comparison toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/sammon.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function P = sammon(D, P, varargin)
3 %SAMMON Computes Sammon's mapping of a data set.
4 %
5 % P = sammon(D, P, [value], [mode], [alpha], [Mdist])
6 %
7 % P = sammon(D,2); % projection to 2-dim space
8 % P = sammon(sMap,3); % projects the codebook vectors
9 % P = sammon(sMap,3,[],[],[],Md) % uses distance matrix Md
10 % som_grid(sMap,'Coord',P) % visualization of map projection
11 %
12 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
13 % D (matrix) size dlen x dim, data to be projected
14 % (struct) data or map struct
15 % P (scalar) output dimension
16 % (matrix) size dlen x odim, initial projection matrix
17 % [value] (scalar) all different modes (the next argument) require
18 % a value, default = 100
19 % [mode] (string) 'steps' or 'errlimit' or 'errchange' or 'seconds',
20 % see below, default is 'steps'
21 % [alpha] (scalar) iteration step size, default = 0.2
22 % [Dist] (matrix) pairwise distance matrix, size dlen x dlen.
23 % If the distances in the input space should
24 % be calculated otherwise than as euclidian
25 % distances, the distance from each vector
26 % to each other vector can be given here,
27 % size dlen x dlen. For example PDIST
28 % function can be used to calculate the
29 % distances: Dist = squareform(pdist(D,'mahal'));
30 %
31 % P (matrix) size dlen x odim, the projections
32 %
33 % The output dimension must be 2 or higher but (naturally) lower
34 % than data set dimension.
35 %
36 % The mode argument determines the end condition for iteration. If
37 % the mode argument is used, also the value argument has to be
38 % specified. Different mode possibilities are:
39 % 'steps' the iteration is terminated when it is run <value>
40 % 'errlimit' steps, the iteration is terminated when projection error
41 % is lower than <value>,
42 % 'errchange' the iteration is terminated when change between
43 % projection error on two successive iteration rounds
44 % is less than <value> percent of total error, and
45 % 'seconds' the iteration is terminated after <value> seconds
46 % of iteration.
47 %
48 % See also CCA, PCAPROJ, SOM_GRID.
50 % Reference: Sammon, J.W. Jr., "A nonlinear mapping for data
51 % structure analysis", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-18,
52 % no. 5, 1969, pp. 401-409.
54 % Contributed to SOM Toolbox vs2, February 2nd, 2000 by Juha Vesanto
55 % Copyright (c) by Juha Vesanto
56 %
58 % juuso 040100
60 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
61 %% check arguments
63 error(nargchk(2, 6, nargin)); % check no. of input arguments is correct
65 % input data
66 if isstruct(D),
67 if isfield(D, 'data'), D =; % data struct
68 elseif isfield(D, 'codebook'), D = D.codebook; % map struct
69 else error('Invalid structure');
70 end
71 end
72 if any(isnan(D(:))),
73 error('Cannot make Sammon''s projection for data with unknown components')
74 end
76 % compute data dimensions
77 orig_si = size(D);
78 dim = orig_si(end);
79 noc = prod(orig_si)/dim;
80 if length(orig_si)>2, D = reshape(D,[noc dim]); end
82 % output dimension / initial projection matrix
83 if prod(size(P))==1,
84 odim = P;
85 P = rand(noc,odim)-0.5;
86 else
87 si = size(P);
88 odim = si(end);
89 if prod(si) ~= noc*odim,
90 error('Initial projection matrix size does not match data size');
91 end
92 if length(si)>2, P = reshape(P,[noc odim]); end
93 inds = find(isnan(P));
94 if length(inds), P(inds) = rand(size(inds)); end
95 end
96 if odim > dim | odim < 2,
97 error('Output dimension must be within [2, dimension of data]');
98 end
100 % determine operating mode
101 if nargin < 3 | isempty(varargin{1}) | isnan(varargin{1}), value=100;
102 else value = varargin{1};
103 end
105 if nargin < 4 | isempty(varargin{2}) | isnan(varargin{2}), mode='steps';
106 else mode = varargin{2};
107 end
108 switch mode,
109 case 'steps', runlen = value;
110 case 'errlimit', errlimit = value;
111 case 'errchange', errchange = value; e_prev = 0;
112 case 'seconds', endtime = value;
113 otherwise, error(['Illegal mode: ' mode]);
114 end
116 % iteration step size
117 if nargin > 4, alpha = varargin{3}; else alpha = NaN; end
118 if isempty(alpha) | isnan(alpha), alpha = 0.2; end
120 % mutual distances
121 if nargin > 5, Mdist = varargin{4}; else Mdist = []; end
123 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
124 %% initialization
126 % these are used quite frequently
127 noc_x_1 = ones(noc, 1);
128 odim_x_1 = ones(odim,1);
130 % compute mutual distances between vectors
131 if isempty(Mdist) | all(isnan(Mdist(:))),
132 fprintf(2, 'computing mutual distances\r');
133 dim_x_1 = ones(dim,1);
134 for i = 1:noc,
135 x = D(i,:);
136 Diff = D - x(noc_x_1,:);
137 N = isnan(Diff);
138 Diff(find(N)) = 0;
139 Mdist(:,i) = sqrt((Diff.^2)*dim_x_1);
140 N = find(sum(N')==dim); %mutual distance unknown
141 if ~isempty(N), Mdist(N,i) = NaN; end
142 end
143 else
144 % if the distance matrix is output from PDIST function
145 if size(Mdist,1)==1, Mdist = squareform(Mdist); end
146 if size(Mdist,1)~=noc,
147 error('Mutual distance matrix size and data set size do not match');
148 end
149 end
151 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
152 %% action
154 if strcmp(mode, 'seconds'), tic; end;
155 fprintf(2, 'iterating \r');
157 % sammon iteration
159 x = P ;
160 xu = zeros(noc, odim);
161 xd = zeros(noc, odim);
162 dq = zeros(noc, 1);
163 dr = zeros(noc, 1);
165 i = 0;
166 ready = 0;
167 while ~ready
168 for j = 1:noc,
169 xd = -x + x(j*noc_x_1,:);
170 xd2 = xd.^2;
171 dpj = sqrt(sum(xd2'))';
172 dq = Mdist(:,j) - dpj;
173 dr = Mdist(:,j) .* dpj;
174 ind = find(dr ~= 0);
175 term = dq(ind) ./ dr(ind);
176 e1 = sum(xd(ind,:) .* term(:,odim_x_1));
177 term2 = ((1.0 + dq(ind) ./ dpj(ind)) ./ dpj(ind)) ./ dr(ind);
178 e2 = sum(term) - sum(xd2(ind,:) .* term2(:,odim_x_1));
179 xu(j,:) = x(j,:) + alpha * e1 ./ abs(e2);
180 end
182 % move the center of mass to the center
184 c = sum(xu) / noc;
185 x = xu - c(noc_x_1, :);
187 i = i + 1;
189 % compute mapping error
190 % doing this adds about 25% to computing time
191 if 0,
192 e = 0; tot = 0;
193 for j = 2:noc,
194 d = Mdist(1:(j - 1), j);
195 tot = tot + sum(d);
196 ind = find(d ~= 0);
197 xd = -x(1:(j - 1), :) + x(j * ones(j - 1, 1), :);
198 ee = d - sqrt(sum(xd'.^2))';
199 e = e + sum(ee(ind).^2 ./ d(ind));
200 end
201 e = e/tot;
202 fprintf(2, '\r%d iterations, error %f', i, e);
203 else
204 fprintf(2, '\r%d iterations', i);
205 end
207 % determine is the iteration ready
209 switch mode
210 case 'steps',
211 if i == runlen, ready = 1; end;
212 case 'errlimit',
213 if e < errlimit, ready = 1; end;
214 case 'errchange',
215 if i > 1
216 change = 100 * abs(e - e_prev) / e_prev;
217 if change < errchange, ready = 1; end;
218 fprintf(2, ', change of error %f %% ', change);
219 end
220 e_prev = e;
221 case 'seconds'
222 if toc > endtime, ready = 1; end;
223 fprintf(2, ', elapsed time %f seconds ', toc);
224 end
225 fprintf(2, ' ');
227 % If you want to see the Sammon's projection plotted (in 2-D and 3-D case),
228 % execute the code below; it is not in use by default to speed up
229 % computation.
230 if 0,
231 clf
232 if odim == 1, plot(x(:,1), noc_x_1, 'o');
233 elseif odim == 2, plot(x(:,1), x(:,2), 'o');
234 else plot3(x(:,1), x(:,2), x(:,3), 'o')
235 end
236 drawnow
237 end
238 end
240 fprintf(2, '\n');
242 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
243 %% clean up
245 % reshape
246 orig_si(end) = odim;
247 P = reshape(x, orig_si);
249 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%