
age author description
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 23:03:52 +0100 Giulio Moro Removed unused member timestamp scope-refactoring
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 22:56:12 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed a couple inclues after the refactoring scope-refactoring
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 22:40:05 +0100 Giulio Moro Refactored the Scope class into NetworkSend and Scope classes. No need for a global pointer anymore! scope-refactoring
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 22:36:45 +0100 Giulio Moro Parsing header in udp-server.c scope-refactoring
Tue, 18 Aug 2015 14:53:16 +0100 Giulio Moro Working for single-channel scope, or NetworkIO scope-refactoring
Tue, 18 Aug 2015 00:35:15 +0100 Giulio Moro Merged default into ultra-staging ultra-staging
Tue, 18 Aug 2015 00:13:04 +0100 Giulio Moro Updated Scope.h with ifdefs
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 05:14:55 +0100 Giulio Moro Updated .cproject to match newest wiki
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 18:53:00 +0100 Giulio Moro Removed old client.? entries from Makefile
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 16:27:46 +0100 Giulio Moro Removed unused file from scope
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:52:51 +0100 Giulio Moro Removed old client.cpp and client.h files
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:00:25 +0100 Giulio Moro Uniformed formatting of pru_rtaudio.p (had a busy day): indent is 4 spaces throughout, hopefully
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 12:46:55 +0100 Giulio Moro Merge
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 12:44:55 +0100 Giulio Moro PRU now checks for McASP underrun and resets if detects it.
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 11:33:08 +0100 Giulio Moro Appending key to authorized_keys rather than overwriting the file
Thu, 23 Jul 2015 02:38:09 +0100 Giulio Moro Tweaking the PLL you can obtain a virtual analog Bucket Brigade Device Chorus
Thu, 23 Jul 2015 02:37:11 +0100 Giulio Moro Added methods to I2c_Codec to interact with the PLL
Thu, 23 Jul 2015 02:36:49 +0100 Giulio Moro Added methods to I2c_Codec to interact with the PLL
Thu, 23 Jul 2015 23:32:47 +0100 andrewm Updated doxygen for Utilities.h
Wed, 22 Jul 2015 11:38:41 +0100 Giulio Moro Added scope project, copied and edited from nodejsbeaglert
Tue, 21 Jul 2015 21:18:45 +0100 Giulio Moro edited Scope.h with ifdefs to be compatible with udpio plugin
Tue, 21 Jul 2015 17:17:37 +0100 Giulio Moro Recovered older basic_network project which got lost in the API update
Sun, 19 Jul 2015 23:19:27 +0100 andrewm Double buffered the noise floor project; works without glitches now
Sun, 19 Jul 2015 16:42:51 +0100 andrewm Added foreground run option to build script
Sun, 19 Jul 2015 16:15:28 +0100 andrewm Added noise floor measurement project; also added option to run script to run without screen
Sun, 19 Jul 2015 14:15:57 +0100 andrewm Added level meter project
Sat, 18 Jul 2015 04:31:40 +0100 Giulio Moro Added TODO in analogDigitalDemo
Sat, 18 Jul 2015 02:29:03 +0100 Giulio Moro harcoded values into basic_network
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:12:09 +0100 Giulio Moro Suppressed the no screen found warnings
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:58:25 +0100 Giulio Moro merge
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:54:35 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed compatibility with sh in the script
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:17:25 +0100 andrewm merge
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:16:53 +0100 andrewm Updated PRU code to allow pinModeFrame() and [untested] digitalWriteFrame() and analogWriteFrame() to be called from setup(). Updated basic_blink example accordingly.
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:43:05 +0100 Giulio Moro Changed permissions for setup-ssh-window.sssh
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:39:51 +0100 Giulio Moro Added binary dtb file
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:37:16 +0100 Giulio Moro Added dtb file that supports beaglert GPIO
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:09:50 +0100 Giulio Moro Added basic_button project
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:05:52 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed basic_blink (was blinking for 11.25us only)
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:59:43 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed direction in setPinMode functions, updated and fixed basic_blink
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:23:38 +0100 Giulio Moro Added basic_blink
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:18:22 +0100 Giulio Moro Added setup-ssh scripts, borrowed from digital-foley
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:09:50 +0100 andrewm Documentation updates and include Arduino-type constants in Utilities.h
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 17:53:40 +0100 andrewm Added Scope.h file
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 17:50:54 +0100 andrewm Brought UdpClient files over from ultra-staging branch (with include fix), and updated Makefile accordingly
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 17:41:35 +0100 andrewm Changes to Makefile to support syntax checking
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 16:57:08 +0100 andrewm Changed d-box code to run cleanly when built on board. Updated Makefile to add ne10 include path on board. Some extra docs in Utilities.h
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 15:28:18 +0100 Andrew McPherson Merge newapi into default
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 23:55:48 +0100 andrewm Some initial, partial documentation in Utilities.h newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 20:04:02 +0100 Giulio Moro Removed default_main.cpp from Eclipse project newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:59:29 +0100 Giulio Moro added Makefile, added default_main, added error checking in scripts newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:46:51 +0100 andrewm Support stopping looped BeagleRT programs running within screen newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:40:15 +0100 andrewm Added script options for running in a loop at startup (needs further support for stopping) and running the project in the foreground newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:09:18 +0100 andrewm Add ability to connect to a running BeagleRT project using screen newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 18:53:10 +0100 andrewm Command-line argument support for BeagleRT program in scripts, plus a simple script for halting the BBB newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:50:09 +0100 andrewm Added a script for enabling/disabling BeagleRT at startup. Only works with the matching SD image that looks for /root/BeagleRT_startup.sh newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:49:00 +0100 andrewm Added scripts for building on board newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 12:12:43 +0100 andrewm Renamed basic_sensor project to basic_analog_input for clarity newapi
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 12:10:51 +0100 andrewm Further API update to name three primary functions setup(), render() and cleanup(). Changed include paths so now can #include <BeagleRT.h>. Removed stale pru_rtaudio.bin file as this is now done as pru_rtaudio_bin.h. Updated examples to new API and fixed minor compiler warnings along the way. Network example needs further attention to compile. newapi
Mon, 15 Jun 2015 18:16:00 +0100 andrewm Add cape test project and make rt_printf (rtdk.h) part of standard BeagleRT.h include newapi
Mon, 08 Jun 2015 01:07:48 +0100 Giulio Moro Udp transmission working (enough) for demo in Nottingham ultra-staging
Sun, 07 Jun 2015 14:58:34 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed bugs in Udp classes, updated tests ultra-staging
Sun, 31 May 2015 02:13:39 -0500 andrewm Updated examples for new API. tank_wars not yet updated; audio_in_FFT and oscillator_bank not working properly yet. newapi
Sat, 30 May 2015 13:25:51 -0500 andrewm D-Box updates; should work as old version did newapi
Sat, 30 May 2015 12:34:32 -0500 andrewm Removed old testing code that stopped audio after 10 seconds; command line parameter updates; D-Box updates (not fully working yet) newapi
Thu, 28 May 2015 17:48:42 -0400 andrewm Update pru_rtaudio_bin.h to reflect the current PRU code. newapi
Thu, 28 May 2015 17:23:33 -0400 andrewm Documentation updates, and move some defines from BeagleRT.h into specific projects where they are used newapi
Thu, 28 May 2015 17:06:03 -0400 andrewm First draft of Doxygen documentation newapi
Thu, 28 May 2015 14:38:00 -0400 andrewm Fixed file structure to reflect merging include files into BeagleRT.h newapi
Thu, 28 May 2015 14:35:55 -0400 andrewm Major API overhaul. Moved to a single data structure for handling render functions. Functionally, generally similar except for scheduling within PRU loop function, which now uses interrupts from the PRU rather than polling. This requires an updated kernel. newapi
Wed, 20 May 2015 18:07:16 +0100 Giulio Moro - added (unused) simple c++ classes for udp datagrams\n- added tests for the new classes ultra-staging
Tue, 19 May 2015 16:54:10 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed bug that was causing pointer corruption staging
Tue, 19 May 2015 16:42:38 +0100 Giulio Moro Included timer files ultra-staging
Tue, 19 May 2015 16:41:07 +0100 Giulio Moro Timers to measure performances, ultra experimental ultra-staging
Wed, 13 May 2015 12:23:37 +0100 Giulio Moro Further improvements in the PRU readibility (removed unnecssary defines and renamed r27_current back to reg_digital_current) staging
Wed, 13 May 2015 12:18:10 +0100 Giulio Moro Improved readibility of the DIGITAL code in the PRU, using register names instead of aliases and expanding some of the macros, removing unused macros. Binaries were not modified staging
Tue, 12 May 2015 23:48:37 +0100 Giulio Moro GPIO pins are initialised as inputs by ARM to avoid spikes at startup, through gpio_set_dir. The buffers are set to 0x000ffff during initialisation. LastDigitalBuffer is staging
Mon, 11 May 2015 20:15:16 +0100 Giulio Moro Closed bbb_network branch bbb_network
Mon, 11 May 2015 20:11:54 +0100 Giulio Moro Closed the glorious matrix_gpio branch matrix_gpio
Mon, 11 May 2015 20:11:20 +0100 Giulio Moro Renamed matrix_gpio branch to staging. staging
Mon, 11 May 2015 19:50:48 +0100 Giulio Moro Merged bbb_network and the so-called "matrix_gpio" branches matrix_gpio
Mon, 11 May 2015 18:58:47 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed bug in Digital macros and in example project matrix_gpio
Mon, 11 May 2015 12:10:53 +0100 Giulio Moro Increased length of input string to allow large numbers with many decimal positions bbb_network
Mon, 11 May 2015 11:45:03 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed command line bug same as per commit 30, just on a different branch matrix_gpio
Mon, 11 May 2015 11:35:21 +0100 Giulio Moro ACTUALLY fixed the bug I thought I fixed in the previous commit bbb_network
Mon, 11 May 2015 11:08:00 +0100 Giulio Moro - Fixed an issue in the command line options (quotes around constant) bbb_network
Sun, 10 May 2015 13:55:43 +0100 Giulio Moro - added a c script to have the oscillator perform a sine sweep bbb_network
Sun, 10 May 2015 02:01:45 +0100 Giulio Moro Fixed the same bug as per commit 26, just on a different branch bbb_network
Sun, 10 May 2015 01:33:16 +0100 Giulio Moro - fixed bug that caused the PRU to hang when opening a socket or an ssh connection. Bug was a typo in LBBO reg_gpio2_oe matrix_gpio
Fri, 08 May 2015 17:48:58 +0100 Giulio Moro - Network now actually works. bbb_network
Fri, 08 May 2015 11:12:13 +0100 Giulio Moro UDP communication in place, pre-alpha bbb_network
Tue, 05 May 2015 17:28:00 +0100 Giulio Moro - persistency: the last frame of each digital and analogOut buffers is used to initialize all the frames in the next buffer. This means that once a value is set, the pin will hold the value until you change it matrix_gpio
Sun, 03 May 2015 01:10:17 +0100 andrewm Updated tank wars demo for new API matrix_gpio
Sun, 08 Feb 2015 00:20:01 +0000 andrewm Add float<->int macros to PRU code (still to integrate); formatting cleanups
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 17:43:08 +0100 Giulio Moro - rebuilt the eclipse project file matrix_gpio
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 16:58:41 +0100 Giulio Moro Renamed matrixGpio to digital and matrix to analog matrix_gpio
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 16:02:47 +0100 Giulio Moro - digitalWrite and analogWrite macros are now persistent: they write a value on the given channel from the current frame to the end of the buffer. When matrix_gpio