comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/bnt/inference/static/@jtree_inf_engine/jtree_inf_engine.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function engine = jtree_inf_engine(bnet, varargin)
2 % JTREE_INF_ENGINE Junction tree inference engine
3 % engine = jtree_inf_engine(bnet, ...)
4 %
5 % The following optional arguments can be specified in the form of name/value pairs:
6 % [default value in brackets]
7 %
8 % clusters - a cell array of sets of nodes we want to ensure are in the same clique (in addition to families) [ {} ]
9 % root - the root of the junction tree will be a clique that contains this set of nodes [N]
10 % stages - stages{t} is a set of nodes we want to eliminate before stages{t+1}, ... [ {1:N} ]
11 %
12 % e.g., engine = jtree_inf_engine(bnet, 'maximize', 1);
13 %
14 % For more details on the junction tree algorithm, see
15 % - "Probabilistic networks and expert systems", Cowell, Dawid, Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter, Springer, 1999
16 % - "Inference in Belief Networks: A procedural guide", C. Huang and A. Darwiche,
17 % Intl. J. Approximate Reasoning, 15(3):225-263, 1996.
20 % set default params
21 N = length(bnet.dag);
22 clusters = {};
23 root = N;
24 stages = { 1:N };
25 maximize = 0;
27 if nargin >= 2
28 args = varargin;
29 nargs = length(args);
30 if ~isstr(args{1})
31 error('the interface to jtree has changed; now, onodes is not allowed and all optional params must be passed by name')
32 end
33 for i=1:2:nargs
34 switch args{i},
35 case 'clusters', clusters = args{i+1};
36 case 'root', root = args{i+1};
37 case 'stages', stages = args{i+1};
38 case 'maximize', maximize = args{i+1};
39 otherwise,
40 error(['invalid argument name ' args{i}]);
41 end
42 end
43 end
45 engine = init_fields;
46 engine = class(engine, 'jtree_inf_engine', inf_engine(bnet));
48 engine.maximize = maximize;
50 onodes = bnet.observed;
52 %[engine.jtree, dummy, engine.cliques, B, w, elim_order, moral_edges, fill_in_edges, strong] = ...
53 % dag_to_jtree(bnet, onodes, stages, clusters);
55 porder = determine_elim_constraints(bnet, onodes);
56 strong = ~isempty(porder);
57 ns = bnet.node_sizes(:);
58 ns(onodes) = 1; % observed nodes have only 1 possible value
59 [engine.jtree, root2, engine.cliques, B, w] = ...
60 graph_to_jtree(moralize(bnet.dag), ns, porder, stages, clusters);
63 engine.cliques_bitv = B;
64 engine.clique_weight = w;
65 C = length(engine.cliques);
66 engine.clpot = cell(1,C);
68 % Compute the separators between connected cliques.
69 [is,js] = find(engine.jtree > 0);
70 engine.separator = cell(C,C);
71 for k=1:length(is)
72 i = is(k); j = js(k);
73 engine.separator{i,j} = find(B(i,:) & B(j,:)); % intersect(cliques{i}, cliques{j});
74 end
76 % A node can be a member of many cliques, but is assigned to exactly one, to avoid
77 % double-counting its CPD. We assign node i to clique c if c is the "lightest" clique that
78 % contains i's family, so it can accomodate its CPD.
80 engine.clq_ass_to_node = zeros(1, N);
81 for i=1:N
82 %c = clq_containing_nodes(engine, family(bnet.dag, i));
83 clqs_containing_family = find(all(B(:,family(bnet.dag, i)), 2)); % all selected columns must be 1
84 c = clqs_containing_family(argmin(w(clqs_containing_family)));
85 engine.clq_ass_to_node(i) = c;
86 end
88 % Make the jtree rooted, so there is a fixed message passing order.
89 if strong
90 % the last clique is guaranteed to be a strong root
91 % engine.root_clq = length(engine.cliques);
93 % --- 4/17/2010, by Wei Sun (George Mason University):
94 % It has been proved that the last clique is not necessary to be the
95 % strong root, instead, a clique called interface clique, that contains
96 % all discrete parents and at least one continuous node from a connected
97 % continuous component in a CLG, is guaranteed to be a strong root.
98 engine.root_clq = findroot(bnet, engine.cliques) ;
99 else
100 % jtree_dbn_inf_engine requires the root to contain the interface.
101 % This may conflict with the strong root requirement! *********** BUG *************
102 engine.root_clq = clq_containing_nodes(engine, root);
103 if engine.root_clq <= 0
104 error(['no clique contains ' num2str(root)]);
105 end
106 end
108 [engine.jtree, engine.preorder, engine.postorder] = mk_rooted_tree(engine.jtree, engine.root_clq);
110 % collect
111 engine.postorder_parents = cell(1,length(engine.postorder));
112 for n=engine.postorder(:)'
113 engine.postorder_parents{n} = parents(engine.jtree, n);
114 end
115 % distribute
116 engine.preorder_children = cell(1,length(engine.preorder));
117 for n=engine.preorder(:)'
118 engine.preorder_children{n} = children(engine.jtree, n);
119 end
123 %%%%%%%%
125 function engine = init_fields()
127 engine.jtree = [];
128 engine.cliques = [];
129 engine.separator = [];
130 engine.cliques_bitv = [];
131 engine.clique_weight = [];
132 engine.clpot = [];
133 engine.clq_ass_to_node = [];
134 engine.root_clq = [];
135 engine.preorder = [];
136 engine.postorder = [];
137 engine.preorder_children = [];
138 engine.postorder_parents = [];
139 engine.maximize = [];
140 engine.evidence = [];