comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_cplane.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function h=som_cplane(varargin)
3 %SOM_CPLANE Visualize one 2D component plane, U-matrix or color plane.
4 %
5 % h=som_cplane(lattice, msize, color, [s], [pos])
6 % h=som_cplane(topol, color, [s], [pos])
7 %
8 % som_cplane('hexa', [10 5], 'none');
9 % som_cplane('rect', [10 5], 'r');
10 % som_cplane(sM.topol, sM.codebook(:,1));
11 % U = som_umat(sM); som_cplane('hexaU',sM.topol.msize,U(:));
12 %
13 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
14 % lattice (string) 'hexa', 'rect' (component planes)
15 % 'hexaU', 'rectU' (corresponding U-matrices)
16 % (matrix) defines the patch (see function VIS_PATCH).
17 % msize (vector) 1x2 vector defines grid size (M=prod(msize))
18 % (matrix) Mx2 matrix gives explicit coordinates for each node
19 % topol (struct) map or topology struct
20 % color color for the nodes
21 % (matrix) Mx1 matrix gives indexed colors for the units
22 % Mx3 matrix of RGB triples gives explicit
23 % color for each unit
24 % (Note: in case of U-matrix, the number of color
25 % values is 4*prod(msize)-2*sum(msize)+1, not prod(msize))
26 % (string) ColorSpec gives the same color for each node
27 % 'none' draws black edges only.
28 % [s] (matrix) size Mx1, gives individual size scaling for each node
29 % (scalar) gives the same size for each node, default=1.
30 % Additional features: see 'type som_cplane'
31 % This argument is ignored if the lattice is 'rectU' or 'hexaU'.
32 % [pos] (vector) a 1x2 vector that determines position of origin,
33 % default is [1 1].
34 %
35 % h (scalar) the object handle for the PATCH object
36 %
37 % Axis are set to the 'ij' mode with equal spacing and turned off if
38 % 'pos' is not given. If 'lattice' is 'rect', 'hexa', 'rectU' or
39 % 'hexaU' the node (a,b) has coordinates (a,b) (+pos), except on the
40 % even numbered rows on the 'hexa' and 'hexaU' grids where the
41 % coordinates are (a,b+0.5) (+pos).
42 %
43 % For more help, try 'type som_cplane' or check out online documentation.
47 %%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
48 %
49 % som_cplane
50 %
52 %
53 % Visualizes a 2D component plane or u-matrix
54 %
56 %
57 % h = som_cplane(topol, color)
58 % h = som_cplane(lattice, msize, color)
59 % h = som_cplane(lattice, msize, color)
60 % h = som_cplane(..., size)
61 % h = som_cplane(..., size, pos)
62 %
64 %
65 % Creates some basic visualizations of the SOM grid: the component plane and
66 % the unified distance matrix. The routine draws the SOM grid as a patch
67 % object according to the specifications given in the input arguments and
68 % returns its object handle.
69 %
70 % Each unit of the map is presented by a polygon whose color, size, shape
71 % and location can be specified in various ways. The usual procedure
72 % is to choose the lattice and map size used in the map training. Then
73 % the function creates the standard sheet shaped topological
74 % representation of the map grid with hexagonal or rectangular units.
75 % When the values from a map codebook component (or from SOM_UMAT)
76 % are given to the function it produces an indexed coloring for the
77 % units (as in SURF command). Another possibility is to give a fixed
78 % RGB color for each unit explicitly.
79 %
80 % Special effects (variable unit size, location or shape) can be produced
81 % giving different types of input variables.
82 %
84 %
85 % Using 1x3 or 3x1 grids causes problem, as the MATLAB will treat the color
86 % information vector 1x3 or 3x1 as a single RGB triple. So, using indexed
87 % colors is not possible for this particular map size.
88 %
89 % It is not possible to specify explicit coordinates for map
90 % consistig of just one unit as then the msize is interpreted as
91 % map size.
92 %
94 %
95 % Note: M is the number of map units
96 %
97 % lattice The basic shape of the map units
98 %
99 % (string) 'hexa' or 'rect' creates standard component plane;
100 % 'hexaU' or 'rectU' creates standard u-matrix.
101 % (matrix) Lx2 matrix defines the cornes of an arbitary polygon to be used
102 % as the unit marker. (L is the number of patch vertex: L=6 for
103 % 'hexa' and L=4 for 'rect')
104 %
105 % msize The size of the map grid
106 %
107 % (vector) [n1 n2] vector defines the map size (height n1 units, width
108 % n2 units, total M=n1 x n2 units). The units will be placed to their
109 % topological locations to form a uniform hexagonal or rectangular grid.
110 % (matrix) Mx2 matrix defines arbitrary coordinates for the M units
111 % In this case the argument 'lattice' defines the unit form only.
112 %
113 % topol Topology of the map grid
114 %
115 % (struct) map or topology struct from which the topology is taken
116 %
117 % color Unit colors
118 %
119 % (string) (ColorSpec) gives the same color for each unit, 'none'
120 % draws black unit edges only.
121 % (vector) Mx1 column vector gives indexed color for each unit using the
122 % current colormap (see help colormap).
123 % (matrix) Mx3 matrix of RGB triples as rows gives each unit a fixed color.
124 %
126 %
127 % Note: M is the number of map units.
128 % Note: if unspecified or given empty values ('' or []) default
129 % values are used for optional input arguments.
130 %
131 % s The size scaling factors for the units
132 %
133 % (scalar) scalar gives each unit the same size scaling:
134 % 0 unit disappears (edges can be seen as a dot).
135 % 1 by default unit has its normal size (ie. no scaling)
136 % >1 unit overlaps others
137 % (matrix) Mx1 double: each unit gets individual size scaling
138 %
139 % pos Position of origin
140 %
141 % (vector) This argument exists to be able drawing component planes
142 % in arbitrary locations in a figure. Note the operation:
143 % if this argument is given, the axis limits setting
144 % part in the routine is skipped and the limits setting
145 % will be left to be done by MATLAB's default
146 % operation.
147 %
149 %
150 % h (scalar) handle to the created patch object
151 %
153 %
154 % One object handle is returned: field Tag is set to
155 % 'planeC' for component plane
156 % 'planeU' for U-matrix
157 %
159 %
160 % There are some extra features in following arguments
161 %
162 % size
163 % - MxL matrix: radial scaling: the distance between
164 % the center of node m and its kth vertex is scaled by
165 % s(m,k).
166 % - Mx1x2 matrix: the uniform scaling is done separately for
167 % x- and y-directions
168 % - MxLx2 matrix: the scaling is done separately to x- and y-
169 % directions for each vertex.
170 %
171 % color
172 % Each vertex may be given individual color.
173 % The PATCH object interpolates the colors on the
174 % face if shading is turned to interp.
175 % - 1xMxL matrix: colormap index for each vertex
176 % - LxMx3 matrix: RGB color for each vertex
177 %
178 % Note: In both cases (size and color) the ordering of the patch
179 % vertices in the "built-in" patches is the following
180 %
181 % 'rect' 'hexa'
182 % 1 3 1
183 % 2 4 5 2
184 % 6 3
185 % 4
186 %
187 % The color interpolation result seem to depend on the order
188 % in which the patch vertices are defined. Anyway, it gives
189 % unfavourable results in our case especially with hexa grid:
190 % this is a MATLAB feature.
191 %
193 %
194 % m=som_make(rand(100,4),'msize',[6 5]) % make a map
195 %
196 % % show the first variable plane using indexed color coding
197 %
198 % som_cplane(m.topol.lattice,m.topol.msize,m.codebook(:,1));
199 % or som_cplane(m.topol,m.codebook(:,1));
200 % or som_cplane(m,m.codebook(:,1));
201 %
202 % % show the first variable using different sized black units
203 %
204 % som_cplane(m,'k',m.codebook(:,1));
205 %
206 % % Show the u-matrix. First we have to calculate it.
207 % % Note: som_umat returns a matrix therefore we write u(:) to get
208 % % a vector which contains the values in the proper order.
209 %
210 % u=som_umat(m);
211 % som_cplane('hexaU', m.topol.msize, u(:));
212 %
213 % % Show three first variables coded as RGB colors
214 % % and turn the unit edges off
215 %
216 % h=som_cplane(m, m.codebook(:,1:3),1)
217 % set(h,'edgecolor','none');
218 %
219 % % Try this! (see section FEATURES)
220 %
221 % som_cplane('rect',[5 5],'none',rand(25,4));
222 % som_cplane('rect',[5 5],rand(1,25,4));
223 %
224 % SEE ALSO
225 %
226 % som_barplane Visualize the map prototype vectors as bar diagrams
227 % som_plotplane Visualize the map prototype vectors as line graphs
228 % som_pieplane Visualize the map prototype vectors as pie charts
229 % som_umat Compute unified distance matrix of self-organizing map
230 % vis_patch Define the basic patches used in som_cplane
231 % som_vis_coords The default 'hexa' and 'rect' coordinates in visualizations
233 % Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
234 %
236 % Version 2.0beta Johan 061099 juuso 151199 juuso 070600
238 %%% Check & Init arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
240 [nargin, lattice, msize, color, s, pos]=vis_planeGetArgs(varargin{:});
241 error(nargchk(3, 5, nargin)); % check no. of input args is correct
243 %% Translation?
245 if nargin < 5 | isempty(pos)
246 pos=NaN; % "no translation" flag
247 elseif ~vis_valuetype(pos,{'1x2'}),
248 error('Position of origin has to be given as an 1x2 vector.');
249 end
251 %% Patchform %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
253 switch class(lattice)
254 case 'char' % built-in patchforms
255 pos=pos-1;
256 switch lattice
257 case {'hexa', 'hexaU'}
258 patchform=vis_patch('hexa');
259 case {'rect', 'rectU'}
260 patchform=vis_patch('rect');
261 otherwise
262 error([ 'Lattice ' lattice ' not implemented!']);
263 end
264 case { 'double', 'sparse'}
265 if vis_valuetype(lattice,{'nx2'}),
266 patchform=lattice; % users patchform
267 lattice='rect';
268 else
269 error('Patchform matrix has wrong size');
270 end
271 otherwise
272 error('String or matrix expected for lattice.');
273 end
275 l=size(patchform,1); % number of vertices
276 planeType=lattice(end); % 'U' if umatrix otherwise something else
278 if ~vis_valuetype(msize,{ '1x2', 'nx2'}),
279 error('msize has to be given as 1x2 or nx2 vectors.');
280 end
282 %% msize or coordinates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
284 if size(msize,1)>1
285 % msize is coordinate matrix Nx2?
287 if planeType == 'U', % don't accept u-matrix
288 error('U-matrix visualization doesn''t work with free coordinates.');
289 end
291 % set number of map unit and unit coordinates
292 munits=size(msize,1);
293 unit_coords=msize; msize=[munits 1];
295 if isnan(pos), % no translation is done here
296 pos=[0 0]; % using [0 0] in order to prevent
297 end % axis tightening in
298 % vis_PlaneAxisProperties (arbitary coords!)
299 else
300 % msize is built-in lattice
302 unit_coords=som_vis_coords(lattice,msize);
304 % Calculate matrices x and y which 'moves' nodes
305 % to the correct positions:
306 % For U-matrix, the size has to be recalculated
307 if planeType == 'U',
308 xdim=2*msize(1)-1;ydim=2*msize(2)-1;
309 else
310 xdim=msize(1);ydim=msize(2);
311 end
312 munits=xdim*ydim;
314 % Feature warning
315 if munits == 3
316 warning('Problems with 1x3 and 3x1 maps. See documentation.');
317 end
318 end
320 %% Color matrix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
322 if ~isnumeric(color) & ~ischar(color),
323 error('Color matrix is invalid.');
324 else
325 d=size(color);
326 switch length(d)
327 case 2 %% Flat colors
328 if ischar(color) % Check for string 'none'
329 if strcmp(color,'none'),
330 color=NaN;
331 end
332 else
333 if ~(d(1)== 1 & d(2) == 3) & ...
334 ~(d(1) == munits & (d(2)==1 | d(2)==3))
335 error('Color data matrix has wrong size.');
336 elseif d(1)~=1 & d(2)==3
337 if any(color>1 | color<0)
338 error('Color data matrix has invalid RGB values.');
339 end
340 color=reshape(color,[1 munits 3]); % RGB colors
341 elseif d(2)==1
342 color=color'; % indexed
343 end
344 end
345 case 3 %% Interpolated colors
346 if d(1) == 1 & d(2) == munits & d(3) == l,
347 color=reshape(color, l, munits);
348 elseif ~(d(1) == l & d(2) == munits & d(3) == 3)
349 error('Color data matrix has wrong size.');
350 end
351 otherwise
352 error('Color data matrix has too many dimensions.');
353 end
354 end
356 %% Size matrix? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
358 if nargin < 4 | isempty(s),
359 s=1; % default value for s (no scaling)
360 elseif ~isnumeric(s)
361 error('Size matrix is not numeric.');
362 end
364 %%Determine the type of size matrix
365 d=size(s);
366 switch length(d)
367 case 2
368 if (d(1)==1 & d(2)==1),
369 % Each node gets the same, uniform scaling.
370 s=s'; sx=s; sy=s;
371 elseif (d(1)==munits & d(2)==l),
372 % Each vertex is scaled radially respetc to the
373 % node center.
374 s=s'; sx=s; sy=s;
375 elseif d(1)==munits & d(2)==1
376 % Each node gets an individual uniform scaling.
377 sx=repmat(s',l,1); sy=sx;
378 else
379 error('Size matrix has wrong size.');
380 end
381 case 3
382 if d(1)==munits & d(2)==1 & d(3)==2,
383 % Each node is individually and uniformly
384 % scaled separately to x- and y-directions.
385 sx=repmat(shiftdim(s(:,:,1))',l,1);
386 sy=repmat(shiftdim(s(:,:,2))',l,1);
387 elseif d(1)==munits & d(2)==l & d(3)==2,
388 % Each vertex is scaled separately to x- and y-directions
389 % with respect to the node center.
390 sx=shiftdim(s(:,:,1))';
391 sy=shiftdim(s(:,:,2))';
392 else
393 error('Size matrix has wrong size.');
394 end
395 otherwise
396 error('Size matrix has too many dimensions.');
397 end
399 % Size zero would cause division by zero. eps is as good (node disappears)
400 % I tried first NaN, it works well otherwise, but the node is
401 % then not on the axis and some commands may the work oddly.
402 % The edge may be visible, though.
404 sx(sx==0)=eps;
405 sy(sy==0)=eps;
407 % Rescale sizes for u-matrix
408 if planeType=='U',
409 sx=sx/2;sy=sy/2;
410 end
412 %%%% Action %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
414 % Making grid. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
416 % Translation for each patch
418 x=repmat(unit_coords(:,1)',l,1);
419 y=repmat(unit_coords(:,2)',l,1);
421 % patch vertex coordiantes
423 nx=repmat(patchform(:,1),1,munits);
424 ny=repmat(patchform(:,2),1,munits);
426 % NB: The hexagons are not uniform in order to get even
427 % y-coordinates for the nodes. This is handled by setting _axis scaling_
428 % so that the hexa-nodes look like uniform hexagonals. See
429 % vis_PlaneAxisProperties
431 %% Make and scale the final input for PATCH:
433 % 1: combine translation and scaling of each patch
434 x=(x./sx+nx).*sx; y=(y./sy+ny).*sy;
436 %% 2: translation of origin (pos)
437 if ~isnan(pos)
438 x=x+pos(1);y=y+pos(2); % move upper left corner
439 end % to pos
441 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
443 %% Set axes properties
444 %% Command view([0 90]) shows the map in 2D properly oriented
446 ax=newplot; % set new plot
447 vis_PlaneAxisProperties(ax,lattice,msize,pos);
449 %% Draw the map!
451 if ~isnan(color)
452 h_=patch(x,y,color);
453 else
454 h_=patch(x,y,'k'); % empty grid
455 set(h_,'FaceColor','none');
456 end
458 %% Set object tag
460 if planeType=='U'
461 set(h_,'Tag','planeU');
462 else
463 set(h_,'Tag','planeC');
464 end
466 %%% Build output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
468 if nargout>0, h=h_; end % Set h only,
469 % if there really is output