comparison toolboxes/graph_visualisation/share/man/man3/cgraph.3 @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 .de P0
2 .nf
3 \f5
4 ..
5 .de P1
6 \fP
7 .fi
8 ..
9 .de Ss
10 .fl
11 .ne 2
12 .SS "\\$1"
13 ..
14 .TH LIBCGRAPH 3 "30 JULY 2007"
15 .SH "NAME"
16 \fBlibcgraph\fR \- abstract graph library
18 ."ta .75i 1.5i 2.25i 3i 3.75i 4.5i 5.25i 6i
19 .PP
20 .nf
21 .P0
22 #include <graphviz/cgraph.h>
23 .P1
24 .SS "TYPES"
25 .P0
26 Agraph_t;
27 Agnode_t;
28 Agedge_t;
29 Agdesc_t;
30 Agdisc_t;
31 Agsym_t;
32 .P1
34 .P0
35 Agraph_t *agopen(char *name, Agdesc_t kind, Agdisc_t *disc);
36 int agclose(Agraph_t *g);
37 Agraph_t *agread(void *channel, Agdisc_t *);
38 void agreadline(int line_no);
39 void agsetfile(char *file_name);
40 Agraph_t *agconcat(Agraph_t *g, void *channel, Agdisc_t *disc)
41 int agwrite(Agraph_t *g, void *channel);
42 int agnnodes(Agraph_t *g),agnedges(Agraph_t *g);
43 int agisdirected(Agraph_t * g),agisundirected(Agraph_t * g),agisstrict(Agraph_t * g), agissimple(Agraph_t * g);
45 .P0
46 Agraph_t *agsubg(Agraph_t *g, char *name, int createflag);
47 Agraph_t *agidsubg(Agraph_t * g, unsigned long id, int cflag);
48 Agraph_t *agfstsubg(Agraph_t *g), agnxtsubg(Agraph_t *);
49 Agraph_t *agparent(Agraph_t *g);
50 int agdelsubg(Agraph_t * g, Agraph_t * sub); /* same as agclose() */
51 .P1
52 .SS "NODES"
53 .P0
54 Agnode_t *agnode(Agraph_t *g, char *name, int createflag);
55 Agnode_t *agidnode(Agraph_t *g, ulong id, int createflag);
56 Agnode_t *agsubnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n, int createflag);
57 Agnode_t *agfstnode(Agraph_t *g);
58 Agnode_t *agnxtnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n);
59 Agnode_t *agprvnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n);
60 Agnode_t *aglstnode(Agraph_t *g);
61 int agdelnode(Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n);
62 int agdegree(Agnode_t *n, int use_inedges, int use_outedges);
63 .P1
64 .SS "EDGES"
65 .P0
66 Agedge_t *agedge(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *t, Agnode_t *h, char *name, int createflag);
67 Agedge_t *agidedge(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * t, Agnode_t * h, unsigned long id, int createflag);
68 Agedge_t *agsubedge(Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e, int createflag);
69 Agnode_t *aghead(Agedge_t *e), *agtail(Agedge_t *e);
70 Agedge_t *agfstedge(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *n);
71 Agedge_t *agnxtedge(Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t *e, Agnode_t *n);
72 Agedge_t *agfstin(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *n);
73 Agedge_t *agnxtin(Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t *e);
74 Agedge_t *agfstout(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t *n);
75 Agedge_t *agnxtout(Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t *e);
76 int agdeledge(Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e);
78 .P0
79 Agsym_t *agattr(Agraph_t *g, int kind, char *name, char *value);
80 Agsym_t *agattrsym(void *obj, char *name);
81 Agsym_t *agnxtattr(Agraph_t *g, int kind, Agsym_t *attr);
82 char *agget(void *obj, char *name);
83 char *agxget(void *obj, Agsym_t *sym);
84 int agset(void *obj, char *name, char *value);
85 int agxset(void *obj, Agsym_t *sym, char *value);
86 int agsafeset(void *obj, char *name, char *value, char *def);
87 .P1
89 .P0
90 void *agbindrec(void *obj, char *name, unsigned int size, move_to_front);
91 Agrec_t *aggetrec(void *obj, char *name, int move_to_front);
92 int agdelrec(Agraph_t *g, void *obj, char *name);
93 int agcopyattr(void *, void *);
94 void aginit(Agraph_t * g, int kind, char *rec_name, int rec_size, int move_to_front);
95 void agclean(Agraph_t * g, int kind, char *rec_name);
96 .P1
98 .P0
99 Agcbdisc_t *agpopdisc(Agraph_t *g);
100 void agpushdisc(Agraph_t *g, Agcbdisc_t *disc);
101 void agmethod(Agraph_t *g, void *obj, Agcbdisc_t *disc, int initflag);
102 .P1
103 .SS "MEMORY"
104 .P0
105 void *agalloc(Agraph_t *g, size_t request);
106 void *agrealloc(Agraph_t *g, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize);
107 void agfree(Agraph_t *g, void *ptr);
108 .P1
110 .P0
111 char *agstrdup(Agraph_t *, char *);
112 char *agstrdup_html(Agraph_t *, char *);
113 int aghtmlstr(char *);
114 char *agstrbind(Agraph_t * g, char *);
115 int strfree(Agraph_t *, char *);
116 char *agcanonStr(char *);
117 char *agstrcanon(char *, char *);
118 .P1
120 .P0
121 Agraph_t *agraphof(void*);
122 Agraph_t *agroot(void*);
123 int agcontains(Agraph_t*, void*);
124 char *agnameof(void*);
125 void agdelete(Agraph_t *g, void *obj);
126 int agobjkind(void *obj);
127 Agrec_t *AGDATA(void *obj);
128 ulong AGID(void *obj);
129 int AGTYPE(void *obj);
130 .P1
132 Libcgraph supports graph programming by maintaining graphs in memory
133 and reading and writing graph files.
134 Graphs are composed of nodes, edges, and nested subgraphs.
135 These graph objects may be attributed with string name-value pairs
136 and programmer-defined records (see Attributes).
137 .PP
138 All of Libcgraph's global symbols have the prefix \fBag\fR (case varying).
140 .PP
141 A ``main'' or ``root'' graph defines a namespace for a collection of
142 graph objects (subgraphs, nodes, edges) and their attributes.
143 Objects may be named by unique strings or by 32-bit IDs.
144 .PP
145 \fBagopen\fP creates a new graph with the given name and kind.
146 (Graph kinds are \fBAgdirected\fP, \fBAgundirected\fP,
147 \fBAgstrictdirected\fP, and \fBAgstrictundirected\fP.
148 A strict graph cannot have multi-edges or self-arcs.)
149 \fBagclose\fP deletes a graph, freeing its associated storage.
150 \fBagread\fP, \fBagwrite\fP, and \fBagconcat\fP perform file I/O
151 using the graph file language described below. \fBagread\fP
152 constructs a new graph while \fBagconcat\fP merges the file
153 contents with a pre-existing graph. Though I/O methods may
154 be overridden, the default is that the channel argument is
155 a stdio FILE pointer. \fBagsetfile\fP and \fBagreadline\fP
156 are helper functions that simply set the current file name
157 and input line number for subsequent error reporting.
158 .PP
159 \fBagsubg\fP finds or creates
160 a subgraph by name. A new subgraph is is initially empty and
161 is of the same kind as its parent. Nested subgraph trees may be created.
162 A subgraph's name is only interpreted relative to its parent.
163 A program can scan subgraphs under a given graph
164 using \fBagfstsubg\fP and \fRagnxtsubg\fP. A subgraph is
165 deleted with \fBagdelsubg\fP (or \fBagclose\fP).
166 .PP
167 By default, nodes are stored in ordered sets for efficient random
168 access to insert, find, and delete nodes.
169 The edges of a node are also stored in ordered sets.
170 The sets are maintained internally as splay tree dictionaries
171 using Phong Vo's cdt library.
172 .PP
173 \fBagnnodes\fP, \fBagnedges\fP, and \fBagdegree\fP return the
174 sizes of node and edge sets of a graph. The \fBagdegree\fP returns
175 the size of the edge set of a nodes, and takes flags
176 to select in-edges, out-edges, or both.
177 .PP
178 An \fBAgdisc_t\fP defines callbacks to be invoked by libcgraph when
179 initializing, modifying, or finalizing graph objects. (Casual users can ignore
180 the following.) Disciplines are kept on a stack. Libcgraph automatically
181 calls the methods on the stack, top-down. Callbacks are installed
182 with \fBagpushdisc\fP, uninstalled with \fBagpopdisc\fP, and
183 can be held pending or released via \fBagcallbacks\fP.
184 .PP
185 (Casual users may ignore the following.
186 When Libcgraph is compiled with Vmalloc (which is not the default),
187 each graph has its own heap.
188 Programmers may allocate application-dependent data within the
189 same heap as the rest of the graph. The advantage is that
190 a graph can be deleted by atomically freeing its entire heap
191 without scanning each individual node and edge.
192 .SH "NODES"
193 A node is created by giving a unique string name or
194 programmer defined 32-bit ID, and is represented by a
195 unique internal object. (Node equality can checked
196 by pointer comparison.)
197 .PP
198 \fBagnode\fP searches in a graph or subgraph for a node
199 with the given name, and returns it if found.
200 If not found, if \fBcreateflag\fP is boolean true
201 a new node is created and returned, otherwise a nil
202 pointer is returned.
203 \fBagidnode\fP allows a programmer to specify the node
204 by a unique 32-bit ID.
205 \fBagsubnode\fP performs a similar operation on
206 an existing node and a subgraph.
207 .Pp
208 \fBagfstnode\fP and \fBagnxtnode\fP scan node lists.
209 \fBagprvnode\fP and \fPaglstnode\fP are symmetric but scan backward.
210 The default sequence is order of creation (object timestamp.)
211 \fBagdelnode\fP removes a node from a graph or subgraph.
212 .SH "EDGES"
213 .PP
214 An abstract edge has two endpoint nodes called tail and head
215 where the all outedges of the same node have it as the tail
216 value and similarly all inedges have it as the head.
217 In an undirected graph, head and tail are interchangable.
218 If a graph has multi-edges between the same pair of nodes,
219 the edge's string name behaves as a secondary key.
220 .Pp
221 \fBagedge\fP searches in a graph of subgraph for an
222 edge between the given endpoints (with an optional
223 multi-edge selector name) and returns it if found.
224 Otherwise, if \fBcreateflag\fP is boolean true,
225 a new edge is created and returned: otherwise
226 a nil pointer is returned. If the \fBname\fP
227 is NULL, then an anonymous internal
228 value is generated. \fBagidedge\fP allows a programmer
229 to create an edge by giving its unique 32-bit ID.
230 \fBagfstin\fP, \fBagnxtint\fP, \fBagfstout\fP, and
231 \fBagnxtout\fP visit directed in- and out- edge lists,
232 and ordinarily apply only in directed graphs.
233 \fBagfstedge\fP and \fBagnxtedge\fP visit all edges
234 incident to a node. \fBagtail\fP and \fBaghead\fP
235 get the endpoint of an edge.
237 Programmer-defined values may be dynamically
238 attached to graphs, subgraphs, nodes, and edges.
239 Such values are either uninterpreted binary records
240 (for implementing efficient algorithms)
241 or character string data (for I/O).
243 String attributes are handled automatically in reading
244 and writing graph files.
245 A string attribute is identified by name and by
246 an internal symbol table entry (\fBAgsym_t\fP) created by Libcgraph.
247 Attributes of nodes, edges, and graphs (with their subgraphs)
248 have separate namespaces. The contents of an \fBAgsym_t\fP
249 is listed below, followed by primitives to operate on string
250 attributes.
251 .P0
252 typedef struct Agsym_s { /* symbol in one of the above dictionaries */
253 Dtlink_t link;
254 char *name; /* attribute's name */
255 char *defval; /* its default value for initialization */
256 int id; /* its index in attr[] */
257 unsigned char kind; /* referent object type */
258 unsigned char fixed; /* immutable value */
259 } Agsym_t;
260 .P1
261 .PP
262 \fBagattr\fP creates or looks up attributes.
263 \fBkind\fP may be \fBAGRAPH\fP, \fBAGNODE\fP, or \fBAGEDGE\fP.
264 If \fBvalue\fP is \fB(char*)0)\fP, the request is to search
265 for an existing attribute of the given kind and name.
266 Otherwise, if the attribute already exists, its default
267 for creating new objects is set to the given value;
268 if it does not exist, a new attribute is created with the
269 given default, and the default is applied to all pre-existing
270 objects of the given kind. If \fBg\fP is NIL, the default is
271 set for all graphs created subsequently.
272 \fBagattrsym\fP is a helper function
273 that looks up an attribute for a graph object given as an argument.
274 \fBagnxtattr\fP permits traversing the list of attributes of
275 a given type. If \fBNIL\fP is passed as an argument it gets
276 the first attribute, otherwise it returns the next one in
277 succession or returns \fBNIL\fP at the end of the list.
278 \fBagget\fP and \fPagset\fP allow fetching and updating a
279 string attribute for an object taking the attribute name as
280 an argument. \fBagxget\fP and \fBagxset\fP do this but with
281 an attribute symbol table entry as an argument (to avoid
282 the cost of the string lookup). \fBagsafeset\fP is a
283 convenience function that ensures the given attribute is
284 declared before setting it locally on an object.
287 Libcgraph performs its own storage management of strings as
288 reference-counted strings.
289 The caller does not need to dynamically allocate storage.
290 .PP
291 \fBagstrdup\fP returns a pointer to a reference-counted copy of
292 the argument string, creating one if necessary. \fBagstrbind\fP
293 returns a pointer to a reference-counted string if it exists, or NULL if not.
294 All uses of cgraph strings need to be freed using \fBagstrfree\fP
295 in order to correctly maintain the reference count.
296 .PP
297 \fBagcanonStr\fP returns a pointer to a version of the input string
298 canonicalized for output for later re-parsing. This includes quoting
299 special characters and keywords. It uses its own internal buffer, so
300 the value will be lost on the next call to \fBagcanonStr\fP.
301 \fBagstrcanon\fP is an unsafe version of \fBagcanonStr\fP, in which
302 the application passes in a buffer as the second argument. Note that
303 the buffer may not be used; if the input string is in canonical form,
304 the function will just return a pointer to it.
305 .PP
306 The cgraph parser handles HTML-like strings. These should be
307 indistinguishable from other strings for most purposes. To create
308 an HTML-like string, use \fBagstrdup_html\fP. The \fBaghtmlstr\fP
309 function can be used to query if a string is an ordinary string or
310 an HTML-like string.
312 Uninterpreted records may be attached to graphs, subgraphs, nodes,
313 and edges for efficient operations on values such as marks, weights,
314 counts, and pointers needed by algorithms. Application programmers
315 define the fields of these records, but they must be declared with
316 a common header as shown below.
317 .P0
318 typedef struct Agrec_s {
319 Agrec_t header;
320 /* programmer-defined fields follow */
321 } Agrec_t;
322 .P1
323 Records are created and managed by Libcgraph. A programmer must
324 explicitly attach them to the objects in a graph, either to
325 individual objects one at a time via \fBagbindrec\fP, or to
326 all the objects of the same class in a graph via \fBaginit\fP.
327 The \fBname\fP argument a record distinguishes various types of records,
328 and is programmer defined (Libcgraph reserves the prefix \fB_ag\fR).
329 If size is 0, the call to \fBagbindrec\fP is simply a lookup.
330 \fBagdelrec\fP is the deletes records one at a time.
331 \fBagclean\fP does the same for all objects of the same
332 class in an entire graph.
334 Internally, records are maintained in circular linked lists
335 attached to graph objects.
336 To allow referencing application-dependent data without function
337 calls or search, Libcgraph allows setting and locking the list
338 pointer of a graph, node, or edge on a particular record.
339 This pointer can be obtained with the macro \fBAGDATA(obj)\fP.
340 A cast, generally within a macro or inline function,
341 is usually applied to convert the list pointer to
342 an appropriate programmer-defined type.
344 To control the setting of this pointer,
345 the \fBmove_to_front\fP flag may be \fBAG_MTF_FALSE\fP,
346 \fBAG_MTF_SOFT\fP, or \fBAG_MTF_HARD\fP accordingly.
347 The \fBAG_MTF_SOFT\fP field is only a hint that decreases
348 overhead in subsequent calls of \fBaggetrec\fP;
349 \fBAG_MTF_HARD\fP guarantees that a lock was obtained.
350 To release locks, use \fBAG_MTF_SOFT\fP or \fBAG_MTF_FALSE\fP.
351 Use of this feature implies cooperation or at least isolation
352 from other functions also using the move-to-front convention.
355 (The following is not intended for casual users.)
356 Programmer-defined disciplines customize certain resources-
357 ID namespace, memory, and I/O - needed by Libcgraph.
358 A discipline struct (or NIL) is passed at graph creation time.
359 .P0
360 struct Agdisc_s { /* user's discipline */
361 Agmemdisc_t *mem;
362 Agiddisc_t *id;
363 Agiodisc_t *io;
364 } ;
365 .P1
366 A default discipline is supplied when NIL is given for
367 any of these fields.
369 An ID allocator discipline allows a client to control assignment
370 of IDs (uninterpreted 32-bit values) to objects, and possibly how
371 they are mapped to and from strings.
373 .P0
374 struct Agiddisc_s { /* object ID allocator */
375 void *(*open)(Agraph_t *g); /* associated with a graph */
376 int (*map)(void *state, int objtype, char *str, ulong *id, int createflag);
377 int (*alloc)(void *state, int objtype, ulong id);
378 void (*free)(void *state, int objtype, ulong id);
379 char *(*print)(void *state, int objtype, ulong id);
380 void (*close)(void *state);
381 } ;
382 .P1
384 \f5open\fP permits the ID discipline to initialize any data
385 structures that maintains per individual graph.
386 Its return value is then passed as the first argument to
387 all subsequent ID manager calls.
389 \f5alloc\fP informs the ID manager that Libcgraph is attempting
390 to create an object with a specific ID that was given by a client.
391 The ID manager should return TRUE (nonzero) if the ID can be
392 allocated, or FALSE (which aborts the operation).
394 \f5free\fP is called to inform the ID manager that the
395 object labeled with the given ID is about to go out of existence.
397 \f5map\fP is called to create or look-up IDs by string name
398 (if supported by the ID manager). Returning TRUE (nonzero)
399 in all cases means that the request succeeded (with a valid
400 ID stored through \f5result\fP. There are four cases:
401 .PP
402 \f5name != NULL\fP and \f5createflag == 1\fP:
403 This requests mapping a string (e.g. a name in a graph file) into a new ID.
404 If the ID manager can comply, then it stores the result and returns TRUE.
405 It is then also responsible for being able to \f5print\fP the ID again
406 as a string. Otherwise the ID manager may return FALSE but it must
407 implement the following (at least for graph file reading and writing to work):
408 .PP
409 \f5name == NULL\fP and \f5createflag == 1\fP:
410 The ID manager creates a unique new ID of its own choosing.
411 Although it may return FALSE if it does not support anonymous objects,
412 but this is strongly discouraged (to support "local names" in graph files.)
413 .PP
414 \f5name != NULL\fP and \f5createflag == 0\fP:
415 This is a namespace probe. If the name was previously mapped into
416 an allocated ID by the ID manager, then the manager must return this ID.
417 Otherwise, the ID manager may either return FALSE, or may store
418 any unallocated ID into result. (This is convenient, for example,
419 if names are known to be digit strings that are directly converted into 32 bit values.)
420 .PP
421 \f5name == NULL\fP and \f5createflag == 0\fP: forbidden.
422 .PP
423 \f5print\fP is allowed to return a pointer to a static buffer;
424 a caller must copy its value if needed past subsequent calls.
425 \f5NULL\fP should be returned by ID managers that do not map names.
426 .PP
427 The \f5map\fP and \f5alloc\fP calls do not pass a pointer to the
428 newly allocated object. If a client needs to install object
429 pointers in a handle table, it can obtain them via
430 new object callbacks.
431 .P0
432 struct Agiodisc_s {
433 int (*fread)(void *chan, char *buf, int bufsize);
434 int (*putstr)(void *chan, char *str);
435 int (*flush)(void *chan); /* sync */
436 /* error messages? */
437 } ;
439 struct Agmemdisc_s { /* memory allocator */
440 void *(*open)(void); /* independent of other resources */
441 void *(*alloc)(void *state, size_t req);
442 void *(*resize)(void *state, void *ptr, size_t old, size_t req);
443 void (*free)(void *state, void *ptr);
444 void (*close)(void *state);
445 } ;
446 .P1
449 .P0
450 #include <graphviz/cgraph.h>
451 typedef struct mydata_s {Agrec_t hdr; int x,y,z;} mydata;
453 main(int argc, char **argv)
454 {
455 Agraph_t *g;
456 Agnode_t *v;
457 Agedge_t *e;
458 Agsym_t *attr;
459 Dict_t *d
460 int cnt;
461 mydata *p;
463 if (g = agread(stdin,NIL(Agdisc_t*))) {
464 cnt = 0; attr = 0;
465 while (attr = agnxtattr(g, AGNODE, attr)) cnt++;
466 printf("The graph %s has %d attributes\n",agnameof(g),cnt);
468 /* make the graph have a node color attribute, default is blue */
469 attr = agattr(g,AGNODE,"color","blue");
471 /* create a new graph of the same kind as g */
472 h = agopen("tmp",g->desc);
474 /* this is a way of counting all the edges of the graph */
475 cnt = 0;
476 for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g,v))
477 for (e = agfstout(g,v); e; e = agnxtout(g,e))
478 cnt++;
480 /* attach records to edges */
481 for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g,v))
482 for (e = agfstout(g,v); e; e; = agnxtout(g,e)) {
483 p = (mydata*) agbindrec(g,e,"mydata",sizeof(mydata),TRUE);
484 p->x = 27; /* meaningless data access example */
485 ((mydata*)(AGDATA(e)))->y = 999; /* another example */
486 }
487 }
488 }
489 .P1
491 .P0
492 digraph G {
493 a -> b;
494 c [shape=box];
495 a -> c [weight=29,label="some text];
496 subgraph anything {
497 /* the following affects only x,y,z */
498 node [shape=circle];
499 a; x; y -> z; y -> z; /* multiple edges */
500 }
501 }
503 strict graph H {
504 n0 -- n1 -- n2 -- n0; /* a cycle */
505 n0 -- {a b c d}; /* a star */
506 n0 -- n3;
507 n0 -- n3 [weight=1]; /* same edge because graph is strict */
508 }
509 .P1
510 .SH "SEE ALSO"
511 Libcdt(3)
513 .SH "BUGS"
514 It is difficult to change endpoints of edges, delete string attributes or
515 modify edge keys. The work-around is to create a new object and copy the
516 contents of an old one (but new object obviously has a different ID,
517 internal address, and object creation timestamp).
519 The API lacks convenient functions to substitute programmer-defined ordering of
520 nodes and edges but in principle this can be supported.
521 .SH "AUTHOR"
522 Stephen North,, AT&T Research.