chris@531: #N canvas 1905 153 656 668 10; robert@464: #X text 44 51 Basic analog out; robert@464: #X text 44 61 ================; chris@531: #X text 45 548 DAC 3: Analog Out 0; chris@531: #X text 45 558 DAC 4: Analog Out 1; chris@531: #X text 45 568 DAC 5: Analog Out 2; chris@531: #X text 45 578 DAC 6: Analog Out 3; chris@531: #X text 45 598 DAC 8: Analog Out 5; chris@531: #X text 45 588 DAC 7: Analog Out 4; chris@531: #X text 45 608 DAC 9: Analog Out 6; chris@531: #X text 45 618 DAC 10: Analog Out 7; chris@531: #X text 45 538 DAC 2: Audio Out R; chris@531: #X text 45 528 DAC 1: Audio Out L; chris@531: #X obj 82 351 *~; chris@531: #X obj 82 309 *~ 10; chris@531: #X obj 82 330 osc~ 1; chris@531: #X text 133 431 << Output to first analog out; chris@531: #X obj 82 275 adc~ 3 4; chris@531: #X text 45 84 Just like the BasicAnalogIn example \, the first two chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 45 98 analog inputs are used to control the frequency and; chris@531: #X text 45 111 amplitude of an oscillator \, this time outputting; chris@531: #X text 45 125 a lower range of frequencies (<10Hz).; chris@531: #X text 45 139 Instead of sending this to Bela's stereo output we; chris@531: #X text 45 153 are sending this to the first analog output.; chris@531: #X text 138 274 << Use first two analog ins; chris@531: #X text 138 310 << Analog In 0 controls frequency; chris@531: #X text 138 349 << Analog In 1 controls amplitude; chris@531: #X obj 82 380 *~ 0.5; chris@531: #X obj 82 402 +~ 0.5; chris@531: #X text 138 389 << Rescale output to range 0-1; chris@531: #X text 45 167 Note that analog inputs and outputs have a range between chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 45 181 0 and 1 \, unlike regular audio signals (which have chris@531: a; chris@531: #X text 45 195 range between -1 and 1). Hence we rescale the output chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 45 209 of the oscillator in order to preserve the full range chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 45 223 of the sinusoidal signal.; chris@531: #X obj 82 432 dac~ 3; chris@531: #X text 44 490 ------------; chris@531: #X text 44 482 DAC routing:; chris@531: #X text 45 502 DAC channels 3-10 are used to address the analog inputs: chris@531: ; chris@531: #X text 435 42 ............................; chris@531: #X text 435 52 . ____ ._____ _ .......___ .; chris@531: #X text 435 62 .| __ )| ____| |....../ _ |.; chris@531: #X text 435 82 .| |_) | |___| |___ / ___ |.; chris@531: #X text 435 92 .|____/|_____|_____/_/..._|.io; chris@531: #X text 435 102 ............................; chris@531: #X text 435 72 .| __ || __|.| |...../ _| |.; chris@531: #X connect 12 0 26 0; chris@531: #X connect 13 0 14 0; chris@531: #X connect 14 0 12 0; chris@531: #X connect 16 0 13 0; chris@531: #X connect 16 1 12 1; chris@531: #X connect 26 0 27 0; chris@531: #X connect 27 0 34 0;