annotate toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/netlab3.3/demgmm1.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

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author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
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wolffd@0 1 %DEMGMM1 Demonstrate EM for Gaussian mixtures.
wolffd@0 2 %
wolffd@0 3 % Description
wolffd@0 4 % This script demonstrates the use of the EM algorithm to fit a mixture
wolffd@0 5 % of Gaussians to a set of data using maximum likelihood. A colour
wolffd@0 6 % coding scheme is used to illustrate the evaluation of the posterior
wolffd@0 7 % probabilities in the E-step of the EM algorithm.
wolffd@0 8 %
wolffd@0 9 % See also
wolffd@0 11 %
wolffd@0 12
wolffd@0 13 % Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-2001)
wolffd@0 14
wolffd@0 15 clc;
wolffd@0 16 disp('This demonstration illustrates the use of the EM (expectation-')
wolffd@0 17 disp('maximization) algorithm for fitting of a mixture of Gaussians to a')
wolffd@0 18 disp('data set by maximum likelihood.')
wolffd@0 19 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 20 disp('The data set consists of 40 data points in a 2-dimensional')
wolffd@0 21 disp('space, generated by sampling from a mixture of 2 Gaussian')
wolffd@0 22 disp('distributions.')
wolffd@0 23 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 24 disp('Press any key to see a plot of the data.')
wolffd@0 25 pause;
wolffd@0 26
wolffd@0 27 % Generate the data
wolffd@0 28 randn('state', 0); rand('state', 0);
wolffd@0 29 gmix = gmm(2, 2, 'spherical');
wolffd@0 30 ndat1 = 20; ndat2 = 20; ndata = ndat1+ndat2;
wolffd@0 31 gmix.centres = [0.3 0.3; 0.7 0.7];
wolffd@0 32 gmix.covars = [0.01 0.01];
wolffd@0 33 x = gmmsamp(gmix, ndata);
wolffd@0 34
wolffd@0 35 h = figure;
wolffd@0 36 hd = plot(x(:, 1), x(:, 2), '.g', 'markersize', 30);
wolffd@0 37 hold on; axis([0 1 0 1]); axis square; set(gca, 'box', 'on');
wolffd@0 38 ht = text(0.5, 1.05, 'Data', 'horizontalalignment', 'center');
wolffd@0 39 disp(' ');
wolffd@0 40 disp('Press any key to continue.')
wolffd@0 41 pause; clc;
wolffd@0 42
wolffd@0 43 disp('We next create and initialize a mixture model consisting of a mixture')
wolffd@0 44 disp('of 2 Gaussians having ''spherical'' covariance matrices, using the')
wolffd@0 45 disp('function GMM. The Gaussian components can be displayed on the same')
wolffd@0 46 disp('plot as the data by drawing a contour of constant probability density')
wolffd@0 47 disp('for each component having radius equal to the corresponding standard')
wolffd@0 48 disp('deviation. Component 1 is coloured red and component 2 is coloured')
wolffd@0 49 disp('blue.')
wolffd@0 50 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 51 disp('Note that a particulary poor choice of initial parameters has been')
wolffd@0 52 disp('made in order to illustrate more effectively the operation of the')
wolffd@0 53 disp('EM algorithm.')
wolffd@0 54 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 55 disp('Press any key to see the initial configuration of the mixture model.')
wolffd@0 56 pause;
wolffd@0 57
wolffd@0 58 % Set up mixture model
wolffd@0 59 ncentres = 2; input_dim = 2;
wolffd@0 60 mix = gmm(input_dim, ncentres, 'spherical');
wolffd@0 61
wolffd@0 62 % Initialise the mixture model
wolffd@0 63 mix.centres = [0.2 0.8; 0.8, 0.2];
wolffd@0 64 mix.covars = [0.01 0.01];
wolffd@0 65
wolffd@0 66 % Plot the initial model
wolffd@0 67 ncirc = 30; theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, ncirc);
wolffd@0 68 xs = cos(theta); ys = sin(theta);
wolffd@0 69 xvals = mix.centres(:, 1)*ones(1,ncirc) + sqrt(mix.covars')*xs;
wolffd@0 70 yvals = mix.centres(:, 2)*ones(1,ncirc) + sqrt(mix.covars')*ys;
wolffd@0 71 hc(1)=line(xvals(1,:), yvals(1,:), 'color', 'r');
wolffd@0 72 hc(2)=line(xvals(2,:), yvals(2,:), 'color', 'b');
wolffd@0 73 set(ht, 'string', 'Initial Configuration');
wolffd@0 74 figure(h);
wolffd@0 75 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 76 disp('Press any key to continue');
wolffd@0 77 pause; clc;
wolffd@0 78
wolffd@0 79 disp('Now we adapt the parameters of the mixture model iteratively using the')
wolffd@0 80 disp('EM algorithm. Each cycle of the EM algorithm consists of an E-step')
wolffd@0 81 disp('followed by an M-step. We start with the E-step, which involves the')
wolffd@0 82 disp('evaluation of the posterior probabilities (responsibilities) which the')
wolffd@0 83 disp('two components have for each of the data points.')
wolffd@0 84 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 85 disp('Since we have labelled the two components using the colours red and')
wolffd@0 86 disp('blue, a convenient way to indicate the value of a posterior')
wolffd@0 87 disp('probability for a given data point is to colour the point using a')
wolffd@0 88 disp('scale ranging from pure red (corresponding to a posterior probability')
wolffd@0 89 disp('of 1.0 for the red component and 0.0 for the blue component) through')
wolffd@0 90 disp('to pure blue.')
wolffd@0 91 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 92 disp('Press any key to see the result of applying the first E-step.')
wolffd@0 93 pause;
wolffd@0 94
wolffd@0 95 % Initial E-step.
wolffd@0 96 set(ht, 'string', 'E-step');
wolffd@0 97 post = gmmpost(mix, x);
wolffd@0 98 dcols = [post(:,1), zeros(ndata, 1), post(:,2)];
wolffd@0 99 delete(hd);
wolffd@0 100 for i = 1 : ndata
wolffd@0 101 hd(i) = plot(x(i, 1), x(i, 2), 'color', dcols(i,:), ...
wolffd@0 102 'marker', '.', 'markersize', 30);
wolffd@0 103 end
wolffd@0 104 figure(h);
wolffd@0 105
wolffd@0 106 disp(' ');
wolffd@0 107 disp('Press any key to continue')
wolffd@0 108 pause; clc;
wolffd@0 109
wolffd@0 110 disp('Next we perform the corresponding M-step. This involves replacing the')
wolffd@0 111 disp('centres of the component Gaussians by the corresponding weighted means')
wolffd@0 112 disp('of the data. Thus the centre of the red component is replaced by the')
wolffd@0 113 disp('mean of the data set, in which each data point is weighted according to')
wolffd@0 114 disp('the amount of red ink (corresponding to the responsibility of')
wolffd@0 115 disp('component 1 for explaining that data point). The variances and mixing')
wolffd@0 116 disp('proportions of the two components are similarly re-estimated.')
wolffd@0 117 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 118 disp('Press any key to see the result of applying the first M-step.')
wolffd@0 119 pause;
wolffd@0 120
wolffd@0 121 % M-step.
wolffd@0 122 set(ht, 'string', 'M-step');
wolffd@0 123 options = foptions;
wolffd@0 124 options(14) = 1; % A single iteration
wolffd@0 125 options(1) = -1; % Switch off all messages, including warning
wolffd@0 126 mix = gmmem(mix, x, options);
wolffd@0 127 delete(hc);
wolffd@0 128 xvals = mix.centres(:, 1)*ones(1,ncirc) + sqrt(mix.covars')*xs;
wolffd@0 129 yvals = mix.centres(:, 2)*ones(1,ncirc) + sqrt(mix.covars')*ys;
wolffd@0 130 hc(1)=line(xvals(1,:), yvals(1,:), 'color', 'r');
wolffd@0 131 hc(2)=line(xvals(2,:), yvals(2,:), 'color', 'b');
wolffd@0 132 figure(h);
wolffd@0 133 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 134 disp('Press any key to continue')
wolffd@0 135 pause; clc;
wolffd@0 136
wolffd@0 137 disp('We can continue making alternate E and M steps until the changes in')
wolffd@0 138 disp('the log likelihood at each cycle become sufficiently small.')
wolffd@0 139 disp(' ')
wolffd@0 140 disp('Press any key to see an animation of a further 9 EM cycles.')
wolffd@0 141 pause;
wolffd@0 142 figure(h);
wolffd@0 143
wolffd@0 144 % Loop over EM iterations.
wolffd@0 145 numiters = 9;
wolffd@0 146 for n = 1 : numiters
wolffd@0 147
wolffd@0 148 set(ht, 'string', 'E-step');
wolffd@0 149 post = gmmpost(mix, x);
wolffd@0 150 dcols = [post(:,1), zeros(ndata, 1), post(:,2)];
wolffd@0 151 delete(hd);
wolffd@0 152 for i = 1 : ndata
wolffd@0 153 hd(i) = plot(x(i, 1), x(i, 2), 'color', dcols(i,:), ...
wolffd@0 154 'marker', '.', 'markersize', 30);
wolffd@0 155 end
wolffd@0 156 pause(1)
wolffd@0 157
wolffd@0 158 set(ht, 'string', 'M-step');
wolffd@0 159 [mix, options] = gmmem(mix, x, options);
wolffd@0 160 fprintf(1, 'Cycle %4d Error %11.6f\n', n, options(8));
wolffd@0 161 delete(hc);
wolffd@0 162 xvals = mix.centres(:, 1)*ones(1,ncirc) + sqrt(mix.covars')*xs;
wolffd@0 163 yvals = mix.centres(:, 2)*ones(1,ncirc) + sqrt(mix.covars')*ys;
wolffd@0 164 hc(1)=line(xvals(1,:), yvals(1,:), 'color', 'r');
wolffd@0 165 hc(2)=line(xvals(2,:), yvals(2,:), 'color', 'b');
wolffd@0 166 pause(1)
wolffd@0 167
wolffd@0 168 end
wolffd@0 169
wolffd@0 170 disp(' ');
wolffd@0 171 disp('Press any key to end.')
wolffd@0 172 pause; clc; close(h); clear all
wolffd@0 173