annotate toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_write_data.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
rev   line source
wolffd@0 1 function som_write_data(sData, filename, missing)
wolffd@0 2
wolffd@0 3 %SOM_WRITE_DATA Writes data structs/matrices to a file in SOM_PAK format.
wolffd@0 4 %
wolffd@0 5 % som_write_data(data,filename,[missing])
wolffd@0 6 %
wolffd@0 7 % som_write_data(sD,'')
wolffd@0 8 % som_write_data(D,'','*')
wolffd@0 9 %
wolffd@0 10 % Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
wolffd@0 11 % data (struct) data struct to be written in the file
wolffd@0 12 % (matrix) data matrix
wolffd@0 13 % filename (string) output filename
wolffd@0 14 % [missing] (string) string used to denote missing components (NaNs);
wolffd@0 15 % default is 'NaN'
wolffd@0 16 %
wolffd@0 17 % Note that much of the information in the data struct is lost.
wolffd@0 18 % Typically, when saving data structs into files use the 'save' command.
wolffd@0 19 %
wolffd@0 20 % For more help, try 'type som_write_data' or check out online documentation.
wolffd@0 21 % See also SOM_READ_DATA, SOM_READ_COD, SOM_WRITE_COD.
wolffd@0 22
wolffd@0 23 %%%%%%%%%%%%% DETAILED DESCRIPTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
wolffd@0 24 %
wolffd@0 25 % som_write_data
wolffd@0 26 %
wolffd@0 27 % PURPOSE
wolffd@0 28 %
wolffd@0 29 % Writes data structs/matrices to a file in SOM_PAK format.
wolffd@0 30 %
wolffd@0 31 % SYNTAX
wolffd@0 32 %
wolffd@0 33 % som_write_data(sD,'filename')
wolffd@0 34 % som_write_data(D,'filename')
wolffd@0 35 % som_write_data(...,'missing')
wolffd@0 36 %
wolffd@0 37 % DESCRIPTION
wolffd@0 38 %
wolffd@0 39 % This function is offered for compatibility with SOM_PAK, a SOM software
wolffd@0 40 % package in C. It writes data structs/matrices to a file in SOM_PAK format.
wolffd@0 41 %
wolffd@0 42 % See SOM_READ_DATA for a decription of the SOM_PAK data file format. Since
wolffd@0 43 % the format does not support information on normalizations, that
wolffd@0 44 % information is lost, as well as the data name. The component names are
wolffd@0 45 % written on a comment line which begins with '#n' and label names on
wolffd@0 46 % comment line which begins with '#l', respectively. Any spaces (' ') in the
wolffd@0 47 % component names and in the label names are replaced with
wolffd@0 48 % underscores ('_').
wolffd@0 49 %
wolffd@0 50 % This function is only offered for compatibility with SOM_PAK. In
wolffd@0 51 % general, when saving data in files, use 'save filename.mat sData'. This is
wolffd@0 52 % faster and retains all information of the data struct.
wolffd@0 53 %
wolffd@0 54 % The string to use for missing values (NaNs) in the written file can
wolffd@0 55 % be given with the last argument. Notice that if you use SOM_PAK to
wolffd@0 56 % read the files, you need to set the SOM_PAK environment variable
wolffd@0 57 % LVQSOM_MASK_STR accordingly, e.g. to 'NaN' if you use the default
wolffd@0 58 % replacement. For more information, see the SOM_PAK instructions.
wolffd@0 59 %
wolffd@0 61 %
wolffd@0 62 % data (struct or matrix) data to be written
wolffd@0 63 % filename (string) output filename
wolffd@0 64 %
wolffd@0 66 %
wolffd@0 67 % missing (string) string used to denote missing components (NaNs);
wolffd@0 68 % default is 'NaN'
wolffd@0 69 %
wolffd@0 70 % EXAMPLES
wolffd@0 71 %
wolffd@0 72 % The basic usage is:
wolffd@0 73 % som_write_data(sData,'')
wolffd@0 74 %
wolffd@0 75 % To write a data matrix to a file in plain SOM_PAK format, give a
wolffd@0 76 % data matrix as the first argument:
wolffd@0 77 % som_write_data(D,'')
wolffd@0 78 %
wolffd@0 79 % By default, all NaNs in the data matrix are written as 'NaN':s. The
wolffd@0 80 % third argument can be used to change this:
wolffd@0 81 % som_write_data(sData,'','+')
wolffd@0 82 % som_write_data(sData,'','missing')
wolffd@0 83 %
wolffd@0 84 % SEE ALSO
wolffd@0 85 %
wolffd@0 86 % som_read_data Reads data from an ascii file.
wolffd@0 87 % som_read_cod Read a map from a file in SOM_PAK format.
wolffd@0 88 % som_write_cod Writes data struct into a file in SOM_PAK format.
wolffd@0 89
wolffd@0 90 % Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by the SOM toolbox programming team.
wolffd@0 91 %
wolffd@0 92
wolffd@0 93 % Version 1.0beta ecco 131197
wolffd@0 94 % Version 2.0beta ecco 030899 juuso 151199
wolffd@0 95
wolffd@0 96 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
wolffd@0 97 %% check arguments
wolffd@0 98
wolffd@0 99 error(nargchk(2, 3, nargin)); % check no. of input args is correct
wolffd@0 100
wolffd@0 101 % data
wolffd@0 102 if isstruct(sData)
wolffd@0 103 is_struct = 1;
wolffd@0 104 D =;
wolffd@0 105 else
wolffd@0 106 is_struct = 0;
wolffd@0 107 D = sData;
wolffd@0 108 end
wolffd@0 109 [samples dim] = size(D);
wolffd@0 110
wolffd@0 111 % missing
wolffd@0 112 if nargin == 2, missing = 'NaN'; end
wolffd@0 113
wolffd@0 114 % open output file
wolffd@0 115 fid = fopen(filename, 'w');
wolffd@0 116 if fid < 0, error(['Cannot open file ' filename]); end
wolffd@0 117
wolffd@0 118 % check version
wolffd@0 119 v = version;
wolffd@0 120 ver_53_or_newer = (str2num(v(1:3)) >= 5.3);
wolffd@0 121
wolffd@0 122 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
wolffd@0 123 %% write data
wolffd@0 124
wolffd@0 125 % write dimension
wolffd@0 126
wolffd@0 127 fprintf(fid, '%d\n', dim);
wolffd@0 128
wolffd@0 129 % write component names as a SOM_PAK comment line
wolffd@0 130 if is_struct,
wolffd@0 131 fprintf(fid,'#n ');
wolffd@0 132 for i = 1:dim, fprintf(fid, '%s ', strrep(sData.comp_names{i},' ','_')); end
wolffd@0 133 fprintf(fid,'\n');
wolffd@0 134 if ~isempty(sData.label_names)
wolffd@0 135 fprintf(fid,'#l ');
wolffd@0 136 l = length(sData.label_names);
wolffd@0 137 for i = 1:l, fprintf(fid, '%s ', strrep(sData.label_names{i},' ','_')); end
wolffd@0 138 fprintf(fid,'\n');
wolffd@0 139 end
wolffd@0 140 end
wolffd@0 141
wolffd@0 142 % are there NaNs and/or labels?
wolffd@0 143
wolffd@0 144 has_nans = isnan(sum(D,2)) * (~strcmp(missing, 'NaN'));
wolffd@0 145
wolffd@0 146 has_labels = 0;
wolffd@0 147 if is_struct
wolffd@0 148 [lines numlabs] = size(sData.labels);
wolffd@0 149 has_labels = zeros(lines, 1);
wolffd@0 150 if ver_53_or_newer
wolffd@0 151 has_labels = sum((~(cellfun('isempty', sData.labels))), 2);
wolffd@0 152 else
wolffd@0 153 for i = 1:lines
wolffd@0 154 for j = 1:numlabs
wolffd@0 155 if ~isempty(sData.labels{i,j})
wolffd@0 156 has_labels(i) = 1; break;
wolffd@0 157 end
wolffd@0 158 end
wolffd@0 159 end
wolffd@0 160 end
wolffd@0 161 end
wolffd@0 162
wolffd@0 163 % write data
wolffd@0 164
wolffd@0 165 form = [repmat('%g ',[1 dim-1]) '%g\n'];
wolffd@0 166
wolffd@0 167 if ~sum(has_labels) & ~sum(has_nans) % no NaNs, no labels
wolffd@0 168 fprintf(fid, form, D');
wolffd@0 169 elseif ~sum(has_labels) % no labels, NaNs
wolffd@0 170 fprintf(fid, '%s', strrep(sprintf(form, D'), 'NaN', missing));
wolffd@0 171 else % labels and NaNs
wolffd@0 172 for i = 1:samples
wolffd@0 173 if has_nans(i)
wolffd@0 174 fprintf(fid, strrep(sprintf('%g ', D(i,:)), 'NaN', missing));
wolffd@0 175 else
wolffd@0 176 fprintf(fid, '%g ', D(i,:));
wolffd@0 177 end
wolffd@0 178
wolffd@0 179 if has_labels(i)
wolffd@0 180 temp = '';
wolffd@0 181 if ver_53_or_newer
wolffd@0 182 nonempty = ~(cellfun('isempty', sData.labels(i,:)));
wolffd@0 183 else
wolffd@0 184 for j = 1:numlabs, nonempty(j) = ~isempty(sData.labels{i, j}); end
wolffd@0 185 end
wolffd@0 186 labs = char(sData.labels{i, nonempty});
wolffd@0 187 labs(:,end + 1) = ' ';
wolffd@0 188 temp = reshape(labs',[1 prod(size(labs))]);
wolffd@0 189 temp(findstr(' ', temp))='';
wolffd@0 190 fprintf(fid, '%s', temp(1:end-1));
wolffd@0 191 end
wolffd@0 192 fprintf(fid,'\n');
wolffd@0 193 end
wolffd@0 194 end
wolffd@0 195
wolffd@0 196 % close file
wolffd@0 197
wolffd@0 198 if fclose(fid),
wolffd@0 199 error(['Cannot close file ' filename]);
wolffd@0 200 else
wolffd@0 201 fprintf(2, 'data write ok\n');
wolffd@0 202 end
wolffd@0 203
wolffd@0 204 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
wolffd@0 205
wolffd@0 206
wolffd@0 207
wolffd@0 208
wolffd@0 209
wolffd@0 210