annotate toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/netlab3.3/gtminit.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

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author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
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wolffd@0 1 function net = gtminit(net, options, data, samp_type, varargin)
wolffd@0 2 %GTMINIT Initialise the weights and latent sample in a GTM.
wolffd@0 3 %
wolffd@0 4 % Description
wolffd@0 5 % NET = GTMINIT(NET, OPTIONS, DATA, SAMPTYPE) takes a GTM NET and
wolffd@0 6 % generates a sample of latent data points and sets the centres (and
wolffd@0 7 % widths if appropriate) of NET.RBFNET.
wolffd@0 8 %
wolffd@0 9 % If the SAMPTYPE is 'REGULAR', then regular grids of latent data
wolffd@0 10 % points and RBF centres are created. The dimension of the latent data
wolffd@0 11 % space must be 1 or 2. For one-dimensional latent space, the
wolffd@0 12 % LSAMPSIZE parameter gives the number of latent points and the
wolffd@0 13 % RBFSAMPSIZE parameter gives the number of RBF centres. For a two-
wolffd@0 14 % dimensional latent space, these parameters must be vectors of length
wolffd@0 15 % 2 with the number of points in each of the x and y directions to
wolffd@0 16 % create a rectangular grid. The widths of the RBF basis functions are
wolffd@0 17 % set by a call to RBFSETFW passing OPTIONS(7) as the scaling
wolffd@0 18 % parameter.
wolffd@0 19 %
wolffd@0 20 % If the SAMPTYPE is 'UNIFORM' or 'GAUSSIAN' then the latent data is
wolffd@0 21 % found by sampling from a uniform or Gaussian distribution
wolffd@0 22 % correspondingly. The RBF basis function parameters are set by a call
wolffd@0 23 % to RBFSETBF with the DATA parameter as dataset and the OPTIONS
wolffd@0 24 % vector.
wolffd@0 25 %
wolffd@0 26 % Finally, the output layer weights of the RBF are initialised by
wolffd@0 27 % mapping the mean of the latent variable to the mean of the target
wolffd@0 28 % variable, and the L-dimensional latent variale variance to the
wolffd@0 29 % variance of the targets along the first L principal components.
wolffd@0 30 %
wolffd@0 31 % See also
wolffd@0 33 %
wolffd@0 34
wolffd@0 35 % Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-2001)
wolffd@0 36
wolffd@0 37 % Check for consistency
wolffd@0 38 errstring = consist(net, 'gtm', data);
wolffd@0 39 if ~isempty(errstring)
wolffd@0 40 error(errstring);
wolffd@0 41 end
wolffd@0 42
wolffd@0 43 % Check type of sample
wolffd@0 44 stypes = {'regular', 'uniform', 'gaussian'};
wolffd@0 45 if (strcmp(samp_type, stypes)) == 0
wolffd@0 46 error('Undefined sample type.')
wolffd@0 47 end
wolffd@0 48
wolffd@0 49 if net.dim_latent > size(data, 2)
wolffd@0 50 error('Latent space dimension must not be greater than data dimension')
wolffd@0 51 end
wolffd@0 52 nlatent = net.gmmnet.ncentres;
wolffd@0 53 nhidden = net.rbfnet.nhidden;
wolffd@0 54
wolffd@0 55 % Create latent data sample and set RBF centres
wolffd@0 56
wolffd@0 57 switch samp_type
wolffd@0 58 case 'regular'
wolffd@0 59 if nargin ~= 6
wolffd@0 60 error('Regular type must specify latent and RBF shapes');
wolffd@0 61 end
wolffd@0 62 l_samp_size = varargin{1};
wolffd@0 63 rbf_samp_size = varargin{2};
wolffd@0 64 if round(l_samp_size) ~= l_samp_size
wolffd@0 65 error('Latent sample specification must contain integers')
wolffd@0 66 end
wolffd@0 67 % Check existence and size of rbf specification
wolffd@0 68 if any(size(rbf_samp_size) ~= [1 net.dim_latent]) | ...
wolffd@0 69 prod(rbf_samp_size) ~= nhidden
wolffd@0 70 error('Incorrect specification of RBF centres')
wolffd@0 71 end
wolffd@0 72 % Check dimension and type of latent data specification
wolffd@0 73 if any(size(l_samp_size) ~= [1 net.dim_latent]) | ...
wolffd@0 74 prod(l_samp_size) ~= nlatent
wolffd@0 75 error('Incorrect dimension of latent sample spec.')
wolffd@0 76 end
wolffd@0 77 if net.dim_latent == 1
wolffd@0 78 net.X = [-1:2/(l_samp_size-1):1]';
wolffd@0 79 net.rbfnet.c = [-1:2/(rbf_samp_size-1):1]';
wolffd@0 80 net.rbfnet = rbfsetfw(net.rbfnet, options(7));
wolffd@0 81 elseif net.dim_latent == 2
wolffd@0 82 net.X = gtm_rctg(l_samp_size);
wolffd@0 83 net.rbfnet.c = gtm_rctg(rbf_samp_size);
wolffd@0 84 net.rbfnet = rbfsetfw(net.rbfnet, options(7));
wolffd@0 85 else
wolffd@0 86 error('For regular sample, input dimension must be 1 or 2.')
wolffd@0 87 end
wolffd@0 88
wolffd@0 89
wolffd@0 90 case {'uniform', 'gaussian'}
wolffd@0 91 if strcmp(samp_type, 'uniform')
wolffd@0 92 net.X = 2 * (rand(nlatent, net.dim_latent) - 0.5);
wolffd@0 93 else
wolffd@0 94 % Sample from N(0, 0.25) distribution to ensure most latent
wolffd@0 95 % data is inside square
wolffd@0 96 net.X = randn(nlatent, net.dim_latent)/2;
wolffd@0 97 end
wolffd@0 98 net.rbfnet = rbfsetbf(net.rbfnet, options, net.X);
wolffd@0 99 otherwise
wolffd@0 100 % Shouldn't get here
wolffd@0 101 error('Invalid sample type');
wolffd@0 102
wolffd@0 103 end
wolffd@0 104
wolffd@0 105 % Latent data sample and basis function parameters chosen.
wolffd@0 106 % Now set output weights
wolffd@0 107 [PCcoeff, PCvec] = pca(data);
wolffd@0 108
wolffd@0 109 % Scale PCs by eigenvalues
wolffd@0 110 A = PCvec(:, 1:net.dim_latent)*diag(sqrt(PCcoeff(1:net.dim_latent)));
wolffd@0 111
wolffd@0 112 [temp, Phi] = rbffwd(net.rbfnet, net.X);
wolffd@0 113 % Normalise X to ensure 1:1 mapping of variances and calculate weights
wolffd@0 114 % as solution of Phi*W = normX*A'
wolffd@0 115 normX = (net.X - ones(size(net.X))*diag(mean(net.X)))*diag(1./std(net.X));
wolffd@0 116 net.rbfnet.w2 = Phi \ (normX*A');
wolffd@0 117 % Bias is mean of target data
wolffd@0 118 net.rbfnet.b2 = mean(data);
wolffd@0 119
wolffd@0 120 % Must also set initial value of variance
wolffd@0 121 % Find average distance between nearest centres
wolffd@0 122 % Ensure that distance of centre to itself is excluded by setting diagonal
wolffd@0 123 % entries to realmax
wolffd@0 124 net.gmmnet.centres = rbffwd(net.rbfnet, net.X);
wolffd@0 125 d = dist2(net.gmmnet.centres, net.gmmnet.centres) + ...
wolffd@0 126 diag(ones(net.gmmnet.ncentres, 1)*realmax);
wolffd@0 127 sigma = mean(min(d))/2;
wolffd@0 128
wolffd@0 129 % Now set covariance to minimum of this and next largest eigenvalue
wolffd@0 130 if net.dim_latent < size(data, 2)
wolffd@0 131 sigma = min(sigma, PCcoeff(net.dim_latent+1));
wolffd@0 132 end
wolffd@0 133 net.gmmnet.covars = sigma*ones(1, net.gmmnet.ncentres);
wolffd@0 134
wolffd@0 135 % Sub-function to create the sample data in 2d
wolffd@0 136 function sample = gtm_rctg(samp_size)
wolffd@0 137
wolffd@0 138 xDim = samp_size(1);
wolffd@0 139 yDim = samp_size(2);
wolffd@0 140 % Produce a grid with the right number of rows and columns
wolffd@0 141 [X, Y] = meshgrid([0:1:(xDim-1)], [(yDim-1):-1:0]);
wolffd@0 142
wolffd@0 143 % Change grid representation
wolffd@0 144 sample = [X(:), Y(:)];
wolffd@0 145
wolffd@0 146 % Shift grid to correct position and scale it
wolffd@0 147 maxXY= max(sample);
wolffd@0 148 sample(:,1) = 2*(sample(:,1) - maxXY(1)/2)./maxXY(1);
wolffd@0 149 sample(:,2) = 2*(sample(:,2) - maxXY(2)/2)./maxXY(2);
wolffd@0 150 return;
wolffd@0 151
wolffd@0 152
wolffd@0 153