comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_clustercolor.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function color=som_clustercolor(m, class, colorcode)
3 % SOM_CLUSTERCOLOR Sets map unit coloring according to classification
4 %
5 % syntax 1: color = som_clustercolor(m, class, [colorcode])
6 % syntax 2: color = som_clustercolor(class, colormatrix)
7 %
8 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
9 % m (struct) map or topol struct
10 % (cell array) of form {str,[m1 m2]} where str = 'hexa'
11 % or 'rect' and [m1 m2] = msize.
12 % class (matrix) Mxn matrix of integers (class labels)
13 % where M is the number of map units and each
14 % column gives some classification for the units.
15 % colorcode (string) 'rgb1', 'rgb2' (default), 'rgb3', 'rgb4', 'hsv'.
16 % colormatrix (matrix) Mx3 matrix of RGB triplets giving the
17 % initial color code for each unit.
18 % color (matrix) size Mx3xn of RGB triplets giving the
19 % resulting color code for each unit
20 %
21 % The function gives a color coding by class and location for the
22 % map units. The color is determined by calculating the mean of the
23 % initial RGB values of units belonging to the same class.
24 %
25 % Function has two syntaxes:
26 %
27 % * If first argument gives the map topology, i.e. is map or topol struct
28 % or cell indicating the topology, the initial color coding of the
29 % units may be given by a string ('rgb1','rgb2','rgb3','rgb4', or 'hsv')
30 % which describe a predefined coloring scheme. (see SOM_COLORCODE).
31 % or an initial color matrix of size Mx3 with RGB triplets as rows.
32 % * Another possibility is to give just the classification vector
33 % of size Mx1 and an initial color matrix of size Mx3 with RGB
34 % triplets as rows.
35 %
36 % EXAMPLE (requires Matlab Statistics Toolbox)
37 %
38 % % Do a 10-cluster single linkage hierachical clustering for SOM units
39 % class=cluster(linkage(pdist(sM.codebook),'single'),10);
40 % % Color code the clusters
41 % C=som_clustercolor(sM, class, 'rgb2');
42 % % Visualize
43 % som_show(sM,'color',C);
44 %
47 % Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, February 11th, 2000 by Johan Himberg
48 % Copyright (c) by Johan Himberg
49 %
51 % Version 2.0beta Johan 100200
53 %%% Check arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
55 error(nargchk(2, 3, nargin)); % check no. of input args is correct
57 % Check 1s argument
59 % Class matrix?
60 if vis_valuetype(m, {'nxm'});
61 colorcode=class;
62 class=m;
63 if ~vis_valuetype(colorcode,{'nx3rgb',[size(class,1) 3]},'all'),
64 error(['If map or topol is not specified the colorcode must be a' ...
65 ' [size(class,1) 3] sized RGB matrix.']);
66 end
67 else
68 [tmp,ok,tmp]=som_set(m);
69 if isstruct(m) & all(ok)
70 switch m.type
71 case 'som_topol' % topol?
72 msize=m.msize;
73 lattice=m.lattice;
74 case 'som_map'
75 msize=m.topol.msize; % map?
76 lattice=m.topol.lattice;
77 otherwise
78 error('Invalid map or topol struct.');
79 end
80 % cell?
81 elseif iscell(m) & vis_valuetype(size(m),{[1 2]}),
82 if vis_valuetype(m{2},{[1 2]}) & vis_valuetype(m{1},{'string'}),
83 lattice=m{1};
84 msize=m{2};
85 else
86 error('Invalid map size information.');
87 end
88 else
89 % not known type
90 error('Invalid first argument!');
91 end
92 % Check map parameters
93 switch lattice % lattice
94 case 'hexa'
95 ;
96 case 'rect'
97 ;
98 otherwise
99 error('Unknown lattice type');
100 end
101 if length(msize)>2 % dimension
102 error('Only 2D maps allowed!');
103 end
104 % Check colorcode
105 if nargin<3 | isempty(colorcode)
106 colorcode='rgb2';
107 end
108 end
110 % Check class
111 if any(class~=round(class))
112 error('Class labels must be integer numbers.');
113 end
115 if min(class)<=0
116 error('Class numbers should be greater than 0');
117 end
119 if ischar(colorcode),
120 switch colorcode
121 case{'rgb1','rgb2','rgb3','rgb4','hsv'}
122 colorcode=som_colorcode(m, colorcode);
123 otherwise
124 error(['Color code not known: should be ''rgb1'',''rgb2'',' ...
125 ' ''rgb3'',''rgb4'' or ''hsv''.']);
126 end
127 elseif ~vis_valuetype(colorcode,{'nx3rgb',[size(class,1) 3]},'all');
128 error(['Invalid colorcode matrix: should be a ' ...
129 '[length(class) 3] sized RGB matrix.']);
130 end
132 %% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
134 % Go through all i classifications (columns)
135 for i=1:size(class,2),
136 % Get unique class labels in ith classification
137 c=unique(class(:,i))'; % row vector for loop indexing
138 % Go through all class in ith classification
139 for j=c;
140 index=(class(:,i)==j);
141 N=sum(index);
142 colors=colorcode(index,:);
143 % Calculate the mean color
144 meancolor=repmat(mean(colors,1),N,1);
145 % Select the original color that is closest to this mean
146 dist=sum((meancolor-colors).^2,2);
147 [tmp,min_dist_index]=min(dist);
148 best_color=repmat(colors(min_dist_index,:),N,1);
149 % Set the color to output variable
150 color(index,:,i)=best_color;
151 end
152 end