annotate toolboxes/MIRtoolbox1.3.2/somtoolbox/som_demo4.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

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author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
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wolffd@0 1
wolffd@0 2 %SOM_DEMO4 Data analysis using the SOM.
wolffd@0 3
wolffd@0 4 % Contributed to SOM Toolbox 2.0, February 11th, 2000 by Juha Vesanto
wolffd@0 5 %
wolffd@0 6
wolffd@0 7 % Version 1.0beta juuso 071197
wolffd@0 8 % Version 2.0beta juuso 090200 070600
wolffd@0 9
wolffd@0 10 clf reset;
wolffd@0 11 f0 = gcf;
wolffd@0 12 echo on
wolffd@0 13
wolffd@0 14
wolffd@0 15
wolffd@0 16
wolffd@0 17 clc
wolffd@0 18 % ==========================================================
wolffd@0 20 % ==========================================================
wolffd@0 21
wolffd@0 22 % In this demo, the IRIS data set is analysed using SOM. First, the
wolffd@0 23 % data is read from ascii file (please make sure they can be found
wolffd@0 24 % from the current path), normalized, and a map is
wolffd@0 25 % trained. Since the data also had labels, the map is labelled.
wolffd@0 26
wolffd@0 27 try,
wolffd@0 28 sD = som_read_data('');
wolffd@0 29 catch
wolffd@0 30 echo off
wolffd@0 31
wolffd@0 32 warning('File '''' not found. Using simulated data instead.')
wolffd@0 33
wolffd@0 34 D = randn(50,4);
wolffd@0 35 D(:,1) = D(:,1)+5; D(:,2) = D(:,2)+3.5;
wolffd@0 36 D(:,3) = D(:,3)/2+1.5; D(:,4) = D(:,4)/2+0.3;
wolffd@0 37 D2 = randn(100,4); D2(:,2) = sort(D2(:,2));
wolffd@0 38 D2(:,1) = D2(:,1)+6.5; D2(:,2) = D2(:,2)+2.8;
wolffd@0 39 D2(:,3) = D2(:,3)+5; D2(:,4) = D2(:,4)/2+1.5;
wolffd@0 40 sD = som_data_struct([D; D2],'name','iris (simulated)',...
wolffd@0 41 'comp_names',{'SepalL','SepalW','PetalL','PetalW'});
wolffd@0 42 sD = som_label(sD,'add',[1:50]','Setosa');
wolffd@0 43 sD = som_label(sD,'add',[51:100]','Versicolor');
wolffd@0 44 sD = som_label(sD,'add',[101:150]','Virginica');
wolffd@0 45
wolffd@0 46 echo on
wolffd@0 47 end
wolffd@0 48
wolffd@0 49 sD = som_normalize(sD,'var');
wolffd@0 50 sM = som_make(sD);
wolffd@0 51 sM = som_autolabel(sM,sD,'vote');
wolffd@0 52
wolffd@0 53 pause % Strike any key to visualize the map...
wolffd@0 54
wolffd@0 55 clc
wolffd@0 57 % ============================
wolffd@0 58
wolffd@0 59 % The first step in the analysis of the map is visual inspection.
wolffd@0 60 % Here is the U-matrix, component planes and labels (you may
wolffd@0 61 % need to enlarge the figure in order to make out the labels).
wolffd@0 62
wolffd@0 63 som_show(sM,'umat','all','comp',[1:4],'empty','Labels','norm','d');
wolffd@0 64 som_show_add('label',sM.labels,'textsize',8,'textcolor','r','subplot',6);
wolffd@0 65
wolffd@0 66 % From this first visualization, one can see that:
wolffd@0 67 % - there are essentially two clusters
wolffd@0 68 % - PetalL and PetalW are highly correlated
wolffd@0 69 % - SepalL is somewhat correlated to PetalL and PetalW
wolffd@0 70 % - one cluster corresponds to the Setosa species and exhibits
wolffd@0 71 % small petals and short but wide sepals
wolffd@0 72 % - the other cluster corresponds to Virginica and Versicolor
wolffd@0 73 % such that Versicolor has smaller leaves (both sepal and
wolffd@0 74 % petal) than Virginica
wolffd@0 75 % - inside both clusters, SepalL and SepalW are highly correlated
wolffd@0 76
wolffd@0 77 pause % Strike any key to continue...
wolffd@0 78
wolffd@0 79 % Next, the projection of the data set is investigated. A
wolffd@0 80 % principle component projection is made for the data, and applied
wolffd@0 81 % to the map. The colormap is done by spreading a colormap on the
wolffd@0 82 % projection. Distance matrix information is extracted from the
wolffd@0 83 % U-matrix, and it is modified by knowledge of zero-hits
wolffd@0 84 % (interpolative) units. Finally, three visualizations are shown:
wolffd@0 85 % the color code, with clustering information and the number of
wolffd@0 86 % hits in each unit, the projection and the labels.
wolffd@0 87
wolffd@0 88 echo off
wolffd@0 89
wolffd@0 90 f1=figure;
wolffd@0 91 [Pd,V,me,l] = pcaproj(sD,2); Pm = pcaproj(sM,V,me); % PC-projection
wolffd@0 92 Code = som_colorcode(Pm); % color coding
wolffd@0 93 hits = som_hits(sM,sD); % hits
wolffd@0 94 U = som_umat(sM); % U-matrix
wolffd@0 95 Dm = U(1:2:size(U,1),1:2:size(U,2)); % distance matrix
wolffd@0 96 Dm = 1-Dm(:)/max(Dm(:)); Dm(find(hits==0)) = 0; % clustering info
wolffd@0 97
wolffd@0 98 subplot(1,3,1)
wolffd@0 99 som_cplane(sM,Code,Dm);
wolffd@0 100 hold on
wolffd@0 101 som_grid(sM,'Label',cellstr(int2str(hits)),...
wolffd@0 102 'Line','none','Marker','none','Labelcolor','k');
wolffd@0 103 hold off
wolffd@0 104 title('Color code')
wolffd@0 105
wolffd@0 106 subplot(1,3,2)
wolffd@0 107 som_grid(sM,'Coord',Pm,'MarkerColor',Code,'Linecolor','k');
wolffd@0 108 hold on, plot(Pd(:,1),Pd(:,2),'k+'), hold off, axis tight, axis equal
wolffd@0 109 title('PC projection')
wolffd@0 110
wolffd@0 111 subplot(1,3,3)
wolffd@0 112 som_cplane(sM,'none')
wolffd@0 113 hold on
wolffd@0 114 som_grid(sM,'Label',sM.labels,'Labelsize',8,...
wolffd@0 115 'Line','none','Marker','none','Labelcolor','r');
wolffd@0 116 hold off
wolffd@0 117 title('Labels')
wolffd@0 118
wolffd@0 119 echo on
wolffd@0 120
wolffd@0 121 % From these figures one can see that:
wolffd@0 122 % - the projection confirms the existence of two different clusters
wolffd@0 123 % - interpolative units seem to divide the Virginica
wolffd@0 124 % flowers into two classes, the difference being in the size of
wolffd@0 125 % sepal leaves
wolffd@0 126
wolffd@0 127 pause % Strike any key to continue...
wolffd@0 128
wolffd@0 129 % Finally, perhaps the most informative figure of all: simple
wolffd@0 130 % scatter plots and histograms of all variables. The species
wolffd@0 131 % information is coded as a fifth variable: 1 for Setosa, 2 for
wolffd@0 132 % Versicolor and 3 for Virginica. Original data points are in the
wolffd@0 133 % upper triangle, map prototype values on the lower triangle, and
wolffd@0 134 % histograms on the diagonal: black for the data set and red for
wolffd@0 135 % the map prototype values. The color coding of the data samples
wolffd@0 136 % has been copied from the map (from the BMU of each sample). Note
wolffd@0 137 % that the variable values have been denormalized.
wolffd@0 138
wolffd@0 139 echo off
wolffd@0 140
wolffd@0 141 % denormalize and add species information
wolffd@0 142 names = sD.comp_names; names{end+1} = 'species';
wolffd@0 143 D = som_denormalize(,sD); dlen = size(D,1);
wolffd@0 144 s = zeros(dlen,1)+NaN; s(strcmp(sD.labels,'Setosa'))=1;
wolffd@0 145 s(strcmp(sD.labels,'Versicolor'))=2; s(strcmp(sD.labels,'Virginica'))=3;
wolffd@0 146 D = [D, s];
wolffd@0 147 M = som_denormalize(sM.codebook,sM); munits = size(M,1);
wolffd@0 148 s = zeros(munits,1)+NaN; s(strcmp(sM.labels,'Setosa'))=1;
wolffd@0 149 s(strcmp(sM.labels,'Versicolor'))=2; s(strcmp(sM.labels,'Virginica'))=3;
wolffd@0 150 M = [M, s];
wolffd@0 151
wolffd@0 152 f2=figure;
wolffd@0 153
wolffd@0 154 % color coding copied from the map
wolffd@0 155 bmus = som_bmus(sM,sD); Code_data = Code(bmus,:);
wolffd@0 156
wolffd@0 157 k=1;
wolffd@0 158 for i=1:5, for j=1:5,
wolffd@0 159 if i<j, i1=i; i2=j; else i1=j; i2=i; end
wolffd@0 160 subplot(5,5,k); cla
wolffd@0 161 if i<j,
wolffd@0 162 som_grid('rect',[dlen 1],'coord',D(:,[i1 i2]),...
wolffd@0 163 'Line','none','MarkerColor',Code_data,'Markersize',2);
wolffd@0 164 title(sprintf('%s vs. %s',names{i1},names{i2}))
wolffd@0 165 elseif i>j,
wolffd@0 166 som_grid(sM,'coord',M(:,[i1 i2]),...
wolffd@0 167 'markersize',2,'MarkerColor',Code);
wolffd@0 168 title(sprintf('%s vs. %s',names{i1},names{i2}))
wolffd@0 169 else
wolffd@0 170 if i1<5, b = 10; else b = 3; end
wolffd@0 171 [nd,x] = hist(D(:,i1),b); nd=nd/sum(nd);
wolffd@0 172 nm = hist(M(:,i1),x); nm = nm/sum(nm);
wolffd@0 173 h=bar(x,nd,0.8); set(h,'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','k');
wolffd@0 174 hold on
wolffd@0 175 h=bar(x,nm,0.3); set(h,'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','r');
wolffd@0 176 hold off
wolffd@0 177 title(names{i1})
wolffd@0 178 end
wolffd@0 179 k=k+1;
wolffd@0 180 end
wolffd@0 181 end
wolffd@0 182
wolffd@0 183 echo on
wolffd@0 184
wolffd@0 185 % This visualization shows quite a lot of information:
wolffd@0 186 % distributions of single and pairs of variables both in the data
wolffd@0 187 % and in the map. If the number of variables was even slightly
wolffd@0 188 % more, it would require a really big display to be convenient to
wolffd@0 189 % use.
wolffd@0 190
wolffd@0 191 % From this visualization we can conform many of the earlier
wolffd@0 192 % conclusions, for example:
wolffd@0 193 % - there are two clusters: 'Setosa' (blue, dark green) and
wolffd@0 194 % 'Virginica'/'Versicolor' (light green, yellow, reds)
wolffd@0 195 % (see almost any of the subplots)
wolffd@0 196 % - PetalL and PetalW have a high linear correlation (see
wolffd@0 197 % subplots 4,3 and 3,4)
wolffd@0 198 % - SepalL is correlated (at least in the bigger cluster) with
wolffd@0 199 % PetalL and PetalW (in subplots 1,3 1,4 3,1 and 4,1)
wolffd@0 200 % - SepalL and SepalW have a clear linear correlation, but it
wolffd@0 201 % is slightly different for the two main clusters (in
wolffd@0 202 % subplots 2,1 and 1,2)
wolffd@0 203
wolffd@0 204 pause % Strike any key to cluster the map...
wolffd@0 205
wolffd@0 206 close(f1), close(f2), figure(f0), clf
wolffd@0 207
wolffd@0 208 clc
wolffd@0 209 % CLUSTERING OF THE MAP
wolffd@0 210 % =====================
wolffd@0 211
wolffd@0 212 % Visual inspection already hinted that there are at least two
wolffd@0 213 % clusters in the data, and that the properties of the clusters are
wolffd@0 214 % different from each other (esp. relation of SepalL and
wolffd@0 215 % SepalW). For further investigation, the map needs to be
wolffd@0 216 % partitioned.
wolffd@0 217
wolffd@0 218 % Here, the KMEANS_CLUSTERS function is used to find an initial
wolffd@0 219 % partitioning. The plot shows the Davies-Boulding clustering
wolffd@0 220 % index, which is minimized with best clustering.
wolffd@0 221
wolffd@0 222 subplot(1,3,1)
wolffd@0 223 [c,p,err,ind] = kmeans_clusters(sM, 7); % find at most 7 clusters
wolffd@0 224 plot(1:length(ind),ind,'x-')
wolffd@0 225 [dummy,i] = min(ind)
wolffd@0 226 cl = p{i};
wolffd@0 227
wolffd@0 228 % The Davies-Boulding index seems to indicate that there are
wolffd@0 229 % two clusters on the map. Here is the clustering info
wolffd@0 230 % calculated previously and the partitioning result:
wolffd@0 231
wolffd@0 232 subplot(1,3,2)
wolffd@0 233 som_cplane(sM,Code,Dm)
wolffd@0 234 subplot(1,3,3)
wolffd@0 235 som_cplane(sM,cl)
wolffd@0 236
wolffd@0 237 % You could use also function SOM_SELECT to manually make or modify
wolffd@0 238 % the partitioning.
wolffd@0 239
wolffd@0 240 % After this, the analysis would proceed with summarization of the
wolffd@0 241 % results, and analysis of each cluster one at a time.
wolffd@0 242 % Unfortunately, you have to do that yourself. The SOM Toolbox does
wolffd@0 243 % not, yet, have functions for those purposes.
wolffd@0 244
wolffd@0 245 pause % Strike any key to continue...
wolffd@0 246
wolffd@0 247
wolffd@0 248 clf
wolffd@0 249 clc
wolffd@0 250 % MODELING
wolffd@0 251 % ========
wolffd@0 252
wolffd@0 253 % One can also build models on top of the SOM. Typically, these
wolffd@0 254 % models are simple local or nearest-neighbor models.
wolffd@0 255
wolffd@0 256 % Here, SOM is used for probability density estimation. Each map
wolffd@0 257 % prototype is the center of a gaussian kernel, the parameters
wolffd@0 258 % of which are estimated from the data. The gaussian mixture
wolffd@0 259 % model is estimated with function SOM_ESTIMATE_GMM and the
wolffd@0 260 % probabilities can be calculated with SOM_PROBABILITY_GMM.
wolffd@0 261
wolffd@0 262 [K,P] = som_estimate_gmm(sM,sD);
wolffd@0 263 [pd,Pdm,pmd] = som_probability_gmm(sD,sM,K,P);
wolffd@0 264
wolffd@0 265 % Here is the probability density function value for the first data
wolffd@0 266 % sample (,1)) in terms of each map unit (m):
wolffd@0 267
wolffd@0 268 som_cplane(sM,Pdm(:,1))
wolffd@0 269 colorbar
wolffd@0 270 title('p(x|m)')
wolffd@0 271
wolffd@0 272 pause % Strike any key to continue...
wolffd@0 273
wolffd@0 274 % Here, SOM is used for classification. Although the SOM can be
wolffd@0 275 % used for classification as such, one has to remember that it does
wolffd@0 276 % not utilize class information at all, and thus its results are
wolffd@0 277 % inherently suboptimal. However, with small modifications, the
wolffd@0 278 % network can take the class into account. The function
wolffd@0 279 % SOM_SUPERVISED does this.
wolffd@0 280
wolffd@0 281 % Learning vector quantization (LVQ) is an algorithm that is very
wolffd@0 282 % similar to the SOM in many aspects. However, it is specifically
wolffd@0 283 % designed for classification. In the SOM Toolbox, there are
wolffd@0 284 % functions LVQ1 and LVQ3 that implement two versions of this
wolffd@0 285 % algorithm.
wolffd@0 286
wolffd@0 287 % Here, the function SOM_SUPERVISED is used to create a classifier
wolffd@0 288 % for IRIS data set:
wolffd@0 289
wolffd@0 290 sM = som_supervised(sD,'small');
wolffd@0 291
wolffd@0 292 som_show(sM,'umat','all');
wolffd@0 293 som_show_add('label',sM.labels,'TextSize',8,'TextColor','r')
wolffd@0 294
wolffd@0 295 sD2 = som_label(sD,'clear','all');
wolffd@0 296 sD2 = som_autolabel(sD2,sM); % classification
wolffd@0 297 ok = strcmp(sD2.labels,sD.labels); % errors
wolffd@0 298 100*(1-sum(ok)/length(ok)) % error percentage (%)
wolffd@0 299
wolffd@0 300 echo off
wolffd@0 301
wolffd@0 302
wolffd@0 303
wolffd@0 304
wolffd@0 305
wolffd@0 306
wolffd@0 307