annotate toolboxes/FullBNT-1.0.7/GraphViz/Old/dot_to_graph.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
rev   line source
wolffd@0 1 function [Adj, labels, x, y] = dot_to_graph(filename)
wolffd@0 2
wolffd@0 3 % [Adj, labels, x, y] = dot_to_graph(filename)
wolffd@0 4 % Extract a matrix representation, node labels, and node position coordinates
wolffd@0 5 % from a file in GraphViz format
wolffd@0 6 %
wolffd@0 7 % INPUTS:
wolffd@0 8 % 'filename' - the file in DOT format containing the graph layout.
wolffd@0 9 % OUTPUT:
wolffd@0 10 % 'Adj' - an adjacency matrix representation of the graph in 'filename';
wolffd@0 11 % 'labels' - a character array with the names of the nodes of the graph;
wolffd@0 12 % 'x' - a row vector with the x-coordinates of the nodes in 'filename';
wolffd@0 13 % 'y' - a row vector with the y-coordinates of the nodes in 'filename'.
wolffd@0 14 %
wolffd@0 15 % WARNINGS: not guaranted to parse ANY GraphViz file. Debugged on undirected
wolffd@0 16 % sample graphs from GraphViz(Heawood, Petersen, ER, ngk10_4, process).
wolffd@0 17 % Complaines about RecursionLimit set only to 500 on huge graphs.
wolffd@0 18 % Ignores singletons (disjoint nodes).
wolffd@0 19 % Sample DOT code "", read by [Adj, labels, x, y] = dot_to_graph('')
wolffd@0 20 % digraph G {
wolffd@0 21 % A [pos="28,31"];
wolffd@0 22 % B [pos="74,87"];
wolffd@0 23 % A -- B [pos="e,61,71 41,47 46,53 50,58 55,64"];
wolffd@0 24 % }
wolffd@0 25 % last modified: Jan 2004
wolffd@0 26 % by Alexi Savov: asavov |
wolffd@0 27 % Leon Peshkin: pesha |
wolffd@0 28
wolffd@0 29 if ~exist(filename) % Checks whether the specified file exists.
wolffd@0 30 error('* * * File does not exist or could not be found. * * *'); return;
wolffd@0 31 end;
wolffd@0 32
wolffd@0 33 lines = textread(filename,'%s','delimiter','\n','commentstyle','c'); % Read file into cell array
wolffd@0 34 dot_lines = strvcat(lines); % of lines, ignoring C-style comments
wolffd@0 35
wolffd@0 36 if findstr(dot_lines(1,:), 'graph ') == [] % Is this a DOT file ?
wolffd@0 37 error('* * * File does not appear to be in valid DOT format. * * *'); return;
wolffd@0 38 end;
wolffd@0 39
wolffd@0 40 Nlns = size(dot_lines,1); % The number of lines;
wolffd@0 41 labels = {};
wolffd@0 42 unread = 1:Nlns; % 'unread' list of lines which has not been examined yet
wolffd@0 43 edge_id = 1;
wolffd@0 44 for line_ndx = 1:Nlns % This section sets the adjacency matrix A(Lnode,Rnode) = edge_id.
wolffd@0 45 line = dot_lines(line_ndx,:);
wolffd@0 46 Ddash_pos = strfind(line, ' -- ') + 1; % double dash positions
wolffd@0 47 arrow_pos = strfind(line, ' -> ') + 1; % arrow dash positions
wolffd@0 48 tokens = strread(line,'%s','delimiter',' "');
wolffd@0 49 left_bound = 1;
wolffd@0 50 for dash_pos = [Ddash_pos arrow_pos]; % if empty - not a POS line
wolffd@0 51 Lnode = sscanf(line(left_bound:dash_pos -2), '%s');
wolffd@0 52 Rnode = sscanf(line(dash_pos +3 : length(line)-1),'%s',1);
wolffd@0 53 Lndx = strmatch(Lnode, labels, 'exact');
wolffd@0 54 Rndx = strmatch(Rnode, labels, 'exact');
wolffd@0 55 if isempty(Lndx) % extend our list of labels
wolffd@0 56 labels{end+1} = Lnode;
wolffd@0 57 Lndx = length(labels);
wolffd@0 58 end
wolffd@0 59 if isempty(Rndx)
wolffd@0 60 labels{end+1} = Rnode;
wolffd@0 61 Rndx = length(labels);
wolffd@0 62 end
wolffd@0 63 Adj(Lndx, Rndx) = edge_id;;
wolffd@0 64 if ismember(dash_pos, Ddash_pos) % The edge is undirected, A(Rndx,LndxL) is also set to 1;
wolffd@0 65 Adj(Rndx, Lndx) = edge_id;
wolffd@0 66 end
wolffd@0 67 edge_id = edge_id + 1;
wolffd@0 68 left_bound = dash_pos + 3;
wolffd@0 69 unread = setdiff(unread, line_ndx);
wolffd@0 70 end
wolffd@0 71 end
wolffd@0 72 Nvrt = length(labels); % number of vertices we found [Do we ever have singleton vertices ???]
wolffd@0 73 % labels = strvcat(labels); % convert to the searchable array
wolffd@0 74 x = zeros(1, Nvrt);
wolffd@0 75 y = zeros(1, Nvrt);
wolffd@0 76 lst_node = 0;
wolffd@0 77 % Find node's position coordinates if they are contained in 'filename'.
wolffd@0 78 for line_ndx = unread % Look for node's coordiantes among the 'unread' lines.
wolffd@0 79 line = dot_lines(line_ndx,:);
wolffd@0 80 bra_pos = strfind(line, '['); % has to have "[" if it has the lable
wolffd@0 81 pos_pos = strfind(line, 'pos'); % position of the "pos"
wolffd@0 82 for node = 1:Nvrt % look through the list of labels
wolffd@0 83 % THE NEXT STATEMENT we assume no label is substring of any other label
wolffd@0 84 lbl_pos = strfind(line, labels{node});
wolffd@0 85 if (~isempty(lbl_pos) & ~isempty(bra_pos) & (x(node) == 0)) % make sure we have not seen it
wolffd@0 86 if (lbl_pos(1) < bra_pos(1)) % label has to be to the left of braket
wolffd@0 87 lst_node = node;
wolffd@0 88 end
wolffd@0 89 end
wolffd@0 90 end
wolffd@0 91 if (~isempty(pos_pos) & lst_node) % this line contains SOME position
wolffd@0 92 [node_pos] = sscanf(line(pos_pos:length(line)), ' pos = "%d,%d"')';
wolffd@0 93 x(lst_node) = node_pos(1);
wolffd@0 94 y(lst_node) = node_pos(2);
wolffd@0 95 lst_node = 0; % not to assign position several times
wolffd@0 96 end
wolffd@0 97 end
wolffd@0 98
wolffd@0 99 if (isempty(find(x)) & (nargout > 2)) % If coordinates were requested, but not found in 'filename'.
wolffd@0 100 warning('File does not contain node coordinates.');
wolffd@0 101 end;
wolffd@0 102 if ~(size(Adj,1)==size(Adj,2)) % Make sure Adj is a square matrix. ?
wolffd@0 103 Adj = eye(max(size(Adj)),size(Adj,1))*Adj*eye(size(Adj,2),max(size(Adj)));
wolffd@0 104 end;
wolffd@0 105 x = .9*(x-min(x))/range(x)+.05; % normalise and push off margins
wolffd@0 106 y = .9*(y-min(y))/range(y)+.05;
wolffd@0 107