comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_stats.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function csS = som_stats(D,varargin)
3 %SOM_STATS Calculate descriptive statistics for the data.
4 %
5 % csS = som_stats(D,[sort]);
6 %
7 % csS = som_stats(D);
8 % csS = som_stats(D,'nosort');
9 % som_table_print(som_stats_table(csS))
10 %
11 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
12 % D (matrix) a matrix, size dlen x dim
13 % (struct) data or map struct
14 % [sort] (string) 'sort' (default) or 'nosort'
15 % If 'nosort' is specified, the data is not
16 % sorted, and therefore the values of
17 % nunique, uvalues, ucount, fvalues, fcount, and tiles fields
18 % are not calculated. This may be useful if
19 % there is a very large amount of data, and
20 % one wants to reduce calculation time.
21 %
22 % csS (cell array) size dim x 1, of statistics structs with
23 % the following fields
24 % .type (string) 'som_stat'
25 % .name (string) name of the variable
26 % .normalization (struct array) variable normalization (see SOM_NORMALIZE)
27 % .ntotal (scalar) total number of values
28 % .nvalid (scalar) number of valid values (not Inf or NaN)
29 % .min (scalar) minimum value
30 % .max (scalar) maximum value
31 % .mean (scalar) mean value (not Inf or NaN)
32 % .std (scalar) standard deviation (not Inf or NaN)
33 % .nunique (scalar) number of unique values
34 % .mfvalue (vector) most frequent value
35 % .mfcount (vector) number of occurances of most frequent value
36 % .values (vector) at most MAXDISCRETE (see below) sample values
37 % .counts (vector) number of occurances for each sampled value
38 % .tiles (vector) NT-tile values, for example
39 % NT=4 for quartiles: 25%, 50% and 75%
40 % NT=100 for percentiles: 1%, 2%, ... and 99%
41 % .hist (struct) histogram struct with the following fields
42 % .type (string) 'som_hist'
43 % .bins (vector) histogram bin centers
44 % .counts (vector) count of values in each bin
45 % .binlabels (cellstr) labels for the bins (denormalized bin
46 % center values)
47 % .binlabels2 (cellstr) labels for the bins (denormalized bin
48 % edge values, e.g. '[1.4,2.5['
49 %
50 % Constants:
52 % NT = 10
53 %
56 % Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, December 31st, 2001 by Juha Vesanto
57 % Copyright (c) by Juha Vesanto
58 %
60 % Version 2.0beta juuso 311201
62 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
63 %% arguments
65 % default values
66 nosort = 0;
67 nbins = 10;
68 maxdiscrete = 20;
69 ntiles = 10;
71 % first argument
72 if isstruct(D),
73 switch D.type,
74 case 'som_map', cn = D.comp_names; sN = D.comp_norm; D = D.codebook;
75 case 'som_data', cn = D.comp_names; sN = D.comp_norm; D =;
76 otherwise, error('Invalid first argument')
77 end
78 else
79 cn = cell(size(D,2),1);
80 cn(:) = {'Variable'};
81 for i=1:length(cn), cn{i} = sprintf('%s%d',cn{i},i); end
82 sN = cell(size(D,2),1);
83 end
84 [dlen dim] = size(D);
86 % other arguments
88 if length(varargin)>0,
89 if strcmp(varargin{1},'nosort'), nosort = 1; end
90 end
92 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
93 %% action
95 sStat = struct('type','som_stat','name','','normalization',[],...
96 'min',NaN,'max',NaN,'mean',NaN,'std',NaN,...
97 'nunique',NaN,'values',[],'counts',[],'mfvalue',NaN,'mfcount',NaN,'tiles',[],...
98 'ntotal',dlen,'nvalid',NaN,'hist',[]);
99 csS = cell(0);
101 for i=1:dim,
102 sS = sStat;
103 = cn{i};
104 sS.normalization = sN{i};
105 x = D(:,i);
106 x(find(~isfinite(x))) = [];
107 % basic descriptive statistics
108 sS.nvalid = length(x);
109 if length(x),
110 sS.min = min(x);
111 sS.max = max(x);
112 sS.mean = mean(x);
113 sS.std = std(x);
114 bins = [];
115 if ~nosort,
116 xsorted = sort(x);
117 % number of unique values
118 repeated = (xsorted(1:end-1)==xsorted(2:end));
119 j = [1; find(~repeated)+1];
120 xunique = xsorted(j);
121 sS.nunique = length(xunique);
122 ucount = diff([j; length(xsorted)+1]);
123 % most frequent value
124 [fcount,j] = max(ucount);
125 sS.mfvalue = xunique(j);
126 sS.mfcount = fcount;
127 % -tiles (k*100/ntiles % of values, k=1..)
128 pickind = round(linspace(1,sS.nvalid,ntiles+1));
129 pickind = pickind(2:end-1);
130 sS.tiles = xsorted(pickind);
131 if sS.nunique <= sS.nvalid/2,
132 % unique values
133 sS.values = xunique;
134 sS.counts = ucount;
135 bins = sS.values;
136 else
137 % just maxdiscrete values, evenly picked
138 pickind = round(linspace(1,sS.nunique,maxdiscrete));
139 sS.values = xunique(pickind);
140 sS.counts = ucount(pickind);
142 %% OPTION 2: maxdiscrete most frequent values
143 %[v,j] = sort(ucount);
144 %pickind = j(1:maxdiscrete);
145 %sS.values = xunique(pickind);
146 %sS.counts = ucount(pickind);
148 % OPTION 3: representative values - calculated using k-means
149 %[y,bm,qe] = kmeans(x,maxdiscrete);
150 %sS.values = y;
151 %sS.counts = full(sum(sparse(bm,1:length(bm),1,maxdiscrete,length(bm)),2));
152 end
153 end
154 if isempty(bins),
155 bins = linspace(sS.min,sS.max,nbins+1);
156 bins = (bins(1:end-1)+bins(2:end))/2;
157 end
158 sS.hist = som_hist(x,bins,sS.normalization);
159 else
160 sS.hist = som_hist(x,0);
161 end
162 csS{end+1} = sS;
163 end
165 return;
167 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
168 %% subfunctions
170 function sH = som_hist(x,bins,sN)
172 binlabels = [];
173 binlabels2 = [];
174 if nargin<2 | isempty(bins) | isnan(bins),
175 bins = linspace(min(x),max(x),10);
176 end
177 if isstruct(bins),
178 bins = sH.bins;
179 binlabels = sH.binlabels;
180 binlabels2 = sH.binlabels2;
181 end
182 if nargin<3, sN = []; end
184 sH = struct('type','som_hist','bins',bins,'counts',[],...
185 'binlabels',binlabels,'binlabels2',binlabels2);
187 if length(bins)==1,
188 sH.counts = [length(x)];
189 edges = bins;
190 elseif length(x),
191 edges = (bins(1:end-1)+bins(2:end))/2;
192 counts = histc(x,[-Inf; edges(:); Inf]);
193 sH.counts = counts(1:end-1);
194 end
196 if isempty(sH.binlabels),
197 b = som_denormalize(bins(:),sN);
198 sH.binlabels = numtostring(b,4);
199 end
201 if isempty(sH.binlabels2),
202 if length(edges)==1,
203 sH.binlabels2 = numtostring(som_denormalize(edges,sN),2);
204 if length(bins)>1,
205 sH.binlabels2 = sH.binlabels2([1 1]);
206 sH.binlabels2{1} = [']' sH.binlabels2{1} '['];
207 sH.binlabels2{2} = ['[' sH.binlabels2{2} '['];
208 end
209 else
210 if size(edges,1)==1, edges = edges'; end
211 bstr = numtostring(som_denormalize(edges,sN),4);
212 sH.binlabels2 = bstr([1:end end]);
213 sH.binlabels2{1} = [bstr{1} '['];
214 for i=2:length(sH.binlabels2)-1,
215 sH.binlabels2{i} = ['[' bstr{i-1} ',' bstr{i} '['];
216 end
217 sH.binlabels2{end} = ['[' bstr{end}];
218 end
219 end
221 if 0,
222 if length(bins)==1, sH.binlabels2 = {'constant'};
223 else
224 ntiles = 10;
225 plim = [1:ntiles-1] / ntiles;
226 cp = cumsum(sH.counts)/sum(sH.counts);
227 [dummy,i] = histc(cp,[-Inf plim Inf]);
228 l2 = cell(length(bins),1);
229 for j=1:length(bins), l2{j} = sprintf('Q%d',i(j)); end
230 if i(1) > 1, l2{1} = ['...' l2{1}]; end
231 k = 0;
232 for j=2:length(bins),
233 if i(j)==i(j-1),
234 if k==0, l2{j-1} = [l2{j-1} '.1']; k = 1; end
235 k = k + 1;
236 l2{j} = [l2{j} '.' num2str(k)];
237 else k = 0; end
238 end
239 if i(end) < ntiles, l2{end} = [l2{end} '...']; end
240 sH.binlabels2 = l2;
241 end
242 end
244 return;
246 function vstr = numtostring(v,d)
248 r = max(v)-min(v);
249 if r==0, r=1; end
250 nearzero = (abs(v)/r < 10.^-d);
251 i1 = find(v > 0 & nearzero);
252 i2 = find(v < 0 & nearzero);
253 vstr = strrep(cellstr(num2str(v,d)),' ','');
254 vstr(i1) = {'0.0'};
255 vstr(i2) = {'-0.0'};
256 return;