comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_normalize.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function sD = som_normalize(sD,method,comps)
3 %SOM_NORMALIZE (Re)normalize data or add new normalizations.
4 %
5 % sS = som_normalize(sS,[method],[comps])
6 %
7 % sS = som_normalize(sD)
8 % sS = som_normalize(sS,sNorm)
9 % D = som_normalize(D,'var')
10 % sS = som_normalize(sS,'histC',[1:3 10])
11 %
12 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
13 % sS The data to which the normalization is applied.
14 % The modified and updated data is returned.
15 % (struct) data or map struct
16 % (matrix) data matrix (a matrix is also returned)
17 % [method] The normalization method(s) to add/use. If missing,
18 % or an empty variable ('') is given, the
19 % normalizations in sS are used.
20 % (string) identifier for a normalization method to be added:
21 % 'var', 'range', 'log', 'logistic', 'histD' or 'histC'.
22 % (struct) Normalization struct, or an array of such.
23 % Alternatively, a map/data struct can be given
24 % in which case its '.comp_norm' field is used
25 % (see below).
26 % (cell array) Of normalization structs. Typically, the
27 % '.comp_norm' field of a map/data struct. The
28 % length of the array must be equal to data dimension.
29 % (cellstr array) norm and denorm operations in a cellstr array
30 % which are evaluated with EVAL command with variable
31 % name 'x' reserved for the variable.
32 % [comps] (vector) the components to which the normalization is
33 % applied, default is [1:dim] ie. all components
34 %
35 % For more help, try 'type som_normalize' or check out online documentation.
38 %%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
39 %
40 % som_normalize
41 %
43 %
44 % Add/apply/redo normalization on data structs/sets.
45 %
47 %
48 % sS = som_normalize(sS)
49 % sS = som_normalize(sS,method)
50 % D = som_normalize(D,sNorm)
51 % sS = som_normalize(sS,csNorm)
52 % sS = som_normalize(...,comps)
53 %
55 %
56 % This function is used to (initialize and) add, redo and apply
57 % normalizations on data/map structs/sets. If a data/map struct is given,
58 % the specified normalizations are added to the '.comp_norm' field of the
59 % struct after ensuring that all normalizations specified therein have
60 % status 'done'. SOM_NORMALIZE actually uses function SOM_NORM_VARIABLE
61 % to handle the normalization operations, and only handles the data
62 % struct/set specific stuff itself.
63 %
64 % The different normalization methods are listed below. For more
65 % detailed descriptions, see SOM_NORM_VARIABLE.
66 %
67 % method description
68 % 'var' Variance is normalized to one (linear operation).
69 % 'range' Values are normalized between [0,1] (linear operation).
70 % 'log' Natural logarithm is applied to the values:
71 % xnew = log(x-m+1)
72 % where m = min(x).
73 % 'logistic' Logistic or softmax trasformation which scales all
74 % possible values between [0,1].
75 % 'histD' Histogram equalization, values scaled between [0,1].
76 % 'histC' Approximate histogram equalization with partially
77 % linear operations. Values scaled between [0,1].
78 % 'eval' freeform operations
79 %
80 % To enable undoing and applying the exactly same normalization to
81 % other data sets, normalization information is saved into a
82 % normalization struct, which has the fields:
83 %
84 % .type ; struct type, ='som_norm'
85 % .method ; normalization method, a string
86 % .params ; normalization parameters
87 % .status ; string: 'uninit', 'undone' or 'done'
88 %
89 % Normalizations are always one-variable operations. In the data and map
90 % structs the normalization information for each component is saved in the
91 % '.comp_norm' field, which is a cell array of length dim. Each cell
92 % contains normalizations for one vector component in a struct array of
93 % normalization structs. Each component may have different amounts of
94 % different kinds of normalizations. Typically, all normalizations are
95 % either 'undone' or 'done', but in special situations this may not be the
96 % case. The easiest way to check out the status of the normalizations is to
97 % use function SOM_INFO, e.g. som_info(sS,3)
98 %
100 %
101 % sS The data to which the normalization is applied.
102 % (struct) Data or map struct. Before adding any new
103 % normalizations, it is ensured that the
104 % normalizations for the specified components in the
105 % '.comp_norm' field have status 'done'.
106 % (matrix) data matrix
107 %
109 %
110 % method The normalization(s) to add/use. If missing,
111 % or an empty variable ('' or []) is given, the
112 % normalizations in the data struct are used.
113 % (string) Identifier for a normalization method to be added:
114 % 'var', 'range', 'log', 'logistic', 'histD' or 'histC'. The
115 % same method is applied to all specified components
116 % (given in comps). The normalizations are first
117 % initialized (for each component separately, of
118 % course) and then applied.
119 % (struct) Normalization struct, or an array of structs, which
120 % is applied to all specified components. If the
121 % '.status' field of the struct(s) is 'uninit',
122 % the normalization(s) is initialized first.
123 % Alternatively, the struct may be map or data struct
124 % in which case its '.comp_norm' field is used
125 % (see the cell array option below).
126 % (cell array) In practice, the '.comp_norm' field of
127 % a data/map struct. The length of the array
128 % must be equal to the dimension of the given
129 % data set (sS). Each cell contains the
130 % normalization(s) for one component. Only the
131 % normalizations listed in comps argument are
132 % applied though.
133 % (cellstr array) norm and denorm operations in a cellstr array
134 % which are evaluated with EVAL command with variable
135 % name 'x' reserved for the variable.
136 %
137 % comps (vector) The components to which the normalization(s) is
138 % applied. Default is to apply to all components.
139 %
141 %
142 % sS Modified and/or updated data.
143 % (struct) If a struct was given as input argument, the
144 % same struct is returned with normalized data and
145 % updated '.comp_norm' fields.
146 % (matrix) If a matrix was given as input argument, the
147 % normalized data matrix is returned.
148 %
150 %
151 % To add (initialize and apply) a normalization to a data struct:
152 %
153 % sS = som_normalize(sS,'var');
154 %
155 % This uses 'var'-method to all components. To add a method only to
156 % a few selected components, use the comps argument:
157 %
158 % sS = som_normalize(sS,'log',[1 3:5]);
159 %
160 % To ensure that all normalization operations have indeed been done:
161 %
162 % sS = som_normalize(sS);
163 %
164 % The same for only a few components:
165 %
166 % sS = som_normalize(sS,'',[1 3:5]);
167 %
168 % To apply the normalizations of a data struct sS to a new data set D:
169 %
170 % D = som_normalize(D,sS);
171 % or
172 % D = som_normalize(D,sS.comp_norm);
173 %
174 % To normalize a data set:
175 %
176 % D = som_normalize(D,'histD');
177 %
178 % Note that in this case the normalization information is lost.
179 %
180 % To check out the status of normalization in a struct use SOM_INFO:
181 %
182 % som_info(sS,3)
183 %
184 %
185 % SEE ALSO
186 %
187 % som_denormalize Undo normalizations of a data struct/set.
188 % som_norm_variable Normalization operations for a set of scalar values.
189 % som_info User-friendly information of SOM Toolbox structs.
191 % Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
192 %
194 % Version 2.0beta juuso 151199 150500
196 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
197 %% check arguments
199 error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin)); % check no. of input arguments is correct
201 % sD
202 struct_mode = isstruct(sD);
203 if struct_mode,
204 switch sD.type
205 case 'som_map', D = sD.codebook;
206 case 'som_data', D =;
207 otherwise, error('Illegal struct.')
208 end
209 else
210 D = sD;
211 end
212 [dlen dim] = size(D);
214 % comps
215 if nargin<3 | (ischar(comps) & strcmp(comps,'all')),
216 comps = [1:dim];
217 end
218 if isempty(comps), return; end
219 if size(comps,1)>1, comps = comps'; end % make it a row vector
221 % method
222 csNorm = cell(dim,1);
223 if nargin<2 | isempty(method),
224 if ~struct_mode,
225 warning('No normalization method given. Data left unchanged.');
226 return;
227 end
228 method = '';
229 else
230 % check out the given method
231 % (and if necessary, copy it for each specified component)
232 if ischar(method),
233 switch method,
234 case {'var','range','log','histD','histC','logistic'},
235 sN = som_set('som_norm','method',method);
236 otherwise,
237 error(['Unrecognized method: ' method]);
238 end
239 for i=comps, csNorm{i} = sN; end
240 elseif isstruct(method),
241 switch method(1).type,
242 case {'som_map','som_data'}, csNorm = method(1).comp_norm;
243 case {'som_norm'}, for i=comps, csNorm{i} = method; end
244 otherwise,
245 error('Invalid struct given as normalization method.')
246 end
247 elseif iscellstr(method),
248 [dummy,sN] = som_norm_variable(1,method,'init');
249 for i=comps, csNorm{i} = sN; end
250 elseif iscell(method),
251 csNorm = method;
252 else
253 error('Illegal method argument.')
254 end
255 % check the size of csNorm is the same as data dimension
256 if length(csNorm) ~= dim,
257 error('Given number of normalizations does not match data dimension.')
258 end
259 end
261 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
262 %% initialize
264 % make sure all the current normalizations for current
265 % components have been done
266 if struct_mode,
267 alldone = 1;
268 for i = comps,
269 for j=1:length(sD.comp_norm{i}),
270 sN = sD.comp_norm{i}(j);
271 if ~strcmp(sN.status,'done'),
272 alldone = 0;
273 [x,sN] = som_norm_variable(D(:,i), sN, 'do');
274 D(:,i) = x;
275 sD.comp_norm{i}(j) = sN;
276 end
277 end
278 end
279 if isempty(method),
280 if alldone,
281 warning('No ''undone'' normalizations found. Data left unchanged.');
282 else
283 fprintf(1,'Normalizations have been redone.\n');
284 end
285 end
286 end
288 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
289 %% action
291 % add the new normalizations to the old ones
292 for i = comps,
293 if ~isempty(csNorm{i}),
294 [x,sN] = som_norm_variable(D(:,i), csNorm{i}, 'do');
295 D(:,i) = x;
296 if struct_mode,
297 if isempty(sD.comp_norm{i}), sD.comp_norm{i} = sN;
298 else sD.comp_norm{i} = [sD.comp_norm{i}, sN]; end
299 end
300 end
301 end
303 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
304 %% output
306 if struct_mode,
307 switch sD.type
308 case 'som_map', sD.codebook = D;
309 case 'som_data', = D;
310 otherwise, error('Illegal struct.')
311 end
312 else
313 sD = D;
314 end
316 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%