comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/netlab3.3/demopt1.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function demopt1(xinit)
2 %DEMOPT1 Demonstrate different optimisers on Rosenbrock's function.
3 %
4 % Description
5 % The four general optimisers (quasi-Newton, conjugate gradients,
6 % scaled conjugate gradients, and gradient descent) are applied to the
7 % minimisation of Rosenbrock's well known `banana' function. Each
8 % optimiser is run for at most 100 cycles, and a stopping criterion of
9 % 1.0e-4 is used for both position and function value. At the end, the
10 % trajectory of each algorithm is shown on a contour plot of the
11 % function.
12 %
13 % DEMOPT1(XINIT) allows the user to specify a row vector with two
14 % columns as the starting point. The default is the point [-1 1]. Note
15 % that the contour plot has an x range of [-1.5, 1.5] and a y range of
16 % [-0.5, 2.1], so it is best to choose a starting point in the same
17 % region.
18 %
19 % See also
21 %
23 % Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-2001)
25 % Initialise start point for search
26 if nargin < 1 | size(xinit) ~= [1 2]
27 xinit = [-1 1]; % Traditional start point
28 end
30 % Find out if flops is available (i.e. pre-version 6 Matlab)
31 v = version;
32 if (str2num(strtok(v, '.')) >= 6)
33 flops_works = logical(0);
34 else
35 flops_works = logical(1);
36 end
38 % Set up options
39 options = foptions; % Standard options
40 options(1) = -1; % Turn off printing completely
41 options(3) = 1e-8; % Tolerance in value of function
42 options(14) = 100; % Max. 100 iterations of algorithm
44 clc
45 disp('This demonstration compares the performance of four generic')
46 disp('optimisation routines when finding the minimum of Rosenbrock''s')
47 disp('function y = 100*(x2-x1^2)^2 + (1-x1)^2.')
48 disp(' ')
49 disp('The global minimum of this function is at [1 1].')
50 disp(['Each algorithm starts at the point [' num2str(xinit(1))...
51 ' ' num2str(xinit(2)) '].'])
52 disp(' ')
53 disp('Press any key to continue.')
54 pause
56 % Generate a contour plot of the function
57 a = -1.5:.02:1.5;
58 b = -0.5:.02:2.1;
59 [A, B] = meshgrid(a, b);
60 Z = rosen([A(:), B(:)]);
61 Z = reshape(Z, length(b), length(a));
62 l = -1:6;
63 v = 2.^l;
64 fh1 = figure;
65 contour(a, b, Z, v)
66 title('Contour plot of Rosenbrock''s function')
67 hold on
69 clc
70 disp('We now use quasi-Newton, conjugate gradient, scaled conjugate')
71 disp('gradient, and gradient descent with line search algorithms')
72 disp('to find a local minimum of this function. Each algorithm is stopped')
73 disp('when 100 cycles have elapsed, or if the change in function value')
74 disp('is less than 1.0e-8 or the change in the input vector is less than')
75 disp('1.0e-4 in magnitude.')
76 disp(' ')
77 disp('Press any key to continue.')
78 pause
80 clc
81 x = xinit;
82 flops(0)
83 [x, options, errlog, pointlog] = quasinew('rosen', x, options, 'rosegrad');
84 fprintf(1, 'For quasi-Newton method:\n')
85 fprintf(1, 'Final point is (%f, %f), value is %f\n', x(1), x(2), options(8))
86 fprintf(1, 'Number of function evaluations is %d\n', options(10))
87 fprintf(1, 'Number of gradient evaluations is %d\n', options(11))
88 if flops_works
89 opt_flops = flops;
90 fprintf(1, 'Number of floating point operations is %d\n', opt_flops)
91 end
92 fprintf(1, 'Number of cycles is %d\n', size(pointlog, 1) - 1);
93 disp(' ')
95 x = xinit;
96 flops(0)
97 [x, options, errlog2, pointlog2] = conjgrad('rosen', x, options, 'rosegrad');
98 fprintf(1, 'For conjugate gradient method:\n')
99 fprintf(1, 'Final point is (%f, %f), value is %f\n', x(1), x(2), options(8))
100 fprintf(1, 'Number of function evaluations is %d\n', options(10))
101 fprintf(1, 'Number of gradient evaluations is %d\n', options(11))
102 if flops_works
103 opt_flops = flops;
104 fprintf(1, 'Number of floating point operations is %d\n', ...
105 opt_flops)
106 end
107 fprintf(1, 'Number of cycles is %d\n', size(pointlog2, 1) - 1);
108 disp(' ')
110 x = xinit;
111 flops(0)
112 [x, options, errlog3, pointlog3] = scg('rosen', x, options, 'rosegrad');
113 fprintf(1, 'For scaled conjugate gradient method:\n')
114 fprintf(1, 'Final point is (%f, %f), value is %f\n', x(1), x(2), options(8))
115 fprintf(1, 'Number of function evaluations is %d\n', options(10))
116 fprintf(1, 'Number of gradient evaluations is %d\n', options(11))
117 if flops_works
118 opt_flops = flops;
119 fprintf(1, 'Number of floating point operations is %d\n', opt_flops)
120 end
121 fprintf(1, 'Number of cycles is %d\n', size(pointlog3, 1) - 1);
122 disp(' ')
124 x = xinit;
125 options(7) = 1; % Line minimisation used
126 flops(0)
127 [x, options, errlog4, pointlog4] = graddesc('rosen', x, options, 'rosegrad');
128 fprintf(1, 'For gradient descent method:\n')
129 fprintf(1, 'Final point is (%f, %f), value is %f\n', x(1), x(2), options(8))
130 fprintf(1, 'Number of function evaluations is %d\n', options(10))
131 fprintf(1, 'Number of gradient evaluations is %d\n', options(11))
132 if flops_works
133 opt_flops = flops;
134 fprintf(1, 'Number of floating point operations is %d\n', opt_flops)
135 end
136 fprintf(1, 'Number of cycles is %d\n', size(pointlog4, 1) - 1);
137 disp(' ')
138 disp('Note that gradient descent does not reach a local minimum in')
139 disp('100 cycles.')
140 disp(' ')
141 disp('On this problem, where the function is cheap to evaluate, the')
142 disp('computational effort is dominated by the algorithm overhead.')
143 disp('However on more complex optimisation problems (such as those')
144 disp('involving neural networks), computational effort is dominated by')
145 disp('the number of function and gradient evaluations. Counting these,')
146 disp('we can rank the algorithms: quasi-Newton (the best), conjugate')
147 disp('gradient, scaled conjugate gradient, gradient descent (the worst)')
148 disp(' ')
149 disp('Press any key to continue.')
150 pause
151 clc
152 disp('We now plot the trajectory of search points for each algorithm')
153 disp('superimposed on the contour plot.')
154 disp(' ')
155 disp('Press any key to continue.')
156 pause
157 plot(pointlog4(:,1), pointlog4(:,2), 'bd', 'MarkerSize', 6)
158 plot(pointlog3(:,1), pointlog3(:,2), 'mx', 'MarkerSize', 6, 'LineWidth', 2)
159 plot(pointlog(:,1), pointlog(:,2), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 18)
160 plot(pointlog2(:,1), pointlog2(:,2), 'g+', 'MarkerSize', 6, 'LineWidth', 2)
161 lh = legend( 'Gradient Descent', 'Scaled Conjugate Gradients', ...
162 'Quasi Newton', 'Conjugate Gradients');
164 hold off
166 clc
167 disp('Press any key to end.')
168 pause
169 close(fh1);
170 clear all;