnum+1) ': [' deblank(li) ']']),
244 end
245 end
246 else
247 error(['Only ' num2str(c) ' vector components on input file data line ' ...
248 num2str(lnum+1) ' (dimension is ' num2str(dim) ')']);
249 end
251 else
253 lnum = lnum + 1; % this was a line containing data vector
254 data_temp(lnum, 1:dim) = data'; % add data to struct
256 if lnum == limit % reserve more memory if necessary
257 data_temp(lnum+1:lnum+block_size, 1:dim) = zeros(block_size, dim);
258 [dummy nl] = size(labs_temp);
259 labs_temp(lnum+1:lnum+block_size,1:nl) = cell(block_size, nl);
260 limit = limit + block_size;
261 end
263 % read labels
265 if n < length(li)
266 li = strrep(li(n:end), kludge, dont_care); i = 0; n = 1; c = 1;
267 while c
268 [s, c, e, n_new] = sscanf(li(n:end), '%s%[^ \t]');
269 if c, i = i + 1; labs_temp{lnum, i} = s; n = n + n_new - 1; end
270 end
271 end
272 end
273 end
275 % close input file
276 if fclose(fid) < 0, error(['Cannot close file ' filename]);
277 else fprintf(2, '\rdata read ok \n'); end
279 % set values
280 data_temp(data_temp == realmax) = NaN;
281 = data_temp(1:lnum,:);
282 sData.labels = labs_temp(1:lnum,:);
283 sData.comp_names = comp_names;
284 sData.label_names = label_names;
286 return;
288 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%