2016-01-18 |
Giulio Moro |
Updated Makefile to include WriteFile
2016-01-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Better(non ideal) monophonic behaviour of the basic midi implementation. Would require to remember what notes are being held down and release either the most recent or low/high priority.
2016-01-15 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed BBD chorus project
2016-01-15 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed I2c_Codec
2016-01-15 |
Giulio Moro |
Basic Midi input implementation
2016-01-02 |
Giulio Moro |
Updated examples with new audioWrite macros
2016-01-02 |
Giulio Moro |
Added audioReadFrame() and audioWriteFrame(). Closes #1519
2016-01-02 |
Giulio Moro |
-p flag now indicates the buffer size in audio samples. Closes #1520
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed early return after first AuxiliaryTask was started
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
It is now possible to create an auxiliary task in the constructor of a global object. Closes #1374
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
Demonstrates issue #1374
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
AuxiliaryTask can now be scheduled from setup(). Closes #1373
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
Included unistd.h, closes #1237
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
Added command-line options for the PGA
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-12-28 |
Giulio Moro |
Added method to set PGA per each channel
2015-12-03 |
chnrx |
- edited karplusStrong pd example
2015-12-03 |
chnrx |
in build_pd.sh: only copy render.cpp if no such file exists in destination folder
2015-12-03 |
chnrx |
- Cleaned up default heavy render.cpp file
2015-12-03 |
chnrx |
2015-12-03 |
chnrx |
- added more pd/heavy examples
2015-11-12 |
chnrx |
- added circular buffer pd/heavy example (works but process needs to be killed manually if launched via ssh?)
2015-11-12 |
chnrx |
- added additional flags to C rules (-DNDEBUG, -mfpu=neon)
2015-11-05 |
chnrx |
- updated usage instructions for -r option
2015-11-05 |
chnrx |
- added -std=c99 to Makefile for user-supplied C files (required for heavy files)
2015-10-18 |
Giulio Moro |
Increased buffer size, improves performances (but increases memory usage) for binary mode
2015-10-14 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed WriteFile, now it does not hang if echo is off and format is binary
2015-10-13 |
Giulio Moro |
Added capability to WriteFile to save binary files, added example project
2015-10-07 |
Giulio Moro |
Imported stats.hpp from other branch. This includes moving average template class
2015-10-07 |
Andrew McPherson |
2015-10-07 |
andrewm |
Updated overlays for BeagleBone Green support
2015-10-07 |
Giulio Moro |
Added WriteFile class to log data to disc in a low priority thread
2015-10-05 |
Giulio Moro |
Last commit on this branch for a while. Overall not very succesful
2015-09-22 |
Giulio Moro |
Pff partially working. No PID. When setting the audio clock on the bbb to 44098 the master and slave clock keep diverging instead of converging ...
2015-09-22 |
Giulio Moro |
Now leveraging BBB's lock between xenomai clock and audio clock for ultra-accurate, low-latency clocking. CAVEAT: fractions of samples drifts will occurr every time the clock is changed
2015-09-21 |
Giulio Moro |
Added simple one-variable one-measurement Kalman filter, Pid controller(which output is not used). Virtual clock is now much more precise and reactive for period. Still it is lagging behind a bit on the overall offset.
2015-09-21 |
Giulio Moro |
Simple IirFilter class
2015-09-15 |
Giulio Moro |
Something weird happened when pllP=8, so I set pllP=7, which reduces (a bit) the clock adjustment precision
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
Further updates and refactoring of the I2c_Codec class
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
Added ifdefs for USE_JUCE compatibility
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
Added I2c methods to set R and P values for the PLL
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
Ultra-basic feedback for clock sync works^CIssues: response time of the IIR filter is too slow, requires PID and better filtering algorithm.
2015-09-14 |
Giulio Moro |
MovingAverage: added reset() method and edited getLength() to return current length
2015-09-13 |
Giulio Moro |
The reported offset is now meaningful. The whole thing is waaay too jittery.
2015-09-13 |
Giulio Moro |
Added xenomai version of Clock, now includes header
2015-09-13 |
Giulio Moro |
MovingAverage now returns a meaningful value also when the buffer is not full
2015-09-13 |
Giulio Moro |
Implemented xenomai version of Clock
2015-09-12 |
Giulio Moro |
To work with the ClockSync plugin
2015-08-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed and improved I2c_codec. Copied from the scope-refactoring branch
2015-08-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Using moving average for clock detection during synchronization seems to be working better but audio gets worse and worse
2015-08-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Added some sort of synchronization, not working great though
2015-08-26 |
Giulio Moro |
Updated Network files to match Udpioplugin 18:fb5a61b10223
2015-08-25 |
Giulio Moro |
Added JUCE-compatible write method
2015-08-24 |
Giulio Moro |
Added ifdefs USE_JUCE to NetworkSend. Juce part not added yet
2015-08-24 |
Giulio Moro |
ReceiveAudioThread is now the same with/without JUCE
2015-08-24 |
Giulio Moro |
Prevented from hanging upon exit. The issue is with the waitForSocketTime value. See issue#1381
2015-08-24 |
Giulio Moro |
Closing socket in the destructor
2015-08-22 |
Giulio Moro |
Added ifdefs and unified the code with udpioplugin ... the latter has not been tested (or committed). TODO: still it hangs after ctrl-c BeagleRT (auxiliary tasks do not terminate). TODO: sometimes you can hear dropouts in the transmission. Maybe it is due to pointer drifting. Rebooting BBB fixes/affects this issue.
2015-08-22 |
Giulio Moro |
Implemented destructor of UdpServer which closes the socket
2015-08-22 |
Giulio Moro |
Killing the process with -9 intead of -2
2015-08-22 |
Giulio Moro |
ReceiveAudioThread updated to match the newest UdpServer
2015-08-22 |
Giulio Moro |
UdpServer : read and waitUntilReady are now somehow Juce-compliant
2015-08-21 |
Giulio Moro |
Added read to interleaved buffer
2015-08-21 |
Giulio Moro |
Enabled multi channel audio receive
2015-08-21 |
Giulio Moro |
Missing file from previous commit
2015-08-20 |
Giulio Moro |
ReceiveAudioThread hs been ported to BBB. The scope project now is sending audio locally and receiving it at the same time
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
there was a stray timestamp left there ..:
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Merged ultra-staging into scope-refactoring
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Removed unused member timestamp
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed a couple inclues after the refactoring
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Refactored the Scope class into NetworkSend and Scope classes. No need for a global pointer anymore!
2015-08-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Parsing header in udp-server.c
2015-08-18 |
Giulio Moro |
Working for single-channel scope, or NetworkIO
2015-08-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Merged default into ultra-staging
2015-08-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Updated Scope.h with ifdefs
2015-08-14 |
Giulio Moro |
Updated .cproject to match newest wiki
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Removed old client.? entries from Makefile
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Removed unused file from scope
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Removed old client.cpp and client.h files
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Uniformed formatting of pru_rtaudio.p (had a busy day): indent is 4 spaces throughout, hopefully
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
PRU now checks for McASP underrun and resets if detects it.
2015-07-27 |
Giulio Moro |
Appending key to authorized_keys rather than overwriting the file
2015-07-23 |
Giulio Moro |
Tweaking the PLL you can obtain a virtual analog Bucket Brigade Device Chorus
2015-07-23 |
Giulio Moro |
Added methods to I2c_Codec to interact with the PLL
2015-07-23 |
Giulio Moro |
Added methods to I2c_Codec to interact with the PLL
2015-07-23 |
andrewm |
Updated doxygen for Utilities.h
2015-07-22 |
Giulio Moro |
Added scope project, copied and edited from nodejsbeaglert
2015-07-21 |
Giulio Moro |
edited Scope.h with ifdefs to be compatible with udpio plugin
2015-07-21 |
Giulio Moro |
Recovered older basic_network project which got lost in the API update
2015-07-19 |
andrewm |
Double buffered the noise floor project; works without glitches now
2015-07-19 |
andrewm |
Added foreground run option to build script
2015-07-19 |
andrewm |
Added noise floor measurement project; also added option to run script to run without screen
2015-07-19 |
andrewm |
Added level meter project
2015-07-18 |
Giulio Moro |
Added TODO in analogDigitalDemo
2015-07-18 |
Giulio Moro |
harcoded values into basic_network
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Suppressed the no screen found warnings
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed compatibility with sh in the script
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
Updated PRU code to allow pinModeFrame() and [untested] digitalWriteFrame() and analogWriteFrame() to be called from setup(). Updated basic_blink example accordingly.
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Changed permissions for setup-ssh-window.sssh
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Added binary dtb file
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Added dtb file that supports beaglert GPIO
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Added basic_button project
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed basic_blink (was blinking for 11.25us only)
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed direction in setPinMode functions, updated and fixed basic_blink
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Added basic_blink
2015-07-17 |
Giulio Moro |
Added setup-ssh scripts, borrowed from digital-foley
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
Documentation updates and include Arduino-type constants in Utilities.h
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
Added Scope.h file
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
Brought UdpClient files over from ultra-staging branch (with include fix), and updated Makefile accordingly
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
Changes to Makefile to support syntax checking
2015-07-17 |
andrewm |
Changed d-box code to run cleanly when built on board. Updated Makefile to add ne10 include path on board. Some extra docs in Utilities.h
2015-07-17 |
Andrew McPherson |
Merge newapi into default
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Some initial, partial documentation in Utilities.h
2015-07-15 |
Giulio Moro |
Removed default_main.cpp from Eclipse project
2015-07-15 |
Giulio Moro |
added Makefile, added default_main, added error checking in scripts
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Support stopping looped BeagleRT programs running within screen
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Added script options for running in a loop at startup (needs further support for stopping) and running the project in the foreground
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Add ability to connect to a running BeagleRT project using screen
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Command-line argument support for BeagleRT program in scripts, plus a simple script for halting the BBB
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Added a script for enabling/disabling BeagleRT at startup. Only works with the matching SD image that looks for /root/BeagleRT_startup.sh
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Added scripts for building on board
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Renamed basic_sensor project to basic_analog_input for clarity
2015-07-15 |
andrewm |
Further API update to name three primary functions setup(), render() and cleanup(). Changed include paths so now can #include <BeagleRT.h>. Removed stale pru_rtaudio.bin file as this is now done as pru_rtaudio_bin.h. Updated examples to new API and fixed minor compiler warnings along the way. Network example needs further attention to compile.
2015-06-15 |
andrewm |
Add cape test project and make rt_printf (rtdk.h) part of standard BeagleRT.h include
2015-06-08 |
Giulio Moro |
Udp transmission working (enough) for demo in Nottingham
2015-06-07 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed bugs in Udp classes, updated tests
2015-05-31 |
andrewm |
Updated examples for new API. tank_wars not yet updated; audio_in_FFT and oscillator_bank not working properly yet.
2015-05-30 |
andrewm |
D-Box updates; should work as old version did
2015-05-30 |
andrewm |
Removed old testing code that stopped audio after 10 seconds; command line parameter updates; D-Box updates (not fully working yet)
2015-05-28 |
andrewm |
Update pru_rtaudio_bin.h to reflect the current PRU code.
2015-05-28 |
andrewm |
Documentation updates, and move some defines from BeagleRT.h into specific projects where they are used
2015-05-28 |
andrewm |
First draft of Doxygen documentation
2015-05-28 |
andrewm |
Fixed file structure to reflect merging include files into BeagleRT.h
2015-05-28 |
andrewm |
Major API overhaul. Moved to a single data structure for handling render functions. Functionally, generally similar except for scheduling within PRU loop function, which now uses interrupts from the PRU rather than polling. This requires an updated kernel.
2015-05-20 |
Giulio Moro |
- added (unused) simple c++ classes for udp datagrams\n- added tests for the new classes
2015-05-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed bug that was causing pointer corruption
2015-05-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Included timer files
2015-05-19 |
Giulio Moro |
Timers to measure performances, ultra experimental
2015-05-13 |
Giulio Moro |
Further improvements in the PRU readibility (removed unnecssary defines and renamed r27_current back to reg_digital_current)
2015-05-13 |
Giulio Moro |
Improved readibility of the DIGITAL code in the PRU, using register names instead of aliases and expanding some of the macros, removing unused macros. Binaries were not modified
2015-05-12 |
Giulio Moro |
GPIO pins are initialised as inputs by ARM to avoid spikes at startup, through gpio_set_dir. The buffers are set to 0x000ffff during initialisation. LastDigitalBuffer is
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Closed bbb_network branch
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Closed the glorious matrix_gpio branch
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Renamed matrix_gpio branch to staging.
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Merged bbb_network and the so-called "matrix_gpio" branches
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed bug in Digital macros and in example project
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Increased length of input string to allow large numbers with many decimal positions
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed command line bug same as per commit 30, just on a different branch
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
ACTUALLY fixed the bug I thought I fixed in the previous commit
2015-05-11 |
Giulio Moro |
- Fixed an issue in the command line options (quotes around constant)
2015-05-10 |
Giulio Moro |
- added a c script to have the oscillator perform a sine sweep
2015-05-10 |
Giulio Moro |
Fixed the same bug as per commit 26, just on a different branch
2015-05-10 |
Giulio Moro |
- fixed bug that caused the PRU to hang when opening a socket or an ssh connection. Bug was a typo in LBBO reg_gpio2_oe
2015-05-08 |
Giulio Moro |
- Network now actually works.
2015-05-08 |
Giulio Moro |
UDP communication in place, pre-alpha
2015-05-05 |
Giulio Moro |
- persistency: the last frame of each digital and analogOut buffers is used to initialize all the frames in the next buffer. This means that once a value is set, the pin will hold the value until you change it
2015-05-03 |
andrewm |
Updated tank wars demo for new API
2015-02-08 |
andrewm |
Add float<->int macros to PRU code (still to integrate); formatting cleanups
2015-04-30 |
Giulio Moro |
- rebuilt the eclipse project file
2015-04-30 |
Giulio Moro |
Renamed matrixGpio to digital and matrix to analog
2015-04-30 |
Giulio Moro |
- digitalWrite and analogWrite macros are now persistent: they write a value on the given channel from the current frame to the end of the buffer. When
2015-04-27 |
Giulio Moro |
- added example project matrix_gpio_demo
2015-04-27 |
Giulio Moro |
- analog matrixIn/matrixOut are now mapped as floats from 0 to 1
2015-02-07 |
andrewm |
Updated to latest PRU library; external PRU file no longer needed. Also catch SIGTERM as well as SIGINT to clean up gracefully.
2015-01-23 |
andrewm |
Updated remaining examples to new API
2015-01-23 |
andrewm |
Fixed ADC bug; added a simple passthrough test
2015-01-22 |
andrewm |
Initial support for higher matrix sample rates by reducing the number of channels. Input not tested yet, and not all examples updated to new format.
2014-11-13 |
andrewm |
2014-11-13 |
andrewm |
Tank wars!
2014-11-11 |
Victor Zappi |
_fixed file path in filter examples
2014-11-11 |
Victor Zappi |
_again, fixed file path in samples project...
2014-11-11 |
Victor Zappi |
2014-11-11 |
Victor Zappi |
_fixed laod file path
2014-11-08 |
andrewm |
API improvements and cleanups. Now all common audio command-line options can be parsed automatically.
2014-11-06 |
Victor Zappi |
_new FFT example [still noisy]
2014-11-06 |
Victor Zappi |
_new IIR filter example
2014-11-06 |
Victor Zappi |
_new FIR filter example
2014-11-06 |
Victor Zappi |
_new sample playback example
2014-10-31 |
andrewm |
Initial commit.