comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/netlab3.3/gtmem.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

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author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function [net, options, errlog] = gtmem(net, t, options)
2 %GTMEM EM algorithm for Generative Topographic Mapping.
3 %
4 % Description
5 % [NET, OPTIONS, ERRLOG] = GTMEM(NET, T, OPTIONS) uses the Expectation
6 % Maximization algorithm to estimate the parameters of a GTM defined by
7 % a data structure NET. The matrix T represents the data whose
8 % expectation is maximized, with each row corresponding to a vector.
9 % It is assumed that the latent data NET.X has been set following a
10 % call to GTMINIT, for example. The optional parameters have the
11 % following interpretations.
12 %
13 % OPTIONS(1) is set to 1 to display error values; also logs error
14 % values in the return argument ERRLOG. If OPTIONS(1) is set to 0, then
15 % only warning messages are displayed. If OPTIONS(1) is -1, then
16 % nothing is displayed.
17 %
18 % OPTIONS(3) is a measure of the absolute precision required of the
19 % error function at the solution. If the change in log likelihood
20 % between two steps of the EM algorithm is less than this value, then
21 % the function terminates.
22 %
23 % OPTIONS(14) is the maximum number of iterations; default 100.
24 %
25 % The optional return value OPTIONS contains the final error value
26 % (i.e. data log likelihood) in OPTIONS(8).
27 %
28 % See also
30 %
32 % Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-2001)
34 % Check that inputs are consistent
35 errstring = consist(net, 'gtm', t);
36 if ~isempty(errstring)
37 error(errstring);
38 end
40 % Sort out the options
41 if (options(14))
42 niters = options(14);
43 else
44 niters = 100;
45 end
47 display = options(1);
48 store = 0;
49 if (nargout > 2)
50 store = 1; % Store the error values to return them
51 errlog = zeros(1, niters);
52 end
53 test = 0;
54 if options(3) > 0.0
55 test = 1; % Test log likelihood for termination
56 end
58 % Calculate various quantities that remain constant during training
59 [ndata, tdim] = size(t);
60 ND = ndata*tdim;
61 [net.gmmnet.centres, Phi] = rbffwd(net.rbfnet, net.X);
62 Phi = [Phi ones(size(net.X, 1), 1)];
63 PhiT = Phi';
64 [K, Mplus1] = size(Phi);
66 A = zeros(Mplus1, Mplus1);
67 cholDcmp = zeros(Mplus1, Mplus1);
68 % Use a sparse representation for the weight regularizing matrix.
69 if (net.rbfnet.alpha > 0)
70 Alpha = net.rbfnet.alpha*speye(Mplus1);
71 Alpha(Mplus1, Mplus1) = 0;
72 end
74 for n = 1:niters
75 % Calculate responsibilities
76 [R, act] = gtmpost(net, t);
77 % Calculate error value if needed
78 if (display | store | test)
79 prob = act*(net.gmmnet.priors)';
80 % Error value is negative log likelihood of data
81 e = - sum(log(max(prob,eps)));
82 if store
83 errlog(n) = e;
84 end
85 if display > 0
86 fprintf(1, 'Cycle %4d Error %11.6f\n', n, e);
87 end
88 if test
89 if (n > 1 & abs(e - eold) < options(3))
90 options(8) = e;
91 return;
92 else
93 eold = e;
94 end
95 end
96 end
98 % Calculate matrix be inverted (Phi'*G*Phi + alpha*I in the papers).
99 % Sparse representation of G normally executes faster and saves
100 % memory
101 if (net.rbfnet.alpha > 0)
102 A = full(PhiT*spdiags(sum(R)', 0, K, K)*Phi + ...
103 (Alpha.*net.gmmnet.covars(1)));
104 else
105 A = full(PhiT*spdiags(sum(R)', 0, K, K)*Phi);
106 end
107 % A is a symmetric matrix likely to be positive definite, so try
108 % fast Cholesky decomposition to calculate W, otherwise use SVD.
109 % (PhiT*(R*t)) is computed right-to-left, as R
110 % and t are normally (much) larger than PhiT.
111 [cholDcmp singular] = chol(A);
112 if (singular)
113 if (display)
114 fprintf(1, ...
115 'gtmem: Warning -- M-Step matrix singular, using pinv.\n');
116 end
117 W = pinv(A)*(PhiT*(R'*t));
118 else
119 W = cholDcmp \ (cholDcmp' \ (PhiT*(R'*t)));
120 end
121 % Put new weights into network to calculate responsibilities
122 % net.rbfnet = netunpak(net.rbfnet, W);
123 net.rbfnet.w2 = W(1:net.rbfnet.nhidden, :);
124 net.rbfnet.b2 = W(net.rbfnet.nhidden+1, :);
125 % Calculate new distances
126 d = dist2(t, Phi*W);
128 % Calculate new value for beta
129 net.gmmnet.covars = ones(1, net.gmmnet.ncentres)*(sum(sum(d.*R))/ND);
130 end
132 options(8) = -sum(log(gtmprob(net, t)));
133 if (display >= 0)
134 disp(maxitmess);
135 end