robert@322: #N canvas 503 319 861 473 10; robert@322: #N canvas 0 22 450 278 (subpatch) 0; robert@322: #X array exampleTable 65238 float 2; robert@322: #X coords 0 1 65238 -1 200 140 1 0 0; robert@322: #X restore 21 213 graph; robert@322: #X obj 243 329 adc~ 1 2 3; robert@322: #X obj 300 426 dac~; robert@322: #X text 317 264 <<< delete this object before compiling!; robert@322: #X obj 300 392 tabread4~ exampleTable; robert@322: #X msg 243 218 read -resize rt.wav exampleTable; robert@322: #X obj 300 350 lop~ 1; robert@322: #X obj 300 371 *~ 65238; robert@322: #X obj 243 266 soundfiler; robert@322: #X text 489 229 right-click array -> properties -> toggle "save contents" robert@322: ; robert@322: #X text 463 216 <<< after loading a file:; robert@322: #X text 17 23 Load sample into table and scrub using analog input; robert@322: #X text 17 33 ===================================================; robert@322: #X text 362 351 <<< avoid zipper noise; robert@322: #X text 362 371 <<< length of sample; robert@322: #X text 317 328 <<< analog input 0 (range 0-1); robert@322: #X text 631 419 ---------------------------------; robert@322: #X text 631 409 @krighxz / BELA / heavy / 12/2015; robert@322: #X text 655 428 /; robert@322: #X text 30 61 N.B. the patch cannot be bigger than 512kb in size \; robert@322: only use this for *very small soundfiles*; robert@322: #X text 29 99 You can modify the render.cpp file to load samples into robert@322: tables using the Heavy API: robert@322: ; robert@322: #X connect 1 2 6 0; robert@322: #X connect 4 0 2 0; robert@322: #X connect 4 0 2 1; robert@322: #X connect 5 0 8 0; robert@322: #X connect 6 0 7 0; robert@322: #X connect 7 0 4 0;