comparison toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/bnt/CPDs/@tabular_CPD/Old/tabular_CPD.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e9a9cd732c1e
1 function CPD = tabular_CPD(bnet, self, varargin)
2 % TABULAR_CPD Make a multinomial conditional prob. distrib. (CPT)
3 %
4 % CPD = tabular_CPD(bnet, node) creates a random CPT.
5 %
6 % The following arguments can be specified [default in brackets]
7 %
8 % CPT - specifies the params ['rnd']
9 % - T means use table T; it will be reshaped to the size of node's family.
10 % - 'rnd' creates rnd params (drawn from uniform)
11 % - 'unif' creates a uniform distribution
12 % - 'leftright' only transitions from i to i/i+1 are allowed, for each non-self parent context.
13 % The non-self parents are all parents except oldself.
14 % selfprob - The prob of transition from i to i if CPT = 'leftright' [0.1]
15 % old_self - id of the node corresponding to self in the previous slice [self-ss]
16 % adjustable - 0 means don't adjust the parameters during learning [1]
17 % prior_type - defines type of prior ['none']
18 % - 'none' means do ML estimation
19 % - 'dirichlet' means add pseudo-counts to every cell
20 % - 'entropic' means use a prior P(theta) propto exp(-H(theta)) (see Brand)
21 % dirichlet_weight - equivalent sample size (ess) of the dirichlet prior [1]
22 % dirichlet_type - defines the type of Dirichlet prior ['BDeu']
23 % - 'unif' means put dirichlet_weight in every cell
24 % - 'BDeu' means we put 'dirichlet_weight/(r q)' in every cell
25 % where r = self_sz and q = prod(parent_sz) (see Heckerman)
26 % trim - 1 means trim redundant params (rows in CPT) when using entropic prior [0]
27 %
28 % e.g., tabular_CPD(bnet, i, 'CPT', T)
29 % e.g., tabular_CPD(bnet, i, 'CPT', 'unif', 'dirichlet_weight', 2, 'dirichlet_type', 'unif')
30 %
32 % M. Brand - "Structure learning in conditional probability models via an entropic prior
33 % and parameter extinction", Neural Computation 11 (1999): 1155--1182
34 % M. Brand - "Pattern discovery via entropy minimization" [covers annealing]
35 % AI & Statistics 1999. Equation numbers refer to this paper, which is available from
36 %
37 % D. Heckerman, D. Geiger and M. Chickering,
38 % "Learning Bayesian networks: the combination of knowledge and statistical data",
39 % Microsoft Research Tech Report, 1994
42 if nargin==0
43 % This occurs if we are trying to load an object from a file.
44 CPD = init_fields;
45 CPD = class(CPD, 'tabular_CPD', discrete_CPD(0, []));
46 return;
47 elseif isa(bnet, 'tabular_CPD')
48 % This might occur if we are copying an object.
49 CPD = bnet;
50 return;
51 end
52 CPD = init_fields;
54 ns = bnet.node_sizes;
55 ps = parents(bnet.dag, self);
56 fam_sz = ns([ps self]);
57 CPD.sizes = fam_sz;
58 CPD.leftright = 0;
60 % set defaults
61 CPD.CPT = mk_stochastic(myrand(fam_sz));
62 CPD.adjustable = 1;
63 CPD.prior_type = 'none';
64 dirichlet_type = 'BDeu';
65 dirichlet_weight = 1;
66 CPD.trim = 0;
67 selfprob = 0.1;
69 % extract optional args
70 args = varargin;
71 % check for old syntax CPD(bnet, i, CPT) as opposed to CPD(bnet, i, 'CPT', CPT)
72 if ~isempty(args) & ~isstr(args{1})
73 CPD.CPT = myreshape(args{1}, fam_sz);
74 args = [];
75 end
77 % if old_self is specified, read in the value before CPT is created
78 old_self = [];
79 for i=1:2:length(args)
80 switch args{i},
81 case 'old_self', old_self = args{i+1};
82 end
83 end
85 for i=1:2:length(args)
86 switch args{i},
87 case 'CPT',
88 T = args{i+1};
89 if ischar(T)
90 switch T
91 case 'unif', CPD.CPT = mk_stochastic(myones(fam_sz));
92 case 'rnd', CPD.CPT = mk_stochastic(myrand(fam_sz));
93 case 'leftright',
94 % we just initialise the CPT to leftright - this structure will
95 % be maintained by EM, assuming we don't use a prior...
96 CPD.leftright = 1;
97 if isempty(old_self) % we assume the network is a DBN
98 ss = bnet.nnodes_per_slice;
99 old_self = self-ss;
100 end
101 other_ps = mysetdiff(ps, old_self);
102 Qps = prod(ns(other_ps));
103 Q = ns(self);
104 p = selfprob;
105 LR = mk_leftright_transmat(Q, p);
106 transprob = repmat(reshape(LR, [1 Q Q]), [Qps 1 1]); % transprob(k,i,j)
107 transprob = permute(transprob, [2 1 3]); % now transprob(i,k,j)
108 CPD.CPT = myreshape(transprob, fam_sz);
109 otherwise, error(['invalid CPT ' T]);
110 end
111 else
112 CPD.CPT = myreshape(T, fam_sz);
113 end
115 case 'prior_type', CPD.prior_type = args{i+1};
116 case 'dirichlet_type', dirichlet_type = args{i+1};
117 case 'dirichlet_weight', dirichlet_weight = args{i+1};
118 case 'adjustable', CPD.adjustable = args{i+1};
119 case 'clamped', CPD.adjustable = ~args{i+1};
120 case 'trim', CPD.trim = args{i+1};
121 case 'old_self', noop = 1; % already read in
122 otherwise, error(['invalid argument name: ' args{i}]);
123 end
124 end
126 switch CPD.prior_type
127 case 'dirichlet',
128 switch dirichlet_type
129 case 'unif', CPD.dirichlet = dirichlet_weight * myones(fam_sz);
130 case 'BDeu', CPD.dirichlet = dirichlet_weight * mk_stochastic(myones(fam_sz));
131 otherwise, error(['invalid dirichlet_type ' dirichlet_type])
132 end
133 case {'entropic', 'none'}
134 CPD.dirichlet = [];
135 otherwise, error(['invalid prior_type ' prior_type])
136 end
140 % fields to do with learning
141 if ~CPD.adjustable
142 CPD.counts = [];
143 CPD.nparams = 0;
144 CPD.nsamples = [];
145 else
146 CPD.counts = zeros(size(CPD.CPT));
147 psz = fam_sz(1:end-1);
148 ss = fam_sz(end);
149 if CPD.leftright
150 % For each of the Qps contexts, we specify Q elements on the diagoanl
151 CPD.nparams = Qps * Q;
152 else
153 % sum-to-1 constraint reduces the effective arity of the node by 1
154 CPD.nparams = prod([psz ss-1]);
155 end
156 CPD.nsamples = 0;
157 end
159 fam_sz = CPD.sizes;
160 psz = prod(fam_sz(1:end-1));
161 ssz = fam_sz(end);
162 CPD.trimmed_trans = zeros(psz, ssz); % must declare before reading
164 CPD = class(CPD, 'tabular_CPD', discrete_CPD(~CPD.adjustable, fam_sz));
167 %%%%%%%%%%%
169 function CPD = init_fields()
170 % This ensures we define the fields in the same order
171 % no matter whether we load an object from a file,
172 % or create it from scratch. (Matlab requires this.)
174 CPD.CPT = [];
175 CPD.sizes = [];
176 CPD.prior_type = [];
177 CPD.dirichlet = [];
178 CPD.adjustable = [];
179 CPD.counts = [];
180 CPD.nparams = [];
181 CPD.nsamples = [];
182 CPD.trim = [];
183 CPD.trimmed_trans = [];
184 CPD.leftright = [];