comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/MIRToolbox/@mirenvelope/mirenvelope.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function varargout = mirenvelope(orig,varargin)
2 % e = mirenvelope(x) extracts the envelope of x, showing the global shape
3 % of the waveform.
4 % mirenvelope(...,m) specifies envelope extraction method.
5 % Possible values:
6 % m = 'Filter' uses a low-pass filtering. (Default strategy)
7 % m = 'Spectro' uses a spectrogram.
8 %
9 % Options related to the 'Filter' method:
10 % mirenvelope(...,'Hilbert'): performs a preliminary Hilbert
11 % transform.
12 % mirenvelope(...,'PreDecim',N) downsamples by a factor N>1, where
13 % N is an integer, before the low-pass filtering (Klapuri, 1999).
14 % Default value: N = 1.
15 % mirenvelope(...,'Filtertype',f) specifies the filter type.
16 % Possible values are:
17 % f = 'IIR': filter with one autoregressive coefficient
18 % (default)
19 % f = 'HalfHann': half-Hanning (raised cosine) filter
20 % (Scheirer, 1998)
21 % Option related to the 'IIR' option:
22 % mirenvelope(...,'Tau',t): time constant of low-pass filter in
23 % seconds.
24 % Default value: t = 0.02 s.
25 % mirenvelope(...,'PostDecim',N) downsamples by a factor N>1, where
26 % N is an integer, after the low-pass filtering.
27 % Default value: N = 16 if 'PreDecim' is not used, else N = 1.
28 % mirenvelope(...,'Trim'): trims the initial ascending phase of the
29 % curves related to the transitory state.
30 %
31 % Options related to the 'Spectro' method:
32 % mirenvelope(...,b) specifies whether the frequency range is further
33 % decomposed into bands. Possible values:
34 % b = 'Freq': no band decomposition (default value)
35 % b = 'Mel': Mel-band decomposition
36 % b = 'Bark': Bark-band decomposition
37 % b = 'Cents': decompositions into cents
38 % mirenvelope(...,'Frame',...) specifies the frame configuration.
39 % Default value: length: .1 s, hop factor: 10 %.
40 % mirenvelope(...,'UpSample',N) upsamples by a factor N>1, where
41 % N is an integer.
42 % Default value if 'UpSample' called: N = 2
43 % mirenvelope(...,'Complex') toggles on the 'Complex' method for the
44 % spectral flux computation.
45 %
46 % Other available for all methods:
47 % mirenvelope(...,'Sampling',r): resamples to rate r (in Hz).
48 % 'Down' and 'Sampling' options cannot therefore be combined.
49 % mirenvelope(...,'Halfwave'): performs a half-wave rectification.
50 % mirenvelope(...,'Center'): centers the extracted envelope.
51 % mirenvelope(...,'HalfwaveCenter'): performs a half-wave
52 % rectification on the centered envelope.
53 % mirenvelope(...,'Log'): computes the common logarithm (base 10) of
54 % the envelope.
55 % mirenvelope(...,'Mu',mu): computes the logarithm of the
56 % envelope, before the eventual differentiation, using a mu-law
57 % compression (Klapuri, 2006).
58 % Default value for mu: 100
59 % mirenvelope(...,'Log'): computes the logarithm of the envelope.
60 % mirenvelope(...,'Power'): computes the power (square) of the
61 % envelope.
62 % mirenvelope(...,'Diff'): computes the differentation of the
63 % envelope, i.e., the differences between successive samples.
64 % mirenvelope(...,'HalfwaveDiff'): performs a half-wave
65 % rectification on the differentiated envelope.
66 % mirenvelope(...,'Normal'): normalizes the values of the envelope by
67 % fixing the maximum value to 1.
68 % mirenvelope(...,'Lambda',l): sums the half-wave rectified envelope
69 % with the non-differentiated envelope, using the respective
70 % weight 0<l<1 and (1-l). (Klapuri et al., 2006)
71 % mirenvelope(...,'Smooth',o): smooths the envelope using a moving
72 % average of order o.
73 % Default value when the option is toggled on: o=30
74 % mirenvelope(...,'Gauss',o): smooths the envelope using a gaussian
75 % of standard deviation o samples.
76 % Default value when the option is toggled on: o=30
77 % mirenvelope(...,'Klapuri06'): follows the model proposed in
78 % (Klapuri et al., 2006).
80 method.type = 'String';
81 method.choice = {'Filter','Spectro'};
82 method.default = 'Filter';
83 option.method = method;
85 %% options related to 'Filter':
87 hilb.key = 'Hilbert';
88 hilb.type = 'Boolean';
89 hilb.default = 0;
90 option.hilb = hilb;
92 decim.key = {'Decim','PreDecim'};
93 decim.type = 'Integer';
94 decim.default = 0;
95 option.decim = decim;
97 filter.key = 'FilterType';
98 filter.type = 'String';
99 filter.choice = {'IIR','HalfHann',0};
100 if isamir(orig,'mirenvelope')
101 filter.default = 0; % no more envelope extraction, already done
102 else
103 filter.default = 'IIR';
104 end
105 option.filter = filter;
107 %% options related to 'IIR':
108 tau.key = 'Tau';
109 tau.type = 'Integer';
110 tau.default = .02;
111 option.tau = tau;
113 zp.key = 'ZeroPhase'; % internal use: for manual filtfilt
114 zp.type = 'Boolean';
115 if isamir(orig,'mirenvelope')
116 zp.default = 0;
117 else
118 zp.default = NaN;
119 end
120 option.zp = zp;
122 ds.key = {'Down','PostDecim'};
123 ds.type = 'Integer';
124 if isamir(orig,'mirenvelope')
125 ds.default = 1;
126 else
127 ds.default = NaN; % 0 if 'PreDecim' is used, else 16
128 end
129 ds.when = 'After';
130 ds.chunkcombine = 'During';
131 option.ds = ds;
133 trim.key = 'Trim';
134 trim.type = 'Boolean';
135 trim.default = 0;
136 trim.when = 'After';
137 option.trim = trim;
139 %% Options related to 'Spectro':
141 band.type = 'String';
142 band.choice = {'Freq','Mel','Bark','Cents'};
143 band.default = 'Freq';
144 = band;
146 up.key = {'UpSample'};
147 up.type = 'Integer';
148 up.default = 0;
149 up.keydefault = 2;
150 up.when = 'After';
151 option.up = up;
153 complex.key = 'Complex';
154 complex.type = 'Boolean';
155 complex.default = 0;
156 complex.when = 'After';
157 option.complex = complex;
159 %% Options related to all methods:
161 sampling.key = 'Sampling';
162 sampling.type = 'Integer';
163 sampling.default = 0;
164 sampling.when = 'After';
165 option.sampling = sampling;
167 hwr.key = 'Halfwave';
168 hwr.type = 'Boolean';
169 hwr.default = 0;
170 hwr.when = 'After';
171 option.hwr = hwr;
173 c.key = 'Center';
174 c.type = 'Boolean';
175 c.default = 0;
176 c.when = 'After';
177 option.c = c;
179 chwr.key = 'HalfwaveCenter';
180 chwr.type = 'Boolean';
181 chwr.default = 0;
182 chwr.when = 'After';
183 option.chwr = chwr;
185 mu.key = 'Mu';
186 mu.type = 'Integer';
187 mu.default = 0;
188 mu.keydefault = 100;
189 mu.when = 'After';
190 = mu;
192 oplog.key = 'Log';
193 oplog.type = 'Boolean';
194 oplog.default = 0;
195 oplog.when = 'After';
196 option.log = oplog;
198 oppow.key = 'Power';
199 oppow.type = 'Integer';
200 oppow.default = 0;
201 oppow.when = 'After';
202 option.power = oppow;
204 diff.key = 'Diff';
205 diff.type = 'Integer';
206 diff.default = 0;
207 diff.keydefault = 1;
208 diff.when = 'After';
209 option.diff = diff;
211 diffhwr.key = 'HalfwaveDiff';
212 diffhwr.type = 'Integer';
213 diffhwr.default = 0;
214 diffhwr.keydefault = 1;
215 diffhwr.when = 'After';
216 option.diffhwr = diffhwr;
218 lambda.key = 'Lambda';
219 lambda.type = 'Integer';
220 lambda.default = 1;
221 lambda.when = 'After';
222 option.lambda = lambda;
224 aver.key = 'Smooth';
225 aver.type = 'Integer';
226 aver.default = 0;
227 aver.keydefault = 30;
228 aver.when = 'After';
229 option.aver = aver;
231 gauss.key = 'Gauss';
232 gauss.type = 'Integer';
233 gauss.default = 0;
234 gauss.keydefault = 30;
235 gauss.when = 'After';
236 option.gauss = gauss;
238 norm.key = 'Normal';
239 norm.type = 'Boolean';
240 norm.default = 0;
241 norm.when = 'After';
242 option.norm = norm;
244 presel.type = 'String';
245 presel.choice = {'Klapuri06'};
246 presel.default = 0;
247 option.presel = presel;
249 frame.key = 'Frame';
250 frame.type = 'Integer';
251 frame.number = 2;
252 frame.default = [.1 .1];
253 option.frame = frame;
255 specif.option = option;
257 specif.eachchunk = 'Normal';
258 specif.combinechunk = 'Concat';
259 specif.extensive = 1;
261 varargout = mirfunction(@mirenvelope,orig,varargin,nargout,specif,@init,@main);
264 function [x type] = init(x,option)
265 type = 'mirenvelope';
266 if isamir(x,'mirscalar')
267 return
268 end
269 if ischar(option.presel) && strcmpi(option.presel,'Klapuri06')
270 option.method = 'Spectro';
271 end
272 if not(isamir(x,'mirenvelope'))
273 if strcmpi(option.method,'Filter')
274 if isnan(option.zp)
275 if strcmpi(option.filter,'IIR')
276 option.zp = 1;
277 else
278 option.zp = 0;
279 end
280 end
281 if option.zp == 1
282 x = mirenvelope(x,'ZeroPhase',2,'Down',1,...
283 'Tau',option.tau,'PreDecim',option.decim);
284 end
285 elseif strcmpi(option.method,'Spectro')
286 x = mirspectrum(x,'Frame',option.frame.length.val,...
287 option.frame.length.unit,...
288 option.frame.hop.val,...
289 option.frame.hop.unit,...
290 'Window','hanning',...
293 end
294 end
297 function e = main(orig,option,postoption)
298 if iscell(orig)
299 orig = orig{1};
300 end
301 if isamir(orig,'mirscalar')
302 d = get(orig,'Data');
303 fp = get(orig,'FramePos');
304 for i = 1:length(d)
305 for j = 1:length(d{i})
306 d{i}{j} = reshape(d{i}{j},size(d{i}{j},2),1,size(d{i}{j},3));
307 p{i}{j} = mean(fp{i}{j})';
308 end
309 end
310 e.downsampl = 0;
311 e.hwr = 0;
312 e.diff = 0;
313 e.method = 'Spectro';
314 e.phase = {{}};
315 e = class(e,'mirenvelope',mirtemporal(orig));
316 e = set(e,'Title','Envelope','Data',d,'Pos',p,'FramePos',{{}});
317 postoption.trim = 0;
318 postoption.ds = 0;
319 e = post(e,postoption);
320 return
321 end
322 if isfield(option,'presel') && ischar(option.presel) && ...
323 strcmpi(option.presel,'Klapuri06')
324 option.method = 'Spectro';
325 postoption.up = 2;
326 = 100;
327 postoption.diffhwr = 1;
328 postoption.lambda = .8;
329 end
330 if isfield(postoption,'ds') && isnan(postoption.ds)
331 if option.decim
332 postoption.ds = 0;
333 else
334 postoption.ds = 16;
335 end
336 end
337 if not(isfield(option,'filter')) || not(ischar(option.filter))
338 e = post(orig,postoption);
339 elseif strcmpi(option.method,'Spectro')
340 d = get(orig,'Data');
341 fp = get(orig,'FramePos');
342 sr = get(orig,'Sampling');
343 ch = get(orig,'Channels');
344 ph = get(orig,'Phase');
345 for h = 1:length(d)
346 sr{h} = 0;
347 for i = 1:length(d{h})
348 if size(d{h}{i},3)>1 % Already in bands (channels in 3d dim)
349 d{h}{i} = permute(sum(d{h}{i}),[2 1 3]);
350 ph{h}{i} = permute(ph{h}{i},[2 1 3]);
351 else % Simple spectrogram, frequency range sent to 3d dim
352 d{h}{i} = permute(d{h}{i},[2 3 1]);
353 ph{h}{i} = permute(ph{h}{i},[2 3 1]);
354 end
355 p{h}{i} = mean(fp{h}{i})';
356 if not(sr{h}) && size(fp{h}{i},2)>1
357 sr{h} = 1/(fp{h}{i}(1,2)-fp{h}{i}(1,1));
358 end
359 end
360 if not(sr{h})
361 warning('WARNING IN MIRENVELOPE: The frame decomposition did not succeed. Either the input is of too short duration, or the chunk size is too low.');
362 end
363 ch{h} = (1:size(d{h}{1},3))';
364 end
365 e.downsampl = 0;
366 e.hwr = 0;
367 e.diff = 0;
368 %e.todelete = {};
369 e.method = 'Spectro';
370 e.phase = ph;
371 e = class(e,'mirenvelope',mirtemporal(orig));
372 e = set(e,'Title','Envelope','Data',d,'Pos',p,...
373 'Sampling',sr,'Channels',ch);
374 postoption.trim = 0;
375 postoption.ds = 0;
376 e = post(e,postoption);
377 else
378 if isnan(option.zp)
379 if strcmpi(option.filter,'IIR')
380 option.zp = 1;
381 else
382 option.zp = 0;
383 end
384 end
385 if option.zp == 1
386 option.decim = 0;
387 end
388 e.downsampl = 1;
389 e.hwr = 0;
390 e.diff = 0;
391 e.method = option.filter;
392 e.phase = {};
393 e = class(e,'mirenvelope',mirtemporal(orig));
394 e = purgedata(e);
395 e = set(e,'Title','Envelope');
396 sig = get(e,'Data');
397 x = get(e,'Pos');
398 sr = get(e,'Sampling');
399 disp('Extracting envelope...')
400 d = cell(1,length(sig));
401 [state e] = gettmp(orig,e);
402 for k = 1:length(sig)
403 if option.decim
404 sr{k} = sr{k}/option.decim;
405 end
406 if strcmpi(option.filter,'IIR')
407 a2 = exp(-1/(option.tau*sr{k})); % filter coefficient
408 a = [1 -a2];
409 b = 1-a2;
410 elseif strcmpi(option.filter,'HalfHann')
411 a = 1;
412 b = hann(sr{k}*.4);
413 b = b(ceil(length(b)/2):end);
414 end
415 d{k} = cell(1,length(sig{k}));
416 for i = 1:length(sig{k})
417 sigi = sig{k}{i};
418 if option.zp == 2
419 sigi = flipdim(sigi,1);
420 end
421 if option.hilb
422 try
423 for h = 1:size(sigi,2)
424 for j = 1:size(sigi,3)
425 sigi(:,h,j) = hilbert(sigi(:,h,j));
426 end
427 end
428 catch
429 disp('Signal Processing Toolbox does not seem to be installed. No Hilbert transform.');
430 end
431 end
432 sigi = abs(sigi);
434 if option.decim
435 dsigi = zeros(ceil(size(sigi,1)/option.decim),...
436 size(sigi,2),size(sigi,3));
437 for f = 1:size(sigi,2)
438 for c = 1:size(sigi,3)
439 dsigi(:,f,c) = decimate(sigi(:,f,c),option.decim);
440 end
441 end
442 sigi = dsigi;
443 clear dsigi
444 x{k}{i} = x{k}{i}(1:option.decim:end,:,:);
445 end
447 % tmp = filtfilt(1-a,[1 -a],sigi); % zero-phase IIR filter for smoothing the envelope
449 % Manual filtfilt
450 emptystate = isempty(state);
451 tmp = zeros(size(sigi));
452 for c = 1:size(sigi,3)
453 if emptystate
454 [tmp(:,:,c) state(:,c,1)] = filter(b,a,sigi(:,:,c));
455 else
456 [tmp(:,:,c) state(:,c,1)] = filter(b,a,sigi(:,:,c),...
457 state(:,c,1));
458 end
459 end
461 tmp = max(tmp,0); % For security reason...
462 if option.zp == 2
463 tmp = flipdim(tmp,1);
464 end
465 d{k}{i} = tmp;
466 %td{k} = round(option.tau*sr{k}*1.5);
467 end
468 end
469 e = set(e,'Data',d,'Pos',x,'Sampling',sr); %,'ToDelete',td
470 e = settmp(e,state);
471 if not(option.zp == 2)
472 e = post(e,postoption);
473 end
474 end
475 if isfield(option,'presel') && ischar(option.presel) && ...
476 strcmpi(option.presel,'Klapuri06')
477 e = mirsum(e,'Adjacent',10);
478 end
481 function e = post(e,postoption)
482 if isempty(postoption)
483 return
484 end
485 if isfield(postoption,'lambda') && not(postoption.lambda)
486 postoption.lambda = 1;
487 end
488 d = get(e,'Data');
489 tp = get(e,'Time');
490 sr = get(e,'Sampling');
491 ds = get(e,'DownSampling');
492 ph = get(e,'Phase');
493 for k = 1:length(d)
494 if isfield(postoption,'sampling')
495 if postoption.sampling
496 newsr = postoption.sampling;
497 elseif isfield(postoption,'ds') && postoption.ds>1
498 newsr = sr{k}/postoption.ds;
499 else
500 newsr = sr{k};
501 end
502 end
503 if isfield(postoption,'up') && postoption.up
504 [z,p,gain] = butter(6,10/newsr/postoption.up*2,'low');
505 [sos,g] = zp2sos(z,p,gain);
506 Hd = dfilt.df2tsos(sos,g);
507 end
508 for i = 1:length(d{k})
509 if isfield(postoption,'sampling') && postoption.sampling
510 if and(sr{k}, not(sr{k} == postoption.sampling))
511 dk = d{k}{i};
512 for j = 1:size(dk,3)
513 if not(sr{k} == round(sr{k}))
514 mirerror('mirenvelope','The ''Sampling'' postoption cannot be used after using the ''Down'' postoption.');
515 end
516 rk(:,:,j) = resample(dk(:,:,j),postoption.sampling,sr{k});
517 end
518 d{k}{i} = rk;
519 tp{k}{i} = repmat((0:size(d{k}{i},1)-1)',...
520 [1 1 size(tp{k}{i},3)])...
521 /postoption.sampling + tp{k}{i}(1,:,:);
522 if not(iscell(ds))
523 ds = cell(length(d));
524 end
525 ds{k} = round(sr{k}/postoption.sampling);
526 end
527 elseif isfield(postoption,'ds') && postoption.ds>1
528 if not(postoption.ds == round(postoption.ds))
529 mirerror('mirenvelope','The ''Down'' sampling rate should be an integer.');
530 end
531 ds = postoption.ds;
532 tp{k}{i} = tp{k}{i}(1:ds:end,:,:); % Downsampling...
533 d{k}{i} = d{k}{i}(1:ds:end,:,:);
534 end
535 if isfield(postoption,'sampling')
536 if not(strcmpi(e.method,'Spectro')) && postoption.trim
537 tdk = round(newsr*.1);
538 d{k}{i}(1:tdk,:,:) = repmat(d{k}{i}(tdk,:,:),[tdk,1,1]);
539 d{k}{i}(end-tdk+1:end,:,:) = repmat(d{k}{i}(end-tdk,:,:),[tdk,1,1]);
540 end
541 if postoption.log
542 d{k}{i} = log10(d{k}{i});
543 end
544 if
545 dki = max(0,d{k}{i});
546 mu =;
547 dki = log(1+mu*dki)/log(1+mu);
548 dki(~isfinite(d{k}{i})) = NaN;
549 d{k}{i} = dki;
550 end
551 if postoption.power
552 d{k}{i} = d{k}{i}.^2;
553 end
554 if postoption.up
555 dki = zeros(size(d{k}{i},1).*postoption.up,...
556 size(d{k}{i},2),size(d{k}{i},3));
557 dki(1:postoption.up:end,:,:) = d{k}{i};
558 dki = filter(Hd,[dki;...
559 zeros(6,size(d{k}{i},2),size(d{k}{i},3))]);
560 d{k}{i} = dki(1+ceil(6/2):end-floor(6/2),:,:);
561 tki = zeros(size(tp{k}{i},1).*postoption.up,...
562 size(tp{k}{i},2),...
563 size(tp{k}{i},3));
564 dt = repmat((tp{k}{i}(2)-tp{k}{i}(1))...
565 /postoption.up,...
566 [size(tp{k}{i},1),1,1]);
567 for j = 1:postoption.up
568 tki(j:postoption.up:end,:,:) = tp{k}{i}+dt*(j-1);
569 end
570 tp{k}{i} = tki;
571 newsr = sr{k}*postoption.up;
572 end
573 if (postoption.diffhwr || postoption.diff) && ...
574 not(get(e,'Diff'))
575 tp{k}{i} = tp{k}{i}(1:end-1,:,:);
576 order = max(postoption.diffhwr,postoption.diff);
577 if postoption.complex
578 dph = diff(ph{k}{i},2);
579 dph = dph/(2*pi);% - round(dph/(2*pi));
580 ddki = sqrt(d{k}{i}(3:end,:,:).^2 + d{k}{i}(2:end-1,:,:).^2 ...
581 - 2.*d{k}{i}(3:end,:,:)...
582 .*d{k}{i}(2:end-1,:,:)...
583 .*cos(dph));
584 d{k}{i} = d{k}{i}(2:end,:,:);
585 tp{k}{i} = tp{k}{i}(2:end,:,:);
586 elseif order == 1
587 ddki = diff(d{k}{i},1,1);
588 else
589 b = firls(order,[0 0.9],[0 0.9*pi],'differentiator');
590 ddki = filter(b,1,...
591 [repmat(d{k}{i}(1,:,:),[order,1,1]);...
592 d{k}{i};...
593 repmat(d{k}{i}(end,:,:),[order,1,1])]);
594 ddki = ddki(order+1:end-order-1,:,:);
595 end
596 if postoption.diffhwr
597 ddki = hwr(ddki);
598 end
599 d{k}{i} = (1-postoption.lambda)*d{k}{i}(1:end-1,:,:)...
600 + postoption.lambda*sr{k}/10*ddki;
601 end
602 if postoption.aver
603 y = filter(ones(1,postoption.aver),1,...
604 [d{k}{i};zeros(postoption.aver,...
605 size(d{k}{i},2),...
606 size(d{k}{i},3))]);
607 d{k}{i} = y(1+ceil(postoption.aver/2):...
608 end-floor(postoption.aver/2),:,:);
609 end
610 if postoption.gauss
611 sigma = postoption.gauss;
612 gauss = 1/sigma/2/pi...
613 *exp(- (-4*sigma:4*sigma).^2 /2/sigma^2);
614 y = filter(gauss,1,[d{k}{i};zeros(4*sigma,1,size(d{k}{i},3))]);
615 y = y(4*sigma:end,:,:);
616 d{k}{i} = y(1:size(d{k}{i},1),:,:);
617 end
618 if postoption.chwr
619 d{k}{i} = center(d{k}{i});
620 d{k}{i} = hwr(d{k}{i});
621 end
622 if postoption.hwr
623 d{k}{i} = hwr(d{k}{i});
624 end
625 if postoption.c
626 d{k}{i} = center(d{k}{i});
627 end
628 if postoption.norm
629 d{k}{i} = d{k}{i}./repmat(max(abs(d{k}{i})),...
630 [size(d{k}{i},1),1,1]);
631 end
632 end
633 end
634 if isfield(postoption,'sampling')
635 sr{k} = newsr;
636 end
637 end
638 if isfield(postoption,'ds') && postoption.ds>1
639 e = set(e,'DownSampling',postoption.ds,'Sampling',sr);
640 elseif isfield(postoption,'sampling') && postoption.sampling
641 e = set(e,'DownSampling',ds,'Sampling',sr);
642 elseif isfield(postoption,'up') && postoption.up
643 e = set(e,'Sampling',sr);
644 end
645 if isfield(postoption,'sampling')
646 if postoption.hwr
647 e = set(e,'Halfwave',1);
648 end
649 if postoption.diff
650 e = set(e,'Diff',1,'Halfwave',0,'Title','Differentiated envelope');
651 end
652 if postoption.diffhwr
653 e = set(e,'Diff',1,'Halfwave',1,'Centered',0);
654 end
655 if postoption.c
656 e = set(e,'Centered',1);
657 end
658 if postoption.chwr
659 e = set(e,'Halfwave',1,'Centered',1);
660 end
661 end
662 e = set(e,'Data',d,'Time',tp);
663 %if isfield(postoption,'frame') && isstruct(postoption.frame)
664 % e = mirframenow(e,postoption);
665 %end