giuliomoro@28: Three simple c scripts can be used to test the network, in conjunction with the basic_network project: giuliomoro@28: udp-client.c, udp-client-sweep.c,d udp-server.c giuliomoro@28: compile them with gcc -o udp-client udp-client.c and similar giuliomoro@28: They can be compiled and run from either the host or the bbb giuliomoro@28: giuliomoro@28: usage giuliomoro@28: ./udp-client 9998 #sends individual messages to the bbb on port 9998 giuliomoro@28: #enter desired values for frequency (and phase). giuliomoro@28: 123.0;0; giuliomoro@28: giuliomoro@28: The parser is currently very stupid, so the format of the message has to be:: giuliomoro@28: frequencyValue;phaseValue; giuliomoro@28: example: giuliomoro@28: 700.0;0.1; giuliomoro@28: giuliomoro@28: ./udp-client-sweep 9998 giuliomoro@28: sends messages every 1ms to control the frequency of the oscillator, thus generating a sine sweep giuliomoro@28: giuliomoro@28: ./udp-server 9999 giuliomoro@28: #will print the info received from BeagleRT with the following format giuliomoro@28: printf("%8d;%.3f;%.3;",gCounter,gFrequency,gPhase); giuliomoro@28: example: giuliomoro@28: 88201;700.000;0.123; giuliomoro@28: