changeset 308:1feb9c23ac57 prerelease

Renamed read/write functions to remove the Frame --> e.g. analogWriteFrameOnce -> analogWriteOnce, digitalReadFrame -> digitalRead
author andrewm
date Fri, 27 May 2016 18:21:21 +0100 (2016-05-27)
parents ff5f346a293e
children 6b717992c8d2
files core/PulseIn.cpp examples/7segment/render.cpp examples/analogDigitalDemo/render.cpp examples/basic/render.cpp examples/basic_FFT_phase_vocoder/render.cpp examples/basic_analog_input/render.cpp examples/basic_analog_output/render.cpp examples/basic_blink/render.cpp examples/basic_button/render.cpp examples/basic_libpd/render.cpp examples/basic_midi/render.cpp examples/basic_network/render.cpp examples/basic_passthru/render.cpp examples/basic_pulseIn/render.cpp examples/bucket_brigade_chorus/render.cpp examples/gpioAnalogLoopbackTest/render.cpp examples/level_meter/render.cpp examples/scope_analogue/render.cpp examples/stepper/render.cpp include/Utilities.h
diffstat 20 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/core/PulseIn.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/core/PulseIn.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->digitalFrames; n++){
 		if(_pulseIsOn == false){ // look for start edge
-			if(digitalReadFrame(context, n, _digitalInput) == _pulseOnState){
+			if(digitalRead(context, n, _digitalInput) == _pulseOnState){
 				_pulseStart = context->audioSampleCount + n; // store location of start edge
 				_pulseIsOn = true;
 		} else { // _pulseIsOn == true;
-			if(digitalReadFrame(context, n, _digitalInput) == !_pulseOnState){ // look for stop edge
+			if(digitalRead(context, n, _digitalInput) == !_pulseOnState){ // look for stop edge
 				_array[n] = context->audioSampleCount + n - _pulseStart; // compute and store pulse duration
 				_pulseIsOn = false;
--- a/examples/7segment/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/7segment/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -80,25 +80,25 @@
 		// Write the currently displaying digit low and the rest high
 		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-				digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[kDigits[i]], HIGH);
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[kDigits[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit]], LOW);
+				digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[kDigits[i]], HIGH);
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[kDigits[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit]], LOW);
 		// Write the digit to the other outputs
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[11],
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[11],
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x01);	// a
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[6], 
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[6], 
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x02);	// b
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[4], 
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[4], 
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x04);	// c
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[1],
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[1],
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x08);	// d
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[0],
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[0],
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x10);	// e
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[10],
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[10],
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x20);	// f
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[5],
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[5],
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x40);	// g
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, kPins[2],
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, kPins[2],
 			gCharacterToDisplay[gCurrentlyDisplayingDigit] & 0x80);	// .
 		// Check for changing state
--- a/examples/analogDigitalDemo/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/analogDigitalDemo/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@
 	if((context->audioSampleCount&31)==0){ //every 32 frames...
         //ANALOG channels
-		analogWriteFrame(context, 0, 0, analogReadFrame(context, 0,0));
+		analogWrite(context, 0, 0, analogRead(context, 0,0));
 		// read the input0 at frame0  and write it to output0 frame0. Using analogWrite will fill the rest of the buffer with the same value
                                             // The value at the last frame will persist through the successive buffers until is set again.
                                             // This effectively is a pass-through with downsampling by 32 times
-        analogWriteFrame(context, 0, 3, 1.0);  // write 1.0 to channel3 from frame0 to the end of the buffer
-        analogWriteFrame(context, 4, 3, 0.1);  // write 0.1  to channel3 from frame4 to the end of the buffer
-        analogWriteFrameOnce(context, 6, 3, 0.2); //write 0.2 to channel3 only on frame 6
+        analogWrite(context, 0, 3, 1.0);  // write 1.0 to channel3 from frame0 to the end of the buffer
+        analogWrite(context, 4, 3, 0.1);  // write 0.1  to channel3 from frame4 to the end of the buffer
+        analogWriteOnce(context, 6, 3, 0.2); //write 0.2 to channel3 only on frame 6
         //this buffer for channel 3 will look like this:  1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 
         //the next buffers for channel 3 will be filled up with 0.1 ....
         //DIGITAL channels
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, 0, P8_07, GPIO_HIGH); //sets all the frames  to HIGH for channel 0
-        digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, 4, P8_07, GPIO_LOW); //only frame 4 will be LOW  for channel 0
+        digitalWrite(context, 0, P8_07, GPIO_HIGH); //sets all the frames  to HIGH for channel 0
+        digitalWriteOnce(context, 4, P8_07, GPIO_LOW); //only frame 4 will be LOW  for channel 0
         // in this buffer the frames of channel 0 will look like this: 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ...... 1 
         // in the next buffer each frame of channel 0 will be initialized to 1 (the last value of this buffer)
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, 0, P8_08, GPIO_HIGH);
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, 2, P8_08, GPIO_LOW);
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, 4, P8_08, GPIO_HIGH);
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, 5, P8_08, GPIO_LOW);
+        digitalWrite(context, 0, P8_08, GPIO_HIGH);
+        digitalWrite(context, 2, P8_08, GPIO_LOW);
+        digitalWrite(context, 4, P8_08, GPIO_HIGH);
+        digitalWrite(context, 5, P8_08, GPIO_LOW);
         pinModeFrame(context, 0, P9_16, GPIO_INPUT); // set channel 10 to input
         // in this buffer the frames of channel 1 will look like this: 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 .... 0
         // in the next buffer each frame of channel 1 will be initialized to 0 (the last value of this buffer)
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@
         context->digital[n]=context->digital[n] & (~0b111111100); // set to zero (GPIO_OUTPUT) the bits in the lower word
         context->digital[n]=context->digital[n] & ((~0b111111100<<16) | 0xffff ); //initialize to zero the bits in the higher word (output value)
         context->digital[n]=context->digital[n] | ( ((context->audioSampleCount&0b1111111)<<(16+2)) ) ;  // set the bits in the higher word to the desired output value, keeping the lower word unchanged
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, n, P8_29, digitalReadFrame(context, n, P8_30)); // echo the input from from channel 15 to channel 14
-        digitalWriteFrame(context, n, P8_28, digitalReadFrame(context, n, P9_16)); // echo the input from from channel 10 to channel 13
+        digitalWrite(context, n, P8_29, digitalRead(context, n, P8_30)); // echo the input from from channel 15 to channel 14
+        digitalWrite(context, n, P8_28, digitalRead(context, n, P9_16)); // echo the input from from channel 10 to channel 13
         pinModeFrame(context, 0, P8_30, 0); //set channel 15 to input
 	for(unsigned int n=0; n<context->analogFrames; n++){
-    	analogWriteFrame(context, n, 1, (context->audioSampleCount&8191)/8192.0); // writes a single frame. channel 1 is a ramp that follows gCountFrames
-    	analogWriteFrame(context, n, 2, analogReadFrame(context, n, 2)); // writes a single frame. channel2 is just a passthrough
+    	analogWrite(context, n, 1, (context->audioSampleCount&8191)/8192.0); // writes a single frame. channel 1 is a ramp that follows gCountFrames
+    	analogWrite(context, n, 2, analogRead(context, n, 2)); // writes a single frame. channel2 is just a passthrough
 //		rt_printf("Analog out frame %d :",n);
 //		for(int c=0; c<gNumAnalogChannels; c++)
 //			rt_printf("%.1f ",analogOut[n*gNumAnalogChannels + c]);
--- a/examples/basic/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 			// context->audioOut[n * context->audioChannels + channel] = out;
 			// Or using the macros:
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, channel, out);
+			audioWrite(context, n, channel, out);
--- a/examples/basic_FFT_phase_vocoder/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_FFT_phase_vocoder/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
 	for(int n = 0; n < numAudioFrames; n++) {
 		if(gReadPtr < gSampleData.sampleLen)
 			audioIn[2*n] = audioIn[2*n+1] = gSampleData.samples[gReadPtr]*(1-gPlaybackLive) +
-			gPlaybackLive*0.5f*(audioReadFrame(context,n,0)+audioReadFrame(context,n,1));
+			gPlaybackLive*0.5f*(audioRead(context,n,0)+audioRead(context,n,1));
 			audioIn[2*n] = audioIn[2*n+1] = 0;
 		if(++gReadPtr >= gSampleData.sampleLen)
--- a/examples/basic_analog_input/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_analog_input/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
 		if(!(n % gAudioFramesPerAnalogFrame)) {
 			// Even audio samples: update frequency and amplitude from the matrix
-			frequency = map(analogReadFrame(context, n/gAudioFramesPerAnalogFrame, gSensorInputFrequency), 0, 1, 100, 1000);
-			amplitude = analogReadFrame(context, n/gAudioFramesPerAnalogFrame, gSensorInputAmplitude);
+			frequency = map(analogRead(context, n/gAudioFramesPerAnalogFrame, gSensorInputFrequency), 0, 1, 100, 1000);
+			amplitude = analogRead(context, n/gAudioFramesPerAnalogFrame, gSensorInputAmplitude);
 		float out = amplitude * sinf(gPhase);
--- a/examples/basic_analog_output/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_analog_output/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 		for(unsigned int channel = 0; channel < context->analogChannels; channel++) {
 			float out = kMinimumAmplitude + kAmplitudeRange * 0.5f * (1.0f + sinf(gPhase + relativePhase));
-			analogWriteFrame(context, n, channel, out);
+			analogWrite(context, n, channel, out);
 			// Advance by pi/4 (1/8 of a full rotation) for each channel
 			relativePhase += M_PI * 0.25;
--- a/examples/basic_blink/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_blink/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
 	for(unsigned int n=0; n<context->digitalFrames; n++){
     if(count==context->digitalSampleRate*interval){ //if enough samples have elapsed
       count=0; //reset the counter
-    // status=digitalReadFrame(context, 0, P8_07);
+    // status=digitalRead(context, 0, P8_07);
       if(status==GPIO_LOW) { //toggle the status
-          digitalWriteFrame(context, n, P8_07, status); //write the status to the LED
+          digitalWrite(context, n, P8_07, status); //write the status to the LED
       else {
-          digitalWriteFrame(context, n, P8_07, status); //write the status to the LED
+          digitalWrite(context, n, P8_07, status); //write the status to the LED
--- a/examples/basic_button/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_button/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
 void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
 	for(unsigned int n=0; n<context->digitalFrames; n++){
-		int status=digitalReadFrame(context, 0, P8_08); //read the value of the button
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, P8_07, status); //write the status to the LED
+		int status=digitalRead(context, 0, P8_08); //read the value of the button
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, P8_07, status); //write the status to the LED
 		float out = 0.1 * status * rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 2 - 1; //generate some noise, gated by the button
 		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < context->audioChannels; j++){
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, j, out); //write the audio output
+			audioWrite(context, n, j, out); //write the audio output
--- a/examples/basic_libpd/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_libpd/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -115,21 +115,21 @@
 	// rt_printf("channelsInUse: %d, analogChannels in Use: %d\n", gChannelsInUse, analogChannelsInUse);
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; ++n){ //pd buffers are interleaved
 		for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioChannels; ++ch){ //first two channels are audio
-			gInBuf[inW++] = audioReadFrame(context, n, ch);
+			gInBuf[inW++] = audioRead(context, n, ch);
 		// then analogs
 		// this loop resamples by ZOH, as needed, using m
 		if(context->analogChannels == 8 ){ //hold the value for two frames
 			for(int analogCh = 0; analogCh < analogChannelsInUse; ++analogCh){
-				gInBuf[inW++] = analogReadFrame(context, n/2, analogCh); // n/2 wil be the same for n and n+1 when n is even
+				gInBuf[inW++] = analogRead(context, n/2, analogCh); // n/2 wil be the same for n and n+1 when n is even
 		} else if(context->analogChannels == 4){ //write every frame
 			for(int analogCh = 0; analogCh < analogChannelsInUse; ++analogCh){
-				gInBuf[inW++] = analogReadFrame(context, n, analogCh);
+				gInBuf[inW++] = analogRead(context, n, analogCh);
 		} else if(context->analogChannels == 2){ //drop every other frame
 			for(int analogCh = 0; analogCh < analogChannelsInUse; ++analogCh){
-				gInBuf[inW++] = analogReadFrame(context, n*2, analogCh);
+				gInBuf[inW++] = analogRead(context, n*2, analogCh);
 		if(inW == gBufLength * gChannelsInUse){
@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++){ //pd buffers are interleaved
 		for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioChannels; ++ch){
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, ch, gOutBuf[outR++]);
+			audioWrite(context, n, ch, gOutBuf[outR++]);
 		//and analogs
 		if(context->analogChannels == 8){
 			for(unsigned int analogCh = 0; analogCh < analogChannelsInUse; ++analogCh){
 				float analogOut = gOutBuf[outR++];				
 				if((n&1) == 0){//write every two frames
-					analogWriteFrame(context, n/2, analogCh, analogOut);
+					analogWrite(context, n/2, analogCh, analogOut);
 				} else {
 					// discard this sample
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@
 		} else if(context->analogChannels == 4){ //write every frame
 			for(int analogCh = 0; analogCh < analogChannelsInUse; ++analogCh){
 				float analogOut = gOutBuf[outR++];
-				analogWriteFrame(context, n, analogCh, analogOut);
+				analogWrite(context, n, analogCh, analogOut);
 		} else if(context->analogChannels == 2){ //write twice every frame
 			for(unsigned int analogCh = 0; analogCh < analogChannelsInUse; ++analogCh){
 				float analogOut = gOutBuf[outR++];
-				analogWriteFrame(context, 2*n, analogCh, analogOut);
-				analogWriteFrame(context, 2*n + 1, analogCh, analogOut);
+				analogWrite(context, 2*n, analogCh, analogOut);
+				analogWrite(context, 2*n + 1, analogCh, analogOut);
 		if(outR == gBufLength * gChannelsInUse){
--- a/examples/basic_midi/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_midi/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++){
 		static int count = 0;
 		static bool state = 0;
-		analogWriteFrameOnce(context, n, 1, state);
+		analogWriteOnce(context, n, 1, state);
 		if(count % 40000 == 0){
 			state = !state;
 			midi_byte_t bytes[6] = {176, 30, (char)(state*127), 176, 67, 30}; // toggle the OWL led and ask for the led status
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@
 			if(phase > 2 * M_PI)
 				phase -= 2 * M_PI;
 			float value = sinf(phase) * gVelocity/128.0f;
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, 0, value);
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, 1, value);
+			audioWrite(context, n, 0, value);
+			audioWrite(context, n, 1, value);
 		} else {
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, 0, 0);
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, 1, 0);
+			audioWrite(context, n, 0, 0);
+			audioWrite(context, n, 1, 0);
--- a/examples/basic_network/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_network/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 		float in;
 		int ret = receive.getSamplesSrc(&in, 1, 1);
 		for(unsigned int channel = 0; channel < context->audioChannels; channel++){
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, channel, in);
+			audioWrite(context, n, channel, in);
--- a/examples/basic_passthru/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_passthru/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 			// 		context->audioIn[n * context->audioChannels + ch];
 			// Or using the macros:
-			audioWriteFrame(context, n, ch, audioReadFrame(context, n, ch));
+			audioWrite(context, n, ch, audioRead(context, n, ch));
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 			// context->analogOut[n * context->analogChannels + ch] = context->analogIn[n * context->analogChannels + ch];
 			// Or using the macros:
-			analogWriteFrame(context, n, ch, analogReadFrame(context, n, ch));
+			analogWrite(context, n, ch, analogRead(context, n, ch));
--- a/examples/basic_pulseIn/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/basic_pulseIn/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 			pulseOut = true;
 			count = 0;
-		digitalWriteFrame(context, n, gDigitalOutPin, pulseOut);
+		digitalWrite(context, n, gDigitalOutPin, pulseOut);
--- a/examples/bucket_brigade_chorus/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/bucket_brigade_chorus/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
 		feedback = 0.4;
-		float input = audioReadFrame(context, n, 0) + audioReadFrame(context, n, 1);
+		float input = audioRead(context, n, 0) + audioRead(context, n, 1);
 	    delay[writePointer++] = input + delay[readPointer]*feedback;
 	    float output = (input + 0.9*delay[readPointer++] ) * 0.5;
-		audioWriteFrame(context, n, 0, output);
-		audioWriteFrame(context, n, 1, output);
+		audioWrite(context, n, 0, output);
+		audioWrite(context, n, 1, output);
--- a/examples/gpioAnalogLoopbackTest/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/gpioAnalogLoopbackTest/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -99,20 +99,20 @@
 		static int count = 0;
 		bool doReadWrite = context->analogChannels<=4 ? true : ((context->analogChannels == 8) && (n&1)==0);
-			digitalAIn = digitalReadFrame(context, n, gDigitalInACh);
+			digitalAIn = digitalRead(context, n, gDigitalInACh);
 			case 8:
-				analog0In = analogReadFrame(context, n/2, 0) > 0.5;
-				analogWriteFrame(context, n/2, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
+				analog0In = analogRead(context, n/2, 0) > 0.5;
+				analogWrite(context, n/2, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
 			case 4:
-				analog0In = analogReadFrame(context, n, 0) > 0.5;
-				analogWriteFrame(context, n, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
+				analog0In = analogRead(context, n, 0) > 0.5;
+				analogWrite(context, n, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
 			case 2:
-				analog0In = analogReadFrame(context, n * 2 + 1, 0) > 0.5;
-				analogWriteFrame(context, 2 * n, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
-				analogWriteFrame(context, 2 * n + 1, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
+				analog0In = analogRead(context, n * 2 + 1, 0) > 0.5;
+				analogWrite(context, 2 * n, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
+				analogWrite(context, 2 * n + 1, analogOut, writePattern[outPointer]);
@@ -150,24 +150,24 @@
 		bool doReadWrite = false;
 		static bool pastAnalog1In = false;
-		digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gDigitalOutCh,  writePattern[digitalOutPointer]);
+		digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gDigitalOutCh,  writePattern[digitalOutPointer]);
 		if(context->analogChannels == 8){
 			if((n&1) == 0){ //do it every other sample
-				pastAnalog1In = analogReadFrame(context, n/2, 1) > 0.5;
-				digitalDIn = digitalReadFrame(context, n, gDigitalInDCh);
+				pastAnalog1In = analogRead(context, n/2, 1) > 0.5;
+				digitalDIn = digitalRead(context, n, gDigitalInDCh);
 				doReadWrite = true;
 		if(context->analogChannels == 4){
-			pastAnalog1In = analogReadFrame(context, n, 1) > 0.5;
-			digitalDIn = digitalReadFrame(context, n, gDigitalInDCh);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gDigitalOutCh,  writePattern[digitalOutPointer]);
+			pastAnalog1In = analogRead(context, n, 1) > 0.5;
+			digitalDIn = digitalRead(context, n, gDigitalInDCh);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gDigitalOutCh,  writePattern[digitalOutPointer]);
 			doReadWrite = true;
 		if(context->analogChannels == 2){
-			pastAnalog1In = analogReadFrame(context, n * 2, 1) > 0.5;
-			digitalDIn = digitalReadFrame(context, n, gDigitalInDCh);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gDigitalOutCh,  writePattern[digitalOutPointer]);
+			pastAnalog1In = analogRead(context, n * 2, 1) > 0.5;
+			digitalDIn = digitalRead(context, n, gDigitalInDCh);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gDigitalOutCh,  writePattern[digitalOutPointer]);
 			doReadWrite = true;
 		bool expectedDigitalIn = writePattern[digitalInPointer];
--- a/examples/level_meter/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/level_meter/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 				state = HIGH;
 			// Write LED
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, led, state);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, led, state);
--- a/examples/scope_analogue/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/scope_analogue/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
 	    // read analogIn channels 0 and 1
-	    float in1 = analogReadFrame(context, n, 0);
-	    float in2 = analogReadFrame(context, n, 1);
+	    float in1 = analogRead(context, n, 0);
+	    float in2 = analogRead(context, n, 1);
 	    // map in1 to amplitude and in2 to frequency
 	    float amplitude = in1 * 0.8f;
--- a/examples/stepper/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/examples/stepper/render.cpp	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -76,27 +76,27 @@
 	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
 		if(gPhase == 0 || gPhase == 1) {
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinB1, HIGH);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinB2, LOW);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinB1, HIGH);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinB2, LOW);
 		else {
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinB1, LOW);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinB2, HIGH);			
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinB1, LOW);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinB2, HIGH);			
 		if(gPhase == 1 || gPhase == 2) {
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinA1, HIGH);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinA2, LOW);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinA1, HIGH);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinA2, LOW);
 		else {
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinA1, LOW);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinA2, HIGH);			
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinA1, LOW);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinA2, HIGH);			
 		if(--gServoCounter > 0) 
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinServo, HIGH);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinServo, HIGH);
-			digitalWriteFrameOnce(context, n, gPinServo, LOW);
+			digitalWriteOnce(context, n, gPinServo, LOW);
 		if(++gStepCounter >= gStepLengthSamples) {
--- a/include/Utilities.h	Fri May 27 18:12:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/include/Utilities.h	Fri May 27 18:21:21 2016 +0100
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@
  * @{
-#if 1
 // Note: pinMode(), analogWrite() and digitalWrite() should be able to be called from setup()
 // Likewise, thread launch should be able to be called from setup()
 // Also, make volume change functions callable from render() thread -- as an aux task?
@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@
  * (context->audioChannels - 1), typically 0 to 1 by default.
  * \return Value of the analog input, range  to 1.
-static inline float audioReadFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel);
+static inline float audioRead(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel);
  * \brief Write an audio output, specifying the frame number (when to write) and the channel.
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@
  * (context->audioChannels - 1), typically 0 to 1 by default.
  * \param value Value to write to the output, range -1 to 1.
-static inline void audioWriteFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value);
+static inline void audioWrite(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value);
  * \brief Read an analog input, specifying the frame number (when to read) and the channel.
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@
  * (context->analogChannels - 1), typically 0 to 7 by default.
  * \return Value of the analog input, range 0 to 1.
-static inline float analogReadFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel);
+static inline float analogRead(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel);
  * \brief Write an analog output, specifying the frame number (when to write) and the channel.
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@
  * (context->analogChannels - 1), typically 0 to 7 by default.
  * \param value Value to write to the output, range 0 to 1.
-static inline void analogWriteFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value);
+static inline void analogWrite(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value);
  * \brief Write an analog output, specifying the frame number (when to write) and the channel.
@@ -141,11 +140,11 @@
  * This function sets the value of an analog output, at the time indicated by \c frame. Valid
  * values are between 0 and 1, corresponding to the range 0 to 5V.
- * Unlike analogWriteFrame(), the value written will affect \b only the frame specified, with
- * future values unchanged. This is faster than analogWriteFrame() so is better suited
+ * Unlike analogWrite(), the value written will affect \b only the frame specified, with
+ * future values unchanged. This is faster than analogWrite() so is better suited
  * to applications where every frame will be written to a different value. If
  * BELA_FLAG_ANALOG_OUTPUTS_PERSIST is not set within context->flags, then
- * analogWriteFrameOnce() and analogWriteFrame() are equivalent.
+ * analogWriteOnce() and analogWrite() are equivalent.
  * \param context The I/O data structure which is passed by Bela to render().
  * \param frame Which frame (i.e. what time) to write the analog output. Valid values range
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@
  * (context->analogChannels - 1), typically 0 to 7 by default.
  * \param value Value to write to the output, range 0 to 1.
-static inline void analogWriteFrameOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value);
+static inline void analogWriteOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value);
  * \brief Read a digital input, specifying the frame number (when to read) and the pin.
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@
  * digital_gpio_mapping.h.
  * \return Value of the digital input.
-static inline int digitalReadFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel);
+static inline int digitalRead(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel);
  * \brief Write a digital output, specifying the frame number (when to write) and the pin.
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@
  * digital_gpio_mapping.h.
  * \param value Value to write to the output.
-static inline void digitalWriteFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value);
+static inline void digitalWrite(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value);
  * \brief Write a digital output, specifying the frame number (when to write) and the pin.
@@ -196,8 +195,8 @@
  * This function sets the value of a digital output, at the time indicated by \c frame.
  * A value of 0 sets the pin low; any other value sets the pin high (3.3V).
- * Unlike digitalWriteFrame(), the value written will affect \b only the frame specified, with
- * future values unchanged. This is faster than digitalWriteFrame() so is better suited
+ * Unlike digitalWrite(), the value written will affect \b only the frame specified, with
+ * future values unchanged. This is faster than digitalWrite() so is better suited
  * to applications where every frame will be written to a different value.
  * \param context The I/O data structure which is passed by Bela to render().
@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@
  * digital_gpio_mapping.h.
  * \param value Value to write to the output.
-static inline void digitalWriteFrameOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value);
+static inline void digitalWriteOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value);
  * \brief Set the direction of a digital pin to input or output.
@@ -248,42 +247,6 @@
 /** @} */
-// Macros for accessing the analog values: usable _only_ within render()
-// Read an Analog input from input pin p at frame f
-#define analogRead(p, f) (analogIn[(f)*gNumAnalogChannels + (p)])
-// Write an Analog output frame at output pin p, frame f, to value v
-#define analogWriteFrame(p, f, v) (analogOut[(f)*gNumAnalogChannels + (p)] = (v))
-#define analogWrite(pin, frame, value) \
-(({do {\
-	for (int _privateI=(frame); _privateI<numAnalogFrames; _privateI++){ \
-		analogWriteFrame(pin,_privateI,value); \
-	}\
-	} while (0);}),(void)0)\
-//digital API:
-#define setDigitalDirectionFrame(pin,frame,direction) digital[(frame)]=changeBit(digital[(frame)],(pin),(direction)),void(0)
-#define setDigitalDirection(pin,frame,direction)\
-		(({do {\
-			for(int _privateI=(frame); _privateI<numDigitalFrames; _privateI++)\
-				setDigitalDirectionFrame(pin,_privateI,direction);\
-			} while (0);}), (void)0)
-#define digitalWriteAll(frame,value) digital[(frame)]=0xffff0000*(!(!value));
-//sets the bit in the high word, clears the bit in the low word (just in case the direction was not previously set)
-#define digitalWriteFrame(pin, frame, value) digital[(frame)]=( changeBit(digital[(frame)], (pin+16), (value)) & (0xffffffff-(1<<(pin))) ) //could have been done with two subsequent assignments
-#define digitalWrite(pin, frame, value) \
-	(({do {\
-		for (int _privateI=(frame); _privateI<numDigitalFrames; _privateI++) \
-			digitalWriteFrame(pin,_privateI,value); \
-		} while (0);}),(void)0)\
-#define digitalRead(pin, frame) ( getBit(digital[(frame)], pin+16) )
  * \defgroup wiring Wiring language support
@@ -332,32 +295,32 @@
 static inline float constrain(float x, float min_val, float max_val);
 /** @} */
-// audioReadFrame()
+// audioRead()
 // Returns the value of the given audio input at the given frame number.
-static inline float audioReadFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel) {
+static inline float audioRead(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel) {
 	return context->audioIn[frame * context->audioChannels + channel];
-// audioWriteFrame()
+// audioWrite()
 // Sets a given audio output channel to a value for the current frame
-static inline void audioWriteFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value) {
+static inline void audioWrite(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value) {
 	context->audioOut[frame * context->audioChannels + channel] = value;
-// analogReadFrame()
+// analogRead()
 // Returns the value of the given analog input at the given frame number.
-static inline float analogReadFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel) {
+static inline float analogRead(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel) {
 	return context->analogIn[frame * context->analogChannels + channel];
-// analogWriteFrame()
+// analogWrite()
 // Sets a given analog output channel to a value for the current frame and, if persistent outputs are
 // enabled, for all subsequent frames
-static inline void analogWriteFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value) {
+static inline void analogWrite(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value) {
 	if(context->flags & BELA_FLAG_ANALOG_OUTPUTS_PERSIST) {
 		for(unsigned int f = frame; f < context->analogFrames; f++)
 			context->analogOut[frame * context->analogChannels + channel] = value;
@@ -366,24 +329,24 @@
 		context->analogOut[frame * context->analogChannels + channel] = value;
-// analogWriteFrameOnce()
+// analogWriteOnce()
 // Sets a given channel to a value for only the current frame
-static inline void analogWriteFrameOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value) {
+static inline void analogWriteOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, float value) {
 	context->analogOut[frame * context->analogChannels + channel] = value;
-// digitalReadFrame()
+// digitalRead()
 // Returns the value of a given digital input at the given frame number
-static inline int digitalReadFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel) {
+static inline int digitalRead(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel) {
 	return getBit(context->digital[frame], channel + 16);
-// digitalWriteFrame()
+// digitalWrite()
 // Sets a given digital output channel to a value for the current frame and all subsequent frames
-static inline void digitalWriteFrame(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value) {
+static inline void digitalWrite(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value) {
 	for(unsigned int f = frame; f < context->digitalFrames; f++) {
 			context->digital[f] |= 1 << (channel + 16);
@@ -392,10 +355,10 @@
-// digitalWriteFrameOnce()
+// digitalWriteOnce()
 // Sets a given digital output channel to a value for the current frame only
-static inline void digitalWriteFrameOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value) {
+static inline void digitalWriteOnce(BelaContext *context, int frame, int channel, int value) {
 		context->digital[frame] |= 1 << (channel + 16);