comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_order_cplanes.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function P = som_order_cplanes(sM, varargin)
3 %SOM_ORDER_CPLANES Orders and shows the SOM component planes.
4 %
5 % P = som_order_cplanes(sM, [[argID,] value, ...])
6 %
7 % som_order_cplanes(sM);
8 % som_order_cplanes(sM,'comp',1:30,'simil',C,'pca');
9 % P = som_order_cplanes(sM);
10 %
11 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
12 % sM (struct) map or data struct
13 % (matrix) a data matrix, size * x dim
14 % [argID, (string) See below. The values which are unambiguous can
15 % value] (varies) be given without the preceeding argID.
16 %
17 % P (matrix) size n x * (typically n x 2), the projection coordinates
18 %
19 % Here are the valid argument IDs and corresponding values. The values
20 % which are unambiguous (marked with '*') can be given without the
21 % preceeding argID.
22 % 'comp' (vector) size 1 x n, which components to project, 1:dim by default
23 % 'simil' *(string) similarity measure to use
24 % 'corr' linear correlation between component planes
25 % 'abs(corr)' absolute value of correlation (default)
26 % 'umat' as 'abs(corr)' but calculated from U-matrices
27 % 'mutu' mutual information (not implemented yet)
28 % (matrix) size n x n, a similarity matrix to be used
29 % 'proj' *(string) projection method to use: 'SOM' (default),
30 % 'pca', 'sammon', 'cca', 'order', 'ring'
31 % 'msize' (vector) size of the SOM that is used for projection
32 % 'show' *(string) how visualization is done: 'planes' (default),
33 % 'names', or 'none'
34 % 'mask' (vector) dim x 1, the mask to use, ones(dim,1) by default
35 % 'comp_names' (cell array) of strings, size dim x 1, the component names
36 %
37 % The visualized objects have a callback associated with them: by
38 % clicking on the object, the index and name of the component are printed
39 % to the standard output.
40 %
41 % See also SOM_SHOW.
43 % Copyright (c) 2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
44 % Contributed to SOM Toolbox on June 16th, 2000 by Juha Vesanto
45 %
47 % Version 2.0beta juuso 120600 070601
49 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
50 %% check arguments
52 % sM
53 if isstruct(sM),
54 switch sM.type
55 case 'som_map',
56 D = sM.codebook; dim = size(D,2); cnames = sM.comp_names; mask = sM.mask;
57 ismap = 1;
58 case 'som_data',
59 D =; dim = size(D,2); cnames = sM.comp_names; mask = ones(dim,1);
60 ismap = 0;
61 otherwise, error('Invalid first argument.');
62 end
63 else
64 D = sM;
65 dim = size(D,2); mask = ones(dim,1);
66 cnames = cell(dim,1);
67 for i = 1:dim, cnames{i} = sprintf('Variable%d',i); end
68 ismap = 0;
69 end
71 % defaults
72 comps = 1:dim;
73 simil = 'abs(corr)';
74 proj = 'SOM';
75 show = 'planes';
76 mapsize = NaN;
78 % varargin
79 i=1;
80 while i<=length(varargin),
81 argok = 1;
82 if ischar(varargin{i}),
83 switch varargin{i},
84 % argument IDs
85 case 'mask', i=i+1; mask = varargin{i};
86 case 'comp_names', i=i+1; cnames = varargin{i};
87 case 'comp', i=i+1; comps = varargin{i};
88 case 'proj', i=i+1; proj = varargin{i};
89 case 'show', i=i+1; show = varargin{i};
90 case 'simil', i=i+1; simil = varargin{i};
91 case 'msize', i=i+1; mapsize = varargin{i};
92 % unambiguous values
93 case {'corr','abs(corr)','umat','mutu'}, simil = varargin{i};
94 case {'SOM','pca','sammon','cca','order','ring'}, proj = varargin{i};
95 case {'planes','names','none'}, show = varargin{i};
96 otherwise argok=0;
97 end
98 else
99 argok = 0;
100 end
101 if ~argok,
102 disp(['(som_order_cplanes) Ignoring invalid argument #' num2str(i+1)]);
103 end
104 i = i+1;
105 end
107 if strcmp(show,'planes') & ~ismap,
108 warning('Given data is not a map: using ''names'' visualization.');
109 show = 'names';
110 end
112 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
113 %% similarity matrix
115 fprintf(1,'Calculating similarity matrix\n');
117 % use U-matrix
118 if strcmp(simil,'umat'),
119 if ~ismap, error('Given data is not a map: cannot use U-matrix similarity.'); end
120 U = som_umat(sM);
121 D = zeros(prod(size(U)),dim);
122 m = zeros(dim,1);
123 for i=1:dim, m=m*0; m(i)=1; U = som_umat(sM,'mask',m); D(:,i) = U(:); end
124 end
126 % components
127 D = D(:,comps);
128 cnames = cnames(comps);
129 mask = mask(comps);
130 dim = length(comps);
132 % similarity matrix
133 if ischar(simil),
134 switch simil,
135 case {'corr','abs(corr)','umat'},
136 A = zeros(dim);
137 me = zeros(1,dim);
138 for i=1:dim,
139 me(i) = mean(D(isfinite(D(:,i)),i)); D(:,i) = D(:,i) - me(i);
140 end
141 for i=1:dim,
142 for j=i:dim,
143 c = D(:,i).*D(:,j); c = c(isfinite(c));
144 A(i,j) = sum(c)/length(c); A(j,i) = A(i,j);
145 end
146 end
147 s = diag(A);
148 A = A./sqrt(s*s');
149 switch simil,
150 case {'abs(corr)','umat'}, A = abs(A);
151 case 'corr', A = A + 1;
152 end
153 case 'mutu',
154 error('Mutual information not implemented yet.');
155 end
156 else
157 A = simil;
158 end
160 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
161 %% projection
163 fprintf(1,'Projection\n');
165 mu = 2*dim;
167 switch proj,
168 case 'SOM',
170 if isnan(mapsize),
171 sMtmp = som_randinit(A,'munits',mu);
172 msize = sMtmp.topol.msize;
173 else
174 msize = mapsize;
175 end
177 sM2 = som_make(A,'msize',msize,'rect','tracking',0);
178 bm = assign_unique_bm(sM2,A);
179 Co = som_unit_coords(sM2);
180 P = Co(bm,:);
182 case 'ring',
184 if isnan(mapsize), msize = [1 mu]; else msize = mapsize; end
186 sM2 = som_make(A,'msize',msize,'cyl','rect','tracking',0);
187 bm = assign_unique_bm(sM2,A);
188 Co = som_unit_coords(sM2);
189 P = Co(bm,[1 3]);
191 case 'order',
193 if isnan(mapsize), msize = [1 mu]; else msize = mapsize; end
195 sM2 = som_make(A,'msize',msize,'tracking',0);
196 bm = assign_unique_bm(sM2,A);
197 [dummy,i] = sort(bm);
198 [dummy,P] = sort(i);
199 if size(P,2)>1, P = P'; end
200 if size(P,2)==1, P(:,2) = zeros(length(P),1); end
202 case {'pca','sammon','cca'},
203 P = pcaproj(A,2);
204 if strcmp(proj,'sammon'), P = sammon(A,P,50,'steps');
205 elseif strcmp(proj,'cca'), P = cca(A,P,50);
206 end
208 end
210 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
211 %% visualization
213 if ~strcmp(show,'none'),
214 fprintf(1,'Visualization\n');
215 cla
216 hold on
217 if strcmp(show,'planes')
218 s = findscaling(sM.topol.msize,P);
219 for i=1:dim,
220 C = som_normcolor(D(:,i));
221 if strcmp(simil,'umat'),
222 h=som_cplane([sM.topol.lattice 'U'],sM.topol.msize,C,1,s*P(i,:));
223 else
224 h=som_cplane(sM,C,1,s*P(i,:));
225 end
226 set(h,'edgecolor','none','Userdata',sprintf('[%d] %s',i,cnames{i}));
227 set(h,'ButtonDownFcn','fprintf(1,''%s\n'',get(gco,''UserData''))');
228 end
229 else
230 s=1;
231 a=[min(P(:,1))-1 max(P(:,1))+1 min(P(:,2))-1-3 max(P(:,2))+1-3];
232 axis(s*a);
233 end
234 h=text(s*P(:,1),s*P(:,2)-3,cnames);
235 for i=1:length(h), set(h(i),'Userdata',sprintf('[%d] %s',i,cnames{i})); end
236 set(h,'ButtonDownFcn','fprintf(1,''%s\n'',get(gco,''UserData''))');
237 hold off
239 axis on; axis equal; axis tight; set(gca,'XTick',[],'YTick',[],'Box','on');
240 end
242 return;
244 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
245 %% subfunctions
247 function bm = assign_unique_bm(sM,D)
249 munits = size(sM.codebook,1);
250 [dlen dim] = size(D);
251 margin = max(0,dlen-munits);
253 [bm,qers] = som_bmus(sM,D);
254 bmi=ones(dim,1);
255 hits = som_hits(sM,D);
256 mult = find(hits>1);
257 while any(mult) & sum(hits(mult))-length(mult)>margin,
258 choices = find(bm==mult(1));
259 while length(choices)>1,
260 [dummy,mv] = max(qers(choices)); mv = choices(mv);
261 [mv_to,q] = som_bmus(sM,D(mv,:),bmi(mv));
262 bmi(mv)=bmi(mv)+1; qers(mv) = q; bm(mv) = mv_to;
263 choices = find(bm==mv_to);
264 end
265 for i=1:length(hits), hits(i)=sum(bm==i); end
266 mult = find(hits>1);
267 end
268 return;
270 function s = findscaling(msize,P)
272 d1 = median(abs(diff(unique(sort(P(:,1))))));
273 d2 = median(abs(diff(unique(sort(P(:,2))))));
274 if d1>0, s1 = 1.5*msize(2)/d1; else s1 = 0; end
275 if d2>0, s2 = 1.5*msize(1)/d2; else s2 = 0; end
276 s = max(s1,s2);
277 if s==0, s=1; end
278 return;
280 function alternative_SOM_plane_vis(sT,bm,simil,D,cnames)
282 clf
283 for i=1:size(D,2),
284 subplot(sT.msize(2),sT.msize(1),bm(i));
285 if strcmp(simil,'umat'), h=som_cplane([sT.lattice 'U'],sT.msize,D(:,i));
286 else h=som_cplane(sT,D(:,i));
287 end
288 set(h,'edgecolor','none');
289 title(cnames{i});
290 axis off
291 end
292 return;