comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/netlab3.3/demhmc1.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 %DEMHMC1 Demonstrate Hybrid Monte Carlo sampling on mixture of two Gaussians.
2 %
3 % Description
4 % The problem consists of generating data from a mixture of two
5 % Gaussians in two dimensions using a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm with
6 % persistence. A mixture model is then fitted to the sample to compare
7 % it with the true underlying generator.
8 %
9 % See also
11 %
13 % Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-2001)
16 dim = 2; % Data dimension
17 ncentres = 2; % Number of centres in mixture model
19 seed = 42; % Seed for random weight initialization.
20 randn('state', seed);
21 rand('state', seed);
23 clc
24 disp('This demonstration illustrates the use of the hybrid Monte Carlo')
25 disp('algorithm to sample from a mixture of two Gaussians.')
26 disp('The means of the two components are [0 0] and [2 2].')
27 disp(' ')
28 disp('First we set up the parameters of the mixture model we are sampling')
29 disp('from.')
30 disp(' ')
31 disp('Press any key to continue.')
32 pause
34 % Set up mixture model to sample from
35 mix = gmm(dim, ncentres, 'spherical');
36 mix.centres(1, :) = [0 0];
37 mix.centres(2, :) = [2 2];
38 x = [0 1]; % Start vector
40 % Set up vector of options for hybrid Monte Carlo.
42 nsamples = 160; % Number of retained samples.
44 options = foptions; % Default options vector.
45 options(1) = 1; % Switch on diagnostics.
46 options(5) = 1; % Use persistence
47 options(7) = 50; % Number of steps in trajectory.
48 options(14) = nsamples; % Number of Monte Carlo samples returned.
49 options(15) = 30; % Number of samples omitted at start of chain.
50 options(18) = 0.02;
52 clc
53 disp(['Next we take ', num2str(nsamples),' samples from the distribution.'...
54 , 'The first ', num2str(options(15))])
55 disp('samples at the start of the chain are omitted. As persistence')
56 disp('is used, the momentum has a small random component added at each step.')
57 disp([num2str(options(7)), ...
58 ' iterations are used at each step and the step size is ',...
59 num2str(options(18))])
60 disp('Sampling starts at the point [0 1].')
61 disp('The new state is accepted if the threshold value is greater than')
62 disp('a random number between 0 and 1.')
63 disp(' ')
64 disp('Negative step numbers indicate samples discarded from the start of the')
65 disp('chain.')
66 disp(' ')
67 disp('Press any key to continue.')
68 pause
70 [samples, energies] = hmc('dempot', x, options, 'demgpot', mix);
72 disp(' ')
73 disp('Press any key to continue.')
74 pause
75 clc
76 disp('The plot shows the samples generated by the HMC function.')
77 disp('The different colours are used to show how the samples move from')
78 disp('one component to the other over time.')
79 disp(' ')
80 disp('Press any key to continue.')
81 pause
82 probs = exp(-energies);
83 fh1 = figure;
84 % Plot data in 4 groups
85 ngroups = 4;
86 g1end = floor(nsamples/ngroups);
87 g2end = floor(2*nsamples/ngroups);
88 g3end = floor(3*nsamples/ngroups);
89 p1 = plot(samples(1:g1end,1), samples(1:g1end,2), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 12);
90 hold on
91 lstrings = char(['Samples 1-' int2str(g1end)], ...
92 ['Samples ' int2str(g1end+1) '-' int2str(g2end)], ...
93 ['Samples ' int2str(g2end+1) '-' int2str(g3end)], ...
94 ['Samples ' int2str(g3end+1) '-' int2str(nsamples)]);
95 p2 = plot(samples(g1end+1:g2end,1), samples(g1end+1:g2end,2), ...
96 'r.', 'MarkerSize', 12);
97 p3 = plot(samples(g2end+1:g3end,1), samples(g2end+1:g3end,2), ...
98 'g.', 'MarkerSize', 12);
99 p4 = plot(samples(g3end+1:nsamples,1), samples(g3end+1:nsamples,2), ...
100 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 12);
101 legend([p1 p2 p3 p4], lstrings, 2);
103 clc
104 disp('We now fit a Gaussian mixture model to the sampled data.')
105 disp('The model has spherical covariance structure and the correct')
106 disp('number of components.')
107 disp(' ')
108 disp('Press any key to continue.')
109 pause
110 % Fit a mixture model to the sample
111 newmix = gmm(dim, ncentres, 'spherical');
112 options = foptions;
113 options(1) = -1; % Switch off all diagnostics
114 options(14) = 5; % Just use 5 iterations of k-means in initialisation
115 % Initialise the model parameters from the samples
116 newmix = gmminit(newmix, samples, options);
118 % Set up vector of options for EM trainer
119 options = zeros(1, 18);
120 options(1) = 1; % Prints out error values.
121 options(14) = 15; % Max. Number of iterations.
123 disp('We now train the model using the EM algorithm for 15 iterations')
124 disp(' ')
125 disp('Press any key to continue')
126 pause
127 [newmix, options, errlog] = gmmem(newmix, samples, options);
129 % Print out model
130 disp(' ')
131 disp('The trained model has parameters ')
132 disp(' Priors Centres Variances')
133 disp([newmix.priors' newmix.centres newmix.covars'])
134 disp('Note the close correspondence between these parameters and those')
135 disp('of the distribution used to generate the data')
136 disp(' ')
137 disp(' Priors Centres Variances')
138 disp([mix.priors' mix.centres mix.covars'])
139 disp(' ')
140 disp('Press any key to exit')
141 pause
143 close(fh1);
144 clear all;