comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/bnt/CPDs/@tree_CPD/learn_params.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function CPD = learn_params(CPD, fam, data, ns, cnodes, varargin)
2 % LEARN_PARAMS Construct classification/regression tree given complete data
3 % CPD = learn_params(CPD, fam, data, ns, cnodes)
4 %
5 % fam(i) is the node id of the i-th node in the family of nodes, self node is the last one
6 % data(i,m) is the value of node i in case m (can be cell array).
7 % ns(i) is the node size for the i-th node in the whold bnet
8 % cnodes(i) is the node id for the i-th continuous node in the whole bnet
9 %
10 % The following optional arguments can be specified in the form of name/value pairs:
11 % stop_cases: for early stop (pruning). A node is not split if it has less than k cases. default is 0.
12 % min_gain: for early stop (pruning).
13 % For discrete output: A node is not split when the gain of best split is less than min_gain. default is 0.
14 % For continuous (cts) outpt: A node is not split when the gain of best split is less than min_gain*score(root)
15 % (we denote it cts_min_gain). default is 0.006
16 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Struction definition of dtree_CPD.tree%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
17 % tree.num_node the last position in tree.nodes array for adding new nodes,
18 % it is not always same to number of nodes in a tree, because some position in the
19 % tree.nodes array can be set to unused (e.g. in tree pruning)
20 % tree.nodes is the array of nodes in the tree plus some unused nodes.
21 % tree.nodes(1) is the root for the tree.
22 %
23 % Below is the attributes for each node
24 % tree.nodes(i).used; % flag this node is used (0 means node not used, it can be removed from tree to save memory)
25 % tree.nodes(i).is_leaf; % if 1 means this node is a leaf, if 0 not a leaf.
26 % tree.nodes(i).children; % children(i) is the node number in tree.nodes array for the i-th child node
27 % tree.nodes(i).split_id; % the attribute id used to split this node
28 % tree.nodes(i).split_threshhold; % the threshhold for continuous attribute to split this node
29 % %%%%%attributes specially for classification tree (discrete output)
30 % tree.nodes(i).probs % probs(i) is the prob for i-th value of class node
31 % % For three output class, the probs = [0.9 0.1 0.0] means the probability of
32 % % class 1 is 0.9, for class 2 is 0.1, for class 3 is 0.0.
33 % %%%%%attributes specially for regression tree (continuous output)
34 % tree.nodes(i).mean % mean output value for this node
35 % tree.nodes(i).std % standard deviation for output values in this node
36 %
37 % Author:
38 % Last updated: Jan. 19, 2002
40 % Want list:
41 % (1) more efficient for cts attributes: get the values of cts attributes at first (the begining of build_tree function), then doing bi_search in finding threshhold
42 % (2) pruning classification tree using Pessimistic Error Pruning
43 % (3) bi_search for strings (used for transform data to BNT format)
45 global tree %tree must be global so that it can be accessed in recursive slitting function
46 global cts_min_gain
47 tree=[]; % clear the tree
48 tree.num_node=0;
49 cts_min_gain=0;
51 stop_cases=0;
52 min_gain=0;
54 args = varargin;
55 nargs = length(args);
56 if (nargs>0)
57 if isstr(args{1})
58 for i=1:2:nargs
59 switch args{i},
60 case 'stop_cases', stop_cases = args{i+1};
61 case 'min_gain', min_gain = args{i+1};
62 end
63 end
64 else
65 error(['error in input parameters']);
66 end
67 end
69 if iscell(data)
70 local_data = cell2num(data(fam,:));
71 else
72 local_data = data(fam, :);
73 end
74 %counts = compute_counts(local_data, CPD.sizes);
75 %CPD.CPT = mk_stochastic(counts + CPD.prior); % bug fix 11/5/01
76 node_types = zeros(1,size(ns,2)); %all nodes are disrete
77 node_types(cnodes)=1;
78 %make the data be BNT compliant (values for discrete nodes are from 1-n, here n is the node size)
79 %trans_data=transform_data(local_data,'tmp.dat',[]); %here no cts nodes
81 build_dtree (CPD, local_data, ns(fam), node_types(fam),stop_cases,min_gain);
82 %CPD.tree=copy_tree(tree);
83 CPD.tree=tree; %copy the tree constructed to CPD
86 function new_tree = copy_tree(tree)
87 % copy the tree to new_tree
88 new_tree.num_node=tree.num_node;
89 new_tree.root = tree.root;
90 for i=1:tree.num_node
91 new_tree.nodes(i)=tree.nodes(i);
92 end
95 function build_dtree (CPD, fam_ev, node_sizes, node_types,stop_cases,min_gain)
96 global tree
97 global cts_min_gain
99 tree.num_node=0; %the current number of nodes in the tree
100 tree.root=1;
102 T = 1:size(fam_ev,2) ; %all cases
103 candidate_attrs = 1:(size(node_sizes,2)-1); %all attributes
104 node_id=1; %the root node
105 lastnode=size(node_sizes,2); %the last element in all nodes is the dependent variable (category node)
106 num_cat=node_sizes(lastnode);
108 % get minimum gain for cts output (used in stop splitting)
109 if (node_types(size(fam_ev,1))==1) %cts output
110 N = size(fam_ev,2);
111 output_id = size(fam_ev,1);
112 cases_T = fam_ev(output_id,:); %get all the output value for cases T
113 std_T = std(cases_T);
114 avg_y_T = mean(cases_T);
115 sqr_T = cases_T - avg_y_T;
116 cts_min_gain = min_gain*(sum(sqr_T.*sqr_T)/N); % min_gain * (R(root) = 1/N * SUM(y-avg_y)^2)
117 end
119 split_dtree (CPD, fam_ev, node_sizes, node_types, stop_cases,min_gain, T, candidate_attrs, num_cat);
123 % pruning method
124 % (1) Restrictions on minimum node size: A node is not split if it has smaller than k cases.
125 % (2) Threshholds on impurity: a threshhold is imposed on the splitting test score. Threshhold can be
126 % imposed on local goodness measure (the gain_ratio of a node) or global goodness.
127 % (3) Mininum Error Pruning (MEP), (no need pruning set)
128 % Prune if static error<=backed-up error
129 % Static error at node v: e(v) = (Nc + 1)/(N+k) (laplace estimate, prior for each class equal)
130 % here N is # of all examples, Nc is # of majority class examples, k is number of classes
131 % Backed-up error at node v: (Ti is the i-th subtree root)
132 % E(T) = Sum_1_to_n(pi*e(Ti))
133 % (4) Pessimistic Error Pruning (PEP), used in Quilan C4.5 (no need pruning set, efficient because of pruning top-down)
134 % Probability of error (apparent error rate)
135 % q = (N-Nc+0.5)/N
136 % where N=#examples, Nc=#examples in majority class
137 % Error of a node v (if pruned) q(v)= (Nv- Nc,v + 0.5)/Nv
138 % Error of a subtree q(T)= Sum_of_l_leaves(Nl - Nc,l + 0.5)/Sum_of_l_leaves(Nl)
139 % Prune if q(v)<=q(T)
140 %
141 % Implementation statuts:
142 % (1)(2) has been implemented as the input parameters of learn_params.
143 % (4) is implemented in this function
144 function pruning(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types)
145 % PRUNING prune the constructed tree using PEP
146 % pruning(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types)
147 %
148 % fam_ev(i,j) is the value of attribute i in j-th training cases (for whole tree), the last row is for the class label (self_ev)
149 % node_sizes(i) is the node size for the i-th node in the family
150 % node_types(i) is the node type for the i-th node in the family, 0 for disrete node, 1 for continous node
151 % the global parameter 'tree' is for storing the input tree and the pruned tree
154 function split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,node_i, threshhold)
155 % SPLIT_CASES split the cases T according to values of node_i in the family
156 % split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,node_i)
157 %
158 % fam_ev(i,j) is the value of attribute i in j-th training cases (for whole tree), the last row is for the class label (self_ev)
159 % node_sizes(i) is the node size for the i-th node in the family
160 % node_types(i) is the node type for the i-th node in the family, 0 for disrete node, 1 for continous node
161 % node_i is the attribute we need to split
163 if (node_types(node_i)==0) %discrete attribute
164 %init the subsets of T
165 split_T = cell(1,node_sizes(node_i)); %T will be separated into |node_size of i| subsets according to different values of node i
166 for i=1:node_sizes(node_i) % here we assume that the value of an attribute is 1:node_size
167 split_T{i}=zeros(1,0);
168 end
170 size_t = size(T,2);
171 for i=1:size_t
172 case_id = T(i);
173 %put this case into one subset of split_T according to its value for node_i
174 value = fam_ev(node_i,case_id);
175 pos = size(split_T{value},2)+1;
176 split_T{value}(pos)=case_id; % here assumes the value of an attribute is 1:node_size
177 end
178 else %continuous attribute
179 %init the subsets of T
180 split_T = cell(1,2); %T will be separated into 2 subsets (<=threshhold) (>threshhold)
181 for i=1:2
182 split_T{i}=zeros(1,0);
183 end
185 size_t = size(T,2);
186 for i=1:size_t
187 case_id = T(i);
188 %put this case into one subset of split_T according to its value for node_i
189 value = fam_ev(node_i,case_id);
190 subset_num=1;
191 if (value>threshhold)
192 subset_num=2;
193 end
194 pos = size(split_T{subset_num},2)+1;
195 split_T{subset_num}(pos)=case_id;
196 end
197 end
201 function new_node = split_dtree (CPD, fam_ev, node_sizes, node_types, stop_cases, min_gain, T, candidate_attrs, num_cat)
202 % SPLIT_TREE Split the tree at node node_id with cases T (actually it is just indexes to family evidences).
203 % new_node = split_dtree (fam_ev, node_sizes, node_types, T, node_id, num_cat, method)
204 %
205 % fam_ev(i,j) is the value of attribute i in j-th training cases (for whole tree), the last row is for the class label (self_ev)
206 % node_sizes{i} is the node size for the i-th node in the family
207 % node_types{i} is the node type for the i-th node in the family, 0 for disrete node, 1 for continous node
208 % stop_cases is the threshold of number of cases to stop slitting
209 % min_gain is the minimum gain need to split a node
210 % T(i) is the index of i-th cases in current decision tree node, we need split it further
211 % candidate_attrs(i) the node id for the i-th attribute that still need to be considered as split attribute
212 %%%%% node_id is the index of current node considered for a split
213 % num_cat is the number of output categories for the decision tree
214 % output:
215 % new_node is the new node created
216 global tree
217 global cts_min_gain
219 size_fam = size(fam_ev,1); %number of family size
220 output_type = node_types(size_fam); %the type of output for the tree (0 is discrete, 1 is continuous)
221 size_attrs = size(candidate_attrs,2); %number of candidate attributes
222 size_t = size(T,2); %number of training cases in this tree node
224 %(1)computeFrequenceyForEachClass(T)
225 if (output_type==0) %discrete output
226 class_freqs = zeros(1,num_cat);
227 for i=1:size_t
228 case_id = T(i);
229 case_class = fam_ev(size_fam,case_id); %get the class label for this case
230 class_freqs(case_class)=class_freqs(case_class)+1;
231 end
232 else %cts output
233 N = size(fam_ev,2);
234 cases_T = fam_ev(size(fam_ev,1),T); %get the output value for cases T
235 std_T = std(cases_T);
236 end
238 %(2) if OneClass (for discrete output) or same output value (for cts output) or Class With #examples < stop_cases
239 % return a leaf;
240 % create a decision node N;
242 % get majority class in this node
243 if (output_type == 0)
244 top1_class = 0; %the class with the largest number of cases
245 top1_class_cases = 0; %the number of cases in top1_class
246 [top1_class_cases,top1_class]=max(class_freqs);
247 end
249 if (size_t==0) %impossble
250 new_node=-1;
251 fprintf('Fatal error: please contact the author. \n');
252 return;
253 end
255 % stop splitting if needed
256 %for discrete output: one class
257 %for cts output, all output value in cases are same
258 %cases too little
259 if ( (output_type==0 & top1_class_cases == size_t) | (output_type==1 & std_T == 0) | (size_t < stop_cases))
260 %create one new leaf node
261 tree.num_node=tree.num_node+1;
262 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).used=1; %flag this node is used (0 means node not used, it will be removed from tree at last to save memory)
263 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).is_leaf=1;
264 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).children=[];
265 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_id=0; %the attribute(parent) id to split this tree node
266 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold=0;
267 if (output_type==0)
268 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs=class_freqs/size_t; %the prob for each value of class node
270 % tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs=zeros(1,num_cat); %the prob for each value of class node
271 % tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs(top1_class)=1; %use the majority class of parent node, like for binary class,
272 %and majority is class 2, then the CPT is [0 1]
273 %we may need to use prior to do smoothing, to get [0.001 0.999]
274 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.self_error=1-top1_class_cases/size_t; %the classfication error in this tree node when use default class
275 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error=1-top1_class_cases/size_t; %no total classfication error in this tree node and its subtree
276 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error_num=size_t - top1_class_cases;
277 fprintf('Create leaf node(onecla) %d. Class %d Cases %d Error %d \n',tree.num_node, top1_class, size_t, size_t - top1_class_cases );
278 else
279 avg_y_T = mean(cases_T);
280 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).mean = avg_y_T;
281 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).std = std_T;
282 fprintf('Create leaf node(samevalue) %d. Mean %8.4f Std %8.4f Cases %d \n',tree.num_node, avg_y_T, std_T, size_t);
283 end
284 new_node = tree.num_node;
285 return;
286 end
288 %create one new node
289 tree.num_node=tree.num_node+1;
290 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).used=1; %flag this node is used (0 means node not used, it will be removed from tree at last to save memory)
291 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).is_leaf=1;
292 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).children=[];
293 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_id=0;
294 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold=0;
295 if (output_type==0)
296 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.self_error=1-top1_class_cases/size_t;
297 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error=0;
298 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error_num=0;
299 else
300 avg_y_T = mean(cases_T);
301 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).mean = avg_y_T;
302 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).std = std_T;
303 end
304 new_node = tree.num_node;
306 %Stop splitting if no attributes left in this node
307 if (size_attrs==0)
308 if (output_type==0)
309 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs=class_freqs/size_t; %the prob for each value of class node
310 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error=1-top1_class_cases/size_t;
311 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error_num=size_t - top1_class_cases;
312 fprintf('Create leaf node(noattr) %d. Class %d Cases %d Error %d \n',tree.num_node, top1_class, size_t, size_t - top1_class_cases );
313 else
314 fprintf('Create leaf node(noattr) %d. Mean %8.4f Std %8.4f Cases %d \n',tree.num_node, avg_y_T, std_T, size_t);
315 end
316 return;
317 end
320 %(3) for each attribute A
321 % ComputeGain(A);
322 max_gain=0; %the max gain score (for discrete information gain or gain ration, for cts node the R(T))
323 best_attr=0; %the attribute with the max_gain
324 best_split = []; %the split of T according to the value of best_attr
325 cur_best_threshhold = 0; %the threshhold for split continuous attribute
326 best_threshhold=0;
328 % compute Info(T) (for discrete output)
329 if (output_type == 0)
330 class_split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,size(fam_ev,1),0); %split cases according to class
331 info_T = compute_info (fam_ev, T, class_split_T);
332 else % compute R(T) (for cts output)
333 % N = size(fam_ev,2);
334 % cases_T = fam_ev(size(fam_ev,1),T); %get the output value for cases T
335 % std_T = std(cases_T);
336 % avg_y_T = mean(cases_T);
337 sqr_T = cases_T - avg_y_T;
338 R_T = sum(sqr_T.*sqr_T)/N; % get R(T) = 1/N * SUM(y-avg_y)^2
339 info_T = R_T;
340 end
342 for i=1:(size_fam-1)
343 if (myismember(i,candidate_attrs)) %if this attribute still in the candidate attribute set
344 if (node_types(i)==0) %discrete attibute
345 split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,i,0); %split cases according to value of attribute i
346 % For cts output, we compute the least square gain.
347 % For discrete output, we compute gain ratio
348 cur_gain = compute_gain(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,info_T,i,split_T,0,output_type); %gain ratio
349 else %cts attribute
350 %get the values of this attribute
351 ev = fam_ev(:,T);
352 values = ev(i,:);
353 sort_v = sort(values);
354 %remove the duplicate values in sort_v
355 v_set = unique(sort_v);
356 best_gain = 0;
357 best_threshhold = 0;
358 best_split1 = [];
360 %find the best split for this cts attribute
361 % see "Quilan 96: Improved Use of Continuous Attributes in C4.5"
362 for j=1:(size(v_set,2)-1)
363 mid_v = (v_set(j)+v_set(j+1))/2;
364 split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,i,mid_v); %split cases according to value of attribute i (<=mid_v)
365 % For cts output, we compute the least square gain.
366 % For discrete output, we use Quilan 96: use information gain instead of gain ratio to select threshhold
367 cur_gain = compute_gain(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,info_T,i,split_T,1,output_type);
368 %if (i==6)
369 % fprintf('gain %8.5f threshhold %6.3f spliting %d\n', cur_gain, mid_v, size(split_T{1},2));
370 %end
372 if (best_gain < cur_gain)
373 best_gain = cur_gain;
374 best_threshhold = mid_v;
375 %best_split1 = split_T; %here we need to copy array, not good!!! (maybe we can compute after we get best_attr
376 end
377 end
378 %recalculate the gain_ratio of the best_threshhold
379 split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,i,best_threshhold);
380 best_gain = compute_gain(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,info_T,i,split_T,0,output_type); %gain_ratio
381 if (output_type==0) %for discrete output
382 cur_gain = best_gain-log2(size(v_set,2)-1)/size_t; % Quilan 96: use the gain_ratio-log2(N-1)/|D| as the gain of this attr
383 else %for cts output
384 cur_gain = best_gain;
385 end
386 end
388 if (max_gain < cur_gain)
389 max_gain = cur_gain;
390 best_attr = i;
391 cur_best_threshhold=best_threshhold; %save the threshhold
392 %best_split = split_T; %here we need to copy array, not good!!! So we will recalculate in below line 313
393 end
394 end
395 end
397 % stop splitting if gain is too small
398 if (max_gain==0 | (output_type==0 & max_gain < min_gain) | (output_type==1 & max_gain < cts_min_gain))
399 if (output_type==0)
400 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs=class_freqs/size_t; %the prob for each value of class node
401 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error=1-top1_class_cases/size_t;
402 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error_num=size_t - top1_class_cases;
403 fprintf('Create leaf node(nogain) %d. Class %d Cases %d Error %d \n',tree.num_node, top1_class, size_t, size_t - top1_class_cases );
404 else
405 fprintf('Create leaf node(nogain) %d. Mean %8.4f Std %8.4f Cases %d \n',tree.num_node, avg_y_T, std_T, size_t);
406 end
407 return;
408 end
410 %get the split of cases according to the best split attribute
411 if (node_types(best_attr)==0) %discrete attibute
412 best_split = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,best_attr,0);
413 else
414 best_split = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,best_attr,cur_best_threshhold);
415 end
417 %(4) best_attr = AttributeWithBestGain;
418 %(5) if best_attr is continuous ???? why need this? maybe the value in the decision tree must appeared in data
419 % find threshhold in all cases that <= max_V
420 % change the split of T
421 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_id=best_attr;
422 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold=cur_best_threshhold; %for cts attribute only
424 %note: below threshhold rejust is linera search, so it is slow. A better method is described in paper "Efficient C4.5"
425 %if (output_type==0)
426 if (node_types(best_attr)==1) %is a continuous attribute
427 %find the value that approximate best_threshhold from below (the largest that <= best_threshhold)
428 best_value=0;
429 for i=1:size(fam_ev,2) %note: need to search in all cases for all tree, not just in cases for this node
430 val = fam_ev(best_attr,i);
431 if (val <= cur_best_threshhold & val > best_value) %val is more clear to best_threshhold
432 best_value=val;
433 end
434 end
435 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold=best_value; %for cts attribute only
436 end
437 %end
439 if (output_type == 0)
440 fprintf('Create node %d split at %d gain %8.4f Th %d. Class %d Cases %d Error %d \n',tree.num_node, best_attr, max_gain, tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold, top1_class, size_t, size_t - top1_class_cases );
441 else
442 fprintf('Create node %d split at %d gain %8.4f Th %d. Mean %8.4f Cases %d\n',tree.num_node, best_attr, max_gain, tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold, avg_y_T, size_t );
443 end
445 %(6) Foreach T' in the split_T
446 % if T' is Empty
447 % Child of node_id is a leaf
448 % else
449 % Child of node_id = split_tree (T')
450 tree.nodes(new_node).is_leaf=0; %because this node will be split, it is not leaf now
451 for i=1:size(best_split,2)
452 if (size(best_split{i},2)==0) %T(i) is empty
453 %create one new leaf node
454 tree.num_node=tree.num_node+1;
455 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).used=1; %flag this node is used (0 means node not used, it will be removed from tree at last to save memory)
456 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).is_leaf=1;
457 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).children=[];
458 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_id=0;
459 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).split_threshhold=0;
460 if (output_type == 0)
461 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs=zeros(1,num_cat); %the prob for each value of class node
462 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).probs(top1_class)=1; %use the majority class of parent node, like for binary class,
463 %and majority is class 2, then the CPT is [0 1]
464 %we may need to use prior to do smoothing, to get [0.001 0.999]
465 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.self_error=0;
466 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error=0;
467 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).error.all_error_num=0;
468 else
469 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).mean = avg_y_T; %just use parent node's mean value
470 tree.nodes(tree.num_node).std = std_T;
471 end
472 %add the new leaf node to parents
473 num_children=size(tree.nodes(new_node).children,2);
474 tree.nodes(new_node).children(num_children+1)=tree.num_node;
475 if (output_type==0)
476 fprintf('Create leaf node(nullset) %d. %d-th child of Father %d Class %d\n',tree.num_node, i, new_node, top1_class );
477 else
478 fprintf('Create leaf node(nullset) %d. %d-th child of Father %d \n',tree.num_node, i, new_node );
479 end
481 else
482 if (node_types(best_attr)==0) % if attr is discrete, it should be removed from the candidate set
483 new_candidate_attrs = mysetdiff(candidate_attrs,[best_attr]);
484 else
485 new_candidate_attrs = candidate_attrs;
486 end
487 new_sub_node = split_dtree (CPD, fam_ev, node_sizes, node_types, stop_cases, min_gain, best_split{i}, new_candidate_attrs, num_cat);
488 %tree.nodes(parent_id).error.all_error += tree.nodes(new_sub_node).error.all_error;
489 fprintf('Add subtree node %d to %d. #nodes %d\n',new_sub_node,new_node, tree.num_node );
491 % tree.nodes(new_node).error.all_error_num = tree.nodes(new_node).error.all_error_num + tree.nodes(new_sub_node).error.all_error_num;
492 %add the new leaf node to parents
493 num_children=size(tree.nodes(new_node).children,2);
494 tree.nodes(new_node).children(num_children+1)=new_sub_node;
495 end
496 end
498 %(7) Compute errors of N; for doing pruning
499 % get the total error for the subtree
500 if (output_type==0)
501 tree.nodes(new_node).error.all_error=tree.nodes(new_node).error.all_error_num/size_t;
502 end
503 %doing pruning, but doing here is not so efficient, because it is bottom up.
504 %if tree.nodes()
505 %after doing pruning, need to update the all_error to self_error
507 %(8) Return N
512 %(1) For discrete output, we use GainRatio defined as below
513 % Gain(X,T)
514 % GainRatio(X,T) = ----------
515 % SplitInfo(X,T)
516 % where
517 % Gain(X,T) = Info(T) - Info(X,T)
518 % |Ti|
519 % Info(X,T) = Sum for i from 1 to n of ( ---- * Info(Ti))
520 % |T|
522 % SplitInfo(D,T) is the information due to the split of T on the basis
523 % of the value of the categorical attribute D. Thus SplitInfo(D,T) is
524 % I(|T1|/|T|, |T2|/|T|, .., |Tm|/|T|)
525 % where {T1, T2, .. Tm} is the partition of T induced by the value of D.
527 % Definition of Info(Ti)
528 % If a set T of records is partitioned into disjoint exhaustive classes C1, C2, .., Ck on the basis of the
529 % value of the categorical attribute, then the information needed to identify the class of an element of T
530 % is Info(T) = I(P), where P is the probability distribution of the partition (C1, C2, .., Ck):
531 % P = (|C1|/|T|, |C2|/|T|, ..., |Ck|/|T|)
532 % Here I(P) is defined as
533 % I(P) = -(p1*log(p1) + p2*log(p2) + .. + pn*log(pn))
534 %
535 %(2) For continuous output (regression tree), we use least squares score (adapted from Leo Breiman's book "Classification and regression trees", page 231
536 % The original support only binary split, we further extend it to permit multiple-child split
537 %
538 % Delta_R = R(T) - Sum for all childe nodes Ti (R(Ti))
539 % Where R(Ti)= 1/N * Sum for all cases i in node Ti ((yi - avg_y(Ti))^2)
540 % here N is the number of all training cases for construct the regression tree
541 % avg_y(Ti) is the average value for output variable for the cases in node Ti
543 function gain_score = compute_gain (fam_ev, node_sizes, node_types, T, info_T, attr_id, split_T, score_type, output_type)
544 % COMPUTE_GAIN Compute the score for the split of cases T using attribute attr_id
545 % gain_score = compute_gain (fam_ev, T, attr_id, node_size, method)
546 %
547 % fam_ev(i,j) is the value of attribute i in j-th training cases, the last row is for the class label (self_ev)
548 % T(i) is the index of i-th cases in current decision tree node, we need split it further
549 % attr_id is the index of current node considered for a split
550 % split_T{i} is the i_th subset in partition of cases T according to the value of attribute attr_id
551 % score_type if 0, is gain ratio, 1 is information gain (only apply to discrete output)
552 % node_size(i) the node size of i-th node in the family
553 % output_type: 0 means discrete output, 1 means continuous output.
554 gain_score=0;
555 % ***********for DISCRETE output*******************************************************
556 if (output_type == 0)
557 % compute Info(T)
558 total_cnt = size(T,2);
559 if (total_cnt==0)
560 return;
561 end;
562 %class_split_T = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,T,size(fam_ev,1),0); %split cases according to class
563 %info_T = compute_info (fam_ev, T, class_split_T);
565 % compute Info(X,T)
566 num_class = size(split_T,2);
567 subset_sizes = zeros(1,num_class);
568 info_ti = zeros(1,num_class);
569 for i=1:num_class
570 subset_sizes(i)=size(split_T{i},2);
571 if (subset_sizes(i)~=0)
572 class_split_Ti = split_cases(fam_ev,node_sizes,node_types,split_T{i},size(fam_ev,1),0); %split cases according to class
573 info_ti(i) = compute_info(fam_ev, split_T{i}, class_split_Ti);
574 end
575 end
576 ti_ratios = subset_sizes/total_cnt; %get the |Ti|/|T|
577 info_X_T = sum(ti_ratios.*info_ti);
579 %get Gain(X,T)
580 gain_X_T = info_T - info_X_T;
582 if (score_type == 1) %information gain
583 gain_score=gain_X_T;
584 return;
585 end
586 %compute the SplitInfo(X,T) //is this also for cts attr, only split into two subsets
587 splitinfo_T = compute_info (fam_ev, T, split_T);
588 if (splitinfo_T~=0)
589 gain_score = gain_X_T/splitinfo_T;
590 end
592 % ************for continuous output**************************************************
593 else
594 N = size(fam_ev,2);
596 % compute R(Ti)
597 num_class = size(split_T,2);
598 R_Ti = zeros(1,num_class);
599 for i=1:num_class
600 if (size(split_T{i},2)~=0)
601 cases_T = fam_ev(size(fam_ev,1),split_T{i});
602 avg_y_T = mean(cases_T);
603 sqr_T = cases_T - avg_y_T;
604 R_Ti(i) = sum(sqr_T.*sqr_T)/N; % get R(Ti) = 1/N * SUM(y-avg_y)^2
605 end
606 end
607 %delta_R = R(T) - SUM(R(Ti))
608 gain_score = info_T - sum(R_Ti);
610 end
613 % Definition of Info(Ti)
614 % If a set T of records is partitioned into disjoint exhaustive classes C1, C2, .., Ck on the basis of the
615 % value of the categorical attribute, then the information needed to identify the class of an element of T
616 % is Info(T) = I(P), where P is the probability distribution of the partition (C1, C2, .., Ck):
617 % P = (|C1|/|T|, |C2|/|T|, ..., |Ck|/|T|)
618 % Here I(P) is defined as
619 % I(P) = -(p1*log(p1) + p2*log(p2) + .. + pn*log(pn))
620 function info = compute_info (fam_ev, T, split_T)
621 % COMPUTE_INFO compute the information for the split of T into split_T
622 % info = compute_info (fam_ev, T, split_T)
624 total_cnt = size(T,2);
625 num_class = size(split_T,2);
626 subset_sizes = zeros(1,num_class);
627 probs = zeros(1,num_class);
628 log_probs = zeros(1,num_class);
629 for i=1:num_class
630 subset_sizes(i)=size(split_T{i},2);
631 end
633 probs = subset_sizes/total_cnt;
634 %log_probs = log2(probs); % if probs(i)=0, the log2(probs(i)) will be Inf
635 for i=1:size(probs,2)
636 if (probs(i)~=0)
637 log_probs(i)=log2(probs(i));
638 end
639 end
641 info = sum(-(probs.*log_probs));