comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/@miraudio/miraudio.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function varargout = miraudio(orig,varargin)
2 % a = miraudio('filename') loads the sound file 'filename' (in WAV or AU
3 % format) into a miraudio object.
4 % a = miraudio('Folder') loads all the sound files in the CURRENT folder
5 % into a miraudio object.
6 % a = miraudio(v,sr), where v is a column vector, translates the vector v
7 % into a miraudio object. The sampling frequency is set to sr Hertz.
8 % Default value for sr: 44100 Hz.
9 % a = miraudio(b, ...), where b is already a miraudio object, performs
10 % operations on b specified by the optional arguments (see below).
11 %
12 % Transformation options:
13 % miraudio(...,'Mono',0) does not perform the default summing of
14 % channels into one single mono track, but instead stores each
15 % channel of the initial soundfile separately.
16 % miraudio(...,'Center') centers the signals.
17 % miraudio(...,'Sampling',r) resamples at sampling rate r (in Hz).
18 % (Requires the Signal Processing Toolbox.)
19 % miraudio(...,'Normal') normalizes with respect to RMS energy.
20 % Extraction options:
21 % miraudio(...,'Extract',t1,t2,u,f) extracts the signal between dates
22 % t1 and t2, expressed in the unit u.
23 % Possible values for u:
24 % 's' (seconds, by default),
25 % 'sp' (sample index, starting from 1).
26 % The additional optional argument f indicates the referential
27 % origin of the temporal positions. Possible values for f:
28 % 'Start' (by default)
29 % 'Middle' (of the sequence)
30 % 'End' of the sequence
31 % When using 'Middle' or 'End', negative values for t1 or t2
32 % indicate values before the middle or the end of the audio
33 % sequence.
34 % miraudio(...,'Trim') trims the pseudo-silence beginning and end off
35 % the audio file. Silent frames are frames with RMS below t times
36 % the medium RMS of the whole audio file.
37 % Default value: t = 0.06
38 % instead of 'Trim':
39 % 'TrimStart' only trims the beginning of the audio file,
40 % 'TrimEnd' only trims the end.
41 % miraudio(...,'TrimThreshold',t) specifies the trimming threshold t.
42 % miraudio(...,'Channel',c) or miraudio(...,'Channels',c) selects the
43 % channels indicated by the (array of) integer(s) c.
44 % Labeling option:
45 % miraudio(...,'Label',l) labels the audio signal(s) following the
46 % label(s) l.
47 % If l is a (series of) number(s), the audio signal(s) are
48 % labelled using the substring of their respective file name of
49 % index l. If l=0, the audio signal(s) are labelled using the
50 % whole file name.
53 if isnumeric(orig)
54 if size(orig,2) > 1 || size(orig,3) > 1
55 mirerror('MIRAUDIO','Only column vectors can be imported into mirtoolbox.');
56 end
57 if nargin == 1
58 f = 44100;
59 else
60 f = varargin{1};
61 end
62 b = 32;
63 if size(orig,1) == 1
64 orig = orig';
65 end
66 tp = (0:size(orig,1)-1)'/f;
67 t = mirtemporal([],'Time',{{tp}},'Data',{{orig}},...
68 'FramePos',{{tp([1 end])}},'Sampling',{f},...
69 'Name',{inputname(1)},'Label',{{}},'Clusters',{{}},...
70 'Channels',[],'Centered',0,'NBits',{b},...
71 'Title','Audio signal',...
72 'PeakPos',{{{}}},'PeakVal',{{{}}},'PeakMode',{{{}}});
73 aa.fresh = 1;
74 varargout = {class(aa,'miraudio',t)};
75 return
76 end
79 center.key = 'Center';
80 center.type = 'Boolean';
81 center.default = 0;
82 center.when = 'After';
83 = center;
85 normal.key = 'Normal';
86 normal.type = 'Boolean';
87 normal.default = 0;
88 normal.when = 'After';
89 option.normal = normal;
91 extract.key = {'Extract','Excerpt'};
92 extract.type = 'Integer';
93 extract.number = 2;
94 extract.default = [];
95 extract.unit = {'s','sp'};
96 extract.defaultunit = 's';
97 extract.from = {'Start','Middle','End'};
98 extract.defaultfrom = 'Start';
99 option.extract = extract;
101 trim.type = 'String';
102 trim.choice = {'NoTrim','Trim','TrimBegin','TrimStart','TrimEnd'};
103 trim.default = 'NoTrim';
104 trim.when = 'After';
105 option.trim = trim;
107 trimthreshold.key = 'TrimThreshold';
108 trimthreshold.type = 'Integer';
109 trimthreshold.default = .06;
110 trimthreshold.when = 'After';
111 option.trimthreshold = trimthreshold;
113 label.key = 'Label';
114 label.default = '';
115 label.when = 'After';
116 option.label = label;
118 sampling.key = 'Sampling';
119 sampling.type = 'Integer';
120 sampling.default = 0;
121 sampling.when = 'Both';
122 option.sampling = sampling;
124 % segment.key = 'Segment';
125 % segment.type = 'Integer';
126 % segment.default = [];
127 % segment.when = 'After';
128 % option.segment = segment;
130 reverse.key = 'Reverse';
131 reverse.type = 'Boolean';
132 reverse.default = 0;
133 reverse.when = 'After';
134 option.reverse = reverse;
136 mono.key = 'Mono';
137 mono.type = 'Boolean';
138 mono.default = NaN;
139 mono.when = 'After';
140 option.mono = mono;
142 separate.key = 'SeparateChannels';
143 separate.type = 'Boolean';
144 separate.default = 0;
145 option.separate = separate;
147 Ch.key = {'Channel','Channels'};
148 Ch.type = 'Integer';
149 Ch.default = [];
150 Ch.when = 'After';
151 option.Ch = Ch;
153 specif.option = option;
155 specif.beforechunk = {@beforechunk,'normal'};
156 specif.eachchunk = @eachchunk;
157 specif.combinechunk = @combinechunk;
159 if nargin > 1 && ischar(varargin{1}) && strcmp(varargin{1},'Now')
160 if nargin > 2
161 extract = varargin{2};
162 else
163 extract = [];
164 end
165 para = [];
166 varargout = {main(orig,[],para,[],extract)};
167 else
168 varargout = mirfunction(@miraudio,orig,varargin,nargout,specif,@init,@main);
169 end
170 if isempty(varargout)
171 varargout = {{}};
172 end
175 function [x type] = init(x,option)
176 if isa(x,'mirdesign')
177 if option.sampling
178 x = setresampling(x,option.sampling);
179 end
180 end
181 type = 'miraudio';
184 function a = main(orig,option,after,index,extract)
185 if iscell(orig)
186 orig = orig{1};
187 end
188 if ischar(orig)
189 if nargin < 5
190 extract = [];
191 end
192 [d{1},tp{1},fp{1},f{1},b{1},n{1},ch{1}] = mirread(extract,orig,1,0);
193 t = mirtemporal([],'Time',tp,'Data',d,'FramePos',fp,'Sampling',f,...
194 'Name',n,'Label',cell(1,length(d)),...
195 'Clusters',cell(1,length(d)),...
196 'Channels',ch,'Centered',0,'NBits',b);
197 t = set(t,'Title','Audio waveform');
198 a.fresh = 1;
199 a = class(a,'miraudio',t);
200 else
201 if not(isempty(option)) && not(isempty(option.extract))
202 if not(isstruct(after))
203 after = struct;
204 end
205 after.extract = option.extract;
206 end
207 if isa(orig,'miraudio')
208 a = orig;
209 else
210 a.fresh = 1;
211 a = class(a,'miraudio',orig);
212 end
213 end
214 if not(isempty(after))
215 a = post(a,after);
216 end
219 function a = post(a,para)
220 if a.fresh && isfield(para,'mono')
221 a.fresh = 0;
222 if isnan(para.mono)
223 para.mono = 1;
224 end
225 end
226 if isfield(para,'mono') && para.mono == 1
227 a = mirsum(a,'Mean');
228 end
229 d = get(a,'Data');
230 t = get(a,'Time');
231 ac = get(a,'AcrossChunks');
232 f = get(a,'Sampling');
233 cl = get(a,'Clusters');
234 for h = 1:length(d)
235 for k = 1:length(d{h})
236 tk = t{h}{k};
237 dk = d{h}{k};
238 if isfield(para,'extract') && not(isempty(para.extract))
239 t1 = para.extract(1);
240 t2 = para.extract(2);
241 if para.extract(4)
242 if para.extract(4) == 1
243 shift = round(size(tk,1)/2);
244 elseif para.extract(4) == 2
245 shift = size(tk,1);
246 end
247 if para.extract(3)
248 shift = tk(shift,1,1);
249 end
250 t1 = t1+shift;
251 t2 = t2+shift;
252 end
253 if para.extract(3) % in seconds
254 ft = find(tk>=t1 & tk<=t2);
255 else % in samples
256 if not(t1)
257 warning('WARNING IN MIRAUDIO: Extract sample positions should be real positive integers.')
258 display('Positions incremented by one.');
259 t1 = t1+1;
260 t2 = t2+1;
261 end
262 ft = t1:t2;
263 end
264 tk = tk(ft,:,:);
265 dk = dk(ft,:,:);
266 end
267 if isfield(para,'Ch') && not(isempty(para.Ch))
268 dk = dk(:,:,para.Ch);
269 end
270 if isfield(para,'center') &&
271 dk = center(dk);
272 a = set(a,'Centered',1);
273 end
274 if isfield(para,'normal') && para.normal
275 nl = size(dk,1);
276 nc = size(dk,3);
277 if isempty(ac)
278 ee = 0;
279 for j = 1:nc
280 ee = ee+sum(dk(:,:,j).^2);
281 end
282 ee = sqrt(ee/nl/nc);
283 else
284 ee = sqrt(sum(ac.sqrsum.^2)/ac.samples);
285 end
286 dk = dk./repmat(ee,[nl,1,nc]);
287 end
288 if isfield(para,'trim') && not(isequal(para.trim,0)) ...
289 && not(strcmpi(para.trim,'NoTrim'))
290 if not(para.trimthreshold)
291 para.trimthreshold = 0.06;
292 end
293 trimframe = 100;
294 trimhop = 10;
295 nframes = floor((length(tk)-trimframe)/trimhop)+1;
296 rms = zeros(1,nframes);
297 for j = 1:nframes
298 st = floor((j-1)*trimhop)+1;
299 for z = 1:size(dk,3)
300 rms(1,j,z) = norm(dk(st:st+trimframe-1,1,z))/sqrt(trimframe);
301 end
302 end
303 rms = (rms-repmat(min(rms),[1,size(rms,2),1]))...
304 ./repmat(max(rms)-min(rms),[1,size(rms,2),1]);
305 nosil = find(rms>para.trimthreshold);
306 if strcmpi(para.trim,'Trim') || strcmpi(para.trim,'TrimStart') ...
307 || strcmpi(para.trim,'TrimBegin')
308 nosil1 = min(nosil);
309 if nosil1 > 1
310 nosil1 = nosil1-1;
311 end
312 n1 = floor((nosil1-1)*trimhop)+1;
313 else
314 n1 = 1;
315 end
316 if strcmpi(para.trim,'Trim') || strcmpi(para.trim,'TrimEnd')
317 nosil2 = max(nosil);
318 if nosil2 < length(rms)
319 nosil2 = nosil2+1;
320 end
321 n2 = floor((nosil2-1)*trimhop)+1;
322 else
323 n2 = length(tk);
324 end
325 wh = ones(n2-n1+1,1);
326 dt = round(.02*f{h});
327 ha = hann(dt*2);
328 wh(1:dt) = ha(1:dt);
329 wh(end-dt+1:end) = ha(dt+1:end);
330 tk = tk(n1:n2);
331 dk = dk(n1:n2,1,:);%.*repmat(wh,[1 1 size(dk,3)]);
332 end
333 if isfield(para,'sampling') && para.sampling
334 if and(f{k}, not(f{k} == para.sampling))
335 for j = 1:size(dk,3)
336 rk(:,:,j) = resample(dk(:,:,j),para.sampling,f{k});
337 end
338 dk = rk;
339 tk = repmat((0:size(dk,1)-1)',[1 1 size(tk,3)])...
340 /para.sampling + tk(1,:,:);
341 end
342 f{k} = para.sampling;
343 end
344 d{h}{k} = dk;
345 t{h}{k} = tk;
346 %if isfield(para,'reverse') && para.reverse
347 % d{h}{k} = flipdim(d{h}{k},1);
348 %end
349 end
350 end
351 a = set(a,'Data',d,'Time',t,'Sampling',f,'Clusters',cl);
352 if isfield(para,'label')
353 if isnumeric(para.label)
354 n = get(a,'Name');
355 l = cell(1,length(d));
356 for k = 1:length(d)
357 if para.label
358 l{k} = n{k}(para.label);
359 else
360 l{k} = n{k};
361 end
362 end
363 a = set(a,'Label',l);
364 elseif iscell(para.label)
365 idx = mod(get(a,'Index'),length(para.label));
366 if not(idx)
367 idx = length(para.label);
368 end
369 a = set(a,'Label',para.label{idx});
370 elseif ischar(para.label)
371 l = cell(1,length(d));
372 for k = 1:length(d)
373 l{k} = para.label;
374 end
375 a = set(a,'Label',l);
376 end
377 end
380 function [new orig] = beforechunk(orig,option,missing)
381 option.normal = 0;
382 a = miraudio(orig,option);
383 d = get(a,'Data');
384 old = get(orig,'AcrossChunks');
385 if isempty(old)
386 old.sqrsum = 0;
387 old.samples = 0;
388 end
389 new = mircompute(@crossum,d);
390 new = new{1}{1};
391 new.sqrsum = old.sqrsum + new.sqrsum;
392 new.samples = old.samples + new.samples;
395 function s = crossum(d)
396 s.sqrsum = sum(d.^2);
397 s.samples = length(d);
400 function [y orig] = eachchunk(orig,option,missing)
401 y = miraudio(orig,option);
404 function y = combinechunk(old,new)
405 do = get(old,'Data');
406 to = get(old,'Time');
407 dn = get(new,'Data');
408 tn = get(new,'Time');
409 y = set(old,'Data',{{[do{1}{1};dn{1}{1}]}},...
410 'Time',{{[to{1}{1};tn{1}{1}]}});